Osho meditations for every day. Osho meditations for every day Osho inner light 365 days of meditation audiobook

365. Beginning

Whatever you come to, it is always just the beginning. That's why life is so beautiful, so young, so fresh.

When you start to think that something is finished, you start to die. Perfection is dead, and perfectionists are suicidal. To demand perfection is to indirectly commit suicide. Nothing is ever perfect. Perfection is impossible because life is eternal. Nothing ever comes to a conclusion. There are no conclusions in life - only higher and higher peaks. But when you reach one peak, the next one challenges you - beckons you, calls you.

So, always remember: whatever you end up with is just the beginning; Remembering this, a person always remains a child, always remains chaste. This is the whole art of life - to remain chaste, to remain fresh and young, uncorrupted by life, uncorrupted by the past, uncorrupted by the dust collected on the roads of travel. Remember - every moment opens new doors.

This is very illogical because we are used to thinking that if there is a beginning, there must be an end. But what can you do? - life is illogical. It has a beginning, but no end. Nothing truly living ever ends, but goes on and on endlessly.

364. Call of the Wild

...This is just the beginning. You have to cross many strange territories. Truth is stranger than any fiction. But don't lose courage.

Before you start moving inward, you don't even realize how much about yourself you never knew. You lived with only a small part of your being. You have lived like a drop of water, whereas your being is like the ocean. You have identified yourself with a leaf of the tree, when the whole tree belongs to you.

Yes, it is very strange when a person begins to expand - he has to absorb new layers of reality. At every moment one has to face facts that one has never had to deal with before, and at every moment the calm is disturbed. Constant chaos reigns. You can't stop at anything; You can’t be sure of anything, because you never know - what will open up in the next moment?

This is why people never go inside themselves. They value peace too much. They cleared a small area of ​​their being and built a house there. They closed their eyes, isolated themselves high fences and began to think: “There is nothing more.” And beyond this very fence their reality begins, behind this very fence the wild expanses of their being await - a challenge, a call from the wild expanses.

363. Madhouse

Always remember one thing: you yourself, in your current state - like any other person - are already mad. Humanity is crazy. This Earth is madhouse. And you can only lose madness, you cannot lose your mind.

If you are afraid of becoming normal, that is another matter, but don't be afraid of going crazy - what threatens you? The worst has already happened! We are already living in the worst possible hell. Therefore, if you “fall”, you only risk ending up in heaven. There is nowhere else to fall.

But people are afraid because they think the way they live is normal. Nobody is normal. Only rarely found normal person- such as Jesus or Buddha; everyone else is abnormal. But the abnormal ones make up the majority, they consider themselves normal, and against their background Jesus seems abnormal. And of course, the majority can decide; he has enough voices to determine who is normal and who is not. It's a strange world: where normal people seem abnormal, and abnormal people are considered normal.

Look at people, look at your own mind - it is a monkey, a crazy monkey. Spend thirty minutes just writing down everything that comes to your mind, and then give it to someone to read. Anyone will assure you that you are crazy! So, don't be afraid. Follow the feeling that comes to you, follow this call, follow this hint. And if you disappear, disappear! What do you have to lose?

362. Adventure

Always stay ready for adventure. Do not forget for a moment that life belongs to the discoverers. It does not belong to the static; it belongs to the fluid. Never become a stagnant body of water; remain a river.

The mind does not know how to handle anything new. He cannot understand what it is, cannot classify it, cannot label it; the new puzzles him. The mind loses all efficiency when faced with something new.

In the area of ​​the past, the old, the familiar, it is very easy for the mind, because it knows what to do and how to behave. In the area of ​​the old, he is impeccable; it moves through well-studied territory. Even in the dark he can find his way; he is not afraid of anything in his acquaintance. But this is one of the problems to understand: because the mind can only move without fear in the familiar, it does not allow you to grow. Growth is always in the new, the mind moves without fear only in the old. And the mind clings to the old and avoids the new. The old seems synonymous with life and the new seems synonymous with death; This is how the mind looks at things. The mind will have to be put aside.

