I dreamed that my husband slept with another. Dream Interpretation husband with another woman, why dream of a husband with another woman in a dream to see

kiss by description - A dream in which a gallant man kisses your hand portends a chance to get rich, which you can miss by underestimating the consequences of your rash act. If in a dream a tipsy friend of your husband tries to kiss you, in reality you will be disappointed in this person, and there will be good reasons for that. Kissing with your chosen one - such a dream portends a quick wedding for a young girl. Seeing a husband kissing another is a sign of adultery in real life. To see kissing men - to disappointment in failures, women - in reality you will have a great rest and have fun with your friends. Kissing children in a dream - in reality, excessive fuss and impatience will bring a result opposite to what is expected. A child kissing you portends new worries. Kissing children are a sign of happy reconciliation in the family and satisfaction with their position. A mother kissing you in a dream portends the love and care of loved ones. Kissing in a dream with a stranger in a dark entrance or gateway means that, having sufficient funds, you will unwisely spend them, trying to throw dust in the eyes of a person whose love you want to achieve by all possible ways and whatever it costs you. Kissing your groom in a dream for the bride portends a breakdown in the wedding on the very eve. If, on the contrary, he kisses you, this means just an unfortunate misunderstanding, which will quickly become clear to the great joy of both. A pleasant kiss in a dream means that in reality you will attract the attention of many men. Kissing with freaks or lustful old men means that only endurance and patience can bring you the desired result. Kissing the forehead of a dead man in a dream means that joys and sorrows will be evenly interspersed in your family life. A dream in which you kiss animals portends a young lady that her loving and faithful fiance will be completely devoid of jealousy, and for married people such a dream portends fun and a lot of various pleasures. Kissing a cross or a Bible in a dream means that in reality you will be disappointed in your chosen one even before the wedding., Dream Interpretation Melnikov

beloved by description - To see in a dream your beloved, who, in a black robe, passes by, looking at you reproachfully and sadly - in reality this portends a cooling of friendly feelings. Dancing in a dream with your lover - in real life, attract the attention of many men. Seeing a lover dancing with another - only endurance and tactful behavior can bring you the desired success. To weigh your beloved on the scales in a dream - in reality to discover new virtues in him, and most importantly - to make sure of his sincerity and devotion. For a young lady to see her lover in a dream aged - to the possible loss of him in reality, and imagine that you are seeing him off to war, which means that in real life you will recognize him from the negative side. If he treats you with exotic fruits, then in reality he will try to completely subjugate you to his influence. If you are waiting for him on a green lawn, then your aspirations for wealth and a profitable marriage will come true. Seeing him in a dream in an unsightly form - to a successful marriage, if written handsome - in reality you will be disappointed in your choice before you tie yourself up in marriage. To see him sick or suffering - in your family life, joys and sorrows will replace each other in an endless series. Seeing him dead - soon a streak of failures and doubts will come in your life, which will drag on for a long time. If you dream that your lover gives you pearls, then this portends to a young girl that a loving and faithful groom will be completely devoid of jealousy, believing that she is a destructive force; for married women, such a dream portends fun and a lot of a wide variety of pleasures. To dream of your beloved in the clothes of a prisoner - you will have reason to doubt the truth of his love for you. To dream that your lover is playing cards means to question him. good intentions towards you. To dream that he is somehow unkindly looking at you - you will be in danger of losing your reputation. If in a dream he seems very sweet and gallant - to a quick and successful marriage. Resting in a rocking chair - heaven on earth awaits you. Dressed up in lace - fidelity in love and improving your position in society. If you dream that you are standing with your lover on the porch, then you are implicitly doubting his decency. Consider him a liar at the same time - better take care of yourself, no matter how your behavior leads to the loss of your best friend. If in a dream he returns the medallion you gave, you will be disappointed: the man you love will upset you with his incorrect act in reality. To dream that he is taking drugs, explaining that he is disappointed in life, means future business failures and the loss of a friend. For a young girl, having dinner in the company of her lover means, if not a complete break with him, then a major quarrel. If he hugs you, this is also a harbinger of a quarrel or illness. If you hug him with a feeling of joy overflowing, such a dream portends happiness to you. If lovers see in a dream their beloved suffering from paralysis, this means that dissatisfaction in a relationship can destroy their happiness. Being with your beloved in some mysterious cave - you will fall in love with a dishonorable person and thereby undermine your friends' faith in yourself. If a young lady dreams that her lover either plows the land, or digs into it with a shovel, she will get a wonderful and worthy husband, and her joy will be deep and lasting. Kissing your lover in the dark portends danger and flirting with others, and in the light - you will not even give him a reason to doubt your love for him. To see that a rival is kissing him - you are in danger of losing the respect of your lover., Dream Interpretation Melnikov

