Why do you dream about moths on the carpet? Finding things eaten in a dream, or what moths mean in dreams

It’s always interesting to find out what this or that thing you dreamed about at night means. It could be something global, or it could be something small. For example, seeing a moth in a dream is quite unpleasant, just like in life. However, such a vision can have several meanings, and not all of them will be negative.

What do dream books say?

If you read about moths in a dream book, you can learn a lot of interesting things. A moth in a dream can mean your subconscious and the fears that are hidden inside every person. This vision tells you that it’s time to open up and understand yourself. And by starting self-knowledge, you will achieve confidence and harmony with yourself. Various dream books explain such a dream in different ways, but always pay attention higher value details that can radically change the interpretation.

Perhaps Miller’s most famous and popular dream book says the following about moths:

  • If you dreamed that this insect ruined your things, then this means possible quarrels with your significant other;
  • If you can’t catch this pest, then most likely you will have to face difficulties in completing some documents;
  • Well, if you purchase various insect repellents, then after an accidental joy, you will still experience annoyance and resentment.

The interpretation of such a dream looks different in esoteric dream book. Here the annoying insect is identified with tasks that you cannot complete. Therefore, it is worth resolving all issues and leaving the bad in the past in order to move on. And unsuccessfully catching moths will mean that you are holding on to your past, which does not allow you to start a new active life.

And if you look into modern dream books, then you can find out that seeing a lot of insects flying around your house means losses and troubles in your personal life. Those who managed to kill the dreamed moth, on the contrary, will have good luck, and the black streak that concerned the financial side and family relationships will end.

Interpretation of sleep for ladies

The fair half of humanity is the most sensitive to dreams and often seeks an explanation for them and how they can affect life. Therefore there is separate interpretation what a woman dreams of about a moth:

  • If a moth enters a house through a window opening, this means that there is a danger to family well-being. Someone new wants to destroy your usual way of life;
  • If an insect came to you through the door, then you should be more attentive to your surroundings. People you thought were friends may actually wish you misfortune;
  • A dream in which you are doing your hair and cannot free a moth entangled in your hair suggests that you may soon become the object of gossip. And if you just can’t catch her, then take a closer look at your girlfriends - some of them are very jealous of you;
  • If you dream of corroded things (for example, a fur coat), this may mean future losses or the loss of a job by someone close to you.

Any woman who dreamed similar dream, should take it as a warning. The subconscious mind itself gives you the opportunity to change things so that events take a positive turn.

Ancient legends

Since ancient times, if a person dreamed of a moth, it always meant that he had envious people and ill-wishers who would do everything to cast him in a bad light. Therefore, it was necessary to draw the right conclusions and limit communication with such people. To draw the right conclusions, you need to pay attention to the smallest details:

  • If a moth has chosen the carpet, that there are people who take advantage of your kindness, do not give anything in return. Take a closer look at your surroundings and do not deal with such parasites;
  • Did you dream that moths were flying around? Be prepared for gossip and gossip behind your back. The more moths, the more envious people you have;
  • Did you see that the whole house is full of such pests? This means there will be quarrels with relatives. Draw the right conclusions to prevent them;
  • If you managed to kill an insect in a dream, it means that in life you will be able to deal with any troubles, and ill-wishers will not be able to harm you.

Having learned about different interpretations, don’t be upset that most of them are negative. After all, in this way you get the opportunity to change something in your life and avoid the bad state of affairs. Just be careful and don't get too many people close to you.

It is no secret that the tradition of interpreting dreams goes back to the distant past. IN modern world some consider night visions a mere flight of fancy and do not pay attention to them. Others try to notice every detail seen in a dream in order to analyze it and understand what it symbolizes. Let's look at why you dream of a moth, which, when it appears in night vision, can become an important signal.

In order to understand why moths are seen in a dream, you need to think about the insect itself. Considering that it is a pest, we can conclude that it does not predict anything good. Absolutely anyone who has ever seen an insect in their life can dream of a moth. Despite the fact that in reality a moth has small dimensions and few people may know what it looks like in detail, in a dream many people see a moth as if up close.

