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Among famous people There are many representatives of this zodiac sign. Who from famous people born under this sign? Among Cancers there are overweight people, but most of them are still thin and even bony, and many have arms and legs that are disproportionately longer than the body.

Celebrities Cancers - who are they?

They look different: some have a round and beautiful face, delicate skin, a smiling mouth, almost round eyes and a childish expression.

Another type of celebrity among Cancers, the more common one, is characterized by high cheekbones, prominent brow ridges, eyebrows that meet at the bridge of the nose, a protruding lower jaw, and small eyes.

Cancers are extremely secretive, they do not talk about their secrets and innermost thoughts, they do not like to discuss their personal lives with others, but they themselves are reliable keepers of other people's secrets and mysteries. Due to their intuition, compassion, and ability to sympathize, they encourage other people to be frank.

Even romantic Cancers who have dedicated their lives to art understand the value of money.

Celebrity men among Cancers

Ernest Hemingway, born July 21, 1899, is a famous American writer who became a laureate in 1954 Nobel Prize according to literature.

Pierre Cardin, born July 7, 1922, is a celebrity in the fashion world who is of Italian origin.

Andrei Myagkov, born July 8, 1938, is a famous Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR, laureate of the USSR State Prize.

December 19, 2013, 11:09 pm

Cancer women are characterized by increased sensitivity, romance, and sentimentality. They are very touchy because of their excessive impressionability: an unfriendly look, gesture, not to mention verbal attacks, can hurt them painfully. Their rich imagination throws them plots and pictures that often have nothing in common with reality.

A woman born under this zodiac sign tends to yearn for her all the time. better life. She constantly rummages through her past, reproaches herself for missed chances, and relives old grievances. There are always fears in her soul that she is currently doing something wrong; it seems to her that others perceive her not at all as she really is.

She is haunted by the desire to always be young and beautiful, loving and loved. But sometimes it also happens that tears flow on their own, without any serious reasons, and for no reason at all, but simply because the heart is anxious and uncomfortable.

However, like all children of the Moon, the mood of Cancer women is changeable. Friendliness gives way to aggressiveness, tears to laughter, fun to gloom, etc. The onset of a new lunar phase entails an inevitable change of mood, and it happens that even within one day, a Cancer woman will be both an irrepressible optimist and a misanthrope several times.

People surrounded by Cancers should know that their mood can be transmitted to everyone else, and not fall into irritability and melancholy along with representatives of this sign. To help the Cancer woman maintain good disposition spirit, close person should take care of a friendly, calm atmosphere, friendly people next to her, a comfortable environment in which bright colors should be present.

It is unacceptable to scold this impressionable nature, overly criticize or allow yourself to ridicule her. But the most important thing for her is the attention of her loved ones, the confidence that they love her and are not going to leave her.

Cancer women are very possessive. The very thought that any losses may await them is painful for them. They are especially afraid of losing what gives them protection and warmth.

At the same time, such fear does not mean that the Cancer woman is weak. She can boldly face all problems and troubles, protect herself and those who are dear to her, sacrificing everything she has for their well-being and health. Relatives of a woman born under the constellation Cancer can safely count on the fact that in difficult times she will never betray them or hide behind other people’s backs. Cancers have a huge amount of patience, especially when it comes to their loved ones.

The Cancer woman has such a trait as the ability to keep other people's secrets. She treats them with the same reverence as her own, which she never reveals to anyone. She is silent not only about her secrets, but also about her feelings, preferring to remain a mystery to everyone.

She likes to give the impression of a strong, independent person, so she often prefers to remain inaccessible when men make attempts to get closer. For her, looking approachable and being defeated are equivalent concepts. If a Cancer woman has a fleeting intimate contact or if she simply thinks that she has revealed herself to someone more than necessary, then there will be no further relationship with this person; she will avoid them in every possible way.

In general, women born under this constellation are very faithful wives, and fun things like flirting and having fun on the side are not at all for them.

A Cancer woman has a very strongly developed maternal instinct, and therefore her children can always count on warm love, care and support. Her attachment to them is very strong, so it is not surprising that the Cancer woman is always very attentive and suspicious of the youthful hobbies of children.

In their favorite home, like all Cancers, representatives of this sign hide from the adversities of the world around them. Housework is not very attractive to them, but they are, as a rule, good housewives: they look for protection and peace in their nest, and therefore they cannot do without creating comfort there.

