What a saint the name Maxim is. The name Maxim in the Orthodox calendar (Saints)

The male name Maxim is popular in many countries around the world. And this is not surprising; the day of the angel Maxim is celebrated several times a year. WITH Latin language The name translates as maximum, majestic, large. As a rule, the owners of this name are very cheerful and energetic, smart and determined.

Origin of the name

The name originates from Ancient Rome , once this name was used to call a noble family dynasty (Maximus). There is also a related name - Maximilian. These two names are similar in sound and meaning, but it is believed that the name Maxim is a simplified form of Maximilian. But still, they are completely independent of each other, and accordingly, the dates of the angel’s day are different.

IN Orthodox calendar There is male name Maxim, in Catholicism there are names Maximus and Maximilian. In Russia it was especially popular in the 19th century among the common population. The name received a rebirth after the 1970s. In European countries, especially in Holland, the female version of the name, Maxima, is common; in Russia it somehow did not take root.

Even in childhood, Maxim’s character was characterized by slowness and thoroughness. The boy becomes independent very early. Although he is strongly attached to his parents, especially to his mother, whom he loves tenderly and reverently all his life. The young man grows up to be neat and efficient; without being asked, he will clean his room, make his bed, and do his homework. He does not like to be alone; loneliness depresses him.

As a rule, he is an excellent student. Thanks to his vivid imagination and desire to discover and learn something new, he can master any subject. I especially like the chemistry and physics lessons. But still, if he becomes an excellent student, then he manifests himself and often puts himself above others in the class. Yes, he is always ready to help a classmate, but sometimes he does it reluctantly. My main hobby is reading, adolescence he is attracted to adventure novels and books about great heroes and campaigns.

Usually, while still at school, he is determined in his future profession and diligently moves towards his goal. He has well developed intuition. Nature embedded in his character such a wonderful quality as the ability to understand people without words. He rarely makes mistakes about people. Often he uses these skills to achieve his goals.

Maxim can make an excellent professional lawyer, psychologist, or politician. In addition, he is able to prove himself in scientific activity, for example, becoming a scientist, a doctor. He is often interested in creativity. If he continues to move and develop, he will turn out to be a good artist or musician. One way or another, any job he chooses will become the meaning of life for him.

His ambitious nature is attracted by success and fame. He tends to plan everything down to the smallest detail.. He has no right to allow himself to stumble or make a mistake in something.

With women he is a true romantic. If you fall in love for real, then it will definitely last a lifetime. With his chosen one he is intelligent and attentive. But he won’t marry soon, preferring to first test his feelings with time. But if he nevertheless decides to take this step, he becomes an attentive and caring husband. But still, family will come second after work. He loves children very much, especially his daughters, whom he spoils. But the wife should be strong woman, on whom he can rely and trust her endlessly.

Thus, The main features of this name can be noted:

  • pride;
  • intuition;
  • tenderness;
  • performance.

Name Maxim: name day

Angel Day is celebrated several times a year of this name according to the Orthodox calendar. But the main date is the one that is closest to the birthday. This will be his angel day. The saint to whom the date is dedicated is considered a heavenly patron. It has long been a custom that the day of an angel according to the calendar is much more important and significant than a birthday. Therefore, it is advisable to honor and celebrate it.

Maxim's name day according to the church calendar, we will consider further.

Name days in winter:

Name days in spring:

  • March - 4, 19;
  • April - 2, 23;
  • May - 4, 11, 13, 27.

Name days in summer:

  • June -1, 30;
  • July - 4;
  • August - 12, 13, 24, 26.

Name days in the fall:

  • September - 2, 6, 18, 28;
  • October - 8, 22;
  • November - 5, 10, 12, 20, 24.

There are many known bearers of the name in history, that's why there are so many patrons. These are saints, dioceses, and martyrs. The most famous and revered by the Orthodox Church:

  • Holy Martyr Maximus of Adrianople is venerated on March 4;
  • Martyr Maxim the Greek is venerated on February 3;
  • Martyr Maximus of Kizicheskiy is venerated on February 19;
  • Martyr Maximus of Rome is venerated on August 24;
  • Martyr Maxim Dorostolsky, Ozovian - May 11;
  • St. Maximus of Athos is venerated on January 26;
  • Metropolitan of Kyiv, St. Maximus is venerated on December 19.

IN lately we can see how the tradition of celebrating name days is gradually returning. For Orthodox people has special meaning, they mark it without fail.

