Key words of the signs of the zodiac in the natal chart. Key meanings of the zodiac signs

1st sign of the zodiac
1st fire sign
1st main character
Ruling planet: M A R S
Lucky number: 9 and all numbers divisible by 9
Astrological symbol: ram
Astrological colors: crimson, red, golden yellow, and all brilliant colors.
Astrological stones: diamond, aquamarine, amethyst
Aries rules 1 HOUSE of the horoscope

General characteristics of personality

Mars, the ruling planet of Aries, directs the people of this sign to an active life, giving them a constant supply of energy, making them restless, restless, ambitious and competitive.

The place of this sign in the horoscope is N 1 and people of this sign always want to be the first in everything too. Aries is a very selfish sign.

The symbol of Aries is the ram, the animal goes to everything with a blow of the head, and everyone who has dealt with Aries knows that they, like rams, go straight to their goal.

Aries is also the first fire sign of the zodiac, and this increases its activity. Mars, the ruling planet, has a positive impact, making these people confident and courageous. Unlike another sign ruled by Mars - Scorpio - Aries is a young Aries, a warrior, restless and eager for battle, even if he lacks experience. Aries has a certain youthful naivety in his personality that brings them a lot of disappointment. Since they want things to be done quickly and rarely have the patience, they often start a task and leave it to others to finish it. So, they start their careers before they have found their place in life, they often need advice from less passionate and impetuous people. They are idealistic and romantic. Unfortunately, Aries rarely remembers their experiences and often remains gullible after many insults and failures. They excel in professions (especially in theater) where they are the center of attention and there are many admiring people around them. Many movie stars were born under this sign. Aries also excels in trade, insurance and interior decoration and home decoration, in all areas where they have personal contact with customers. People of this sign are pioneers in many areas. They have an inexplicable originality that always wins success. They are very extroverted. Aries is not a deep, not a wise sign, but sincere and loyal. Young people are often involved in fights, young women also show similar strength and fury in sports and at work, fighting for their high place... They love independence. They respond quickly to the call to adventure, no matter what the cost.

A distinctive feature is their ability to go further (to pass by some things). Even when they are hurt and angry, they will quickly forget about it the next day. Being rejected (in a business setting or in love), they rarely take time to think, but quickly rush to be accepted somewhere else. Aries loves to be in company and arranges evenings by himself. They are usually good hosts, but if they feel that they themselves are not very suitable hosts for the evening, they will definitely ask their friend to replace them, making sure that everything is fine.

These people are noble and cannot help but come to the aid of someone in misfortune. Aries men are men like Sir Walter Relley. Women abhor everything vulgar and vulgar. Aries is very fond of demonstrating and expressing their views. Rarely do they keep their emotions within themselves.

Psychosexual characteristic

Aries is active in the area of ​​sex. These people fall into the hot blooded category. But since their "I" is never forgotten, even in the midst of erotic passion, there is the danger of being drawn into a relationship where there is no spiritual satisfaction.

Unlike Scorpio and Taurus, who prefer long-term intercourse, Aries often does this very quickly, even the second and third time he is very ardent and impetuous. During intercourse, Aries is so frantic that his partner tends to think that he will finish before orgasm. Men of this sign often express their emotions during intercourse through various moans and exclamations. Women of this sign, when they are very excited, often forget the pose set by a well-mannered lady, and take on a masculine role.

As I said earlier, under the influence of planets, the distinctive characteristics of signs can be weakened, muted. Aries, however, should be the first in everything, and it would be reasonable to assume that if he is aggressive in conversations, in other things, then he will be the same in bed.

Ruled by Mars, these warriors - men and women - choose their partner and then "attack" him, sometimes modestly, shyly, and sometimes without any warning. How Aries will behave during intercourse is impossible to predict, just as it is impossible to predict his behavior in general. One thing is for sure: they want to be aggressive, they want to be victorious. And how this role is fulfilled and what results follow from this depends on the influence of the planets on the individual horoscope.

Non-sexual maneuvers

Aries have achieved great art in non-sexual maneuvers in order to achieve their personal goals. Since this is a very romantic sign, they create a "pink veil" of perfection until they convince the subject of their attention that they are real knights in shining armor or people with a royal gift. But, in fact, this sign wants to be the center of attention in personal relationships. Aries skillfully choose those people who will support their goals in business and in love. Anyone who is involved in any relationship with Aries will do well if he always remembers that in all affairs of Aries, his interests come first.

In close personal relationships and in married life, Aries usually do not feel remorse over extramarital affairs.

However, I want to say that Aries has no positive qualities in personal relationships. I just want to say that people who have anything to do with them must completely sacrifice their aspirations and goals. But if they do it well, then many good things await them: love, adventure, variety of social activities. In other words, you won't be bored. Aries usually make good money for the family, and because they love luxury, they provide their loved ones with spectacular things.

Aries are usually not particularly eager to have children, but when they do, they become friends and advisors to their children. Since Aries retains its youthful views for a long time, they have good communication with the younger generation, the problem of fathers and children does not exist.

How to satisfy an Aries

Give them plenty of sex. But above all, flatter them. Since Aries rules the 2nd House of the Zodiac, which touches the floor, Aries live in the world of "body" - they physically process, master all other areas human relations... They love to be told flattering words during intercourse. They also recognize diversity in sexual relationships, believing that nothing is outside the bounds of decency.

