Why do you dream of a million rubles? Why do you dream about a lot of paper money?

The real state of the body when we dream about something. However, in a dream, sleeping and resting do not always mean the same thing.

Sleep state- one of the most vulnerable states of the body. At this time, we are defenseless in the face of anxiety: the ability to defend ourselves is limited, not to mention the inability to take care of others. Dreams of this kind tend to evoke either a feeling of relief and peace, or a feeling of violence. Important elements interpretations of such a dream are answers to questions about how you wake up and who wakes you up.

There are two types of dreams that fall under this category- joint and coinciding. In each case, two or more people have similar dreams. characters and actions. The difference between them lies in the way in which these dreams are dreamed. When dreaming together, dreamers deliberately develop in themselves the desire to experience general sleep by incubation. In contrast, with matching dreams, the dreamers had no idea when they went to bed that their dreams would be similar.

Shared dream experience- This is an intentional action aimed at influencing its content. This training allows dreamers to create psychic meeting places to develop subconscious knowledge about each other. This can help discover new facets in relationships (from ordinary to sensual). It can be quite interesting to get together with your friends (friends) based on a shared dream and compare impressions. The best way This is to write down everything that you dreamed of, and then exchange sketches.

Coinciding dreams- often discovered by chance. You can tell your friend about your dream, giving vivid details, when she suddenly discovers that she had exactly the same dream. This is truly a rare and mysterious case!

New family dream book

If we have an unclear dream, the content of which eludes you- take it as a warning. Be prepared for betrayal by a friend and do not enter into dubious undertakings in business life.

Modern combined dream book

Seeing yourself sleeping and dreaming- means that in reality you are playing a double game in relation to to a good person and doubt the correctness of your actions.

If someone tells you their dream- your relatives will have problems and they will turn to you for help.

Seeing a nightmare- to a favorable resolution of a difficult situation.

A bright, joyful dream seen in a dream- promises disappointment in reality.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

A dream whose plot I don’t remember at all- announces your predisposition to disease internal organs and systems.

See yourself sleeping- to a prolonged illness; disability cannot be excluded.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Dream- the need to “wake up”, to be more aware. Need for rest.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Uninterrupted sleep- yourself in a dream sleeping towards death.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Seeing in a dream how you are sleeping and cannot wake up- your body requires rest, which you cannot afford.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

To dream that they can’t wake you up- to a serious, long-term illness.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you dozed off while sitting in an easy chair after a hard day at work- portends the betrayal of a loved one precisely when you have imbued with boundless trust in him. If you suddenly wake up and cannot immediately figure out where you are- this foreshadows the return of lost hope. If you were rudely awakened- therefore, in reality you will finally get a decent job after long ordeals at the labor exchange.

If you see yourself sleeping on a roof- this is a sign of rapid success that will take you to unattainable heights. If in a dream you sleep outdoors- V real life embark on a journey that promises to be not only fun, but also extremely useful.

Sleeping on a long-distance train on the top bunk only on a mattress without other bedding means that you are satisfied with your situation and do not pretend to be more.

If you have a chaotic dream, the content of which you still cannot understand- this portends a meeting with something mysterious and inexplicable in real life.

If you have nightmares in which you are being chased by some kind of fantastic monsters and vampires- something completely terrible will happen in reality.

See yourself sleeping in a completely renovated, remodeled and newly furnished bedroom- portends happy changes in your destiny.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Dream- this may be a sign that you need more sleep. It could also mean that you have entered a period of stagnation and are unwilling to change. Declare to yourself: “I am awake and aware of myself and the surrounding reality.”

Italian dream book

Sleep in a dream- a situation that occurs much more often than one might assume; this image reflects the need for respite, respite, pause when solving any problems.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Clear dream- a sign of the uncloudedness of consciousness and soul by emotions and patterns of perception of the day. This is a symbol sign inner freedom and power over your emotions.

Normal dream - unconscious perception of the information received: it is good if approximately 15-20% of the information of the Cosmos is not too distorted by the remaining 80% of earthly and daytime perception. In this case, the world of reality and the world of sleep are united in a dream, because this is what nature and the Cosmos, who created man, want.

Clear dream- a sign of personal transfer of control over what is happening into a dream: the dreamer simultaneously and consciously lives in two worlds. He consciously, in reality, recognizes the existence of the invisible world, and in his perception, the information of both worlds is equal and controls each other. Such clear dreams about dreams mostly dreamed of by enlightened and exalted people.

A clear idea in a dream that you are dreaming- sleep and see yourself sleeping, while simultaneously seeing your dream and the like: harmonious movement of yin and yang without distortion.

Clear awareness in a dream that you are dreaming- a sign of complete understanding and control of the daily situation of events. In this case, everything you dreamed has a real, practical meaning; you only need to translate the dream symbols into reality, which is usually not difficult for such a dreamer.

