How to predict the future. Five sure ways to find out your future

Colin Wilson, in his book on the occult, talks about a man living in India who walked along a muddy path to the river every day to swim. One day, returning home, he noticed that in one place his footprints were moving to the side: for some reason, at a certain moment, he began to walk along the other side of the road. He couldn't understand why. Why exactly at this moment did he switch sides? He stopped and began to examine the tracks. Suddenly he noticed huge tiger tracks in the bushes. They were exactly in the place where he would have passed if he had not crossed to the other side. Most likely, subconsciously he sensed danger and walked around the tiger, saving his life. Coincidence or predictive power? You too can develop yours psychic abilities and apply them in life.


Development of psychic abilities

    Understand the difference between premonition, foresight and prophecy. When it comes to predicting the future, it immediately comes up large number different terms that are easy to get confused. Find out what this or that word means, and this will make your task easier and make the whole process of prediction more interesting.

    • Foresight means knowledge of future events thanks to certain means of perceiving the world (for example, dreams). Most precognitions come in dreams, and events happen within 24-48 hours of waking up.
    • Premonition- this is a feeling that something is going to happen, but there is no clear understanding of what exactly. A person feels that doing one way or another will be right. Premonitions can be just as important as precognitions, and they are much more reliable.
    • Term prophecy used by the ancient Greeks to describe the sense of time, with the belief that the future was predetermined and could not change. Prophecy is the knowledge of future events that are certain to happen and there can be no doubt about it. The prophecy means that there are no other options for the development of the future.
  1. Start practicing deep meditation. Research has proven that a person uses only a tiny part of the brain's capabilities. But are dormant abilities really impossible to use? This is not always the case. You can train your subconscious by doing rough meditation, which allows the subconscious to take over the conscious. This is how you can start predicting the future.

    • Sit back in a room with soft natural light. Sit up straight, but in a comfortable way (preferably on the floor), relax and concentrate on your breathing. Feel the air entering your lungs. Exhale. Imagine how oxygen saturates your body, and then the air returns outside again. Think only about breathing, nothing else.
    • Gradually begin to relax your body while continuing to breathe. With each inhalation, concentrate on relaxing, say, one arm. Feel the breath moving through your hand and relax it. Then move to the second arm, to the chest and to the rest of the body. Calm your mind. Concentrate on relaxation.
  2. Gradually enter a trance and immerse yourself in it as deeply as possible. There are no special secrets in meditation. Zazen (meditation practiced by Zen monks) roughly translates to “just sitting.” The purpose of meditation is inaction, which allows the subconscious to come out and gives a person psychic abilities. Having learned to do this, you will be able to see many more signs and omens, using which it will be much easier to predict the future.

    • As the trance deepens, you will begin to lose track of time. Your conscious mind will calm down and your subconscious mind will become more receptive. Some people at this moment imagine themselves climbing or descending a ladder or entering a cave, which symbolizes the descent into the unconscious and entering a trance.
  3. Start using the ability to meditate in your everyday life. Once you have learned to go into trance and engage in deep meditation, stop trying to make things happen - instead, let them happen. Pay attention to the images that arise during meditation, and then look for them in real life. Memorize the faces and people you see in trance and observe them after you wake up. It is quite possible that you were visited by foresight.

    • Use all your senses. This may seem stupid, but still try to imagine that your body is one big eye, which collects information all the time. Air temperature, smells and even feelings can be signs pointing to the future. If you feel uneasy when you see an owl, and this has never happened before, consider this sign to be important. If you feel cold every time you hear the same song, take it as an omen.
  4. Pay attention to symbols and signs. We are surrounded by many signs, but it is up to the individual whether to notice them or not. If you are lucky enough to have psychic and observational abilities, you will still need to put in a lot of effort to learn how to predict the future, but you will be better at it if you train yourself. To unlock your full potential, you should stop thinking that everything that happens is random, and start viewing all events as parts of one big plan.

    • Always pay attention to the moments when goosebumps run across your skin. If something happened that caused such feelings, put everything aside and think about it. What do you see? What scared you? What seems important?
    • Don't dismiss déjà vu. Have you ever had the feeling that something has already happened in the past, that everything seems strange and already known? Start looking closely at what bothers you about this situation. How do you feel? Where are you? What sensations did you awaken?
    • Pay special attention to coincidences. For example, you wake up in the morning and see a swarm of midges near your window, and then you go to a cafe, and the barista has a T-shirt with a picture of similar midges. Pure coincidence? Many people believe that there is no such thing as a coincidence, and that all that matters is that something happened. Consider coincidences as symbols, signs, omens, and not just coincidences.
  5. Analyze the symbols. Let's say that during meditation you saw a bunch of crabs drinking gasoline on the beach at night, and now you can't get rid of this image. Strange. What does this mean? For different people such an image may have different meaning, so you need to learn to read the symbols and apply them to your own life so that they make some sense.

