Magic manipulations according to the matrix of human destiny Naina Vladimirova. Naina Vladimirova magical manipulations according to the matrix of human destiny

Hello my dear friends!

I keep thinking: will there ever be an end to the topics that I would like to tell you about, dear readers? Every time I sort through another batch of letters, I get a real boost of energy. “Nina, write, don’t stop! We don't understand everything yet! You hinted something about the Matrix... What is it? Tell! What about space energy? Can we do the same?..” – I read in your letters.

You may even recognize manipulative behavior that confuses you. The body speaks, always speaks, even when we sleep. Healing works for body and soul Holistic health begins with energy level because every person has energy body, which is as important for well-being as physical body. Iris Hicking, a spiritual healer, will introduce you to spiritual healing work. Practical exercises and simple instructions will make energy easier to understand.

We now have a busy time of challenges in our mental life, as well as in outer manifestations, behind us. Mental causes of illnesses Are you sure that illnesses are connected with our mental life? But do you think that you definitely can’t find the exact reason? Then you should read the following! Here you will find the innovative findings of the German physician Dr. med. In the introduction, the 5 biological natural laws are explained as a basis for understanding health and disease.

In a word, you are not allowing me to retire. Yes, and I’m flirting, of course, because I’m not planning on retiring myself yet.

Now you are holding the twentieth book in your hands. I will say without false modesty, the number is not small. And in lately I’m thinking more and more often about whether I should also take up writing detective stories. Imagine, you can release a whole series of books and call it, for example, “Magical Detective”. It seems to me that there is something in this, and the series is so new and unusual that it will interest many. Or maybe I’ll start writing romance novels with elements of mysticism and twisted plots. Where will I get the topics from? Yes from life! You have no idea how many of the most unusual stories!

Part of the vocabulary is organized according to organs and describes the causes, course, meaning and treatment options for all common diseases. The angels are ready to tell you about this burden and when you are ready to take off. Don't run from the shadow. People are really thirsty inner world, peace of mind, harmony with oneself. The impossibility of peace, lack of peace, restless suffering, mental emptiness are often a reality.

The Tzolk'in, whose meaning is "count of days" in Yucates, is the Mayan Holy Calendar that was used by Mayan priests for ceremonies, rituals, and divinatory purposes. This sacred calendar was followed by several Mesoamerican cultures and, although they were expressed different names, consisted of a combination of 20 symbols for 13 numbers.

I have previously mentioned a series of books dedicated to karma famous personalities, and I started it with a story about the fate of Igor Talkov. I will finish this book, of course. But with the release of the series, difficulties may arise, since, it turns out, a lot needs to be coordinated with the relatives or heirs of the heroes of my books. And who will do this? In short, the question remains open and not yet resolved. Well, that means it must be so. I approach everything very simply: what will happen cannot be avoided. I will not take any special action. If something is destined to happen, then it will definitely happen. In short, my motto goes something like this: don’t create problems for yourself!

Both glyphs and numbers have a correlation with human body, and the full cycle of 260 days is also associated with human management and maize cultivation cycles. Each day has a unique combination of energies that affect a specific part of our being. Tune into the energies - it is a wonderful way to connect with our own essence, feel part of the web of life and live in harmony with all existence!

Each day of this 260-day cycle is known as Kin, which is a combination of the Solar Seal and the Moon tone. All 260 kin create a matrix known as the Harmonic Module or Galactic Turn. And based on the day you were born, you will have one of these kin or position within the matrix.

You know, the longer I live, the more interesting it becomes, the more I want to learn new, previously unknown things. And when I first learned about the cards of Fate seven years ago, I was amazed to the core (sorry for the grandiloquence, but there is no other way to say it): it turns out that there is a unique space bank data, and it appeared at the same time when life began on Earth, and maybe even earlier. Can you imagine?

Once you connect with your energies and follow the cycle, you will live in present moment and you will begin to experience crescendos and synchronicity and magic in your life! The next section contains general overview main components of Tzolkin. Find out your date of birth number by putting all the details and it will automatically give you the final result according to the number you leave means another message about the life project you have done in this reincarnation.

Numerology holds and proves that your qualities, your flaws, your feelings, your worries and your experiences are determined by the many numbers that appear when creating your numerology picture. This is a practice that helps us do incredible things. accurate analysis personality, which covers not only character, but also vocation, economic opportunities, love and intimacy of a person, and also reveals his goals or goals in life, their possibilities of destiny and life cycles. However, a complete numerology study is something complex and difficult for which we need, in addition to the date of birth, names and signature or common name or the nickname they know us by.

