How to access the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Access to the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker was opened in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

It was founded in the middle of the 17th century and its founder is considered to be St. Basil of Ostrog the Wonderworker. Imperishable relics the founder is still kept in the monastery and many come to them to ask for healing from illnesses.

The monastery books contain records of hundreds of healings and miracles.

Also here you can see the icon image of Vasily Ostrozhsky on the rock and unique frescoes of the 17th century.

The monastery got its name from the name of the mountain range on which it was built. The word “ostrog” itself goes back to the Old Church Slavonic language, where it meant “fortification, fortified place.”

That is why this name appears in different parts former Yugoslavia, for example, Ostrog Hill on Budva Field (Montenegro), Ostrog Hill on Popov Field (Bosnia and Herzegovina) or the village of Zaostrog (Croatia).

The famous Ostrog monastery is located on the territory between Danilovgrad and Niksic (). It can be seen from a distance on the right side of the road, if you move from the direction of Danilovgrad, about 15-20 km of the road. To get to the monastery itself, you will need to turn right, which is indicated by a large sign, and then follow your intuition.

You’ll have to rely on it a little, since the rural road almost immediately splits into two and you urgently need to decide where to go. The presence of kiosks with souvenirs, food and all sorts of things for tourists can help you choose a direction. Or, you can follow the signs to restaurants and cafes. All of the above is located only on the road to the monastery - you definitely can’t go wrong!

The road to the Ostrog monastery is quite narrow, so certain rules apply. Firstly, here those who are driving from the outside of the road (i.e. closer to the edge of the abyss) are allowed to pass. That is, if you move along inside road, then it is you who will turn back to the nearest “pocket” for passing.

Secondly, if a bus is coming towards you, and you are not the driver of another bus, then in any case you give way. Thirdly, be careful, but don’t be nervous, because according to legend, Vasily Ostrozhsky himself guards this road, so so far there have been no accidents there.

The monastery complex actually includes two monasteries: Upper (Gorny) and Lower (Dony), built in different times. The upper monastery consists of two churches. Most ancient temple dedicated to Introduction Holy Mother of God, and, apparently, was erected even before Holy Father Vasily of Ostrog came there.

The central temple is dedicated to the Exaltation Holy Cross. The founding date of the Upper Monastery is considered to be 1665. And six years later – on May 12, 1671 – St. Basil himself rested here. Since then, this day has been considered a holiday. Every year on May 12, people flock to the Ostrog Monastery to honor the memory of the saint and venerate his relics.

The Lower Monastery was erected by Archimandrite Joseph Pavicevich in 1820 with the blessing of St. Peter of Cetinje. This monastery is dedicated to the Holy Trinity. And not far from the Lower Monastery there was once the Church of St. George.

According to church and folk tradition, it was built around the end of the 13th - beginning of the 13th century. XIV centuries It was destroyed several times during the Turkish rule, but each time it was restored.

Judging by archaeological excavations, the church was last destroyed in 1895 and after that it was never restored. And now the remains of its walls can be found next to the old monastery cemetery.

The newest church in the monastery complex is the Church of the Holy Martyr Stanka, erected at the end of 2004 on a hill above the Lower Monastery. In this temple are the incorrupt hands of the martyr Stanka, who, being a shepherd from a village not far from Danilovgrad, refused to convert to Islam and was hacked to death by the Turks on September 15, 1712.

His hands have remained intact to this day. 27 people who defended Ostrog from the communist army in October 1943 were also reburied in the same temple.

Not far from the Lower Monastery in the town of Brina there are also old guest rooms. There was a monastery school there until 1977. And in 1994, the building was consecrated again and resumed its activities.

The shrine acquired its modern appearance in the 20s of the twentieth century, when it was restored after a fire that destroyed most of complex. Most pilgrims head straight to the Upper Monastery, which is reached by a long five-kilometer road winding through the trees.

