Who is the Parthenon dedicated to? The most famous temple in Greece is the Parthenon, dedicated to the goddess Athena the Virgin.

Gods of Olympus of Ancient Greece

Names ancient greek gods, which everyone knows - Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hephaestus - are actually the descendants of the main inhabitants of heaven - the Titans. Having defeated them, the younger gods, led by Zeus, became the inhabitants of Mount Olympus. The Greeks worshiped, revered and paid tribute to the 12 gods of Olympus, personifying in Ancient Greece elements, virtue or the most important areas of social and cultural life.

Worshiped Ancient Greeks and Hades, but he did not live on Olympus, but lived underground, in the kingdom of the dead.

Who is more important? Gods of Ancient Greece

They got along well with each other, but sometimes there were clashes between them. From their life, which is described in Ancient Greek treatises, the legends and myths of this country emerged. Among the celestials there were those who occupied the high steps of the podium, while others were content with glory, being at the feet of the rulers. The list of gods of Olympia is as follows:

  • Zeus.

  • Hera.

  • Hephaestus.

  • Athena.

  • Poseidon.

  • Apollo.

  • Artemis.

  • Ares.

  • Demeter.

  • Hermes.

  • Aphrodite.

  • Hestia.

Zeus- the most important of all. He is the king of all gods. This thunderer personifies the endless firmament. Led by lightning. It is this ruler who distributes good and evil on the planet, the Greeks believed. The son of the titans married his own sister. Their four children were named Ilithyia, Hebe, Hephaestus and Ares. Zeus is a terrible traitor. He constantly engaged in adultery with other goddesses. He did not neglect earthly girls either. Zeus had something to surprise them with. He appeared to the Greek women either in the form of rain, or as a swan or a bull. Symbols of Zeus are eagle, thunder, oak.

Poseidon. This god ruled over the sea elements. In importance he was in second place after Zeus. In addition to oceans, seas and rivers, storms and sea monsters, Poseidon was “responsible” for earthquakes and volcanoes. In ancient times Greek mythology he was the brother of Zeus. Poseidon lived in a palace under water. He rode around in a rich chariot drawn by white horses. The trident is the symbol of this Greek god.

Hera. She is the main of the female goddesses. This celestial goddess patronizes family traditions, marriage and love unions. Hera is jealous. She cruelly punishes people for adultery.

Apollo- son of Zeus. He is the twin brother of Artemis. Initially, this god was the personification of light, the sun. But gradually his cult expanded its borders. This god turned into the patron of the beauty of the soul, mastery of art, and everything beautiful. The muses were under his influence. Before the Greeks, he appeared in a rather refined image of a man with aristocratic features. Apollo played excellent music and was engaged in healing and divination. He is the father of the god Asclepius, the patron saint of doctors. At one time, Apollo destroyed the terrible monster that occupied Delphi. For this he was exiled for 8 years. Later he created his own oracle, the symbol of which was the laurel.

Without Artemis The ancient Greeks did not imagine hunting. The patroness of forests personifies fertility, birth and high relations between the sexes.

Athena. Everything related to wisdom, spiritual beauty and harmony is under the auspices of this goddess. She is a great inventor, lover of science and art. Artisans and farmers are subordinate to her. Athena “gives the go-ahead” for the construction of cities and buildings. Thanks to her, public life flows smoothly. This goddess is called upon to protect the walls of fortresses and castles.

Hermes. This ancient Greek god is quite mischievous and has earned the reputation of being a fidget. Hermes is the patron of travelers and traders. He is also the messenger of the gods on earth. It was on his heels that charming wings began to shine for the first time. The Greeks attribute traits of resourcefulness to Hermes. He is cunning, smart and knows all foreign languages. When Hermes stole a dozen cows from Apollo, earning his wrath. But he was forgiven, because Apollo was captivated by the invention of Hermes - the lyre, which he presented to the god of beauty.

Ares. This god personifies war and everything connected with it. All kinds of battles and battles - under the representation of Ares. He is always young, strong and handsome. The Greeks painted him as powerful and warlike.

Aphrodite. She is the goddess of love and sensuality. Aphrodite constantly incites her son Eros to shoot arrows that ignite the fire of love in the hearts of people. Eros is the prototype of the Roman Cupid, a boy with a bow and quiver.

Hymen- god of marriage. Its bonds bind the hearts of people who met and fell in love with each other at first sight. Ancient Greek wedding chants were called "hymens".

Hephaestus- god of volcanoes and fire. Potters and blacksmiths are under his patronage. This is a hardworking and kind god. His fate did not turn out very well. He was born with a limp because his mother Hera threw him from Mount Olympus. Hephaestus was educated by the goddesses - the queens of the sea. On Olympus he returned and generously rewarded Achilles, presenting him with a shield and Helios with a chariot.
Demeter. She personifies the forces of nature that people have conquered. This is agriculture. A person’s entire life is under the watchful control of Demeter - from birth to deathbed.
Hestia. This goddess patronizes family ties, protects the hearth and comfort. The Greeks took care of offerings to Hestia by setting up altars in their homes. All residents of one city are one big community-family, the Greeks are sure. Even in the main city building there was a symbol of Hestia's sacrifices.
Hades- lord kingdom of the dead. In his underground world, dark creatures, dark shadows, and demonic monsters rejoice. Hades is considered one of the most powerful gods. He moved around the kingdom of Hades in a chariot made of gold. His horses are black. Hades - owns untold wealth. All the gems and ores that are contained in the depths belong to him. The Greeks feared him more than fire and even Zeus himself.