On this holiday, people remember the saints whose names they bear and pray to them. In the Orthodox Church, the celebration is called a name day. On the day of the angel Maxim, his relatives should ask God for his well-being and health.

Traditions of antiquity

In Rus', children were given names during baptism, and they were selected in accordance with certain rules. Usually the baby was named after the saint, who was remembered on the day he was born or when he was baptized. It turns out that the name of the child was given based on the calendar (Orthodox calendar). But time passed, and people, especially city residents, gradually began to abandon this tradition. They preferred to name their children whatever they liked. It was also common for a child to be named after a relative. And some people, whose family had not been replenished for a long time, prayed to some saint with a request for offspring. And when the child was born, they named him after their heavenly helper.

How to find out the date of your angel day?

Everyone celebrates on their own specific day.

Looking at the Orthodox calendar, a person can find many dates next to his name. This does not mean that he should celebrate angel day several times a year. You must choose the date that comes immediately after your birthday. According to the church calendar, Maxim’s name day is celebrated on February 19, April 23, August 12, 24, May 11, 13, 27, September 18, 28, November 10, October 22, December 5, August 26, January 29, November 24. You can see for yourself how many dates there are.

Maxim Kavsokalivit

It is necessary to know at least a little about the saints who bore this name. For example, the biography of St. Maxim Kavsokalivit undoubtedly deserves attention. He was born in Mysia, and more specifically, in the city of Lampsacus, located on the coast. From an early age, he showed a penchant for righteous life. A little later, he accepted obedience, and his spiritual teacher was a well-known old man named Mark throughout the country. Maxim lived at that time on Mount Gan.

The Wanderings and Appearance of Saint Mary

After Mark's death, he began to wander and visit the monks who settled in the desert. He spent a lot of time in Constantinople. One day Saint Mary appeared to him, she said: “Go to Athos, Maxim.” The name day of his namesake, therefore, should also become a day of remembrance of the Mother of God. On Athos, the blessed one became a novice with the Monk Athanasius. One day, while on the top of a mountain, he again saw Saint Mary, who appeared before him in all her majesty. Maxim hastened to tell about this to one elder, who reacted to this with disbelief and assumed that he was being tempted by the devil in this way. Based on the saint’s lifestyle, most likely he can be called a holy fool.

All his life he wandered around the world. When he stopped somewhere, he made himself a dwelling out of grass. Setting out on the road again, Maxim burned this hut. This is how he received the nickname Kavsokalivit, that is, destroyer of huts. The saint prayed all the time, and it is safe to say that his life was in highest degree pleasing to God. Likewise, any Maxim who celebrates his name day on the day of the saint should try to be a righteous person.

Life in a cave, predictions of the future and miracles

Once, when the blessed one lived on Athos, the Monk Gregory of Sinaite, also famous for his righteousness and humility, came there. After a short conversation with Maxim, he said that he had the impression that an angel had descended to earth. Gregory advised him to stop wandering and find a permanent home. Then the blessed one found a suitable cave for himself not far from the hut of the elder Isaiah. It is no secret that the Monk Maxim could foresee the future. More than once King John V Palaiologos came to him to receive predictions and wise advice. Also his frequent guest was John VI Kontakuzin, who was always surprised accurate forecasts saint Therefore, every Maxim whose name day falls on the day of remembrance of the saint should hope that he will help him too. One abbot left notes about the blessed one, which have survived to this day. From them you can find out that he himself witnessed some miracles. For example, one day he saw Maxim fly like a bird from one area to another. Moreover, the saint predicted to him future fate and all the torment that he suffered in the name of faith. Maxim died when he was 95 years old. The year was 1354.

During his lifetime, he was revered by many as a saint, and after his death he was officially canonized. People pray to him and never cease to be amazed at the miracles and healings that happen according to his will.

How to celebrate angel day

Maxim’s name day according to the Orthodox calendar is not only a feast and cheerful gatherings with friends and relatives. It is also necessary to remember your heavenly patron and ask him for protection from all sorrows and adversities. Often a person who prays with all his heart receives a real blessing from his own, stretches out his hands over him, and grace descends on the person. Who knows, maybe a real miracle will happen to you on your name day?

There is no Maxim in this world
Better, cooler and stronger,
Why our Maxim is very cute!
Every day is more fun with him.

Take the most from the top
The maximum from life's entire life.
Good luck to Maxim
Will be the first of my friends!

May all victories be beautiful
And a wonderful fate.
Fabulous discoveries of the world,
May your soul bloom!

