Why do you dream about potatoes: do you want to eat a hearty meal? Why do you dream of large potatoes? Why do you dream of tubers?

A dream about potatoes promises various accidents.

Planted potatoes - there will be intimacy with a new partner.

Digging potatoes in a dream means success is ahead; eating them means expect significant benefits.

Cooked potatoes - get a job good job, planted potatoes - your wishes will come true.

But rotten potatoes foretell the end of your joys and pleasures.

If you ate potatoes in a dream, then an event awaits you that at first will seem important to you, but will soon disappoint you.

Peeled potatoes - you will change your opinion about a person from bad to good.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Small demons

Little demons(the size of a rat) - your impulsive actions and their consequences.

They run away from you - your irritability is too evident in everything. They climb inside and vice versa - dangerous things accumulate in you.

They run over you - promiscuity, irritability, their revelry in your life.

Hiding in the corners - irritation takes root in your family / irritability separates you from people; danger of loneliness.

On the table, the beds are dancing - you will become the culprit of discord in the family.

Stepping on a small demon is a nuisance from irritability.

Catching them, putting them somewhere - cultivating in yourself the qualities they symbolize.

To fight them on the staircase - irritation and discord are coming into your home from the outside and will gradually destroy it.

Going into their basement is a source of your irritation in the events of the past.

Interpretation of dreams from

According to the dream book, potatoes are a symbol of diligent work and expected reward. Why is she dreaming? Find out what lies ahead - poverty or luxury, whether you will encounter obstacles, what signs in a dream hint at love adventures. Images reveal your model of happiness.

Miller: dreamed in a field or on a table

The plot related to potatoes, according to Miller, prepares us for contingencies that cannot be foreseen. They can be both good and bad.

If you dreamed of planting potatoes, an old dream will come true. Cleaning is a harbinger of success. However, digging up a rotten, pest-damaged plant predicts the end of a carefree life and a dull, miserable existence.

Miller is encouraging: if in a dream you cooked and ate a potato dish, this chore promises decent work, and hot food means decent pay.

Dream Interpretation Enigma about soil prophecy

Deep meaning is attributed to the soil on which potatoes grow. Why do you dream of poor or fertile soil?

Sandy represents sadness, fertilized with manure predicts marriage for a girl, and a way out of poverty for the poor. Clay predicts solid earnings. Pictures and scenes related to soil type:

  • Warmed earth - marriage for a bachelor.
  • A bed covered with sand means money and expensive property.
  • Getting stuck in loose soil means laziness and irresponsibility.
  • A field cracked by drought means prosperity and joy.

Why do you dream of weeding and watering?

Potato sprouts in a dream precede remarkable changes in reality. However, if they are overgrown with weeds, then dream books warn against ruinous communication with idle people. Are there too many acquaintances who want to profit at your expense?

Why dream of weeding seedlings - you will have to wage a not very pleasant struggle with dependents. But if the plantation in a dream is free from weeds, the tops grow and bloom, then no one will encroach on the dreamer’s wallet. If you watered the flowering tops, the Enigma dream book promises a delightful life.

Telling details in a dream

If you dreamed of digging potatoes, dream books advise you to prepare for a new labor-intensive project. Digging a cellar with a shovel means slowing down spiritual development.

Why do you dream of collecting root vegetables in a certain container? Carrying it in a bucket means meeting a swindler or a rich man, and it is quite possible that these qualities are combined in one person. Seeing empty bags, according to eastern dream books, means debt bondage, tightly stuffed bags means prosperity. If you pour the contents out of the bag, the secret will become clear - your secrets will be made public.

Have you seen the harvest? You'll get rich!

Why do you dream about harvesting potatoes? Dream books compare the collection process with hardships, and the sight of tubers with summing up results. As Vanga’s dream book prophesies, what you deserve is what you will get.

Digging by hand predicts thankless work. If you scattered potatoes on the floor and removed spoiled ones, then have time to enjoy easy life, soon it will be filled with worries. They picked up only the best ones - when the money came.

What did you do with the harvest? If they sold it in a dream, then they would like to take the guests somewhere. According to another version, you will make a deal with your conscience. But buying a fresh harvest entails success. If you bought a large, healthy one, it means you will receive recognition.