Aries husbands and wives should be neat and clean. Perfume and silk pajamas, nightgowns increase their appeal to Aries. The soft light and music excites them very much. Do not plan sex with Aries early in the evening, as their limitless energy makes itself felt and then you will be left with an unsatisfied lover in your arms for the rest of the night. Rest assured that you will have sex after a well-spent evening in the city, possibly after dancing and ice skating. When Aries is threatened with nervous exhaustion, their lovers should give them a head massage and slowly engage them in sexual intercourse.

Positive features

This is a charming sign. A true friend, man or woman, actions that do everything to the end. They sympathize, care and make their concern visible, always remember birthdays and give flowers. They are always at hand in times of need and personal tragedies - a strong shoulder to lean on in adversity. They are performers of noble deeds. In married life, Aries is energetic (supplier, supplier).

Aries is Sir Galahad, a pure heart! This is Jeanne D "Ark, brave, noble! They are not able to say: I give up.

Negative traits

The unremitting energy of the ruling planet - Mars - negatively affects Aries, often allows them to squander their efforts and capabilities, dissipate energy. Aries is a classic example of Stefan Leksk Losinwar, who jumped on a horse and rode in all directions at once.

Aries rarely looks inward. It doesn't hurt them to do some research on their souls sometimes.

Aries, we are astrologers, we tell you: beware of your basic sin - self-centeredness. Beware of selfishness too! Control excessive pride! Learn to do what you started to finish! In your personal relationships, learn to give more than just material rewards for love and affection. And allow your loved ones to be themselves, to keep their desires, aspirations and originality.

The economy of love

Aries are champions in the love economy. They know the value of the dollar well, and boldly intend to possess their share of the material wealth of the world. Well-organized, mentally in control of their passions, Aries demands the highest price for their professional merit. I don't mean just the business side. Some of the famous body traders were born under the sign of Aries. This also includes people who, having married successfully for the first time, then marry again and again, if, of course, this sees the possibility of their advancement. But on the plus side, Aries conquers their lovers at a high price, with everything and even more that American abundance has to offer: modern cars, beautiful house, luxurious wardrobe, expensive evenings in the city. Since Aries himself is not wise, he refers to people who have superficial knowledge and feelings. Those who are financially successful often change their love object, buying affection and sexual pleasures, but buying them where the most beautiful and graceful people are sold. Aries treat them like pets, with whom they spend time free from profitable business.

Most suitable partners

Until 29.5 years old, the most suitable partners for Aries are among the people of the sign of Leo and Sagittarius. All three are fire signs, and up to this age they are extremely restless. When Aries has passed this age - 29.5 years - they begin to mature gradually and become more sedentary, less impetuous and ardent, more practical. At this time, they are compatible with the signs of Taurus and Virgo. These two earth signs have great practicality, a trait that Aries lacks in order to succeed. After 29.5 years, Aries become less self-centered: they concentrate on love and sex and begin to direct their energy towards solid acquisitions and provision. At the age of 41.5 years, which is half the cycle of Uranus, Aries must control themselves, because they have many negative traits, such as inability to complete what they started. At this time, they can be compatible with Libra (sensitive, mental sign) and Gemini (also an intellectual sign).

Fidelity assessment

In his younger years - not very much. Up to 20 years old and a little over, Aries want adventure and pleasure. In a married life - excellent, provided that both spouses are deeply passionate about achieving common goals. For Aries, the best period for various pleasures, adventures in sexual compatibility up to 29.5 years, unless, of course, they are forced to marry or settle down. After 29.5 years, the possibility of a lasting family life increases.

Aries, we astrologers ask you:

Why don't you learn to control your inner self? Others see this and don't turn your weaknesses against you. In fact, you see yourself through the eyes of others.

Why do you avoid confrontation? You do not understand that you only take your shortcomings with you, and then you will again have to face them in different conditions.

Why should you always come out victorious?

And finally, why did the stars make you so seductive?

Key meanings of the zodiac signs

In this chapter, meanings are given for the signs of the zodiac, just as it was done for the planets, only instead of six groups of meanings, two are given, namely, abstract concepts and psychological qualities, allowing readers to create other groups of meanings themselves, including in the field of animal, vegetable and the mineral world. A similar layout can be found in numerous astrology books.

As a first approximation, we can say that the meanings of any groups of signs of the Zodiac are similar to the corresponding meanings of the planets that govern these signs.

Moon rules Cancer, Venus - Taurus and Libra, Mars - Aries, Saturn - Capricorn, Neptune - Pisces, Mercury - Gemini and Virgo, Sun - Leo, Jupiter - Sagittarius, Uranus - Aquarius, Pluto - Scorpio.

However, it should be noted that there is no one-to-one correspondence here. Firstly, because the signs of the Zodiac and the planet, as mentioned above, have different functions, and secondly, each of the signs of the Zodiac can have a number of qualities that its ruler does not have. This happens because each sign has a number of other qualities corresponding to the planets that are exalted in these signs, and also have imprisonment or fall.

After reviewing the values ​​of psychological characteristics given below, you will notice that a number of these characteristics do not coincide with those given for the corresponding planets. This should not confuse readers, firstly, on the basis of the above, and, secondly, for a change, to give thirty to forty meanings for each sign, while ten to twenty were given for the planets. This is done from the consideration that in personality astrology, especially in astropsychology, which is emphasized in the initial course, the main load on the signs of the zodiac lies in the field of psychological characteristics.

