False prophets of the last times. Darwinism and science as religion download fb2

Many are confident that “progress” is taking place in the world, that is, the process of man and humanity acquiring more and more complete knowledge. However, there is knowledge and “knowing.” Knowledge alone brings a person closer to what philosophers call absolute truth, and other “knowledge” can lead him away from this truth. We live in a time when man and humanity are moving with leaps and bounds along the road that leads man further and further from the truth. And the guide that leads humanity along this road turns out to be, strange as it may seem to many, science. Science, as many believe, is public institution, which is entrusted with the mission of understanding nature, society, and man. However, today there are many signs that it has turned into a sect. Moreover, a sect that has an openly anti-Christian orientation. A clear proof of this is the pseudoscientific theory called “Darwinism.”

© Publishing house "Oxygen", 2017

© Katasonov Yu.V., 2017

© Design and layout Petr Papikhin, 2017

Russian Economic Society named after. S.F. Sharapova

(REOSH) was created at the end of 2011 within the framework of the spiritual and educational organization “Pereprava”, spiritual and moral guide which is Orthodoxy. Over the last quarter of a century in Russia, alien ideas of economic liberalism have been imposed on our people, which are destroying Russian civilization. Just as before, Russian civilization was destroyed by the Marxist ideology of economic materialism, no less alien to us. The main goal of REOS is educational work to form an Orthodox understanding of economics in our society. The formation of such an idea presupposes, first of all, the return to the Russian people of that rich spiritual and intellectual heritage that has accumulated over many centuries in Christendom. This heritage includes, first of all, the works of the Holy Fathers on issues of wealth, poverty, labor, alms, money and other aspects of economic life. In addition, these are the works of Russian theologians and philosophers pre-revolutionary Russia, as well as the works of Russian thinkers and practitioners directly related to the structure of economic life in Russia. Thus, the main goal of the Society is to remember the well-forgotten worldview of our Orthodox ancestors on issues of economic life and to comprehend it taking into account the realities of our modern life.

The list of specific tasks facing the Society is extremely wide. This is an assessment and criticism from the perspective of Orthodoxy of the current capitalist model of the economy that dominates the world and in Russia; assessment and critique of non-Christian alternatives to modern capitalism; development of proposals for Russia’s exit from the current difficult economic situation, taking into account the historical experience of our fatherland and other countries; development of proposals for organizing economic and work life Orthodox people locally based on domestic and foreign experience; dissemination of Orthodox ideas about economics in our society and countering the destructive effect on the Russian people of the ideology of economic liberalism (“religion of money”).

REOSH website: http://reosh.ru

REOS Coordinator – [email protected]


We live in difficult time. Events in the world are moving at an increasing speed. Every day we receive a new portion of news, mainly those that provoke fear in people. However, no less of the news can generally be classified as “about nothing.” They are simply designed to satisfy a person’s petty curiosity (not to be confused with inquisitiveness). The amount of information thrown into a person’s head, processed by him and deposited in memory is growing exponentially. But a complete picture of the world does not emerge. Moreover, even those ideas about the world, the Universe, history and man that developed in society in previous centuries are being eroded and destroyed today.

They are trying to convince us that this is “progress,” i.e., the process of man and humanity acquiring ever more complete knowledge. However, there is knowledge and “knowing.” One knowledge brings a person closer to what philosophers call absolute truth, while another “knowledge” can lead him away from this truth. We live in a time when man and humanity are moving with leaps and bounds along the road that takes people further and further from the truth. And the guide that leads humanity along this road turns out to be, strange as it may seem to many, science. Science, as many believe, is a social institution entrusted with the mission of understanding nature, society, and man.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that knowledge of the world is the most important ability and need of a person; it existed long before the emergence of science as a special institution. Even the first people who were in paradise were engaged in learning about the Garden of Eden, its flora and fauna. After the expulsion of the first people from paradise, they retained their ability to learn and began to study our harsh earthly world, partly satisfying their natural curiosity, partly for the purpose of adaptation and survival in this complex and dangerous world. Man tried to understand not only the physical world he could see and feel, but also what could be behind it, what was invisible and not perceived by the five senses. This craving was explained, to a large extent, by the fact that the first generations of people born outside the Garden of Eden remembered God well and sought communication with Him who, after being expelled from paradise, became invisible to them.

Remembrance of God and craving for Him remained among a small part of people and more late times, but gradually this connection weakened. God Himself reminded people of Himself, taught them (without encroaching on their freedom!) and constantly directed them into the direction of history that corresponded to His plan. The reader can find all this in Sacred history Old and New Testaments. The most important reminder of God to people about Himself in earthly history was an event that happened two thousand years ago. We are talking about the appearance of the Son of God Jesus Christ. This event radically changed the course of world history, stopped the death of humanity, which was decaying in paganism and depravity, and turned it to face God. It is not for nothing that Jesus Christ is called not only the Son of God, but also the Savior. The era of Christianity has arrived. This era was characterized by the fact that people's worldview was formed on the basis of the Holy Scriptures (especially the New Testament), as well as Sacred Tradition(works of the Holy Fathers, decisions Ecumenical Councils, defining the dogmas of Christianity). In this era, people correctly glorified God (hence the word “Orthodoxy”). At the same time, they correctly understood the world. On the one hand, using your five senses for this and processing the information entering through them with the help of your mind. On the other hand, using his “spiritual vision”, which helped to comprehend God and His plan for man and the world. These two types of knowledge did not contradict each other, but, on the contrary, complemented each other. Through consideration of the visible physical world man better understood God as the Creator of this world, and through the study of history better understood God as a Provider. Through knowing oneself as a person, one better understood God as a Savior, and through understanding God, one began to better understand physical nature, society with its history (as well as its future), and oneself (as a creation created in the image and likeness of God) .

In the era of the heyday of Christianity, there was a kind of “symphony” in human cognitive activity - knowledge through “physical vision” and knowledge through “spiritual vision”. Over the past ten centuries, this “symphony” began to be seriously tested. We know what blows Christianity suffered during this time: the falling away from Christian Church its western part in 1054 (formation of Catholicism); the death of Byzantium as a state stronghold of world Christianity in 1453; The Reformation of the early 16th century and the formation of Protestantism, etc. All these blows contributed to the fact that the enemy of the human race was driving ever new wedges between physical knowledge and spiritual (metaphysical) knowledge.

The emergence of science in modern times as a special institution aimed exclusively at understanding the physical world initially looked quite convincing and reasonable. But after some time, signs began to be observed that science was by no means going to preserve (or restore) the “symphony” of the two types of knowledge. At first, science only recognized the existence of two types of knowledge, emphasizing its autonomy from spiritual knowledge. Then she began to declare the priority of physical knowledge over spiritual knowledge. Finally, science completely took the position of materialism and atheism, declaring that the whole world is material, and spiritual world and God are the fantasies of illiterate people. The massive “divorce” of science and religion began in the middle of the 19th century. It is no coincidence that its beginning coincided with two scientific revolutions– the emergence of Marxism and Darwinism.

Over the course of several centuries, an amazing metamorphosis took place in science - from a modest institute designed to solve specific problems in the study of the material (physical) world, it turned into a kind of gigantic institution that claims to form the worldview of society, determine its values, establish moral standards, explain the future to people, etc. The set of current claims and ambitions of science indicates that it actually seeks to replace the Christian Church. Moreover, modern science has all the formal signs and attributes of the Church. And most of the “truths” that she utters either require very serious verification (testing), or are initially absurd, in conflict with previously voiced scientific “truths”. And sometimes they even contradict the laws of formal logic. Such “truths” cannot be perceived by the mind; one can only “believe” in them. This allows us to talk about science as a religion.