A mountain of potatoes or a small pile

A smaller pile, according to dream books, predicts more modest prosperity, but it is also enough to sometimes share with others.

Harvest stored in containers is interpreted as stinginess. For example, scattered in nets that are tightly tied, indicates your prudence and clear planning of spending.

What does it mean to wash and clean?

Dream Interpretations believe: dirty potatoes remind of deception, and washed ones prophesy to bring out slanderers clean water. If you see wet dirt spreading in the basin with cleaning, you should take care of the health of the genital organs. If you cut off the peel, then be careful.

Why do you dream of boiled potatoes in their jackets? You will be able to protect yourself from the machinations of enemies. Baked in a uniform over a fire - for a meeting of old friends or a date. For a lonely young lady, the plot evokes thoughts about imminent marriage. If you ate it hot and peeled it off, you will learn someone’s secrets.

Lunch is finger licking good

Fried potatoes in a dream foreshadow joy, boiled ones - solid wealth, and stewed ones promise that happiness and wealth will be combined in life. Interpretations of dream books depend on the culinary skills with which the dish was prepared and what it was seasoned with. Remember something bright or unusual?

  • Cutting tubers - numerous guests.
  • Cooking fries is a fun youth party.
  • Fry with onions - constant profit, serenity.
  • Baking a pie with potato filling is always on the money.
  • Treat - unexpected expenses, charity.

What does a dream mean according to Islamic interpretation?

The Islamic dream book says that good potatoes in a dream mean rich life and barakat, that is, constant improvement of well-being thanks to the mercy of the Almighty. A particularly prosperous future and honor awaits him if he dreamed that a girl was carrying her.

A person who goes to bed with a bad conscience can see himself picking out of the ground rotten potatoes- this is a sign that exposes his fraudulent enrichment. Ash also indicates criminal ways of earning money if young plantings were pollinated with it in the dream.

Many years have passed since the restless Tsar Peter brought potatoes to Rus'. The overseas delicacy has ceased to be a curiosity and has turned into the most banal garden plant. Even if a person doesn’t eat potatoes on principle, different-sized brown tubers every now and then catch his eye in the vegetable departments of stores, at the market, behind the fence of a neighbor’s gardener... In a word, there is nothing more natural than seeing a familiar vegetable in a dream. However, there are dreams that are so vivid and memorable that you can’t help but think - this is not without reason! So why do you dream about potatoes?

Why do you dream about potatoes according to various dream books?

It is not for nothing that the glory of the “second bread” has been assigned to potatoes. Yield, tasty, allowing you to prepare dozens of varied and satisfying dishes, it very quickly attracted the attention of our ancestors, who at first were hostile to the new product. And over time, he even displaced the turnip, which was more familiar to the Slavs, from the gardens! It is not surprising that dreams about an unpretentious tuber began to be perceived as a good omen.

Definitely a lucky sign!

  • Dream Interpretation of the New Era:

Potatoes appearing in night dreams serve as a kind of advice to look around more carefully. What looks gray and unpresentable - a random event, a new acquaintance, an idea that flashed in the head - can in fact be of great value.

  • General dream book:

Soon all your difficulties will end, your worries will dissipate, and a period of peace and harmony will begin in your life.

  • Modern dream book:

Changes are coming that will please you.

  • Jewish dream book:

Seeing potato tubers in a dream means making a profit.

  • Esoteric dream book:

Potatoes dream of prosperity.

  • Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima:

Happiness is already in a hurry to your home, but it will not come on its own. It will take a lot of effort to provide your family with comfort and prosperity.

Lush green bush potatoes - a hint to “dig deeper.” Trying to deal with a problem, you focus on its visible, “above-ground” part, not noticing that the roots of your troubles are hidden in a completely different place.

However, not every person has pleasant associations with potatoes. For some, this vegetable is associated primarily with hard work, which will not necessarily be followed by a reward - after all, no one has canceled the lean years.

Rotten potatoes are considered one of the most unpleasant signs

  • Miller's Dream Book:

If changes come, they will be rather unpleasant.

  • Eastern women's dream book:

Alas, all your undertakings planned during this period will turn out to be a waste of time and effort.

  • Dream Interpretation of Solomon:

Potatoes symbolize tears.

  • Children's dream book:

Take courage and patience, you have a difficult period ahead.