bride by description - If a young woman sees herself in a dream as a bride, this portends her receiving an inheritance that will greatly please her. But only if she is happy to put on a wedding dress. If at the same time she has unpleasant sensations, she will suffer from disappointments in her affections. To dream that you are kissing the bride means a happy reconciliation of friends. If the bride kisses others, this portends you many friends and pleasures. If she kisses you, the dream promises you excellent health. It is possible that your beloved will suddenly receive an inheritance. Kissing the bride and noticing that she looks tired and sick means that you will not be pleased with the success and actions of your friends. If a real bride sees in a dream that she is indifferent to her husband, this portends a lot of unpleasant circumstances that will spoil her for several days in her new life., Miller's Dream Book

Right now, interpretations for dreams are being watched on the site:

Husband kissing another woman


snowball game






run away from

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cut hair

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Fly with your loved one

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dead man meets with flowers


do hair in a dream to another person

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Husband kissing girlfriend



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in a strange house with a loved one


image in the sky

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Wash a husband's man in a dream


Dream Interpretations note that a dream of cheating on a husband may not necessarily mean a real one. Rather, on the contrary, it indicates that the spouse is faithful to you. Alternatively, such a dream may have absolutely nothing to do with matters of the heart in reality, but portend disappointment and deceived hope awaiting you.

A possible interpretation of a dream in which a husband leaves with another woman is that you are too fixated on the fear of losing him and being left alone. The dream interpretation recommends that you pull yourself together and leave excessive suspicion - most often, it is groundless.

If you dreamed that your spouse had gone to another, then you should not have cause for concern - the likelihood of committing such an act in reality was transferred to a dream and, thus, was eliminated. However, this may indicate your fear of changing something in your life. Perhaps you should think about your attitude to this, because changes can only be for the better.

After the betrayal of your husband and his departure to another family, did you get divorced in a dream? Expect a minor conflict that will be resolved fairly quickly.

Parting with your husband in a dream indicates that it is time to change something in your relationship, since a wall of understatement, misunderstanding and excessive baseless suspicion begins to arise between you and your spouse. The sooner you eliminate the source of dissatisfaction, the higher the chances of saving your marriage.

If you dream that your husband left you for another woman, you may be in trouble, because some of your close acquaintances are too frivolous and irresponsible.

A spouse hugging and kissing another in your dream does not mean outright betrayal, but only indicates that you will be involved in a situation that can defile your reputation. Beware of suspicious offers of cooperation from colleagues or pastime from friends.

Other interpretations of sleep

A quarrel in a dream with your faithful portends the establishment of harmonious relationships in real life. If a husband unfairly accused you of something during a quarrel, then this is a clear sign that his feelings for you are very warm, and you mean a lot to him.

A kiss with your own spouse in a dream does not bode well - you will either be disappointed in his personal qualities, or even part soon.

If a girl without a couple dreamed of a new husband - dream books predict her an early marriage, which, however, will not be successful, since the decision to conclude it will be thoughtless and hasty. For a married woman, he is evidence of not very smooth family relationships, which makes her think about the appearance of a new lover.

Hugging and kissing your husband, meeting or seeing him off, is a sign of complete understanding and love between spouses, peace and harmony in the family.

If in a dream you give your husband a letter addressed to him, having previously read its contents secretly from your spouse, this portends a divorce and division of property through the courts.

If your husband came home from work tired and, moreover, sick, such a dream portends trouble and lack of money.

A cheerful and full of energy husband who returned from hunting or fishing - to prosperity in the house and new acquisitions.

The dream in which you convict your husband of treason speaks of your overly biased attitude towards him in real life.

If in a dream a husband leaves his family in your care, and he himself hides for several days in an unknown direction, without deigning to give any explanations, such a dream means a temporary discord in relations between you, which, however, will soon be replaced by complete agreement.

A quarrel with your husband on the basis of passion for alcohol should make you think about the origins of this weakness of your spouse - is it not in your behavior that they lie?