Life never remains static. Everything changes: today something is there, tomorrow it may not be. Maybe you'll run into him again - who knows when? Maybe months, years... or lifetimes will pass. So when opportunity comes, take it. Let this be the basic law: always prefer the new to the old.

361. Mysterious

Listen to the mysterious; don't deny it. Don't promise: don't say in advance that it doesn't exist. All people of consciousness who walked the Earth agree and say: the mysterious exists.

The world does not end with what is visible. There is the invisible, and it is much more significant because it is much deeper. The visible is only a wave on the surface of the invisible; the invisible is the ocean. And when something strange happens, don't deny it or close yourself off. Open up to him; let him in. Every day there are many, many moments when the mysterious knocks on the door.

Suddenly a bird began to sing: listen to its singing, and listen with your heart. Don't start analyzing. Don't start talking to yourself. Be silent and let her singing penetrate you as deeply as possible. Don't hinder him with your thoughts. Give him a completely free path. Feel it - don't think about it.

Maybe you will feel different all day because you met a rose early in the morning. Maybe you will feel different all day if you saw the sun rise in the morning and it amazed you. You will feel like a completely new person if you have seen birds soaring and been with them for a moment. Something has changed in your life.

Thus a person becomes a seeker - absorbing the beauty of existence, its sheer joy, its unspeakable blessing.

360. Understanding

Lovers may separate, but the understanding acquired in each other's company will remain with them forever - like a gift. If you love someone, the only valuable gift you can give him—or her—is a certain amount of understanding.

Talk openly and understand that each of you sometimes needs solitude. The trouble is that the need for solitude can happen to any of you in different times. Sometimes you want to be with someone else, but he wants to be alone - nothing can be done about it. Then you should understand and leave the other alone. Sometimes you want to be alone, but the other wants to be with you - then tell him that you can't help!

Just create more and more understanding. It is understanding that lovers lack: they have enough love, but there is no understanding, not at all. That is why their love is broken on the rocks of misunderstanding. Love cannot live without understanding. Love itself is very stupid; with understanding, love can live a long, fulfilling life - with many shared joys, with many shared moments of beauty, with deep poetic experiences. But this happens only through understanding.

Love can give a very brief honeymoon, but nothing more. Only understanding can give deep intimacy. Every honeymoon is followed by depression, anger, disappointment. Until you grow in understanding, no honeymoon will help; it will only be a kind of drug.

Try to create more understanding. And even if one day you part, understanding will remain with you, will remain a gift of your love for each other.

359. Creativity

Creativity is food, and uncreative people rarely grow because they do not receive enough nutrition.

We get closer to God when we create. If we consider God to be a creator, then to be creative means to participate in the existence of God. We cannot create this universe, but we can create a small picture—we can create small things. And it doesn’t matter at all whether you create big or small. Creativity knows no quantitative difference.

Creativity doesn't care about quantity, it cares about quality. And what others say about your creations is irrelevant and has nothing to do with creativity. If you enjoyed doing your work, that is enough; you've already been paid for it.

358. Fantasy

Fantasy can create only one of two things: hell or heaven - fantasy is very consistent; it cannot create anything paradoxical.

Fantasy is very logical, reality is very illogical. When reality suddenly manifests itself, both polarities are present in it - and this is one of the criteria of reality. If a phenomenon does not have both polarities at the same time, it is a mental construct.

The mind plays it safe and always creates a consistent structure. Life itself is very inconsistent and contradictory - inevitably; it flows between the poles of contradictions. Life exists because of the existence of death, and if you are truly alive, you will feel death at the same time. Any climax of life will also be the climax of death. Any moment of deep happiness will also be a moment of deep sadness. It's in the nature of things.

Let this always remain in your mind: when you have a contradictory experience - two things that do not correspond to each other, diametrically opposed to each other - they must be real; they cannot be figments of the imagination. Imagination is never so illogical.