  • Dream Book of the Wanderer:

You will have to engage in difficult and tedious work, which will leave behind only a feeling of dissatisfaction. Your obligations will not bring you money or respect.

You can’t decide which interpretation to take personally, but your intuition is treacherously silent? Then try to remember the state of the root vegetables you saw in your dream. Whole, even and smooth promise peace and prosperity. Rotten and clumsy people dream only of negative events: for lovers they prophesy separation and loneliness, and for everyone else - bad news, losses and a long life. black stripe in life.

Who had the dream: interpretations for a woman or a man

If none of the general explanations satisfy you, try looking at your dream from a different angle. For example, many interpreters will definitely find it necessary to clarify who exactly dreamed of potatoes - a man or a woman?

I wonder if there will be a promotion, a raise or marriage?

For a woman, an eternal gatherer, a dream about strong, beautiful potato tubers almost always means positive changes. You are predicted to receive an unexpected, albeit honestly deserved, promotion or a significant increase in salary. Or it may happen that a competing organization will pay attention to your successes and try to lure you over by offering you a new, higher position and an attractive salary.

Is your career still stalled? Therefore, you will be lucky in love. Expect a marriage proposal. Most likely, it will come from an old admirer or your current partner - in other words, a person with whom you have already invested a lot of effort. All that remains is to “harvest the harvest” with pleasure.

The most successful dreams are those in which a woman had to collect or eat potatoes.

For a man, a hunter and breadwinner, the dream of fussing with tubers paints less rosy prospects. When faced with another problem, you will be tempted to use old connections to solve it. But don’t rely too much on useful acquaintances and friends - this time they will let you down. However, there are two favorable points: firstly, you are quite capable of coping with difficulties on your own, and secondly, the “problem” period will not last long.

By quantity and size: large or small, many or one tuber

They say that small change in dreams brings tears. This statement is also true for dreams about potatoes.

Small tubers are considered a prototype of future disorders and troubles. And if, moreover, they were covered in dirt, the streak of bad luck threatens to turn into a wide black streak, which will be oh so difficult to overcome! It is especially bad to see such a dream during the period of nurturing important plans: there is a high chance that on the way to their fulfillment you will encounter many different obstacles, and when you finally make your way to your desired goal, you will find out that you do not need it as much as you thought!

For lovers, small potatoes predict quarrels caused by a lack of attention from a partner.

Looks like someone's going to get lucky

Large, clean, neat tubers are a sign of upcoming triumph. If you are currently working on a project, do not doubt its success; your efforts will be noticed, appreciated and duly rewarded. If you are planning to make changes in your life, don’t hesitate to get down to business. The result will exceed your wildest expectations! True, dreamers who decide to rest on their laurels in advance will not succeed: potatoes do not jump out of the ground by themselves.

IN at the moment you don’t make grandiose plans, and therefore don’t expect victories? But you can count on an increase in well-being, probably due to the emergence of new sources of income.

But even when the potatoes you see in your dreams are not amazing in size, it’s too early to get upset. Maybe he'll take it in quantity? For example, a large pile of tubers, regardless of their size, has long been considered a harbinger of a rich harvest, which “translated” into modern language can mean material profit.

The Ukrainian dream book associates a bunch of potatoes with a lot of people you will have to see in the near future. Let's say at a party, wedding or conference.

The meaning of actions with potatoes: digging, planting, collecting, etc.

  • Picking flowers from a potato bush.

This seemingly insignificant event foretells a wedding celebration.

Lots of fun awaits!

  • Plant potatoes.

Roll up your sleeves and get ready to work hard: the task ahead of you is neither easy nor pleasant. But the profit from it will cover and cover the efforts expended many times over! Everything planned will be accomplished “perfectly”, things will work out in the most wonderful way, and if you have something that has been in your soul for a long time secret desire, it can come true during this period. A good dream for those who are thinking about starting their own business. Everything you put into it now will eventually grow into an unprecedented harvest!

If in a dream someone else planted potato seeds for you, success will come to this person, but you will also receive a hefty piece of his luck.

Occasionally, a dream about planting or digging up potatoes is interpreted as a sign intimate relationships, which the dreamers will enter into with a new partner.

  • Spud.