Burying your husband in a dream portends the arrival of his friends, because of which the apartment will temporarily turn into an inn and at the same time a drinking house.

A dream in which you leave your husband for another person can bring you big trouble in real life because of your too sharp and long tongue.

If in a dream the husband leaves on a business trip, and you act according to the classical scheme, taking your lover on the marital bed, in reality your excessive coquetry will give your husband a reason to suspect something is wrong.

For a young girl, a dream in which she sees herself married does not promise her marriage in the near future.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Seeing a husband in a dream with another woman is not the most pleasant sight. However, night dreams can sometimes bring a similar surprise to the wife. Waking up in the morning and restoring her balance, the woman begins to take a closer look at the second half and suspect her husband of unclean thoughts, and even deeds. Why dream of seeing a husband with another woman? In a dream, what sign does the Universe want to give to your wife?

Loff's dream book

You have a fairly strong and reliable marriage. To dream of a husband with another woman in bed means that your relationship is true and will only get stronger with time. Let go of the situation. Apparently you, as a spouse, are afraid to be alone. So the body begins to offer you not very pleasant visions. Take a break from heavy thoughts, pay attention to your husband and tell yourself that you are the best! Believe in these words, and then you will no longer have to dream about your husband in bed with another.

Interpretation of Nostradamus

Here betrayal is explained as a dream promising certain changes in life. Don't be afraid, change isn't always bad. And therefore, to see a husband in a dream with another girl in bed does not mean in this interpreter that in reality this will happen or your spouse is thinking about cheating. Do not rush to him with a showdown. Do not submit an idea to create such an act.

Resentment against a spouse

Some interpreters of dreams claim that seeing a husband in a dream with another woman in bed is characteristic of wives who, in the depths of their souls, have harbored a strong resentment against their spouse. Perhaps the husband really changed once. And now from time to time the wife sees similar dream as an echo of psychological trauma.

What would Dr. Freud say?

Why dream of a husband with another woman according to Freud's dream book? Most likely, there was (or still is) a possibility. And perhaps there is a simpler nightmare: the spouse pays very little attention to his other half, and the woman feels insecure from this. Another such unpleasant nightly illusion often visits pathologically jealous young ladies. These ladies are very demanding and love everything to be under their vigilant control, which is why they begin to see a husband in a dream with another woman.


The famous soothsayer had her own explanation about the dream of treason. If the betrayal has almost reached its logical conclusion (an alien woman and a bed), in reality, the wife of such a husband will face the destruction of all her plans. Most likely, such a dream and devastation will be followed by a depressive state, apathy and loss of faith in one's own strength.

A dream in which a woman dreamed of her husband, who was about to betray family love, but who managed to restrain himself, portends the fulfillment of plans and the passage of any obstacles to his goal (for the one who had a dream). The fulfillment of plans and desires will occur largely due to her efforts of will and unbending perseverance.

Cheating husband with girlfriend or sister

When the dreamer often begins to see her husband in a dream with another woman who is not a stranger and unfamiliar, and perhaps even a girlfriend or sister, such a dream does not promise anything good. Seeing in a dream a spouse who cheated with a sister (girlfriend), be sure that your plans will soon collapse with incredible speed and strength. All expectations will be in vain, and bright prospects are not so bright.

With a stranger

A spouse who was carried away in a vision of a person completely unfamiliar to you and, under the pressure of her charm, changed your love, is sometimes interpreted as the onset of a good streak in your life, and not only family. Based on this interpretation, it may not be worth calling the dream bad or unpleasant, although at the time of such a dream, few people are really able to remain calm and reasonable.

Interpretation according to Tsvetkov

The dream interpretation claims: the wife herself is to blame for the fact that she had to suddenly see such a dream. This dream is explained as follows: the wife wants to implement some cunning plan and fool her husband at the same time. Seeing the betrayal, a woman must understand the sign that the Universe gives her. A dream with her husband's betrayal, as it were, hints that the lady overestimated her talents, and she most likely will not succeed in fooling her husband. Many subtleties are missed, and the plan will be destroyed.

Treason according to the Esoteric dream book

Esotericists rejoice when they see such dreams. However, this is not surprising. A husband who cheated in a happy and very beloved wife. Everything is fine in the family and will remain good for a very long time (perhaps forever). For the wife, this is a sign that it is time to be jealous and stop. Trust your spouse more and suspect him less of being unfaithful to you. After a while, your family will be strengthened so that no rival will be able to destroy family bonds based on trust and mutual love.

