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The month will provide representatives of the zodiac house with positivity and productivity in the professional field - the horoscope for July 2019 is sure. Virgo will lose everything that is secondary, or even completely unnecessary.


Gradually, unnecessary things will leave your living space in the workplace, opening the way only to promising directions and financially profitable projects. Make every effort not to resist change, even on a subconscious level. Continue to cling to the past - you will definitely stumble upon a serious problem. In your professional life, it will be materialized through a constantly whining little man.

This could be the manager of the company where you work, or a colleague or subordinate. This person, taking advantage of the breadth of your soul and responsiveness, will distract you from solving the tasks assigned to you, drawing your time and attention to himself. Brace your heart into a fist, turn off your innate tactfulness and point out to the whiner that all the problems in his life are due to his own laziness and negativity in which he is mired and trying to drown you.


Virgos in July 2019 are completely absorbed in thoughts about work, earnings, advancement career ladder. And, even taking into account that these thoughts in most cases may remain thoughts, in all other life aspects in the life of the representatives of the sign there is complete calm. The life of the family of the zodiac house goes with the flow. The living conditions are excellent, financial position relatively stable. Virgo behaves calmly, bordering on detachment from the interests of the family. And although it is not easy for you now to be torn between professional responsibilities and home, make every effort to tune in to the same wavelength as your family members.

Representatives of the sign involved in the creative field will finally have time in July 2019 to think about their own spiritual world and rest a little - the Muse has left you. In the summer, long trips abroad are possible; Virgos need rest now. It is better to spend time with your family or in the company of your closest friends. At the end of the month, unplanned income may arrive.

Virgo woman

The Virgo woman is simply doomed to become the “highlight of the program” of any event, says the horoscope for July 2019. The Virgo woman is feminine, well-groomed, sexy and knows how to show off a great sense of humor at the right time. Use this state of affairs to your advantage, be in public more often - it is there that you will meet a person, most likely much older than you in age, who will provide you with his patronage in resolving many issues for a long time. The sexual connotation of such relationships is excluded; they will be exclusively friendly, but very useful for you.

In July 2019, many Virgo young ladies will want to update their wardrobe. And that’s right, it’s long overdue. Give preference to bright colors and catchy accessories - this is very relevant and timely in the summer.

Virgo man

Working headlong will absorb Virgo men in July 2019, but the result will be encouraging - most of Virgo’s plans will come true. Only those representatives of the zodiac house who set their priorities incorrectly will suffer failures. The alignment by stars is also excellent at the end of the month. July can be a time of active recreation, travel and entertainment. During this period, Virgos experience a huge increase in mental strength. A great time to spend it with your family and among your closest friends and like-minded people.

Men of this sign should be wary of excessive alcohol consumption in July - there is a high risk of poisoning. And definitely exclude driving in drunk– the stars do not predict damage to health, but paying for it with rights or a huge fine is more than realistic!

Virgo Child

The abilities of little Virgos in July 2019 will be at their best. Homemade geniuses will be able to surprise parents and grandparents a lot with their achievements in drawing and writing. The influence of Mars will push the baby towards research and independence. Be prepared for the fact that today your little Virgo will explore the neighboring yard, and tomorrow she will be heading to the North Pole. Indulge your child’s wishes as much as possible - go with them on a hike to a nearby park, swim in the river, especially since the weather is simply the most ideal for this!


Virgo's health may be damaged in July 2019. Due to weak immunity, they can become victims of infections and viruses. In addition, Virgos who have chronic diseases may require surgery. But the stars say that health will be quickly restored, and there will be no trace of the sores by mid-August.

For all Virgos who feel unwell, but their sores do not have pronounced symptoms, the horoscope recommends sanatorium-resort treatment - perhaps this is how the body signals an onset of illness or simply fatigue. Relax and heal at the same time!

Despite the fact that it’s summer outside, the season of vitamins and sun, representatives of this sign clearly lack both. Be outside more often, don’t be lazy to walk to work. This will help the body get the vitamin D it needs so much. And a good vitamin complex will compensate for the lack of all the others.

