How to thank God for help in life. Thank you phrases: Saying “thank you” is very simple! When you received a compliment

And I’m sure I’m not alone in this. Don't know how to say words of gratitude? Practice! Here are just 7 everyday situations in which "Thank you" will sound quite appropriate.

1. When you receive a compliment.

People tend to devalue compliments by reacting too modestly or, even worse, making excuses. Most of us behave this way out of a subconscious fear of appearing too arrogant and complacent.

The problem is that when you reject a compliment, you demean the person who gave it by showing that they are not smart enough. Simple "Thank you" will reassure him that he did everything right and allow you to enjoy the recognition. Let's practice!

Compliment: « Which beautiful dress on you today!» .

  • Failed answer:“Oh, nothing special, it’s already many years old.”
  • Good answer:"Thank you! Glad you like it."

Compliment: « Wow, 20 points! Today you are on a roll!» .

  • Failed answer:“Yes, but how could I miss in the third round?”
  • Good answer:"Thank you! It was a great evening!”

Compliment: « Your presentation is just bomb!».

  • Failed answer:“Really? I was so nervous. I hope it didn’t catch your eye?”
  • Good answer:"Thank you! I'm glad everything went well!”

It is important to learn to accept compliments. By rejecting them, you miss the opportunity to improve your self-esteem. By responding with gratitude, you tune your brain in the right way, allowing it to accept and process the information.

Receiving compliments is nice! Keep it simple and allow yourself to fully enjoy the moment.

2. When you are late.

Being late is unpleasant. It creates stress for the one who is delayed, and it looks like disrespect for the one who is waiting.

The idea of ​​thanking someone for inconvenience you caused may seem strange, but it is the right approach.

What do most people do? He flies through the door with the phrase: "Sorry, I'm late". When events develop this way, the latecomer focuses attention on himself.

"Thank you" changes the prioritization - the person responsible for the delay thanks the person who spent time waiting.

Let's imagine that you arrive at the meeting place 15 minutes after the agreed time.

  • Bad phrase:“Sorry, I'm late. Traffic jams!
  • Good phrase:“Thank you for your patience!”

Other people suffer from our mistakes. The instinctive impulse is to apologize and try to make amends, but it is better to praise the person for his loyalty and patience.

3. When you console someone.

Provide moral support to a friend who is in trouble difficult situation, - it’s not easy. Many people get confused and don’t know what to say, even if the person sitting in front of them is the most close person. I know this feeling.

Often we try to find something good and focus on it. In fact, there is no need to say anything. At such moments, a person wants someone to just be there. And thanking him for his trust is a good decision.

Let's say you find out that a colleague recently lost his mother.

  • Bad phrase:“You have so many fond memories. Save them!
  • Good phrase:“Thank you for sharing your experiences! I understand how difficult it is for you now.”

Your brother was fired.

  • Bad phrase:"Well, at least you're healthy."
  • Good phrase:

Your friend's pet has died.

  • Bad phrase:"He lived a long and happy life."
  • Good phrase:“Thank you for sharing this with me. I'm here to support you."

In moments of despair, we need not words of consolation, but a person who is ready to share the pain with us. When you don't know what to say, thank them for their trust and stay close.

4. When you receive feedback.

We rarely regard feedback as useful. Stressful situations, such as a confrontation in the boss's office or an angry email from a client, make most people feel defensive. Instead of wasting time and nerves arguing and making excuses, simply thank and take note of the information.

Example: “The task was not completed well enough. I thought you could do better" .

  • Failed answer:“You don’t understand! This is what really happened...”
  • Good answer: “Thank you for expecting more from me.”

Example: “I bought your device last week and it’s already broken. This is outrageous!

  • Failed answer:“How did you use it? The instructions state that it is not intended for use in certain conditions.”
  • Good answer:“Thank you for sharing your experience! Let's discuss the problem. We are trying to get better, and reporting bugs is extremely important!”