Maxim, we congratulate you!
We wish you good luck and joy,
Let everything be wonderful in life.
Live happily, safely.

We wish you to live with love.
And may your health be strong,
The most wonderful thing is the mood,
And endless fun.

Happy birthday, Maxim! May everything and always be to the maximum for you - whether in life or in material benefits, in achievements or hobbies. I wish you with all my heart to achieve success wherever you want to shine. May luck always smile, and may troubles and misfortunes bypass you and your loved ones.

We wish you, Maxim,
So that there are no winters in the heart,
Let the fire burn inside.
Sorrows, erase sorrows.

Be generous and kind to all people.
Let the dish be filled with caviar,
And the wallet is full of money,
Let the carpets lie under your feet.

And on vacation - to Turkey, the Maldives,
Where is the sun, the beach, drinks, divas.
And at home there is joy and comfort
May they always wait for you, Maxim.

Both cheerful and perky
Wonderful Maxim.
We are glad that we know him,
It's nice to chat with him.

We wish Max well
And warmth of soul,
So that relatives surround you,
May good luck be with him!

Be lucky and successful
We protect you with our angel,
Happiness, good health
I wish, Maxim.

Let there be strength and will
Follow your dreams
Let only those who are dear to your heart
Nearby they are moving on the way.

I wish you happiness in life.
Happy holiday, Maxim!
May your family be close.
May you have more strength.

Let your life be wonderful.
I wish you joy.
Be healthy, smart and successful.
May you always be lucky, everywhere.

Today is an unusual day,
He is completely irreplaceable
Because the holiday is personal
Our Maxim celebrates.

Happiness, long life, health.
What else can I tell you?
All your relatives with your love
And warm with care!

Always be a great friend
And a hard worker - not a bad one,
Be a great family man
Be a hero, our Maxim.

We wish to conquer you
All the high peaks
In your honesty and strength
Always be invincible.

Let there be decent money,
May your home always make you happy,
Let the car be cool
Let there be enough fire in your heart.

Happy holiday to you, Maxim,
Be happy and be loved
Be beautiful, be beautiful
Insatiable and playful!

Be cool and sexy
Interesting, non-trivial.
The main thing is to be healthy
And find your love!

People bearing the name Maxim have so many heavenly patrons of the same name that one would be envious, so choosing an icon for Maxim is not difficult. There is even a Maximov icon Mother of God, written around 1300, with which a real miracle is associated. The Mother of God appeared to Saint Maxim, Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Rus', in a dream and gave him the omophorion with the order to shepherd “ in my city verbal sheep" Maxim’s vision became the subject of the icon, revered as miraculous.

Which saints bore the name Maxim

Most of the saints named Maximus happened to live during times of persecution of Christians. They have shown incredible dedication in advocating True Faith, despising all torment and thereby showing an example of true fidelity to Christ’s teaching. Here are the names of these holy martyrs: Maximus of Adrianople, Maximus of Marcianopolis (Misian), Maximus of Asia, Maximus of Antioch, Maximus of Africa.

Particularly noteworthy are two saints who made a huge contribution to the struggle for the purity of Christ’s teaching and its dissemination: Maxim the Confessor and Maxim the Greek. Both of them were canonized as saints, and to this day the icon “Maxim the Confessor” and the icon “Maxim the Greek” are revered by the Orthodox.

St. Reverend Maximus the Confessor

Saint Maximus was born in Constantinople in the 7th century. Thanks to his brilliant education and personal qualities, he took the position of first secretary under the emperor, but his rejection of the hustle and bustle of court life prompted him to take monastic vows.

Having become a monk, Maxim amazed everyone with his humility and wisdom, for which the monastic brethren elected him abbot of the Chrysopolis monastery. However, even here he did not become proud, but continued to remain as modest and pious as before.

At that time, Monothelitism was widespread, a heretical movement in Christianity that recognized Jesus Christ as having only one Divine nature. Monothelitism undermined unity Eastern Church and contributed to discord between nations.

It was in the fight against this heresy that Maximus the Preacher’s loyalty to the true teaching of the Savior was manifested. He read sermons, talked with high-ranking and ordinary believers, wrote many works with interpretation Holy Scripture, to debunk monothelitism, which gained enormous popularity and respect among the laity, rulers and clergy.

But then Constance II, who adhered to the Monothelite heresy, ascended the imperial throne. In 649, the Lateran Council was held in Rome to discuss this issue. Critical Role in condemning and anathematizing monothelitism, which was the result of the council, belongs to the Greek monks led by Maximus the Confessor.