Perhaps, if Virgo is worried about insomnia, she will have to seek help from professional somnologists with this problem. Chronic lack of sleep is exhausting, makes it difficult to concentrate on work, and increases irritability.

Horoscope for July 2019, Virgo is absorbed in thoughts about work and earning money.
Vacation trips are possible.
Virgo men should moderate the amount of alcohol they consume, and even more so, not drive when under the influence.
Horoscope for August 2019 Virgo.

For Virgos, July 2017 will not be the easiest, but not without a certain charm, period of life. As before, you will not be happy with the tit that you hold tightly in your hand, and you will tirelessly begin to think only about how to catch the crane soaring in the sky. At the same time, this same “crane” will be only a meter away from you, but you won’t have time to grab it... Why? The reason is simple - the reason for this is circumstances that are not yet favorable to your success. Apparently, fate will thereby try to convince you of the idea that the middle of summer 2017 is not intended for chasing a ghostly crane, but for something else...

And this “something” you will comprehend, whether you want it or not! Animal passion and the desire to understand the mystery hidden in a particular person will burst into your life like a hurricane. It must be said right away that if you are an exemplary family man, in July 2017 you will have to exercise the strictest self-control over your thoughts, desires and actions! Do you have a goal to destroy your marriage yourself? Well, then try to extinguish this forbidden passion for some extraordinary person as soon as possible! Don’t be afraid, you will be able to overcome sensual interest and everything you experience in relation to this person (if only you have the desire, and as for self-control, you can teach a good lesson to anyone in this matter!). But! If your marriage has long since exhausted itself, if you and your regular partner are connected only by a photo album with tensely cheerful photographs, think - is it worth extinguishing this passion in yourself? Believe me, people rarely experience such feelings, and many wait for them for many, many years without success! In general, it’s up to you how your July love interest ends...

Everything is much simpler for those Virgos whose passport is still free of a stamp. You can plunge headlong into the abyss of passion, tirelessly solving the riddle hidden in your July passion. However, do not forget that you tend to “deprive” (you both love and hate with excessive vehemence). So here it is. If you fail to comprehend the secret of the object of your ardent passion, do not blame it only on him (read between the lines - do not allow your unsatisfied passion to turn into fierce hatred). It’s better to be patient and think about how else you can conquer this extraordinary person.

You shouldn’t forget that, unfortunately, you won’t be satisfied with love alone. That is, whether you like it or not, your professional affairs and career will still require you to close attention. Another thing is that in July 2017 you should not demand too much from yourself (physically you will not be able to conquer your new passion and move by leaps and bounds towards new career victories). Everything has its time, dear Virgos, don’t forget about it! To understand what your true priority is at this stage, ask yourself this question and do not rush to answer. Perhaps in July you should not chase some grandiose dream, but it would be better to take a mini time-out. Just remember, when was the last time you gave complete relaxation to your exhausted body? When did you go to the beach, sit quietly in a cafe, and in general, when was the last time you allowed yourself to sleep until noon? In a word, dreams are dreams, but besides them you have something to do. Moreover, having restored your internal strength, it will be much easier for you to catch a crane soaring in the sky.

Attention, the Virgo horoscope for the month of July 2017 has been published in a shortened form. To have full picture of the coming 2017 Red Rooster, you should make a personal forecast for 2017 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

According to the evidence of an accurate love horoscope, July 2017 for Virgos may be a period full of surprises in relationships with the opposite sex. Many representatives of this sign will experience stormy showdowns, passion, and tender reconciliations with loved ones. This month Virgos should restrain their negative emotions to prevent them from destroying the trust of loved ones.

For most single representatives of the Virgo sign, July will be a period of expression of interest in opposite sex. A large number of new acquaintances and dates can turn a Virgo's head. However, you should not expect the desired results from all these meetings. July 2017 will not give all romantically inclined Virgos the opportunity to soon achieve what they want. Long-awaited events in the near future will happen only for those who can show persistence and patience.