None of the lists of psychological characteristics, consisting of at least forty or even a hundred values, does not at all claim to be complete. We were guided in the choice of a specific number of values ​​solely by the goals of primary education: on the one hand, the desire to give more complete picture values ​​of each character, on the other - not to overload the beginner with too much information. The foregoing concerns the interpretation of the meanings of any symbols.

Each person, in accordance with his individual inclinations, can add as many of his own as he wants to the given values, the main thing is that they correspond to the symbol. From the above list of qualities for planets, you can add some of them to the list of qualities for the signs of the Zodiac, if they are absent there (if you can figure out in the case of Mercury what belongs to Gemini, and what to Virgo, and in the case of Venus, what to Taurus, and what to Libra). The reverse procedure should not yet be done due to the above, that is, because some characteristics of the signs may not correspond to the characteristics of the corresponding planets in terms of control.

In looking at houses in this chapter, I assume that the reader is already somewhat familiar with the traditional meanings of houses that can be found in any astrological textbook. The beginner astrology student may not immediately grasp the full significance of the keyword system presented here, since he does not yet have the experience to demonstrate the need for such an ordered pattern of house principles. However, I strongly advise any aspiring astrologer student to memorize this keyword system as a basis for a deeper understanding of traditional concepts that he will encounter in the course of study and during his first attempts at interpreting the chart.

Since this book focuses mainly on the four elements as life energies represented in any birth chart, I must explain here that the correlations between the elements and certain types of houses in this chapter are purely symbolic. Since houses, by definition, represent realms of experience in which actual energies (or attunements to the elements) of signs and planets, houses should not be considered as manifestations of the four elements. The main energies of the card are always indicated by signs and planets. However, since there is a direct relationship between the twelve signs and the twelve houses as two different but parallel sequences of developmental principles, I have traditionally associated here Aries with the first house, Taurus with the second house, etc. Nevertheless, when a person is engaged in the interpretation of charts, he should always consider signs and houses as separate and independent factors of the astrological alphabet.

While teaching dozens of groups with different levels of astrological training, I have found that many students have a harder time understanding the nature of astrological houses than any other aspect of astrological symbolism. Most of the students quickly attained a sufficient understanding of signs and planets, but when it came to houses, I was faced with numerous puzzling questions. Even prominent students in the classroom often approached me later to recommend a good book on homes for them as they faced many obstacles trying to understand this important section of astrological language.

It seems to me that the main problem with understanding the meanings of houses is that most astrological textbooks make no attempt to explain the fundamental principles of each house and their inherent inner meaning, from which the endless associations attributed to this house follow. Most books emphasize the traditional meanings of houses and do not mention the more subtle and comprehensive principles. This is due to the fact that most of astrologers are still interested in external situations and not in the internal experience of a person. (A rare and welcome exception is Dane Rudhyar's Astrological Houses.

(D. Rudhyar "Astrological Houses".) Most authors do not say that houses - and, in fact, the map as a whole - always show more clearly internal state and personal experience of the person than the surrounding circumstances. This is the reason why there are so many astrological predictions does not come true - they are simply based on the assumption that the map shows what is going happen. " And the truth is that the card invariably shows “that the person is going to experience ". This is an important difference between the two approaches to astrology and is explained in detail in the writings of Dane Rudyar and other student-centered astrologers.

Interpreting symbolic cosmic language (such as astrology) through our clumsy and limited verbal language is a daunting task. This task becomes almost impossible if we assign rigid meanings to houses. In doing so, we create a situation in which we often have to "stretch" our interpretation in order to adapt it to the situation of the person. This method of astrological practice only adds to the argumentation of the supporters of the contemptuous attitude towards all practicing astrologers. To illustrate what I mean by example, let's consider a person with Saturn in the fifth natal home... This Saturn position can indicate a whole variety of positions and experiences. What do we say to a person who has such a factor in the birth chart? Does it help a person if we say that he will “have trouble because of the children”? And who doesn't have any worries about children? This interpretation is completely meaningless. Would it be helpful to say that this person cannot be as creative as he would like? This interpretation is also meaningless and essentially wrong, since many great artists and writers of our time have this position of Saturn. Many other examples could be cited, to show how deceiving astrological work can become if we do not delve into the key meaning of the specific factors of the chart. On the other hand, if we summarize the core principle of the fifth house as a sphere of experience in which a person “achieves reliability for his individuality,” we will be able to feel what this person is experiencing, whether it manifests itself in communication with a child, a loved one, creative work etc. Once a key principle has been established, it is relatively easy to describe and understand the characteristic ways in which it is expressed.

It is this need to clarify the basic psychological significance houses prompted me to create the keyword system described in this chapter. Many of these words have been used before by other authors, but in a different context. I have been working with this system for the past three years and can now say that it is indeed a very useful method not only for interpreting the natal chart and transit cycles, but also for gaining a deeper understanding of the entire structure of astrology. While some keywords may seem clumsy or confusing at first glance, I'm sure people who take the time to understand this system and use it consistently will be rewarded for their patience.

