What kind of sweetie are you according to your horoscope? What sweetie are you according to your zodiac sign?

You will need

  • - clayey soil;
  • - bayonet and shovel shovels;
  • - screwdriver;
  • - garden wheelbarrow;
  • - boards 25-30 mm;
  • - 2 thick bars 20 cm long;
  • - cement M400 or red clay;
  • - self-tapping screws;
  • - rammer made of beech, ash or oak.


Make a machine for making an earth breaker in the form of a box without a bottom with strong wooden handles on the sides. It is believed that the thickness of adobe walls should not be less than 50-60 cm. This determines the size of the form. For example, very easy to use earthen bricks can be made using a 30x60x20 cm machine. Use self-tapping screws to connect the mold parts.

Prepare the brick mixture. It is better to take loamy soil for digging. You cannot use peat or garden fertile soil. Collect soil from a depth of 50-70 cm and remove stones and various types of organic matter from it. Dig a hole 4x3 m, pour soil into it and pour some water. For strength, add red clay or cement (up to 10% by weight) and straw (30-60%) to the mixture. Knead the solution with your feet until it becomes completely homogeneous.

Test the resulting soil mixture. To do this, take a bucket without a bottom and fill it with earthenware. Do the installation in layers of 10-12 cm with a tamper. Dry the resulting brick in the shade under a canopy for two weeks. Drop the finished stone from a height of one meter. If it does not break, the mixture is suitable for making earthen bricks.

Pack the mixture into the molds, compacting each layer with a strong tamper. Level the mass on top and remove the mold from the resulting brick. Make a few more of these stones. Leave the earth bricks with straw to dry for 3-4 days in the shade, and then turn them over on their edges and keep them like that for a few more days. As the stones dry, lay the walls using the “brick” method on a reinforced rubble concrete strip foundation.

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Please note

Soils in Russia have different compositions and choosing the appropriate proportions of earth, clay and straw when making an earth breaker is quite difficult. Therefore, in order not to take risks, it is better to first build some minor utility structure from earthen bricks - a barn, a summer kitchen, an extension, etc. If everything works out, you can use the material you prepared yourself to build a residential building.

Useful advice

If desired, you can build an earthen house using simplified technology. In this case, stones and organic matter are also first removed from the loam, and then a little cement is added to it. Next, the earthen “dough” is kneaded and compacted into ordinary polypropylene bags. The result is large “bricks” suitable for construction, including residential buildings. Walls made from bags of earth are laid with bandaging.

Brick is a very common building material. Even without being involved in construction activities, each of us sees brick objects every day. But not many people think about what brick is made from.

The main component in any brick is clay. In the production of bricks, various types of clay and its admixtures are used. But depending on the type of brick, the composition may vary.

What is sand-lime brick made of?

White sand-lime brick is the most popular and inexpensive building material. It contains only environmentally friendly substances. Approximately ninety percent sand-lime brick consists of purified quartz sand, and ten percent water and lime. Depending on the method of its production, the percentage may vary.

Typically, sand that is used to make bricks undergoes very careful processing. It is cleaned of all kinds of clay and organic impurities, since impurities reduce the strength of the product. Lime, which is part of sand-lime brick, must also have a certain chemical composition. For example, the MgO content in lime cannot contain more than five percent. Ground bricks are usually used to create bricks.

Composition of red brick

Red brick has long been recognized as the most reliable and versatile building material. This natural material is created from clay. Depending on the iron content in it, the color of the brick changes. Red bricks are usually made from red-burning clay. If the clay is white-burning, then the brick will acquire an apricot tint. Often certain pigment additives are added to the brick composition.

To obtain high-quality clay, homogeneous clay is used, which is mined in small fractions. The quality of the resulting product depends on the correctly selected components.

What are ceramic bricks made from?

Ceramic or building bricks are actively used for the construction of load-bearing wall structures and interior partitions. High-quality bricks must be made from a constant composition and clay of fine fractions. In the process of proper firing of clay, its refractory elements dissolve. If you follow the correct technology for molding and drying the raw materials, you will get the most durable ceramic brick.

Depending on the components, the brick can be light yellow or dark brown. Nowadays, pigmentation of ceramic bricks is often used to give it certain shades.

A modern dugout resembles a cozy underground house that blends organically into the landscape. Interest in building a dwelling similar to a “fox hole” is justified not only by the desire to be original, but also by the economic benefits of constructing and operating the house. Options for deepening a dugout into the soil, as well as construction methods, are varied, so the construction budget fluctuates over a wide price range.

What are the benefits of building a dugout?