However, you can also climb here along a shorter walking path, along which during the tourist season visitors simply climb in a continuous stream.

Just, if you are going to choose this option, be sure to stock up on water and leave yourself time for periodic rest, so as not to completely get lost on the way to the temples of the Upper Monastery.

Getting inside the cave with the relics of St. Basil of Ostrog in the upper part of the monastery, believers very quickly whisper their requests to St. Basil, leave notes with wishes and do not even have enough time to look around: there are so many people who want to get here that a huge queue is constantly pressing and pilgrims have to do everything as quickly as possible.

Therefore, if you want to look around, spend more time here and not run into other believers all the time, then it is best to come here from the end of September to the beginning of June.

On the territory of the Ostrog monastery in Montenegro there is a healing spring, the water from which is bottled and distributed free of charge to all pilgrims. To get this water, you need to go to the monastery shop.

Remember that one bottle is given to one person. If suddenly you were not given water, you can remind us about this. The Upper Monastery and orthodox cross, and it can also become a wonderful souvenir.

The monks tell of many miracles that have happened here over the centuries. For example, by some miracle, no matter what, no one always managed to destroy the relics of St. Basil - they always managed to hide them. They also say that during the Second World War, when the Ostrog monastery in Montenegro was under fire, a shell flew inside the monastery, but, according to for some unknown reason, did not explode, but split into two parts. To this day, the broken shell lies in one of the sacristies as proof of the miracle.

For Orthodox Montenegro, the Ostrog monastery really plays a role vital role and many claim that it was thanks to him that it was possible to preserve Orthodox faith in the country. Now this monastery is active, 12 monks permanently live here. Every year the Ostrog monastery in Montenegro receives tens of thousands of believers!

From the heights of the Ostrog monastery there are wonderful views of the mountains and the nearby valley.

Full of impressions from visiting Ostrog, many decide to go to other monasteries in Montenegro: the Moraca Monastery, Cetinje, Dajbaba, and others. Just like centuries ago, Orthodoxy is one of the foundations of the country’s life.

Ostrog Monastery, without exaggeration, is considered the main attraction of Montenegro and is recognized by many as the third most important Christian shrine in the world, after Golgotha And Holy Sepulcher.

Many tourists and pilgrims come here from different countries to feel the unique atmosphere of a miracle that helps to heal both physical illnesses and mental illnesses.

Until the 17th century, it was a small, unknown cave in the mountain of the same name, which was chosen by hermit monks. It is unlikely that they could have imagined then that their seclusion would soon come to an end and this place would become one of the most popular attractions.

The real history of the Ostrog monastery begins from the time when the Metropolitan of Zaholmsky appeared here, whose name was Stoyan Petrovich Jovanovic, later known as Saint Basil of Ostrog. He was born on December 28, 1610 in a very pious family, from childhood he kept the commandments of God, which earned him respect and honor. Thanks, in particular, to his efforts, the caves were expanded and turned into what we know now as the Ostrog Monastery.

According to legend, after his death, Vasily appeared several times in a dream to one of the monks with a request to open his grave. When the monks finally excavated the burial site, they found a body without any signs of decomposition, which exuded the smell of basil and was similar in color to beeswax.

This was the first evidence that Vasily Ostrozhsky was truly a saint. And a little later, at the place of his death, a grapevine sprouted right among the stones, which even today pleases the monks with sweet fruits, despite complete absence natural and climatic conditions.

Where is the Ostrog Monastery located?

The first impression catches travelers on the way to the monastery, since it can be seen from a very long distance. Without seeing this with your own eyes, it is difficult to even imagine a temple located on practically sheer cliff. It is even more difficult to believe that this is the creation of human hands, and not Divine intervention.

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Ostrog Monastery is located at an altitude of 900 meters above sea level, above the picturesque river valley Zeta. Once on the highway Podgorica - Niksic, you need to go to the sign for Bogetici, from which there is still about 8 km to go.