Without exaggeration, Cancer women can be called amazing cooks. Never preparing a table in a hurry, they treat the preparation of dishes with the same attentiveness and reverence as they do for their loved ones, for whom they do it all.

The ability to organize the life of their family in such a way that prosperity always reigns in it cannot be taken away from Cancer women. There is always money and supplies here, none of the household members is deprived of care and affection. Representatives of this sign are not prone to waste.

The spouses of Cancer women will not have to suffer from the jealousy of their wives. A woman born under this sign will worry when her man is not at home. She is very frightened by the prospect of being abandoned, not receiving the love and attention she needs so much.

Nevertheless, she keeps her fears to herself and almost never voices her suspicions or expresses them. negative emotions. The Cancer wife wants to receive constant confirmation of love from her husband, as well as affection, understanding, and consolation in difficult times.

IN intimate relationships women try to take the initiative into their own hands and enjoy it to the fullest. At the same time, they often forget that they need to not only use their partner to obtain satisfaction, but also give him pleasure themselves. Nevertheless, a man for whom a woman’s satisfaction is no less important than his own will find an excellent partner in a representative of this sign.


Cancer woman - Aries man

The compatibility of representatives of this sign is very doubtful. Cancer's rather conservative views make it difficult to understand the restless Aries's craving for adventure. At the beginning of a relationship, these people can be attracted to each other by a strong sexual attraction. But as time passes, their union will be complicated by Cancer's jealousy. Aries, in turn, will not be pleased with his partner’s possessive tendencies. Relationships will be complex.

Cancer woman - Taurus man

A couple with very good relationship prospects. Both partners can find literally everything in their union to enjoy their life together. Taurus will prevent possible quarrels by responding promptly and accurately to Cancer’s changing mood. For her part, a woman of this zodiac sign will make their intimate life more varied and sensual.

Cancer woman - Gemini man

It will be difficult for these people to live together. Cancer, already insecure, will worry about the inconstancy, unbridled sexual energy of Gemini, and will become jealous. Because of this, relationships can be quite tense. Nevertheless, the union can be long-lasting - provided that mutual trust reigns between the partners.

Cancer woman - Cancer man

If two Cancers meet, then at the beginning of their acquaintance an extremely sensual relationship is possible between them. They will make partners become seriously interested in each other. However, increased sensitivity will also serve them badly, leading to quarrels. Both partners will strive for leadership in the intimate sphere. And yet, if they try to respect each other’s feelings and make concessions, then their union can last a long time.

Cancer woman - Leo man

A pair with good compatibility. Thanks to Leo, Cancer will feel much more confident, but this is precisely the quality he lacks in life. In addition, a partner can stabilize his woman’s mood, since it is variable. In return, Cancer will be required to give Leo the role of leader, constantly admire and flatter him. A woman who does this will create the basis for an excellent relationship.

Cancer woman - Virgo man

IN intimate life This couple can have complete harmony. Virgo will be imbued with complete trust in the sensitive, emotional Cancer. Thanks to the reserved Virgo, Cancer will feel more confident. Very deep feelings are possible between them. The only danger that awaits them is boredom, which can settle in their relationship. Living together can last a long time if they don't allow routine.

Cancer woman - Libra man

Compatibility may be good, but this largely depends on the partners themselves. Temperament, variability, and the need for moral support make people of these signs similar. At the same time, the partner will understand Cancer’s mood, but will prefer not to interfere in the situation, which can give rise to resentment in the soul of a sensitive woman. Libra may get tired of such relationships and, having decided to take a break, will rush towards adventure, which Cancer will not accept. The union is fragile.

Cancer woman - Scorpio man

Relations between representatives of these signs are usually very good. Insecure Cancer happily agrees with the leadership of Scorpio in their pair, because he needs support. In intimate relationships, the passion and stormy temperament of Scorpio goes well with the sensitivity of the partner. She will not provoke Scorpio, make him jealous or hurt his pride, and her partner will appreciate this. The harmony of this union is practically guaranteed.

Cancer woman - Sagittarius man

The compatibility of people of these zodiac signs is low: they are too different. Unconfident Cancer, who so needs a reliable shoulder, cannot find support in the mobile, changeable Sagittarius. A woman thinks about the future, but her restless partner prefers not to even look into tomorrow. If boredom creeps into the relationship, Sagittarius will not be satisfied with this, and he will go in search of entertainment, which can offend the gentle and touchy nature of Cancer. A long-term relationship is hardly possible.