The disadvantages of a dugout of the usual design are obvious: due to the lack of walls and natural lighting, the climate inside is humid. The use of high-quality materials for the construction of dugouts began in the late 60s of the last century, which brought the cost of such an environmentally friendly structure on par with similar buildings located on top of the ground. When you need an inexpensive underground house, there is a possibility of problems with good ventilation and humidity control.

If you have found the right place to build, then take advantage of the following natural advantages:

  1. Energy saving due to the poor thermal conductivity of the earth's thickness, therefore the dugout inside is provided with a stable temperature, which makes the underground house a comfortable place in a harsh climate.

Interesting. Dry soil has the same properties as brick, so temperature fluctuations on the surface of the earth reach depth with a delay. For example, with a soil layer depth of 3 m, the temperature of the warmest moment of the year comes with a delay of 3 months. Thus, in a temperate continental climate, the soil temperature at a depth of 2 m is: in winter – 6-8 0С, in summer – 15-18 0С.

  1. Excellent sound insulation from external sounds, which is important for homes in noisy areas, such as near highways or airports. Neighbors will also not hear too much.
  2. Safety from thieves, the consequences of hurricanes or earthquakes, fire safety, especially during martial law, the dugout will serve as a bomb shelter, and the landscape will serve as camouflage.
  3. Preservation of the pristine landscape, which is important for unique places. Maximum landscaping of the site is the key to its environmental cleanliness.
  4. Development unattractive areas for development or crops (slopes, hills), which will significantly reduce the cost of purchasing land (unsightly areas cost several times less).
  5. Cost reduction to maintain the underground house intact, since the dugout will be reliably waterproofed, and the roof or walls, covered with a layer of soil with grass, do not require special care.
  6. Reducing house construction time because Some of the labor-intensive facade and roofing work is not required, and accordingly, there is no need to purchase materials for them.

Features of the dugout:

  • limited visibility depending on the specific area;
  • water penetration due to incorrect calculation of groundwater levels, their rise or soil shift;
  • small glass area for natural lighting.

Which site is more suitable for an underground house?

To determine how feasible it would be to build a dugout, you should take into account all the features of the site, namely:

  1. Terrain, the preferred option is a slope or hill, thanks to which the building will look more successful and you will save on excavation work. On a sloping site, it becomes possible to make the house completely underground, and on a hilly site, the walls of the dugout should be partially covered with earth. Therefore, if you have your eye on a beautiful but difficult hilly plot, then turn the disadvantages of this land into advantages.

Important. The greater the slope of the site, the faster surface water drains, leaving the soil dry. Therefore, places in a ravine, lowland or thalweg are not the best place for construction.

Underground houses are so reminiscent of a hill or a hole that they almost merge with the landscape. IN lately An increasing number of people are trying to acquire such housing outside the city. This can be considered a way to stand out from the crowd or get closer to nature. Buildings of this type are located completely or partially underground. This is rationally beneficial not only at the time of construction, but also during operation.

Underground houses are not so expensive; almost anyone can build them. In this case, it is important to comply with technological standards so that the quality of the environment inside the house is at a high level. The soil has certain temperature characteristics, which is why the described buildings allow you to save energy. In addition, right up to the most severe cold weather, the heat that accumulated during the warm spring and summer days is retained inside such buildings. That is why the summer season can be extended.

Why choose an underground house

Soil acts as a rather poor conductor of heat. Due to this, the temperature passes through the soil for a very long time, which is beneficial not only in summer, but also in winter. Studies show that heat on the hottest day penetrates to a depth of 2.5 m only after three months. Spring is considered the coldest time of the year for such houses.

Choosing a site for construction

Underground houses must be built on terrain that must first be selected. It's better if you can find the top of the hill. This will prevent groundwater from seeping into the house. It is recommended to orient the windows on all four sides, which will provide the rooms with sufficient light.

When building a house, the top part of the soil must be cut off and returned to its place after completion of the work. In such houses it is rare to find additional lighting. There are enough natural rays so that, once inside, you will not feel the difference between such a building and an ordinary brick house.

There are two types of underground houses:

  • bunded;
  • underground.

The latter type involves the location of the building underground and below the upper level. The bunded houses are located above ground level or are partially hidden behind the level line. However, their surface is still covered with soil. After completion of the work, the soil is returned to its place so that it can become part of the site.

Features of dugout construction

Underground construction of houses may involve the creation of a dugout. In this case, the house is located on a terrain that has a slight slope. The roof should be covered with soil; it is usually made gable; in rare cases, such a structure can be vaulted or flat.