State of lucid sleep- favorable: physically promises health, success, and the speedy fulfillment of pleasant predictions in a dream. If the dreamed events are unfavorable, then, having necessary information and understanding the situation, the waking dreamer has every chance of turning everything to his advantage.

A chaotic, plotless conglomeration of heterogeneous elements in a dream with repeated different options on other nights the organization is a reflection of the complete inadequacy of the dreamer’s perception of the world and his place in it. There is no adequacy, even if during the day your own worldview seems harmonious and justified: in a dream, everything secret becomes clear.

Dream Interpretation Veles

If a dream can be described by the word pure- this is for good events.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream- seeing himself in a dream. Death. Some aspects of the personality, the individual, such as conscience or faith, must be awakened.

Another, visible to the sleeper- symbolic destruction of another, the desire to avoid his influence.

Everyone around is sleeping- stage of individuation and personalization. What I see in my dreams happens.

Proscopic dreams- may actually be due to the fact that the individual, when something happens, believes that he has already seen it in a dream, although in fact this dream either did not happen, or it could be interpreted differently. This means the unconscious desire and desirability of events occurring in the future. In this case, the individual himself can influence the events of the future in such a way that they go exactly in the direction he desires.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Dream- very bad, because you can go crazy; sleep- obstacle in business, illness, laziness; sleep standing- imminent misfortune; sleep on the grass- joy, carefree life.

Seeing yourself sleepy- obstacle.

Esoteric dream book

If the sleeper is aware that he is sleeping and dreaming- we must try to consolidate this state and learn to “order” dreams. That is, before falling asleep, you need to tell yourself what question you would like to receive an answer to in images that you understand.

Dream within a dream- means your readiness to work with dreams, to practically use the information obtained in this way.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Clear dreams- speedy implementation.

Collection of dream books

Seeing yourself sleeping in a dream- means that you most likely travel in the astral plane and see your body from the outside. May symbolize your reluctance to change. Stagnation. No movement. No change.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn it inside out bed sheets inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

What does it mean, dream books tell. Various sources interpret this dream differently.

American dream book

If a person sees himself sleeping in a dream, then most likely this means that he is traveling in the subtle worlds and sees his body from the outside. This dream can also be deciphered as a strong reluctance and resistance to change. It can lead to stagnation. What does this mean? This gives the right to say that a person has lucid dreams.

Idiomatic dream book

If he went to bed in a dream, then in reality he wants to step away from business. Waking up in a dream is an awakening to a new life. Sleeping soundly means unconsciousness.

Italian dream book: what do dreams in a dream mean?

If a person dreams that he is sleeping, this indicates that he needs a pause, respite or respite in taking some important decisions or in overcoming difficulties. Such dreams are not so rare.

Small dream book of Veles

Is bad sign. The sleeper may go crazy. Sleeping in a dream means various obstacles in business, illness and laziness. Doing this while standing means immediate disaster. Sleeping on the grass means a joyful and carefree life.

Newest dream book: - what does it mean?

As a rule, when a person sees himself sleeping, this is a harbinger of a protracted illness, which can even result in disability or a serious complication.

Psychoanalytic dream book

A dream in which a person sees himself sleeping, or has a dream, may foreshadow his death. It can also mean that the dreamer must wake up some positive aspects your personality (faith, conscience, etc.).

Dream Interpretation of Winter: dream in a dream - what does it mean?

When a person sees a dream in which he is sleeping or about to go to bed, this is a sign of his inattention and inaction. If in a dream the atmosphere is heavy and bad, then in reality you should expect troubles. However, if a person is going to go to bed in a great mood, in real life he needs to forget about some painful problems and troubles. Most likely, they will resolve themselves, or in the future the sleeper himself will find a way to do this.

Modern dream book

When a person in a dream sees that he is sleeping and at the same time he has a dream, this means that in reality he is two-faced towards a very good person and doubts the correctness of his actions. If someone tells a dreamer about his dream, his relatives will have troubles and will ask for help. Seeing a nightmare means a happy resolution to a very difficult situation. Colorful and good sleep- to disappointment.

Dream interpreter from A to Z

A dream in which a person, after a hard day, dozed off in a cozy soft chair, is a harbinger of a loved one’s betrayal at the very moment when the sleeper’s trust in him is almost limitless.

Esoteric dream book: dream in a dream - what does it mean?

If a person realizes that he is seeing another dream in a dream, he needs to try to fix this state. In the future, he may learn to order dreams for himself. Such dreams mean that a person is inclined to work with dreams and get from subtle world information in this way.