Cancer woman - Capricorn man

The relationship between these people will exist only as long as they feel a powerful physical attraction to each other. Cancer will feel increasingly irritated by Capricorn's practicality. In turn, the partner will not be able to devote all his time to Cancer, since he is interested in so many things. If passion disappears, the already unstable union will fall apart forever.

Cancer woman - Aquarius man

The compatibility of these partners leaves much to be desired. The sincerity and openness of Cancer does not go well with Aquarius’ love for all sorts of adventures: it will hurt the partner’s pride. In addition, Cancer needs her partner to constantly confirm his feelings for her, and Aquarius is not ready for this. Once the attraction between them disappears, they are unlikely to find other points of contact.

Cancer woman - Pisces man

The prospects for relationships are quite good, which is explained by the similar nature of the representatives of these signs: they are distinguished by attentiveness, responsiveness, and devotion to the people to whom they are attached. Pisces are more changeable, eccentric, and therefore paired with most likely The more mentally stable Cancer will dominate. No difficulties are foreseen between them that would hinder the development of relations.

Absolutely different Cancer man and the Aries woman agree on one thing - the seriousness of their attitude towards marriage. Therefore, you rarely meet a union of such people, but if it has taken place, it will be stable and reliable. They are hardworking and value material goods and comfort. But such couples cannot do without “grinding in.” A Leo woman and a Cancer man will come together and cement their relationship forever, as only two absolute opposites can do.

His intercessor is the Moon herself, the mistress of the night and magic. His element is Water. Cancers are kind and noble people, they have excellent intuition. But on the other hand, the Moon’s wards are very vulnerable and indecisive. Cancer – female sign. Consequently, people born under this constellation are endowed with feminine character traits - sentimentality, emotionality, kindness and responsiveness. People of this sign are great aesthetes. As for Pisces, this is an even more complex and mysterious sign than Cancer. In addition, Pisces strives more for the spiritual, while children of the Moon value material stability.

Love and compatibility of a Cancer man

Representatives of this zodiac sign value their beloved woman, are afraid of losing her, but at the same time they themselves can easily and without hesitation commit adultery. For family life The Cancer man carefully selects candidates for this role, since he himself has quite high requirements for relationships. For a Cancer man, women born under the signs of Taurus, Virgo and Scorpio are most suitable for starting a family.

Cancer men do not spend too much time on their appearance, but at the same time they like to dress beautifully. At such moments they definitely need support and kind words, since Cancers are pessimists by nature and it is extremely difficult for them to get out of such states on their own. Despite their natural shyness and modesty, Cancer men can achieve considerable heights in their careers. The magnetism of Cancer, which the Moon endowed him with, makes representatives of this sign charismatic individuals capable of controlling other people. Knowing about these characteristics, men born during this period may well become successful and authoritative people in the professional field. Many representatives of the fair half of humanity would be happy to connect their lives with any of these men!

A reverent attitude towards your beloved “results” at times into attacks of laziness. But under any circumstances, the Cancer man does not lose common sense, and there is logic in any of his reasoning. Men whose astrological sign is Cancer are subject to unexpected mood swings, sometimes with bouts of anger and aggression.

Great people born under the sign of Cancer

Born July 22, 1946. She sang in front of a wide variety of audiences, in many countries. Born June 25, 1852. Known as the author of whimsical and fantastic architectural works, most of which are located in Barcelona. Antoine Saint-Exupéry is a world-famous French writer and poet. Born June 29, 1900. Known as a writer and professional pilot. The main works of Antoine Saint-Exupery are the novel “Planet of People”, “Wind, Sand and Stars”, “The Little Prince”.

Cancers are the most vulnerable of all zodiac signs. The wrong look, the wrong joke - it seems that literally anything can hurt their feelings. For all their touchiness, Cancers have no problems with a sense of humor, they know how to joke caustically and laugh contagiously. One of the best actors of his generation, Tom Hanks, born on July 9, despite his multifaceted talent and boundless charm in cinema, is not so open to others in everyday life. He appreciates family values, for which he earned the title of “most reliable celebrity” in Hollywood, but for outside world he is more reserved. It is these qualities - vanity and the desire to dominate everything - that constantly move Cancers to conquer new heights.