Generally speaking, most dream books interpret moths in a dream as a bad sign, which is a symbol of troubling times or events. To understand in more detail, it is necessary to consider the context of the entire dream and take into account the image of the insect, known for its mischief.

Decoding dreams - dream book

If we generalize the interpretation of some dream books, then a moth in a dream can be deciphered as an enemy who is trying to annoy you, to harm you, while acting unnoticed by you. Let's look at several situations in the context of which a moth may appear in a dream, and figure out what they can mean.

Killing a moth in a dream

This is perhaps the only case of moths in a dream when the dream does not bode well. If you managed to finish off an insect sharply and on a grand scale, this is a symbol of how easily you will be able to cope with
enemies and adversaries who have already made plans against you. If repeated attempts to kill the moth are unsuccessful, you need to prepare for the fact that real life you will have to do boring, routine work. For example, this could be red tape with documentation at work or other “blockages” in professional activities.

If you tried to kill a moth in a dream not with your own hands, but used purchased insect repellents, this is a prototype of your character. This means that you are a rather brave person who has willpower and can cope with your problems, showing ingenuity and perseverance.

Moth in the closet

This is a sign that soon your relationships with loved ones and relatives will be strained. Constant quarrels, nagging, showdowns - all that was previously “hidden in
closet,” that is, it was tolerable, it would come out. Of course, there are conflicts in every family, but the moth is a sign that this time the discord will be serious.

Don't ignore this sign. Higher powers want to warn you that sometimes close people can become enemies. This means you need to gain strength and prevent this from happening. Patience, self-control and prudence will help you cope with any quarrels in the family. Remember that in a quarrel someone needs to be smarter and give in on time, so most likely it will be you who will have to do this.

Moth on clothes

The moth will not just sit and rest. If the insect has already reached the clothing, it will begin to eat it. Although, at first glance, these insects are so small that they seem completely harmless, in fact the holes they create can remain huge. In reality, moths have ruined more than a dozen good things for people. When a moth eats your clothes in a dream, this indicates an impending financial loss. However, this will not be a waste of money on yourself or in the right direction. It’s just that a parasite will appear in your environment, whom you will not be able to immediately recognize.

Other dream books explain moths in a dream on clothes with difficulties in love relationships. It’s as if “holes appear” in them, which are often the consequence of misunderstandings and minor quarrels. In this case, the dream serves as a warning that you need to pull yourself together and try to prevent the relationship from breaking down completely. Even if this means you have to step over yourself and give in something.

Lots of moths

When a person sees huge amount moths, however, like any other insects, he panics and feels confused. When you dream of a lot of moths, with which nothing can be done, this is a sign of loss of well-being in the family. A person can never cope with something like this alone.
a large-scale problem, and in the family, until each family member realizes the deplorability of the situation, it will not be possible to change it.

If in a dream there are a lot of moths circling in a room, then this indicates the person’s surroundings. He is surrounded by petty people who do nothing but fuss and only bring additional trouble. Getting rid of such people can be difficult, because first you need to recognize them. You need to carefully observe your family and friends, because petty people imperceptibly drain a person morally, and communication with them brings neither benefit nor satisfaction.

Moth holes

If in a dream you put on something, maybe even a favorite one, and found moth holes on it, this bad sign. Most likely, a serious deception or conspiracy against you will soon be revealed to you, and
maybe even treason. It is usually impossible to sew up moth holes, because if the insect eats the clothing, it ruins it completely. Likewise, in real life, holes from betrayal or betrayal are unlikely to be mended. And even if you succeed, pretending as if they never happened will definitely not work.

As you can see, dreams with moths do not indicate anything good. On the contrary, they serve as an alarming sign. However, this may be useful, because higher powers give a person such dreams to make him stronger and prepare him for possible problems. So you shouldn’t be upset, you just need to be bolder and wiser, then no secret enemies, troubles at work, traitors in the family will not be able to influence you. It’s up to you to believe in the symbolism of dreams or not.