357. Music

This existence is an orchestra, and we must be in tune with it. This is why music is so attractive to the human mind, to the human heart: sometimes, listening to beautiful music, a person slips into universal harmony.

Listening to Beethoven, or Mozart, or oriental classical music, a person begins to move into another world; a completely different gestalt emerges. You are no longer in thoughts - you are retuning to a different wavelength. Great music envelops you and begins to play in your very heart, returning you to the lost rhythm.

This is the definition of great music: it can give a glimpse of the quality of being possible for a person - total, in harmony with the whole - even if only for a few moments. Deep peace descends and deep joy fills the heart. You may not even understand what is happening, but a great master, a great musician, in his playing, is simply in touch with some fundamental basis - a certain rhythm lies at the basis of everything in existence. If you create music that is in tune with this rhythm, everyone who participates and listens to the music also falls into this rhythm.

This can be achieved in different ways. For example, you sit by a waterfall and listen to the sounds of falling water, become one with them... Close your eyes and feel that you have become one with the waterfall... - deep inside, fall with the water... and there will be moments, some moments, when suddenly you realize that you participated, understood the song of the waterfall, were in tune. Such moments bring immeasurable ecstasy. Or - listening to the birds...

356. Wall of words

Ninety percent of words serve only to avoid communication. We build a great wall of words to hide the fact that we cannot communicate.

If you're sad, why talk about it? Be sad! People will understand what you mean without any words. If you are very, very happy, why talk about it? Be happy! Happiness is not Italian, English or German - everyone understands it. You can dance when you're happy and everyone will understand. When you are angry, you can just hit someone - why say... - it will be more authentic and real. People will immediately understand that you are angry.

Language is a means of saying what we don't really want to say. For example, I’m angry at you and I don’t want to be angry, so I just say, “I’m angry.” This is a completely powerless way of expressing that I am angry. I don't want to really say that I love you, so I just say, "I love you." Only words! If I love you, I will express it somehow differently, for real - why words?

Try to express with gesture, body, touch, facial expression, without resorting to language. You will enjoy it: you will have a new feeling... and a lot of room for creativity.

355. The last luxury

When nothing is needed, love blossoms.

Love blossoms only after needs disappear. Love only happens between a king and a queen—each of whom lacks for nothing.

And this is sheer luxury, because such love is aimless. It does not serve any practical purpose. She is valuable in her own right great game, and it does not serve as a means to anything else.

354. Do it yourself

Life as such is neutral. We make her beautiful; we make it ugly. Life is the energy we put into it.

If you pour beauty into life, it is beautiful. If you sit and want life to be beautiful, nothing will happen - you have to create beauty. There is no “beauty” as a separate object that lies like a stone. Beauty needs to be created. Man has to give reality a vision, give color to reality, give music to reality - then his reality is beautiful.

As long as you participate in the creation of beauty, it is there; as soon as you stop creating, it is gone. Beauty is created - just like ugliness. Happiness is created - just like unhappiness. You only get what you create, nothing else. That's the whole philosophy of karma: you only get what you do. Life is like a blank canvas - you can paint beautiful view, landscape, or you can fill the canvas with horrors and ghosts. Everything is in your hands. You can create beautiful dream, you may create a nightmare.

With this understanding everything becomes very simple. You are the master of your life; all responsibility falls on you. We usually think that there is some objective beauty and some objective ugliness in life. No! Life only gives opportunity. Life provides everything you need, then act on your own - life follows the “do it yourself” principle!

353. Don't dismember the flowers

When something opens inside you, like a flower blooming, don't attack it intellectually - otherwise you will kill it. You'll tear off the petals to see what's inside flower, but in this very dismemberment the flower will die.

The irony is that if you tear off the petals to want to know what a flower is, you will never know what a flower is. Whatever you learn in this way will be knowledge about something else: perhaps you learn about the chemical composition of a flower, about the physical components of a flower, about its color, about its other characteristics - but none of these are comparable to beauty. Beauty disappeared the very moment you dismembered and destroyed it.

