Incompatible according to the horoscope. Complete opposites in relationships and marriage. Gemini and Capricorn are completely incompatible

Zodiac compatibility, as you know, plays an important role in any relationship. Paradoxically, it is the stars that often prevent two halves from understanding each other and coming to a common decision.

Let's take a closer look at our zodiac “enemies”, and also find out what the signs lack in communicating with representatives of the zodiac circle that are not suitable for them.

Geminis do not stand still in an instant, and like butterflies, they move from flower to flower, from object to object, from information to information. For this reason, it is very difficult to "keep" a Gemini for a long time if you never give him something new to him. They say that he is very superficial, and sometimes this is true, but his mind works in such a way that even with his "superficiality" they grasp what is necessary and search for information without going into detail.

In the sign of Gemini we find excellent journalists, writers and even actors who easily transform into different characters. A Gemini's motto should be "I think so" as his privileged intellect takes him in all directions. He loves to discover new things, invent and learn, always in a brilliant and even funny way. Yes, because he, like a “school age child”, is always ready to learn new things, in this brave new world full of attractions!

The signs that are opposite each other in the zodiac circle are considered the most incompatible with each other. Poor compatibility can also be traced in signs that are located 90° from each other in the zodiac circle.

Aries - Cancer.

Geminis don't like to talk about feelings and don't appreciate long discussions about his emotions. Despite being the least introspective sign of the zodiac, he doesn't like to talk about his loved ones or difficult moments. Childishly, he will change the topic, showing his natural variability. Gemini can make you suffer who loves you because you love freedom and don't like commitment.

Being a dual sign, it adapts well to the myth of the twins Castor and Pollux, born from the union of Zeus, who become swan companions with the mortal Leda. They are brave and courageous, but one is human and the other is divine. When one brother dies, another takes his place, thanks to a pact made with Zeus so that he can alternate with his brother on Olympus. Therefore, each of them spends time on Olympus and time on earth.

Aries are open, direct, impulsive people. It is quite difficult for them to understand the subtle mental organization of Cancers. Resentment, jealousy and mood swings of Cancer drive Aries crazy, which is why family conflicts flare up. Cancer, in turn, cannot appreciate the frivolity and harshness of Aries.

Aries - Libra.

Libras are supporters of stability and a measured lifestyle, which frankly irritates the restless Aries. Aries's rudeness in communication and relationships will quickly alienate the soft and gentle Libra from him.

This myth somewhat demonstrates the volatility of the sign and the strange perception of the world that Geminians have, as if they are always hovering above things, high up, from where they take in much more and register things in a more intuitive and not necessarily rational way. Sometimes Gemini goes into shock with his own analytical sense, with his rational mind trying to block out the other side. Hence the conflict and variability of moods. A constant conflict between the intellectual and the emotional, male and female, mortal and immortal, Olympus and earth.

Aries - Capricorn.

It is quite difficult for the energetic Aries and the pragmatic Capricorn to get along. In order to live fully, Aries needs to constantly change something in their life. Capricorns, on the contrary, are stingy by nature, both emotionally and financially.

Taurus - Leo.

Domestic, economic and very practical Taurus will not be able to appreciate the squandering, emotionality and selfishness of Leo. They both love attention, expensive gifts and comfort, but different temperaments will not allow these two to get along under the same roof.

He was a translator and messenger of the gods. Because it is neutral, it easily absorbs what is around it and environment affects him. Mercury, in alchemy, is the element that makes the connection between salt and sulfur between the feminine and masculine. This is the Great Transformer of the alchemists.

Gemini's conflict point is undoubtedly this duality, between the irresponsibility of a child and the rationality of an adult. To achieve great transformation, great alchemy is your main task. As the sign itself indicates, he will be quite curious, intelligent and very changeable. You will be prone to anxiety and will not like talking about your own feelings. He won't "open" your soul very easily and you won't be attracted to "romantic and sweet" moments. He prefers open communication about what is going on, for example, since he is always well informed about everything.

Taurus - Scorpio.

This couple is attracted to each other by some inexplicable force, but it is incredibly difficult for them to find a common language. Scorpio's excessive ardor sometimes unbalances Taurus. Constant misunderstandings and swearing will get boring for both, after which the relationship will gradually fade away.