    • Think of it like analyzing a dream or a poem. The images may have evoked certain impressions, so start simple. Was the image positive or negative? Weak or strong? Did the action take place during the day or at night?
    • Analyze individual symbols that you regularly encounter in real life and during meditation. For example, crabs are an important image in predicting the future. They are found in some tarot card decks, as well as in the zodiac. This is a very important symbol.
    • If you speak English, read the Bible of Dreams. In it you will find a description of many images that appear in dreams. With this information you can begin to study dreams.
  6. Check out the mythology. If you know nothing at all about metaphysics, it will be difficult for you to predict the future. For those who seek to develop psychic abilities and learn to foresee future events, it is best to read and find out what the collective unconscious is, and also get acquainted with important myths and symbols of their culture.

    • Our understanding of consciousness and the connection between the conscious and subconscious has been influenced by great influence works of Carl Jung. In Joseph Campbell's book "The Hero and a Thousand Faces" one can trace similarities in myths different cultures, which suggests that symbols, signs and substitutions are somehow “built into” people.

    Dream analysis

    1. Start keeping a dream journal. If you don't remember the dream, you won't be able to analyze it thoroughly. To make things easier for yourself, always keep a notepad and pen on your bedside table. As soon as you wake up, write down everything you saw in your dream. Try to record as many details as possible. Do this every morning after waking up, even if you are tired.

      • What did you see? Who was there? What smells, tastes, textures surrounded you? How did you feel emotionally? Was it a nightmare? Erotic dream? Just a pleasant dream?
      • First, write down the dialogue. This is often the first thing to be forgotten, so it would be a shame to forget something that could be important.
    2. Wake yourself up from time to time at night. If you don't remember your dreams, wake yourself up while you are still dreaming. Sleep interruptions are a great way to recognize symbols and remember all events.

      • Set your phone alarm to go off every three hours. This will allow you to get two full cycles REM sleep 90 minutes each. It will take you a minute or two to write down everything you saw in your dream, which means you'll get as much sleep as usual, but you'll also be able to record your dreams.
    3. Find symbols in dreams and determine their meaning. Treat dreams the same way you treat images you see during meditation: identify the symbols, bring them into your life, and figure out what meaning they want to convey to you.

      • Write down as many details as possible about each dream. Return to the image of crabs drinking gasoline on the beach. Crabs and gasoline look like important symbols, but it's also worth considering what sand, drinking, and other tactile and emotional elements of the imagery might mean. How did you feel when you saw this picture?
      • People are also symbols. If you dream that you are kissing your best friend, this does not mean that you are in love with your friend and you should start kissing. We dream about certain people because our subconscious gives these people symbolic meaning. Dreaming about kissing a friend may mean that you like a certain trait in that person's character that you would like to see in yourself.
    4. Match the symbols seen in the dream with real life and the future. There are common dream themes: for example, your teeth fall out, you fly, or you find yourself naked in the middle of a crowd of people. U similar dreams There are generally accepted decodings: you are emotionally exhausted, you strive for control or learn to cope with it, you are defenseless. However, you can make more complex connections to coincidences or events in your life. Use information gleaned from dreams and psychic abilities to predict possible future developments.

      • If you're waiting for news after you've completed a job interview and you dream that you're flying high and out of control, you might interpret the sign as anxiety about success or the freedom it will give you. new job. And this may mean that you get this position.
      • Approach dream analysis soberly. If you dreamed that your friend died and was put in a coffin, this does not mean that your friend will actually die. Most likely, some chapter of this person's life is coming to an end, or your relationship will change in some way in the future. Relate the dream to what is happening in your life.
    5. Practice lucid dreaming and ask about the future. Some people who are good at this use lucid dreaming to directly ask questions about the future. If you can develop the ability to remain conscious and dream, try imagining a notepad or an oracle and asking them something about the future, such as: “Who will win the World Cup?” or "What are my chances of getting this job?" See what happens.