At first the road climbs steeply, and after a few kilometers we reach the lower part of the complex, where the church is located Holy Trinity, rebuilt in 1824, as well as cells for 12 monks and pilgrims, which can accommodate up to 300 people. The hands of the martyr Stanko are kept in the church. The young pastor publicly declared to the Turkish invaders of Montenegro that he was a Christian and refused to let go of the cross, for which they cut them off.

Next begins the most dangerous section of the road to the monastery (about 5 km), which leads to its upper part. This is a continuous serpentine road that runs along the edge of a deep abyss, and bump stops are not available everywhere, so inexperienced drivers should not tempt fate; it is better to go by bus.

Local monks claim that it is under the patronage of the founder of the monastery, Vasily Ostrozhsky, and there has never been an accident with serious consequences. However, they themselves prefer the walking route, along which semi-secret paths can get from the bottom to the top in half an hour.

What to see in the Ostrog Monastery

Upper Ostrog is a particularly impressive part of the monastery. There are two churches here. First, Vvedenskaya, an area of ​​just over 10 meters, where Vasily spent the last 15 years of his earthly life, fasting and praying, until he died on April 29, 1671. It is here that his miraculous relics are kept, to which people come in a continuous stream, some for the sake of healing, and some to make a wish. To do this, you need to write it down on paper and stick it into a crack in the rock. They say it comes true...

Another church Krestovozdvizhenskaya, which houses no less important relics of Montenegro. First of all, these are chains left in memory of miraculous healing hopelessly ill with rabies. He was brought to the monastery of Vasily of Ostrog chained, and after healing with his relics, they left unnecessary chains here so that people would remember this miracle.

There is also a shell that hit the church during the bombing in February 1942. Once it hit the wall of the church, it did not explode, but simply split in half. Subsequently, military experts confirmed that the shell was fully operational and only a miracle could have prevented it from exploding...

Nearby there is a source of holy water, healing properties which even ardent atheists admit.

Most visitors come here on the day of St. Basil and on the day of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, when the number of pilgrims reaches 20,000. Clothes of seriously ill people who are not able to independently get to Montenegro, to the Ostrog monastery are also brought here. They say that if clothes spend the night near the relics, they acquire healing properties.

The Ostrog Monastery is considered perhaps the only temple in the world where not only Christians, but also pilgrims of other religions come en masse. It is believed that the holy relics of Vasily Ostrozhsky heal everyone who comes to him with faith.

Ostrog (Montenegro) - description, history, location. Exact address, phone number, website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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Prison is not the best ancient monastery in Montenegro, but certainly one of the most famous. Orthodox pilgrims visit it almost as often as the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. Within its walls are kept the relics of St. Basil of Ostrog, as well as an ancient prayer book from 1732 and church candlesticks from approximately the same period.

The fort was built in the 17th century, but caves in the local rocks have served as a haven for monks since time immemorial. Nowadays Ostrog - active monastery, 12 monks live there, but this place is also open to tourists. The monastery consists of two parts - upper and lower, with the upper one built into the rock at an altitude of almost 1 km above sea level.

How to get there

The monastery is located in the mountains, at the base of the Ostroška Greda rock, 8 km from the highway connecting Podgorica and Niksic. You will have to drive 15 km from Danilovgrad, and 30 from Podgorica. You can get to Ostrog by regular bus or car, but keep in mind that the road is mountainous, which means it is narrow and winding, and can be overcome by an experienced driver.

Organized excursions with licensed guides come here from many tourist cities of Montenegro, who will not only tell you a lot of interesting things about the monastery and its life, but also explain the basic rules of behavior. Since every tourist usually wants to take with him at least some little thing consecrated in Ostrog as a souvenir, there is a church shop, where you can buy candles, icons, amulet, prayer books and souvenirs.

Ostrog Monastery is the third most visited pilgrimage site in the world after the Tomb of Christ and the Holy Mountain in Jerusalem.