Despite the fact that Cancers are traditionally considered cold and reserved people, in their best moments they are fiery, popular, funny people. Indeed, people born under the sign of Cancer value themselves highly, love fame and respect. Sometimes Cancer men are accused of loving melancholy and tragedy. Girls of this sign are prone to excessive suspiciousness and sensitivity: often an accidentally spoken word, look or gesture can throw them out of calm and balance. Those born under the sign of Cancer tend to constantly reevaluate their past, not let it go, and worry about missed chances.

Cancer feels equally awkward at a scientific debate and at a disco. He is generally quite sentimental and loves melodramas; at movie shows where such films are shown, you won’t see many guys, but there will definitely be a Cancer among them. You can’t recognize Cancer by his clothes, but his look... But if you don’t want to be a nanny and guardian, if you’re annoyed by regularity and having your head in the clouds, he’s not the hero of your novel. If it seems to Cancer that you do not value him, he will begin to look for understanding on the side.

The difficulty you will have is not the lack of options for your personal life, but the fact that there will be too many of them. Because of this, even long-standing and stable relationships face a test of strength. If you find yourself unprepared for such responsibility, or if there are only people nearby who are not ready to share with you the hardships of everyday family life, then your personal life will remain at the level of a novel. Cancers, pay close attention to new acquaintances: one of them in the future may develop into serious relationship. Cancer, the stars advise you to spend this day as your intuition suggests.

Have you met a caring man born under the Zodiac sign of Cancer (June 21 - July 22) and want to win his heart? A man of this zodiac sign greatly values ​​the institution of marriage and everything connected with it. Cancer man is attracted to bold and smart women, which are characterized worldly wisdom. By becoming the wife of a Cancer man, you will receive a strong family hearth. Your spouse will always remember your birthday and the date of your wedding anniversary.

Cancer men are born from June 22 to July 22. This zodiac sign is under the influence of the Moon, which gives people delicacy, romance and sensitivity.

They live by the “I feel” principle, so they can evoke mixed emotions in those around them. In addition, Cancers are the most vulnerable of all zodiac signs. The wrong look, the wrong joke - it seems that literally anything can hurt their feelings. For all their touchiness, Cancers have no problems with a sense of humor, they know how to joke caustically and laugh contagiously.

One of the best actors of his generation, Tom Hanks, born on July 9, despite his multifaceted talent and boundless charm in cinema, is not so open to others in everyday life. He values ​​family values ​​highly, for which he has earned the title of "most reliable celebrity" in Hollywood, but to the outside world he is more reserved. Unlike his character Forrest Gump, Tom Hanks is not one of those people who cross boundaries in communication and open their soul to the first person they meet.

The sexuality of Cancer women is primarily expressed in their appearance. Typical representatives of Cancers - Gina Lollobrigida, Pamela Anderson and Gisele Bundchen - have characteristic of the sign lush bust and figure like " hourglass" However, among Cancer celebrities there are also other types with hidden sexuality, such as Princess Diana or actress Liv Tyler, who have an unearthly appearance and a deep gaze, as if turned inward.

Born in early July, actor and screenwriter Tom Cruise is one of the most... typical representatives sign of Cancer. According to his confession ex-spouses, he has an extremely domineering character and an irrepressible desire to control everything and everyone. It is these qualities - vanity and the thirst to dominate everything - that constantly move Cancers to conquer new heights. That’s why Cruise’s characters are always persistent and purposeful guys who know what it feels like to work together. Sometimes they can lose their heads and seem crazy, but under this guise lies a vulnerable nature. Despite their ostentatious self-confidence, Cancers often find themselves confused.

Meryl Streep, Claire Forlani, Sophia Bush and other stars born under the sign of Cancer are distinguished by their special emotionality, which is transmitted to their characters in films. For women, this quality does not become a disadvantage; on the contrary, Cancer actresses manage to embody a variety of roles precisely thanks to their expressive nature. The ability to convey the mood of others helped Meryl Streep become a three-time Oscar winner. However, in life, Cancer girls often suffer from excessive emotions and temper, such as the notorious Courtney Love and Lindsay Lohan.

Both Cancer men and women love to dress beautifully. Proof of this are the iconic designers - the founders of fashion houses Pierre Cardin and Giorgio Armani. Despite their love of fashion, they never wore things that made them feel uncomfortable. Cancers are very particular about their appearance and, in an effort to rejuvenate, they often please themselves health treatments. That is why Giorgio Armani, at 78 years old, demonstrates excellent physical shape. And high demands on perfumery helped him create the famous bestsellers Acqua di Gio and Armani Code.