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October 2016 portends to be favorable for Virgo’s personal life. The desire to love and be loved will manifest itself as intensely as possible, and the stars will support you in this desire. Incredible events can happen; even love at first sight cannot be ruled out.

Throughout the month, Mars and Pluto are located in Virgo's house of love, giving you passion and a thirst for adventure. The influence of the stars will make love rich and delightful, adding depth and passion to the relationship. If you are looking for your soulmate, don’t sit still and take advantage of your chances. Be in public, look for new acquaintances. Unforgettable meetings await you, perhaps one of them will mark the beginning of a long-term relationship and lead to the creation of a new family.

The planet of love Venus is in Virgo’s house of communications until October 18, 2016, so you should pay attention to your communication style. For victories on the love front, sociability can be a decisive factor.

At the same time, one must not forget about caution. Mars and Pluto in Virgo's house of love charge you with energy and push you to take action, but these planets also have dark side. Planetary influences can provoke conflicts in a couple. To avoid the risks of this period, you need to listen to the opinion of your loved one and not be too focused on your own interests. waiting for you pleasant surprise, if you show more tenderness.

For married couples promises to be a good period last decade month when the beneficent planet Venus moves into the Virgo family sector. You can expect the couple's relationship to be full of love and understanding. Use this time if you need to discuss serious family issues or find ways to reconcile.

Virgo career and financial horoscope for October 2016

For work and finance, October 2016 is a potentially successful month. You will have a number of unique features, whether you use them is entirely up to you. Generous Jupiter is located in Virgo's house of money, so time is favorable for searching for new sources of income. Perhaps you will be attracted to such non-traditional types of income as freelancing. Consider all options and, when in doubt, ask for advice from those you consider more experienced than yourself.

October 2016 is especially important for career advancement communication and connections of various kinds. Saturn is in Virgo's house of communications, and Venus joins it in the second half of the month. This means that working with information in one form or another, documents, speeches, presentations will require a lot of attention. Negotiations will go well, and you will be able to win even potential clashes with colleagues without any problems. Your charm attracts people to you, and you can use this to your own advantage. Perhaps you will go on a trip to resolve some issues.

The last ten days of the month were marked by success in the most various fields. Virgos will achieve the desired results in their work and their financial condition will improve. Some of you will meet new business partners, followers and loyal allies. Maybe in order to implement your plan you will have to make compromises or endure the whims of your colleagues, but there’s nothing you can do about it.

As for finances, the stars promise a generous month. Money will come to you more easily than usual. In the second half of October 2016, material or monetary gain through one of the relatives is possible.


You feel in good physical shape and radiate energy and optimism. Health should not be a concern. The stars advise you to pay attention to nutrition, choose a diet that will help you maintain good health and have more vitality.

Be out in public and interact with people more often. This is not the time to be alone!

Astrological horoscope for the Virgo zodiac sign for October 2016 from our regular astrologer Horoscope. Let's find out from the video horoscope what awaits Virgo in October 2016, what new, interesting events the month of October has prepared for him.

After all, Halloween is celebrated in October. A holiday not only of witches, ghosts and all sorts of evil spirits, but also a time when you can have a noisy party, celebrate Halloween with friends, find new friends and even new love or strengthen old relationships.

So let's spend October usefully, without making mistakes: great and strong love, or a salary increase and promotion career ladder, or moving and improving living conditions, or maybe... Why fantasize, let's find out from a real astrologer from a video how October 2016 will turn out for Virgos. Tips from the stars professional astrologer for you.

Horoscope for October 2016 Virgo. Video

Horoscope for Virgo for October 2016. Video text

In October 2016, Virgo will suddenly feel omnipotent. You work and work, you do everything right, it’s time for you to recognize your merits. Probably, for them you will decide to reward yourself with new purchases - update your wardrobe, for example. You won’t be able to sit idle for long, especially since you’ll have made a plan for the month ahead from the first days of October. At the end of the month there may be a conflict at work or at home. It will be difficult to get out of it, but there is a chance to avoid it - just ignore the provocations. It is possible that you will be faced with a dilemma - home or work. There are not two of you, you are in one copy, but how can you manage everything? Stop panicking! This is the main thing, and then how will it go.