    Communicating with the Oracle

      Select a remedy. An oracle is a method, object or system that allows you to see the future. In order to establish a connection with the oracle, there is no need to climb a mystical mountain and call upon three goddesses with laurel wreaths and crystals. pure consciousness. Think of the oracle as a means of viewing the future. Oracles (from Latin - “to speak”) just make the task easier.

      • If you like unusual images and totemic symbols, choose Tarot cards. To get started with Tarot, learn to read from an experienced person who has been working with these cards for a long time. Then you can start studying various cards, as well as the role and history of Tarot in the culture of fortune telling.
      • If you prefer to meditate on stories and coincidences, pick up the Book of Changes and peer into its mysterious world.
      • If you enjoy deep meditation and love multi-meaning symbols, try learning to read your hand, crystal divination, or any other form of divination that will allow you to become an oracle yourself.
    1. Don't ask one-word questions. If you want the oracle to help you find out something about the future, ask questions that require detailed answers. This will help you interpret the characters received in response. It is important to ask a question that does not require a monosyllabic answer and is not too simple.

      • You can start with the following questions: “What should I pay attention to?”, “How should I feel about...?” or "What should I think about...?" Do not force the question into a narrow framework, let the oracle give you an exact answer that you will need to interpret correctly.
      • The question "Will I get this job?" it will be incorrect if you decide to roll the dice or read the book of changes, since there cannot be a “yes” or “no” answer. Instead, ask what you need to do to get the job.
    2. Refer to Tarot cards. The Tarot deck consists of 78 cards, in which there are major and minor arcana, and reminds regular deck playing cards. There are four suits: wands, swords, cups and denarii. In addition, each card has an image that can be read in different ways. This is one of the most famous and multifunctional ways of predicting the future using symbols.

      • Most tarot card layouts tell entire stories that are built around the question asked. If you want to learn more about these cards, read about them online, buy a textbook, and start getting familiar with the deck.
    3. Ask questions to the book of changes. To work with the book, you can use coins, pieces of marble, stems, sticks, or any other computational methods that will lead to the drawing of a six-sided figure consisting of two characters. The figure will correspond to a specific entry in the book. Simply put, you need to roll the dice, ask a question and read a mysterious passage of text. If you like poetry, stories and meditation, you will love this method of predicting the future.

      As with shadow divination, observing figures in a mirrored surface allows one to see the symbols and interpret them.

    4. There are several good astrology sites that describe each sign in detail, but almost all of them ignore the Chinese zodiac.
    5. You can draw conclusions about a person's future behavior based on his past actions. If your friend rarely stays in a relationship for more than a month or two, you can assume that new guy unlikely to be with her for long.
    6. Almost all people express their thoughts in one way or another. If you pay attention to small clues, you will be able to figure out what will happen next. If your neighbor in a cafe keeps looking at his watch, you can assume that he is waiting for someone.
    7. Warnings

    • Predicting the future requires experience and involves a lot of mistakes and starting over. You won't always be able to do accurate predictions.

Many people would like to know how to learn to see the future. In their opinion, this would save them from many troubles, solve a number of problems, and save them from unpleasant surprises in life. The opinion that only selected psychics can have this ability is false, ordinary people Having learned a couple of techniques, through intensive training of their consciousness, they can achieve the desired result and learn a little about what awaits them ahead.

Preparation for the process

First of all, you need to decide why you want to learn how to see the future. Motives must be positive. The following is a daily practice. Nothing happens right away, it has to be training every day. If you don't take the process of acquiring this new skill seriously, you shouldn't expect a good result. However, you should not be upset if the ability to see the future does not appear in you after a week of training; some time must pass. For this process, choose a place where you feel comfortable, so that no one will distract you.

How to develop the ability to see the future

Let's start by trying to go back to yesterday. We analyze it, collecting important information that could be useful. For example, if you were sure that it would suddenly rain, you would take an umbrella with you and stay dry. We begin to collect all yesterday's information. You definitely need to concentrate and not pay attention to anything unnecessary. If the process does not work out, stop, rest, or start it the next day.

Let's move on. Let's imagine that you still managed to concentrate. Try to take the necessary data for the past day and send it to yourself present moment. We convey information not just with sentences, but with images, tastes, smells, and feelings. This is important in order to remember your feelings and use them to determine some situation, but in the future.

Next, we imagine ourselves yesterday and feel the process of how information flows from yesterday to today. You receive the parts and send them. We repeat this technique until you clearly feel the established channel for transmitting information. At the end of the day, analyze yourself today, remember what you thought and felt at certain moments. If you succeed in this exercise, then you can move on to the next one.