Nobody likes to lose and look like a loser, but every mistake is a chance to improve. Thank those who provide you with feedback.

5. When you hear unfair criticism addressed to you.

Sometimes criticism is useless, as it is a manifestation of someone’s quarrelsomeness or vindictiveness. The best approach to dealing with such people is to thank them for their attention to yourself and move on. Gratitude neutralizes all the negativity expressed towards you.

Example: "This good advice for beginners, but for pros they are absolutely useless" .

  • Failed answer:“Well, yes, I wrote this article for beginners. I forgot to ask you!”
  • Good answer:“Thank you for sharing your opinion! Next time I will try to take this nuance into account.”

Example: “This is the stupidest article I’ve read this week!” .

  • Failed answer:"You're a fool!"
  • Good answer:“Thank you for your feedback! I have something to work on."

The lack of desire to always win an argument is a sign of maturity of character. Did someone not like something? What do you care about this? Prove you are right with actions, not words.

This often happens in the gym. It seems that everyone around you knows better than you exactly how to do this or that exercise (and these people are not trainers). Of course, most people do this not out of malice, but wanting to help, but this can drive them crazy.

I once posted a video and someone criticized my squat technique. I left a snarky reply comment asking if my opponent would like to show a recording of him doing it correctly. It seemed to me that by pointing out the imperfection of the other, I could relate to my mistake more easily. This is a defensive reaction. And she was superfluous.

What should I do? Just say "Thank you".

Example: “When you squat, you stick out your butt too much.”

  • Failed answer:“Really? Well, show us how to do it right!”
  • Good answer:“Thank you for your help!”

Pointing out someone else's mistakes will not correct yours. Thank the person for showing you a weak point, even if you didn’t ask for his opinion.

7. When you're not sure whether to thank someone.

When in doubt, say “thank you.” There is no limit to showing gratitude. Have you ever heard of someone being judged for using the word “thank you” too often? No? That's the same!

Not every person can express their thoughts beautifully and correctly. But sometimes you need to choose the right speech, convey your spiritual impulses to your interlocutor or society. Phrases of gratitude are the limit of politeness and good manners. Sometimes simple word“Thank you” is never enough. Everyone has situations in life when they need to thank a colleague, friend, or even a casual acquaintance. Do it beautifully, let the words bring a smile and joy!

From the heart and soul

Phrases of gratitude must be chosen with special care. After all, the one to whom they are intended should feel your sincerity and cordiality. Let it not be a formal speech, color it with emotions, gestures, and a smile. Try to explain in detail how the help, advice or action worked. Don't be shy about your feelings, say what you think. Be sure to come up with an appeal to someone who helped in a difficult situation. Let it be not just a name, but something tender, affectionate, expressing gratitude:

Such simple words will bring a smile to the interlocutor’s face and charge them with energy for other good deeds. After all, expressing gratitude for help is not at all difficult, but it’s so nice.

Key words

Having come up with an appeal, you can move on. The bulk of the speech is up to you personally. How ready are you to open up to a person, how great is your gratitude? These phrases will help you construct the correct text that you will pronounce while looking into the eyes of someone who did not refuse help. Simple phrases of gratitude touch to the core:

  • “It is impossible to express your help and warm attitude, because this is such a rarity in our world. Many people have forgotten the concept of “compassion,” but you have it in abundance. Share your kindness, irrepressible energy and cheerful disposition. And then the world will become much brighter. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your assistance."
  • “A low bow to you, kindest man! These phrases of gratitude will not express all my feelings. You supported me in difficult times, extended a helping hand. Let this bright hand receive as much as it gives! After all, you are always ready to extend it to those who are in difficulty.” .
  • “Thank you - huge and sincere! Your help was needed like air! We received it, free of charge and from all your kind heart! We thank you and remain your humble servants and debtors! As soon as you need our support, let us know immediately, and we will arrive at that just a moment! Many thanks and greetings."