You have taken on a rather risky business, which can result in both a takeoff and a painful fall on the asphalt. True, sometimes interpreters promise good profits to dreamers born from January to April; birthday people in May, June, July and August are given hard work, and those who celebrate their birthday in the fall or in the first month of winter are predicted... a good potato harvest.

  • Dig.

IN in a general sense this dream speaks of success in business and love spheres, small joys and major successes. Especially for those who, digging up potatoes, rejoiced at the bountiful harvest! However, the dreamer, who has become exhausted during imaginary garden work, has health problems - even in a dream, his body cannot get rid of fatigue, which is a hidden sign of malaise. Well, watching someone digging potatoes in front of you predicts a profitable deal and trusting relationships with loved ones.

It matters when and how you harvested your crops.

It also matters what exactly you used to extract the tubers from the ground. If you use a shovel, soon new, previously unknown circumstances or someone’s secret will be revealed to you, which will have a beneficial effect on your later life. It’s worse when a person goes out to harvest with his bare hands: this means that you are imprudent and tend to trust your secret thoughts to the wrong people. Keep your mouth shut, someone around you is hanging on every word, hoping to trip you up.

A fantastic dream about searching for potatoes under the snow predicts numerous pleasant events related to finances for the lucky one. Working in the garden under the warm autumn sun is a sign of harmony in family life. But the one who shoveled wet clods of earth in the pouring rain is unlikely to be able to bring the work he started to a victorious end.

The lunar dream book assures that the person digging up potatoes will have to do a thankless job, and Ivanov’s dream book frightens the unlucky dreamer with illness.

  • Buy and sell.

Buying potatoes means earning respect. To sell is to get rid of something negative, perhaps by going against your beliefs. Carrying potatoes in bags means experiencing enormous stress, which will deprive you of strength for a long time. Often such dreams are harbingers of illness, so pay more attention to your well-being. Perhaps the disease is already mastering your body.

  • Prepare.

Anyone who peeled a vegetable in a dream will be subject to pressure, but will be able to resist it. Or maybe you will be able to get rid of the cunning manipulator who has been trying to subjugate you to his influence for a long time. In a word, a dream about peeling potato tubers symbolizes liberation from something unpleasant associated with violence, physical or psychological.

Pleasure served!

Boiled potatoes are associated in dream books - and not only among them - with gatherings in a warm company or the visit of an unexpected guest. Fried predicts a lot of pleasures, but at the same time calls not to forget about moderation, so that the pursuit of sensual pleasures does not lead to problems. She can even predict a wedding for some lucky ones!

Cooking potatoes without specifying the details, in a general sense, means a change of job, and in the most favorable way for the dreamer. A new business will captivate you, allow you to enjoy the process itself and delight you with the results.

If another person fried and steamed potatoes in your dream, the gingerbread promised by the dream books will go to him. But you can show nobility and be happy for your friend.

The first interpretation is the most common: you will make a big profit. Second, less popular: you will be asked on a date. Third, the most unpleasant: an event that aroused great expectations in you will ultimately turn out to be a dud. Which interpretation to believe? Naturally, the best!

When trying to interpret a dream, one should “start dancing” not from the dream book and its predictions, but from the person himself. Ask yourself, what associations do potatoes give you? What feelings did the dream leave behind? After analyzing both, you can easily find the correct answer. Naturally, if the day before you did not spend several hours in a row at the dacha, collecting a new crop. In this case, mysticism does not work, only visual memory.

Is it possible to consider such an ordinary, familiar and beloved potato as a sign of fate? Why not?!

In the mysterious intricacies of dreams, even the most unassuming object can receive a vivid “role”, which it can then play in the real life of the person who dreamed about it.

Why do you dream about potatoes? There are so many dream books - so many opinions. Some coincide, others are directly opposite. However, most agree that “sleepy” tuber marks impending changes and various quite pleasant events. True, this will also depend on the type of tubers, how many there were, and what was done with them.

What do different dream books interpret?

According to Eastern dream book, seeing potatoes in a dream means be warned about the onset of difficult times, which, however, will not affect you much. The main thing is to maintain peace of mind, and then the problems will not seem so terrible.

Azar’s dream book has a completely opposite point of view. Such a dream, in his opinion, is aimed purely at making a profit.

All sorts of important events Miller's interpreter predicts to the dreamer. They will be random, unexpected and unpredictable. They are also waiting meetings with almost forgotten acquaintances from the past that can become fateful.