House classification

The most common way to define different types of houses is to classify them as corner, middle, and fall. Corner houses are associated with a quality that activates a person and have a direct impact on the structure of his life. The keyword for corner houses is action. The middle houses are associated with individual desires and those things that we want to control and control.

This urge to control is motivated by our need for reliability is the key word for this type of house. Falling houses are the spheres of the map in which thoughts and observations are exchanged and disseminated. Hence, the keyword for this type of house is education. The sequence of houses from the corner to the middle and falling and again to the corner symbolizes the flow of life experience: we are acting; strengthening the results of our actions to achieve reliability and confidence; we learn from what has been done, and we realize what remains to be done, and we act again. Each of us participates in this life cycle, but our individual birth charts show which phases of the cycle are dominant throughout life.

Houses are also divided into groups of three, depending on the elements of the signs associated with these houses. For example, three houses associated with watermarks(4,8,12), constitute the so-called "psychic trine" or "soul trine". For the sake of brevity and simplicity, I will refer to these houses simply as "water houses." All of these houses are connected with the past, with conditioned reactions that now manifest instinctively and act through emotions. The planets in these houses show what is happening on a subconscious level, and indicate the process of growth of consciousness through assimilation essences of the past while simultaneously releasing useless memories and fears that hold a person back. These "water" houses are associated with achieving emotional calm by breaking free from the clutches of the past. At the deepest level, these houses symbolize the deepest aspirations souls, as they indicate a process of cleansing the emotional remnant of the past so that the soul can achieve explicit and active self-expression. Therefore, the keywords for these houses are spiritual and emotional.

Earthly houses (2, b, 10 - often called the "trigon of values") are associated with the level of experience in which we are trying satisfy our core needs v practical world: property, money, work, reputation, health, etc. Keyword for these houses material, because earthly houses are mainly associated with the concerns of the material world.

Fiery houses (1, 5, 9 - often called the "trigon of life") are associated with a person's position in relation to life itself. They represent the flow of energy pouring out into external world as well as the inspiration and aspiration that motivates us to do so. The key word that summarizes the main meaning of the houses of fire is individual, since our sense of individuality, feeling being determines our attitude towards life in general. In other words, if we perceive ourselves well, we feel good about being and therefore develop the belief that this life will be essentially a positive experience.

Air houses (3, 7,11 - often called "relationship trigon") are associated not only with social contacts and all kinds of relationships, but also with concepts. The social and intellectual spheres of activity are inseparable from each other, since it is our concepts that prompt us to look for people who think in the same way, it is the concepts that make up a significant part of what two people share with each other. Therefore, the keywords for air houses are public and intellectual.

Here's a summary of the keywords:

Expression form

Corners: Action

Median: Reliability

Falling: Learning

Experience level

Aquatic: Spiritual and emotional

Earthly: Material

Fiery: Individual

Air: Public and intellectual

Water houses

As we saw above, all water houses have something in common - they all represent experiences on an emotional and spiritual level. However, an analysis of the three forms of expression indicated by the keywords gives us a clue to the interconnection of these houses.

Fourth house

The fourth house is the realm of the immediate actions on the emotional and spiritual level. All actions at this level of experience are necessarily due to factors beyond our control. Traditionally, the fourth house is associated (among other things) with home and family. In what other area of ​​life do we act on the basis of habits and emotions as much as we do with our family members?

The fourth house also represents our need for privacy or an environment in which we feel comfortable so that we can relax, recharge, and reflect without feeling pressured by the outside world. People with the Sun in the fourth house usually spend many years trying (consciously or subconsciously) to find freedom from the conditions associated with early life experiences. In other words, people with a strong fourth house accent feel the need to act at the deepest emotional level to assimilate the essence his childhood and youth experience. They crave peace and tranquility for your "I", which often requires physical distance from parents in order to achieve an impartial view of the emotions caused by their presence.

Eighth house

The middle water house, the eighth house, represents the need to find emotional security and spiritual confidence. People with this house accent in birth charts inevitably engage in activities that they feel will provide them with this deep inner stability. Sexuality associated with the eighth house is caused not only by instinctive urge, but also by the need to experience emotional security through merging with another person. Many people try to gain this sense of confidence and security by gaining power and influence over other people. This power sometimes comes from wealth or participation in large corporate endeavors, and sometimes it is the result of knowledge of occult laws or acute psychic sensitivity of these people. Other eighth house issues, such as insurance and co-finances, can also be related to emotional security. The fact that the eighth house is also called the "house of death" shows why people with an eighth house accent are often preoccupied with thoughts of death. afterlife, spiritualism and inheritance. These people are interested in such questions because, although they may not be aware of it, they feel an inner desire for spiritual security, confidence that their soul will be "saved."

Although people with an eighth house accent may look for reliability in material assets, power, sex, or spiritual knowledge, a true sense of emotional and spiritual security can only arise when the hectic emotional conflicts always represented by this home begin to subside.

Violent emotional conflicts give way to a deep sense of inner peace only if the true nature of a person's aspirations is realized. The occult pursuits associated with this home are mainly useful as a means of achieving this inner peace through the knowledge of the deepest laws of life. The sexuality of the eighth house is an expression of the urge to regenerate through union with great power. In short, this house symbolizes the desire for a state of emotional calm which can only be achieved through liberation from compulsory desires and self-will.

