Why do you dream about multi-colored buttons? Why do you dream about buttons - interpretation of dreams from dream books

A button is a small, inconspicuous and insignificant object. It can always be replaced. However, this small object, appearing in a dream, acquires a deep symbolic meaning, correct interpretation which can tell a lot about the dreamer’s fate. A dream book and the details of night vision preserved in memory will help you find out why buttons are dreamed of.

If a girl dreamed of a button hanging on a thread, she should carefully choose the companies in which she is going to relax. Unsavory people might try to take advantage of her body while she's drunk.

A button torn off with a piece of fabric speaks of the dreamer’s extreme concern about the health of his loved ones, children and relatives. Clothes with multi-colored buttons of unequal sizes dream of unfulfilled expectations, worries and troubles.

If the button that appeared in the night vision breaks, this is not the best omen: it foretells the dreamer the appearance of obstacles on the way to his goal. A dream in which a sleeping person was communicating with his beloved, and at that moment a button broke, foreshadows such turns of fate that will test the strength of the partners’ feelings.

A dream in which you happen to be talking to someone, and at that moment the interlocutor’s button breaks, portends difficulties in negotiations, concluding a deal, signing a contract or agreement.

A dream in which a sleeping person receives a button as a gift warns him: he should avoid awkward moments, carefully monitor his behavior, otherwise things may not turn out well. nice moment making you blush.

Interpretation by appearance

A button, appearing in night vision, can take on different symbolic meanings depending on what color it was, what condition it was in, and what else external signs she possessed.

  • Silver buttons in a dream are a symbol calling on the dreamer to devote more time to running his affairs and take better care of his appearance.
  • If they were gold, a profitable and tempting deal is expected, or a short-term, albeit successful, marriage is expected.
  • White buttons portend a meeting with a good-natured person with pure intentions.
  • If the clasps you dreamed of were of extraordinary beauty, this is a sign that foretells a useful and promising acquaintance with influential people.
  • Multi-colored buttons dream of many small matters, of vanity.
  • For a girl, bright and shiny buttons in a dream foreshadow a new love, and young man- moving up career ladder.
  • Faded, old and inconspicuous buttons dream of disappointment, which can be avoided with great effort.

Interpretation by actions

If a girl dreams of sewing on buttons, this is a positive omen that foretells a new mutual sympathy, falling in love. Such a dream is no less a good sign for a man. A dream about sewing fasteners promises him a new, higher position. If a young man had such a dream, now is the ideal time to start a military career.

If in night vision you happened to sew on a lot of buttons, this is good sign, which foreshadows a quick solution to accumulated minor and other problems. The scale and number of difficulties resolved are directly proportional to the number and size of buttons sewn in a dream.

A dream in which the dreamer happened to fasten buttons on himself, while counting their number, foreshadows a profitable deal, after which he will have to count many large bills, received as net profit.

Raking a handful of buttons into the palm of your hand and looking at them is a symbol that the dreamer’s attention is focused on himself. A dream in which a very large button appears warns the sleeping person about the onset of serious life changes associated with considerable amounts of money.

A night vision in which the dreamer sews buttons on another person’s clothes or fastens them on someone else speaks of the strong attachment that the dreamer feels for this person in reality.

If the dreamer, on the contrary, tore off someone’s fasteners or unfastened them, such a dream speaks of his negative attitude to this person in real life.

Miller's Dream Book

According to the interpretation of the dream given by this dream book, shiny and bright buttons, if they are sewn on a uniform, foreshadow to a woman who has such a dream the sincere affection of a rich and powerful, attractive man.

If a young man saw such a dream, perhaps his career will be connected with promotion in military service. He will perform well in this direction and achieve success.

Small linen buttons portend unfulfilled hopes, small affairs, vanity, and deteriorating health. If you happen to lose a button in a dream and get upset because of it, you should prepare for expenses and losses in real life.

