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Graphology and practice

Human handwriting is one of the most complete sources of information about the properties of a particular person. Of course, only for those who have this knowledge and know how to use it. However, even a person ignorant of graphology, after carefully studying samples of texts, is able to determine the main character traits of the people who wrote them.

For example, you can easily understand that the handwriting shown in Fig. 1 belongs to a self-confident, strong and energetic person. This is evidenced by the firm manner of writing, the large size of letters and strokes, as well as the direction of the lines, which can be described as generally progressive.

Rice. 1. Handwriting of a person who is confident in his abilities

On the contrary, the handwriting sample from Fig. 2 speaks of a person who has little confidence in his abilities and does not have a definite outlook on life. This character trait is evidenced by the lack of stability of strokes, unevenness of the text, different sizes of spaces and letters, as well as ambiguous direction of lines.

Rice. 2. Handwriting of a person with uncertain views on life

In Fig. Figure 3 shows the handwriting of an extravagant person: the movements of his hand when writing are wide and sweeping. Rice. 4. illustrates extreme practicality, since this person arranges even the text on a piece of paper, taking into account the amount of space.

Rice. 3. Extravagance dominates the character

Rice. 4. Practicality dominates the character

Samples in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 show the organization and disorganization of their authors. In the first case the linear interval is clear, in the second it is fuzzy.

Rice. 5. This personality is well organized.

Rice. 6. This person lacks organization.

The speed of writing text (Fig. 7, 8) also speaks volumes. In particular, how much this person patient.

Rice. 7. The speed of writing text indicates impatience.

Rice. 8. This individual has a lot of patience

The inclination of the letters when writing shows how tense the person is or, on the contrary, how relaxed he is (Fig. 9, 10).

Rice. 9. Restrained character

Rice. 10. This person is very relaxed

And the more the handwriting of a particular person differs from the generally accepted manner of writing, the more unique his personality is (Fig. 11, 12).

Rice. 11. This person tends to follow conventions

Rice. 12. Independence and arbitrariness in decisions

Accuracy when writing a sample text presupposes the subject’s discipline. On the contrary, negligence when writing is evidence of a lack of any discipline (Fig. 13, 14).

Rice. 13. Self-discipline is high enough

Rice. 14. Indiscipline

Not last role The shape of the letters also plays a role. For example, those whose form is preserved may indicate clarity of thought. Irregularly shaped letters, on the contrary, indicate unclear thinking (Fig. 15–16).

Rice. 15. Clarity in thoughts

Rice. 16. Fuzzy thinking

However, handwriting analysis is somewhat more complex than the examples provided demonstrate. Individual emotional, mental and physical characteristics of each person, varying depending on various life circumstances, represent a rather complex subject of research.

The complexity of graphological analysis lies in the fact that the human brain, under the influence of various factors, forms a unique personality with unique character traits and a unique style of writing.

Therefore, handwriting analysis should be approached with care, remembering that a person’s character cannot be assessed unambiguously. Emeritus Member International Society graphological analysis in Chicago, Eleanor Vivian, argues that “any attempt to form a rating system will not be successful, because life is unpredictable and unique; and since handwriting is a description of life, its analysis cannot be systematized or transferred to a mathematical basis. To do this means to violate the purity of the analysis.”

The study of many thousands of handwriting samples has shown that authors of texts that are similar in writing also have similar characters. For example, personality traits such as anger, emotional activity, talking a lot, and pride are common to most people. However, the degree of one or another personality characteristic varies. Besides, various traits the character of one person are closely related. For example, a person who likes to talk can do it emotionally, or greatly exaggerate, or pour out sarcasm, criticize, defend his rights, convince his interlocutor with enthusiasm, etc.

Thus, the sum of the characteristics of the same personality quality is practically infinite, since the degree of their expression varies, which makes it quite difficult to create an individual psychological picture based on a single sample text. It is also impossible to evaluate personality qualities as negative or positive if a graphological analysis has not been carried out completely. After all, human handwriting changes day by day, so many skeptics have a negative attitude towards graphology in general, considering its scientific methods unjustified and untenable.

As you know, the process of writing texts is regulated by the central nervous system. Therefore, depending on emotional and physical factors, as well as changes in the external environment, handwriting will change, even if these factors have an almost imperceptible effect. Handwriting evolves as the human personality develops, but its general features, just like the main character traits, will remain.