Taurus - Aquarius.

Taurus is a big owner, and Aquarius is a lover of the new and unknown. Such couples, as a rule, break up due to jealousy and mutual misunderstanding.

Having a very quick intellect, he also has a waist that skillfully avoids treacherous questions. He won't be the type to keep his attention on his lover all the time, unless he always brings him some newness to keep him connected. It can be romantic, but in a joyful sense, without any tragedy like Romeo and Juliet. He loves to send love notes, tell stories and things to do, talk, but maybe he forgets his birthday flowers.

When he shows interest in people, he will remain in constant flirtation, drawing all the attention to himself, with ease of communication. You won't be the jealous type and will provide your loved ones with unforgettable moments with a touch of culture, such as good reading, good theater or good chat. Don't expect a "macho" or "hero" type, but look for a playmate, a playful child who will always have fun in his life. It can be very interesting and your life will not be monotonous!

Gemini - Virgo.

Geminis are good speakers, Virgos are excellent performers. At first glance, these signs should complement each other. However, the frivolity and laziness of Gemini will become unbearable for the pedantic and chaste Virgo.

Gemini - Sagittarius.

On the one hand, representatives of the air and fire elements get along great, but these two are more likely to have a friendly union than romantic relationship. They both love communication and change, but they absolutely do not know how to listen and hear. Such mutual indifference will not allow them to build strong relationships.

Well, this type of woman is certainly not Amelia's song! Being smart and curious makes you more of an intelligent companion and won't be around the house in slippers taking care of the kids! She may look a little shallow, likes to flirt and flutter, but it's just curiosity, you need to know what it is. Since she always wants to learn, she will always train, so she will limit herself to talking with her boyfriend or husband about the facts of the means mass media, about the objects that attract her right now, realizing all this is happening.

Gemini - Pisces.

Every Fish dreams of a strong shoulder on which they can cry to their heart's content and dream about a bright future. Gemini is more interested real life rather than fantasy.

Cancer - Libra.

The gentle and impressionable Cancer does not always understand Libra’s excessive sociability and enthusiasm for new people. And Libra, in turn, cannot stand Cancers’ mood swings and causeless jealousy towards them.

Geminis have a certain tendency to suppress their emotions and feelings, trying to deny them and submit them to the analysis of their intellect. For this reason, he will not be able to cope with his emotions by trying to deny them. The Gemini wife may seem nervous because she suppresses emotions. If he is intellectual, he may engage his partner in endless conversations where he will try to rationalize everything, but without analyzing anything in depth, just as an exercise in intellectuality. In this case, the maternal side will certainly suffer, since the sacraments associated with motherhood do not relate to the intellect.

Cancer - Capricorn.

These two can become great lovers, friends and colleagues, but not married couple. Cancers need emotional nourishment, words of love and tender hugs, which Capricorn, who is secretive and preoccupied with his own affairs, cannot give them.

Leo - Scorpio.

Both signs love themselves, both want to take the dominant place in the relationship, which is why clashes and quarrels occur in their nest. One thing is certain: this couple's relationship will not be boring. Loud quarrels will alternate with passionate reconciliations throughout your life together.

Gemini will have a good relationship with their children, to whom they will teach everything, pushing them towards a university career and stimulating their natural curiosity. The need for knowledge in this sign is greater than the need for security. It's not that there isn't a certain romanticism, but she won't be able to remain calm for five minutes while watching the sunset without thinking about it! Anyway, if you like silence, stay away from it!

She can have a strong aesthetic sense and likes to be always fashionable, using the latest innovation. Colorful things catch the eye. It will have the grace of a butterfly and the softness of silk. He should be treated with the delicacy he deserves.

Leo - Aquarius.

Fire and Air, as you know, complement each other perfectly. However, in the case of this couple, there is no need to wait for a “happy ending”. Leo will not tolerate Aquarius' periodic affairs, and Aquarius will not be able to obey Leo. The outcome is obvious.

Virgo - Sagittarius.

It is difficult to imagine how these two managed to turn their attention to each other. Bright and eccentric Sagittarius lives one day at a time; he is irritated by restrictions and generally accepted rules. A decent and fair Virgo cannot understand such frivolity.

