How to feed ancestors on saffron. Working with the family tree and genus, dangerous delusions and mistakes of amateurs

We talk so much about psychology. But let's take a deeper look and look at ancestor rituals and special periods. After all, earlier people understood how important it was, and consciously set aside days just for this.

The scriptures say that a person is born and immediately becomes indebted. Karmic debts fall on him, which he will have to repay during his life. One of them is a duty to the ancestors. Ignoring this duty leads to the failure to fulfill one's entire mission, the inability to find oneself and, as a result, causes suffering in various areas of life.

“The society in which we live gives us worldly education, culture, traditions and patronage, and therefore we are indebted to it. And, of course, this duty is not limited to the present moment: we owe it to all previous generations of ancestors who have preserved morality and customs so that we, their descendants, can live in peace. And the word “pitrinam”, “ancestors”, indicates our debt to the generations of the past.”
Srimad Bhagavatam 11.5.41 commentary.

From the point of view of genetics, all our ancestors are stored in us, in our DNA, and you can’t throw them out of there, even if you really want to. From the point of view of karma, we come exactly to the kind that meets our tasks in order to work off our debts of past incarnations and the debts of our ancestors. From the point of view of family constellations and systems therapy, we inherit the ancestral scripts of our ancestors, and it is very, very difficult to break out of them.

In general, no matter which side you look at, the topic of ancestors is relevant and important.

In all traditions and cultures, there were special days to commemorate the departed and special practices for this. For example, in Bali there is a Galungan holiday, when it is believed that everyone gathers in the house - including the departed. And people rejoice at the opportunity to be with them, hold special ceremonies, offer them food. We have parental days, other peoples have days of remembrance.

In Russia, traditionally, ancestors were commemorated on Shrovetide week and pancakes were baked. Do you know where the proverb “The first pancake is always lumpy” came from? This is not about the fact that the pancake did not come out, but that this pancake should be given to the ancestors.

Vedic sources also say that descendants can help the souls of their departed ancestors, freeing them from suffering and lightening their burden. And so in a special period that happens only once a year and is calculated according to the lunar calendar and is called "Pitri Paksha", until now throughout every house, each family pays special attention to all those who were before us and who helped us be born into the world. Those whose pieces have gathered in our DNA, those thanks to which we are where we are now, and such as we are now.

I recently attended an introductory lecture by a coach, psychologist coach, etc. etc. My name is Natalia Sh. (or Natalya Sh.), known throughout Russia. She travels with lectures and trainings all over the country and takes 8000 for it for two days. Mere pennies for happiness. She has a lot of people in her classes.

I also decided to go and see. What is taught and how.

At the lecture, she talked about working with ancestors. To improve your life so that you have more "Joy". Well, happiness of course.

Then I downloaded the ritual, as performed, from her page:

"The essence of the ritual is as follows:

  • The 1st ritual is done once a year, it will require the "Tree of Ancestors", your ancestors up to the 7th generation with dates of birth and death. Each of them will have to forgive their sins.
  • The 2nd ritual is done every Saturday, for life. You wash the kitchen. In the morning, with prayers, mantras, you cook rice (you can add raisins), it seems that something else is possible, but only fast food should be. During cooking, you can’t eat or taste, but you can leave yourself to eat in a saucepan. Prayers, mantras can be included in the recording. You put a candle on the table, a thick church one, light it, you can put icons, images of deities, if any. You spread the food on a clean large plate and put it on the table. And with a bow you say: "I invite the ancestors of a kind to eat." You sit down at the table and read prayers or mantras for 30 minutes, dedicating them to those you feed. You can talk, talk about yourself, ask for advice. After 30 minutes, you thank your ancestors like this. I thank the ancestors of my family for coming to eat. Bow. You take this food from the table and take it only to dogs or crows. If you want to quickly solve problems with your ancestors, then on the waning moon you can perform this ritual every day.

I don’t know about other practices, but since she advises everyone with such nonsense with her ancestors, I won’t be surprised that everything else is just as dangerous for people. At her lectures, I heard a bunch of inconsistencies and "white spots", and if it were not a lecture, but a dialogue, then there would be no stone unturned from her position.

But that's not the point, it's that...