In the process of graphological analysis, it is also necessary to take into account the lifestyle of a particular person, the influence of environmental conditions, physical condition, the situation at the time of writing the text, down to the posture of the writer and the quality of the paper and pen, not to mention age, body temperature, state of health, etc. .

Remember: insufficient knowledge of handwriting analysis methods when trying to interpret it will not bring you any benefit, but only harm. One book is unlikely to teach you professional graphological analysis. Therefore, you should not try to conduct it at the highest level and give the subject any recommendations. There are many nuances in graphology, and it takes months and sometimes years of diligent observation and practice to understand them.

However, this book will give you an idea of ​​graphology in general, teach you how to evaluate human handwriting, and help you master the basic principles of graphological analysis. After reading it, you will perceive graphology not only as a science, but also as a fine art. In addition, by practicing analyzing other people's handwriting, you will be able to better understand the people around you and, most importantly, yourself. Such knowledge will bring you a feeling of deep satisfaction, and you will be able to feel like you are in control of the situation.

Based on the above, we can conclude that human handwriting is primarily a way of thinking and an expression of individuality, and handwritten texts are nothing more than a record of spiritual, emotional and mental inclinations. Since writing is a mechanical act, handwritten texts can be seen as a graph of the unconscious and an outward manifestation of the internal functions of the central nervous system. For the same reason, handwritten text is a registration of psychomotor impulses.

At the same time, this movement, expressed in detail, is a unique form of art that shows us a picture of mental reactions and reflects our needs and desires. Handwriting is an indicator mental health person, his social potential and degree of responsibility. In addition, a sample of handwritten text objectively reflects our subjective attitude to the world, and is also one of the ways of communication between people.

Since handwriting expresses our emotions, fears, social orientation, way of thinking, determination, degree of openness, abilities, defense mechanisms, as well as a combination of many other inherent human traits, graphology skills will be useful to you in any situation related to communication between people , which you will purchase after reading our book. After all, handwriting is an objective and, most importantly, factual reflection of the character traits of those people with whom you deal every day.

Even if you only know the basics of graphology, you will be able to achieve maximum compatibility in married life, better understanding in personal communication with loved ones, as well as more effective business negotiations. In particular, you will learn to understand a realtor before you buy an apartment; you will be able to check the seller’s honesty before signing the contract; choose an experienced lawyer; correctly evaluate the marriage proposal. You will be able to determine who your true friends are and avoid communicating with a person who is completely unsuitable for you. After all, everyone knows that contradictions between two interlocutors end when emotional bias is replaced by complete understanding.

Thanks to graphological analysis, a manager can avoid hiring an incompetent, unreliable and deceitful employee. After all, applicants for a vacant position do everything possible to ensure that the employer prefers them. Of course, professional skills can be revealed by the content of a resume and a personal interview, but these methods cannot tell you about the applicant’s personality, natural abilities, or communication skills. Assessing the handwriting of a future employee will help to identify even those qualities of his character that eluded you during the interview. A detailed analysis of a resume from a graphological point of view will make it possible to determine whether a given candidate is truly suitable for the position in question.

On the contrary, when the question is about dismissing an employee, graphological analysis will allow the manager to avoid dismissing a valuable employee even if he does not show the best results. This situation may arise due to temporary problems, which you can find out about with the help of graphology. Analysis of employee handwriting can “advise” the manager who should be promoted. career ladder as the most worthy candidates according to their professional experience and skills, and will also tell you how to eliminate or reorient an employee who is out of place.

Experienced staff internal organs and lawyers dealing with documents, in particular when determining their authenticity, often use graphological analysis techniques to distinguish the original document from a rewritten or counterfeit one. In addition, this method is used when comparing handwritings in the case of receiving anonymous letters.

Another feature of graphological analysis is that it opens up broad prospects for analyzing children’s handwriting when solving psychological and emotional problems, as well as determining the imagery of thinking. Graphology is also in demand in those industries human activity that are aimed at helping people. This primarily applies to psychologists, psychiatrists, various consultants and priests.

Handwriting reflects all types mental illness and emotional instability, ranging from schizophrenia and paranoia to mild anxiety or sexual deviations. The advantage of using graphological analysis in such cases is that the person being diagnosed does not have to be informed about the test being performed in order to avoid inevitable questions.