Ostrog Monastery

The history of the monastery dates back to the end of the 17th century. But for the first time, unknown hermits settled in the caves in these places, wanting to live in solitude, away from temptations. In honor of the mountain towering above it, the monastery received its name - Subostrog. It is connected with the life and work of St. Basil of Ostrog, revered not only in Montenegro, but also far beyond its borders.

The whole life of St. Basil of Ostrog was connected with monasteries. At an early age he was sent there for training, then he took monastic vows and quite quickly began to advance through the ranks. career ladder: already at the age of 28 he was ordained bishop, and later became Metropolitan of Serbia Orthodox Church. At this time, the Turks' persecution of Orthodox Christians intensified, and Vasily tried in every possible way to improve the situation: he turned to the Vatican for help, restored destroyed monasteries and churches and built new ones at his own expense. Turkish oppression forced him to move to the caves of Ostrog. This is how the monastery was founded, which is still considered the spiritual center of Orthodox Christians in Montenegro. On its territory there is a shrine with the relics of the saint. Memorial Day of Vasily Ostrogsky is April 29, the date of his death (according to the Julian calendar).

Now it is an active male Orthodox monastery, in Montenegro it is revered on a par with the shrines of Jerusalem and New Athos. Being the largest in Montenegro religious center and a popular place of pilgrimage, the monastery is widely known outside the country. Believers believe that the relics of its founder, St. Basil of Ostrog, stored in the monastery have great miraculous power and heal even the hopelessly ill.

Ostrog is the only functioning Orthodox monastery, where not only Christians, but also Muslims and Jews come for pilgrimage purposes.

Visit to the monastery

The monastery consists of two parts - upper and lower. A forest road about 5 km long runs between them. But most often, pilgrims follow a shorter walking path, covering the distance between parts of the monastery in 20-25 minutes. Usually the first place to visit is the lower monastery, founded in the 19th century. It consists of monastic cells and the Church of the Holy Trinity, where the relics of the holy new martyr Stanko rest.

The Turks cut off both hands of 15-year-old Serb Stanko because he was holding the holy cross in them and did not obey the order to throw it to the ground.

After the lower one, they usually go up to the upper monastery, the main part of which is built into the rock at an altitude of 900 m above sea level. It consists of two churches, Holy Cross and Vvedenskaya. It was in the tiny Church of the Presentation that Vasily Ostrozhsky spent 15 years in prayer. Nowadays the ark with the relics of the saint is kept here, to which there are never-ending queues of pilgrims - the relics are considered miraculous. The chain moves continuously, it is impossible to stop and look at anything. People write their deepest desires on pieces of paper, leave messages in cracks and cracks in the wall. They say that all wishes come true here, so you should be very careful in your wording.

Traditions say that many miracles happened to both pilgrims and the monastery itself. This happened two hundred years ago, and it is happening now. For example, during World War II, a German aerial bomb hit the Church of the Holy Cross during shelling, broke in half, but never exploded. It still lies in one of the sacristies. And opposite the church you can see grapevine, sprouted at the site of the death of St. Basil, despite the fact that there is no soil there. At the exit from the church there is a fountain with healing water, which is believed to protect against troubles and hardships. Water from this source is bottled and distributed free of charge to those who wish.

The Church of the Holy Crucifixion is not only religious value, but also artistic. In the 17th century master Radul painted it with frescoes of remarkable beauty and expressiveness. The artist faced a difficult task, since the vault of the church is a cave wall, uneven, dotted with ledges, depressions and cracks.

Monastery of St. Basil of Ostrog, Church in the Rock, Ostrog Monastery in Montenegro - all these are names of the same place. The most useful and detailed article from Aviamania awaits you.

Serbian Orthodox monastery, which hovers above the ground at an altitude of just under nine hundred meters. Here lie the relics of the Holy Great Martyr Basil of Ostrog, which you can touch and ask for your secret.