Except 12 gods of Olympus and Hades, the Greeks also have a lot of gods and even demigods. All of them are descendants and brothers of the main celestials. Each of them has its own legends or myths.

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Culture and religion in Athens have been closely intertwined since time immemorial. Therefore, it is not surprising that the country has so many attractions that are dedicated to the idols and gods of antiquity. There is probably nothing like it anywhere. But still, Greek mythology became the most complete reflection of ancient civilization. Gods and titans, kings and heroes from legends - all these are parts of the life and existence of ancient Greece.

Of course, many tribes and people had their own deities and idols. They personified the forces of nature, incomprehensible and frightening ancient man. However, the ancient Greek gods were not only symbols of nature, they were considered the creators of all moral goods and guardians of the beautiful and great powers of the ancient people.

Generations of Gods of Ancient Greece

IN different times there were also different ones. The list of one ancient author differed from another, but it is still possible to identify common periods.

So, during the time of the Pelasgians, when the cult of worship of the forces of nature flourished, the first generation of Greek gods appeared. It was believed that the world was ruled by Mist, from which the first supreme deity appeared - Chaos, and their children - Nikta (Night), Eros (Love) and Erebus (Darkness). There was complete chaos on earth.

The names of the second and third generation Greek gods are already known throughout the world. These are the children of Nyx and Eber: the god of air Ether and the goddess of the day Hemera, Nemesis (Retribution), Ata (Lie), Mom (Stupidity), Kera (Misfortune), Erinyes (Revenge), Moira (Fate), Eris (Strife). And also the twins Thanatos (messenger of Death) and Hypnos (Dream). Children of the earth goddess Hera - Pontus (inner Sea), Tartarus (Abyss), Nereus (calm sea) and others. As well as the first generation of powerful and destructive titans and giants.

The Greek gods that existed among the Pelagestians were overthrown by the Titans and a series of universal catastrophes, the stories of which were preserved in myths and legends. After them a new generation appeared - the Olympians. These are the human-shaped gods of Greek mythology. The list of them is huge, and in this article we will talk about the most significant and famous people.

The first supreme god of Ancient Greece

Kronos or Khronov is the god and keeper of time. He was the youngest of the sons of the earth goddess Hera and the god of heaven Uranus. His mother loved him, cherished him and indulged him in everything. However, Kronos grew up to be very ambitious and cruel. One day, Hera heard a prediction that Kronos’s death would be his son. But she decided to keep it a secret.

Meanwhile, Kronos killed his father and gained supreme power. He settled on Mount Olympus, which went straight into the heavens. This is where the name of the Greek gods, the Olympians, came from. When Kronos decided to get married, his mother told him about the prophecy. And he found a way out - he began to swallow all his born children. His poor wife Rhea was horrified, but she failed to convince her husband otherwise. Then she hid her third son (little Zeus) from Kronos on the island of Crete under the supervision of forest nymphs. It was Zeus who became the death of Kronos. When he grew up, he went to Olympus and overthrew his father, forcing him to regurgitate all his brothers.

Zeus and Hera

So, the new humanoid Greek gods from Olympus became the rulers of the world. Became the father of the gods thunderer Zeus. He is the gatherer of clouds and the lord of lightning, the creator of all living things, as well as the establisher of order and justice on earth. The Greeks considered Zeus the source of goodness and nobility. The Thunderer is the father of the goddesses Or, mistresses of time and annual changes, as well as the Muses, who give people inspiration and joy.

Zeus's wife was Hera. She was portrayed as a grumpy goddess of the atmosphere, as well as a guardian hearth and home. Hera patronized all women who remained faithful to their husbands. And also, together with her daughter Ilithia, she facilitated the birth process. According to myths, Zeus was very loving, and after three hundred years of married life he became bored. He began to visit mortal women in a variety of guises. Thus, he appeared to beautiful Europe in the form of a huge bull with golden horns, and to Danae - in the form of star rain.


Poseidon is the god of the seas and oceans. He always remained in the shadow of his more powerful brother Zeus. The Greeks believed that Poseidon was never cruel. And all the troubles and punishments that he sent to people were deserved.

Poseidon is the patron saint of fishermen and sailors. Always, before setting sail, people prayed first of all to him, and not to Zeus. In honor of the lord of the seas, altars were smoked for several days. According to legends, Poseidon could be seen during a storm on the high seas. He appeared from the foam in a golden chariot drawn by dashing horses, which his brother Hades gave him as a gift.

Poseidon's wife was the goddess of the roaring sea, Amphitrite. The symbol is a trident, which granted complete power over the depths of the sea. Poseidon had a soft, non-conflicting disposition. He always sought to avoid quarrels and conflicts, and was unconditionally loyal to Zeus, unlike Hades.