Having received the papal encyclical recognizing the doctrine he professed as heresy, Emperor Constance in a rage threw the Monk Maximus into prison as a traitor. He was subjected to terrible torture, as a result of which he could no longer speak or write, but the Lord did not abandon the righteous man, and he regained these abilities again.

The Monk Maxim predicted in advance the day of his death - August 13, 662. A lot happened at his grave miraculous healings, and the icon of Saint Maximus the Confessor is revered by all zealots of the True Faith. According to tradition, the icon of Maxim the Confessor shows the image of a stern old man in monastic robes with a scroll in his hands.

What do they pray for in front of the icon of Maximus the Confessor?

St. Maximus the Confessor is the heavenly patron of theologians, scientists, students and seminarians, as well as missionaries. They pray to him for help in their studies and correct understanding of Christ’s teaching, as well as for the admonition of those who have abandoned it or have not yet come to the Orthodox faith.

Maxim the Greek was born in the 15th century in a wealthy Greek family. He received an excellent education, traveled a lot, studying science in various European countries, but chose to retire from the world to a monastery. After taking monastic vows on Mount Athos, becoming a monk, he did not abandon his academic studies and studied Greek manuscripts.

It was Maxim’s scholarship that became the reason why he was sent to distant Muscovy so that, at the request of Grand Duke Vasily III, he would translate Greek manuscripts into Slavic language. Maxim, nicknamed the Greek in Rus', made a huge contribution to the cause spiritual enlightenment Orthodox Rus'. He has translated many liturgical books and a number of his own compositions.

However, the faithful Christian teaching Maxim, a conflict arose with local churchmen because of their “acquisitiveness” and violation of the Savior’s covenants, which became especially aggravated when Grand Duke Vasily decided to divorce his wife. In 1525 on Local cathedral he was accused of heresy, as well as relations with the Turks, and was imprisoned in the Joseph-Volotsky Monastery, where he was kept in very harsh conditions.

After 6 years, he was again summoned to the Council and this time accused of deliberately “damaging” liturgical books. Now the place of his imprisonment was a monastery in Tver, but the local bishop had deep respect for him, and therefore he was not kept so strictly, he had the right to read and write.

Only 20 years later, Maxim the Greek, never broken in spirit, was allowed to settle in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, having been stripped of everything church bans. The monk devoted the rest of his life to translating the Psalter. He died in 1556 on the day when the memory of his heavenly patron, the Monk Maximus the Confessor, is celebrated, and was canonized only in 1988.

According to tradition, the icon of Maximus the Greek depicts him with a full beard, a cross in one hand and a scroll in the other.

How does the icon of Maxim the Greek help?

St. Maximus the Greek is the patron of scientists, theologians, translators, students and seminarians, as well as missionaries, catechists and apologists. If we touch on the meaning of the icon, then people turn to it to strengthen faith and spirit, especially during persecution for faith and unjust oppression by the authorities. In addition, the icon “St. Maxim the Greek” is capable of healing various diseases, as well as saving from despondency and depression.

Whatever icon of Maxim is present in your life, it will help you remain firm in your faith and resist temptations.

Prayer to St. Maximus the Confessor

Reverend Father Maxima! Strengthen our cowardice and confirm us in faith, so that we undoubtedly hope to receive all the good things from the mercy of the Master through your prayers. By your intercession, ask from our All-Merciful God the peace of His Church, under the sign of the militant cross, agreement in faith and unity of wisdom, destruction of vanities and schisms, affirmation in good deeds, healing for the sick, consolation for the sad, intercession for the offended, help for the needy. Help all of us, who flow to you with faith, through your intercession to the Lord, and guide us all in peace and repentance, let us end our lives, heirs of the Heavenly Kingdom, may we be with all the righteous, who have pleased our Lord Jesus Christ from time immemorial, to Him belongs all glory and honor. and worship, with His Beginning Father and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to St. Maxim the Greek

Oh, sacred head, reverend father, most blessed Abvo Maxim, do not forget your poor to the end, but always remember us in your holy and auspicious prayers to God. Remember your flock, which you yourself shepherded, and do not forget to visit your children. Pray for us, holy father, for your spiritual children, as if you have boldness towards the Heavenly King, do not remain silent for us to the Lord, and do not despise us, who honor you with faith and love. Remember us unworthy at the Throne of the Almighty, and do not stop praying for us to Christ God, for the grace has been given to you to pray for us. We do not imagine that you are dead, even though you have passed away from us in body, but even after death you remain alive. Do not give up on us in spirit, keeping us from the arrows of the enemy and all the charms of the devil and the snares of the devil, our good shepherd. Knowing that you are truly alive even after death, we bow down to you and pray to you: pray for us to Almighty God, for the benefit of our souls, and ask us time for repentance, so that we may pass from earth to heaven without restraint, from the bitter ordeals of the demons of the air princes and may we be delivered from eternal torment, and may we be heirs of the Heavenly Kingdom with all the righteous, who from all eternity have pleased our Lord Jesus Christ, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with His Beginning Father and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen.