Esoteric dream book

This dream book interprets a dream in which you saw buttons as a symbol of the sleeping person’s attitude to business and work in real life. If the dreamer sewed on buttons in a night vision, in reality he comes up with a mountain of small, unimportant things to do. If a person tore off or rip open buttons in a dream, in reality he is shirking tasks that seem insignificant, but the implementation of which is important.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

A torn button promises minor but unpleasant problems. On the contrary, sewing on such a fastener symbolizes the resolution of difficult situations. Buy a button - find yourself surrounded by an influential character.

According to Smurov’s dream book, buttons in a dream indicate the dreamer’s attachment to someone, and it should be noted that if a dreamed button suddenly comes off, it means that upcoming events in the near future will break this connection once and for all.

What if you dream about buttons?

Miller's dream book states that some dreams must be interpreted taking into account the gender of the sleeper, for example, if you dreamed of buttons sewn to a uniform suit, then for a woman this promises the appearance of a rich admirer in her life, and for a man - a call to military service.

Small or dull buttons dream of disappointment, poor health or loss; losing a button in a dream and not finding it means that the sleeper is worried about his future, it seems to him that all opportunities have already been lost and nothing can be returned.

Finding a button from your clothes means that relatives and friends will not leave the dreamer in difficult times; if you dream of the sleeping person himself, dressed in clothes buttoned up with all the buttons, then you can expect the end of the work you started.

The French dream book assures its readers that a dreamed button promises financial assistance that will come from practically stranger or from an old friend whom you haven’t seen for many years.

In order to correctly interpret the dream, you should remember the material from which the dreamed button was made; if it was silver, then the sleeper should delve more carefully into official affairs; gold buttons dream of a profitable deal.

The housewife's dream book assures that a dreamed button is a warning that the sleeper will get involved with bad company, but if the button is torn off, then the dreamer should worry about the health of someone close to him.

A dream in which a dreamer sews a button onto another person’s clothing characterizes him as a kind and caring family man; if you have to sew on different buttons, it means a new addition is expected in the dreamer’s family.

Authors' opinion Modern dream book not too different from the others, for example if unmarried woman, she dreamed of shiny buttons, which means that she should soon expect a marriage proposal from a handsome and rich young man.

Small linen buttons dream of a small loss or petty friends; You dream of dim fittings as a warning about the dreamer’s illness, but health problems will not be serious and the dreamer will soon recover.

What does it portend?

Adaskin's dream book interprets similar dream in your own way, for example, finding a button, in the author’s opinion, leads to getting a large financial assistance from a stranger. Sewing accessories to your own clothes means receiving a bonus or inheritance; If the sleeper fastens buttons in his dream, it means he will be able to take precautions in time and protect himself from enemies.

Seeing yourself in clothes buttoned up with all the buttons means that the work started by the dreamer will soon be successfully completed; a half-torn button on clothing indicates that unfinished business will bring a loss, and such a dream can also portend troubles in your personal life.

Small linen buttons, according to this author, dream of disappointment in a loved one or health problems; shiny beautiful fittings portend a girl new love, and for the guy - rapid advancement up the career ladder.

The esoteric dream book assures readers that any button, regardless of size, means trouble; if it is beautiful, then the trouble will be pleasant.

In conclusion, it should be noted that in some dreams the dreamer does not see the button itself, but only its shell; such a dream indicates that the dreamer is trying to win the attention of the person he likes, but this relationship will have no future.

Should a person who dreamed of a button be happy or worried? The dream book will definitely help you find the answer to this question. Guides to the world of dreams have different interpretations similar dream. Important role plays appearance the object, as well as the manipulations that were performed with it in a dream. The more details the dreamer recalls in his memory, the more accurate the interpretation will be.

Button: Miller's dream book

The dreams people have can be a good or bad omen. So, why do you dream about a button? A dream book compiled by a famous psychologist claims that losing this item in a dream is not good. This is especially true if in his dreams a person worries about such a loss. In reality, he should prepare for serious losses. WITH most likely the dreamer will suffer damage in the business sphere.

What does a dream in which people sew buttons on a uniform warn about? If they are bright and sparkling, for ladies such a dream promises sympathy, which will be shown by a rich and handsome representative of the opposite sex. In the near future the dreamer will conclude marriage union, which will help her take a higher position in society, improve For men, such a plot portends rapid advancement up the career ladder, and it is possible that they will enlist in the military.

