How will July go for lonely Scorpios? Main tasks of the month of the sign Scorpio

What does a mole on the forehead mean? Right. Left. In the center. Mole.

Mole on forehead. Do you have a spot (birthmark) on your forehead and are you very upset about it? In vain, believe me. The fact is that a person who has this spot on his forehead has a chance to become a statesman or diplomat. How do you like this prospect? If you have a negative attitude towards everything that has anything to do with politics, then your birthmark has other advantages. It will be interesting to know about this for those who believe in all sorts of symbols, signs, meanings, and so on. Further information is “awaiting” them.

The meaning of moles on the forehead.

Birthmarks can “tell” us a lot of interesting things: character, habits, and hidden talents, and attitude towards people. However, it is also important to know their location. If your mole, for example, is on the left side of your forehead, then you can determine that you are a very selfish and arrogant person; You don’t know the value of finances, so you spend it thoughtlessly and recklessly. However, if a birthmark adorns the right side of your forehead, then this reveals your secrets about great love to travel; Thanks to your intellectual abilities, you will certainly be able to achieve great success in your career and in life in general.

Birthmark on the forehead. If you have a spot in the form of a lip print, you can safely be called an idea generator. People love you, they are drawn to you, it’s interesting to be with you. People with such a birthmark do not have any mental disorders; they are always able to adequately assess any situation. They have a wonderful sense of humor and are not offended by jokes, as is typical for many. A birthmark in this form is rare. But this does not in any way affect its symbolic meaning.

What does a mole on the forehead mean? What does it mean?

People who have a mole on their forehead have an endless supply of energy. However, they often waste it without thinking. This is not worth doing. If the birthmark is located right in the center of the forehead, then for women this is a sign of acquiring not a single dozen fans, and for men - an incredible number of signs of attention from the female half of the population. There is one “but”: people with “central” birthmarks in the forehead area may have difficulty communicating with people. This is understandable: apparently, people will be jealous. Although, on the contrary, it would be worth sincerely rejoicing. Every person has a “celebration of life”. Only it comes unexpectedly and in different times. Hence, instead of feeling envious of those who are successful and happy people, it’s better to smile and patiently wait for your “finest hour.” It will definitely come!

Easterners are confident that a birthmark on the forehead (large) means sudden failures and troubles, since a person is not able to predict the consequences of the actions he has committed.

When I started writing this article, I remembered that my prefect at the institute also had a birthmark on his forehead (in the center). By the way, it didn’t spoil her face at all. It looked very nice. At first, she was very complex about this, hiding the spot under her bangs. But, after a few years, the complexes passed. Why have complexes, actually, about this? A birthmark is not a scar or a terrible scratch. In addition, birthmarks can be completely different: in the shape of hearts, and in the form of dolphins, butterflies, bugs, figurines, icons... If I had a spot on my forehead, on the contrary, I would be proud of it. But, unfortunately, as you understand, I don’t have such a spot.

Mole on forehead. If the doctor told you to say goodbye to the birthmark, of course, it is better not to argue with the doctor and do so. You can take this step even if the spot is really very large and “sits” unsightly on the forehead.

There are cases that birthmarks can appear and disappear completely without a trace, as if it never existed at all. You can call this phenomenon whatever you like: a miracle, mysticism, a sign, a riddle, a vision, a prophecy…. You can wait for the spot to disappear if it bothers you so much. When it will disappear is unknown. And it is also not possible to predict this in any way. Most often, by the way, the spot “makes itself felt” after the woman has given birth to a child. In general, it is believed that a birthmark is a wound inflicted on a person in a past life.

It's not good somehow, it turns out: we ignored men with our attention. But they also have birthmarks on their foreheads. They symbolize the following: the owner of this spot on the forehead is born for happiness and success in all areas of life and creative endeavors. If the birthmark is on the right, then the man may have serious problems related to money. If the spot is on the left, the man will have various love adventures.