Hades and Persephone

The Greek gods of the underworld are, first of all, the gloomy Hades and his wife Persephone. Hades is the god of death, ruler of the kingdom of the dead. They feared him even more than the Thunderer himself. No one could go down to the underworld without Hades' permission, much less return. As Greek mythology says, the gods of Olympus divided power among themselves. And Hades, who inherited the underworld, was dissatisfied. He harbored a grudge against Zeus.

Despite the fact that he never spoke directly and openly, there are many examples in legends when the god of death tried in every possible way to ruin the life of his crowned brother. So, one day Hades kidnapped the beautiful daughter of Zeus and the goddess of fertility Demeter Persephone. He forcibly made her his queen. Zeus had no power over the kingdom of the dead, and chose not to get involved with his embittered brother, so he refused the upset Demeter’s request to save her daughter. And only when the goddess of fertility, in grief, forgot about her duties, and drought and famine began on earth, Zeus decided to talk to Hades. They entered into an agreement according to which Persephone would spend two thirds of the year on earth with her mother, and the rest of the time in the kingdom of the dead.

Hades was depicted as a gloomy man sitting on a throne. He traveled on earth in a chariot drawn by hellish horses with eyes burning in flames. And at this time people were afraid and prayed that he would not take them into his kingdom. Was Hades' favorite three headed dog Cerberus, who tirelessly guarded the entrance to the world of the dead.

Pallas Athena

The beloved Greek goddess Athena was the daughter of the thunderer Zeus. According to myths, she was born from his head. At first it was believed that Athena was the goddess of the clear sky, who dispersed all the black clouds with her spear. She was also a symbol of victorious energy. The Greeks portrayed Athena as a powerful warrior with a shield and spear. She always traveled with the goddess Nike, who personified victory.

In Ancient Greece, Athena was considered the protector of fortresses and cities. She gave people fair and correct government systems. The goddess personified wisdom, calmness and insightful intelligence.

Hephaestus and Prometheus

Hephaestus is the god of fire and blacksmithing. His activity was manifested by volcanic eruptions, which greatly frightened people. Initially, he was considered only the god of heavenly fire. Since on earth people lived and died in eternal cold. Hephaestus, like Zeus and other Olympian gods, was cruel to the human world, and was not going to give them fire.

Prometheus changed everything. He was the last of the Titans to survive. He lived on Olympus and was right hand Zeus. Prometheus could not watch people suffer, and, having kidnapped sacred fire from the temple, brought it to earth. For which he was punished by the Thunderer and doomed to eternal torment. But the titan was able to come to an agreement with Zeus: he granted him freedom in exchange for the secret of maintaining power. Prometheus could see the future. And in the future of Zeus, he saw his death at the hands of his son. Thanks to the titan, the father of all gods did not marry the one who could give birth to a murderous son, and thereby forever secured his power.

The Greek gods Athena, Hephaestus and Prometheus became symbols of the ancient festival of running with lit torches. The progenitor of the Olympic Games.


The Greek sun god Apollo was the son of Zeus. He was identified with Helios. According to Greek mythology, Apollo lives in the distant lands of the Hyperboreans in winter, and returns to Hellas in the spring and again pours life into withered nature. Apollo was also the god of music and singing, since, together with the revival of nature, he gave people the desire to sing and create. He was called the patron of art. Music and poetry in Ancient Greece were considered the gift of Apollo.

Due to his regenerative powers, he was also considered the god of healing. According to legend, Apollo expelled all darkness from the sick with his sun rays. The ancient Greeks depicted God as a blond youth holding a harp.


Apollo's sister Artemis was the goddess of the moon and the hunt. It was believed that at night she wandered through the forests with her companions, the naiads, and watered the ground with dew. She was also called the patroness of animals. At the same time, many legends are associated with Artemis, where she cruelly drowned sailors. To appease her, people were sacrificed.

At one time, the Greeks called Artemis the patroness of brides. The girls performed rituals and brought offerings to the goddess in the hope of a strong marriage. Artemis of Ephesus even became a symbol of fertility and childbirth. The Greeks depicted the goddess with many breasts on her chest, which symbolized her generosity as a nurse of people.

The names of the Greek gods Apollo and Artemis are closely related to Helios and Selene. Gradually the brother and sister lost their physical meaning. Therefore, in Greek mythology, separate sun god Helios and moon goddess Selene appeared. Apollo remained the patron of music and the arts, and Artemis - of hunting.


Ares was originally considered the god of the stormy sky. He was the son of Zeus and Hera. But among the ancient Greek poets he received the status of the god of war. He was always depicted as a fierce warrior, armed with a sword or spear. Ares loved the noise of battle and bloodshed. Therefore, he was always at enmity with the goddess of the clear sky, Athena. She was for prudence and fair conduct of battle, he was for fierce skirmishes and countless bloodsheds.

Ares is also considered the creator of the tribunal - the trial of murderers. The trial took place on a sacred hill, which was named after God - Areopagus.