What other options does the dream book consider? Buttons are not a good dream if they are small or dull. In reality, a black streak awaits the dreamer, and health problems are also likely.

Gold and silver

The material from which the button is made plays an important role. The dream book promises changes to the best who saw in a dream gold product. In the coming days, this person will make a deal that will bring maximum benefit. The dreamer may also enter into a marriage, which at first glance seems successful, but will soon fall apart.

What does the dream book say about silver? Buttons made from this material do not bode well for the owner of the dream. Such a plot is a kind of alarm signal, warning about the need to pay attention to current affairs. In addition, silver items appearing in night dreams can signal that a person should take care of his appearance and health.

Torn and broken

The dream book also offers other interpretations. A torn button can be dreamed of by someone who is worried about loved ones in reality. A person is concerned about the health of relatives or friends, which is reflected in his night dreams. If a button hangs on a thread, the dreamer needs to think about his moral character and give up dubious entertainment. First of all, this concerns representatives of the fair sex, who risk being attacked in unfamiliar companies.

What does a dream in which there is a broken button warn about? The dream book claims that it promises obstacles. The dreamer will not be able to get what he has long dreamed of, as there will be obstacles along the way. If a person breaks or tears off a product in a dream, in reality he is accustomed to shifting his problems onto the shoulders of others.

If someone else's button is broken or torn off, it is important to pay attention to the personality of the interlocutor. The dreamer's relationship with this person risks becoming cool. If it is a business partner, an important agreement will not be signed or renewed. If this is the second half, feelings may not withstand the test of strength, and there is a high probability of a quick separation.

Unfasten and fasten

Should a person who dreamed that he was buttoning up his outfit be worried? Such a dream promises the successful completion of a responsible task, unless the product breaks in the process. In the latter case, it is best to forget about your plans for a while.

Why do you dream about undone buttons? The dreamer too often forgets about the rules of decency, his behavior often causes irritation among others. In addition, the dream can predict an indecent proposal, which the owner of the night's dreams will soon receive. Under no circumstances should you agree, as your reputation will be ruined irrevocably.

Sew, buy, find

What other interpretations does the dream book offer? Sewing a button on someone else's outfit - such a dream speaks of strong affection. The object of the dreamer's sympathy is the person to whom he provides this service in his dreams. There is another interpretation, according to which the dream speaks of the habit of taking on the problems of strangers.

Why do people dream about buying a button? The dreamer should think about whether he devotes too much time to his own desires, or whether he is being selfish towards friends and relatives. If a person constantly ignores the problems and needs of the people around him, he may one day find himself alone.

A dream in which the sleeper finds this product is considered good. In reality, he will win the lottery or make a useful acquaintance.

Why do you dream about a button?

Miller's Dream Book

To dream that you are sewing bright sparkling buttons on a uniform suit - for young women it means the warm affection of a handsome and rich man. For a young man, this is a harbinger of entering military service and a brilliant career.

Dull buttons or small linens mean disappointment, constant losses and poor health.

Losing a button and subsequent worry about this loss means future losses, damage, damage in business.

Why do you dream about a button?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Seeing is bad company; tear off - excitement.

Why do you dream about a button?

Family dream book

If a young woman dreams that she is sewing bright sparkling buttons on a uniform suit, a handsome and rich man will soon fall in love with her.

Dull buttons or small linen - dream of disappointments and losses.

Losing a button in a dream means some kind of loss in real life.

Why do you dream about a button?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Buttons in a dream symbolize the conventions and rules that you have to adhere to in society.

If for some reason you paid attention to your own or someone else’s buttons, such dreams usually suggest that in the near future you should keep yourself within the bounds of decency and not neglect the formal rules of communication.

Unbuttoned buttons are a sign of disregard for decency.

If in your dream you communicate with a person whose buttons are indecently undone, this dream foretells you a certain proposal, by agreeing to which you risk losing your reputation.

An unbuttoned jacket or top button of a shirt is a sign of informal, friendly communication.

Why do you dream about a button?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A button hanging on one thread portends that you will find yourself in bad company, where they will get you drunk and try to rape you.