Such gratitude in prose will be appropriate in many cases. Don't forget about the power of words. You need to say “thank you” even for every little thing, and if you received real help, you should not skimp on gratitude.

The Wonder Years

School is the best time in every person's life. It’s a pity that we understand this many years later. Graduates and their parents must express words of gratitude to the teacher. After all, he invested knowledge, soul and strength into them. This profession is usually chosen by kind and creative individuals. Coping with several dozen children is very difficult. You need to find an approach to everyone, look into their soul and inspire trust. Material gifts, of course, also do not hurt teachers, but the most important thing is words of gratitude.


You can thank the teacher in a duet. Choose from the class the most artistic child with good diction and the same parent. Let them take turns saying phrases, and then present the teacher with a huge bouquet. Deliver the words from the heart, sincerely and touchingly: “Dear and beloved cool fairy! We have grown to love you very much over the years. We would like to wish you success in your work, health and prosperity! But most importantly, we want to say thank you! For your patience and understanding, for your love and sometimes necessary severity. After all, it is so difficult to find with children, to put light, eternal things into their heads. You raised us with dignity, instilled in us a love for the world, nature, and our neighbors. This is a huge, titanic work! Keep up the good work, don't lose your charm and kindness. We will always remember you with a smile on our face! Our deepest bow and gratitude to you for life!”

The teacher will definitely like such phrases of gratitude. The speech will not be feigned, but sincere and sincere.

A simple "thank you"

Sometimes pride gets in the way of accepting help and support. But if it is necessary, there is no other choice. But saying words of gratitude usually happens easily and in one breath. If you received help, be sure to express gratitude in prose, poetry, in writing - it doesn’t matter. Saying “thank you” is very simple. Prepare your speech in advance or write it down in a beautiful card:

  • “Thank you for your help and assistance! You helped at the right time, most importantly, from the bottom of your heart, without excuses or delays. and kiss your hands!”
  • “Your help was invaluable. Thank you for your support, I will definitely respond in kind in the near future!”

Such simple preparations can be supplemented with specifics. Feel free to express what has accumulated inside.

Most likely, you have experienced the pleasant feeling more than once when someone sincerely thanked you for doing something kind to that person. Try to put yourself in this person's shoes. Do you want others to experience similar feelings? If you remember to thank others, you will open the door for them to experience a pleasant internal feeling of happiness. We value those who value us. Saying words of gratitude to others will help you become a happier, healthier, more resilient person. So the next time someone does something nice for you, don't forget to thank that person.


Make it easy to express gratitude

    Smile and maintain eye contact. When you say “thank you” to someone, remember to smile and look them in the eyes. These small gestures will give your words more power.

    Remember, the simpler the better. Expressing gratitude is a sign of respect for the person you are saying “thank you” to. There is no need to say a lot of big words to express your gratitude to a person. Otherwise, you may embarrass him. Therefore, it is enough to simply say “thank you”, mentioning what exactly you are thanking the person for. Be friendly when you say thank you.

    Be a sincere person. Words of gratitude should be said if you are sincerely grateful to a person for what he has done to you. You shouldn’t say “thank you” if someone told you to do it or you understand that you can’t do without it. If you do not do it sincerely, others will understand it and will not appreciate your words of gratitude.

    • This should be especially taken into account by people whose work involves clients. They constantly have to thank their customers. If you say your words of gratitude insincerely, the client will definitely feel it. Even if it's just a job for you, you can still strive to do it sincerely.
  1. Write a thank you letter or card. In some situations, it will not be possible to limit yourself to just the word “thank you.” For example, if you were treated to lunch or given a nice gift, you can express your gratitude in writing. Take advantage of this opportunity. If someone has treated you kindly, expressing your gratitude in writing will help the person know that you appreciate what they did for you.