English explanation

The English interpreter fully supports the esoteric dream book. According to the British, betrayal in a dream by a spouse promises only positive moments in family relationships. Devotion and incredibly strong feelings await the wife of a spouse who cheated in a dream.

Simon the Canaanite about a similar dream

An alien body was able to seduce your spouse in night visions - a sign of fidelity on his part. In addition, this vision warns of the end of sorrows in life and the early onset of harmonious moments.

Interpreter of the Veda

Seeing a husband in a dream with another woman portends an invasion of intractable problems. Seeing betrayal in a dream, the young lady must prepare for the fact that, most likely, for some reason she will not be very respected among her friends and acquaintances. Such unpleasant circumstance will plunge a woman into despair and depression.

Dream interpretation of the twenty-first century

Did you suddenly find out or see that your spouse turned out to be an unfaithful and low individual, cheating on you in a dream? The dream interpretation promises all sorts of life difficulties. It will be possible to cope with difficulties only thanks to the disinterested help and support of loved ones. Perhaps your relatives or your friends will want to help you - do not refuse, but accept their offer.

Interpreter of the White Magician

Did you see in a dream how your spouse acted treacherously towards you and allowed betrayal on his part? Do not wind yourself up in real life - the White Magician's dream book warns. Let go of the situation and heavy thoughts about your spouse. They have been tormenting you for a long time and do not allow you to live well, and now they have come to dreams. In fact, all these suspicions are not based on real grounds. The husband does not think about meanness. He loves you, he likes to live with you, and your husband does not need anyone else. Just become a little more confident and less "saw" him with suspicions of treason.

If your husband is dreaming, you should properly analyze all the collisions, nuances and shades that appeared to you in a dream. The devil is in the details. It is the little things that will help the correct interpretation of sleep, which in turn will lead to the adoption right decisions, caution and will take away a lot of trouble, and maybe troubles. So why is the husband dreaming? Consider all the interpretations of such a dream.

What is the dream of the husband according to Miller's dream book

The American psychologist Gustav Miller was able to generalize many different observations and give fairly accurate definitions of dream symbols. The opinion of a respectable psychologist about what the vision of a husband in a dream promises can be trusted.

Husband, spouse is the main figure in the family and, of course, sacred. Any appearance in the dreams of a husband encourages you to think and prepare for the fact that some kind of important events. These events are not of a transitory nature, this is important, therefore, the dream should be interpreted with care and diligence.

A quarrel or quarrel with a husband in a dream promises family problems, which does not mean a quarrel with her husband in reality, there may be serious disagreements with other family members, relatives of various degrees of kinship, children, parents, and even soulmates.

You should be very careful about seeing your husband sick, pale, emaciated. This option involves two developments in reality - a real threat to the husband, so it does not hurt to reduce car trips and other risky activities, the husband can get sick, or a really threatening illness, and sometimes death, the closest relatives by blood.

Husband in a dream - Freud's dream book

The famous Sigmund Freud rightly believed that love rules the world and that sex is the driving force behind human destinies.

For Freud, the meaning of the image of the husband in dreams is such an important and strong marker that the psychoanalyst associates any of his appearance in a dream with the impending possibility of future events of vital importance.

If a husband had a dream, according to Freud, it means that something will happen soon. Something large-scale, important, and not the fact that it will affect only the spouses, this event extends its significance to the whole family, to close and distant relatives.

If the husband is imbued with passion for another woman - do not be upset, these are most likely your fears and a reason to reconsider your own life, appearance, sort out and throw out unnecessary thoughts, do general cleaning own soul, because in this case, positive changes are possible.

If a woman sees someone else's husband in a dream and is sexually attracted to him, this is a sign of loneliness in a large family. This means it's time to act.

Wangi's dream book - a husband is dreaming, what does it mean

The wise Vangelia, as it were, combined all the interpretations of dreams about her husband, streamlined and described the details of the plot collisions of dreams on this topic. But most importantly, if the husband is dreaming, it means that it is worth waiting for changes.

For the better, if the husband looks full of health, cheerful, stout, prettier, has become cheerful, skillful and dexterous - expect an increase in the family budget, a promotion, great luck in the form of a fluke.