Aphrodite and Eros

Beautiful Aphrodite was the patroness of all lovers. She is the favorite muse for all poets, sculptors and artists of that time. The goddess was depicted beautiful woman emerging naked from the sea foam. Aphrodite's soul was always full of pure and immaculate love. During the time of the Phoenicians, Aphrodite contained two principles - Asherah and Astarte. She was an Asherah when she enjoyed the singing of nature and the love of the young man Adonis. And Astarte - when she was revered as the “goddess of heights” - a stern warrior who imposed a vow of chastity on her novices and protected marital morality. The ancient Greeks combined these two principles in their goddess and created an image of ideal femininity and beauty.

Eros or Eros is the Greek god of love. He was the son of the beautiful Aphrodite, her messenger and faithful assistant. Eros united the destinies of all lovers. He was depicted as a small, plump boy with wings.

Demeter and Dionysus

Greek gods, patrons of agriculture and winemaking. Demeter personified nature, which under sunlight and heavy rains ripens and bears fruit. She was portrayed as a “fair-haired” goddess, giving people a harvest deserved by labor and sweat. It is to Demeter that people owe the science of arable farming and sowing. The goddess was also called "earth mother". Her daughter Persephone was the link between the world of the living and the kingdom of the dead; she belonged to both worlds.

Dionysus is the god of wine. And also brotherhood and joy. Dionysus gives people inspiration and fun. He taught people how to cultivate the vine, as well as wild and riotous songs, which then served as the basis for ancient Greek drama. God was depicted as a young, cheerful youth, his body entwined with vine, and in his hands was a jug of wine. Wine and vine are the main symbols of Dionysus.

During Antiquity, mythology had a huge influence on people, closely fitting into everyday life and religious customs. The main religion of this period was pagan polytheism, which was based on a large pantheon of gods. Gods ancient Greece had a special meaning and everyone played their role. In different regions there was a cult of one or another god, which was largely determined by the peculiarities of life and way of life. This article provides a list and description of the gods.

The gods were humanized, endowed with anthropomorphic behavior. Ancient Greek mythology had a clear hierarchy - the Titans, Titanides and the younger generation of gods stood out, giving rise to the Olympians. The Olympian gods are the supreme celestial beings who lived on Mount Olympus. They were the ones who provided greatest influence to the ancient Greeks.

The ancient Greek gods of the first generation - ancient entities that gave rise to all living and nonliving things, are considered the creators of the world. They entered into a relationship, thanks to which other gods were born, who also belong to the first generation, as well as titans. The progenitors of all the ancient Greek gods were Skotos (Mist) and Chaos. It was these two entities that gave rise to the entire primary pantheon of Ancient Greece.

The primary pantheon of gods of ancient Greece:

  • Nyukta (Nikta);
  • Erebus (Darkness);
  • Eros (Love);
  • Gaia (Earth);
  • Tartarus (Abyss);
  • Uranus (Sky).

Almost no descriptions of each of these deities have survived, since the Olympians later became key to the mythology of Ancient Greece.

The gods, unlike people, were allowed to enter into family ties, so children were often the products of incest.

The deities of the second generation are the titans, thanks to whom the Olympian gods were born. These are 6 sisters and 6 brothers who actively married each other and fought for power. The most revered titans are Kronos and Rhea.

Olympian gods of Greece

These are the children and descendants of the children of Kronos and his wife Rhea. The Titan Kronos was originally considered the god of agriculture, and later of time. Possessed harsh temperament and a thirst for power, for which he was overthrown, castrated and sent to Tartarus. His reign was replaced by the Olympian gods, led by Zeus. The lives and relationships of the Olympians are detailed in ancient Greek legends and myths, and they were worshiped, respected, and given gifts. There are 12 main gods.


The youngest son of Rhea and Kronos, considered the father and patron of people and gods, personified good and evil. He opposed his father, overthrowing him into Tartarus. After this, power on earth was divided between him and his brothers - Poseidon and Hades. He is the patron of lightning and thunder. His attributes were a shield and an axe, and later an eagle began to be depicted next to him. They loved Zeus, but they were also afraid of his punishment, so they offered valuable gifts.

People imagined Zeus as strong and strong man middle aged. He had noble features, thick hair and a beard. In myths, Zeus was depicted as a character love stories, deceived earthly women, as a result of which he gave rise to many demigods.


The eldest son of Kronos and Rhea, after the overthrow of the rule of the Titans, became a god underground kingdom dead. He was personified by people as a man over 40 years old who rode a golden chariot drawn by golden horses. He is credited with terrifying surroundings, such as Cerberus, a dog with three heads. They believed that he owned the untold riches of the underworld, so they feared and respected him, sometimes more than Zeus. Married to Persephone, whom he kidnapped, thereby causing the wrath of Zeus and the inconsolable grief of Demeter.

Among people they were afraid to say his name out loud, replacing it with various epithets. One of the few gods whose cult was practically not widespread. During the rituals, black-skinned cattle, most often bulls, were sacrificed to him.


The middle son of Kronos and Rhea, after defeating the Titans, gained possession of the water element. According to myths, he lives in a majestic palace in the underwater depths, along with his wife Amphitrite and son Triton. Moves across the sea in a chariot drawn by seahorses. Wields a trident that has enormous power. Its impacts led to the formation of springs and underwater springs. In ancient drawings he is depicted as a powerful man with blue eyes, like the color of the sea.

