Laetitia name meaning. Unusual Muslim names for girls

Female name Letitia has ancient Roman roots. In the Roman pantheon, this was the name of the minor goddess of joy and fun, so it is believed that this name means “joy”, “happiness”. It is common in different sounds in many countries of the world (in the USA as Latisha (Tisha), in Italy as Leticia, in Scotland as Ledicia), but in our country this name is quite rare.

Characteristics of the name Letitia

Letitia's character can be called strong-willed, moral, strong and independent. Most of Letitia's acquaintances agree that she has a difficult disposition, tends to withdraw into herself, is self-confident, envious, stubborn, very straightforward and harsh. But in fact, the owner of this name is only outwardly complex, but inside she has many positive qualities, such as hard work, tenderness, intelligence, independence. As a child, she is a quiet, obedient girl, but you cannot call her shy, because she is very self-confident and can directly express her opinion. It is difficult for her to open up to strangers and unfamiliar people, so she comes across as gloomy. But with family and close friends, Letitia is quite capable of being tender, loving, and affectionate. The adult owner of this name never puts her problems on the shoulders of others, she knows how to calculate all the moves, stubbornly goes towards her goal, and has good intuition. It is the combination of these qualities that allows Letitia to achieve a lot in life.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

This name is most suitable for a girl born under zodiac sign Virgo, that is, from August 24 to September 23. The modest and diligent Virgo is in many ways similar to Letitia, whom she will make calm, pedantic, not liking noisy companies, practical, skeptical, but at the same time friendly, faithful and sincere.

Pros and cons of the name Letizia

What are the pros and cons of deciding to name a child Letizia? On the one hand, it is beautiful, unusual and rare name, which has many beautiful abbreviations, such as Leta, Titsa, Titsiya, but does not have diminutive forms. Letitia’s character can hardly be called unequivocally positive or negative, but a clear disadvantage of this name is the fact that it does not fit well with Russian surnames and patronymics.


Letitia is in good health; as a rule, she rarely gets sick and easily endures physical and emotional stress.

Love and family relationships

IN family relationships The owner of this name shows herself well. Despite her outward severity, she is capable of deep feelings and loves to take care of loved ones. True, she is not the best housewife, but a calm atmosphere reigns in her house.

Professional area

Regarding professional sphere, then because of her modesty, Letitia often does not reach the career heights of which she is capable. She gives her all in her work and likes to delve into the essence of the matter. She can make a good accountant, secretary, translator, doctor, veterinarian, writer or author of textbooks, architect, book illustrator.

Name day

Orthodox Christians do not celebrate Letitia’s name day, since this name does not appear in the calendar. Catholic name days The owner of this name celebrates March 13, July 9, July 22, August 12 and October 21.

In the life of young parents, the long-awaited moment of the birth of a daughter comes. Everyone wants to choose something that goes well with their surname and patronymic. But how to choose a name for your baby so that it sounds original and beautiful? Now many parents are consciously abandoning the old familiar names Slavic origin and consider foreign ones as an example. Even if mom and dad are Russian by nationality, they can name the child whatever they want.

Fashion for foreign names

It has always existed, at all times. Many parents are now tired of the usual Masha-Natasha, and they want to name their long-awaited child something special, original and beautiful. Unusual names for girls, modern and not so modern, can be found in publications like “What is your name?”

It is no coincidence that in order to name a child correctly, it is sometimes necessary to study a lot of different information before finding a truly suitable option. The choice of name is influenced not only by the subjective preferences of the parents, but also by such significant indicators as time and place of birth. If you are trying to name your baby in an original way, then the following list of names is intended to help you. The most unusual name for a girl is the one that you can find in your own heart.


Very original name, which in recent years is very popular. It is pronounced softly and tenderly, which emphasizes its euphony. An unusual name for a girl, plus everything - it is bright and memorable. It has Old Church Slavonic roots and means “dear, beloved.” Some people associate it with the Russian “Elena”, but these are two different names.

Since childhood, Milena has been distinguished by her wayward character. This is a girl who, from a very young age, knows what she wants to achieve in life and takes certain actions to achieve the desired result. She does not expect “manna from heaven” to fall on her, but prefers to achieve everything through her own efforts. Despite some romanticism in her character, Milena is a very purposeful person, she has a highly developed sense of self-esteem. If you want to choose an unusual name for a girl, this option is worthy.


Quite rare for Russia, it has Roman roots and means “joy, happiness.” This name is very popular in Spain, Italy, Portugal, and Brazil. Leticia, as a rule, always has strong character and strong will. She is less inclined to succumb to other people's provocations because she has a strong core. Success for her is an important component in life, so how stunning it becomes is only her merit. Unusual names for girls, modern ones, such as Leticia, remain in the memory for a long time.

Many people ask how does it sound like a diminutive? You can call the baby differently: Leta, Letty, Tissa. She will definitely strive for individuality in everything. The name itself is quite powerful, which endows its owner with the corresponding character traits. She combines hard work with tenderness and trustfulness. Leticia is distinguished by her intelligence, independence, and self-confidence.