Thousands of books have been written about science. The overwhelming majority are books of praise, extolling science. Firstly, as a means by which humanity will finally reveal all the secrets of the world, achieving those cognitive goals that philosophers usually call absolute truth. Secondly, as a means of transforming the world and achieving an ideal state of society. And also a means of transforming Homo sapiens into a kind of “superman”, possessing unlimited intellectual abilities and gaining immortality.

The fact that such books are written and, most importantly, read seems to indicate the triumph of science. But in fact, this is evidence of the madness of modern man. After all, such hopes in science are nothing more than a rebellion of man against God, Who created this world and man himself. The first case of rebellion against God is an attempt by an angel named Dennitsa to stand on a par with God and even above him. We know how it ended: the angel, along with other angels who decided to imitate Dennitsa, were cast out of heaven by God and turned into demons. People have already made other attempts at rebellion or disobedience towards God.

At first it was a violation of the ban on eating fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden. Which was followed by punishment in the form of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from paradise. A kind of rebellion of man against God was the attempt of people to do without God. This rebellion began with the descendants of Cain (Cainites), who began to build their own civilization “autonomous” from God. Moreover, they eventually carried away the descendants of Abel (Seth). As we know, the people of that early era of earthly human history were destroyed The Flood(with the exception of righteous Noah and his family). One can also recall the ruler Nimrod, who decided to compete with God and began to build the Tower of Babel to the heavens. The plans of this despot were also put to shame by God.

Modern science is the same rebellion against God. Only madmen can rebel against God. Modern scientists (many with world renown) are similar to Nimrod, who decided to avoid the wrath of God and with the help tallest tower insure against a new possible flood. We know that Nimrod inspired participation in his project to "storm the heavens" most people living then. Tens of thousands of workers crowded the construction site in what was then Babylon. Today's scientists have also infected most of humanity with their godless ideas, who believed in the possibility of building a paradise on Earth and even in the possibility of achieving immortality. There is mass madness.

What is the source of this “epidemic”? Everything is the same as at the moment when the first people reached for the forbidden fruit on the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. This is the devil. Then, in the Edenic paradise, he took on the form of a serpent. Today, during the “triumph of science,” false prophets from science act as such tempters. These characters are far from the image of a “superman”. At first glance, these are quite “intelligent” people, adorned with various titles and degrees, gifted different signs respect and recognition (eg Nobel Prizes). Upon closer examination, it turns out that these are people with certain “weaknesses” (primarily ambition and pride). The devil chooses them as an object of development; they are recruited by the devil and subsequently serve as his “agent of influence.” What tasks does the devil set for his agents-subordinates? Of course, this is not a person’s approach to the truth. The task of the devil is diametrically opposite - to lead a person away from God, who, as we know, is the Truth (in the language of philosophers - the absolute truth).

Tower of Babel. Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1563

By inertia, we often continue to perceive science as an activity to understand some truths of the world created by God. Alas, this is no longer the case. Science today (with rare exceptions!) is an activity of creating one’s own “truths.” “Truths” that lead a person away from God. V. Ostretsov correctly noted: “A mechanical view of man, the world and the Universe, the denial of a personal God as the source of moral truth entails the denial of the moral foundations of the individual and society, as the unshakable principles of all our lives.”

Therefore, science creates lies.

And lies are created on the instructions of their supreme boss - the devil. The Gospel says:

“Your father is the devil; and you want to do the lusts of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and did not stand in the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks his own way, for he is a liar and the father of lies."(John 8:44).

“Storm of Heaven” periodically repeats itself in world history. The last such “assault” is yet to come. Its scenario is described in sufficient detail in last book Holy Scripture - Revelation from John the Theologian (Apocalypse). If we start from the Apocalypse, then much will become clear in today's world. This book says that in the last times (on the eve of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the end of the earthly history of mankind) three beasts will appear in the world: the dragon, the beast from the sea, the beast from the earth. According to the interpretations of the Holy Fathers, the first of them (the dragon) is the devil. The second (the beast from the sea) is the Antichrist. The third (the beast from the earth) is a false prophet. False Prophet - " right hand"Antichrist. He clears the way for the power of the Antichrist in the last times (for three and a half years), he ensures (first of all, ideologically) the power of this character of the Apocalypse. Just as the Antichrist of the last times had many different predecessors (the first Antichrist was named Emperor Nero, who persecuted Christians in the 1st century AD), so the false prophet from the Apocalypse also has many predecessors, the so-called “small” false prophets. A significant part of such “small” false prophets of the New and Contemporary times are representatives of the very science that began to be at enmity with God.

Philosopher and theologian V.N. Trostnikov writes about this as “a grandiose event that happened four centuries ago, which our historians not only do not study, but do not even mention.

The seventeenth century gifted Europe with a number of brilliant scientists. Among them were Galileo, Pascal, Descartes, Newton, Leibniz and Huygens, who, in the language of the mathematics they themselves created, formulated some of the laws governing matter: the laws of hydrostatics, the laws of mechanics and the law of universal gravitation. The European community, faced with these discoveries, had to somehow respond to them. It would be natural to admire the wisdom of these laws and give praise to the Creator. Take, for example, the law of universal gravitation. He establishes that the force of attraction between two bodies is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Mathematicians have proven that under any law other than the inverse quadratic law, the planets will either fall towards the central body or move away from it indefinitely. From the countless number of possible dependencies, God chose exactly the one that allows the Earth to exist stably in its orbit and be a refuge for life.

But the reaction was completely different. People did not want to admit that God’s mind was incomparable with their own mind - after all, it’s one thing come up with laws, and the other discover their. People really didn’t want anyone to be smarter than them, and they focused their attention precisely on the discovery of laws, keeping silent about who was their author. They got it like this: how smart we are, we have discovered such wonderful laws! – and where they came from is not important, what is important is that we deciphered them. The systematic silence about the Author of the laws gradually led to the idea that they had no author at all, that they had always existed on their own. This was an undoubted sign of the onset of collective schizophrenia, and the biblical prophecy came true: speech is foolish in his heart: there is no God (Ps. 13:1). From that moment on, all further events were predetermined..."

The book offered to the reader is about the science of the last times and its false prophets. As we remember, in the Gospel about the last times The Savior said: “But about that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but only My Father alone.”(Matt. 24:36). When the three characters mentioned will appear on stage in the final act of the play “The Earthly History of Mankind,” we cannot know. But the author hopes that if we are able to distinguish the “small” false prophets of our time and learn to resist their false teachings, then we will be able to transfer the day and hour of their appearance to a more distant future.

Over the past century and a half, the world stage has seen a large number of various false prophets from science. But, according to the author, two false prophets had a particularly destructive effect on the Christian foundations of society. This is Karl Marx with his Capital and Charles Darwin with his Origin of Species. I have already written quite a lot about the first false prophet, Karl Marx, and his brainchild called “Marxism”. In this book, I focus on the second of these false prophets - Charles Darwin and his brainchild called “Darwinism”.