The Greeks believed that he had a difficult temper and a hot temper, which contrasted with the calmness of Zeus. The cult of Poseidon was widespread in many coastal cities of Ancient Greece, where they brought him rich gifts, including girls.


One of the most revered goddesses of Ancient Greece. She was the patroness of marriage and marriage. She had a tough character, jealousy and a great love of power. She is the wife and sister of her brother Zeus.

In myths, Hera is portrayed as a power-hungry woman who sends disasters and curses on Zeus's many lovers and their children, which leads to grins and funny antics on the part of her husband. She bathes annually in the Kanaf spring, after which she becomes a virgin again.

In Greece, the cult of Hera was widespread, she was the protector of women, they worshiped her and brought gifts to help during childbirth. One of the first deities to whom a sanctuary was built.


Second daughter of Kronos and Rhea, sister of Hera. The goddess of fertility and patroness of agriculture, therefore enjoyed great respect among the Greeks. There were large cults throughout the country; it was believed that it was impossible to get a harvest without bringing a gift to Demeter. It was she who taught people to cultivate the land. She appeared to be a young woman of beautiful appearance with curls the color of ripe wheat. The most famous myth is about the abduction of her daughter by Hades.

Descendants and children of Zeus

In the mythology of Ancient Greece great value have born sons Zeus. These are gods of the second order, each of whom was the patron of one or another human activity. According to legends, they often came into contact with earthly inhabitants, where they weaved intrigues and built relationships. Key ones:


People called him “radiant” or “shining.” He appeared to be a golden-haired young man, endowed with extraterrestrial beauty of appearance. He was a patron of the arts, a patron of new settlements and a healer. Widely revered by the Greeks, large cults and shrines were found at Delos and Delphi. He is the patron and mentor of muses.

Ares (Ares)

The god of bloody and brutal war, which is why he was often opposed to Athena. The Greeks imagined him as a mighty warrior with a sword in his hand. In later sources, he is depicted next to a griffin and two companions - Eris and Enio, who sowed discord and anger among people. In myths he is described as the lover of Aphrodite, in whose relationship many deities and demigods were born.


Patron of hunting and female chastity. It was believed that bringing gifts to Artemis would bring happiness in marriage and make childbirth easier. She was often depicted next to a deer and a bear. Most famous temple was in Ephesus, later she was the patroness of the Amazons.

Athena (Pallas)

Highly revered goddess in Ancient Greece. She was the patroness of organized war, wisdom and strategy. Later it became a symbol of knowledge and crafts. She was depicted by the ancient Greeks as a tall and well-proportioned woman, with a spear in her hand. Temples to Athena were erected everywhere, and the cult of veneration was widespread.


The ancient Greek goddess of beauty and love, later considered the patron of fertility and life. She had a huge influence on the entire pantheon; she had both people and gods in her power (except for Athens, Artemis and Hestia). She was the wife of Hephaestus, but she is credited with love affairs with Ares and Dionysus. Depicted with flowers of roses, myrtle or poppy, apple. Her retinue included doves, sparrows and dolphins, and her companions were Eros and numerous nymphs. The largest cult was located in the city of Paphos, located on the territory of modern Cyprus.


An extremely controversial god of the ancient Greek pantheon. He patronized trade, eloquence and dexterity. He was depicted with a winged staff, around which two snakes were entwined. According to legends, he was able to use it to reconcile, wake up and put people to sleep. Hermes is often depicted wearing sandals and a wide-brimmed hat, as well as carrying a lamb on his shoulder. Often he not only helped earthly inhabitants, but also weaved intrigues, bringing citizens together.


God the blacksmith, who is the patron of blacksmithing and construction. It was he who made the attributes of most of the gods, and also made lightning for Zeus. According to legends, Hera gave birth to him without the participation of her husband, from her thigh in revenge for the birth of Athena. He was often depicted as a broad-shouldered and ugly-looking man, lame on both legs. He was the legal husband of Aphrodite.


The youngest Olympian god, widely loved by the ancient Greeks. He is the patron saint of winemaking, vegetation, fun and madness. His mother - earthly woman Semele, killed by Hera. Zeus personally carried the child from the age of 6 months, giving birth to him from the thigh. According to myths, this son of Zeus invented wine and beer. Dionysus was revered not only by the Greeks, but also by the Arabs. Often depicted with a staff with a hop pommel and a bunch of grapes in his hand. The main retinue is satyrs.

The ancient Greek pantheon is represented by several dozen major gods, deities, mythical creatures, monsters and demigods. The legends and myths of Antiquity have many interpretations, since they used different sources. The ancient Greeks loved and respected all gods, worshiped them, brought gifts and turned to them for blessings and curses. Details ancient greek mythology was outlined by Homer, who described all major events and the appearance of the gods.

Ancient Hellas... A land of myths and legends, a land of fearless heroes and brave sailors. The homeland of the formidable gods sitting on high Olympus. Zeus, Ares, Apollo, Poseidon - these names are familiar to everyone since school lessons history.

Today we will talk about their wives and daughters - the all-powerful ancient goddesses of Greece, who cleverly manipulated their husbands, being the real mistresses of Olympus and mistresses of mortals. These great beings ruled the world, not paying attention to the pitiful people below, because they were producers and spectators in the greatest theater in the world - Earth.