Why might one dream of seeing oneself in a dream? In general, every person sometimes wants to look at what is happening from the outside. And especially for yourself, because this can help solve many problems, or at least understand in which direction to work next. And it happens that a person can see yourself from the outside in a dream, so what does this dream mean? Our dream book will easily answer this question.

This dream indicates an internal desire to stand out, no matter how, perhaps with the help of your appearance, which you use as a trump card.

If in a dream you not only saw yourself from the outside, but also heard a voice or saw interaction with other people, then pay close attention to these details.

If it seemed to you that you behaved too provocatively and ambitiously, then it’s time to think about changing your image.

Your friends and acquaintances consider you too arrogant.

If this is not the reputation you wanted, try to change yourself, behavior and manners. Did you happen to in a dream, see yourself from the outside and hear your voice?

Enough rare sleep, it portends the receipt of some gift or pleasant news. But if it seems to you that your voice is smoky or has a cold, then in reality someone will greatly distort your words.

The situation requires your intervention, look around, pay attention to your friends and loved ones. Someone wants to deceive you, your plans may collapse because you trust.

Check all your loved ones, there is no need to conduct some kind of espionage, but it is necessary to correlate their words with their actions.

Good sleep - see yourself sleeping next to your friend, this person will not leave you in any trouble and certainly will not be able to betray you.

Pay attention: what is this person doing next to you? If he sleeps the same way, then most likely you together can become a victim of deception. Be careful. If close person reads or drinks tea, then your relationship or friendship may soon collapse for the most stupid reasons or a banal misunderstanding.

Very bad dream. It portends great losses, devastation, hypocrisy and subsequently long-term depression. The more beautiful and expensive the dress, the worse everything will be in real life.

Deception awaits you, it will be almost impossible to achieve the truth, and this will be the beginning of a whole series of failures.

If you are with a man, then expect deception from the outside young man or close friend. Listen less and check the real state of affairs more often.

If in a dream you had to see from the outside, then in reality expect gossip that will really appear out of nowhere. It will take a long time to solve the problems, but, nevertheless, everything will end very well.

What does it mean to see yourself driving a car?

Everything that happens now should be under your complete control. All financial transactions, household chores, worries and worries of loved ones.

It is now necessary to take the reins of power into our own hands. Lead, but remember that not everything can be controlled.

Calculate any situation, especially paying attention to the little things. You are considered the most worthy person in order to decide everything now. Don't let your loved ones down. Responsibility for everything that happens lies entirely with you.

You will have to endure too much during this time; the dream warns you that everyone around will consider you guilty of all mortal sins, although you will really become a victim of the situation.

There is only one way to avoid this - try to avoid ambiguous situations, cases that may fail, and you may be found guilty.

If from the outside in a dream you saw yourself dirty V, then in reality you will be interfered with in some not entirely legal matter, your hands will be dirty, and you will not be able to wash them.

With your actions, albeit accidentally, you will ruin the life of more than one person. If you want to avoid such a dishonest situation, then before taking on any business, study it carefully, find out all the details.

You must be sure that everything is legal and you will not ruin anyone's life. Too much depends on you now.

The dream book warns you: stay away from all dubious matters and people who can deceive you.

Interpreted by all dream books as betrayal and shame, perhaps some of your secrets will soon become known to everyone, and therefore you will not be able to trust people for a long time.

I dreamed of seeing myself from the outside pregnant in? Because someone will spread vile gossip about you, you will have to endure the judgment of others. You will be disgraced and convicted in absentia.

It will take a very long time to cleanse yourself of lies, because not all people can perceive the truth. Sometimes it's easier to believe cleverly crafted gossip.

Miller interpreted such dreams as an opportunity to obtain the necessary information. If you managed to look at yourself from the outside, even in a dream, then you can rest assured: what you want will be yours.

Mr. Miller also admitted that such a dream would help the dreamer in the future: by seeing yourself from the outside, you can understand what mistakes and shortcomings in yourself can be corrected.

But Miller warned: see– to illness, anxiety and betrayal even of those closest and dearest.

This dream is interpreted as the possible death of your reputation, self-confidence and relationships with those closest to you. This is how a dream in which you saw yourself from the outside is interpreted, according to Miller’s dream book.

The dream in which you had to see yourself from the outside is not always good; it may seem strange or incomprehensible.

Indeed, this dream requires detailed analysis, because it can warn about problems and even suggest solutions. We have explained all the most famous variations of this dream. Be prepared for anything and have good dreams.

According to the dream book, death that occurs in a dream can be manifested in various forms. Interpretation similar dreams about death are different - from the promise of longevity to almost a prophecy of imminent death. Death can also be perceived differently by a sleeping person. The perception and meaning of dreams about death in the popular dream book is always subjective. In the psychological aspect, a person is faced with a feeling of fear, defenselessness in the face of external circumstances that pose some kind of threat. Here it is worth thinking about what caused the fear. If you see no reason for such unpleasant experiences, and the threat is imaginary, then dreams of death may indicate that you are not entirely confident in your actions, you have doubts about making some decision in everyday life.