Handwriting analysis can also warn of possible danger. For example, a competent graphologist can determine from one sample of handwriting how real the threat of violence or deception on the part of the test subject is. And if we're talking about not about a criminal, but about a person who has never broken the law; an analysis of his handwriting will make it clear whether he is capable of committing a crime.

One of the most interesting aspects of graphology is the possibility of self-knowledge. What comes to mind here is the popular belief that every person has three characters: one is the one that actually exists, the second is the one that people tend to show to others, and the third is the one that exists in the imagination. Therefore, few are destined to find out the truth about themselves without resorting to help additional sources capable of providing reliable information. This becomes especially relevant when we consider that every person is accustomed to seeing in himself only what he wants. Socrates wrote about this: “Life that is not questioned is not worth existing.” And graphology helps us evaluate our lives differently: objectively and accurately. In addition, she can tell us about our best features, which can be used appropriately.

However, despite the ambiguity of the results, graphological analysis still has limits, like, in general, all sciences bordering on art.

1. Handwriting is not male or female. It may exhibit qualities that are equally characteristic of persons of both sexes. Therefore, in graphology there is no method to determine gender writer. The fact is that some men write very elegantly, while some women have a clear and sweeping handwriting, strongly reminiscent of a man's. As a result, a comprehensive analysis of handwriting can only be achieved if the specialist knows exactly the gender of the author of the text. In particular, this is necessary in order to find out the meaning of the lower loops in handwriting.

2. Handwriting cannot reflect the physical condition of the object and its age. The fact is that some children are capable of thinking and acting like adults, and the actions of adults are sometimes judged as childish. The handwriting of a precocious child indicates fully developed character traits. Conversely, childish handwriting of an adult individual indicates his immaturity. If the author of the handwriting is an elderly person, the letters when written look shaky, which suggests illness. And in order not to confuse such a sample with a sample of the handwriting of a mentally ill person, the graphologist must be aware of the age and physical condition of the subject of the study. It is also impossible, using graphological analysis, to identify a person’s tendency to be overweight and other features of his physical structure.

3. You cannot predict the future from your handwriting. Handwriting reflects emotional condition and character traits of the person being studied only in the present tense - at the time of writing the sample for the study. Therefore, a graphologist cannot answer the question about future love, future success or future receipt of money. Graphology has nothing to do with occult sciences at all. It is based on careful observations and evaluation personality traits, which on paper reflect the letters inherent in the handwriting of a particular individual. Using graphological analysis, it is possible to determine how a subject will react to a specific pathogen, but the analyst is not able to predict the occurrence of a particular situation. In the event that a graphologist proceeds only from theoretical assumptions, he simply deceives the client.

4. It is impossible to recognize a profession by handwriting. Graphological analysis will give an idea of ​​the natural abilities and talents of the subject, however, it will not be possible to determine how he uses them.

Analysis of handwriting details

Graphology, as already mentioned, is not only a science, but also an art. Its scientific side consists of a thorough study of the details of handwriting, their assessment and determination of the criteria of human personality. In addition, as a result of the analysis, the details are systematized in order to identify the most significant of them that influence the formation of personality, and discard those that do not play a role in its development.

Graphology as an art manifests itself when the analyst goes beyond ordinary observation and dry assessment of facts and, generalizing them, begins to create an individual psychological portrait. The art of mastering graphological analysis comes with experience. This is expressed in the deepest understanding of one’s own psychology and the psychology of the people around you. Having reached such heights, a person already enjoys this complex and painstaking work.

Organized handwriting

Organization, or, more simply, evenness of handwriting, indicates the level of a person’s internal organization. This characteristic is decisive, as it indicates in what way other details should be interpreted - positive or negative. For example, handwriting with smooth, large letters indicates activity, energy, confidence and the ability to express oneself. On the contrary, large, disorganized handwriting, poorly oriented on a piece of paper, speaks of impudence, arrogance and impulsiveness.

Well-organized fine handwriting indicates intelligent use of force in the desired direction, as well as the ability to think and pay attention to detail. Poorly organized small handwriting indicates timidity and indecision, as well as a tendency to focus on the inner world.