Knowledge about this data bank has come to us from the legendary Atlantis. Even before the death of their civilization, the Atlanteans managed to transfer this unique knowledge to the Sumerians. As centuries passed, the Freemasons became aware of the universal data bank. Today's owners of ancient knowledge are the Freemasons of Los Angeles. They are the Order of Magicians, the Ace of Spades.

I have no right to reveal the secrets of this powerful organization, but their knowledge, thank God, has become available to other people. And I will tell you about everything that I can, that I have the right to tell about.

These data, analyzed separately and together, can accurately identify you and explain at the same time the huge differences that can exist between people with the same number of births, and even twins born within minutes of each other.

So you don't need to pay much attention as a complete numerology study is very complex and requires the services of a professional, we are just giving you a simple introduction. Number 1: The symbol of the Sun, ruler of Leo, represents the masculine principle, yang, and is the standard of mathematics. It signifies a beginning or a starting point, it announces solitude in success, but also speaks of self-centeredness and selfishness, it is energy in its natural, positive, original and creative state, individualistic, independent, in perpetual motion.

But first I would like to remind you of what components the “vinaigrette” called the human personality consists of (after all, in my previous books I already wrote about all this). It's lunar and sunny days, Lilith and Selena, zodiac signs and years on a twelve-year cycle, a thirty-two-year cycle (remember, I talked about this in the second book?), combinations of all these signs, understanding, a clear idea of ​​what the coming of the soul is (very important! ), awareness of who a person was in a past incarnation. This should also include analysis using the Pythagorean table, which is based on knowledge of numerology, a movement schedule energy flows and much, much more.

A bright and intelligent mentality, with great mental flexibility, who works with great intensity, originality, creativity and initiative. Shy and difficult to influence people usually do not follow the directions or advice of others. Being alone and imbued with his great creative energy, he must decide how to use such energy. You must take the reins and have the courage to stay the course without fear of opposition. An authentic leader, dynamic, charismatic and constructive, sacrificing personal happiness, as well as those around him, for an idea or cause; sometimes these people have paranoid tendencies.

I beg you, don’t be lazy, figure it all out, spend a week, a month (as much time as needed) on yourself, your dear and only one, try to analyze everything carefully and understand yourself. What have you already done, and what is still ahead of you? If you are honest with yourself and do not become lazy, then sooner or later your whole life will appear before you - clear and understandable! You will rethink all your actions, see all the mistakes, thanks to which you will be able to avoid them in the future, analyze your relationships with friends and relatives, it is quite possible that you will completely change your worldview, views, you will have interesting ideas, and it may turn out that you will gain and a new meaning to life.

He feels better than others and wants to stand out and be first and foremost destiny and unique, because he was horrified by the pile. This number rules the mind and brain, so your personality is intelligent, radiant, dynamic and brilliant. Enthusiastic, bold, reckless, often lives fearlessly or dreams of it throughout his life, as his spirit is always young, vital, rebellious and full of life; wanting to live intensely and, above all, to be free.

At home they strive to be good spouses and better parents, to enjoy family life and all that it means, meetings with nearby beings, meetings with friends, etc. Positive: strength, drive, ambition, commitment, energetic activity, flexible intelligence, intuition, common sense, realism, ability to earn money, awareness of limits, naivety, desire to win, love of family.

What can I say! You can’t even imagine how easy and free a person feels who has sorted out his life, recognized all his shortcomings, and knows about all his merits. Just imagine - no more painful doubts, no more riddles, no more lies!.. This is a real miracle, and I really want this miracle to happen to you!

Denial: selfishness, avarice, individualism, tyranny, abuse of power, dominance and power, self-destructive tendencies, melancholy, depression, fear of failure, stubbornness, lack of doubt, pessimism, confusion, materialism, longing for the past.

Number 2: Symbol of the Moon, Regent of Cancer, dual nature, you can see two sides of the situation: couple, couple, society, conscious and unconscious, family principle, privacy and social. Changeable and adaptable, it can also be uncertain. Individual 2 is hospitable, friendly and pleased, using his kindness. He is a good host and, as such, offers everything he has to flatter those who visit his home, a place where there will never be room for those who arrive unexpectedly.