Now you are left with only the memory of the flower, not the real flower. And everything you know, you know about a dead flower, not about a living flower - and life was its very being, its very essence; that living flower grew, opened, gave birth to fragrance. The same is true of inner flourishing.

Meditation will bring many new states. They are very good, but if you start thinking - what is it, why did it happen, and what does it actually mean - you will bring in the mind. And the mind is poisonous. Then, instead of watering the flower, you poison it. Meditation is diametrically opposed to the dimension of the mind. Don't bring mind. Enjoy! These experiments were good; more and more experiences will happen, and much more important ones - this is just the beginning. Remain open and accessible.

352. Unnamed

The name "Tao" is what cannot be named; this is the name of the nameless one. Just like God or dharma, truth or logos... are only names for human helplessness.

We must give it some name; we have to address it somehow. Tao is one of the most beautiful names for the unknown that exist, because the word is completely meaningless. The word "god" became more meaningful and therefore lost its significance.

You can worship God, but you cannot worship Tao - there is no image. Maybe you don't worship stone idols, but as soon as you say the word "god", an image involuntarily appears in you: someone sitting on a golden throne and ruling the world, a sage with a white beard, and so on... is a father figure. But in the case of "tao" no figure appears. That's what's great about this name: it doesn't give any hints. It does not provide any soil for the imagination.

Tao - greatest name given to the unknown. It is significant because it is meaningless; it means nothing... it means only "the path" - not the path to any goal, but the path followed by all things - the true nature of things.

351. Freedom and love

When two people love each other, they are free, individually free. They maintain freedom. Love is not a duty that must be fulfilled. It is only out of freedom that they share with each other. They are free to say no.

If people loving friend each other, they say “yes” to each other, they do this by their own decision - not for the sake of fulfilling a duty, not for the sake of fulfilling someone else’s expectations. You share love because you enjoy sharing love. At any moment you can change everything, because nothing was promised, no guarantees were given. You remain two free individuals - freely deciding to meet, freely deciding to love, but with all your individuality and freedom intact. This is the beauty of love!

Beauty is not only in love itself; beauty lies in freedom rather than in love. The main component of beauty is freedom; love is a secondary component. Love is beautiful in freedom, because freedom is beautiful. As soon as freedom disappears, love becomes so ugly that it is impossible to believe - what happened?... where did all the beauty go?

350. Life at a minimum

Human beings do not realize their potential and continue to live at the bare minimum. Now psychologists say that even great geniuses use only fifteen percent of their mind - what about the ordinary, average person?

The average person uses between five and seven percent of their mind. But this concerns only the mind; no one has yet bothered to make the same calculation in relation to love. I look at people and see that they rarely use the energy of love. Although it is the true source of joy.

We use seven, at most fifteen percent of the mind. Even the most man of genius lives at a minimum, and eighty-five percent of the mind is wasted; he never uses them. It is impossible to imagine what would have been possible if he had used one hundred percent!

And in love we do not use more than five percent. We only pretend and act out love, but we do not use the energy of love. Reason brings you closer to the outer reality, love brings you to the inner reality. There is no other way; love is the only way to know the inner.

349. Ability to concentrate

Concentration follows what is interesting—follows like a shadow.

If you feel that it is difficult for you to concentrate, nothing can be done about the ability to concentrate; to do something, you need to find out what interests you. For example, imagine: a child is sitting in class at school and suddenly hears birds chirping outside the window - he begins to listen to them and listens with absolute concentration. The teacher shouts: “Focus!” - and the child cannot concentrate on the board, his mind returns to the birds again and again. They sing joyfully, he is very interested - he is focused on them.

The teacher says “Don’t get distracted!” But the child is not distracted - in fact, the teacher himself distracts him and does not allow him to concentrate. But the teacher wants the child to focus on something that the child himself is not interested in - that's why it is difficult for him to concentrate.