Twelfth house

Falling water house, twelfth house, is a sphere learning on the emotional and spiritual level. This learning takes place through a gradual increase in awareness, accompanied by loneliness and deep suffering, through selfless service or devotion to the highest ideal. The twelfth house represents influences and experiences that are completely beyond our control, but the limits of which can be transcended by channeling energy towards self-knowledge and spiritual values. It shows the phase of evolution in which a person must assimilate the results of the experience and responsibility of the whole past life. At its deepest level, this house shows the urge to seek peace for the soul through submission to a higher unity, devotion to the transcendental ideal and liberation from the ghosts of past thoughts and actions.

Earthly houses

Tenth house

The corner earth house is associated with action on material

level; this house is traditionally considered to represent a person's reputation, position in society and profession. The activity that a person performs in the material world is the basis on which his reputation is based, and society categorizes people according to the activities they perform: baker, salesman, doctor, etc. Keywords also explain the connection between the tenth house and a certain aspiration that a person hopes to achieve in society.

Second house

The key word for the middle earth house is material reliability. This explains why the second house is associated with money, income, possessions and the desire to control things and people. However, the keyword also clarifies a deeper principle underlying such tendencies, as many people with a strong second-house accent are less interested in money itself than in the assurance that they will always feel secure in the material world with significant resources. Therefore, many people with a strong second-home accent collect coins, buy land, invest in banks and real estate in an attempt to bolster their security. I have also noticed that people with the Sun in the second house are usually quite stingy about their timing (especially if the Sun is in a fixed sign), since they feel that their every effort should bring productive results in one form or another.

Sixth house

The Falling Earth House is the sixth house, which is associated with work, health, and responsibilities. When will we see that the basic principle of the sixth house is education through direct experience in material affairs, we can easily

understand the motivation behind all these activities. We learn about the needs and limitations of our physical body mainly due to health problems (often arising from bad habits, overwork or household chores, excessive self-criticism or negative thinking - all questions of the sixth house). We also gain a practical understanding of ourselves through the daily performance of our jobs and responsibilities. All of these areas of experience help us learn humility, accept our limitations, and take responsibility for our physical and psychological health. When we understand that the sixth house represents the phase of purification through direct contact with the material level of experience, we can begin to interpret this house in a correct and positive way.

Houses of fire

First house

The corner house of fire is the first house to represent individuality In action, a phase of life in which a person is identified with a certain targeted action. People with a strong first house accent are impatient with action, as their sense of self begins to fade if they refrain from active individual involvement in the affairs of the outside world. Traditionally, this house is also associated with energy and appearance physical body; using the keyword system, you can understand that the body is an individual in action. People recognize us by our most characteristic manner of physical movement and expression; the person begins to feel deprived vital energy if the qualities represented by the planets of the first house and the Ascendant are suppressed or suppressed.

Fifth house

The middle house of fire, the fifth house, represents the quest individual confidence and reliability. People with the accent of this house are looking for a reliable sense of self, identifying with the things or people in which they see their reflection. These people want be significant in some way, not just to be, as in the phase of the first house. The accent of this house may indicate an egocentric attitude towards life, but on a deeper level, it shows a person's emotional attitude and religious the senses in relation to all life. The urge to value and the attempt to find a secure sense of individuality is reflected in every question that is usually associated with this home. For example, children are often the focus of a person's aspirations for individual confidence and reliability. Many children are not only named by their parents (especially sons by their fathers), but we have all seen many parents try to impose their own dreams of recognition and achievement on their children. A person with a strong creative inclination (fifth house) discovers that he is should to create something to feel good about yourself.

One of the attractive things about love affairs (another fifth house question) is that, although they can be completely impractical and often destructive, such relationships allow for a time to feel a sense of self-worth simply because the other person found us worthy of love. ... In intense love affair our sense of identity is confirmed; we see ourselves in another person, and since we think better of ourselves, our outlook on life itself is significantly improved. Summing up, we can say that a strong accent of the fifth house in the natal chart indicates that a person should project himself into the outside world, he should Use his creativity responsibly and consistently to achieve the joy and security he needs.

Ninth house

The falling house of fire, the ninth house, represents training at the level individuality, in other words, knowing what you really are. All religious and philosophical positions, quests and activities that are usually associated with this house follow from this fundamental principle. The motivation behind all religious and philosophical reflections, is the need to know your own true personality. The question "What am I?" - this is the source from which all originate religious quest... Therefore, people with a ninth house accent in natal charts are attracted to various activities that expand the horizons of self-awareness, allow them to improve themselves and help them gain a perspective of human nature. Foreign travel and higher education are the initial stages of this search. In the next stage, a person is identified with a religion, philosophy, or metaphysical doctrine, and then often comes to direct training from a mentor or organization, which, in his opinion, personifies the truth.

Air houses

These houses represent the full range of personal relationships, including more than just the way a person approaches different types relationships, but also social impulses and intellectual needs that motivate certain types of behavior in these areas.

Seventh House

The corner air house, the seventh house, symbolizes action on public and intellectually level. Since the main meaning of the seventh house is one-to-one relationship and since all social structures and activities depend on the quality of such relationships, the corner air house focuses on this area of ​​experience. All developed societies are based on the "marriage unit", the stability and efficiency of this small social group largely determines the viability of society as a whole. At the individual level, the quality of family partnership has such an impact on a person that it covers all other areas of his life: health, finances, sex, children, professional success, etc. (There are sociological studies that indicate that a person's career often suffers when a marriage breaks down.)