However, before moving directly to studying the Matrix, you, dear friends, must understand once and for all: you need to stop complaining about fate, whining, complaining and cursing your sad lot. Don’t look for those to blame, stop living in the past, don’t complain, remembering past failures - a difficult childhood or youth, a marriage that didn’t live up to your expectations. It is quite possible that you have many problems - in your family, at work, in relationships with friends and acquaintances, with your health - but this does not mean that you cannot cope with all these difficulties. Please remember that only by changing your worldview, becoming free from the past and open to all subsequent changes that necessarily occur in the life of any person, is it possible to work off your karma and rise to a different, higher level.

Enjoy life at home, family reunions, know about your family or friends' birthdays or anniversaries; constantly attentive to others. Gentle, kind and modest. Their tact, diplomacy and consideration for others gain the respect and esteem of people who know them, who feel comforted in their presence; and thus their human warmth, their sympathy and understanding reveal a lot closed doors for others. They are usually sweet, peaceful and tolerant creatures whose main desire and need is to live in peace and harmony with everyone.

They are able to adapt to all people and situations, are unusually timid and introverted, and often, from a very early age, they have bitter lives, creating inferiority complexes that have no real basis. They are suitable for sports and health.

Stop making mountains out of molehills and creating problems for yourself that you also have to solve. Don’t get attached to the past, because you can’t step into the same river twice, it’s impossible to regain what you’ve lost...

Cut off all necrotic connections, and immediately! Throw away or put away photographs of deceased friends and relatives, even if they were very dear to you! Life goes on, and, alas, you will never get your loved ones back, no matter how many tears you shed, no matter how passionately you wish for it. We must live on and enjoy every new day! Do not be sad about those who have passed on, because, unlike us, they have been resting for a long time, having forgotten about all earthly sorrows and worries; it is we who have to work hard to change our lives for the better. Do not forget that some souls may have returned to earth long ago, and you continue to mourn them.

Careful, orderly and analytical, conscientious and selective have highly developed perceptions and usually weigh all the pros and cons before deciding to act, so that their decisions are almost always correct and attract the respect and admiration of others.

Positive: calmness, sociability, warmth, generosity with your loved ones, kindness, community spirit, emotionality, loyalty, romanticism, enthusiasm, workers, responsible. Denial: envy, lack of personal initiative, cowardice, jealousy, conformism, hypochondria, monotony, horror of loneliness, weakness of character, shyness, paranoia, overly emotional, receptive and fussy.

I remember that I was once struck by the story of a middle-aged woman (if I’m not mistaken, she was sixty years old at that time). She lost her mother when she was thirteen or fourteen years old. Indeed, the girl experienced a tragedy - early, too early, she was left without a mother, and her youth was difficult. But so much time has passed! She herself has already managed to get married, give birth to children, and grandchildren have already appeared, but she still bitterly mourns deceased mother- and mourns sincerely!

Number 3: Symbolizes Jupiter, regent of Sagittarius, expansion. He has great vision to achieve his goals. They analyze and scrutinize all the information that comes your way to find out how you can get more out of it. They are absolutely obsessed with their intentions to do anything to achieve their goals. But just as they are somewhat stubborn, they are fickle and may abandon a project that fascinates them most because it is not persistent in its definition.

Vibrant, witty, artistic and versatile, they have a nimble and insightful mind that easily dominates any study or activity and, as they belong to one of the most talented vibrations, they are extremely creative, witty and expressive, love life and bring joy wherever they go are coming. Altruists, noble and humane, respond generously to the misfortune of others, because being so sensitive and impressionable cannot remain indifferent.

I told her that her mother’s soul had been living in another body for a long time (five years already), and this woman was simply taken aback. “So who then have I been mourning for so many years?” – she thought. She later confessed to me that at that moment the tears dried up on their own, it became easier to breathe and my soul felt so good and calm as it had never been before.

So, quickly review all your thoughts and urgently get rid of all junk! And always remember one of the most important rules working off karma: today we all (without exception!) are preparing for ourselves a warm place in the future, when our immortal soul comes to this earth again in a new body. The future of your soul depends on how you work out the lessons of your past and present incarnations (see my previous books): where and when it will incarnate, what country, family and even body you will live in, what abilities you will have, what you will come with into this world that will be given to you from birth. It sounds fantastic, but in fact this is a reality that is simply vital to realize and accept.

It contains a balance between negative and positive, after a period of sadness and joy, it contains a return to peace and tranquility. He has a talent for expressing himself when he speaks, writes or acts. He is endowed with creation, but he does not stand out as practical. Think big, always include beauty in everything you do. Good opportunities and financial success.