At the same time, the author does not try to once again give a detailed and convincing criticism of Darwinism as an ideology that runs counter to the provisions of the natural sciences and conventional human logic. Over the course of more than a century and a half of the existence of Darwinism, such criticism has already been outlined in thousands of works. We have nothing to add here (especially since the author is neither a biologist, nor a geneticist, nor a physicist, nor a paleontologist, nor a representative of any other natural science).

More important questions are of a different order: How did the crazy idea of ​​the evolution of life forms through “natural selection” manage to gain the status scientific theory? How was it possible to introduce into the minds of millions of people the idea that they descended from a monkey? What are the long-term consequences for humanity of the spread of Darwinism across the planet? How, in particular, did the victorious march of Darwinism across the planet affect science (not only biology, but also all of science as a social institution)?

Answers to these and similar questions cannot be given only on the basis of data from the same science or on the basis of “common sense”. Darwinism, the phenomenon of science and its evolution (or rather, “scientific revolutions”) require spiritual understanding. We find final and comprehensive answers to many of the questions posed in the Holy Scriptures and the works of the Holy Fathers. For this reason, the author, in the final part of the book, offers the reader a selection of thoughts of Saints Ignatius Brianchaninov and Nicholas of Serbia on science, philosophy and the theory of knowledge.

© Publishing house "Oxygen", 2017

© Katasonov Yu.V., 2017

© Design and layout Petr Papikhin, 2017

Russian Economic Society named after. S.F. Sharapova

(REOSH) was created at the end of 2011 within the framework of the spiritual and educational organization “Pereprava”, the spiritual and moral guideline of which is Orthodoxy. Over the last quarter of a century in Russia, alien ideas of economic liberalism have been imposed on our people, which are destroying Russian civilization. Just as before, Russian civilization was destroyed by the Marxist ideology of economic materialism, no less alien to us. The main goal of REOS is educational work to form an Orthodox understanding of economics in our society. The formation of such an idea presupposes, first of all, the return to the Russian people of that rich spiritual and intellectual heritage that has accumulated over many centuries in the Christian world. This heritage includes, first of all, the works of the Holy Fathers on issues of wealth, poverty, labor, alms, money and other aspects of economic life. In addition, these are the works of Russian theologians and philosophers of pre-revolutionary Russia, as well as the works of Russian thinkers and practitioners directly related to the structure of the economic life of Russia. Thus, the main goal of the Society is to remember the well-forgotten worldview of our Orthodox ancestors on issues of economic life and to comprehend it taking into account the realities of our modern life.

The list of specific tasks facing the Society is extremely wide. This is an assessment and criticism from the perspective of Orthodoxy of the current capitalist model of the economy that dominates the world and in Russia; assessment and critique of non-Christian alternatives to modern capitalism; development of proposals for Russia’s exit from the current difficult economic situation, taking into account the historical experience of our fatherland and other countries; development of proposals for organizing the economic and labor life of Orthodox people locally based on domestic and foreign experience; dissemination of Orthodox ideas about economics in our society and countering the destructive effect on the Russian people of the ideology of economic liberalism (“religion of money”).

REOSH website: http://reosh.ru

REOS Coordinator – [email protected]


We live in difficult times. Events in the world are moving at an increasing speed. Every day we receive a new portion of news, mainly those that provoke fear in people. However, no less of the news can generally be classified as “about nothing.” They are simply designed to satisfy a person’s petty curiosity (not to be confused with inquisitiveness). The amount of information thrown into a person’s head, processed by him and deposited in memory is growing exponentially. But a complete picture of the world does not emerge. Moreover, even those ideas about the world, the Universe, history and man that developed in society in previous centuries are being eroded and destroyed today.

They are trying to convince us that this is “progress,” i.e., the process of man and humanity acquiring ever more complete knowledge. However, there is knowledge and “knowing.” One knowledge brings a person closer to what philosophers call absolute truth, while another “knowledge” can lead him away from this truth. We live in a time when man and humanity are moving with leaps and bounds along the road that leads man further and further from the truth. And the guide that leads humanity along this road turns out to be, strange as it may seem to many, science. Science, as many believe, is a social institution entrusted with the mission of understanding nature, society, and man.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that knowledge of the world is the most important ability and need of a person; it existed long before the emergence of science as a special institution. Even the first people who were in paradise were engaged in learning about the Garden of Eden, its flora and fauna. After the expulsion of the first people from paradise, they retained their ability to learn and began to study our harsh earthly world, partly satisfying their natural curiosity, partly with the aim of adapting and surviving in this complex and dangerous world. Man tried to understand not only the physical world he could see and feel, but also what could be behind it, what was invisible and not perceived by the five senses. This craving was explained to a large extent by the fact that the first generations of people born outside the Garden of Eden remembered God well and sought communication with the One who became invisible to them after being expelled from paradise.

Remembrance of God and craving for Him remained among a small part of people in later times, but gradually this connection weakened. God Himself reminded people of Himself, taught them (without encroaching on their freedom!) and constantly directed them into the direction of history that corresponded to His plan. The reader can find all this in the Sacred History of the Old and New Testaments. The most important reminder of God to people about Himself in earthly history was an event that happened two thousand years ago. We are talking about the appearance of the Son of God Jesus Christ. This event radically changed the course of world history, stopped the death of humanity, which was decaying in paganism and depravity, and turned it to face God. It is not for nothing that Jesus Christ is called not only the Son of God, but also the Savior. The era of Christianity has arrived. This era was characterized by the fact that people's worldview was formed on the basis of the Holy Scriptures (especially the New Testament), as well as the Holy Tradition (the works of the Holy Fathers, the decisions of the Ecumenical Councils that determined the dogmas of Christianity). In this era, people correctly glorified God (hence the word “Orthodoxy”). At the same time, they correctly understood the world. On the one hand, using your five senses for this and processing the information entering through them with the help of your mind. On the other hand, using his “spiritual vision”, which helped to comprehend God and His plan for man and the world. These two types of knowledge did not contradict each other, but, on the contrary, complemented each other. Through consideration of the visible physical world, man better understood God as the Creator of this world, and through the study of history, he better understood God as Provider. Through knowing oneself as a person, one better understood God as a Savior, and through understanding God, one began to better understand physical nature, society with its history (as well as its future), and oneself (as a creation created in the image and likeness of God) .

In the era of the heyday of Christianity, there was a kind of “symphony” in human cognitive activity - knowledge through “physical vision” and knowledge through “spiritual vision”. Over the past ten centuries, this “symphony” began to be seriously tested. We know what blows Christianity experienced during this time: the falling away from the Christian Church of its western part in 1054 (the formation of Catholicism); the death of Byzantium as a state stronghold of world Christianity in 1453; The Reformation of the early 16th century and the formation of Protestantism, etc. All these blows contributed to the fact that the enemy of the human race was driving ever new wedges between physical knowledge and spiritual (metaphysical) knowledge.

The emergence of science in modern times as a special institution aimed exclusively at understanding the physical world initially looked quite convincing and reasonable. But after some time, signs began to be observed that science was by no means going to preserve (or restore) the “symphony” of the two types of knowledge. At first, science only recognized the existence of two types of knowledge, emphasizing its autonomy from spiritual knowledge. Then she began to declare the priority of physical knowledge over spiritual knowledge. Finally, science completely took the position of materialism and atheism, declaring that the whole world is material, and the spiritual world and God are the fantasies of illiterate people. The massive “divorce” of science and religion began in the middle of the 19th century. It is absolutely no coincidence that its beginning coincided with two scientific revolutions - the emergence of Marxism and Darwinism.