A very rare and unusual name for a girl. If you want to somehow stand out from the crowd of mothers, but you don’t want to call your baby a Spanish name, then you can call her Yesenia. The meaning of the name is “calm, pure.” As a rule, in childhood and adolescence Yesenia does not cause her parents much concern. The girl is quite collected, disciplined, and has a gentle disposition and obedience. For those who cannot decide or are in doubt, I would like to say that there are also quite unusual, rare names for girls that are worth considering.


At one time it was simply wildly popular, although it always remained little known. If you name your daughter Vitalina, then be sure that no one in the group kindergarten, it will not happen again in a school classroom. Unusual names for girls, especially modern ones, attract a lot of attention, so you need to have some courage to deviate from the usual stereotypes and decide to name the baby in an original way.

Since childhood, Vitalina has been distinguished by great individuality and willfulness. She cannot be forced to do what she does not want. As she gets older, she prefers to build her life with maximum comfort. He takes a very responsible approach to choosing a profession and starting a family. She values ​​reliability and constancy in a partner.


A very original name, which is actually called quite rarely. It sounds proud and dignified. Its owner has a difficult character, and this feature only intensifies over time. Renata, as a rule, is a strong and purposeful person who knows exactly what she wants from life. She is very independent, somewhat quick-tempered and prone to frequent mood swings.

The most interesting thing is that Renata is either very extravagant in life (she loves everything unusual, strives for maximum originality), or she looks closed and unsociable. Other names for girls (unusual, beautiful) can hardly compete with the powerful energy that it carries.


A beautiful and elegant name with Greek roots. Since childhood, Taisiya has been distinguished by her calm disposition and flexible character. She is an affectionate daughter and a dutiful student. Often in early childhood a girl is even too modest. Tasya has a rich inner world. Perhaps in the future she will become a talented musician, writer or artist. The girl can study with herself for a long time and does not cause her parents much trouble. Unusual Russian names for girls, one of which is Taisiya, attract attention and force us to reconsider our attitude towards ourselves and Old Slavonic customs.

The girl usually grows up calm and reasonable, is an excellent student, and has high aspirations for the future. Tasya is an excellent housewife, she is polite and courteous with others, she is well aware of the rules of good manners. She can get along with almost any person, since she does not need to defend her freedom and independence every minute.

Unusual Muslim names for girls

Especially original parents sometimes fundamentally want to choose a beautiful thing for their child foreign name, and even with an oriental accent. Muslims, as a rule, call their daughters like this: Adilya, Aziza, Alsou, Alfiya, Amira, Amina, Gulnara, Zulfiya, Zukhra, Zamilya. Such names sound quite beautiful, but are not suitable for those who have only Russian roots in their family. If you want to name your child with a Muslim name, then check if there are Arabs or Armenians among your ancestors. If the woman is Russian, and the man, for example, is from Uzbekistan, then the daughter can be named Gulnara.

The name Zulfiya is very beautiful, it contains the meaning “beautiful”, “unusual”, “curly”. It carries a positive meaning, bright and individual. Zulfiya is always distinguished by her original character and some unpredictability. Sometimes it is impossible to predict what other ideas will visit her mind, and what new things she will choose for herself in the next minute.

Names for girls are unusual, beautiful, and certainly deserve attention. Parents have the right to compare and choose among them those that they like best. You should never rush into choosing a name. Give yourself time, study their interpretations, “try them on” for your child. It often happens that the chosen name does not suit the baby, and then you have to think hard again. Large quantity beautiful names makes it possible to choose the most worthy option for your little princess.

The female name Letizia has ancient Roman roots. In the Roman pantheon, this was the name of the minor goddess of joy and fun, so it is believed that this name means “joy”, “happiness”. It is common in different sounds in many countries of the world (in the USA as Latisha (Tisha), in Italy as Leticia, in Scotland as Ledicia), but in our country this name is quite rare.

Characteristics of the name Letitia

Letitia's character can be called strong-willed, moral, strong and independent. Most of Letitia's acquaintances agree that she has a difficult disposition, tends to withdraw into herself, is self-confident, envious, stubborn, very straightforward and harsh. But in fact, the owner of this name is only outwardly complex, but inside she has many positive qualities, such as hard work, tenderness, intelligence, and independence. As a child, she is a quiet, obedient girl, but you cannot call her shy, because she is very self-confident and can directly express her opinion. It is difficult for her to open up to strangers and unfamiliar people, so she comes across as gloomy. But with family and close friends, Letitia is quite capable of being tender, loving, and affectionate. The adult owner of this name never puts her problems on the shoulders of others, she knows how to calculate all the moves, stubbornly goes towards her goal, and has good intuition. It is the combination of these qualities that allows Letitia to achieve a lot in life.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

This name is most suitable for a girl born under the zodiac sign of Virgo, that is, from August 24 to September 23. The modest and diligent Virgo is in many ways similar to Letitia, whom she will make calm, pedantic, not liking noisy companies, practical, skeptical, but at the same time friendly, faithful and sincere.