For example, pay attention to your personal life. If you are single, get ready for an interesting meeting with a person who can conquer your unapproachable heart and become not easy for you. good friend. October will be the time for you when you discover that your chosen one is not so bad. You can talk to him and share your experiences. All this will inspire you so much that you will be imbued with the most tender feelings for your other half. It's like seeing him for the first time! There is a chance to lull your significant other’s vigilance for a short while, and to the sound of the waves, find out from her what she really thinks about you. There is a chance, but what about desire? He thinks that’s good too!

And you, it turns out, are an adventurer! This is how you take it and, without a shadow of a doubt, invest other people’s money in your projects. You are, of course, a responsible person, but it’s better for you not to get involved in such dubious activities - it’s not your thing. But you will have the opportunity to improve your financial situation in a different way, and your main job will have nothing to do with it. Don’t refuse - the work is not difficult, and you will receive your reward right away.

P.S. And most importantly. Dreams should not be cherished, but fulfilled. In October you can fulfill the one that concerns real estate.

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Horoscope for October 2016 Virgo indicates that this month you will develop second sight, the abilities of a tracker, detective, and researcher. You can see all the inconsistencies, imperfections and shortcomings that will irritate you and drive you crazy. You will want to fix or eliminate them. Your attempts to set everything up, correct it, set it up will result in failure if you fanatically and viciously implement your ideal and strive to dominate those around you. Virgo, your sensitivity will increase, your senses will become more intense, which will lead to sudden mood changes that will be impossible to control. In this state, you cannot hide anything; your essence can be determined by your reaction to current events. Those who will strive to benefit others will demonstrate their abilities in solving collective and social issues, will be able to pave new paths in solving creative and social problems, engage in the development of new areas of activity that meet the aspirations of the era, and take leadership in this area. Horoscope for October 2016 Virgo indicates that your success may be ruined by the principle - “the end justifies the means.” Therefore, Virgos, do not forget to pay attention to the means and methods by which you reach your goal.

Marriage horoscope

The desire to achieve something in life will make your self-esteem vulnerable. It will be difficult for your loved ones to communicate with you and find a common language. Therefore, it is advisable for you to relax together.

Health horoscope

Due to frequent worries, your blood pressure may fluctuate, your vision may decrease, and vascular diseases may occur. It is useful for you to have a hobby that would relieve nervous tension. Take herbal tea with honey at night. Walk more in the fresh air, monitor your blood condition.

For zodiac sign Virgo October 2016 will be an incredibly calm and harmonious time, and at the same time the dynamics of the current period in projection on this sign many will envy. Such a double situation will arise because, on the one hand, none of the objects solar system, belonging to the “classical order” of Virgo, will not be able to exert a fundamental influence on the representatives of this zodiac sign. On the other hand, some emanations of Mercury will still make themselves felt, but not clearly, but in to a greater extent indirectly. As a result, Virgo will gain ample opportunities and complete freedom of action. None exclusively difficult situations the stars do not predict for you, this time will turn out to be truly harmonious, and you will be able to achieve decent success, both at work and in the sensory-emotional direction. The main thing is not to forget that you can achieve an ideal state only by wisely combining rest and activity. In general, 2016 will gravitate towards crazy, frantic dynamics, and although this clearly indicates the possibility and necessity of steady movement forward, we should not forget that respites are also necessary, for everyone without exception.

The work and financial direction in October 2016 for Virgos will be stable and, although you will not achieve any exceptional heights now, it would be fair to note the presence of a number of unique opportunities. If you don’t work for yourself, seriously think about switching to a fundamentally different type of income. In modern realities, all sorts of “freelancing” and other non-traditional employment options are gaining particular popularity for good reason. Perhaps you should start doing something in this direction? Listen sensitively to the opinions of others, and although you shouldn’t take them as a starting point, you need to take into account all possibilities, including potential ones. But don’t think about this, so to speak, “at your leisure,” think about it on the job, while performing your job duties. This approach is actually always productive and allows you to make the most informed decisions. Also recommended for those Virgos who have their own business. Try to switch to something fundamentally new, but within the framework of your production, because, of course, you should not give up a successful business. But in in this case something new is definitely not a forgotten old thing.