All people have dreams. Some remain in memory, others are smoothed out without a trace. The appearance of an insect such as a moth in night dreams causes bewilderment and even anxiety. What does this mean?


Semiotics gives an interpretation of this image: mole appeared in a human dream, tells us about the human subconscious, or rather, on the other side, what is hidden from us in the everyday bustle.

Having seen this insect in a series of night pictures, we can unravel ourselves, try to get rid of fears and complexes, and gain confidence in our abilities. But all this general information, but behind the specifics is consult dream books, in which the wisdom of peoples, collected over centuries, is stored.

Let's first take a look at the most popular encyclopedia of dreams - Miller's dream book.

Reference! Miller's dream book in the house of the Sun is considered the most complete to date: it contains approximately two thousand interpretations. It was first published at the end of the 19th century.

If in a dream moth flies from room to room, and a person tries, but cannot catch it - this warns of the upcoming paperwork. When a person finds spoiled insects clothes, this means that you should be more careful keep an eye on their actions and words when communicating with loved ones, otherwise a quarrel is possible.

Purchase symbolizes joy. But, unfortunately, it will be short-lived, followed by losses and disappointments.

Clairvoyant Vanga especially emphasizes what I saw in a dream, a moth brings more trouble to a woman than to a man. It kills an insect - there is a high probability that personal property will be damaged, and most likely, close people will do this. In addition, the fair sex should be wary of slander.

Important! But all this applies to small insects. If in a dream you manage to slam a large individual, this promises great luck and success in your personal life. By the way, quantity affects quality: the more insects killed, the more profit will arrive next week.

Wise Freud believed that's circling overhead moth dreams of unsuccessful love relationships. Using insect repellents means an unwanted pregnancy.

Michelle Nostradamus in his notes he stated that chase moths in a dream - lose in the future all of my close friends, A kill winged - and at all stay alone. Seeing a lot of bugs on your clothes is a sign of unreasonable spending. Only one dream promises pleasant troubles - if moths fly out through windows and doorways, then the streak of bad luck will soon end.

Master of white magic, well-known parapsychologist Yuri Longo interprets dreams not only on an esoteric basis, but also from a psychological point of view. Moths are mentioned in his dream book in passing and in a negative way. However, if a person can kill her with a slipper- will probably be waiting for him in the future big win.

Psychologist George Miller in his works he considers moth as a signal for future changes. It can be pleasant if a woman has a dream and she is trying to catch a moth, and unpleasant if an insect eats all the clothes in the closet.

The clues the Universe gives us are often vague and ambiguous. But you shouldn't be afraid of them. Man builds his own destiny, choosing a line of behavior, a road and fellow travelers.

Useful video

Why do you dream about insects in the video below?

Find out from online dream book, why Mole dreams, after reading the answer below in the interpretation of the interpretive authors.

Why do moths appear in a dream?

Dream book of the 21st century

Why does Mole dream and what does it mean:

To dream of moths flying in large numbers everywhere - to losses, significant crop failure, family troubles, jealousy. Killing a moth in a dream means finding the causes of countless quarrels and misunderstandings in the family; you will have the opportunity to avoid them in the future.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Moth in a dream?

If you dreamed of a moth, then you will be concerned about hastily concluded agreements that will turn out to be unsatisfactory. This dream also promises quarrels at home.

New family dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

How to understand what a mole means in a dream?

Mol - wasted effort.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Moth - Mean, cunning enemies.

Astrological dream book

Please see what it means?

Moth - melancholy, poverty, poor health. Saturn.

Unique dream book of Tatyana Radchenko


Mole is the annoying, petty vanity of the people around you.

Maly Velesov dream book


A dream about a moth foreshadows domestic troubles and jealousy.

Ancient dream book

I had a dream - Mole

A moth flies - to danger. A moth in a scarf or carpet is an unexpected parasite.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Moly from your dream

Mole - Symbol of frailty, decay, decay; family troubles; parasite (–tsa); threat to reputation.

Esoteric dream book

Mystery of sleep:

Mol - Old imperfections remind of themselves. New ways of doing things are needed. Traces of her activity, old attachments and habits prevent her from moving forward. If you catch moths out of boredom, you will return to your old activities, as the dream book predictor reports.