Once a girl came to my classes after the trainings of this Natalia Sh. (or Natalya Sh.). She told how she cooks porridge for her ancestors and after that she became ill, at night the dead ancestors came to her and asked for porridge, dragging her with them. A mess began in life, etc. The girl, having heard a lot of fables about how to free the ancestors from hell, believed and began to fulfill.

Now turn on your brain beautiful creatures and think, seven generations of ancestors are sitting in the dark worlds for their tricks, that is, the minimum is 64 people, and here you are such a homely girl, you begin to read prayers for them. And you are bursting with your own importance.

Wake up ladies, you don’t know how to manage yourself, where can you pray for sins for 60 people. You need 60 lives for this, and that is not enough. And not only to you, but also to the most venerable Natalia Sh.

This is a hell of a job that the Aghori and the Saints take on, and even then not always, sometimes they refuse huge amounts of money when they realize that they can’t cope, and you can’t help the cause with any mess, at the level of self-hypnosis - it works to amuse your ego, at the level of practice, you will simply fall into the genetics of dead ancestors, and they will drain all the living energy out of you for one or two.

This is what happened to my friend. Until I cut off all the dead channels in her for pumping out living energy to her ancestors, she did not get better. Once removed, everything stopped. And the dead did not come again.

If you are not a saint, not a super yogi, do not meddle in these topics, and do not listen to this nonsense. You will lose health.

Natalia Sh., after each of her classes, like a squeezed lemon - whoever saw, he understands. When she talks about dead ancestors, she herself falls into their dead genetics, she herself did not work them out, what the hell is a programmer and mathematician, and a psychologist-analyst climbing into such spheres of being? This amateurishness is dangerous to health, okay, if she killed herself, but to travel all over Russia and carry such things is to lead a lot of people to suicide.

If you are a psychologist, do psychology, if you are a mathematician, do mathematics, but go in and don’t teach what you don’t understand and don’t know. Don't kill people because of your ignorance and stupidity.

If I am criticizing, then it is necessary to offer an alternative to working with ancestors. I suggest that if you want to work with your ancestors in order to become stronger and happier, you need to be able to:

  1. To be able to go out in prayers to the Prophets and Saints of different religions to their personality, and not to egregores: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, etc., so that when you pray, you have energy (the energy column is felt) and there are no clamps in the body, especially at the level of the top and bottom of the neck, no "locks". By the way, who, when praying for relatives, has a dead chest that presses on his head? Can it be cold in the body, or, conversely, between the legs at the level of the middle of the thighs, the heat rises, or does the solar plexus begin to press?
  2. Then you need to be able to meditate and, through meditation, enter the block of your generation - the embryos - the umbilical cord, and through them go into the birth. To be able to feel - to remember these states at the level of cells in oneself.
  3. To be able to "take on contact" this or that ancestor, and one by one slowly - "erase", "cut" - the shackles that hold him and you, and him in the world of the dead. Through prayer to the saints.
  4. At first, when you learn to let go and pray, your body and emotions will be light, you will feel like "floating" in weightlessness. If this is not the case, your prayer is worthless. At the same time, the whole body should be filled with strength, especially the legs !!! Not only breasts! The whole body, every cell. And, I repeat, no clamps on the neck! When you give contact to a dead ancestor, you start thinking intensely about dead ancestors, a weight will fall on the body. They took one, he is heavy - through a prayer to all the Saints, the Prophets - on their behalf, you begin gradually from head to toe - to cut off all attachments to the world of the dead, holding your ancestor inside yourself! Because it is at the level of genetics and so it is in you. If you do it right, at the level of physical sensations, heaviness will again change to lightness, and thoughts about this ancestor will lift you up at the level of sensations, like on an elevator. If this is not there, then you are doing everything anew, until, when thinking about it, you drag it up and there is no lightness. You should not confuse a detached scan with dreams and illusions that all your ancestors are in Volhall, or Paradise, or like the pagans in Iria Trisvetly - you are lying to yourself. 90% of your ancestors are in the dark worlds. And the source of energy for them is their living descendants.
  5. When you do this with an ancestor, get ready for the fact that you will discharge part of his "sins" through yourself, otherwise it does not happen. That is, you will have to pay with your well-being and the health of your loved ones.

Natalia does not teach you all this, because she herself does not know how to work with it. If it worked for real, it would have died already.

Approximately according to the same scheme, you can release aborted children or miscarriages from your energy so that they do not vampire you. But the technology is a little different.