For representatives of the Virgo sign who are married or in a stable relationship, July may show weaknesses in interaction with their significant other. People who were born under this zodiac sign are this period may realize some mistakes made in a couple. Their chosen ones in July will not always agree with their spouses, therefore, in order to avoid conflicts, Virgos need to show maximum endurance and strength. An accurate love horoscope for Virgos for July recommends being patient and trying to sort things out as little as possible, otherwise this could be the beginning of a breakup.

Love horoscope for Virgo woman for July 2017

In July, single girls born under the sign of Virgo will receive even more attention from the opposite sex. However, such popularity will not make them less picky in their acquaintances. In some cases, this character trait may even be overly pronounced. Representatives of the Virgo sign in July should not be too picky so as not to miss the chance to meet their destiny. The stars recommend that Virgo girls listen more to their intuition and allow themselves to enjoy the flirting and attention of the opposite sex.

Married Virgo women should be more lenient towards their significant other in July. Small differences of opinion should not become a reason for marital discord. Those born under the sign of Virgo should be more tolerant of the whims of their chosen one. In July, tensions in relationships with your loved one can be smoothed out with the help of manifestations of tenderness and attention. Love horoscope For July, he advises Virgos to try to avoid quarrels and conflicts if possible, and to enjoy quiet evenings at dinner with their family.

Love horoscope for Virgo men for July 2017

In July, single Virgo men will have the opportunity to be active in communicating with girls. Dating and meeting new people can happen in the most unexpected places: at work or in transport. This month, it will be important for single representatives of this zodiac sign to overcome their shyness so as not to lose the opportunity to communicate with interesting girls. Some men born under the sign of Virgo will be able to create quite strong couples, but for this you will need to prove to your chosen one that you are ready for a relationship. However, not all free Virgos will be able to stop their choice and show the seriousness of their intentions.

Married Virgo men may find themselves drawn into family conflicts in July days. Relationships with your significant other threaten to remain uncontrolled due to mutual grievances. Virgos' manifestations of not the most positive emotions in July should not be directed at the second half. The love horoscope for July 2017 advises Virgos not to aggravate the situation and try to be diplomatic and attentive to their spouse’s claims, because for the most part they are justified. In many families, life will soon return to the usual framework and relationships between loving people will become calmer and more harmonious.

Love horoscope

July 1 - July 10. Because of Mercury, you will suddenly stop understanding your chosen one. Much will cause resentment and bewilderment. If you feel unappreciated, you will immediately stop communicating with your partner and start spending more time with friends. Out of resentment towards your loved one, you may flirt with some of your old friends and ignore calls and invitations from your former boyfriend.

July 11 - July 20. You will feel more confident. This will help you get back into your old relationship if you want to. But most likely, you will take a time out and try to sort out your feelings while communicating with other men. You should carefully think about the current situation and make the right decision.

July 21 - July 31. In love, bright impressions await you. You will be witty and resourceful, and your partner will tirelessly admire your entrepreneurial spirit. You can provoke him, challenge him to open conversations, play with him. It is unlikely that your loved one has ever had such an intriguing relationship.

Romantic date. A place to meet your loved one should, first of all, awaken your imagination, intrigue, and provide food for thought. Your partner shouldn’t spend money on expensive restaurants—you won’t appreciate it now.

Family horoscope

In July, Virgo is unlikely to prove herself to be a good wife and housewife. You will be busy with anything but your family - career, hobbies, travel, friendships. IN best case scenario you can establish relaxed relationships with your family - if they are not too demanding of you. You will easily forget the complaints that you had against your family earlier, and start all over again. clean slate. The main thing is that your loved ones follow your example and forgive you too.

The secret of happiness. The fact that you suddenly stopped being responsible and obligatory towards your family will, of course, plunge them into shock. Therefore, try to come up with the necessary explanations in advance and assure everyone that you will soon become the same.

Holiday horoscope

You will have a great time in the company of friends. Although you usually prefer to spend the holidays with your family, now is the time when you want to connect with those with whom you spent your youth. You will exchange news, remember your younger years and even indulge in a little madness, such as walking under the moon and dancing until you drop.