The meaning of a dream about sudden death and the death of other people - online dream book of Fate

  1. Dream Interpretation imminent death- to see in a dream or hear a warning that you will die soon is an indication that in everyday life You are doing something wrong, and soon you will have to change your life.
  2. What does it mean if you dreamed that death had come to you, it means that you will be given a long, prosperous life with a person who loves you.
  3. Why see in a dream that death has come to a sick person who is unfamiliar to you - in real life you will come face to face with the illegal actions of strangers.
  4. Interpretation of the dream book accident, death in car accident- promises trouble because of fun and entertainment.
  5. The meaning of sleep according to the dream book if you dreamed of a fatal accident foreshadows problems in various areas of life, be careful.
  6. Dream Interpretation - car accident: according to modern dream book this dream is not good. In general, seeing cars in a dream means starting a business that will cause you great difficulties, and the outcome of which is unclear.
  7. What does it mean to see a car accident in a dream, as a result of which you became the victim in the dream? This image speaks of a depressed spirit due to the intrigues of your rivals.
  8. Big dream book of Fate, interpretation of a dream: you dreamed of an accident on the road - to see death in an accident means to receive a sign that someone will help settle your affairs.
  9. To see death from a motorcycle accident in a dream is an image of a motorcycle as a call for caution, and a motorcycle accident, even with a fatal outcome, can indicate the collapse of your hopes.

Dream Interpretation image of death - a scary old woman with a scythe or peace and quiet?

Experiencing a certain experience of dying in the plots of your dreams about death on the night from Sunday to Monday, how do you perceive death - as a gift and liberation from the bodily shell, or as the deprivation of your life? The best free dream book Fate gives detailed interpretations strange and disturbing dreams in which death is present.

  1. Dream Interpretation Interpretation - why see the death of a child in a dream: such a dream is a warning. Monitor your baby’s health; it makes sense to see a doctor to get examined.
  2. What does it mean if you dreamed about the death of someone else’s child - someone from your inner circle will act dishonestly towards you.
  3. The dream book interprets the death of a newborn as problems with productive function. In a couple, this can apply to both the man and the woman. Perhaps in your current marriage union there will be no children.
  4. What does the death of a baby mean in a dream - the best online dream book It foreshadows fate if the baby from your dream is unfamiliar to you, in real life expect the appearance of a relative about whom you do not yet know.
  5. Other exact value dream about the death of a baby: They make you understand what you need, because the person you trust infinitely is self-interested.
  6. Why dream of hearing a warning about death in a dream - such a dream should not be taken literally, says the modern dream book of Fate, but caution must be exercised.
  7. The dream book interprets death in a dream as changes in life, and to see someone’s funeral in a dream means to receive a sign about successful outcome affairs. If you dreamed about your funeral, this means a long life.
  8. Death of an already deceased person true dream book Fates are interpreted as good changes in life if death was calm. If it’s the other way around, trials await you./li>

Why did you dream about death - you will experience big changes in the earthly plane of existence

Of course, dreams in which death is present in one form or another are not uncommon, but we do not see death in our dreams so often that it could threaten the stability of existing earthly everyday life. And often, seeing our own death, it is at the moment of symbolic death in a dream that we awaken.

  1. Why do you dream about the death of your mother-in-law according to the modern dream book of Fate: seeing the death of your mother-in-law in a dream means trouble. But you yourself will be the source of life’s problems. To do this, you will need advice or help from a friend.
  2. What does it mean if you dream that you are expecting death in a dream, the dream book of Fate indicates that you are lonely and want to attract attention to yourself.
  3. What's up big dream book means fear of death - if in your dream you experienced the fear of death, you need to consult a specialist, since you have heart problems.
  4. The free dream book explains the death of a daughter in a dream as a desire to step back for a while, to fade into the background; or just the opposite - such a dream indicates a desire to meet.
  5. Why did you dream about the death of a beloved man - such a dream plot is a harbinger of a change in your relationship. In which direction they will change, you will understand when you receive additional signs in a dream.
  6. Why, according to the dream book, did you dream of avoiding death? Such dreams, as a rule, are very vivid, and they mean that you need to change your relationships with others and make peace with those with whom you are now in a quarrel.
  7. What does it mean according to the dream book if you dreamed of a visual image of death, perhaps on your way there will be a meeting, which will change your whole life!
  8. A modern online dream book gives this interpretation of a dream about death cousin: It is possible that in the near future you will need to visit one of your distant relatives.
  9. Dream Interpretation clinical death - what does such a dream plot about death mean? The dream says