In general, another visiting coach disappointed me greatly.

Oh yes, I forgot to say.

Natalia, at the expense of her fans, collects a medium-sized social egregore. Often closes the entire audience on the solution of certain psychological problems of a particular person.

Thereby charging as leading all biomass, on the decision of any one task. As a result, the entire biomass of listeners solves the problem of the 1st person, network marketing is the same.

But, since there are no higher and deep connections, people, obeying it, lose their own I. Their native biorhythm closes. And if they trusted her and went the way she suggests, then at the expense of biomass, people like them can solve their narrowly defined problems from the category: find a new job, or find a new man, or move to another city, or earn money on 10 rubles more.

But, if a person has great potential, and he recognizes her as an authority and begins to do something at her behest, then in exchange for "pseudo-happiness" he pours his energy resources onto her. Acquires for dearly what he could have for a penny.

If you have great potential, then she will not calculate you with her "psychological analyses", because she will not be able to cover you, and, therefore, she will advise not what you really have, but what she herself will invent about you.

While you, working in her group, set small goals, it will work only for you and your family, like something more serious, for example, to help the nation, help the country, everything will break down instantly.

"Consciousness has a multi-level structure. The subtle level controls the denser one. Psychotechnics have limited ability to influence consciousness, so it is necessary to know the mechanisms of influence on the most subtle levels.
1. Karma. The thinnest layer. It is at this level that an event series is formed, including the choice of a generic system. Methods of correction - sound (reading prayers or mantras), adherence to the principles of purity and non-violence.
2. Ancestors. Rituals for working with ancestors. We can say that our generic programs are manifested karma. Unfinished programs of ancestors complicate the ability to determine their true talents, get rid of negative life scenarios and behavioral stereotypes. It is the work with the family that can bring a real sense of inner liberation.
3. Relationships with parents. Relationships with parents are an indicator of karma and generic problems. The main problem lies in the misunderstanding of what is the right attitude towards parents, as well as an inadequate assessment of one's attitude. It is this level that gives the vector of all life.
4. Real life experience. The roughest and therefore easily recognizable level, therefore it is easily worked out and gives a tangible result, but unstable if you do not pay due attention to the first three. The experience of traumatic situations, negative relationships has formed a flare, or stereotypes in our minds that form similar events. You can weaken the effect of a flare with the help of fairly simple techniques (forgiveness, working with traumatic situations). But changing them takes time and effort.

Working on 4 levels, we get a sustainable and tangible result.

Working with karma
1. reading prayers or mantras.
2. service to others.
3. cleanliness.
4. eating consecrated food.
ahimsa (principle of non-violence, refusal of meat food) - only if it is a conscious desire.

Working with family.

Pitra-shradda (preparation of consecrated food for ancestors).
Get out in the kitchen. To take a shower. Light and put a candle on the table, preferably wax. Cooking food with a prayer that is more understandable and close to you (“Our Father”, prayers or mantras for consecrating food, you can Ganesha and Soma). It is necessary to read a prayer all the time while preparing food. It is better to cook rice porridge. DO NOT TRY THE FOOD. If it is difficult to focus on prayer all the time, thoughts go the other way, you can turn on spiritual music or chants of saints.
When the food is ready, put it on a clean dish and put it on the table in front of the candle. Say "I'm inviting the ancestors of my kind to come and eat." Make a bow (at least mentally) then say "I thank you for life."
a) turn to the ancestors for help, support, ask for advice, in general, you can talk with them. Listen to your feelings.
b) all the time while the food is on the table near the burning candle (25-30 minutes) you can read prayers or mantras.
c) in extreme cases, if there is no time, you can go about your business.
After about 30 minutes, you need to thank the ancestors for coming and bow.
You can do the same for your spouse's ancestors. If you have dead people that you yearn for, you can perform this ritual by inviting a person by name. It is advisable to put a photograph of the deceased person near the candle.
For aborted babies. It is necessary to say that you invite your unborn children. Talk to them. Read prayers.
For unborn siblings, if you know your mother had abortions or are not sure.
After the ritual, give food to animals on the street, preferably birds.
It is advisable to do this every Saturday, on the birthdays of your ancestors and the days of death.