Great Encyclopedia of Dreams by O. Adaskina

Why do Moths dream according to the dream book?

Moth - A moth flying around the house, attempts to catch or immediately slam it down predict the appearance of an annoying and vile enemy. You may need to deal with family troubles, ward off someone's jealousy, or simply defend some of your achievements.

Great modern dream book

Mole - why does the dreamer dream?

Moth - You see a moth in a dream and try to kill it - expect minor troubles in the family; someone close to you will not keep their word. You killed a moth - you will actually do something that will please your spiteful critics; they will enjoy telling each other about your mistake.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why does Mol dream?

If you see a moth flying around your apartment in a dream, which you cannot catch, this means that you will have to start decorating large quantity documentation, which will take a lot of time. Seeing things spoiled by moths in a dream foreshadows unexpected complications in a love relationship. Buying a remedy for moths in a dream means that in reality you will experience short-lived joy, followed by losses and disappointments.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Moth - To see in a dream how you catch or kill a moth means that there will be no enemies in your life, at least for six months.

For those born in May, June, July and August

To dream that you have a lot of moths is a sign of secret enemies.

For those born in September, October, November, December

To dream that moths have ruined many things for you is a sign of a gluttonous guest.

Let's find out what moths mean in dreams - small butterflies that prefer to live in closets and feed on that pathetic organic matter that is preserved in wool, fur and leather things. Moth larvae eat large holes in carpets and ruin tapestries. Moths are a terrible pest, despite their harmless appearance.

Recently, even a moth has appeared that eats polyethylene and products packaged in polyethylene. The moth is the only butterfly that people usually do not rejoice at and try to destroy by all means. From clapping your hands after a flying butterfly, to delicious and nutritious pesticides that cause allergies in the whole family.

Except for the moth, which gnaws holes in bags of chemicals and tastes new flavors with appetite. The only thing that can kill moths is cleanliness, ventilation, lack of dust, and aromatic herbs. Moth in a dream is a sign of desolation, withering, poverty and mismanagement. Seeing a moth in a dream means that you are very worried about the current situation, but at the moment your efforts to overcome it are not enough.

Why do moths dream according to dream books?

  • Miller's dream book indicates that moths in a dream in general mean unpleasant problems. Flying moth - you will have to spend much more time completing the necessary documents than you expected. It is quite possible that by the time the paperwork is completed, it will no longer be relevant.
  • You discovered a moth nest - to disappointment in loved ones, serious quarrels. In fact, if you see someone's clothes eaten away by moths, you have found the source of trouble.
  • Poisoning moths in a dream means you are trying to cope with problems. You will likely experience some relief for a short time. But the problems will return in the same volume. We need to get rid of the root of the problem.
  • Freud's dream book promises that if a moth ate your loved one's clothes in your closet in a dream, you will have to break up. And most likely, this will be his initiative, although he is quite comfortable with you. According to Freud's dream book, buying insect repellent in a dream can even mean an unwanted pregnancy.
  • According to the Wanderer’s dream book, a moth is a sign of the vanity of the world, fragility, perishability. WITH practical point In terms of vision, this means that things and skills that you do not use, your imaginary riches, turn into nothing. Throw away unnecessary junk and brush up on your skills. Otherwise, everything will turn into the cutest fluttering butterflies with dusty wings.
  • The women's dream book suggests that moths in a dream are ghosts of shortcomings, unresolved problems, self-doubt, complexes and other small unpleasant moments that haunt you. It is quite difficult to finalize all this, but it is necessary. At the moment, your life is stagnant, bored, you are simply wasting it.


Take the time to interpret the dream literally and clear out the old trash from the closets. Pay attention to the people who will stop you from throwing away things that will never be useful to anyone in your life. Find out why you need an old scarf and a set of planks, who needs skates of the wrong size, who will ski on wooden skis without bindings. If people are absolutely not ready to think and want to keep the trash “what if it comes in handy” - beware of them and try to leave or transform this place.