Over the course of several centuries, an amazing metamorphosis took place in science - from a modest institute designed to solve specific problems in the study of the material (physical) world, it turned into a kind of gigantic institution that claims to form the worldview of society, determine its values, establish moral standards, explain the future to people, etc. The set of current claims and ambitions of science indicates that it actually seeks to replace the Christian Church. Moreover, modern science has all the formal signs and attributes of the Church. And most of the “truths” that she utters either require very serious verification (testing), or are initially absurd, in conflict with previously voiced scientific “truths”. And sometimes they even contradict the laws of formal logic. Such “truths” cannot be perceived by the mind; one can only “believe” in them. This allows us to talk about science as a religion.

Thousands of books have been written about science. The overwhelming majority are books of praise, extolling science. Firstly, as a means by which humanity will finally reveal all the secrets of the world, achieving those cognitive goals that philosophers usually call absolute truth. Secondly, as a means of transforming the world and achieving an ideal state of society. And also a means of transforming Homo sapiens into a kind of “superman”, possessing unlimited intellectual abilities and gaining immortality.

The fact that such books are written and, most importantly, read seems to indicate the triumph of science. But in fact, this is evidence of the madness of modern man. After all, such hopes in science are nothing more than a rebellion of man against God, Who created this world and man himself. The first case of rebellion against God is an attempt by an angel named Dennitsa to stand on a par with God and even above him. We know how it ended: the angel, along with other angels who decided to imitate Dennitsa, were cast out of heaven by God and turned into demons. People have already made other attempts at rebellion or disobedience towards God.

At first it was a violation of the ban on eating fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden. Which was followed by punishment in the form of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from paradise. A kind of rebellion of man against God was the attempt of people to do without God. This rebellion began with the descendants of Cain (Cainites), who began to build their own civilization “autonomous” from God. Moreover, they eventually carried away the descendants of Abel (Seth). As we know, the people of that early era of earthly human history were destroyed by the Flood (with the exception of the righteous Noah and his family). One can also recall the ruler Nimrod, who decided to compete with God and began to build the Tower of Babel to the heavens. The plans of this despot were also put to shame by God.

Modern science is the same rebellion against God. Only madmen can rebel against God. Modern scientists (many with world renown) are similar to Nimrod, who decided to avoid the wrath of God and, with the help of the highest tower, insure against a new possible flood. We know that Nimrod inspired most of the people then alive to participate in his project of “storming the heavens.” Tens of thousands of workers crowded the construction site in what was then Babylon. Today's scientists have also infected most of humanity with their godless ideas, who believed in the possibility of building a paradise on Earth and even in the possibility of achieving immortality. There is mass madness.

What is the source of this “epidemic”? Everything is the same as at the moment when the first people reached for the forbidden fruit on the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. This is the devil. Then, in the Edenic paradise, he took on the form of a serpent. Today, during the “triumph of science,” false prophets from science act as such tempters. These characters are far from the image of a “superman”. These are, at first glance, quite “intelligent” people, adorned with various titles and degrees, endowed with various signs of respect and recognition (for example, Nobel Prizes). Upon closer examination, it turns out that these are people with certain “weaknesses” (primarily ambition and pride). The devil chooses them as an object of development; they are recruited by the devil and subsequently serve as his “agent of influence.” What tasks does the devil set for his agents-subordinates? Of course, this is not a person’s approach to the truth. The task of the devil is diametrically opposite - to lead a person away from God, who, as we know, is the Truth (in the language of philosophers - the absolute truth).

Tower of Babel. Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1563

By inertia, we often continue to perceive science as an activity to understand some truths of the world created by God. Alas, this is no longer the case. Science today (with rare exceptions!) is an activity of creating one’s own “truths.” “Truths” that lead a person away from God. V. Ostretsov correctly noted: “A mechanical view of man, the world and the Universe, the denial of a personal God as the source of moral truth entails the denial of the moral foundations of the individual and society, as the unshakable principles of all our lives.”

Therefore, science creates lies.

And lies are created on the instructions of their supreme boss - the devil. The Gospel says:

“Your father is the devil; and you want to do the lusts of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and did not stand in the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks his own way, for he is a liar and the father of lies."(John 8:44).

“Storm of Heaven” periodically repeats itself in world history. The last such “assault” is yet to come. Its scenario is set out in sufficient detail in the last book of Holy Scripture - Revelation from John the Theologian (Apocalypse). If we start from the Apocalypse, then much will become clear in today's world. This book says that in the last times (on the eve of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the end of the earthly history of mankind) three beasts will appear in the world: the dragon, the beast from the sea, the beast from the earth. According to the interpretations of the Holy Fathers, the first of them (the dragon) is the devil. The second (the beast from the sea) is the Antichrist. The third (the beast from the earth) is a false prophet. The false prophet is the “right hand” of the Antichrist. He clears the way for the power of the Antichrist in the last times (for three and a half years), he ensures (first of all, ideologically) the power of this character of the Apocalypse. Just as the Antichrist of the last times had many different predecessors (the first Antichrist was named Emperor Nero, who persecuted Christians in the 1st century AD), so the false prophet from the Apocalypse also has many predecessors, the so-called “small” false prophets. A significant part of such “small” false prophets of the New and Contemporary times are representatives of the very science that began to be at enmity with God.

Philosopher and theologian V.N. Trostnikov writes about this as “a grandiose event that happened four centuries ago, which our historians not only do not study, but do not even mention.

The seventeenth century gifted Europe with a number of brilliant scientists. Among them were Galileo, Pascal, Descartes, Newton, Leibniz and Huygens, who, in the language of the mathematics they themselves created, formulated some of the laws governing matter: the laws of hydrostatics, the laws of mechanics and the law of universal gravitation. The European community, faced with these discoveries, had to somehow respond to them. It would be natural to admire the wisdom of these laws and give praise to the Creator. Take, for example, the law of universal gravitation. He establishes that the force of attraction between two bodies is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Mathematicians have proven that under any law other than the inverse quadratic law, the planets will either fall towards the central body or move away from it indefinitely. From the countless number of possible dependencies, God chose exactly the one that allows the Earth to exist stably in its orbit and be a refuge for life.

But the reaction was completely different. People did not want to admit that God’s mind was incomparable with their own mind - after all, it’s one thing come up with laws, and the other discover their. People really didn’t want anyone to be smarter than them, and they focused their attention precisely on the discovery of laws, keeping silent about who was their author. They got it like this: how smart we are, we have discovered such wonderful laws! – and where they came from is not important, what is important is that we deciphered them. The systematic silence about the Author of the laws gradually led to the idea that they had no author at all, that they had always existed on their own. This was an undoubted sign of the onset of collective schizophrenia, and the biblical prophecy came true: speech is foolish in his heart: there is no God (Ps. 13:1). From that moment on, all further events were predetermined..."

The book offered to the reader is about the science of the last times and its false prophets. As we remember, in the Gospel of the last times the Savior said: “But about that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but only My Father alone.”(Matt. 24:36). When the three characters mentioned will appear on stage in the final act of the play “The Earthly History of Mankind,” we cannot know. But the author hopes that if we are able to distinguish the “small” false prophets of our time and learn to resist their false teachings, then we will be able to transfer the day and hour of their appearance to a more distant future.