Speaking about the general organization of handwriting, it is impossible not to mention that when examining a sample for graphological analysis, the uniformity and systematicity of letters or the absence of such qualities immediately catches the eye. For example, if a person is known to you as firm in decisions and actions, determined in actions and thoughts, with a firm gait, as well as coherent and logical speech, then his handwriting, as a rule, looks well organized and systematized. Movements in various directions Usually it can never be avoided, but there is a certain pattern in such handwriting.

Handwriting is usually said to be balanced when a sample of handwritten text appears fairly even overall. In this case, the margins on all sides should be approximately the same, the sizes of capital and lowercase letters should be almost the same, the slope should be constant, the lines should be evenly distributed across the page, and the letters should not differ in height and are written with equal pressure. This handwriting looks simple and clear, since the text is written legibly and clearly (Fig. 17).

Rice. 17. Well-organized handwriting

Good organization of handwriting, combined with other positive indicators, can be considered a positive characteristic of an individual. This indicates stability and good balance of aspirations and feelings, as well as clarity of thoughts and wealth inner world. People with this type of handwriting are responsible and reliable. And if you meet similar people in Everyday life, then there is no doubt about the constancy of their relationships and feelings. On the contrary, haphazard and disorganized handwriting presents the opposite picture: the margins when writing text are either not respected at all or have different sizes, the proportions of lowercase and capital letters are violated, the slope in each line is different, and the lines themselves are distributed unevenly across the page. In this case, the letters are written with unequal pressure and are of different heights. Such text as a whole looks careless and unaesthetic (Fig. 18).

Rice. 18. Poorly organized handwriting

Poorly organized handwriting indicates that its owner feels insecure and uncertain in life. He failed to associate his way of thinking and acting with one of the existing systems. Therefore, the thoughts and feelings of such a person cannot be clear or constant. In addition, those with disorganized handwriting are characterized by irresponsible behavior and lack of self-control.

However, if a well-organized handwriting, despite its systematic nature, does not undergo any changes, then its owner is characterized by such negative qualities, as excessive constancy and even intrusiveness, which is still negative characteristic. Excessively smooth handwriting is often a sign of pretense, monotony and excessive demands. For a positive assessment, it is necessary that the subject’s text contains a certain number of characters that differ from the general organization. This indicates the ability to make spontaneous decisions and quickly adapt to unfavorable external conditions.

Handwriting sizes

The size of handwriting, or the size of the letters, reflects the relationship of the author of the text with the people around him, as well as his reaction to external stimuli. In addition, the size of letters when writing can indicate what place an individual assigns for himself in life, that is, the results of the analysis can give an answer about the degree of a person’s egocentrism. Based on the size of the handwriting, one can determine what kind of lifestyle the subject prefers: contemplative or active. In order to determine the size of handwriting, it is enough to measure the height of the letters in each line. Medium-sized handwriting is considered to be handwriting with a letter height of about 3 mm (Fig. 19).

Rice. 19. Medium handwriting

Just like a person who has tall, stands out among the crowd, large handwriting immediately catches the eye. Owners of such handwriting are, as a rule, active, sociable, talkative and expressive. They are bold and self-confident, prefer to move forward, sometimes fuss, and they need a large living space to use up their energy reserves. Such individuals are open to communication with others, and their views on life are multifaceted. They see the big picture of the world well, but do not pay enough attention to details. Typically, a person who writes in large handwriting treats others with understanding and is always ready to listen and accept a new point of view. However, at the same time, he always tries to remain in the spotlight. Therefore, he can brag, pretend, be inattentive and even lie. For the most part, such people lack the ability to focus on one problem and have poor self-control. They are always ready to act quickly, but not to think at all (Fig. 20).

Rice. 20. Large handwriting

Small handwriting, on the contrary, indicates humility and modesty. An author of this type is usually secretive, especially outside of his own close circle, because he tends to downplay his own importance. Unlike the owner of large handwriting, the one who writes small does not like to attract attention to himself, either during celebrations or in life in general. Such people do not need a large space to feel comfortable. Strength They are smart, but they think a lot about their problems, which often becomes an obstacle to action. Often, focusing on details prevents them from forming a complete picture of what is happening. These people are used to thinking about clearly defined tasks, and their views on life in general are very narrow. If small handwriting is also subtle, then such a person tends to live in his own world of his own. In addition, he always feels dependent on others and evaluates his position as subordinate. Some famous historical figures had small handwriting, for example Albert Einstein and the famous Indian figure Gandhi. However, these individuals, thanks to their determination, influenced those around them. big influence. But in general such people are not inclined to decisive action: They like to think more (Fig. 21).