The President's mark on the forehead. You can recall such a famous owner of a birthmark in the forehead as Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev. This man has achieved a lot. But we will not dwell in detail on his achievements. Let me just remind you that he was the president of the USSR. And this already means a lot! After all, not everyone (by no means everyone) is destined to become famous, not necessarily in the political sphere.

Many famous DJs Knowing about this “magical” property of birthmarks, they boldly paint them on their foreheads. They do this so carefully that it is impossible to understand whether the speck is real or not. They paint birthmarks, of course, not themselves, but by resorting to the services of masters from the most elite salons. They leave an enormous amount of money to the craftsmen, in the hope that the artificial birthmark will be able to “take over” everything symbolic meanings present. But this is not so: nature “notices” deception. Therefore, all that remains with a painted birthmark is its charm and appearance. In principle, if it does not harm either its owners or those around it, then let the speck remain where it was painted. In addition, if you wish, you can always get rid of the stain, and in a completely painless way. A birthmark can become a habit. Not scary: It is better to get used to a birthmark than, for example, to drugs.

P continuation follows:

Love is of no small importance for Scorpio, as, indeed, for all signs of the Zodiac. But representatives of this zodiac sign will feel the need for it especially acutely in the summer, namely in July. The love horoscope for July 2019 for Scorpios will reliably answer all questions about feelings and romantic relationships during this period.

Love horoscope for Scorpios for July 2019

For July of this year, every Scorpio had simply great plans. Time and time again they thought back to their dreams of a magical time spent with their loved one. The stars will give Scorpios the opportunity to turn romantic dreams into an equally romantic reality. To do this, in July it will be enough to do everything that was planned in advance.

The love astrological forecast for July does not contain encouraging predictions for lazy Scorpios. All Scorpios will have to achieve happiness through their own efforts. In the middle of summer this year, each representative of this zodiac sign can quickly arrange his destiny by meeting interesting person, but for this you will have to take the initiative.

The love horoscope recommends that Scorpios engage in more self-development in July. The second month of summer 2019 will be rich in events on the love front, and representatives of the sign are better off immediately leaving a favorable opinion of themselves in the eyes of potential fans. A new romance is just around the corner, which, according to the stars, will happen in the life of Scorpio exactly at the end of the month.

Love horoscope for a Scorpio woman for July 2019

Scorpio girls, who almost never doubt their own irresistibility, will experience a not entirely positive period in July. love sphere. Even despite relative prosperity on the love front, women will experience an acute lack of attention and will even begin to suspect certain flaws in their appearance, which, of course, cannot be done. In July, it is better for Scorpio girls, on the contrary, to redirect attention to more pressing problems: love horoscope advises them to become more sensual and begin to show concern for their chosen ones. In this case, there will be no talk of any lack of tenderness in relations with your significant other.

The middle of summer this year will not seem like a carefree time for Scorpio girls. As luck would have it, men this month will be extremely passive, and the fair half will have to take the initiative into their own hands. Using cunning and tricks, Scorpio girls will get what they want before the end of July without unnecessary emotional and time costs.

The stars give a somewhat unexpected forecast to married Scorpio women. In July, they will not want to change anything in their personal lives, which will contribute to the appearance of chills in the relationship between the spouses. How correct is this position of Scorpio girls? heavenly patrons they don’t undertake to judge. But one thing is certain - negative consequences she won't bring it. Therefore, in general, July will be neutral for ringed Scorpio girls.

Love horoscope for a Scorpio man for July 2019

Men of the Scorpio sign have been given many predictions for July. The second month of summer will greet them with caution and at first will not provide opportunities to achieve personal goals on the love front. But already in mid-July, Scorpios will feel really “hot”. The most romantic men, as one might expect, will fall in love, so much so that it will be impossible to hide it from others. More down-to-earth Scorpios in July will generally immerse themselves in feelings not just headlong, but purposefully with their consciousness and soul.