The entrance must be made from the end, equipped with a canopy. Steps are lined up to the door. Windows are usually found in the roof or gables. A special feature of the dugout is the presence of only one floor. If you make two, it will be an ordinary building with a basement. The width of the building depends on the span of the floor, but this value usually does not exceed 6 m.

For construction, it is necessary to prepare a pit, inside which walls are erected. It is important to waterproof them and install them on which the roof will then be located. After completing the construction of walls and ceilings, as well as laying waterproofing materials, the roof is covered with soil.

Features of the construction of a bunded house

If you are interested in underground house construction, then you can choose a bunded building, which is suitable for a flat plot, slope or hill. The building will not be completely submerged; its upper part remains on the surface. The remaining walls are embanked, which reduces construction costs.

The house can have any layout, and in this case the windows usually face two sides. The first stage of construction will be digging a pit. If the house is supposed to be built on the surface of the earth, and then protected with soil, then you can immediately move on to the second stage - the construction of walls and roof. You will need waterproofing that must withstand the load of the soil, so calculations should be made according to the standards. At the last stage, the house is covered with earth, with the exception of those areas where windows and doors face.

Construction rules

If you decide to build an underground house with your own hands, then you should follow certain rules. It is important to remember that the building will be exposed to moisture. Therefore, construction materials must be appropriate. For example, wood is treated with water-repellent impregnation. It is best to use monolithic concrete or ceramics. Aerated concrete is not suitable, because it can absorb moisture.

Before choosing waterproofing, it is important to consider all possible situations. The most common way to build an underground or bunded house is to dig a pit. In this case, the house should be buried more than 1 m compared to the planned size of the building.

On the external sides of the house, the endurance of which is calculated taking into account the loads. If it is not too large, the soil load should be taken into account. The roof structure is usually made based on rafter system, however, you can use the plank installation method.

When a residential underground house is being built, you can use concrete or brick when constructing the walls. In this case, the ceiling is made monolithic and has the shape of a vault. This design will be more durable. Waterproofing of the floor and walls must be made in the form of a continuous contour. If the house is buried more than 1 m, then there is no need to insulate the building. This applies exclusively to the walls, while the roof must be additionally insulated.

When installing floors, it is important to install waterproofing, thermal insulation and screed. At the final stage, the decorative coating is installed. Modern underground houses must have a drainage system, which is located near the walls along the entire perimeter. In this case, the water will drain and be directed into the drainage pipe, which should be located below the level of the house. The output must be directed to the drain.

Houses with underground garage

A house with an underground garage is also a fairly common occurrence today. This solution is relevant if you have a site that is limited in free space. Before starting work, it is necessary to decide whether the parking lot will be completely or partially deepened.

The second option is more economical and can be easily implemented. Garages that are too deep have some disadvantages such as excessive dampness and soil pressure. It is important to prepare the floor slab, which must be reinforced and thick enough. It is necessary to begin work by calculating the volume of materials. It is important to provide waterproofing.

At the next stage, the pit is prepared; it is important to take into account the slope of the entrance road. The slabs are placed at the bottom of the pit, and lifting equipment should be used. Houses with underground parking can be built using a technology that involves filling the bottom of the pit with concrete at the stage of constructing the garage. The foundation of the walls is formed using They will be load-bearing, which means they will be subject to a high load. A ceiling should be installed on the side slabs, which will serve as the first floor. A residential building with underground parking must have waterproofing on the top of the walls. This will prevent moisture from penetrating into the premises.

Construction method

The walls and ceiling must also be covered with waterproofing. A reinforcing mesh is installed on the surface, and then covered with plaster. The base plane is pre-treated with antifungal compounds. This must be done before you cover the surface with primer.

At the next stage, you can begin installing the gates and designing the entrance route. The design of an underground house, like an underground garage, must include communications. It is important to lay the cable; you just need to decide on its cross-section. The voltage must be sufficient. Experts advise choosing a cable with an increasing tolerance. Otherwise, you will be faced with the fact that communications will not last as long as you would like. After construction is completed, you can begin to install the heating system.

Registration of entrance to the underground garage

Underground houses, photos of which are presented in the article, quite often also have underground parking. In this case, it is important to register entry correctly. Too steep and short can cause inconvenience. In good weather, the difficulties will seem unnoticeable, but during the rains you may not be able to cope with the task of entry. Plus, it will flow down large number water.