Rice. 21. Small, thin handwriting

People with average handwriting are able to find a compromise between thought processes and active action. They are not accustomed to overestimating their own capabilities, just as they are not accustomed to underestimating them. Such people, depending on their individual characteristics, can be either reserved or sociable. Many of them prefer action, but excessive logical thinking does not allow them to concentrate on details for a long time.

If the size of the handwriting is unstable, this indicates the ability to adapt and, if necessary, give in. Together with other positive personality traits, the unstable size of letters indicates the versatile views and interests of its owner. If we talk about negative characteristics, then such people are characterized by impulsiveness, inability to make decisions and insufficient control over the emotional sphere.

If the size of handwriting changes even within one sentence, it means that the self-esteem of its owner is unstable: self-confidence is often replaced by modesty, depending on the circumstances. If speak about positive features character of such a person, then such a feature means that he is good at coping with unexpected difficulties. Negative traits such an individual are periodically arising states of uncertainty that prevent him from making decisions.

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IN late XIX century, the name of Nikolai Chizhov, who had the ability to recognize people by their handwriting, thundered throughout St. Petersburg. While in Kyiv on business, he went to see the Reverend Theophilus and found with him the members of the pedagogical council of the Theological Academy, who were in great difficulty. Three graduates scored an equal number of points, and only one had to be chosen...

Chizhov looked at the essays of these students and said: “The author of this one is blond, reckless, thin... This one is nervous, selfish... And the third one is a handsome, lively, energetic brunette. So give him the championship, he’s worth it.” Amazed by the accuracy of the characteristics, members of the teachers' council began asking Chizhov how he managed to see from his handwriting not only a character trait, but also appearance. “I don’t know myself,” he answered, “I see, and that’s all…”

Much later, scientists will determine that the psychomotor movements of our fingers during writing are guided by electromagnetic impulses coming from the brain. Graphology data will be used in psychology to study individual character traits. In forensic science they will begin to be used for psychological diagnostics. In medicine, they will make it possible to identify the early stages of Parkinson's disease by slightly trembling handwriting.


The science of handwriting and the reflection in it of the character traits of the writer arose almost simultaneously with the creation of writing. Its scientific foundations were laid by Plato's student, ancient Greek philosopher and naturalist Theophrastus. The term “graphology” itself was introduced in 1872 by the French scientist Jean Michon. At the same time, graphology emerged as a special discipline.

With the development of technology, the possibilities of graphology have greatly expanded. In the USA in the 80s of the XX century it was created computer program to determine the business qualities of applicants for vacant positions in institutions and companies. It is based on data from a study of the handwriting of 500,000 people. The computer almost instantly produces a person’s psychophysical characteristics based on 130 parameters.

Businessmen are very interested in how, judging by their handwriting, a person copes with overload, whether it is easy for him to bear the burden of responsibility, whether he has secret doubts about his competence - that is, those factors that cannot be revealed during a conversation when hiring a person.

Graphology is now taught in American universities. More than 3,000 American, 80% of German, more than half of large Swiss firms and companies conduct graphological analysis of handwriting when hiring or appointing to responsible positions.

So, graphology can do much more than just distinguish between two people based on their handwriting. An experienced graphologist will determine with a high degree of accuracy whether a given person is an optimist or a pessimist, and which sciences he is more suited to - the humanities.


Graphology is not so much a dry science as an art. No computer can capture information that can be easily deduced by an experienced graphologist. A written piece of paper seems to radiate the energy of the writer and even conveys his appearance. Extrasensory perception of handwriting is similar in nature to the ability of some people to make a medical diagnosis or determine the location of a person at a given moment from a photograph or personal belongings of a person.