Pros and cons of the name Letizia

What are the pros and cons of deciding to name a child Letizia? On the one hand, this is a beautiful, unusual and rare name that has many beautiful abbreviations, such as Leta, Titsa, Titsiya, but has no diminutive forms. Letitia’s character can hardly be called unequivocally positive or negative, but a clear disadvantage of this name is the fact that it does not fit well with Russian surnames and patronymics.


Letitia is in good health; as a rule, she rarely gets sick and easily endures physical and emotional stress.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, the owner of this name performs well. Despite her outward severity, she is capable of deep feelings and loves to take care of loved ones. True, she is not the best housewife, but a calm atmosphere reigns in her house.

Professional area

As for the professional sphere, because of her modesty, Letitia often does not reach the career heights of which she is capable. She gives her all in her work and likes to delve into the essence of the matter. She can make a good accountant, secretary, translator, doctor, veterinarian, writer or author of textbooks, architect, book illustrator.

Name day

Orthodox Christians do not celebrate Letitia’s name day, since this name does not appear in the calendar. The owner of this name celebrates Catholic name days on March 13, July 9, July 22, August 12 and October 21.

The artistry of your nature implies a certain pretentiousness in clothing. You like to decorate yourself. To do this, you use jewelry, unusual, eye-catching accessories, and all kinds of stylistic delights. Well, this is quite consistent with your friendly, open character. It is only important to observe moderation and not go to extremes, since the border between brightness and vulgarity is quite ephemeral.

Compatibility of the name Letitia, manifestation of love

Laetitia, for you, marriage is like a long-term partnership. You are capable of the most sublime love and the most sincere affection, but do not tolerate attacks on your freedom in any form. And as soon as you feel that the bonds of marriage are turning into fetters on your feet, you react violently and unambiguously, introducing an imbalance into family life. If your partner has the common sense not to focus on your marital responsibilities, coexistence can be long, calm and happy.


You strive for freedom with all your heart. Any framework and restrictions weigh on your soul, constraining its movements like shackles. You need space. Therefore, when choosing between stable well-being and the undivided right to dispose of yourself, you always choose the latter.

Whenever fate provides you with the opportunity to somehow diversify your life, you without hesitation give up what you already have in favor of something new, still unknown. “Being overgrown with moss” is clearly not for you. You move through life easily, adapting to any circumstances. The process of movement itself is what your soul craves.

You just have to remember that “a hundred friends” will never replace one “heart friend”. Your reluctance to establish a stable relationship, to “settle” for a long time on one attachment, may subsequently become the reason for the formation of a complete vacuum around you, loneliness, which will be difficult for you to come to terms with.

Therefore, try not to miss the moment when freedom stops bringing joy.

1. Personality: women who reign in heaven and earth

2.Color: blue

3. Main features: will - receptivity - morality - activity

4. Totem plant: lily

5. Totem animal: dove

6. Sign: Virgo

7. Type. Cholerics with a difficult character. These are reasonable, hardworking women, somewhat gloomy and envious, but they have huge reserves of love and tenderness.

8. Psyche. Introverts tend to withdraw into themselves and do not always express their thoughts and feelings. Secretive. Very self-confident and calculating.

9. Will. Very strong, leaving no room for selfishness. Their totem is the lily - a symbol of beauty and responsiveness, the strong smell of which, however, not everyone can tolerate.

10. Excitability. Combined with the speed of reaction it becomes simply explosive!

11. Reaction speed. Huge! If they don’t agree with something, they express their disagreement very vigorously. Stubborn. Defeats and failures upset them, but they do not make a tragedy out of it.

12. Field of activity. These are usually exemplary students. They are attracted to professions where they need to give their all, but what suits them best is the role of mother of the family and guardian hearth and home. They like to work with children and care for the sick, and can become doctors, nurses, orderlies, teachers, etc.

13. Intuition. They have good intuition, but do not use it, preferring the beaten path to various surprises. They stand firmly on the ground.

14. Intelligence. They do not strive to shine; they rather prefer to give way to people who want to attract attention. They have an analytical mind, hence their interest in little things rather than the whole.

15. Receptivity. Such women are easy to offend and hurt. But they will quickly stand up for others than defend themselves. They are capable of strong attachments, but their circle of friends is limited and carefully selected.

16. Morality, Adhere to too strict moral rules. They have an innate sense of decency, which is especially pronounced in turning points their lives.

17. Health. They have enviable health and stamina. Must lead a measured lifestyle. Weak “sides” are the intestines, lungs and skin.

18. Sexuality. Plays a huge role in their lives. The most important thing for them is the joy of giving.

19. Activity. It seems that what others have to take with difficulty is given to them with ease.

20. Sociability. They feel at ease and at ease in society, although they themselves do not seek to communicate.

21. Conclusion. In childhood, they do not cause trouble, since they early learn to solve their problems on their own, without placing them on the shoulders of others.