1. forgiveness of parents (through Easter eggs, forgiveness meditations, when communicating with parents, mentally make a bow).
2. A relationship is considered correct when you have only gratitude for the fact that your parents gave you life, and the desire to take care of your parents out of this gratitude. When I think about my parents, I want to bow at their feet.
3. wrong attitude. When you give advice to parents, criticize, consider yourself better than them, argue with them, complain about them to others. You condemn even mentally, you treat them like children ..
4. You show your love openly.

Programs formed by ignorance of female nature and wrong attitudes with others.

Solve forgiveness, awareness of their mistakes.
Forgiveness is easier to do through the technique of automatic writing (“pysanka”). The main thing is to remember those people in relation to whom destructive relationships were established. Most often, the most important images of people become “repressed” by consciousness, because it tries to protect us from traumatic emotions.
Therefore, it is useful to have a notebook of traumatic situations - a kind of piggy bank of your memories. This exercise will help you remember those people who are the key figures that set the direction of your life.

Also write out a list of all significant ones who left an emotional trace - they form the INTERNAL IMAGE OF A MAN. It is these men that we attract or almost such, over time they become such. The basic figures are the father and those who replaced him. If you had a stepfather, and you were brought up by your grandparents. You will have three key images of father, stepfather, grandfather.
It is advisable to write a list and use it to analyze the qualities of your men, the scenarios according to which your relationship was built, the mistakes that you made in these relationships. This will take some time, so it is better to have such a notebook for this work.

The Inner image of a Woman is worked out in a similar way. Basic figures - Mom and her substitutes.

Also, in addition to the Internal images of Men and Women that form our scenarios and relationships, there are people with whom we have been and are in contact. If among them there are those with whom there is no respectful and kind relationship, it is necessary to work out forgiveness.

Pysanka is done correctly if at the end you feel at least emptiness, or (preferably) relief and (aerobatics) awareness.
Pysanka is not an essay, but a psychological technique. Therefore, you do not need to write correctly and beautifully, the main thing is to transfer phrases, feelings, images from consciousness as accurately as possible. The more precisely you do this, the faster you will release tension. After the exercise is done, the paper must either be torn or burned. (except for the notebook with traumatic situations)

It also helps to get rid of accumulated emotions - dance, physical labor to the point of fatigue (physical labor for the benefit of others is the best way to get rid of pain), drawing, massage, bath, singing, yoga.

Formation of new programs.

Women's Dharma.

The fulfillment of the female dharma will allow us to feel satisfaction with life and happiness, despite the fact that at first there will be no desire to do it, or it will be unpleasant to do it. It will also provide an opportunity to understand your talents and purpose, to work out karma.
Start forming new habits and rethink what mistakes you made in the past (in writing).
Listen to those lectures, read literature, take notes. Try to understand the question of what is female dharma as if you would teach this subject.

The purpose of a woman is to inspire loved ones, help them become better, she is the protector of a man from his bad karma and bad character traits.
We can do this only in a calm state of consciousness, when we have enough energy of joy, forgive their shortcomings (or at least rid ourselves of strong emotions that we experience from some actions of loved ones) and focus on the good qualities of character, talking about them. virtues.
(for the rest, listen to lectures)

Love for others.

In order for you to have a “self-cleansing” program launched, you need to accumulate the energy of joy.

1) forgiveness
2) to see the good in people, so much so that you feel respect for this person, interest, joy from communication.
3) Please (love) others
4) Serve others
5) Have true goals (including those related to your personal life)
6) Observe the daily routine and diet.

What to do?

1) Showing love to others - seeing the good in people, being in a good mood with a smile, looking beautiful, talking about love, not criticizing, noticing the good
2) The way to show respect and love to men is obedience. Pay attention to this aspect in communication. Be prepared for the fact that you will do what your husband wants, especially at first. Because over time, he will want to do what you want. What emotions, states of thought you will have in the process of obedience must be monitored and recorded.
3) write a list of 300 people - plan for a month and every day, about 10 people you have to express your love, so that the other person understands it.
4) Keep a notebook - write down everything that you like about loved ones.
5) Keep track of your mood, if you are prone to rapid mood swings - keep an observation diary.
6) Make a video about yourself for 5 minutes. Necessarily!

Happiness lives on the tip of the tongue.