When the connection with the channel from the past is established, try to analyze the change in your feelings when you receive this or that information. We can understand how to see the future only by correctly establishing a connection with all our channels connecting both the past and real life. To do this, you need to control your thought process. For example, you have a choice to make and you feel nervous, afraid or unsure, and you end up making the wrong decision. Remember which sensation was the main one among the others, and the next time you feel it, you will know that it is a signal of a wrong choice.

Psychic advice. Learning to take the necessary information from the subject

In order to understand how to learn to see the future, experienced psychics They advise us to do several exercises. Each item contains a certain piece of information that will help us understand certain situations. Ask a friend to place something small in a matchbox (a button, cotton wool, a pea). Clear your brain of unnecessary thoughts, take a box and place it in your fist.

Imagine that you and a matchbox are connected by a channel through which information is transmitted, first from it to you, and then vice versa. Please note that the first sensations will be the most correct. It’s not a fact that everything will work out right away, but after several trainings you will be able to recognize different objects by analyzing your feelings. This exercise is very similar to how we tried to connect with yesterday, getting the necessary information from it. Only here you need to correctly feel the features of the object, which will be transmitted as sensations through the established channel between you and the box.

A very important thing in the process of learning how to learn to see the future is the ability to hear your intuition. We can ask our inner voice exciting questions, and then analyze our feelings, since the answer will be received through feelings and images. At first, you may make mistakes in deciphering what your intuition is telling you, but eventually you will learn to understand the correct answers to your questions. It is recommended to write down your feelings after completing the tasks. This will help you analyze what signals your inner voice is trying to help you with.

The future depends on the present

There is one more tip, but there is no practice in it. It's just universal known fact, but for some reason many people miss this, neglecting their present, but still believing in a bright future. Your actions today directly affect what will happen tomorrow. So beware of wrong decisions, bad deeds, because they can lead to complications in your later life. Therefore, before you learn to see the future, learn to see your present.

Not long ago I was flying from Los Angeles, where I performed on the Johnny Carson show, to Reno, Nevada, where I was scheduled to perform for a week at Harrah's show in Lake Tahoe. The first leg of the trip was a short flight from Los Angeles to San Francisco, which should have taken approximately forty-five minutes. After an hour and a half, everyone already understood that something was going wrong, and after two hours, anxiety turned into real panic. I asked the flight attendant what happened.

It seems to me that they can’t lower the landing gear,” she told me. - We are trying to use up as much fuel as possible in case of an accident during landing.

I just felt like she was trying hard to hide her anxiety.

“Everything will be fine,” I said, not being sure myself. A few minutes later, I noticed that the passengers had calmed down and the atmosphere had become almost serene.

We came in to land and the plane began to descend. Suddenly we all heard a grinding sound as the landing gear settled into place. The landing was completely normal.

As we disembarked, I asked the flight attendant why the passengers suddenly became so calm. She smiled.

Oh, I just walked around the plane telling people here and there that the mentalist Kreskin was flying first class on the plane, who wouldn't get on the plane if there was a risk of an accident.

She's right: I wouldn't sit down. But although I have flown over a million miles over many years of performing, I have never had clairvoyance regarding airplanes. When I need to fly, I board any suitable plane, from an Airbus to a mail plane. And while small planes sometimes terrify me, big planes provide another example of an advanced insight: large passenger airliners are by far the safest form of transportation, many times less dangerous than a family car. I'd rather fly everywhere by plane.

There is not a single action or event in our unpredictable life that would not be based on the ability of our consciousness to predict and model the future.

We figure out everything in our minds: from crossing the street to getting married, from raising children to investing money. Hoping for the right result is as dangerous as spinning the roulette wheel or throwing away dice. Forming a developed hunch is much more likely to lead you to success.

When I talked about predicting newspaper headlines, I actually gave you a four-step program for making accurate predictions in almost any field. I won't waste time listing the potential applications for this program, as the number of applications is almost endless. Remember, however, that this is not a method of obtaining a certain result, but rather a method of understanding what will happen. It is true that once you gain this understanding, you will be in a better position to influence the natural course of events and change the outcome. For example, if you can predict that you will be fired as a result of using the program, you could take steps that will make you indispensable to your company. The most serious reason for refusing to “observe” the future is our refusal to see unpleasant and unwanted events that may happen.

For example, we hear with heartbreaking frequency of people who deny they have a serious illness until it is too late. We hear all the time about those who build their homes on hills where mud flows often occur, on the slopes of active volcanoes, on flood plains - and we regularly read about how people lose property, and often life.