Well, it seems that if you look under your feet, you can find happy ticket Or a wallet full of money. Do not be afraid if growths grow on your husband’s body in a dream, swelling or swelling occurs. The magnitude of these alien appearances is equal to the growth of financial wealth and good luck. If, on the contrary, you dreamed of an ugly man, then you should not rely on luck: a difficult time awaits you.

If the husband suddenly becomes sharply ugly, and even if it is not his face, but you know that this is your husband, if he is lying on the bed, if he is naked, all this is unfortunately, which can happen not only to the husband, but also to any member of the family. Apparently, the time is coming for experiences and suffering, and a dream, warning you about this, reminds you of the need to mobilize all spiritual forces and energies.

Why does the husband dream, how other dream books interpret this dream

In the old sleep notes retold by A.S. Pushkin, a husband seen in a dream promised a stop in trade affairs and impoverishment in the case when a woman in a dream felt good and joyful, when they had mercy and were loved beyond measure.

If in a dream the husband began to scold his wife and beat him up in a dream, so much so that resentment flowed down her cheeks with flammable tears - this dream marked winning enterprises, successful trading business, a good harvest, and most importantly, the birth of a child.

English dream books interpret the appearance of a husband in a dream for a young and unmarried person as evidence of a desire to get married, but in reality this does not mean at all that the girl is destined to meet her soul mate soon, rather, on the contrary, the meeting is postponed indefinitely.

For a widow, seeing her husband means that they are talking about her, condemning reckless actions, but soon she should expect a marriage proposal. For married woman see own husband according to English dream book means new worries and unexpected events that will entail multiple troubles and worries.

Why dream of beating, kissing her husband, swearing at him

To beat a husband is to extort secrets from him. It means that he is hiding something from you in reality, something is bothering him, but he is in no hurry to share his doubts with you. It is important to see where the events of such a dream take place, if on the bed, then this dream does not bode well,

If in a field, in a summer meadow, under the gentle sun or under clean drops of rain or in the jets of a cool stream - it's worth the wait good change in life and in relationships with her husband as well. Sometimes such a dream only reflects the desire to fight, nail, pester for the pleasures of love and nothing more.

Kissing a husband alive and unharmed means reconciliation to those spouses who are in a quarrel, kissing a sleeping or sick husband to quarrel with him, kissing a husband who has long or recently died means finding a new patron in the form of a guardian angel of your soul and body.

Kiss unknown man, thinking that you are kissing your own husband, to see the transformation of his image during a kiss is a harbinger of trouble.

Dream interpretation - husband's death

Do not be afraid of death in a dream. The death of a husband dreamed of by his wife means change. In order for the interpretation of sleep to be correct, it is necessary to analyze the entire contents of the dream, the place, the presence of others actors, objects located in this place and so on. Everything as a whole will tell you the essence of future events and changes, their meaning and how they will be positive or unhappy.

Why dream of a divorce from your husband. Husband quits in a dream

A divorce from a husband in a dream is evidence of the strength of a marital relationship in reality. Your subconscious, trying to do something pleasant, to calm down after the stressful situations of the day, makes you understand about well-being marital fidelity and the pleasures that follow from it.

If the husband in a dream moves away from you, leaves, climbs the stairs, descends the mountain, leaves, flies away, etc., you should carefully look at the environment. Envy appeared in it, among your circle of close friends, colleagues or neighbors there are people envying your family well-being for which is a significant factor. This envy can harm a marriage so much that it is better not to know the consequences.

What is the dream of the husband of a friend

It's about nothing talking dream, since the figure of the girlfriend's husband is not significant in the symbolism of dreams. Such dreams, as a rule, are under the impression of joint holidays, recreation, and are dictated by experienced emotions.

Dream Interpretation - a pregnant husband. naked husband

Do not be afraid, the husband's pregnancy, as well as all sorts of influxes and growths on his body, can portend only one thing, adding wealth, improving the quality of life or career growth.

If the husband is engaged in mental work, he is on the verge of discoveries, writing books, creating pictorial masterpieces, if the husband is engaged in business, a profitable deal and capital addition are very possible, if he is an ordinary worker, then he should wait for an increase in salary, praise from his superiors in the form of a bonus.

Naked husband in a dream - such a dream does not bode well. If a woman has a lover, then this connection will be revealed, if the husband visits his mistress, the wife will know about it. Quarrels and even divorce are possible. However, such a dream can be a common indication of a woman's sexual dissatisfaction. The details of the dream will help to more fully solve this riddle.