    • If you decide to use a card to express your gratitude, choose one that does not contain words. Thanks to this, you can write your own sincere words gratitude.
    • No matter what form you choose to express your gratitude in, you should first mention the reason why you are saying “thank you.”
    • Although you might be tempted to send an email in this situation, don't do it. You will not be able to express your sincere gratitude with a letter sent by email. A message will never replace a card or letter of gratitude.
  2. Don't ask another person to convey words of gratitude on your behalf. If you want to say “thank you” to someone, do it yourself. If you use someone's help, the person will consider your words insincere.

    • If you are a very busy person who doesn't have much time, always keep a few thank you cards on hand. You can also keep such cards in your desk, and when necessary, use them to express your gratitude to others.
  3. Make a list of people to whom you want to express your gratitude. Think about who you want to send a thank you card to. For example, if you had a birthday and received gifts, make a list of all the guests who gave you a gift (and indicate what they gave you). This list should also include those who helped you organize the event (such as a birthday party).

    Write down what you are grateful for. A letter of gratitude can be divided into six main parts: greeting, expression of gratitude, detailed information, mention of future meeting, repeating words of gratitude and politely ending the letter.

    • Greetings should be simple. Begin your letter by addressing the person by name. If you are writing a formal thank you letter, address the person by their first name (for example, “Dear...”). If you want to express gratitude to a family member or to a close friend, you can use a less formal greeting (for example, “Hi...”).
    • Expression of gratitude. In this part of the letter, you need to write words of gratitude to the person who deserves it. You can start this part of the letter with the word “thank you.” However, you can be more creative and write words of gratitude that will not leave the person indifferent (for example: “When I opened the gift you gave me, I became the happiest person”).
    • Detailed information. In this part of the letter, you need to mention the details related to the words of gratitude. By adding details, you make the letter more personal and express your sincere gratitude. You can mention a specific gift you received or something you spent money on that you received as a gift.
    • Mention of a future meeting. In this part of the letter, you mention a time when you will meet this person again. For example, if you are sending a thank you note to your grandparents, be sure to mention that you will be visiting them. New Year.
    • Repeating words of gratitude. In this part of the letter, you need to thank the person you are sending the letter or card to again. You can write another sentence with words of gratitude (for example, you can say: “I again want to thank you so much!” or “Once again I want to express my gratitude for the fact that you gave me money so that I can pay for my university tuition) I'm looking forward to starting academic year") or just say “thank you” again.
    • Politely ending a letter similar to the greeting at the beginning of a letter. The only difference is that you write your name. Depending on who you're writing your thank you to, you may need to end your letter with a more formal (eg, "Sincerely...") or less formal (eg, "With love...") ending.
  4. Choose the right time to send a thank you note or card. It is advisable to send the letter within a month after the event. However, the sooner you do this, the better. However, if you failed to send a thank you note on time, you can do so later by including an apology in your letter.

    • If you need to send large number thank you letters, for example, if you want to express your gratitude to guests who attended an event you organized, allow enough time to do this so that everyone present at your event receives one.

Work on improving your manners

  1. Follow the rules of etiquette when expressing your gratitude. Various life situations require us different ways expressions of gratitude. Although there are no strict rules, it is still necessary to understand what words of gratitude are appropriate in a given situation. Typically, a thank you letter or card is sent in the following situations:

    • Receiving a gift, including money. Perhaps you were given a gift for a birthday, anniversary, graduation, housewarming or other occasion.
    • Attending an event at someone else's home.
  2. Send a postcard with words of gratitude for your participation and assistance in organizing the wedding within 3 months from the date of the celebration. Write words of gratitude and send them to those people who helped you organize your wedding celebration. Also, express gratitude for the gifts you receive. While it's possible to send a thank you card within three months of your wedding, it's best if you do it sooner. For example, when you receive a gift, you can immediately write “thank you” to the person who gave it to you. Send a thank you card in the following situations:

    • The person sent you a wedding, bridal shower, or engagement gift (including money).
    • The person was a participant in the wedding celebration (a witness or maid of honor at a wedding).
    • The person organized a party in your honor (for example, a bachelorette party).
    • The person helped with organizing the wedding and provided services that made the celebration successful (for example, a pastry chef, florist, decorator, cook, and so on).
    • The person helped you while you were dealing with issues related to organizing the wedding (for example, a neighbor was mowing the lawn).
  3. Send a thank you note after the interview. Without delay, immediately after the interview, send a thank you letter. If you were interviewed for a job, send the person who interviewed you a card or letter thanking you.