Moreover, Scorpio wives will not have to worry in July. If their spouse falls in love, it will only be with them again. In the middle of summer, an accurate love horoscope for July predicts some difficulties for Scorpios, but they will quickly be resolved and will not leave any traces behind.

Love horoscope for Scorpios for other months of 2019

In July 2018, Scorpios should not slow down the momentum they gained last month. In the middle of this summer, you will come close to everything that is your main goal. And at this very moment, paradoxical as it may sound, you run the risk of suddenly losing interest in your endeavors. This happens when a person has been striving for a dream for too long, and then suddenly realizes that a lot has changed around him and that the dream has lost its relevance. But no, you should not retreat from it, from your most cherished dream, on which you have already spent a lot of energy, nerves and time. Follow this path to the end, and a great victory will certainly await you.

Both your personal life and your professional destiny in July 2018 will depend only on which of the listed areas your secret desire belongs to. If you dream of succeeding financially, and for this purpose you have begun to develop some kind of business-related project, we can say with confidence that in July the world will meet your new project with great delight. The main thing is that before you present it, you are absolutely sure that this project is perfect, and there are no little things in it that could put your potential success at great risk.

If you work in a company, and your number one goal is to grow your career, before you achieve this goal, you will have to give up some things. life principles. More precisely, you will be forced to sadly admit that among your work colleagues you have no friends, or even acquaintances. All these people, like sharks, will turn on you when you find yourself just one step away from a promising assignment. At the cost of incredible work, but you will still win this fight, having determined once and for all for yourself that from now on you should stay away from your greedy colleagues.

For those Scorpios whose main goal is to restore order in the sphere of their love affections, the horoscope has prepared only one recommendation. It goes like this - don't listen to all the recommendations you get from your friends or relatives. These people cannot build your life for you, and their advice risks confusing you even more. Act as your heart tells you. If you are ready to forgive and accept back your erring marriage partner, so be it, and don’t care if many of your relatives and friends openly call you a weakling or a wimp!

Now a few words for those Scorpios who are just looking for love and consider a happy romance to be their most cherished wish. You will definitely be lucky, and on your way in the middle of this summer a amazing person, next to whom you will experience boundless happiness. There is only one condition - be patient. Give your crush time to put things in order in her own thoughts, and also completely free herself from her unsuccessful marriage.

Attention, the Scorpio horoscope for the month of July 2018 has been published in a shortened form. To have full picture coming 2018 yellow dog you should make a personal forecast for 2018 with individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

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Horoscope for July 2019: Scorpio will be at the mercy of financial transactions and risky ventures. But all this will take place without your participation. You will observe more successful colleagues or competitors, but you yourself will be on the sidelines.


Risk, of course, is a noble cause, but you are not in the best shape right now, and therefore it is better to refrain from risky ventures. Don't blame yourself, now is not your time. The stars are providing you with a temporary period of calm to gain strength and analyze your life and professional assets.

Representatives of the scientific intelligentsia will be able to show off their intellect at the right time and in the right place, thanks to which they will achieve public recognition. Your work in science will be rewarded, perhaps even in monetary terms. But try to use the bonus wisely and don’t waste money on trifles. For businessmen mediocre in July 2019 it is worth thinking about expanding your sphere of influence, but you should not start implementing your plans this month. Later, you will definitely succeed, and your competitors will bite their elbows because they did not see the source of income lying under their noses.


Scorpios are excellent family men and owners; they are always keenly interested in home and family, and in July 2017, under the influence of the Moon, this issue will be a priority for representatives of the sign. Scorpio's house will be his fortress, and family relationships will be very warm.

In the life of Scorpio in July 2019, there will be strong family support more than ever, so family relationships will not be a one-sided game. The family can increase due to the birth of a child.

In the middle of summer, Scorpio can meet people who will be very close to him in spirit and will be like family to you.

The Moon is the patroness of home comfort, and the Yellow Pig, the patroness of the year, values ​​family very much. Don’t be surprised that thoughts about changing or expanding your home may come to the mind of a representative of the sign.