The small dark cell where the Saint lived is the culmination of the journey. Mosaic icons on ancient walls, a special atmosphere and difficulties along the way are all important parts of this trip.

  • Wear comfortable, non-slip shoes without heels. The climb will be a long one along stairs or a forest path.
  • Ladies, wear a headscarf and make sure your shoulders and knees are covered. Men should wear trousers, not shorts, and a T-shirt instead of a tank top.
  • Take a bottle with you to fill it from the source at the Monastery. Or take a bottle with you and drink water on the way up.
  • You are about to travel to the mountains, it is cool and unpredictable here. At the end of July we got caught in the rain, which, fortunately, stopped on the way. Take an umbrella!

How to get to Ostrog:

  • Public transport (train or bus)
  • By car (or your own if you are traveling by car)
  • As part of the excursion

Features of parking for visiting the Ostrog Monastery in Montenegro:

Firstly, we note that the last kilometers of the route are quite difficult, especially for inexperienced drivers. Even if you follow the speed limit and rules, you are not safe from an oncoming bus on a narrow road. More often, of course, we give way to the car to the bus, and to do this it needs to be reversed until some kind of widening of the road. It gets annoying from the third time when you start to think where there are so many buses)

Parking coordinates at the Church of the Holy Trinity:

42°40’11.3″N 19°01’37.3″E

It makes sense to leave your car here to explore the 19th century Church of the Holy Trinity - Lower Ostrog Monastery. It is prohibited to take pictures inside the Church; this is monitored by a person inside at the entrance. From the outside, of course, we filmed everything for you.

There are free toilets next to the parking lot: without crossing the road, turn right near the first building behind the parking lot.

At first, for some reason, we decided that we could walk to the Upper Monastery. After walking about 800 meters along a winding road without a sidewalk, we changed our minds and went down to the car. Next, ignoring the parking lot, which I write about below, we went straight to the Upper Monastery. The distance along the road is about 5 km, so do not repeat our attempts. Although a pilgrimage path leads from the Lower Monastery to the upper one, about half an hour along the forest path and stairs and you are there.

Parking coordinates for visiting the Church with the relics of Stanko

It would seem that the distance to the Monastery is very short, but you will have to work hard to get to the top.

Parking lot at the gates of the Monastery:

We did not drive so close and walked part of the way, by the way, and correctly. There is a barrier at the fork and there is security there. If you are disabled, a pregnant woman, or traveling to the Monastery with small children, then you will be allowed into this parking lot. If not, then get ready to go to the one indicated just above - the choice is Airmania. Families with small children should definitely not experiment; it’s better to come here.

Lower prison

Nizhny Ostrog consists of two churches; if you don’t know this, you can simply drive by. Many people, by the way, do just that. That is why we have given in the article the coordinates of three parking lots, stopping at which one by one along the way you will see everything!

Holy Trinity Church

The church is Orthodox; it contains a prayer book and candles dating back to 1732.

It is small, but very cozy, and most importantly, functional. Inside, she is protected from unauthorized filming and, apparently, hooliganism.

Location on the map:

Church of Nizhny Ostrog (with the relics of a 12-year-old boy)

A twelve-year-old boy, elevated to the rank of Saints, suffered for his faith. Both of his hands were cut off, in which the child was clutching his cross. This act was committed by the Turks, and the boy’s relics are kept in the Monastery to this day.

On the map and coordinates:

42°40’09.5″N 19°01’50.2″E

Upper Ostrog Montenegro (Ostrog Monastery)

Despite the fact that everyone goes to visit one single Church in the rock in Montenegro, Upper Ostrog also consists of two parts. The first - the most famous and recognizable - Church of the Exaltation of the Cross, dating back to the 17th century. This is a white building, harmoniously integrated into the mountain landscape. The second part is the Vvedenskaya Church, a small church of the 18th century, practically adjacent to the main one. It was here, in a small Church, that Saint Basil of Ostrog lived. Now his relics rest here, to which people are admitted one by one through a low doorway.