Maxim, like Julius, does not require resorting to anthroponymy - the science of names. Julius is born in July, Maxim is the maximum or, which is more suitable for a person, the greatest.

Famous Maxims

With the greatest, everything is somehow complicated, but among the great, Maxim Gorky instantly comes to mind. People of the older generation can name Maxim Perepelitsa, an extremely popular movie hero, like Ivan Brovkin. Cinema lovers will remember Max von Sydow. And absolutely everyone is familiar with the Maxim machine gun.

Unfortunately, none of them has anything to do with such a holiday as Gorky was named Alexey at baptism (Maxim is a pseudonym), Perepelitsa’s registration data can only be guessed at, and the name of the great Swedish artist Sydow can only testify to its internationality. The machine gun is named after the name of its creator.

Maxim's number of heavenly patrons

In our time, children are named based on personal choice, but almost everyone is baptized. Because in this way the child receives a heavenly patron, and it is rare that a parent will refuse this protection. At baptism, the baby is given the name of the namesake saint, whose memorial day coincides or is close to the day of the church ceremony.

Looking into the "Saints" - church calendar- you can find out when Maxim’s or someone else’s name day is. Gorky's namesake has 31 such days every year. This is impressive. There are 2-3 of them every month. Only June remained uncovered, but November falls 5 All these holidays, except the main one, are called “small name days”.

This abundance is explained by the fact that the church calendar includes the dates of not only Orthodox saints, but also the great ascetics of Christianity in general. In ancient Rome, the name Maxim was popular, there was a dynasty bearing it. Until Christianity became official state religion, her followers were persecuted. Having endured torture and suffered a painful death, they were canonized as saints by their grateful descendants. Therefore, celebrating Maxim’s name day means, first of all, paying tribute to the saints who bear this name.

Martyrs and righteous people who bear this name

Righteous people and martyrs, holy fools for Christ's sake - they are all mentioned in the Saints. The Monk M. the Greek deserves special attention, whose memorial dates are February 3 and July 4 (the day of canonization and the day of the discovery of relics). He translated the Psalter and the Book into Russian

However, there is not comprehensive information about all the saints mentioned in the monthly book. Some dates on which Maxim’s name day falls according to the church calendar indicate, in addition to his name, only that he was a martyr (martyr). There are two Maximilians in this list - Constantinople and Melitino, patriarch and passion-bearer for the faith.

Maxim's name day, the date of which falls on March 19, April 2, May 13, November 5 and 10, will force the bearers of the name, whose angel days fall on these dates, to spend a certain time to find out at least something about their heavenly patrons. But this knowledge is worth a lot. Sometimes, having already lived for a specific period of time, asking the question of what your guardian angel is, a person can look at his fate in a new way.

Isn't it interesting to know who the fools for Christ's sake are? These are people who have deliberately doomed themselves to vagrancy, cold and hunger; these are wandering monks and devotees of religion. For example, Maxim Totemsky, whose memorial date falls on January 29. Being the rector of the church, he deliberately became a fool for Christ's sake. Without a constant piece of bread and clothing, he led such a lifestyle for 40 years, lived to a ripe old age and was canonized Orthodox Church. In any case, having looked at the church calendar and learned everything about Maxim’s name day, the bearer of the name will not be upset at all about the number of his namesakes among the Christian saints.

Days on which the commemoration of two righteous people falls

There are metropolitans, philosophers, writers and translators here, but the overwhelming majority are the great martyrs and passion-bearers. It speaks of strength human spirit, about love for the Lord, about the fact that having such a heavenly patron is not bad at all. Therefore, the question arises about a guardian angel, about what they can mean to you. Maxim (or “the greatest”) can tell a lot about himself. There are dates on which the days of remembrance of two saints fall: February 3 and 12, April 23, August 26. This means that Maxim, who was baptized on this day, receives two heavenly patrons.