Over the past century and a half, a large number of different false prophets from science have appeared on the world stage. But, according to the author, two false prophets had a particularly destructive effect on the Christian foundations of society. This is Karl Marx with his Capital and Charles Darwin with his Origin of Species. I have already written quite a lot about the first false prophet, Karl Marx, and his brainchild called “Marxism”. In this book, my main attention is paid to the second of these false prophets - Charles Darwin and his brainchild called “Darwinism”.

At the same time, the author does not try to once again give a detailed and convincing criticism of Darwinism as an ideology that runs counter to the provisions of the natural sciences and ordinary human logic. Over the course of more than a century and a half of the existence of Darwinism, such criticism has already been outlined in thousands of works. We have nothing to add here (especially since the author is neither a biologist, nor a geneticist, nor a physicist, nor a paleontologist, nor a representative of any other natural science).

More important questions are of a different order: How did the crazy idea of ​​the evolution of life forms through “natural selection” manage to achieve the status of a scientific theory? How was it possible to introduce into the minds of millions of people the idea that they descended from a monkey? What are the long-term consequences for humanity of the spread of Darwinism across the planet? How, in particular, did the victorious march of Darwinism across the planet affect science (not only biology, but also all of science as a social institution)?

Answers to these and similar questions cannot be given only on the basis of data from the same science or on the basis of “common sense”. Darwinism, the phenomenon of science and its evolution (or rather, “scientific revolutions”) require spiritual understanding. We find final and comprehensive answers to many of the questions posed in the Holy Scriptures and the works of the Holy Fathers. For this reason, the author, in the final part of the book, offers the reader a selection of thoughts of Saints Ignatius Brianchaninov and Nicholas of Serbia on science, philosophy and the theory of knowledge.

Part I
“Antiheroes” of the Apocalypse and their prototypes in the history of mankind

What does modern man know about the Antichrist and the Apocalypse?

The theme of the Antichrist and the end of the world today is very popular among different strata of society. Even those who are far from the Church and have not been able to read the New Testament to the end are interested in it.

In Russia, the theme of the Antichrist and the Apocalypse (the end of the world) has gone beyond the church fence with late XIX century. It began to be actively discussed in literature, art, and even in the newspapers of that time. Perhaps this was started by the Russian writer Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky and the founder of Russian religious philosophy Vladimir Sergeevich Solovyov. If we talk about Dostoevsky, then, first of all, we must remember his novel “Demons” (1871–1872), where the writer brought out the image Stavrogina, in which signs of the coming Antichrist were visible. And also the novel “The Brothers Karamazov” (1880) should be called; we see signs of the Antichrist in the image Smerdyakov.

V.S. Solovyov

And Solovyov, shortly before his death, wrote his brilliant work “Three Conversations about War, Progress and the End of World History” (1899). It included “A Brief Tale of the Antichrist” as a completely independent part. There was probably not a single Russian philosopher of the first decades of the twentieth century who did not continue the theme of the end of history and the Antichrist (I am sure that under the influence of Solovyov). One can name such representatives of Russian religious philosophy as S.N. Bulgakov, S.N. and E.N. Trubetskoy, N.A. Berdyaev, P.A. Florensky, S.L. Frank, S.P. Fedotov. Symbolist poets, especially Alexander Blok and Andrei Bely, found themselves under the enchanting hypnosis of Solovyov. Suffice it to recall the unfinished mystery of the second of the named poets, which was called: “Antichrist.” And about Blok’s poem “The Twelve,” many are still scratching their heads. Whom did the poet portray in it: Christ or the Antichrist? There were also plenty of writers who were fascinated by the mysticism of the last times and the theme of the Antichrist. Suffice it to recall Dmitry Merezhkovsky, who wrote the trilogy “Christ and Antichrist”.

I'm not talking about today at all. In the era of cinema, television and the Internet, the theme of the end of history and the Antichrist has entered literally every home. After World War II, at least a dozen films were made that were simply called "Apocalypse" or contained the word in their titles. So, you can remember the film “Apocalypse Now” by the famous director Francis Ford Coppola, released in 1979. Among the latest films we can name the film directed by Bryan Singer"X-Men: Apocalypse", which viewers saw last year, 2016. In the same way, the word “Antichrist” constantly appears in the titles of films (note that it is always capitalized!). The most famous film is L Ars von Trier Antichrist, presented at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival.

Unfortunately, the content and ideas of many works of art often lead one away from a true understanding of the complex topic of the last times of human history. For the reason that people (not only readers and viewers, but sometimes also authors) are not really familiar with the original source - the Holy Scriptures. And even more so with the interpretations of the Holy Fathers, or at least brief explanations theology textbooks. This is the spirit of our times. The theme of the Antichrist and the end of the world in our fallen age has simply become a hot commodity, for which there is good demand from all levels of society, even Muslims, Buddhists and pagans, as well as convinced atheists-materialists and yesterday's communists. The times are indeed becoming “last”, or apostasic.

My communication with people who are considered Christians (baptized and attend temple) and even regularly read the Holy Scriptures shows that they sometimes also have a rather blurry idea of ​​the last times and the Antichrist. And also about others characters the last book of Holy Scripture. I mean the book Revelations of the Apostle John the Theologian, or Apocalypse(Greek ἀποκάλυψις - “revelation, revelation”; “removal of the veil”). Sometimes modern Christians even think that the Antichrist is the devil incarnate. That is, the Antichrist and the devil in their view are one and the same character.

I will give a short explanation about the main “negative” characters of recent times. There are three of them: the devil (Satan), the Antichrist and the false prophet. There are, of course, much more “anti-heroes” of the Apocalypse (forces of Evil). But we will not dwell on some that do not belong to the main “trinity”. For example, on Whore of Babylon and ten kings who will take power in the last times for a short time and will serve the Antichrist.

Why do we need to know about them? For the simple reason that all of them - one way or another - make themselves felt even before the onset of the last times. And we need to see them in our Everyday life. All of them are working invisibly to ensure that these times come as soon as possible. And if we see them and their invisible work, we will be able to push back these last times.

I will give a definition from Wikipedia: “Science is the field human activity, aimed at developing and systematizing objective knowledge about reality. The foundations of this activity are the collection of facts, their constant updating and systematization, critical analysis and, on this basis, the synthesis of new knowledge or generalizations that not only describe observed natural or social phenomena, but also make it possible to build cause-and-effect relationships with the ultimate goal of forecasting. Those theories and hypotheses that are confirmed by facts or experiments are formulated in the form of laws of nature or society."

. See: Katasonov V.Yu. Metaphysics of history. – M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2017 (section “Cainite civilization and modern capitalism”).

See, in particular: Katasonov V.Yu. Capitalism. History and ideology of monetary civilization. Ed. 4th, supplemented. – M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2015. 1120 p.

Apostasy (Greek Αποστασία - “apostasy”) - apostasy from Christianity, apostasy. Apostasy is a person’s complete renunciation of his former Christian faith, denial of its dogmas, accompanied by a falling away from the Church. Falling away may mean switching to atheism or another faith.