The angle of inclination in this case is usually made in the range from 140 to 150°. If this value is less, then you may encounter problems during the cold season. As the depth of the garage increases, the length of the entrance should be increased. The trajectory of the race must be divided into separate zones. The first of them is the starting one, its length is usually 3 m. The slope in this section should be 120 °C. The second zone occupies half the length, the angle varies up to 150°. The third zone is called red and is located directly in front of the gate itself. Its length is usually 1.2 m.

It is important to ensure that there are no too sharp differences between the mentioned areas.

When arranging the entrance, you should use materials that will have an anti-slip effect. Some craftsmen make braking serifs that will help during ice and rain. A walking path with a handrail is laid near the wall. This will allow you to safely go down inside and back up.

A gate equipped with a grille is installed with the gate. It is better to supplement it with a heating element, which will prevent the water from freezing. They are installed on the sides of the entrance, this will prevent soil collapse.

Construction of an entrance road to an underground garage

The formation of the road should involve filling the soil, which will protect against failures. The road is covered with crushed stone, which is well compacted. The thickness of this layer can vary from 10 to 15 cm. The load-bearing layer, which will be the main one, is made of a 15 cm layer of concrete.

It is important to ensure that the solution is not exposed to sunlight while it is drying. If the weather is too hot, the surface is watered. Once the concrete has dried, the covering can be installed. Sometimes it is used as asphalt, paving slabs or other materials.

Ventilation installation

Ventilation for an underground garage and home is necessary. The first installation method involves installing a monoblock. This system will exhaust exhaust air and provide an influx of new air. The monoblock provides ventilation, and its advantage is ease of installation.

But if you are afraid of its high cost, then you should use the second method, which involves installing a modular system. The design has two separate blocks, one of which is responsible for the inflow, while the other is responsible for the outflow of air. The system has special sensors and provides automatic adjustment of operation.


One of the important tasks in the construction of underground houses and garages is waterproofing. It is performed using a drainage system and the formation of a filter pad.

You should not assume that this issue can be solved by using liquid waterproofing, which is used only indoors. In reality, this approach is not effective. Liquid waterproofing can be used as an aid.

Earth-moving construction technologies were widely used by our ancestors. And it was no coincidence: it lay right under our feet - local soil was used to build houses. Back in 1794, a book by Francis Coantero was published in Moscow, telling how to build cheap and durable housing, the service life of which, according to the author, was 165 years.

Francisco advised using sticky types of soil, mixing them with sand if necessary. Whether the local soil was suitable for the construction of earthen houses was determined by rolling out a single piece: if it did not fall apart, it was suitable, if not, the soil needed additional mineral supplements, and the fatty soil had to be diluted with “lean” soil that crumbled easily. The soil was lightly moistened with water and compacted well. According to the proposed technology, stone or brick were more suitable for forming window and door openings. The walls were coated with lime or its mixture with sand, alabaster or a solution of clay, lime and wool. The roof was covered with shingles - planks cut mainly from coniferous wood.

An alternative is also known - Earthbags, when fabric bags filled with soil without adding water were used to build walls. Reinforcing material was laid between the rows of bags, for example, barbed wire. Thermal insulation was made from slag, pumice, rice husk, and perlite. For strength, window and door openings were made arched, walls were rounded, and the roof, also made of earth, was domed, with wide overhangs to protect the walls from rain. Traditionally, this method was used in areas affected by floods. The walls of such houses were characterized by high thermal resistance.

Modern developments

Modern environmentally friendly technology SIREWALL (Stabilized Insulated Rammed Earth Wall) is also based on the use of local soil in construction. To build walls, the company’s specialists use an inorganic mixture (as opposed to adobe technology) of earth, a small amount of cement and water, adding steel reinforcement and a thick layer of rigid insulation. The finished width of the wall is 45 – 61 centimeters.

According to the developers, the SIREWALL system is distinguished by such qualities as energy efficiency, aesthetics, durability, and a healthy and comfortable microclimate. Earthen walls built using this technology have high sound insulation properties, resistance to fire, corrosion, fungi and mold.

It is typical for premises good quality air (remove toxins) and a stable level of humidity. Rammed earth has a unique natural beauty that provides virtually limitless possibilities for decorative solutions.

The disadvantage of the technology is the higher construction cost - about 10% more than the construction of conventional houses. This is explained by the fact that if the price of the building material itself is insignificant, then the cost of labor is very high (the earth is processed manually with special tampers or pneumatic compactors).

SIREWALL is suitable for building houses in any climatic conditions. According to the company, rammed earth structures are earthquake-resistant and durable, are virtually indestructible and do not require routine or major repairs. The service life of earthen houses is measured in centuries; they will stand for many years as a gift to subsequent generations.