These are not only variables in the implementation of their projects, but also their feelings. 3s love everything that comes into their hands, the unknown, the exciting, they love to always start again. They put all their skills and brainpower into the project, which is usually quick and fast - for a short time, of course. The same thing happens to people in their sentimental life, it is almost impossible to be faithful to a couple.

In this book, we will consider, in great detail, the tasks of your current incarnation, and also talk about various age-related periods in a person’s life, about methods of calculating dangerous days. You will also learn about your compatibility with the people around you.

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| Naina Vladimirova
| Magic manipulations according to the Matrix of human destiny

Hello my dear friends!
I keep thinking: will there ever be an end to the topics that I would like to tell you about, dear readers? Every time I sort through another batch of letters, I get a real boost of energy. “Nina, write, don’t stop! We don't understand everything yet! You hinted something about the Matrix... What is it? Tell! What about space energy? Can we do the same?..” – I read in your letters.
In a word, you don’t let me retire. Yes, and I’m flirting, of course, because I’m not planning on retiring myself yet.
Now you are holding the twentieth book in your hands. I will say without false modesty, the number is not small. And lately I’ve been thinking more and more often about whether I should also take up writing detective stories. Imagine, you can release a whole series of books and call it, for example, “Magical Detective”. It seems to me that there is something in this, and the series is so new and unusual that it will interest many. Or maybe I’ll start writing romance novels with elements of mysticism and twisted plots. Where will I get the topics from? Yes from life! You have no idea how many most unusual stories I have heard!
Previously, I already mentioned a series of books dedicated to the karma of famous personalities, and I started it with a story about the fate of Igor Talkov. I will finish this book, of course. But with the release of the series, difficulties may arise, since, it turns out, a lot needs to be coordinated with the relatives or heirs of the heroes of my books. And who will do this? In short, the question remains open and not yet resolved. Well, that means it must be so. I approach everything very simply: what will happen cannot be avoided. I will not take any special action. If something is destined to happen, then it will definitely happen. In short, my motto goes something like this: don’t create problems for yourself!
You know, the longer I live, the more interesting it becomes, the more I want to learn new, previously unknown things. And when I first learned about cards of Destiny seven years ago, I was amazed to the core (sorry for the grandiloquence, but there is no other way to say it): it turns out that there is a unique cosmic data bank, and it appeared at the same time as the birth of life, and maybe even earlier. Can you imagine?
Knowledge about this data bank has come to us from the legendary Atlantis. Even before the death of their civilization, the Atlanteans managed to transfer this unique knowledge to the Sumerians. As centuries passed, the Freemasons became aware of the universal data bank. Today's owners of ancient knowledge are the Freemasons of Los Angeles.