Place of power. You will be interested in monuments of world culture: Stonehenge, cathedral Notre Dame of Paris, Egyptian pyramids and the Moscow Kremlin. You will enjoy unraveling the mysteries of history.

Horoscope of work and money

You will feel like an underground millionaire - you have money, and you can use it various reasons it will be difficult. Career advancement is likely in the first ten days of the month.

Purchase of the month. A good time to buy gifts for friends. You will get the gift right and present exactly what the birthday boy needs. You can effectively spend your money on health and cosmetics.

Health horoscope

Overall you feel very good. There will be people around you who will act positively on you; they will charge you with energy and strength. With such friends, you simply have no time to be sick and mope. In July, it is better not to overuse salt and do not drink a lot of water, swelling is possible.

Horoscope for July 2017 for Virgo men

Love. Your Virgo lover may remind you of familiar Aquarius men. The same devotion to friends, attention to their needs and almost indifferent attitude towards the woman he loves. It's not surprising that this will make you angry. You may feel jealous for the first time in a long time - before, your partner did not give the slightest reason for this, but now girls are vying with him calling him and inviting him on a date. Towards the end of the period, when Venus moves into the sign of Virgo, it will become even more attractive.

Tone. Virgo men usually do not push themselves, and now, during the Cancer period, they will want to be even more active in sports. True, your loved one will endlessly check his physical exercise and consult with doctors.

Finance. At the beginning of July, it may seem to you that your loved one does not want to spend money on you. In fact, he may have his own ideas about how to care. He believes that the main thing in a relationship is spiritual intimacy. Although towards the end of July he will certainly buy you a gift.

Hobbies. The Virgo lover will show himself to be a well-rounded gentleman. You will be surprised to learn that he is interested in deciphering ancient manuscripts or learning some rare foreign language.

Horoscope for July 2017 Virgo child

0-6 years. Your shy little one can meet a child who will become a true friend. Surprisingly, your child will take the initiative, court his new friend and ask you to invite him to visit.

7-12 years old. Little Virgos will prove themselves to be real informal leaders. They will easily begin to dominate any group of peers, and friends will begin to turn to them for advice. Your child will enjoy the children's camp if the trip is not very long.

13-17 years old. Teenage girls can not only become interested in new disciplines, but also change their plans for their future profession by 180 degrees. Many Virgos will want to become zoologists or archaeologists instead of preparing for law or economics institute. Do not put pressure on the child, try to listen to him.

Read the horoscope for July 2017 for other zodiac signs:

In July 2017, Virgos will be amazed, discouraged and delighted! Like a Russian language teacher who jumped with a parachute for the first time, she was amazed, discouraged, delighted, but screamed out loud differently... So Virgos in July 2017 will be at least surprised and discouraged by the events taking place, but you won’t say it out loud . So, most often, your face will retain an expression of slight dissatisfaction, although inside you will sometimes rejoice at what is happening.

As we have already warned in detail, Virgos will travel a lot this year. Some Virgos may have very long business trips. And for some, trips or travel will significantly affect their career or professional sphere and to your personal life. So pay special attention to travel issues in July 2017.

And yet, no matter how July 2017 surprises you, from the outside, the events in your life next month will be very similar to “melted ice cream” - you want to lick it, and it’s delicious, but you can also “slap yourself.” Therefore, in July 2017, Virgos need to do everything as quickly as possible - eat, make decisions, love, and even lick the “ice cream” before it “flows” down your hands. So Virgos, if you really want to enjoy midsummer, hurry up and get it. Also, as the horoscope suggests, if time is the best option to check whether a person needs you, then this will be July 2017 for you. You will be able to check whether you are needed not only by one person, but also whether your friends, colleagues, or business partners need you.

At the same time, try not to reject those people who want to be with you. Perhaps they will be the only ones who will stay with you in the most difficult moments of your life. Not in July 2017, but in the future. In general, as Johnny Depp said - being alone with your thoughts is a very dangerous activity... but very useful, and in July 2017 you will have something to think about, so sometimes you will suddenly find yourself alone. Sometimes alone at home, and sometimes alone in a noisy company.