© Publishing house "Oxygen", 2017

© Katasonov Yu.V., 2017

© Design and layout Petr Papikhin, 2017

Russian Economic Society named after. S.F. Sharapova

(REOSH) was created at the end of 2011 within the framework of the spiritual and educational organization “Pereprava”, the spiritual and moral guideline of which is Orthodoxy. Over the last quarter of a century in Russia, alien ideas of economic liberalism have been imposed on our people, which are destroying Russian civilization. Just as before, Russian civilization was destroyed by the Marxist ideology of economic materialism, no less alien to us. The main goal of REOS is educational work to form an Orthodox understanding of economics in our society. The formation of such an idea presupposes, first of all, the return to the Russian people of that rich spiritual and intellectual heritage that has accumulated over many centuries in the Christian world. This heritage includes, first of all, the works of the Holy Fathers on issues of wealth, poverty, labor, alms, money and other aspects of economic life. In addition, these are the works of Russian theologians and philosophers of pre-revolutionary Russia, as well as the works of Russian thinkers and practitioners directly related to the structure of the economic life of Russia. Thus, the main goal of the Society is to remember the well-forgotten worldview of our Orthodox ancestors on issues of economic life and to comprehend it taking into account the realities of our modern life.

The list of specific tasks facing the Society is extremely wide. This is an assessment and criticism from the perspective of Orthodoxy of the current capitalist model of the economy that dominates the world and in Russia; assessment and critique of non-Christian alternatives to modern capitalism; development of proposals for Russia’s exit from the current difficult economic situation, taking into account the historical experience of our fatherland and other countries; development of proposals for organizing the economic and labor life of Orthodox people locally based on domestic and foreign experience; dissemination of Orthodox ideas about economics in our society and countering the destructive effect on the Russian people of the ideology of economic liberalism (“religion of money”).

REOSH website: http://reosh.ru

REOS Coordinator – [email protected]


We live in difficult times. Events in the world are moving at an increasing speed. Every day we receive a new portion of news, mainly those that provoke fear in people. However, no less of the news can generally be classified as “about nothing.” They are simply designed to satisfy a person’s petty curiosity (not to be confused with inquisitiveness). The amount of information thrown into a person’s head, processed by him and deposited in memory is growing exponentially.

But a complete picture of the world does not emerge. Moreover, even those ideas about the world, the Universe, history and man that developed in society in previous centuries are being eroded and destroyed today.

They are trying to convince us that this is “progress,” i.e., the process of man and humanity acquiring ever more complete knowledge. However, there is knowledge and “knowing.” One knowledge brings a person closer to what philosophers call absolute truth, while another “knowledge” can lead him away from this truth. We live in a time when man and humanity are moving with leaps and bounds along the road that leads man further and further from the truth. And the guide that leads humanity along this road turns out to be, strange as it may seem to many, science. Science, as many believe, is a social institution entrusted with the mission of understanding nature, society, and man. 1
I will give a definition from Wikipedia: “Science is a field of human activity aimed at developing and systematizing objective knowledge about reality. The foundations of this activity are the collection of facts, their constant updating and systematization, critical analysis and, on this basis, the synthesis of new knowledge or generalizations that not only describe observed natural or social phenomena, but also make it possible to build cause-and-effect relationships with the ultimate goal of forecasting. Those theories and hypotheses that are confirmed by facts or experiments are formulated in the form of laws of nature or society."

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that knowledge of the world is the most important ability and need of a person; it existed long before the emergence of science as a special institution. Even the first people who were in paradise were engaged in learning about the Garden of Eden, its flora and fauna. After the expulsion of the first people from paradise, they retained their ability to learn and began to study our harsh earthly world, partly satisfying their natural curiosity, partly with the aim of adapting and surviving in this complex and dangerous world. Man tried to understand not only the physical world he could see and feel, but also what could be behind it, what was invisible and not perceived by the five senses. This craving was explained to a large extent by the fact that the first generations of people born outside the Garden of Eden remembered God well and sought communication with the One who became invisible to them after being expelled from paradise.

Remembrance of God and craving for Him remained among a small part of people in later times, but gradually this connection weakened. God Himself reminded people of Himself, taught them (without encroaching on their freedom!) and constantly directed them into the direction of history that corresponded to His plan. The reader can find all this in the Sacred History of the Old and New Testaments. The most important reminder of God to people about Himself in earthly history was an event that happened two thousand years ago. We are talking about the appearance of the Son of God Jesus Christ. This event radically changed the course of world history, stopped the death of humanity, which was decaying in paganism and depravity, and turned it to face God. It is not for nothing that Jesus Christ is called not only the Son of God, but also the Savior. The era of Christianity has arrived. This era was characterized by the fact that people's worldview was formed on the basis of the Holy Scriptures (especially the New Testament), as well as the Holy Tradition (the works of the Holy Fathers, the decisions of the Ecumenical Councils that determined the dogmas of Christianity). In this era, people correctly glorified God (hence the word “Orthodoxy”). At the same time, they correctly understood the world. On the one hand, using your five senses for this and processing the information entering through them with the help of your mind. On the other hand, using his “spiritual vision”, which helped to comprehend God and His plan for man and the world. These two types of knowledge did not contradict each other, but, on the contrary, complemented each other. Through consideration of the visible physical world, man better understood God as the Creator of this world, and through the study of history, he better understood God as Provider. Through knowing oneself as a person, one better understood God as a Savior, and through understanding God, one began to better understand physical nature, society with its history (as well as its future), and oneself (as a creation created in the image and likeness of God) .

In the era of the heyday of Christianity, there was a kind of “symphony” in human cognitive activity - knowledge through “physical vision” and knowledge through “spiritual vision”. Over the past ten centuries, this “symphony” began to be seriously tested. We know what blows Christianity experienced during this time: the falling away from the Christian Church of its western part in 1054 (the formation of Catholicism); the death of Byzantium as a state stronghold of world Christianity in 1453; The Reformation of the early 16th century and the formation of Protestantism, etc. All these blows contributed to the fact that the enemy of the human race was driving ever new wedges between physical knowledge and spiritual (metaphysical) knowledge.

The emergence of science in modern times as a special institution aimed exclusively at understanding the physical world initially looked quite convincing and reasonable 2
"Science in modern understanding began to take shape in the 16th–17th centuries” (Wikipedia. Article “Science”).

But after some time, signs began to be observed that science was by no means going to preserve (or restore) the “symphony” of the two types of knowledge. At first, science only recognized the existence of two types of knowledge, emphasizing its autonomy from spiritual knowledge. Then she began to declare the priority of physical knowledge over spiritual knowledge. Finally, science completely took the position of materialism and atheism, declaring that the whole world is material, and the spiritual world and God are the fantasies of illiterate people. The massive “divorce” of science and religion began in the mid-19th century 3
Bruce A. Little. Science, Christianity and Truth. – Access mode: http://www.scienceandapologetics.org/text/87.htm

It is absolutely no coincidence that its beginning coincided with two scientific revolutions - the emergence of Marxism and Darwinism.

Over the course of several centuries, an amazing metamorphosis took place in science - from a modest institute designed to solve specific problems in the study of the material (physical) world, it turned into a kind of gigantic institution that claims to form the worldview of society, determine its values, establish moral standards, explain the future to people, etc. 4
"During historical development its influence went beyond the development of technology and technology. Science has become the most important social and humanitarian institution, exerting a significant influence on all spheres of society and culture” (Wikipedia. Article “Science”).