    • When composing your letter, mention something specific from your interview. This will help the recruiter remember you. Be sure to write about the position you are applying for.
    • Make sure you spell the name of the person you are sending the thank you note to. There is nothing worse than misspelling a potential employer's first and last name in a thank you letter.
    • Use a formal greeting unless the recruiter or your future employer mentions their name or insists that you address them by their first name.
    • Typically, a thank you note after an interview is sent via email rather than a handwritten letter or thank you card. Of course, it's best if you send the letter by email so that your potential employer doesn't take too long to receive a postcard or letter.
  4. Express your gratitude to the founder of the scholarship or other financial assistance. Receiving financial aid at a university or college is a rewarding experience for many students. Regardless of who the founder of the scholarship is, it is appropriate to express your gratitude to that person or organization.

    • To find out the address of the organization that provided financial assistance, contact the education department, who will be able to provide it to you. This allows you to send a thank you note or card to people who deserve it.
    • Since you most likely do not know these people personally, take care to keep the tone of your letter formal.
    • Before sending an email, be sure to check for grammatical or spelling errors. You can have someone read your letter to check and correct any mistakes.
    • The tone of your letter should be formal and businesslike. Write a thank you letter to clean slate paper. Don't send a card or note saying thank you.

Express gratitude

  1. Think about the meaning of gratitude. Appreciation or gratitude is a little different from simply saying “thank you.” Showing appreciation means being polite and grateful. In addition, a grateful person is distinguished by the following qualities: courtesy and generosity. A grateful person cares not only about his own interests, but also about the interests of others. Expressing gratitude can have a positive impact on a situation and even change the behavior of others.

    Keep a gratitude journal. If you understand the reasons why you should thank others, you will find it easier to do so. Keeping a gratitude journal is a great way to understand how you feel about yourself and others. Take a few minutes each day to write three things in your journal that you are grateful for in the present moment.

    • You can advise your child to keep a gratitude journal. Thanks to this he will understand better the essence of this quality and learn to be a grateful person. Reflect with your child and encourage him to write down 3 things for which he can be grateful to others before bed. If your child is very young and cannot write, ask him to draw a picture of something he is grateful for.
  2. Express gratitude at least 5 times a day. Challenge yourself to express gratitude 5 times a day. Be grateful not only to relatives and friends, but also to strangers. We receive help from many people every day without thinking about it. For example, bus drivers, secretaries, telemarketers, janitors, and people who help us, such as holding the door for us or giving up their seat on the bus, deserve a word of gratitude.

    • Tell your child about gratitude, what the essence of this quality is and why it is good to be a grateful person. Use your own words and give examples.
    • Lead by example what it means to be a grateful person. Try to be a grateful person everyday life, and also do exercises with your child that will teach him to say “thank you.”
    • Help your child learn to express gratitude. If you have more than one child, encourage your children to set an example for each other in showing gratitude and teach them to thank each other.
    • Constantly encourage your child to be a grateful person. If your child manages to demonstrate this quality, do not forget to praise him.
  3. Don't limit yourself to people who treat you well. Don't say "thank you" only to people who are kind to you. Be grateful even to those people who upset or annoy you. Be patient and avoid sarcasm on your part.