The point is always the same: ignoring historical facts, common sense or personal experience, we convince ourselves: “It only seems that danger may arise, but in reality this probably will not happen.”

A person who successfully uses developed conjecture faces the facts fearlessly, firmly separating what might happen from what he would like to see.

Only then does he have the opportunity to influence the outcome or at least avoid the dangers associated with unpleasant consequences.

Step One: Know the Facts

Likely, main reason The reason why a person on the street is less likely to set up a successful business is that he is not very well versed in the problems associated with this business. I once knew a man named Ed who was an excellent cook. After years of working for others and raising the necessary money, he finally decided to open a restaurant. He found an old building in Chester, New Jersey, and signed a month-to-month lease with its owner. He modernized the building with his own money and purchased equipment worth several thousand dollars. He has developed a wonderful menu with the most reasonable prices. Yet for several weeks he had very few clients.

His first mistake was that he failed to objectively assess the location of the restaurant. The building itself was wonderful, but it was located on a branch from main road. Although Chester is a holiday destination, tourists traveled along the main road and rarely turned onto the highway where the restaurant was located. However, Ed managed to survive this mistake, and his business even began to flourish, because the food was simply amazing and the prices were so low that word of the new restaurant quickly spread among local residents, who, in turn, told vacationers about it.

After a few months, Ed's restaurant began to make a good profit. When the building owner saw Ed's success, he pointed out to him his right under the monthly lease to raise the rent. In fact, he tripled it. Strapped by loans and operating costs, Ed was unable to pay the increased rent and lost his business. The owner of the building became the proud owner of a thriving restaurant.

Ed knew only one thing, and he knew it well: how to cook. But there were many things he didn't know that ruined his business.

If you're a salesperson, you know your product inside out - and you also know your competitor's product, and you can tell why it's not as good. If you are a businessman, you have a great understanding of what you produce, but you also need to understand the type of consumer who needs your product. Perhaps there is some other product that will serve him better than yours, or there will be a revolution in the market that will make your product obsolete? Or maybe you yourself are capable of creating a product that will cause this revolution? You must understand in which direction the economy as a whole is developing. And when things get tense, will people still consider your product essential? Otherwise, can you expand the company's revenue base by creating a vital product?

Similar considerations should precede any stock investment you make. It's called fundamental research market and should include not only the study of the company that interests you, but also the companies competing with it, the entire industry and, finally, the development of the economy as a whole.

Is it possible to learn to predict the future? Yes, definitely! Learn an amazing technique for traveling to the future!

Traveling to the future attracts many. People always look forward, go beyond the limit, know how events will develop. And this desire is characteristic of people throughout human history.

Latest scientific research together with ancient esoteric¹ knowledge, they say that there is only the moment “here and now”, that the future and past are also now!

And there is an opportunity to foresee the future consciously!

With the help of what is described in this article, you will be able to predict upcoming events and know what will happen next.

You can receive information both about your personal life and about the entire planet. And this opens up completely different opportunities for your growth and well-being!

The main requirement: a special state of consciousness!

In order to foresee the future, you need to go beyond time! This can be done by entering a special state of consciousness.

Unconsciously, people are in it every day: this manifests itself most clearly while falling asleep and immediately after waking up, when the mind is in a trance (meditation²). A person’s task is to learn to evoke this state in himself, called the state of the gap, consciously.

On our website you can find various techniques on how to learn to enter other states of consciousness; one of the methods is indicated in the notes to this article.

The state of the gap can also be called a deep trance; it is developed through regular training.

Techniques for predicting the future!

1. The practitioner sits down, takes a comfortable position and closes his eyes.

The room where the training will take place should be quiet and calm. No one should distract from the lesson.

2. A person begins to relax the muscles of the body, paying attention to each muscle group from head to toe.

3. Gradually the mind will relax along with the body, the practitioner will fall into a light meditative state. His task is to go even deeper.

4. He begins to concentrate³ on his breathing: without interfering with the process, he simply observes how inhalation and exhalation occur, feeling every movement.

5. Gradually the practitioner will fall asleep. He needs to remain aware, not fall asleep (to do this he needs to concentrate on breathing), this will gradually bring him into a state of in-between.

6. A person mentally turns to the left and enters a thick fog that hides the future.

6. Upon entering the cloud of fog, the practitioner will see that it consists of many events and timelines. Here you need to mentally state your question. It is pronounced clearly and firmly: “I want to know that...”