The current set of claims and ambitions of science indicates that it actually seeks to replace the Christian Church. Moreover, modern science has all the formal signs and attributes of the Church. And most of the “truths” that she utters either require very serious verification (testing), or are initially absurd, in conflict with previously voiced scientific “truths”. And sometimes they even contradict the laws of formal logic. Such “truths” cannot be perceived by the mind; one can only “believe” in them. This allows us to talk about science as a religion.

Thousands of books have been written about science. The overwhelming majority are books of praise, extolling science. Firstly, as a means by which humanity will finally reveal all the secrets of the world, achieving those cognitive goals that philosophers usually call absolute truth. Secondly, as a means of transforming the world and achieving an ideal state of society. And also a means of transforming Homo sapiens into a kind of “superman”, possessing unlimited intellectual abilities and gaining immortality 5
This attitude towards science as a means of creating a superman (or posthuman) has today taken shape in an ideology called “transhumanism”.

The fact that such books are written and, most importantly, read seems to indicate the triumph of science. But in fact, this is evidence of the madness of modern man. After all, such hopes in science are nothing more than a rebellion of man against God, Who created this world and man himself. The first case of rebellion against God is an attempt by an angel named Dennitsa to stand on a par with God and even above him. We know how it ended: the angel, along with other angels who decided to imitate Dennitsa, were cast out of heaven by God and turned into demons. People have already made other attempts at rebellion or disobedience towards God.

At first it was a violation of the ban on eating fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden. Which was followed by punishment in the form of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from paradise. A kind of rebellion of man against God was the attempt of people to do without God. This rebellion began with the descendants of Cain (Cainites), who began to build their own civilization “autonomous” from God. Moreover, they eventually carried away the descendants of Abel (Seth) with them. 6
See: Katasonov V.Yu. Metaphysics of history. – M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2017 (section “Cainite civilization and modern capitalism”).

As we know, the people of that early era of earthly human history were destroyed by the Flood (with the exception of the righteous Noah and his family). One can also recall the ruler Nimrod, who decided to compete with God and began to build the Tower of Babel to the heavens. The plans of this despot were also put to shame by God 7
See: Ibid. (section “Towers to Heaven, or Babylon in our life”).

Modern science is the same rebellion against God. Only madmen can rebel against God. Modern scientists (many with world renown) are similar to Nimrod, who decided to avoid the wrath of God and, with the help of the highest tower, insure against a new possible flood. We know that Nimrod inspired most of the people then alive to participate in his project of “storming the heavens.” Tens of thousands of workers crowded the construction site in what was then Babylon. Today's scientists have also infected most of humanity with their godless ideas, who believed in the possibility of building a paradise on Earth and even in the possibility of achieving immortality. There is mass madness.

What is the source of this “epidemic”? Everything is the same as at the moment when the first people reached for the forbidden fruit on the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. This is the devil. Then, in the Edenic paradise, he took on the form of a serpent. Today, during the “triumph of science,” false prophets from science act as such tempters. These characters are far from the image of a “superman”. These are, at first glance, quite “intelligent” people, adorned with various titles and degrees, endowed with various signs of respect and recognition (for example, Nobel Prizes). Upon closer examination, it turns out that these are people with certain “weaknesses” (primarily ambition and pride). The devil chooses them as an object of development; they are recruited by the devil and subsequently serve as his “agent of influence.” What tasks does the devil set for his agents-subordinates? Of course, this is not a person’s approach to the truth. The task of the devil is diametrically opposite - to lead a person away from God, who, as we know, is the Truth (in the language of philosophers - the absolute truth).

Tower of Babel. Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1563

By inertia, we often continue to perceive science as an activity to understand some truths of the world created by God. Alas, this is no longer the case. Science today (with rare exceptions!) is an activity of creating one’s own “truths.” “Truths” that lead a person away from God. V. Ostretsov correctly noted: “A mechanical view of man, the world and the Universe, the denial of a personal God as the source of moral truth entails the denial of the moral foundations of the individual and society, as the unshakable principles of all our lives.” 8
V.M. Ostretsov. “Freemasonry, culture and Russian history”, M. 1999, p. 236–237

Therefore, science creates lies.

And lies are created on the instructions of their supreme boss - the devil. The Gospel says:

“Your father is the devil; and you want to do the lusts of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and did not stand in the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks his own way, for he is a liar and the father of lies."(John 8:44).

“Storm of Heaven” periodically repeats itself in world history. The last such “assault” is yet to come. Its scenario is set out in sufficient detail in the last book of Holy Scripture - Revelation from John the Theologian (Apocalypse). If we start from the Apocalypse, then much will become clear in today's world. This book says that in the last times (on the eve of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the end of the earthly history of mankind) three beasts will appear in the world: the dragon, the beast from the sea, the beast from the earth. According to the interpretations of the Holy Fathers, the first of them (the dragon) is the devil. The second (the beast from the sea) is the Antichrist. The third (the beast from the earth) is a false prophet. The false prophet is the “right hand” of the Antichrist. He clears the way for the power of the Antichrist in the last times (for three and a half years), he ensures (first of all, ideologically) the power of this character of the Apocalypse. Just as the Antichrist of the last times had many different predecessors (the first Antichrist was named Emperor Nero, who persecuted Christians in the 1st century AD), so the false prophet from the Apocalypse also has many predecessors, the so-called “small” false prophets. A significant part of such “small” false prophets of the New and Contemporary times are representatives of the very science that began to be at enmity with God.

Philosopher and theologian V.N. Trostnikov writes about this as “a grandiose event that happened four centuries ago, which our historians not only do not study, but do not even mention.

The seventeenth century gifted Europe with a number of brilliant scientists. Among them were Galileo, Pascal, Descartes, Newton, Leibniz and Huygens, who, in the language of the mathematics they themselves created, formulated some of the laws governing matter: the laws of hydrostatics, the laws of mechanics and the law of universal gravitation. The European community, faced with these discoveries, had to somehow respond to them. It would be natural to admire the wisdom of these laws and give praise to the Creator. Take, for example, the law of universal gravitation. He establishes that the force of attraction between two bodies is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Mathematicians have proven that under any law other than the inverse quadratic law, the planets will either fall towards the central body or move away from it indefinitely. From the countless number of possible dependencies, God chose exactly the one that allows the Earth to exist stably in its orbit and be a refuge for life.

But the reaction was completely different. People did not want to admit that God’s mind was incomparable with their own mind - after all, it’s one thing come up with laws, and the other discover their. People really didn’t want anyone to be smarter than them, and they focused their attention precisely on the discovery of laws, keeping silent about who was their author. They got it like this: how smart we are, we have discovered such wonderful laws! – and where they came from is not important, what is important is that we deciphered them. The systematic silence about the Author of the laws gradually led to the idea that they had no author at all, that they had always existed on their own. This was an undoubted sign of the onset of collective schizophrenia, and the biblical prophecy came true: speech is foolish in his heart: there is no God (Ps. 13:1). From that moment on, all further events were predetermined..." 9
See http://ruskline.ru/news_rl/2017/01/21/my_zhivem_v_sumashedshem_dome/

The book offered to the reader is about the science of the last times and its false prophets. As we remember, in the Gospel of the last times the Savior said: “But about that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but only My Father alone.”(Matt. 24:36). When the three characters mentioned will appear on stage in the final act of the play “The Earthly History of Mankind,” we cannot know. But the author hopes that if we are able to distinguish the “small” false prophets of our time and learn to resist their false teachings, then we will be able to transfer the day and hour of their appearance to a more distant future.