The intellectual aspect of this house can be seen in the fact that people with a strong seventh house accent in birth charts easily engage the audience by presenting their ideas. Such people are often consulted for advice or advice, knowing their intellectual competence and objectivity.

Eleventh house

The middle air house is the eleventh house representing the quest public and intellectual confidence and reliability. People with a strong eleventh house accent in natal charts tend to join those who share their ideas and goals. This is due to the fact that they feel social and intellectual insecurity and therefore gain significant support in the understanding that there are other people who can understand and accept them as they are. These people often join groups or act in concert with friends who share their intellectual disposition, although they may not agree at all on some details. Their search for intellectual certainty and reliability also leads them to immense systems of thought, political, metaphysical, or scientific. These people have a pronounced ability to promote group activities, social change, and “manage” large masses of people.

The mental intransigence so common in these people stems from the fact that they feel intellectual insecurity and therefore hesitate to change their ideas once they find concepts that satisfy them. (It is interesting to note that American President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Aquarius) developed the National Social Security system, and the eleventh house is associated with the sign of Aquarius.) Most effective method, by which a person with a strong eleventh house accent can achieve the required reliability - to establish a strong sense of individual goals, which not only satisfies his personal needs, but also harmonizes with the needs of society as a whole. To avoid the sluggishness and overconfidence of this house, he should focus on the goal itself, and not on oversimplified concepts that claim to be presented. absolute truth... In this way, he will be able to concretely apply his ideas to improve society.

Third house

Falling air house, third house, is a sphere training on intellectually and public level. Therefore, it represents all forms of information exchange, such as the art of communication, mediation, trade, etc. People with a strong emphasis on the third house in natal charts, they have an insatiable need to communicate with other people and have the ability to easily and amicably establish contact with people of a wide variety of views and interests. Their curiosity about ideas and people is truly endless, this curiosity leads them to make numerous casual acquaintances and develop a broad and flexible intellectual base. Basic facts and abstract ideas are equally important to these people, even if such information is divorced from any “meaningful” context. While the learning represented by the ninth house occurs through the use of inspired intuitive intelligence, the learning represented by the third house occurs through the application of its own logic and reasoning.

Astrology is a tool for self-knowledge

If you have been using the keyword system given here for some time, then it becomes obvious that it is useful not only for understanding the general life pattern presented in the natal chart, but that it also makes it more accurate and psychologically more important value current and future trends and cycles. For example, if the planetary positions are in specific map births indicate the absence of the air element, why is this person so interested in people and constantly involved in social activities? The emphasis of the aerial houses would indicate that although this person may not have energy tuning on this element, he can still focus some part of his water, air or fiery energy on public and intellectual activity and on all kinds of relationships. Or if a person has no attunement to fire element why does he display the ardent and optimistic qualities that he, apparently, should lack? The emphasis on fire houses in his natal chart indicates that although he may not be energetically attuned to the fire element, he can nevertheless channel his air, water, and earthly energies into creative, inspirational, and idealistic realms of experience.

In cases like the ones mentioned above, a person will still lack the attunement to a certain element and he will have some problems associated with its absence. However, since the activities of interest to him compensate for the imbalance of the elements to some extent, such people will often experience the expected difficulty in a more moderate form. Only a patient and detailed study of the entire birth chart allows the astrologer to assess the extent to which one astrological factor compensates or balances the other. If, however, a certain person lacks, for example, the accent of watermarks and water houses, then you can be practically sure that this problem will manifest itself in a rather serious form.

In the realm of understanding transits, progressions, cycles and similar techniques, an astrologer using this keyword system no longer has to choose one of many possible meanings, for example, the transit of Jupiter or Saturn in a particular house, leaving a certain probability that the main meaning will be completely missed. ... The astrologer will be able to know with confidence that the advice and explanations he gives will help clients to look inside themselves and understand the real meaning of a particular time period, and not force them to focus on some trivial or insignificant event. By clarifying the basic principle involved in a particular phase of life experience, a principle that is inevitably relevant to the situation, regardless of the superficial circumstances that the client may talk about, the practitioner astrologer will be able to eliminate much of the usual guesswork and avoid the possibility of being misled by the client's lack of perspective or self-deception. In short, using this keyword system in actual practice can be another step in making astrology what it should be: a tool to promote self-knowledge.


The sun governs the sign of Leo and astrologically represents the main expression of a person's individuality, willpower, personality, ego. It governs health, life principles, authority and leadership, dignity, pride, energy, inspiration, a sense of identity, and the ability to gain experience. Its influence gives physical and vitality.

Key words: spirit, creativity, self-expression, domination, reputation, leadership, fame, egoism, centralization, energy, renewability, light. In social terms, the Sun symbolizes the father, husband and man in general. He is also associated with rulers, illustrious people, nobles and people for whom we have respect.

moon governs the sign of Cancer and astrologically represents the principles of response, adaptation, maintenance of life, the unconscious, the soul, the feminine principle, memory, intuition. The moon dominates the world of human feelings. Associated with it is the general background of the subconscious, programs of behavior and response, which ensure life in the biological and social environment. Together with the Sun, the Moon governs overall health.