And when the time came to leave, the proud goddesses of Hellas left Greek soil traces of his presence, albeit not as noticeable as those of the male half of the Pantheon.

Let's remember the myths about the beautiful, sometimes incredibly cruel daughters of Olympus and take a short trip to the places that are associated with them.

Goddess Hera - patroness of the hearth and family life

Hera is the goddess of ancient Greece, the highest among equals and the nominal mother of almost all the other goddesses of Olympus from the fourth generation (the first generation is the creators of the world, the second is the Titans, the third is the first gods).

Why? Because her husband Zeus is very far from the ideal of a faithful man.

However, Hera herself is good - in order to marry then not even the supreme god, but only the killer of Kronos (the strongest of the titans), Hera fell in love with Zeus, and then refused to become his mistress until he did not vow to make her his wife.

Moreover, the oath featured the waters of the Styx (the river that separates the world of the living and the dead, and has enormous power over both gods and people).

In the madness of love, the oath was pronounced and Hera became the main goddess on Olympus. But Zeus soon enough had enough family life and happily made connections on the side, which embittered Hera and forced her to look for ways to take revenge on those whom her unfaithful husband preferred, and at the same time on his side children.

Hera is the guardian goddess of the hearth and family, helps abandoned wives, punishes unfaithful husbands (which often brings her nose to nose with her flighty daughter-in-law, Aphrodite).

Hera's favorite son is Ares, the god of war, despised by his father for his love of battles and constant killing.

But the hatred of the first lady of Olympus is shared by two creatures - the daughter of Zeus Athena and the son of Zeus Hercules, both of whom were not born by his legal wife, but nevertheless ascended to Olympus.

In addition, Hera is hated by her own son Hephaestus, the god of crafts and the husband of Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, who was thrown from Olympus by Hera as an infant for his physical deformity.

The largest trace of this cruel lady can be considered the Temple of Hera in ancient Olympia.

The religious building was built at the end of the 7th century BC. e. The massive temple fell into ruins long ago, but thanks to the efforts of several generations of archaeologists, the foundations of the temple and its surviving parts have been restored and are now open to tourists.

In addition, in the Olympia Museum, you can see fragments of statues dedicated to Hera and understand exactly how the goddess was portrayed by her admirers.

The cost of a ticket to Olympia is 9 euros, which includes entry to the excavation area and the museum. You can take a ticket only to the excavation area, it will cost 6 euros.

Aphrodite – goddess of love in Ancient Greece

Beautiful Aphrodite, whose beauty could only be matched by her frivolity, is not the daughter of Zeus or Hera, but comes from a much older family.

She is the latest creation of Uranus, the first of the Titans, castrated by Kronos during the first war for Olympus.

The blood of a titan deprived of a certain part of its body mixed with sea ​​foam and from her arose a treacherous and cruel beauty, who hid in Cyprus from the gaze of Kronos until he was overthrown by Zeus.

Thanks to Hera's cunning plan, Aphrodite married the powerful but ugly Hephaestus. And while he was working in his workshop, the goddess either basked on Olympus, communicating with the gods, or traveled around the world, falling in love with gods and people, and falling in love herself.

The most famous lovers of the flighty beauty were Adonis, a beautiful hunter in body and spirit, with whom the goddess fell in love so much that after his tragic death from the tusks of a boar, she threw herself down the Lydian cliff.

And Ares, the god of war and destruction, secretly sent the boar to Adonis.

It was Ares who overflowed the patience of the proud Hephaestus, who set a trap for the lovers - he forged a strong net, so thin that the lovers simply did not notice it when the net was thrown onto the bed. In the midst of the “meeting,” Hephaestus’ trap entangled the lovers and lifted them above the bed.

When the god of crafts returned to Olympus, he laughed for a long time at the unlucky lovers, and the disgraced Aphrodite fled for a while to her temple in Cyprus, where she gave birth to the sons of Ares - Phobos and Deimos.

The god of war himself appreciated the elegance and softness of Hephaestus’s trap and accepted defeat with dignity, leaving the beautiful Aphrodite, who was soon forgiven by her husband.

Aphrodite is the goddess of love and love madness. She, despite her youthful appearance, is the oldest goddess on Olympus, to whom Hera often turns for help (especially in those cases when the hearth of love for her wife begins to fade in Zeus again). Aphrodite is also considered the goddess of fertility, and also one of the sea goddesses.

Aphrodite's favorite son is Eros, also known as Cupid, the god of carnal love, who always accompanies his mother. She has no permanent enemies on Olympus, but her frivolity often leads to quarrels with Hera and Athena.

Aphrodite's greatest legacy is Paphos, a city in Greek Cyprus located in the place where she once emerged from the sea foam.

This place was appreciated not only by women, but also by men - in some parts of ancient Greece there was a belief that a girl who visited the temple of Aphrodite and entered into a relationship with a stranger in the vicinity of the temple received the blessing of the goddess of love for life.

In addition, the temple housed the bath of Aphrodite, into which the goddess sometimes descended in order to restore her beauty and youth. Greek women believed that if you entered the bathhouse, there was every chance of maintaining youth.