    • People who annoy you may have opinions on certain issues that may differ from yours. Although you may not like it, they are entitled to have their opinion. Be grateful that the person shared their opinion with you and you were able to look at the situation from a different point of view.
    • Even if a person annoys you, there are certainly things that you admire about them. For example, this person may be organized or punctual. When communicating with him, focus on his positive qualities.
    • Note that hanging out with someone who annoys you actually teaches you something new. Be grateful to him for the fact that through his behavior he gives you the opportunity to learn to be calm and show patience in difficult situations.
  4. Acknowledge the fact that gratitude is beneficial. If you are a grateful person and can also demonstrate this quality correctly, it will have a positive impact on both your personality and those around you. Gratitude is inextricably linked to feelings of happiness. Grateful people are happier than those who do not have this quality. When people show gratitude towards us, it makes us happy. Thinking about this quality, as well as the reasons that motivate it, helps you focus on the positive aspects in life.

There is a sad but quite fair saying: “If you don’t do good, you won’t receive evil.” Oddly enough, the people to whom we do good do not always react to it properly. Surely you have found yourself in situations where, in response to a good deed, a person did not express any gratitude, refused requests, or even did a not very good deed towards you...


There is a fairly simple explanation for this. Being in debt to someone, we feel awkward, especially if we cannot repay the favor shown to us in an adequate way. As a result, we begin to feel rejection and take the first opportunity to spoil or even break off the relationship...

To avoid such a situation, we must learn to adequately treat the good that people do to us.

So, you have been offered help in some area. Try to weigh everything first. First of all, do not forget that most often the one who does something for you himself experiences positive emotions from it; it probably gives him joy to do something good for others. So, to some extent, he also receives his dividends from you... Therefore, it is not always necessary to “pay”. Especially if a person has much more resources and opportunities than you.

In other cases you will have to “pay”. If we're talking about about relatives and friends, then, as a rule, they will expect a return “favor” from you. But that's okay. By the way, it’s better to immediately ask what specific things you can do for this person. Usually the return service is of equal value.

You should be wary of a situation where a stranger provides you with a serious service. This may be an attempt to gain trust and then take full advantage of you. Suppose someone helped you get some necessary thing or quickly fill out documents, and then asks you to temporarily shelter his relatives. You don’t want this, but it’s also inconvenient to refuse...

It is best not to wait until they ask you for something, but to thank them in the way you yourself see fit. For example, you see that a person needs something. Satisfy his need and you can close the account. If a person openly talks about his desire to get something, take it into account and try to get it. Let's say, get tickets to the theater or some rare book...

It is very convenient to “give thanks” if some holiday is approaching - New Year, February 23, March 8, or the birthday of your benefactor. Try to include your gratitude in the price of the gift, give something that will definitely be useful and bring joy - and for sure the person will feel and understand it...

If there are no holidays on the horizon, and you don’t communicate very closely with this person, then follow the traditional path - a bottle of cognac or other alcohol for men, a box of chocolate for women, plus, perhaps, some other present or souvenir, in depending on your capabilities.

When can you forget about gratitude? For example, if the service that a person provided to you is not at all burdensome for him. If he has much greater capabilities than you. It is clear that if someone earns a million rubles a month, then he has the opportunity to choose the best for himself, and you are unlikely to please his tastes. You are also unlikely to be able to do anything useful for him with your modest resources. So accept the help, thank verbally and forget.

When is it better to refuse help or services? If they impose on you what you are in at the moment you don't need it at all. So, one of my relatives once presented me with his old computer, which, according to him, was much cooler than mine, set up all the programs, and then pestered me for a long time with requests to lend money... By the way, a “super-sophisticated” computer through It broke down for a year and a half and could no longer be repaired, which never happened with previous computers.

You shouldn’t be ungrateful, but it’s also better not to overdo it with gratitude. Always do what is convenient for you, not for your benefactor. Accept help only if you really need it, and thank for it the way you want to do it. And one more thing - don’t expect gratitude from the one you have benefited, it will be much easier to live this way. After all, we ourselves decide to whom we owe and owe.