Over the past century and a half, a large number of different false prophets from science have appeared on the world stage. But, according to the author, two false prophets had a particularly destructive effect on the Christian foundations of society. This is Karl Marx with his Capital and Charles Darwin with his Origin of Species. I have already written quite a lot about the first false prophet, Karl Marx, and his brainchild called “Marxism.” 10
See, in particular: Katasonov V.Yu. Capitalism. History and ideology of monetary civilization. Ed. 4th, supplemented. – M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2015. 1120 p.

In this book, my main attention is paid to the second of these false prophets - Charles Darwin and his brainchild called “Darwinism”.

At the same time, the author does not try to once again give a detailed and convincing criticism of Darwinism as an ideology that runs counter to the provisions of the natural sciences and ordinary human logic. Over the course of more than a century and a half of the existence of Darwinism, such criticism has already been outlined in thousands of works. We have nothing to add here (especially since the author is neither a biologist, nor a geneticist, nor a physicist, nor a paleontologist, nor a representative of any other natural science).

More important questions are of a different order: How did the crazy idea of ​​the evolution of life forms through “natural selection” manage to achieve the status of a scientific theory? How was it possible to introduce into the minds of millions of people the idea that they descended from a monkey? What are the long-term consequences for humanity of the spread of Darwinism across the planet? How, in particular, did the victorious march of Darwinism across the planet affect science (not only biology, but also all of science as a social institution)?

Answers to these and similar questions cannot be given only on the basis of data from the same science or on the basis of “common sense”. Darwinism, the phenomenon of science and its evolution (or rather, “scientific revolutions”) require spiritual understanding. We find final and comprehensive answers to many of the questions posed in the Holy Scriptures and the works of the Holy Fathers. For this reason, the author, in the final part of the book, offers the reader a selection of thoughts of Saints Ignatius Brianchaninov and Nicholas of Serbia on science, philosophy and the theory of knowledge.

Part I
“Antiheroes” of the Apocalypse and their prototypes in the history of mankind

What modern man knows about the Antichrist and the Apocalypse?

The theme of the Antichrist and the end of the world today is very popular among different strata of society. Even those who are far from the Church and have not been able to read the New Testament to the end are interested in it.

In Russia, the theme of the Antichrist and the Apocalypse (the end of the world) has gone beyond the church fence since the end of the 19th century. It began to be actively discussed in literature, art, and even in the newspapers of that time. Perhaps this was started by the Russian writer Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky and founder of Russian religious philosophy Vladimir Sergeevich Solovyov. If we talk about Dostoevsky, then, first of all, we must remember his novel “Demons” (1871–1872), where the writer brought out the image Stavrogina, in which signs of the coming Antichrist were visible. And also the novel “The Brothers Karamazov” (1880) should be called; we see signs of the Antichrist in the image Smerdyakov.

V.S. Solovyov

And Solovyov, shortly before his death, wrote his brilliant work “Three Conversations about War, Progress and the End of World History” (1899). It included “A Brief Tale of the Antichrist” as a completely independent part. There was probably not a single Russian philosopher of the first decades of the twentieth century who did not continue the theme of the end of history and the Antichrist (I am sure that under the influence of Solovyov). One can name such representatives of Russian religious philosophy as S.N. Bulgakov, S.N. and E.N. Trubetskoy, N.A. Berdyaev, P.A. Florensky, S.L. Frank, S.P. Fedotov. Symbolist poets, especially Alexander Blok and Andrei Bely, found themselves under the enchanting hypnosis of Solovyov. Suffice it to recall the unfinished mystery of the second of the named poets, which was called: “Antichrist.” And about Blok’s poem “The Twelve,” many are still scratching their heads. Whom did the poet portray in it: Christ or the Antichrist? There were also plenty of writers who were fascinated by the mysticism of the last times and the theme of the Antichrist. Suffice it to recall Dmitry Merezhkovsky, who wrote the trilogy “Christ and Antichrist”.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that knowledge of the world is the most important ability and need of a person; it existed long before the emergence of science as a special institution. Even the first people who were in paradise were engaged in learning about the Garden of Eden, its flora and fauna. After the expulsion of the first people from paradise, they retained their ability to learn and began to study our harsh earthly world, partly satisfying their natural curiosity, partly with the aim of adapting and surviving in this complex and dangerous world. Man tried to understand not only the physical world he could see and feel, but also what could be behind it, what was invisible and not perceived by the five senses. This craving was explained to a large extent by the fact that the first generations of people born outside the Garden of Eden remembered God well and sought communication with the One who became invisible to them after being expelled from paradise.

Remembrance of God and craving for Him remained among a small part of people in later times, but gradually this connection weakened. God Himself reminded people of Himself, taught them (without encroaching on their freedom!) and constantly directed them into the direction of history that corresponded to His plan. The reader can find all this in the Sacred History of the Old and New Testaments. The most important reminder of God to people about Himself in earthly history was an event that happened two thousand years ago. We are talking about the appearance of the Son of God Jesus Christ. This event radically changed the course of world history, stopped the death of humanity, which was decaying in paganism and depravity, and turned it to face God. It is not for nothing that Jesus Christ is called not only the Son of God, but also the Savior. The era of Christianity has arrived. This era was characterized by the fact that people's worldview was formed on the basis of the Holy Scriptures (especially the New Testament), as well as the Holy Tradition (the works of the Holy Fathers, the decisions of the Ecumenical Councils that determined the dogmas of Christianity). In this era, people correctly glorified God (hence the word “Orthodoxy”). At the same time, they correctly understood the world. On the one hand, using your five senses for this and processing the information entering through them with the help of your mind. On the other hand, using his “spiritual vision”, which helped to comprehend God and His plan for man and the world. These two types of knowledge did not contradict each other, but, on the contrary, complemented each other. Through consideration of the visible physical world, man better understood God as the Creator of this world, and through the study of history, he better understood God as Provider. Through knowing oneself as a person, one better understood God as a Savior, and through understanding God, one began to better understand physical nature, society with its history (as well as its future), and oneself (as a creation created in the image and likeness of God) .

In the era of the heyday of Christianity, there was a kind of “symphony” in human cognitive activity - knowledge through “physical vision” and knowledge through “spiritual vision”. Over the past ten centuries, this “symphony” began to be seriously tested. We know what blows Christianity experienced during this time: the falling away from the Christian Church of its western part in 1054 (the formation of Catholicism); the death of Byzantium as a state stronghold of world Christianity in 1453; The Reformation of the early 16th century and the formation of Protestantism, etc. All these blows contributed to the fact that the enemy of the human race was driving ever new wedges between physical knowledge and spiritual (metaphysical) knowledge.

The emergence of science in modern times as a special institution aimed exclusively at understanding the physical world initially looked quite convincing and reasonable. But after some time, signs began to be observed that science was by no means going to preserve (or restore) the “symphony” of the two types of knowledge. At first, science only recognized the existence of two types of knowledge, emphasizing its autonomy from spiritual knowledge. Then she began to declare the priority of physical knowledge over spiritual knowledge. Finally, science completely took the position of materialism and atheism, declaring that the whole world is material, and the spiritual world and God are the fantasies of illiterate people. The massive “divorce” of science and religion began in the middle of the 19th century. It is absolutely no coincidence that its beginning coincided with two scientific revolutions - the emergence of Marxism and Darwinism.