Always remember: if you feel distracted or forgetful, it simply means that the activity itself is not interesting enough for you or that you are interested in something else in it. Maybe you want to make money and you are interested in money and not in the work itself, and therefore you are absent-minded. Just see what interests you.

Whatever you do, if you do it with deep interest, there is no need to specifically remember anything - everything comes by itself. Put more interest into your work. Stay in the present, be more attentive to what you are doing. And after two or three months you will see that you remember everything perfectly.

348. Own temple

There is a public temple public temple; every person needs his own temple; this is a personal phenomenon.

In the East, it was customary to set aside a separate room for meditation. Every family that could afford it built a small temple for itself. And they came there only for prayer or meditation, for nothing else.

Everything in this place - the smoke of incense, the color, the sounds, the air - is associated with the thought of meditation. If you meditate in the same room, in the same space, every day at the same time, you enter the room, take off your shoes - and you are already in meditation.

As soon as you enter the room, you see its very walls - the same walls, the same color, the same aroma, the same incense, the same silence, the same time - your body, vital energy and the mind come into unity. They know that it is time for meditation. And they help; they don't fight you. You can just sit down and immediately go into meditation - with more ease, in more silence, with less effort

So, if possible, give yourself a special place - a small corner will do - and don't do anything else in it. Otherwise the space becomes confusing, mm?. - it's hard to explain, but space can also be confusing. Set aside a special corner and meditate there, regularly, every day, at the same time. If you ever miss time, there is no need to feel guilty - deviations are completely acceptable. But if out of a hundred days you can meditate at least sixty regularly, that will be enough.

347. Cooperation

When Charles Darwin created his theory of evolution, the theory of survival of the fittest, another man, Prince Kropotkin of Russia, created the exact opposite theory: evolution occurs through cooperation.

Few people have heard of Prince Kropotkin, although his theory is more significant than Darwin's theory... It may take some time, but in the end he will defeat Darwin.

The very idea that man evolves through struggle is violent - and also very one-sided. Seen through Darwin's eyes, life is all about survival of the fittest. And who is this “strongest” - the most destructive, the most aggressive. There is nothing valuable in this “strongest”; he is not even human - the “strongest” will be the one who is most like an animal. Christ cannot survive, he is not the strongest. Buddha cannot survive, he is not the strongest. Buddha will be the most helpless of all... and Jesus. This means that Alexander the Great will survive, Adolf Hitler will survive, Joseph Stalin will survive, Mao Zedong will survive - the “strongest”! This means that only violence will survive, not love. Only murder will survive, not meditation.

Darwin's worldview presents life in a completely inhuman way. If you go into the forest and look through Darwin's eyes, you will find hostility and rivalry everywhere: one individual destroys another, everyone is each other's enemies, everyone is fighting with each other - like in a nightmare. And if you go into the same forest and look through Kropotkin’s eyes, you will discover an amazing collaboration. All these individuals help each other, coexist in deep cooperation, otherwise none of them would survive.

Violence may be a part, but not the whole; deep down everything is based on cooperation. And the higher the stage of development - as you will find as you climb the ladder of growth - the less violence and the more cooperation.

346. Modesty

Love is inherently modest - and there is no other modesty. If modesty is practiced without love, it is only a trick of the ego.

When modesty arises naturally from love, it is very beautiful. Fall in love with existence - and start with loving yourself.

When you love yourself, you begin to feel love for many people and little by little the space of love becomes larger and larger. One day, it suddenly turns out that all of existence is included in it and love is no longer directed towards anyone in particular - it simply flows, and can be accepted by anyone who wants it. It flows even if there is no one to receive it.