A button torn off with meat is a sign of great anxiety due to the illness of children.

Losing a button means that soon luck will smile on you in the form of an unexpectedly profitable offer.

Sew on buttons - show warmth and heartfelt care for your loved one.

Buttons on clothes of different sizes and colors portend disappointment and headache.

Why do you dream about a button?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Seeing buttons means bad company; tear off - excitement.

Why do you dream about a button?

Esoteric dream book

Sew on buttons - invent small things for yourself.

To tear away is to shirk from small but necessary matters.

Why do you dream about a button?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Sewing bright sparkling buttons onto a uniform suit for young women in a dream means the warm affection of a pleasant and wealthy person.

Dull buttons or small linens portend disappointments, constant losses and poor health.

The loss of a button, associated with anxiety about this, means loss, damage, and disruption in the future.

Why do you dream about a button?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Finding buttons - help; to lose is a stupid personal situation; sew - to money; fasten - completion of business.

Why do you dream about a button?

Modern dream book

If you dream that you are sewing bright shiny buttons onto a uniform, such a dream promises a young woman a hot passion, a handsome and rich husband. For a young man, such a dream predicts entry into military service, valor and a brilliant career.

Dull or fabric buttons portend disappointment, loss and poor health.

Losing buttons in a dream and the anxiety that follows means unprofitable trading.

Why do you dream about a button?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Button - change.

Seeing a lot of buttons means money.

Cutting off a button means infidelity.

Sew on a button - good life circumstances; something nice in the house.

Why do you dream about a button?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Buttons - change; a lot - money; cut off - infidelity; sewing - love affection.

Why do you dream about a button?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What does a Button mean in a dream - Sew on - solve a minor problem. A torn button (or buttons) - many small problems. Imagine that all the buttons on your clothes are sewn on. You check the strength of the threads - the buttons are sewn very tightly.

Why do you dream about a button?

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You had a dream Buttons - You see buttons in a dream; they are dim and small - you have been enchanted too often, now you will have to be disappointed; you have been deceived a lot, so expect losses; your constant depression and gloominess will have a bad effect on your health. It’s as if you lost a button - you will lose some things, suffer loss in money, suffer damage in business. A young woman dreams that she is sewing metal buttons on her uniform - a beautiful-looking rich man will persistently court this woman; If a young man has such a dream, then soon this young man will enter military service and make a brilliant career.

Why do you dream about a button?

Jewish dream book

You dreamed of a Button - Losing a button A dream you had on Monday night is a sign of careless actions; dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to the loss of something with which good memories are associated; a dream seen on Saturday or Sunday night means that you may forget to do something very important. Another interpretation: a warning that you need to avoid meeting a person who wants to get to know you. Sewing a button A dream that you had on Monday night indicates the need to take precautions; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to put things in order, improve well-being and mood; If you saw this dream on Saturday or Sunday night, then it foreshadows the restoration of a damaged relationship.

Why do you dream about a button?

Women's dream book

Buttons - Sewing bright sparkling buttons on a uniform suit for young women in a dream means the warm affection of a pleasant and wealthy person. Dull buttons or small linen foreshadow disappointments, constant losses and poor health. The loss of a button, associated with anxiety about this, means loss, damage, and disruption in the future.

Why do you dream about a button?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Buttons - perception of life. Sew on beautiful buttons - new ones successful relationship; dull or small buttons - disappointments; loss of a button - loss, damage, damage in business; buttoned up- composure in matters; be emotionally reserved; unbuttoned - negligence in relation to work, carelessness.

Why do you dream about a button?

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good meaning Mayan symbols in the dream book are adapted to our time. If you dreamed that you were sewing on a button, your enemies cannot do anything to you now. To protect yourself for a long time, sew as many different buttons onto your clothes as possible.

Bad meaning: If you dreamed that you were fastening buttons, then in the near future you will find yourself drawn into intrigue. To avoid this, tear off the button for a week before leaving the house and carry it with you all day.

Why do you dream about a button?

Old Russian dream book

find - help.

Why do you dream about a button?

Online dream book

Why do you dream about buttons? Such a plot suggests that you are striving for rapprochement.