What not to do on the territory of the Monastery:

  • smoke
  • go with pets
  • dress inappropriately

Prices in Ostrog Monastery:

On the left side of the territory there is a line for candles, as I thought, that’s where the entrance fee is paid!

But entry was free!

A candle costs 10 euro cents, in addition a gift is given for a family or company. A bottle of Holy Water and Oil in a small glass container.

Notes for health and peace are written on the first floor of the Church; as a thank you, they are dropped into coin slots for anyone who cares.

Also, be sure to climb to the upper terrace of the Church in the Rock using the stairs from the 1st floor. Along the way you will find mosaic ancient icons, and at the top there are huge mosaics and impressive views of the valley.

Where to pray, nuances when visiting Ostrog:

Despite the fact that there are numerous icons in the Monastery, it is not customary to light candles there. There is a separate room for this, even before entering the territory of Bila Tserkva. There are no icons inside the room, there are bare walls covered in smog from candles and a characteristic smell. For repose, candles are placed not at the crucifix, but in the center of the room in the far corner. A wide container with sand, installed almost at floor level, is the place for candles for the dead. And on both sides of the room there are containers with sand at a higher level for candles for health.

When to go to Ostrog and what to prepare for?

Excursion buses arrive here in an endless stream after 10 o'clock and this continues until the evening. But by 17:00 it becomes much more spacious, buses leave the Monastery. Why is it important to catch a time when there are fewer people? The whole point is that they let people in to the Relics one at a time, and the cell where they are located is very small. If I'm not mistaken, less than 10 people fit inside at a time. Now let’s imagine that several large buses arrived at the Relics at the same time... The queue will be for several hours! You will enter the territory without any problems, but there will be difficulties with writing notes, exploring the surrounding area and visiting the relics. If you are part of a tour, you don’t have to choose.

Advantages of a trip with an excursion:

This is definitely cheaper and faster than using public transport yourself. Therefore, I will not even describe the travel time and bus stops. If you don't rent a car, then buy a tour. Usually, visiting the Monastery is not the only object of the tour. Therefore, you will receive maximum information and avoid the stress of traveling along a narrow mountain road.

Ostrog Monastery on the map

Ostrog Monastery in Montenegro: night at the walls

Pilgrims, and sometimes even tourist adventurers, take a pillow and mattress on the territory of the Upper Monastery and spend the night here near its walls. I won't say anything about impressions since we didn't try it. Besides, it seems to me that this is still a sacred moment that remains in a person’s soul. You don't have to say anything about it. Tourist adventurers are not always happy, especially with distant amenities) But, in fact, for a believer who stayed overnight not for fun, this is definitely not a hindrance.

The observation deck is the best place to take a photo of the Ostrog Monastery

This is a very small parking lot on the road to the Monastery, which can accommodate 3-4 cars. We stopped here on our way back and didn't regret it. In our video you can see more details about why to make this stop.

This is where I end my article. You will find everything that is not included in our video. I recommend subscribing to YouTube channel Aviamania, many interesting trips await us!

Enjoy your travels!

There are a lot of monasteries in little Montenegro, but I will immediately explain why I want to talk about these five. The fact is that I visited them exactly. Therefore, these are my impressions and some facts.

Cetinje Monastery

General impressions: calming

I start with it, because it is in the Cetinje Monastery that peace and a pleasant, blissful feeling come to me. Perhaps this is because the monastery contains very important Christian shrines- A piece of the Holy Cross of the Lord and the Right Hand of St. John the Baptist. They are in a closed ark, but if a small group of people gathers, a friendly monk opens it. The monastery was founded by Ivan Crnoevich back in 1484, almost simultaneously with the city of Cetinje itself. The monastery was destroyed and rebuilt twice. And for the second time in a new place, the one where it stands to this day. The Cetinje Monastery has strong historical ties with Russia, in particular, the named shrines, having gone through a difficult path, came to it from there. And it was there that a friendly monk joyfully told my mother and me: “There are three hundred million of us and Rus!”, and this despite the fact that a lot of Russians come there. The Cetinje Monastery is also notable for the fact that the first Montenegrin printing house was opened within its walls.