Key words: mood, changeability, plasticity, ability to take any form, impressionability, sensitivity, susceptibility, attachment to mother, motherhood, love of home comfort, fertility, birth. In social terms, the Moon symbolizes mother, wife, young children, family, nation, hereditary traits in general. Tramps, travelers, sailors, lunatics, people with a changeable life are also associated with the moon.

Mercury presents the principles of rational thinking, speech, communication, contact, interaction, mediation, learning, exchange. V individual horoscope Mercury symbolizes the type of thinking of a person, his consciousness, curiosity, intellectual aspirations, the ability to communicate and learn, liveliness, dexterity.

Keywords: communications, mail, news, acquaintances, curiosity, reflections, openness, spontaneity, eclecticism in choice, atomization, youth, trips over short distances, brothers and sisters, relatives, transport, primary education, voice, oratory, writing, gossip, rumors, diplomatic skills, technique, tests, data processing, employees, skill, dexterity, criticism, lies, deception. Mercury rules the signs of Virgo and Gemini related to communication, transportation, cars, computers, disease, and work that requires attention to detail.

Venus in astrology, it represents the principles of emotional love, affection, personal relationships, pleasure, beauty, appreciation, choice, desire, aesthetic features of the perception of the world, the principle of perception at the social level, life values. Venus dominates luxury, social affairs and art, music, cosmetics, compliments, jewelry, marriage are associated with it. She rules over the signs of Taurus and Libra, which are associated with valuables, money, property, contracts, agreements, treaties, partnerships, relationships, reconciliation, legal disputes and justice.

Key words: sensuality, artistry, abundance, happiness, bliss, relaxation, beauty, creativity, charm, physical attractiveness, tenderness, softness, sweetness, a sense of harmony, a positive outlook on the world. On the negative side: sexual deviations, excessive sentimentality, capriciousness, a desire to try everything, recklessness, depravity.

Mars astrologically represents the principles of activity, action, manifested energy, initiative, impulsive inclusion in activity, enthusiasm, defending one's rights, fulfilling one's desires. He represents the aggressive and sensual-sexual side. human nature... Mars rules the signs of Aries and Scorpio related to the head, genitals, leadership, self-affirmation, initiation of action, impulses, inner urges, sex, death, penetration, transformation, and shared finances.

Keywords: activity, initiative, strength, creation and destruction, confrontation, confrontation, competition, sport, courage, assertiveness, excitement, irritability, recklessness, indignation, anger, violence, disobedience, sexuality, fights, accidents, injuries, burns, fires, inflammation, operations.

Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces and astrologically represents the principles of expansion, abundance, integration. In an individual horoscope, Jupiter symbolizes optimism, generosity, the desire for possession and expansion, moral and religious aspirations, the ability to embrace the whole. Jupiter governs the process of including man in new sphere, whether it be a social group or hobby (person, science or art). This is a planet of new horizons and new opportunities.

Keywords: abundance, integration, success, luck, benefit, excess, development, growth, increase, optimism, mercy, patronage, patronage, sponsorship, support, expansion, generosity, faith, religion, church, philosophy, higher education, science, laws, jurisprudence, bankers, publishing houses, foreign countries.

Saturn governs Capricorn and Aquarius and represents the principle of inhibition, concentration, individuation, isolation and inner working out. In the individual horoscope, Saturn symbolizes perseverance, seriousness, the ability to learn from experience, economy, melancholy, secrecy and silence, distrust, poor adaptability.

Key words: structure, form, materialization, crystallization, severity, brevity, concreteness, logic, discipline, methodical, honesty, wisdom, reliability, duty, devotion, dryness, cold, inhibition, delays, contractions, simplicity, form, time, gravity , stability, order, state, conservatism, boundaries, restrictions, abstinence, caution, asceticism, inflexibility, patience, deprivation, preservation, weight, trial, rupture.

Chiron- a small planet (with a diameter of only 255 km), discovered only in 1977, but astrologers give it great importance... It moves between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus, as if connecting the ordinary world described visible planets, known since ancient times (from the Sun to Saturn) and the higher world, beyond, described in astrology by the planets not visible to the naked eye (starting with Uranus). Chiron is a planet that allows you to see the deep in the ordinary, imperceptibly to go beyond ordinary reality, to find an original way out of the dead end through the expansion of consciousness. When Chiron is manifested in a horoscope, he takes a person out of the boundaries of ordinary everyday perception, shows what is almost implausible from the point of view of a person, but is still perceived as really existing. In outer life Chiron gives such a set of circumstances and solutions to questions and problems that, before they happened, seem incredible, but later are comprehended as possible and real.

Key words for Chiron: key, opening doors, originality, cognition of human latent capabilities, paradoxical thinking, change of interest, change in consciousness, unusual point of view, bridge between established paths and evolutionary changes, alternatives, balance, harmony, ecology, reunification of disparate parts souls.

Uranus governs Aquarius and astrologically represents the principles of freedom, surprise, revolutionary changes, connection with a higher mind. In the individual horoscope, Uranus symbolizes originality, independence, detachment, rebelliousness, interest in everything new, easy excitability, nervousness, intuition combined with objectivity of judgments, changeable character.