We do not forget to turn to God. Especially in difficult times life situations. And there are problems with gratitude. There is a parable on this topic in the church environment.

One angel is resting on a cloud, and the second is flying back and forth. And the first asks the second: “Why are you flying?” He answers: “I carry requests to God.” Why are you lying there? To which the first angel answers: “And I give thanks to God.”

And this makes me somehow sad. God does not forget to wake us up in the morning, but how do we answer Him? By and large - no way.

What is gratitude?

This is an expression of one’s gratitude for some kindness done. If you look at the composition of the word, you get “I give thanks.” That is, thanks to the Creator, we express our recognition to Him. And your love.

Proper gratitude

How to thank God correctly? Is it better to use the word “thank you” or “thank you”? Last word will be more true. Because “thank you” is interpreted as “God save.” But God has no need and nothing to be saved from. He himself is the Savior of the human race.

What to be grateful for?

For everything. For every day that has come and passed. Because we are healthy. Because God gives us the opportunity to walk on earth and breathe air. In illness and sadness, you also need to thank the Lord God. For without His will nothing happens. He rules the world. And if the Lord allowed grief to happen to us, then that means we need it.

Every day without forgetting

It is imperative to thank God for the day that has come and lived. The Lord does not forget about us, He grants life days. And one must treat His gifts with gratitude.

How to offer it to the Lord daily? With the help there are special morning prayers and prayers for the coming sleep. We woke up, took the prayer book in our hands, and thanked for awakening. We go to bed, also take a prayer book and pray for the night. We thank you for another day of living and ask for protection for the coming sleep.

You can add your own to prayerful gratitude. In your own words, coming from the soul.

Life is a gift from God

How often do we hear the following words: I thank God for the life given to me? Alas, no. And this needs to be done. To give thanks that the Lord allowed us to come into this world, to see it with our own eyes, to become part of the universe created by the Lord.

How to give thanks for the priceless gift - life? Order thanksgiving prayer Lord. Pray at home, in your own words. Go to the temple, light a candle and pray in front of the icon and the Crucifixion of the Lord.

In sorrow and illness

How to thank God in times of illness, sadness and sorrow? When our wings are clipped and we don’t want anything. How can we fly here? We crawl with difficulty. Everyone has gone through this.

How to cope with this condition? Well, firstly, we should always remember that all our sorrows are sent by God. He has prepared for everyone their own path to salvation. And God leads the foolish man this way. And the person grumbles and is indignant, trying to break away from the Savior and go on his own. And of course how small child, falls, hurts himself and doesn’t understand why this happened. To admonish those who are especially independent, illnesses and sorrows are sent.

Secondly, you cannot be discouraged. No matter how bad it is. Dejection is man's most terrible enemy. When people are discouraged, everything falls out of hand, thoughts go around one thing. The person stops fighting and begins to slowly give up.

How to return to the fight? Get out of a state of despondency? We must thank God for sending us sorrows and illnesses. Read the gratitude akathist “Glory to God for everything.” This akathist is sold in any church shop, its price is quite affordable.

For the family

Everyone has a family. For some it is only their parents, for others it is their spouse and children. And the phrase “thank God for mom and dad,” unfortunately, is almost impossible to hear from children. Of course, in Christian pious families, where children are taught to pray and thank the Lord from a young age, perhaps there is something similar. But in ordinary life, quarrels with loved ones occur more often than gratitude is offered to God for the fact that they exist.

And it needs to be raised. Because the parents are alive and well, the husband doesn’t drink or party, the children study and don’t disappear in bad company on the street. More often we swear at children, saying they sit at the computer all day long. What's the point of this swearing? Pray and God will help you resolve the problem.

For your help

Making requests to God is in the order of things. Every day people ask their Creator about their everyday problems and needs. The Lord helps if this request does not harm the person. So what? The supplicant, having received what he wants, immediately forgets about God. Until the next time you turn to Him for your needs. Is this right?