"Potato" plot, according to Ukrainian dream book, promises new acquaintances. It may also mean a different kind of trouble.

The culinary dream book sees a “potato” dream as a symbol of good news.

What did you look like?

Clean or dirty?

A good omen is clean, washed potatoes: all events that will happen soon will be positive.

Rotten potatoes are unattractive in real life, and to see them in sleepy dreams, as the 21st century Dream Book interprets, means a deterioration in one’s material condition.

And so much so that the future will begin to look very vague. If .

Tubers and nodules

What does it mean to see potatoes in a dream? Large - almost to the beginning of a new life; V better side she can change thanks to unexpected meetings, offers, . Forewarned is forearmed, and now the main thing is not to miss these opportunities.

Too much small tubers hint that your life is full of moments that do not add optimism to you and pleasure. There may be a short period marked by sadness, melancholy and tears.

Hasse's dream book shows concern that small potatoes in a dream threaten in reality that others will expose some kind of shortcoming in the dreamer.

Raw or cooked?

Freshly dug raw potatoes predict that you may suddenly have a new source of income, which will gradually significantly improve your well-being.

Raw potatoes that a person eats in a dream predict profit from some business that seemed hopeless.

Makes a favorable prognosis for the dreamer boiled potatoes: he can live in peace, without fear of poverty, in prosperity and family harmony.

Fried The potatoes didn't disappoint in this regard either. Such a dream promises a prosperous life with delicious food and pleasures. But here it is important to have a sense of proportion.

See potatoes "in uniform"- to the guests.

A lot or a little?

What happened to the potatoes in the dream?

Dig, plant, eat...

According to Lunar dream book, the same the prognosis is unfavorable if you see in a dream both how you eat potatoes and how you dig them up. This means that the thankless work performed does not bring pleasure, and its completion does not bring satisfaction. The Universal Dream Book echoes this.

    But according to the interpretation of Simon the Canaanite, these actions promise profit, and a solid harvest for gardeners.

    Another point of view connects eating nutritious tubers in a dream with gastric problems in reality and, in general, with deterioration of health.

Why do you dream about digging potatoes? Shereminskaya's dream book believes that this process is in a dream will turn into success and wealth in reality. Events will develop very favorably.

The modern dream book of digging a root crop in a dream predicts an emergency situation at work.

Planting tubers in the ground is a sign of interesting proposals that may come both in the professional and personal spheres - marriage, for example.

    Planting root vegetables can mean the fulfillment of wishes.

    An interesting interpretation is given to the “landing” dream Summer and Autumn dream books: the first promises the mortgage of a house, and the second - the accumulation of funds to open your own business.

    Throwing tubers at someone means swearing, a serious quarrel or even a fight.

Having seen such a dream, a person must monitor his behavior, restrain his impulses in order to avoid difficult situations and do not inflame passions.

    Going through tubers in a dream signifies the need for a not very pleasant, but important and required work. It is worth treating this with calm dignity.

    Stealing potatoes or digging them in someone else's garden is a sign of the dreamer's dissatisfaction with his financial situation, as well as envy of wealthier people. The dream book recommends overcoming this destructive feeling within yourself.

We clean, cook, fry...

Peeling potatoes may mean that if the dreamer suffers from violence or bullying, this may come to an end.

Aesop's Dream Book believes: this action warns that you may change your mind in relation to some of the people around you. It can change in positive side as a result of some significant event.

According to Hasse’s dream book, such a dream indicates that your work will not be properly appreciated.

A dream in which potatoes are washed does not promise income either.

Most often, this indicates that this happened because of the dreamer’s innate honesty. You should not suffer because of this, but there will be no torment of a wounded conscience.

    Cooking potato dishes - auspicious sign, promising an offer of decent work.

    Another dream book specifies a similar plot: if a dish is prepared only with the addition of potatoes, then you should be prepared for an unexpected and unpleasant visit.

    No matter how a tasty root vegetable is prepared in a dream - fried, boiled, stewed, turned into soup or puree - it is always good sign V business sphere : career growth at work, interesting business proposals, new place of business.

    Another interpretation sees a visit from a not-so-welcome guest in the process of frying potatoes.

Purchase and sale

According to Grishina’s dream book, buying a tasty root vegetable portends an unexpected find or an equally unexpected profit.