Communication style is a reflection of unconscious processes.
Proper communication - when the self-esteem of the participants in communication increases. A sign is the joy of communication.
It is enough not to do good to start a hidden conflict.
Communication is verbal (7%) and non-verbal (93%). Non-verbal is not only our behavior, voice, energy.
Communication is a level of consciousness. It has no space => all we are talking about third parties is conflict anyway.
Condemnation of the spouse - conflict
Flirting with other men (even if no one is listening) is a conflict.

Literature required:
Alan and Barbara Pease:
1. Relationships between men and women
2. Why men lie and women roar.
3. How to make a man listen and a woman be silent.
John Grey.
1. Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
2. Mars and Werner start over
3. and rest. Books in this series.

Main problems
1. Stereotypes (habits) will not give the opportunity to give the formation of new skills. To neutralize this, you need to have very important reasons to change something in your life (goals), you also need to do something every day that is not typical for you (change the style of clothing, route to work, daily routine, hair color, etc.) it is necessary think ahead.
2. It will be difficult to see your mistakes. Knowledge without forgiveness makes you even more critical and demanding of others. In this case, you will get the opposite result. Therefore, treat irritants with more love. They will be the main clues. False Ego and the formed model of consciousness will create traps for you. Be prepared for this. It will serve as a sign - if it seemed to you that you found the cause of irritation and this did not give awareness and ease, then the answer is wrong.

– work with sounds, prayers, mantras.
- communication with the elements;
- gaining Egregor's protection;
- baking bread;
- unraveling the threads so that help comes in untying karmic knots;
– the beginning of the herbal treatment cycle;
work with family .

1) The practice of dissolving karmic knots
Light three wax candles.
Sit in front of them and turn on the music with the sounds of bells and prayers. If you are in the Eastern tradition, you can turn on the mantras and the sounds of Tibetan bowls. Then pick up the tangled threads and, unraveling them, say:
“As I, the daughter of God (name), dissolve these knots and threads, so let the karmic knot between me and (indicate the name with whom you want the situation to unravel) unravel for the good of us and people and all living beings.”
When you loosen the threads, burn them. Give the ashes to the water.

2) Connection with the power of the family
We get up, feet shoulder-width apart, hands down.
We fold our hands down behind our backs, like wings, connecting them with brushes, palms back. For women, the left back of the hand should cover the right palm, for men - vice versa. Exhale completely through your nose.
We tilt our head to the left shoulder (inhale), we take energy from the past, we tilt our head to the right shoulder (exhale) - we connect it with the energy of the future. We tilt our head to the right shoulder (inhale) - we take energy from the future, we tilt our head to the left shoulder (exit) - we connect it with the energy of the past.
Tilt your head back and raise your eyes to the sky (inhale).
We lower our head forward and look down at the Earth (exhale).
Now we make nine circular movements of the head along the course of the Sun (clockwise), absorbing the power of the Family. Breathing is voluntary.
And we perform nine circular movements of the head against the course of the Sun (counterclockwise), transferring the power of the Family further. Breathing is arbitrary.
And we return to the starting position.
We repeat the practice in 4 approaches.
Practice connects us with the strength, energy and potential of our entire Family, connects us with all our ancestors and descendants.

3) Chanting sounds and mantras
Sound exercises should be performed in a moderate rhythm and little by little. Each person can sing as he likes: intermittently or on one note. Everyone finds their own tone and frequency. You should try to sing all sounds on an emotional upsurge and try to pull them long enough.
Long and drawn-out singing of the “I” sound stimulates the brain, eyes, and nose. They can treat runny noses, sinusitis and inflammation of the eyes. It stimulates the pituitary gland, thyroid gland and all elements of the skull. When singing the sound "I" all these organs and the skull vibrate. When a person sings this sound long enough, he begins to feel a joyful excitement. This is a good remedy for bad mood.
When pronouncing "E", the throat, parathyroid gland, trachea are stimulated. You should try to sing the sound "E" at higher tones.
The sound "O" is a general harmonizing sound.
The sound "A" stimulates the upper part of the lungs. In all lung diseases it is useful to pronounce it. A long “A” cleanses a person’s aura, relieves emotional stress and gives almost the same result as repentance. You need to pronounce it, as if rocking a child.