Trinity of air: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Naturally, the sign of Gemini is easily associated with other Ar signs: Libra and Aquarius, but these relationships work better in friendships and social ones than in romantic or love relationships. With Libra, you can even have a wedding where social will will have great importance, and with Aquarius, well, she will have a certain competitiveness.

Water trinity: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Air signs relate well to Water signs, who have the same versatility and adaptability. However, they may lack that spark that fuels the fire of love. Air and water produce steam, mist, mist, which, although incompatible, attract in a strange way, as in an ethereal mixture. Water signs are very emotional and may be attracted to air signs who rationalize feelings. Gemini will strive to "explain" all of the water sign's emotional reactions.

Virgo - Pisces.

Virgo loves to save money, Pisces loves to spend. Virgos are hardworking, Pisces are lazy and lack initiative. For Virgos, the physical fidelity of a spouse is important, but for Pisces, the main thing is spiritual unity. The differences are obvious, the relationship between these two is unlikely to last long.

Libra - Capricorn.

Libra loves meeting with friends, making new acquaintances, and interesting events. Capricorns prefer rare gatherings with their families. Libra is somewhat windy, or rather airy. Capricorns are always collected and purposeful. Such differences in character will not allow them to build strong relationships.

Trinity of Fire: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. WITH fire signs Geminis can be very passionate relationship. Air feeds fire, while one creates, the other rationalizes. Such great passions in sight! However, they may be very small or only show creativity exercises on both sides. Either way, the relationship will never be monotonous and it will be worth it. Always try to feed your inner fire!

Earth triplicity: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. The practicality and rationality of Earth signs may be difficult for Geminians to understand, but the relationship can be long-lasting. In any case, Earth signs don't like big variations, and Geminians must be careful not to scare off their "relief" partners. Earth signs are solid and reliable, and above all, realistic, so “little games” with them.

Sagittarius - Pisces.

On the one hand, these two have a lot in common. They are equally friendly, love to live well and look good. From the outside they may seem perfect couple. However, different temperaments often spark conflict in their couple. Sagittarians are quite straightforward and sharp in their statements, while Pisces are more tactful and careful in their words, which is why Sagittarians often seem like liars.

People who closely monitor their horoscope may say that this is just for fun. But upon analysis, this statement collapses. This is why astrology is potentially dangerous to our understanding of science, relationships, and even our place in the universe itself.

Rarely does a day go by without reminding us how our sign should guide our behavior or determine the events of the day. However, no explanation has been given - and no one will - adequately explain the mechanism by which planetary alignments can influence our minds or unravel the universe.