In the December supplement to the magazine Nature and People for 1896, the story of the murder of lawyer Bernay in Brussels was published. There is no trace of the killers. We only managed to find out that he used the fictitious surname Vaughan, and to find a piece of paper written in his hand. We turned to a graphologist, and he gave the following conclusion:

“The temperament is hot, ardent, the character is bilious, the bones are wide, the muscles are developed, the age is average, the treatment is unfriendly. Tendency to anger and misanthropy. He turns pale when angry, has a regular gait, and does not like arguments. He has more arrogance than pride, he counts well and loves order in everything. Selfish, proud, ambitious, speaks little, subtle diplomat. Understands art, is devoid of any religious feelings. The face is dark, the eyes are most likely gray, the nose is slightly humpbacked, the hands are small with thin fingers, the teeth are good. He narrows his eyes, his pronunciation is not entirely clear. On right hand middle finger phenomenally developed."

In 10 days according to these exact signs the criminal was detained. Needless to say, computer graphology could provide only half of the listed signs. A graphologist from God is always also a psychic!

Here are examples from the recent past. One automobile company, which was suffering millions in losses from theft, having exhausted all funds, turned to a graphologist for help. After reviewing samples of the employees' handwriting, he stated that the company's vice president was involved in the crimes. They put him under surveillance and he was caught. Indeed, he led a criminal gang.


IN pre-revolutionary Russia graphology received so little attention that the 82-volume encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Efron did not even get this term. In 1925, all Russian graphologists were registered. And they either stopped their legal activities or moved to the secret departments of the NKVD and then the KGB.

Soon all references to the work of graphologists disappeared from the Soviet press. The idea of ​​graphology as a pseudoscience began to be cultivated in society. Meanwhile, graphologists-chekists determined from the ballot papers which of the deputies of the XIII Congress of the RCP (b) and the XVII Congress of the CPSU (b) voted against Stalin. A few years will pass, and all the “Protestants” will receive a bullet in the back of the head...

By the way, one of the most prominent Soviet graphologists, Semenov, a few days before Yesenin’s mysterious death, on behalf of the authorities, studied his handwriting and made a conclusion about the poet’s mental imbalance. Later, the same graphologist conducted an examination of Maxim Gorky’s handwriting.

The most famous graphologist who worked in the NKVD was Zuev-Insarov. Examining the autograph of a famous Soviet writer Vsevolod Ivanov, he wrote the following conclusion:

“An inquisitive and restless thought. Tendency to reflection and introspection. When decisive measures are required, he does not hesitate to take them, but is familiar with great hesitation. Many things, often fearing to remain completely misunderstood, are not expressed. Proud and capable of becoming stubborn. At times irritable and picky. He can do a lot of things at once, but he works unevenly. At moments he is highly gifted, at times he becomes apathetic. He does not lose self-control in serious moments of his life. He rarely gets along with people deeply: he loves the company of people of the same mood. In personal relationships, he has a rather soft-spoken nature, although at times he is a difficult person. Impressive. Attacks of fears that often have no basis in reality. It is difficult to fit into the framework of everyday life. The complexity of personal experiences, sometimes expressed in the form internal contradictions. Obsession of individual ideas."

Vsevolod Ivanov responded to this character study as follows: “Your characterization shocked me like a breath of enormous talent!”


Before the invention of the typewriter, manuscripts were the source material for reproduction. Therefore in primary schools ah, much attention was paid to calligraphy - the art of writing beautifully and legibly. Handwriting lessons disappeared from our elementary school curricula in the 1950s. And now, when computers have replaced typewriters everywhere, no one remembers beautiful handwriting, and most people write like a chicken with its paw.

Handwriting deteriorates sharply in moments of haste, from which writers of the last century suffered, trying not to miss inspiration. Victor Hugo's manuscripts resemble a battlefield, where fallen (crossed out) words are replaced by new warriors, not in battle order.

Typesetters agreed to work on Balzac's manuscripts only for an increased fee, and even then no more than an hour a day. The French philosopher Montaigne had such illegible handwriting that he had to hire a secretary to write his Essays in a form acceptable for printing. The great economist Charles Dickens wrote in microscopic letters, very sloppily and, in addition, with blue ink on blue (the cheapest) paper.

Currently, a large amount of handwriting has been preserved by doctors, and their handwriting has become the subject of jokes. Despite, however, the progress of typewriting technology, two types of handwriting have been preserved - autographs and signatures on documents. They lift the veil over the secrets of a person’s character. Graphologists say that a signature is a mirror of the soul. The more pretentious it is, the more a person’s opinion about himself deviates from reality.