If distant relatives hint to Scorpio about receiving an inheritance from them in the future in order to gain financial benefits now, do not believe such a promise - you will definitely be deceived, and the inheritance will go to the asset of more efficient and less respectable relatives than you.

Scorpio Woman

In July 2019, Scorpio women should make every effort to ensure that during this period there are always people nearby who love them and whom they love - friends and family! It is their support and love that will become an incentive for you to achieve great achievements!

Representatives of the zodiac house will often lack the patience to complete things, but even in this situation, the Pig will help you with work and housekeeping and will introduce you to the necessary and useful people. New acquaintances will take on part of the routine work, and all you have to do is clearly plan your actions.

Scorpio Man

Expensive purchases in the form of household appliances or electronics should not be purchased with money set aside for a rainy day. It will be difficult to accumulate what was wasted.

IN last decade your distant relatives may need your financial help - warns the horoscope for July 2019. Scorpio man, remember that by helping this time, you doom yourself to subsequent support for many years.

Your intuition and knowledge of basic human psychology will allow you to be considered almost a psychic. Your predictions will come true, and your intuition will tell you in what situation you can announce to a person his near or not so future, and in what situation it is better to remain silent. Use your sixth sense only for the benefit of people, but don’t forget about yourself!

Scorpio child

Scorpio kids in July 2019 will strive for independence in all available ways, so it is in the interests of parents to initially direct their children’s energy to the right direction. Don’t embarrass them over small things, but it’s also a good idea to outline the boundaries of what is permitted.

Preschool children will begin to demonstrate character, very often this will happen during preparation for school. Don’t go too far; parents rarely have the restraint and patience of teachers. Your task is to provide all the conditions for the full development of your child, and very soon Scorpios will prove themselves both in their studies and in the creative field.


Your reluctance to follow doctors' advice in July 2019 may play a cruel joke and you will trip yourself up. Do not ignore the recommendations of specialists, and if your health worsens, rush to the hospital. The earth will not move off its axis if you do not waste time searching for traditional medicine recipes and self-medication, and finally begin examining the body using generally accepted methods of official medicine.

Now you just need to start playing sports. You will have people who will be happy to support your endeavor. Your family members will enthusiastically practice yoga with you, and your spouse will give you a wonderful and useful gift - a pool pass. Remember that main enemy your health is your own laziness, drive it away from you all possible ways. Set your own records in July 2019, don’t forget to show off even minor successes in the gym! This will encourage you to make exercise a habit and become a daily norm.

Horoscope for July 2019, Scorpio, who has his own business, will think about expanding his spheres of influence.
There may be a new addition to the Scorpio family.
A Scorpio man should not encroach on the money set aside for a “rainy day.”
Horoscope for August 2019 Scorpio.

Scorpio horoscope for July 2017

You know, like situations when guys meet each other and say the first thing that comes to their mind. That’s why it happens that they say: “Girl, can you tell me how to go straight?” This is how Scorpios in July 2017 need to go straight and do the first thing that comes to mind - this will be the most the right decision. July 2017 is not the time for long thoughts, otherwise you may miss your luck, or worse, do something weird. And this applies equally to Scorpio men and Scorpio women.

After all, as we warned in detail, in July 2017, Scorpios will experience another rise. Especially in business and interpersonal aspects. Frequent communication and the emergence of new friends and contacts await you. True, after the difficult last few months, you will still be hot-tempered and emotionally unstable. Try to control your temper. Especially with new people. The positive trends that began in July 2017 will continue until November.