The direction of a sensual-emotional nature in October 2016 will bring Virgos many new emotions. This will probably be due to the fact that lonely representatives of this sign will finally find some kind of basis, in the sense of starting an affair, perhaps even a long one. However, you shouldn’t force things too much, even if you sincerely want it. Remember what the classic said on a similar occasion? "How smaller woman we love - the more she likes us! This is an eternal truth, but one must approach it with the utmost caution, taking into account the current features of the environment. After all, each person is a great individual, but on the other hand, if we were all fundamentally different, then such a science as psychology (in particular) would not exist. Think about this, and also about how your friends really treat you, and whether you can call them friends in the full sense of the word. In fact, similar, exclusively simple questions, can baffle even the “smartest”. And sometimes it is important to correct your own behavior, not to please others, but in accordance with ordinary human morality, a universal standard.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for October 2016 for the Virgo zodiac sign, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such an astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives zodiac sign Virgo. More accurate horoscope can be found out by making one of personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Virgo sign: Personal horoscopes for the Virgo sign:

Whether it’s a coincidence or not, everything always went well for Virgos in October. Will this be the case in 2016? You can predict your future thanks to accurate astrological forecast for the whole month.

Horoscope for Virgo man for October 2016

Men born under this zodiac sign have never experienced problems with self-esteem, but in October 2106 they will face a serious experiment that will determine future fate. You will have to think deeply about your own behavior towards others. Your principle of interaction with loved ones is becoming outdated, and it urgently needs to be changed.

Representatives of this zodiac sign have enormous scope for creativity. This month, all ideas must be implemented immediately. October will require you to mobilize everyone vitality, otherwise many dreams will remain in the category of unrealizable ones.

Horoscope for Virgo woman for October 2016

In October, Virgos can safely start new life. This great time for travel, discovery and changing your main activity. You will be able to successfully combine work with leisure. Relationships with household members will develop favorably. You have a great chance of finding loyal friends in the fall.

At the end of the month, Virgos will be happy to note positive changes in their appearance. Such a change will affect not only your mood, but also all the settings that you have given yourself throughout the year - they will have to be reconsidered in a more favorable light.

Career horoscope for Virgo for October 2016

Perhaps a career is the only area that will require Virgos close attention in October. In the fall, drastic changes are coming at work, and you will be expected to have a completely different attitude than you can show due to your ease. The new management will be skeptical about your proposals, despite all their elaboration and objectivity.

At the end of the period, Virgos who have passed all the tests will receive a worthy reward. It’s too early to expect a promotion, but the trust of your superiors is guaranteed.

Virgos who work for themselves will feel the crisis in the full sense of the word. To maintain a stable position, in October you will have to work with double force. The stars will not forgive Virgos for even a moment of despair.

Love horoscope for Virgo for October 2016

In October, Mercury's wards do not need to wait for fate's favor. You will have to take everything into your own hands and do not hesitate to take the initiative. Many fans, feeling cold, will give up their attempts, while Virgos will suddenly want to give them a chance.

Another interesting surprise for Virgos in October will be a meeting with the past. It was no coincidence that the stars prepared such a test. You will also have to prove your right to happiness by refusing to give a second chance to frivolous people.

Those who have already found their soulmate will begin to experience doubts in October. The feeling of uncertainty will haunt you all month. Only at the end of October will the long-awaited certainty appear, but from your final decision will depend on how circumstances pan out in November. It is at the end of the period of Venus's dominance that clarity will appear in your relationships, and you will understand whether they are worth continuing.

Finance horoscope for Virgo for October 2016

The material component, as a rule, worried Virgos little, but in October they will have to think about improving their financial situation. Because of this, serious problems in relationships with family are likely.

The stars will not approve of you if you decide to help your loved ones a large sum money. Soon you will need them yourself, and debtors will not rush to pay you off. But credit loans in October will bring a lot of benefits to Virgos.

The proceeds from the sale of property will help you improve your business. Virgo girls born on the 23rd, 29th and 31st will receive an expensive gift in October. Virgo men are not recommended to spend large amounts on your ladies.

Health horoscope for Virgo for October 2016

In October, many Virgos will feel very weak. Serious changes in your health are not expected, but it is worth checking your body.

The birth, scheduled for October, will go well. Virgo women should not be afraid of operations, but men will have to take their choice of doctor more seriously. In October, the older generation of this zodiac sign is expected to experience an exacerbation of chronic diseases.