Key words: higher information, discovery, innovation, new technologies, electricity, technology, aviation, astronautics, reforms, revolution, anarchy, anomaly, insight, clairvoyance, strangeness, nervousness, independence, irreverence, optionality, divorce, break; hurricane, earthquake, explosion. Uranus symbolizes reformers, inventors, engineers, rebels and revolutionaries freed from captivity or prison, clairvoyants, friends in general.

Neptune astrologically represents the principles of synthesis, uncertainty, dissolution, lack of structure, receptivity, spirituality, mystery. In an individual horoscope, Neptune symbolizes refined sensitivity, the ability to comprehend the sublime and spiritual. This planet corresponds to such mental states in which control from the mind and readiness for action are disabled.

Keywords: higher values, faith, fantasy, imagination, dreams, nebula, uncertainty, illusions, cinema and television, secrets, deception, espionage, illegal activity, counterfeiting, confusion, compassion, altruism, mysticism, spirituality, religiosity, idealism , ecstasy, drug addiction, alcoholism, chemical industry, gases, liquids, meditation, inspiration, refinement, sacrifice, helplessness, negligence, guilt, suffering, exposure to influence, blurring of boundaries, diffusion, entropy, chaos.

Neptune symbolizes a person easily influenced by other people, a drug addict, an alcoholic, a medium, a psychic, an orphan, a person of a dubious character, an embezzler, a deceiver, a blackmailer, a hired killer, a suicide, a prisoner, a prisoner of war, a person clergy, representative religious sect, a member of a charity.

Pluto In an individual horoscope, he rules Scorpio and astrologically represents the principles of providence (" God's will"), invisible power, transformation, transformation. In the individual horoscope Pluto symbolizes will, lust for power, the manifestation of unconscious forces, insight, suspicion, the desire to influence the masses, the ruthless use of force, fanaticism.

Keywords: qualitative change, transformation, regeneration, death, rebirth, purification, rebirth, insight, deep analysis, ruthlessness, fanaticism, suspicion, threat, violence, extremes, manipulation, control, retribution, intensity, mass character, use of power to control others , dictatorship, crowd psychology, power of the masses, secret organizations, crime, mafia, terrorism, disasters, cataclysms, destruction, refuse, pollution.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac in Jyotish Vedic astrology and the head of the Cosmic Man, it is also a positive sign of Mars and the first among the fire signs. Vedic astrology states that Aries people tend to live in the future, be leaders and take the initiative. They are very active, they always strive to be the first and achieve something.

According to Vedic astrology, the less developed type of Aries person is aggressive and despotic, indifferent to the needs of others and prone to manipulating people. However, he has more of a habit of arguing than getting into a fight with someone. They impose their ideas and their vision on those around them, suppressing them in every possible way and asserting their position as right and main.

As for the more developed varieties of Aries people, Vedic astrology is unambiguous in that they are largely inherent in intellectuality, rationalism and therefore a certain lack of sensitivity. It is from them that excellent inventors, scientists and pioneers are most often obtained.

Lagna in Aries

According to Vedic astrology, if in the natal chart the lagna is in Aries, then a person is likely to have such qualities as: dynamism, initiative, rationalism, impetuousness, intolerance, ambition and aggressiveness. He needs to pause (rest and consolidate the result), he will also experience a craving for travel, difficulties with his mother and concern for offspring, but there will be little fertility. Vedic astrology says that head injuries are possible in this position.

The lord of the Lagna is Mars, exalted in Capricorn, that is, in the 10th house - the abode of karma, career and position in society. That is why a person with Lagna in Aries is very ambitious and active, there is always a lot of motivation, enthusiasm and energy in him. However, since Saturn is in Aries, that is, in the first house is in the fall, the people of Aries lack tenacity and constancy. They always need to remember that in the fairy tale about a fast hare and a slow turtle, the turtle was the first to come to the finish line, thanks to its perseverance, and not the hare, which was constantly distracted by other activities.

Moon in Aries

Vedic astrology says that if in the natal chart the Moon is in Aries, then a person will most likely have such qualities as: energy, courage, assertiveness, extroversion, determination and the ability to achieve his own, however, he will be somewhat lacking in kindness. He will enjoy fame, beautiful property, wife and offspring.

Sanskrit name: Mesha.

Element: Fire.

Quality: cardinal (mobile).

Principle: active.

Governor: Mars.

Anatomy: head, occiput, brain, upper jaw.

Motto: I am.

House: 1.

Opposite sign: Scales.

Keyword: activity.

Ascends: back.

Side of the world: East.

Dosha: pitta.

Fertility: barren.

Height: short.

Places: forests and plains, newly reclaimed land, areas with sandy soil, hilly, abandoned, infrequently visited, or dangerous, stoves, hot workshops, etc., hot spots, ceilings and roofs, medium elevation levels, the eastern wall of a room or building, Place of Birth precious stones and minerals.

Animals, plants and minerals: minerals.

Positive qualities: pioneering spirit, diligence, propensity to compete, impulsiveness, impatience, courage, independence, dynamism, speed, lives for today.

Negative qualities: tendency to dominate, irascibility, impetuosity, intolerance, fussiness, insolence, "I come first", rudeness, arrogance, does not finish what he started.

If you turn to a Vedic astrologer and draw up a natal chart, you will learn a lot of useful and interesting information about your sign and the influence of the planets on you.

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