You can also read or sing mantras:
AUM is the mantra through which the universe was manifested.
Shrim is the mantra of the goddess Sri Lakshmi. Wealth and material wealth
Aim is the mantra of Goddess Saraswati. Goddesses of learning and the arts
Adya Shakti Svaha - the mantra of the original Shakti

To harmonize the chakras, chant the mantras for the chakras:
1. Muladhara (crotch) - LAM - note "Do"
2. Svadhisthana (place of our uterus) - VAM - note "Re"
3. Manipura (just above the navel) - RAM - note "Mi"
4. Anahata (the center of the chest where the heart is) - YM - note "Fa"
5. Vishuddha (base of the throat) - AM - note "Salt"
6. Ajna (the center of the forehead where the "third" eye) - AUM - note "La"
7. Sahasrara (crown) - OM - note "Si"

4) Pitra - shradda(preparation of consecrated food for ancestors). Author Natalia Shafranova.

  1. Get out in the kitchen. To take a shower. Light and put a candle on the table, preferably wax. Cooking food with a prayer that is more understandable and close to you (“Our Father”, prayers or mantras for consecrating food, you can Ganesha and Soma). It is necessary to read a prayer all the time while preparing food. It is better to cook rice porridge. DO NOT TASTE THE FOOD. If it is difficult to focus on prayer all the time, thoughts go the other way, you can turn on spiritual music or chants of saints.
  2. When the food is ready, put it on a clean dish and put it on the table in front of the candle. Say "I'm inviting the ancestors of my kind to come and eat." Make a bow (at least mentally) then say "I thank you for life".
    1. turn to the ancestors for help, support, ask for advice, in general, you can talk to them. Listen to your feelings.
    2. all the time while the food is on the table near the burning candle (25-30 minutes) you can read prayers or mantras.
    3. in extreme cases, if there is no time, you can do your own thing.
  3. After about 30 minutes, you need to thank the ancestors for coming and bow.
  4. You can do the same for your spouse's ancestors. If you have dead people that you yearn for, you can perform this ritual by inviting a person by name. It is advisable to put a photograph of the deceased person near the candle.
  5. For aborted babies. It is necessary to say that you invite your unborn children. Talk to them. Read prayers.
  6. For unborn siblings, if you know your mother had abortions or are not sure.
  7. After the ritual, give food to animals on the street, preferably birds.
  8. It is advisable to do this every Saturday, on the birthdays of your ancestors and the days of death.


I like the approach of the Women's Sanga project to this matter, which recommend cooking rice only on certain days (birthdays and death days) and periods of Pitru Paksha, in Russia there were Autumn and Spring grandfathers, when contact with that world intensifies, it is easier to help them, and you are determined that in the near future you will be shaken up with something not yours.
These are limited periods of time, and 3 hours of rest is recommended per hour of such practice. For by the end of such two weeks there were breakdowns in the fanatical personalities. What to do - we are. We often, if we are told what we need (especially to former Soviet children), then we just go away and lie down with our bones, losing all contact with ourselves and enduring to the last.

When I started to drive on the topic, why can’t I cook kasha-yeah, it means I don’t want to change and so on. To blame oneself is sometimes a beloved sacrificial deed.
You know, I also had a selfish moment - now I will remember you, and here opportunities will open up for me. And when such insincerity appeared, I gave up this cooking. Everyone feels insincerity. Why lie that I want to help my ancestors? This is from the same category as running into a church and instructing all the candles, while not wanting to communicate with God. Who needs such rituals?
When I got acquainted with the Slavic horoscope, I realized for myself that such an activity, in principle, is not for everyone. There are people who are good with turning to their ancestors (these are representatives of the lower world), and there are those who are better off remembering only on certain days of the year, not praying for the whole family until they are blue in the face, but peacefully reading the scriptures, first of all, for their peace of mind, and then for the ancestors.
It helped me to understand (thanks to my curator) that the best joy for my grandmothers and ancestors is to see that I am happy and fulfilled in all areas of my life. The words of my teacher, who has the right to conduct large and serious ceremonies of commemoration of ancestors, that commemorating clients often come to him, and they seem to be covered with something dark (he has developed a subtle vision), made me think that this is not a safe activity. He recommends emphasizing that only your ancestors are invited, and no one else.
And after long periods of commemoration, cleanse yourself and the house with water, fire, salt, whatever.
And I would like to add, first of all, for myself - if in any process you feel that you are losing strength, you don’t like it (and this is not resistance), then just stop doing it. Step aside, feel yourself - what kind of twists do you have inside. And again, feel - there you are or how. The body always knows the truth. Please, let's love ourselves first.