When we help a person and they don’t say “thank you” in return, it hurts. What is it like for a God who loves his creation and helps it? The Lord patiently bears with our ingratitude. But this is wrong, God helped you, thank him. Help comes through neighbors, friends, acquaintances. And sometimes God controls in such a way that a person receives help from where he did not expect. And we thank those people who helped us achieve what we wanted. Forgetting to thank the Lord.

How to thank God for helping you fulfill a request? Go to church and order a thanksgiving prayer service. Light a candle, thank in your own words, standing in front of the icon of the Savior or His Crucifixion.

You need to know this

Thank God more often for everything that happens in life. Remembering that the ways of the Lord are mysterious. We think it should be this way, but God knows what is best for you and me.

Go to church, offer your prayers in the house of God. Confess, partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. And be sure to wear a cross. The cross is “a bell around the neck of God’s lamb.”

General rules for visiting the temple

We sometimes run into the temple to light candles. Someone sends notes about the health and repose of loved ones. But how often do we visit church services? For the most part, very, very rare.

How to prepare for service? How to get there? What is needed for this? How to get to confession and receive communion? Let's talk about all this in order.

  1. Preparing for the service, if a person does not plan to receive communion, does not require any effort. You just need to find out the schedule of services of the nearest church and go to the service there.
  2. You need to arrive to the service early, without being late. This will help you light candles, venerate icons, ask the Lord for something and thank Him without fuss.
  3. It is advisable for women to attend services in a skirt. The head should be covered with a scarf or hat.
  4. A man comes to the temple in trousers. Shorts are not allowed.
  5. During critical days women are allowed to enter the temple. But you cannot light candles, kiss icons or touch shrines. You can take a blessing from a priest these days.
  6. Those who wish to confess and receive communion must prepare for these Sacraments.
  7. We confess our sins. In the face of the Lord, and the conductor between us and God is the priest. Before you go to confession, you need to sit down and think seriously. Disturb your memory in search of the sins hidden in it. For those who are confessing for the first time, there is a special helper book with a list of all the main sins. It is sold in church shops.
  8. Participants prepare to begin the Sacrament in the following way: fast for three days - do not eat meat, dairy products and all products related to animals. In the evening, on the eve of Communion, you need to read the prayers for Holy Communion, as well as the three canons. To the Lord, Mother of God and Guardian Angel.
  9. In the morning before Communion they do not eat. First, they approach the priest for confession, and then, having received his blessing for Communion, they proceed to this Sacrament.
  10. After Communion, it is necessary to listen to the words of the thanksgiving prayer. This is about the question of how to thank God. after Holy Communion you can and should read it at home. For this we thank that God allowed us to receive communion, accepted repentant sinners and allowed us to come to Him.

Reading at home

At home, you can read not only thanksgiving akathists and prayers. Morning and evening prayers, the Gospel - at least a chapter a day, the Psalter - daily according to kathisma, this is the basic minimum rule of an Orthodox Christian.

If you have time and opportunity, you can read an akathist to the saint, to whom they most often resort for help. For some it is Nicholas the Wonderworker, for others it is Sergius of Radonezh. Both Matrona of Moscow and Ksenia of St. Petersburg help us, and every saint will help if a person sincerely asks him for something. After the request has been fulfilled, do not forget to thank the Lord God and the saint to whom you addressed.


So how do you thank God? This can be done in the temple by ordering a thanksgiving prayer service. Or you can do it at home by reading the akathist “Glory to God for everything.” You need to thank the Lord every day, offering him prayers in the morning and evening. Do not be afraid to turn to God in your own words, sincere and heartfelt.

And probably the most important gratitude is to live according to God’s commandments. To fulfill the law that the Lord himself decreed for each of us. Go to church, repent, and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. In general, thank God for your correct Christian life, wise attitude towards your loved ones. Don’t offend anyone, don’t judge and remember that “every lamb will be hung by its own tail.”