7. After some time, the fog of time will begin to transform and part, until at a certain moment the practitioner will be able to see the upcoming event and information about it.

8. When a person finds out everything that is necessary, he thanks time for its help and asks to return him to his usual state of wakefulness.

9. A cloud of fog will begin to thicken around the practitioner. Here you need to turn right and go forward, returning to the present.

10. A person creates the intention to return to himself, takes a few deep breaths; After counting to five, begin to feel your body again.

Secrets of the Gap State!

The state of the gap is a very deep level.

Here you can travel through time and enter a state of deep meditation. Prayers said in this state will definitely be heard by the Creator. True masters are at this level and can foresee the future!

In order to master the described technique, you need to be patient and practice regularly every day for several months. Success depends on many factors, such as the ability to concentrate and enter into meditation, relax and manage emotions.

The most important thing: to catch the state of the gap! This will be a qualitative breakthrough in your self-development, giving amazingly fast results!

This practice will connect you with Cosmic Consciousness. This will give additional protection to you and your loved ones. It is recommended to turn to the Cosmic Consciousness every morning, thank it and ask it to guide your life along the most prosperous path.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Esotericism is a body of knowledge, information inaccessible to the uninitiated, ignorant of mystical teachings people, special ways of perceiving reality, having secret content and expression in “psychospiritual practices” (Wikipedia).

² Meditation is a type of mental exercise used as part of spiritual, religious or health practices, or a special mental state that arises as a result of these exercises (or for other reasons) (

There is a difference between what we say and what we do. This is called reality.

We say a lot of things:

“I don’t want to be that guy who can’t walk up two flights of stairs.”
"I want to have a friendly family."
“I want to help and inspire people.”
“I want to buy a house for my parents.”
There's nothing wrong with that. Most of us have NOTHING but good intentions.

However, good intentions mean nothing. You can't buy food good intentions. But we know that life is difficult, but living great life even more difficult.

So every day we hustle, work hard and do everything we can to get closer to our dreams.

But how do you know you're on the right track? How do you know you're not wasting your time?

I'm not a fortune teller, but I have simple advice for you that accurately predicts the future.

It's simple: look at your actions.

That's all the exercise. Let me explain.

No matter what you want to achieve in life, your words must be backed up by actions. If not, then you will never achieve anything.

For example, I want to always work for myself so that I always have enough money to support my lifestyle. Simply put: I want to remain independent. Financially, spiritually, mentally. And besides, I want to stay in shape.

All I have to do is look at my actions. And I ask myself: “So you want to be independent, right? What does it mean?"

Do you create things that people need?
Are you improving your skills?
Are you adding value to other people's lives?
Are you saving at least 10% of your income?
Are you investing your money?
Are you working enough?
Do you read enough books?
Are you investing in yourself?

I could go on, but you get the point. I question my habits here and now. It's not about what you want - it's about what you do.

And not in the future, but right today.

I can look at myself in the mirror and answer “Yes” to all of these questions. But I have to be honest. I haven't always lived like this. I didn't take learning seriously for years. I didn't invest in my skills. I haven't trained enough. I didn't value my money. And so on and so forth...

And yet, I am constantly adding new things to my daily habits. For example, I just recently started tracking what I have pleased my loved ones with over the past month. And I see that there are many other things that I can do better.

You need to understand as quickly as possible that you can only focus on one thing at a time. So, do it today and move on to other tasks tomorrow.

And what you do today affects your future.

Look at your day.

Are you eating junk food?
I'll tell you this: in 10 years, you'll be fatter and unhealthy.
Are you complaining?
I'll tell you this: in 10 years the situation in your life will be exactly the same.
Do you relax in the office all day and watch YouTube videos instead of doing hard things?
I'll tell you this: you will stay in the same job. Or worse, you'll get fired.
Are you spending more than you earn?
I'll tell you what: in 10 years, you'll be worrying about money every day.

Yes, I’m not a fortune teller, but it turns out that predicting your future is very easy. Anyone with a little common sense in their head can do this. And it works.

What useful and necessary things did you do today?

The point is, all those little good things like reading books, taking courses, making calls, sending emails, going for walks, talking to the people you love add up to the building blocks of your future.

But when you do useless things, they add nothing. Don't believe me?

What does it mean to watch Game of Thrones, eat a box of cookies a day, or complain about your day? Well, I'll say this, it's not good.

You get the point. Let's do something useful every day. That's all I recommend.

This article was one of the useful things I did today. What do you have?