Sew them on - a sign that you will be able to improve family well-being.

You lost them, which means your business will be unprofitable.

Cut it off - there is a risk that your loved one will betray you.

A dream in which you fasten a button on a blouse or shirt indicates that you will be able to achieve success in the business you are currently busy with.

If it is on trousers, and everyone is watching the process of fastening it

According to the dream book, a torn button portends an irrevocable separation from someone you loved madly and whom you valued excessively.

She not only came off, but also rolled somewhere

Sewing a button in a dream means that a very influential and in all respects attractive person will be inflamed with the highest and purest feelings for you.

Why do you dream about a button?

Dream book of lovers

A dream in which a woman sews buttons promises her the love of a handsome and rich man.

Losing a button means loneliness and a break in relations with a loved one.

Why do you dream about a button?

Women's dream book

If you dreamed that you were sewing a button to your clothes, be sure of the sincere affection of an attractive and wealthy person for you.

Button - why do you dream about it in a dream (Dream Book of the 21st century)

Button - Change, success; find - there will be help; sew on - money; to lose is a hindrance. Button - If you dream of a button, there must be some changes. Button - Dreaming of a button symbolizes change. Seeing a lot of buttons means money. Cutting off a button means infidelity; sewing it on means confident life circumstances, a good future; in the next interpreter you can find out what this dream means.

Button – If you dreamed about a button, you will receive help or money from someone. Silver buttons are a warning: your affairs require special attention. Golden buttons are a good sign, it predicts a profitable, although not very happy marriage or a good deal. Button - Dreaming in a dream - bad company - tearing off - excitement. Button - Dreaming in a dream - bad society; tear off - excitement - this is the meaning of what this dream means.

Button according to the dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov

Buttons - Sewing bright sparkling buttons on a uniform suit for young women in a dream means the warm affection of a pleasant and wealthy person. Dull buttons or small linen foreshadow disappointments, constant losses and poor health. The loss of a button, associated with anxiety about this, means loss, damage, and disruption in the future.

Buttons – Find – help; to lose is a stupid personal situation; sew - to money; fasten - completion of business. Buttons – Changes; a lot - money; cut off - infidelity; sew on - love affection. Button - Sew on - solve a minor problem. A torn button (or buttons) means many small problems. Imagine that all the buttons on your clothes are sewn on. You check the strength of the threads - the buttons are sewn very tightly.

Why do you dream about a Button in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

Buttons - To dream that you are sewing bright sparkling buttons on a uniform suit - for young women it means the warm affection of a handsome and rich man. For a young man, this is a harbinger of entering military service and a brilliant career. Dull buttons or small linens mean disappointment, constant losses and poor health. Losing a button and subsequent worry about this loss means future losses, damage, and damage to business.

Buttons – Sew on and invent small things for yourself. See the troubles. Stop slacking off on small but necessary tasks. You dreamed of a Button - Losing a button A dream you had on Monday night is a sign of careless actions; dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to the loss of something with which good memories are associated; a dream seen on Saturday or Sunday night means that you may forget to do something very important.

Another interpretation: a warning that you need to avoid meeting a person who wants to get to know you. Sew on a button A dream you had on Monday night indicates the need to take precautions; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to put things in order, improve well-being and mood; If you saw this dream on Saturday or Sunday night, then it foreshadows the restoration of a damaged relationship.

Interpretation by psychologist A. Mindell

I had a dream Buttons - You saw buttons in a dream; they are dim and small - you have been enchanted too often, now you will have to be disappointed; you have been deceived a lot, so expect losses; your constant depression and gloominess will have a bad effect on your health. It’s as if you lost a button - you will lose some things, suffer loss in money, suffer damage in business.

A young woman dreams that she is sewing metal buttons on a uniform - this woman will be persistently courted by a beautiful-looking rich man; If a young man has a dream, then soon this young man will enter military service and make a brilliant career. Buttons - perception of life. Sew on beautiful buttons - a new successful relationship; dull or small buttons - disappointments; loss of a button - loss, damage, damage in business; buttoned buttons - concentration in business; be emotionally reserved; unbuttoned - carelessness in relation to work, carelessness.