Another horoscope for July 2017 for Scorpios suggests that next month you need to be very careful in your relationships with loved ones and friends. Especially in new ones, and this especially applies to Scorpios born in November. As in the past May or June 2017, some of your relatives or friends may present you with an unpleasant surprise. And Scorpios born in October should not relax. In mid-Summer, many Scorpios will be both too relaxed and too busy being in the romantic mood. And this will seriously interfere with making quick and strong-willed decisions in July 2017. As the horoscope shows - some difficult situations in July 2017, you will provoke yourself, either through your favorite sharp tongue, or with the help of an adventure-seeking apparatus, that is, your ...@pa. That’s why we recommended that you go straight and don’t act weird. Try using folk wisdom- if an apple falls on you, run as quickly as possible: the apple tree does not fall far from the apple. So if in July 2017 you throw a word or a grenade at someone (and sometimes Scorpios’ words explode more powerfully than a grenade), immediately hide. That is, in other words, if in July 2017 in some place or society you feel bad and “uncomfortable,” just quickly change this place. But there is no need to throw words or grenades at people.

Horoscope for July 2017 Scorpio. Next month you will be too suggestible (that is, Scorpios are already suggestible, but next month, even more so), so try not to listen too much to other people’s advice, even to your closest relatives, even to the right ones, although you rarely do this anyway. But next month, even the right advice from others can turn you off your right path.

Horoscope for July 2017 Scorpio favorable days– 1, 4, 10, 14, 15, 18, 22, 26 and 29.

Horoscope for July 2017 Scorpiounfavorable days- the keys to happiness are in our heads... There are also castles there, fortunately... By planning unfavorable days, we ourselves hang a castle on our possible happiness.

Horoscope for July 2017 Scorpio career, work and business. Despite the fact that July is a period of vacations and the hunt for wonderful summer moments, next month many Scorpios will not have time to rest. In July 2017, Scorpios may repeat some of their previous mistakes at work, or your previous mistakes and failures will “resurface.” That is why the horoscope once again reminds that the greatest stupidity is to do the same thing and hope for a different result. Put aside your favorite rake for a while.

July 2017 does not expect you to open new projects or directions, but new ways to promote old and existing ones. But in July 2017, cerebral and creative solutions will be most difficult for you. And not only because it’s Summer outside. It’s just that your inner feeling of “yes, who the hell needs this” will prevent you from concentrating. In this case, try using the “scientific poke” method, trying and testing new non-standard methods for solving problems. Use as much flattery as possible in your relationships with your superiors. This will not only save your butt, but will make communication with your superiors more pleasant. Even for Scorpio leaders, the horoscope for July 2017 indicates that even if you got your butt licked, you shouldn’t relax, most likely it’s lubricant!

Horoscope for July 2017 Scorpio Finance. A man's mirror is his woman, Scorpio's mirror is your wallet. Normal or at least stable financial situation always “reflected” on your reflection in the mirror. In July 2017, you will not really like your reflection in the mirror (in the sense of your wallet), and even your loved ones, or relatives, or friends will demand help or expenses.

Love horoscope for July 2017 Scorpio. Horoscope for July 2017 Scorpio Love. But in their personal life, unlike their professional life, Scorpios expect pleasure, victory, romance and Love. Next month, Scorpios will be attractive, charming and irresistible. In July 2017, family Scorpios will be able to completely relax, enjoying communication with loved ones, relatives and friends. And if a strong family is when personal life coincides with family life, then in July 2017 family Scorpios this is exactly what is expected. Although amorous adventures will attract many Scorpios, in July 2017 this should not affect your relationships.

The horoscope advises lonely Scorpios to spend more time in the fresh air and have a “fresh social circle.” It is here that the most successful acquaintances await Scorpios. And although internally (after the last few months) most single Scorpios will not yet be ready for serious relationship, in July 2017 this is not necessary. The value of summer communication is the absence of responsibilities. Simply - Enjoy!

Therefore, Scorpios in July 2017, go straight and don’t think too much and don’t choose your words. You will think about the meaning of life and other questions on cold autumn evenings. And in July 2017, your task is not to make demands on life, on yourself, or on others. Otherwise, if you start to stop and think in July 2017, you might do something weird. Like the crazy people who took over the madhouse and started demanding one dollar and a million helicopters. Have a nice July 2017!

P/S Do not consider our astrologer paranoid, but it always seems to him that someone is constantly reading what he writes here. This is true?