Virgo horoscope for July 2017. The third ten days of July will be the brightest and easiest for Virgos. In the first two decades you will have some worries, questions and complete absence desire to solve them. But you will need to decide, especially if they ask for help, and especially if someone close to you. After all, the most valuable gift we can give to anyone is your time because we give away what we can never get back. In principle, the same applies to Summer, so try to give it at least a few sunny days in July 2017. Especially in the third ten days of July, when Virgos are better off exchanging all their chores for a sunny lounger on the beach.

Horoscope for July 2017 Virgo favorable days– 6, 10, 15, 18, 22, 26 and 29.

Horoscope for July 2017 Virgounfavorable days- the keys to happiness are in our heads... There are also castles there, fortunately... By planning unfavorable days, we ourselves hang a castle on our possible happiness.

Horoscope for July 2017 Virgo career, work and business. In July 2017 professional career Virgo will require from you not only complete dedication, but also the maximum inclusion of all your mental and creative potential. And this is in the middle of Summer! Ruthless. We agree.

And yet only the brave and non-standard solutions will help you get ahead of your competitors and defeat your ill-wishers. Be prepared for the fact that even inside your office or store where you work, there will be people who will bother you and envy you. Of course, people don't like it when Virgos don't live up to someone's expectations and aren't like them. Perhaps they will even ridicule you, condemn you, humiliate you, but this will all happen only out of envy. They just can’t do it like you, they don’t have the spirit for it. After all, it’s much easier to call someone crazy than to admit that they can’t do it like you.

All the same, in July 2017 you will be able to surprise them even more with your successes. True, sometimes common sense observing your actions will nervously mark time and swear, and sometimes it will be your superiors, but the winners are not judged. The second ten days of July will be especially favorable for career victories for Virgos.

Horoscope for July 2017 Virgo Finance. The easiest thing to carry is a full and heavy... wallet. Therefore, Virgos will like this burden and you will go with it after July to August, or on vacation.

Looking for Love is also work, so don’t be LAZY! Yes, it’s so great to do nothing at all and then relax a little more! But then you will continue to relax alone! This is especially true for Virgo men. Men, when girls tell you “Let’s call you”, it means that YOU will go ahead and call!

Love horoscope for July 2017 Virgo. Horoscope for July 2017 Virgo Love. In July 2017, Virgos, like the “woman of rum,” will be thoroughly imbued with romance and a lyrical mood. And some Virgos also drink alcohol. It is quite possible that some Virgos will formalize their relationship in July 2017, or begin to live together with their other half. Or you will actively discuss marriage issues and family relations. Even "deep" family Virgos in July 2017 they will be able to restore the former romance in the relationship. Although we understand that Virgos and romance are rarely compatible concepts, but thanks to the influence of the planet Venus, in July 2017 a wave of romance will reach even you. Virgo’s only problem will remain the question that sex cannot replace love for you, and love cannot replace sex. Therefore, try to harmonize all this in your relationship, since July 2017 is a very favorable time for this.

Lonely Virgos can be most pleased with July 2017 after July 5, when Venus moves into Gemini. Starting from July 6, 2017, you will have many chances to meet Summer Love 2017. So try not to just relax and enjoy the Summer and on sunny days. And look for Love! Looking for Love is also work, so don’t be LAZY! Yes, it’s so great to do nothing at all and then relax a little more! But then you will continue to relax alone! This is especially true for Virgo men. Men, when girls tell you “Let’s call you”, it means that YOU will go ahead and call!

At the end, the horoscope for July 2017 Virgo tells you that next month you should forget about your habit of looking down on people, at least for a month. Fishermen have this saying: “You need to spit on a worm so that the fish will bite.” Virgos, do you seriously think that you should not give a damn about a worm? That a morally humiliated worm catches better fish? These questions also apply to people. Therefore, if you want July 2017 to pleasantly surprise you, don’t give a damn about worms and people. July 2017 really has every chance to surprise you!

P/S Do not consider our astrologer paranoid, but it always seems to him that someone is constantly reading what he writes here. This is true?