Nowadays, only ruins remain of the temple, open to tourists. Not far from the Temple of Aphrodite in Paphos you can always find both newlyweds and single people, because according to legend, those who find a heart-shaped pebble on the coast will find eternal love.

Warrior Goddess Athena

The goddess Athena is the owner of the most abnormal birth myth.

This goddess is the daughter of Zeus and his first wife Metis, the goddess of wisdom, who, according to the prediction of Uranus, was supposed to give birth to a son, who, in turn, would soon overthrow his thunder father.

Having learned about his wife’s pregnancy, Zeus swallowed her whole, but soon felt wild pain in his head.

Fortunately, the god Hephaestus was on Olympus at that time, who, at the request of the royal father, hit him on the sore part of his body with his hammer, splitting his skull.

From the head of Zeus came a woman in full battle garb, who combined the wisdom of her mother and the talents of her father, becoming the first goddess of war in ancient Greece.

Later, another fan of swinging a sword, Ares, was born and tried to claim his rights, but the goddess, in numerous battles, forced her brother to respect herself, proving to him that battle madness was not enough to win.

The city of Athens is dedicated to the goddess, which she won from Poseidon in the legendary dispute over Attica.
It was Athena who gave the Athenians a priceless gift - the olive tree.

Athena is the first general of Olympus. During the war with the giants, the goddess fought alongside Hercules until she realized that the gods could not win.
Then Athena retreated to Olympus and, while the sons of Zeus were holding back the hordes of giants, she brought the head of Medusa to the battlefield, whose gaze turned the surviving warriors into stones, or rather, into mountains.

Athena is the goddess of wisdom, “smart” war and the patroness of crafts. Athena's second name is Pallas, received in honor of her foster sister, who died due to the oversight of the then-girl Athena - the goddess, without meaning to, accidentally killed her friend.

Having matured, Athena became the most perspicacious of the goddesses of Olympus.

She is a perpetual virgin and rarely gets into conflicts (except those involving her father).

Athena is the most faithful of all the Olympians and even during the exodus of the gods she wished to remain in Greece in the hope that one day she could return to her city.

Hades- God is the ruler of the kingdom of the dead. Antey- hero of myths, giant, son of Poseidon and the Earth of Gaia. The earth gave its son strength, thanks to which no one could control him. Apollo- god of sunlight. The Greeks depicted him as a beautiful young man. Ares- god of treacherous war, son of Zeus and Hera. Asclepius- god of healing arts, son of Apollo and the nymph Coronis Boreas- god of the north wind, son of the Titanides Astraeus (starry sky) and Eos (morning dawn), brother of Zephyr and Note. He was depicted as a winged, long-haired, bearded, powerful deity. Bacchus- one of the names of Dionysus. Helios (Helium)- god of the Sun, brother of Selene (goddess of the Moon) and Eos (morning dawn). In late antiquity he was identified with Apollo, the god of sunlight. Hermes- the son of Zeus and Maya, one of the most polysemantic Greek gods. Patron of wanderers, crafts, trade, thieves. Possessing the gift of eloquence. Hephaestus- son of Zeus and Hera, god of fire and blacksmithing. He was considered the patron of artisans. Hypnos- deity of sleep, son of Nikta (Night). He was depicted as a winged youth. Dionysus (Bacchus)- the god of viticulture and winemaking, the object of a number of cults and mysteries. He was depicted either as an obese elderly man or as a young man with a wreath of grape leaves on his head. Zagreus- god of fertility, son of Zeus and Persephone. Zeus- supreme god, king of gods and people. Marshmallow- god of the west wind. Iacchus- god of fertility. Kronos- Titan, youngest son of Gaia and Uranus, father of Zeus. He ruled the world of gods and people and was overthrown from the throne by Zeus... Mom- son of the goddess of Night, god of slander. Morpheus- one of the sons of Hypnos, god of dreams. Nereus- son of Gaia and Pontus, meek sea god. Note- the god of the south wind, depicted with a beard and wings. Ocean- Titan, son of Gaia and Uranus, brother and husband of Tethys and father of all the rivers of the world. Olympians- the supreme gods of the younger generation of Greek gods, led by Zeus, who lived on the top of Mount Olympus. Pan- forest god, son of Hermes and Dryope, goat-footed man with horns. He was considered the patron saint of shepherds and small livestock. Pluto- the god of the underworld, often identified with Hades, but unlike him, he owned not the souls of the dead, but the riches of the underworld. Plutos- son of Demeter, god who gives wealth to people. Pont- one of the senior Greek deities, the offspring of Gaia, the god of the sea, the father of many titans and gods. Poseidon- one of the Olympian gods, brother of Zeus and Hades, who rules over the sea elements. Poseidon also had power over the bowels of the earth; he commanded storms and earthquakes. Proteus- sea deity, son of Poseidon, patron of seals. He had the gift of reincarnation and prophecy. Satires- goat-footed creatures, demons of fertility. Thanatos- personification of death, twin brother of Hypnos. Titans- generation of Greek gods, ancestors of the Olympians. Typhon- a hundred-headed dragon born of Gaia or Hera. During the battle of the Olympians and the Titans, he was defeated by Zeus and imprisoned under the volcano Etna in Sicily. Triton- son of Poseidon, one of sea ​​deities, a man with a fish tail instead of legs, holding a trident and a twisted shell - a horn. Chaos- endless empty space from which at the beginning of time arose ancient gods Greek religion- Nikta and Erebus. Chthonic gods- deities of the underworld and fertility, relatives of the Olympians. These included Hades, Hecate, Hermes, Gaia, Demeter, Dionysus and Persephone. Cyclops- giants with one eye in the middle of the forehead, children of Uranus and Gaia. Eurus (Eur)- god of the southeast wind. Aeolus- lord of the winds. Erebus- personification of the darkness of the underworld, son of Chaos and brother of Night. Eros (Eros)- god of love, son of Aphrodite and Ares. IN ancient myths- a self-emerging force that contributed to the ordering of the world. He was depicted as a winged youth (in the Hellenistic era - a boy) with arrows, accompanying his mother. Ether- deity of the sky