The most incompatible signs of the zodiac All people since time immemorial have been interested in the question of what the most incompatible signs of the zodiac exist in zodiac horoscope. It was important to know this both for the majestic monarch and for the ordinary commoner. Many long years passed before astrologers were able to identify the most important suitable friend friend signs zodiac constellations, identify probable possibilities for determining the degree of their incompatibility. WAYS TO DETERMINE INCOMPATIBILITY There are several generally accepted options for determining the incompatibility of zodiac signs. The essence of the first of them lies in the location of incompatible signs on the zodiac circle in relation to each other at an angle of 90 degrees. They are placed as if at a distance of two signs from one another. In other words, Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra are completely incompatible signs with each other. Likewise, Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio are not suitable for each other, and so on according to the same principle. The second is based on the division of the zodiacal constellations into two groups. One of them includes the signs of the two elements of the mind. These are the elements of earth and air. And the other consists of the signs of the two remaining elements - water and fire. These are the elements of emotions. According to this division no member of one group is compatible with any member of the other group. So, for example, Libra will not be able to find common language with Pisces or Leo, and Cancer will not find happiness with either Aquarius or Virgo. The foundation of the third option is the assertion that signs that do not match each other are placed side by side, following one after another. An example is Scorpio, who simply cannot tolerate either Sagittarius or a sign like Libra. And Aquarius will never find mutual understanding with Capricorn or Pisces. THE MOST INCOMPATIBLE SIGNS Well, the most incompatible signs of the zodiac are represented, according to the generally accepted opinion of astrologers, in six pairs. Wise star predictors believe that the union between the people making up these couples is doomed to failure in advance due to the lack of common interests, completely divergent temperaments and outlooks on life. As the first pair of people who are completely unsuitable for each other, you can imagine Cancer and Libra. The sensitive nature of Cancer, his need for a calm flow of life, will be constantly traumatized by the inconstancy and excessive love for the company of sociable Libra. Originality of thinking air sign, his desire for extravagant, different from generally accepted, actions will never find understanding with the conservative Cancer who loves stability and consistency in everything. Water sign will constantly feel a lack of attention from Libra, but no attempt by Cancer to subjugate the representative of the sign of the air element to his will will be crowned with success. Water and air cannot have any effect on each other. If feelings drown out the voice of reason so much that life without each other will not seem possible, then people born under these signs will have to come to terms with the fact that each of them will need to make concessions to the other all the time. Another couple, also representing the signs of the elements of air and water, Aquarius and Pisces will never be able to find a common language with each other. Somewhat selfish Pisces, constantly demanding attention exclusively to their own person, will not survive the absence of it from the self-confident Aquarius. Due to their cheerfulness and unsurpassed ability to adapt to any living conditions, Aquarius, always tuned to a positive wave, is constantly in the center of everyone's attention. They are loved, valued, respected, so all representatives of this sign are characterized by some frivolity and inconstancy, while they themselves are quite jealous, which leads to certain difficulties in relationships with loved ones, and with touchy Pisces in particular. The next incompatible pair is Sagittarius and Scorpio. These two signs are too different to coexist; the world of one of them is completely incomparable with the world of the other. Scorpio, who firmly knows what he wants, fiercely defends his interests, is unable to curb the irrepressible frivolity of Sagittarius, who strives to get all the pleasures from life here and now, and does not think about what will happen tomorrow. This situation will invariably cause irritation and even aggression in Scorpio, because he is looking for reliability and confidence in his partner. Scorpio craves true and passionate love, since he has no equal in sexuality. In this regard, representatives of this sign make very high demands on their partners, which the freedom-loving Sagittarius can never satisfy. Zodiac signs such as Gemini and Capricorn are extremely incompatible. Always extremely reasonable, not inclined to make hasty decisions, Capricorn will never be able to understand the somewhat eccentric Gemini, more guided by emotions than reason. Capricorn will always regard their behavior as cheeky and frivolous. The likelihood that his conservatism and the frivolity of Gemini can coexist is zero. Virgo and Leo are two completely opposite, having no common points sign contact. Always striving to command, the “King of Beasts” will not be able to subjugate the cold-blooded and sensible Virgo. Leo does not tolerate any critical attitude towards his actions, while Virgo is distinguished by a special predilection for condemning other people's actions and mistakes, and a penchant for teaching. Meticulous and scrupulous in every detail, Virgo will never be able to understand the desire of the royal sign to get everything immediately, without going into details and details. Leo’s excessive generosity and squandering lead Virgo, who carefully considers all means, into shock. The last pair, which all astrologers classify as incompatible, represents such zodiac signs as Taurus and Aries. Possessing unimaginable stubbornness, Aries will never feel the support of his ideas and initiatives from Taurus, who strives for stability and rejects all changes. Taurus people like a calm and prosperous life, decorated with feelings and emotions. And an emotionally cold-blooded Aries needs a diverse life, filled with all kinds of events. He will simply be bored and uninterested with Taurus. Even if their union takes place, Aries will still look for entertainment on the side. Whether to listen to horoscope predictions or not is a purely personal matter for everyone. But still, you shouldn’t believe them blindly. It would be much more correct to take a closer look at the person yourself, evaluate his personal qualities, his wealth inner world. And then listen to the voice of your heart and, of course, your mind. Then no horoscopes will be required.

In fact, the entire premise of astrology is based on some inconsistent parameters; what we call "months" are actually social rather than cosmological constructs. Moreover, the expanding universe and everything in it is in constant flux.

Bad for science, bad for women. A recent National Science Foundation poll found that more than 40% of Americans believe that astrology is a science, the most shocking result yet. Equally disappointing is the news that this percentage is at its highest level since then.