Ostrog Monastery

General impressions: majestic

This is probably the most famous Montenegrin monastery, as among Orthodox pilgrims, and among tourists. And they can be understood, the place is truly unique, and appearance, and on the internal atmosphere. This monastery was founded in the 17th century by a very revered saint in Montenegro, Vasily of Ostrog. It consists of two parts - the lower monastery and the upper one, which is built into the rock, and even higher on the mountain towers above it grand cross. A dangerous mountain serpentine leads to the monastery, but local residents are proud that no accidents have ever happened there. In general, pilgrims often go there on foot. Sometimes they climb from the lower monastery to the upper one along numerous stairs, and sometimes they take a longer path. For example, every year on May 12, on the day of memory of Vasily Ostrog, a large crowd of people goes to Ostrog on foot directly from Podgorica, from our main church. This is about 30 kilometers. best friend Gorana goes every year. There is also a holy spring, and in the souvenir shop each visitor is given a beautiful small bottle of holy water and a small bottle of oil for free.

Moraca Monastery

Overall impressions: fabulous

From afar, the monastery looks like a small castle, but when you get closer, among bright colors and cozy benches, thoughts involuntarily arise of the Garden of Eden. It is located in the mountains, not far from Kolasin, on the banks of the Moraca River, the road itself along which deserves special attention. The monastery was founded in 1252 by Stefan Vukanović and is famous for its frescoes. Unfortunately, few of the original frescoes inside have survived, but the later ones, from the 16th century, look very picturesque. I didn’t take pictures inside, but the outer wall of the monastery is also decorated with frescoes, so you can get an idea. There is a spring with holy water in the courtyard, and the “bell tower” stands separately; in fact, it is just a shed for bells.

Savina Monastery

Overall impressions: amazing

This one is very beautiful monastery is located two kilometers from Herceg Novi, on a hill with an impressive view of the Bay of Kotor (Boka Kotorska), and is literally immersed in Mediterranean greenery. It is believed that the monastery got its name from St. Sava, the first Serbian archbishop, although the temple named after him is located outside the monastery complex. And just if you climb the stairs to this temple, you can enjoy the view of the Savina Monastery against the backdrop of the sea. In my opinion, this is one of the most beautiful views of Montenegro. The miraculous Savinskaya icon is kept in the monastery Mother of God, famous for saving it from destruction by the Venetians. According to legend, the Venetian ships had already approached the monastery and pointed their cannons at it, but people were praying in front of the icon, and suddenly clouds came into the sky, and a flash of lightning hit the powder magazine of one of the ships. Of course, the ship exploded.

Daibabe Monastery

General impressions: depressing

This monastery is located in Podgorica, on the other side of Daybab Hill, near which I live. But at the same time, I have the fewest photographs of him, perhaps because he makes a strange, heavy impression on me. The fact is that it, like the Ostrog monastery, is located in the mountain, but at the same time it is, as it were, dug into the ground. The hill is pitted with branched passages, and the facade of the monastery is attached to the hill. In these caves there is a source of fresh water and, according to some sources, in ancient times Christian shrines were kept there. The monastery was founded by Simeon Popovich in 1897, he was also the author of the faces of saints painted on the walls, and now his relics are kept there. A very narrow and low passage, small church premises, slippery uneven floor underfoot. I don’t have claustrophobia, but I feel somehow uncomfortable there. Of course, I didn’t dare take pictures inside. Yes, this will not convey what you feel inside.