Goddesses of ancient Greece

Artemis- goddess of hunting and nature. Atropos- one of the three moiras, cutting the thread of fate and ending human life. Athena (Pallada, Parthenos)- daughter of Zeus, born from his head in full military armor. One of the most revered greek goddesses, goddess just war and wisdom, patroness of knowledge. Aphrodite (Kytharea, Urania)- goddess of love and beauty. She was born from the marriage of Zeus and the goddess Dione (according to another legend, she came out of the sea foam) Hebe- daughter of Zeus and Hera, goddess of youth. Sister of Ares and Ilithyia. She served the Olympian gods at feasts. Hecate- goddess of darkness, night visions and sorcery, patroness of sorcerers. Gemera- goddess of daylight, personification of the day, born of Nikta and Erebus. Often identified with Eos. Hera- the supreme Olympian goddess, sister and third wife of Zeus, daughter of Rhea and Kronos, sister of Hades, Hestia, Demeter and Poseidon. Hera was considered the patroness of marriage. Hestia- goddess of the hearth and fire. Gaia- mother earth, foremother of all gods and people. Demeter- goddess of fertility and agriculture. Dryads- lower deities, nymphs who lived in trees. Ilithia- patron goddess of women in labor. Iris- winged goddess, assistant of Hera, messenger of the gods. Calliope- muse of epic poetry and science. Kera- demonic creatures, children of the goddess Nikta, bringing troubles and death to people. Clio- one of the nine muses, the muse of history. Clotho ("spinner")- one of the moiras that spin the thread of human life. Lachesis- one of the three Moira sisters, who determine the fate of every person even before birth. Summer- Titanide, mother of Apollo and Artemis. Mayan- a mountain nymph, the eldest of the seven Pleiades - the daughters of Atlas, the beloved of Zeus, from whom Hermes was born to her. Melpomene- muse of tragedy. Metis- goddess of wisdom, the first of the three wives of Zeus, who conceived Athena from him. Mnemosyne- mother of nine muses, goddess of memory. Moira- goddess of fate, daughter of Zeus and Themis. Muses- patron goddess of the arts and sciences. Naiads- nymphs-guardians of waters. Nemesis- daughter of Nikta, a goddess who personified fate and retribution, punishing people in accordance with their sins. Nereids- fifty daughters of Nereus and the oceanids Doris, sea deities. Nika- personification of victory. She was often depicted wearing a wreath, a common symbol of triumph in Greece. Nymphs- lower deities in the hierarchy of Greek gods. They personified the forces of nature. Nikta- one of the first Greek deities, the goddess is the personification of the primordial Night. Orestiades- mountain nymphs. Ory- goddess of the seasons, peace and order, daughter of Zeus and Themis. Peyto- goddess of persuasion, companion of Aphrodite, often identified with her patroness. Persephone- daughter of Demeter and Zeus, goddess of fertility. The wife of Hades and the queen of the underworld, who knew the secrets of life and death. Polyhymnia- the muse of serious hymn poetry. Tethys- daughter of Gaia and Uranus, wife of Ocean and mother of the Nereids and Oceanids. Rhea- mother of the Olympian gods. Sirens- female demons, half-woman, half-bird, capable of changing the weather at sea. Waist- the muse of comedy. Terpsichore- muse of dance art. Tisiphone- one of the Erinyes. Quiet- goddess of fate and chance among the Greeks, companion of Persephone. She was depicted as a winged woman standing on a wheel and holding a cornucopia and a ship's rudder in her hands. Urania- one of the nine muses, patroness of astronomy. Themis- Titanide, goddess of justice and law, second wife of Zeus, mother of mountains and moira. Charites- goddess of female beauty, the embodiment of a kind, joyful and eternally young beginning of life. Eumenides- another hypostasis of the Erinyes, revered as goddesses of benevolence, who prevented misfortunes. Eris- daughter of Nyx, sister of Ares, goddess of discord. Erinyes- goddesses of vengeance, creatures of the underworld, who punished injustice and crimes. Erato- Muse of lyrical and erotic poetry. Eos- goddess of the dawn, sister of Helios and Selene. The Greeks called it “rose-fingered.” Euterpe- muse of lyrical chant. Depicted with a double flute in her hand.