Do you have annoying guests or are your relatives too busy? If you have to sell potatoes in a dream, this means their imminent departure.

Interpretation of sleep for women or men

“Potato” dream for a girl

A woman eating potatoes in a dream is healthy! This promises her success in professional field in the form of a salary increase or overcoming another step on the career ladder.

If a woman plants potatoes in a dream, in reality some interesting offer awaits her - either a new position or a marriage proposal.

An improvement in the situation on the personal front is promised by a flowering potato field seen in a dream.

If a woman housewife dreams of a baked potato, she can count on a quick vacation in the lap of nature or even at a resort.

Potatoes in a guy's dream

According to Dream Interpretation XXI century, if a man eats potatoes in a dream, he will meet a friend.

The same dream book foretells marriage if the dreamer and a friend fry “bulba”.

See fried potatoes - to success, but which will require some struggle. It is possible that this will concern career advancement with appropriate competition.

If married man in a dream he digs potatoes with his wife - this is a sign of a prosperous marriage.

Did you have to dig up the tubers by hand? Thus, accumulated fatigue signals itself, which can result in some kind of disease.

You must be able to discern and understand “potato” signs and hints, trying not to miss even the slightest nuance. After all, it depends on how real life“deciphers” the clues of the subconscious.

Why do you dream about an onion? This symbol in a dream promises success in business, the implementation of new projects, overcoming barriers and even the fulfillment of dreams. At the same time, the dream book warns about major quarrels, separation, minor problems.

Successes, implementation of plans

The dream of a flower bulb, which the dreamer planted in fertile soil, promises: he will make right choice, will choose the right direction.

If you happen to plant a lot of them in a dream, this means: great successes are coming in the service or in business, everything will turn out great.

Seeing them sprout is a wonderful omen. The endeavors you have planned will be successfully implemented.

Miller's Dream Book: gossip of envious people

Why do you dream about a lot of bulbs? onions? In reality, the dreamer will achieve success, but envious people will be angry at his achievements.

What is she like?

The interpretation of the dream takes into account what she was like:

  • luka - be careful when communicating with others;
  • lilies - promises a woman love of convenience;
  • narcissus - you will learn good news;
  • tulips - a major quarrel is possible;
  • gladioli - they will invite you to visit where you can show off your talents;
  • hyacinths - separation from family awaits.

The lily that has grown from a bulb before your eyes promises: your most cherished dream will soon come true.

Disagreements, minor problems

Tulip bulbs in a dream warn, according to the dream book, of disagreements with others. Beware of conflicts and altercations with your superiors - they can lead to dismissal.

Did you dream of seeing tulip bulbs? There are many small problems ahead, but you will cope with them.

Purchases, expenses

Why do you dream of planting a flower bulb? The dream book says: soon you will get what you have wanted for a long time.

Have you ever admired a flower bulb that has bloomed in a pot? You will have to spend money, but it will turn out to be a blessing.

Successfully implement projects and make wise decisions

Planting them in soft and loose soil in a dream portends a good time for the implementation of projects and business ideas. You can easily overcome barriers to developing your business.

Did you dream of planting tulips and bulbs in a flowerbed? The dream book explains: you will amaze others by making a fair, wise decision or performing a noble deed.

If a woman plants tulips and bulbs in her garden in a dream, her husband will become jealous and start making scandals. For a man, a dream promises a demanding, scandalous boss.

Profit, solving complex issues

Why dream of planting bulbous flowers? The dream book promises: you will soon be able to increase your property.

Did you dream of digging up and collecting flower bulbs? Make a profit. You can start implementing a well-thought-out project - it will end successfully.

Have you seen how you buy flower bulbs? This means: some rather complex matter will be reasonably resolved.

Did you choose the biggest and most beautiful? In reality, successfully resolve an important urgent issue that requires ingenuity and determination.

In your dream, did you plant a whole bed of large onion bulbs in the spring? The dream book indicates: you will be overcome by various worries, but you will cope with them.

Fight back against bullies and gossipers!

Why do you dream of seedlings that have grown from large bulbs? Very soon you will see and feel the fruits that your work will bring.

Did you dream of eating an onion? The dream book is encouraging: you will be able to successfully resist someone. Don't be afraid to come into conflict with those who spread gossip or attack you - you will prevail.