They are the Order of Magicians, the Ace of Spades.
I have no right to reveal the secrets of this powerful organization, but their knowledge, thank God, has become available to other people. And I will tell you about everything that I can, that I have the right to tell about.
But first I would like to remind you of what components the “vinaigrette” called the human personality consists of (after all, in my previous books I already wrote about all this). These are lunar and solar days, Lilith and Selena, zodiac signs and years in a twelve-year cycle, a thirty-two-year cycle (remember, I talked about this in the second book?), combinations of all these signs, understanding, a clear idea of ​​what kind of arrival this is. soul (very important!), awareness of who a person was in a past incarnation. This should also include analysis using the Pythagorean table, which is based on knowledge of numerology, a graph of energy flows, and much, much more.
I beg you, don’t be lazy, figure it all out, spend a week, a month (as much time as needed) on yourself, your dear and only one, try to analyze everything carefully and understand yourself. What have you already done, and what is still ahead of you? If you are honest with yourself and do not become lazy, then sooner or later your whole life will appear before you - clear and understandable! You will rethink all your actions, see all the mistakes, thanks to which you will be able to avoid them in the future, analyze your relationships with friends and relatives, it is quite possible that you will completely change your worldview, views, you will have interesting ideas, and it may turn out that you will gain and a new meaning to life.
What can I say! You can’t even imagine how easy and free a person feels who has sorted out his life, recognized all his shortcomings, and knows about all his merits. Just imagine - no more painful doubts, no more riddles, no more lies!.. This is a real miracle, and I really want this miracle to happen to you!
However, before moving directly to studying the Matrix, you, dear friends, must understand once and for all: you need to stop complaining about fate, whining, complaining and cursing your sad lot. Don’t look for those to blame, stop living in the past, don’t complain, remembering past failures - a difficult childhood or youth, a marriage that didn’t live up to your expectations. It is quite possible that you have many problems - in your family, at work, in relationships with friends and acquaintances, with your health - but this does not mean that you cannot cope with all these difficulties. Please remember that only by changing your worldview, becoming free from the past and open to all subsequent changes that necessarily occur in the life of any person, is it possible to work off your karma and rise to a different, higher level.
Stop making mountains out of molehills and creating problems for yourself that you also have to solve. Don’t get attached to the past, because you can’t step into the same river twice, it’s impossible to regain what you’ve lost...
Cut off all necrotic connections, and immediately! Throw away or put away photographs of deceased friends and relatives, even if they were very dear to you! Life goes on, and, alas, you will never get your loved ones back, no matter how many tears you shed, no matter how passionately you wish for it. We must live on and enjoy every new day! Do not be sad about those who have passed on, because, unlike us, they have been resting for a long time, having forgotten about all earthly sorrows and worries; it is we who have to work hard to change our lives for the better. Do not forget that some souls may have returned to earth long ago, and you continue to mourn them.
I remember that I was once struck by the story of a middle-aged woman (if I’m not mistaken, she was sixty years old at that time). She lost her mother when she was thirteen or fourteen years old. Indeed, the girl experienced a tragedy - early, too early, she was left without a mother, and her youth was difficult. But so much time has passed! She herself has already managed to get married, give birth to children, and grandchildren have already appeared, and she still bitterly mourns her deceased mother - and mourns sincerely!
I told her that her mother’s soul had been living in another body for a long time (five years already), and this woman was simply taken aback. “So who then have I been mourning for so many years?” – she thought. She later confessed to me that at that moment the tears dried up on their own, it became easier to breathe and my soul felt so good and calm as it had never been before.
So, quickly review all your thoughts and urgently get rid of all junk! And always remember one of the most important rules for working out karma: today we all (without exception!) are preparing for ourselves a warm place in the future, when our immortal soul comes to this earth again in a new body. The future of your soul depends on how you work out the lessons of your past and present incarnations (see my previous books): where and when it will incarnate, what country, family and even body you will live in, what abilities you will have, what you will come with into this world that will be given to you from birth. It sounds fantastic, but in fact this is a reality that is simply vital to realize and accept.
In this book, we will look at, in great detail, the tasks of your current incarnation, and also talk about various age-related periods in a person’s life, and about ways to calculate dangerous days. You will also learn about your compatibility with the people around you.
What is needed for this? Yes, a little. You just need to know exact date the birth of someone you are interested in. Just remember: the Matrix loves to lead a person, to impose on him the manner of behavior that she considers necessary. You may not like the description of your Fate card at all! But in fact, this is great, because, having learned what is inherent in you from birth, you can change yourself by developing your positive qualities and fighting the negative ones. Of course, this is easier said than done, and you should be prepared for the fact that such work will take many years, and possibly a lifetime. It is quite possible that certain stages you will want to give up on everything and, without making any more effort, go down the lower path. Yes, this is the easiest thing to do, but the question is: what will happen to your soul in its next incarnation? I assure you, nothing good.
The Matrix, as I already said, contains ALL the information about a person, but to find out all the details about your life, you will have to work hard. Someone may be indignant and say: is it really difficult to tell about everything in more detail?! Believe me, it is not only difficult, but also simply impossible: a hundred or a thousand books are not enough for this. If you encounter any difficulties, or something is unclear to you, then you can seek clarification from me or from those people who have been studying the Matrix for a long time. And there are such people in different cities of Russia and abroad.
Well, now let's study our birth charts...

This chapter is the longest because we will look at all fifty-two cards in it. Actually, this chapter is the basis of the entire book.
So what are you and I, my dear friends, going to study? An ordinary card deck consisting of fifty-two cards: from deuces to aces. This deck is classic, so it has four suits that are well known to all of us: diamonds, spades, crosses (clubs) and hearts.
Diamonds represent money. People born under this suit came into this world (all in different ways) to learn how to treat money and material values ​​correctly.
Peak people are often strong in spirit. They can be called the most spiritual developed people in the entire “deck”. And, it should be noted, there are not so many of them.
The baptism people came to this world for knowledge. They do not know how to sell potatoes or bananas and are unlikely to ever learn this, but they should be able to sell their knowledge.
Worm people must learn to love and be loved in this incarnation. There are also fewer of them than cross and diamond people, although there are more than spades people. But what to do, now is such an age - the age of money and knowledge! And this is neither bad nor good, because each of us has our own tasks that need to be solved, and sometimes this is not easy to do. So let's live and work with what we have, without envying others - they also have a hard time, even if we don't notice it.