Bhagavan Shri Rajneesh(Osho)

Inner light. Osho Meditation Calendar for 365 days

Everyday. 365 Daily Meditations for the Here and Now

Translation from English I. A. Potapova (Ma Prem Puja)

Cover design M. A. Kim

is a registered trademark and is used with permission of the Osho International Foundation. www.osho.com/trademarks

Published under an Agreement with the Osho International Foundation, Banhofstr/52, 8001 Zurich, Switzerland, www.osho.com

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Inner light

When you are filled with light, at that very moment the whole existence is filled with light. If you are dark, the whole existence is dark. It's all up to you.

There are many misconceptions in the world—a thousand and one misconceptions—about meditation. Meditation is very simple - it is nothing more than awareness... Not repeating a mantra, not fingering beads - these are hypnotic methods. They can bring a certain kind of peace... and there is nothing wrong with that peace; to relax, hypnotic methods are acceptable and can be helpful. But if a person wants to know the truth, they are not enough.

Meditation simply means turning unconsciousness into consciousness. Usually only a tenth of our mind is accessible to consciousness, nine tenths are unconscious. Only a small part of the mind, a thin layer, is illuminated; the rest of the mind—the rest of the house—is dark. The task is to grow this small light so that the whole house becomes light and there is not a single dark corner, not a single dark nook left.

When the whole house is full of light, life becomes a miracle; a quality of magic appears in it; she is no longer ordinary - the ordinary will stop being extraordinary. The ordinary turns into the sacred, the little things in life acquire such immeasurable meaning that one could not even imagine. Ordinary stones appear as beautiful as diamonds; the whole existence becomes radiant. When you are filled with light, at that very moment the whole existence is filled with light. If you are dark, the whole existence is dark. It's all up to you.

Amateurs and experts

All great discoveries have been made by amateurs.

It always happens that starting new job, you approach it very creatively, invest yourself deeply, your whole being is lost in it; but gradually, as the territory becomes more familiar, the inventiveness and creativity disappear and you begin to repeat yourself. This is natural: the more you practice, the more likely you are to repeat yourself. Skill breeds repetition.

All great discoveries have been made by amateurs - because with the acquisition of a skill too much is at stake: if the unexpected happens, what will happen to the old skill? The man has studied for many years and has now become an expert... Experts never discover anything; never go beyond their competence. On the one hand, they increasingly hone their skills, on the other, they lose their shine and sharpness and the work becomes uninteresting. There is nothing new left in it, nothing that could excite and delight - they already know everything in advance, they know what they will do next - and there is nothing unexpected.

So here's the lesson: It's good to develop a certain skill, but it's not good to become stuck at it forever. Whenever a feeling of stagnation arises, change your approach. Think up, add something new, remove something old. Free yourself from the rut - and therefore from the skill - and be an amateur again. It will take courage and courage to become an amateur again, but it the only way to make life beautiful.

Choose nature

Whenever there is a contradiction between society and nature, always choose nature - no matter the cost. You will never lose.

Until now it was believed that individuality exists for the sake of society, that individuality should follow what society dictates - individuality should fit into society. Definition of normal human being became the words: “one who fits into society.” Even if society is abnormal, you have to fit into it; then you are normal.

But the problem with individuality is that nature demands one thing, and society dictates the opposite. If society demanded the same thing as nature, there would be no contradiction; we would remain in the Garden of Eden. The problem arises because society pursues its own interests, which are not necessarily consonant with the interests of the individual. Society protects everything that it has staked on, and for the sake of this it sacrifices individuality. Everything in this world is turned upside down. It should be the other way around - not individuality exists for the sake of society, but society for the sake of individuality. Because society is only an administrative structure; there is no soul in it. Individuality has a soul, a center of consciousness.

Echo in the mountains

Love should not be demanding, otherwise it will lose its wings, it will not be able to fly. She will take root and be chained to the earth; it will turn into lust and bring much misery and suffering. Love shouldn't have conditions. A lover should not expect anything from love except love itself - without any reward, without any result. If love has any motive other than love itself, it cannot become heaven. Again it will be limited: the drive will become its definition, its limit. Prompted by nothing but itself, love is limitless - sheer delight, abundance, the aroma of the heart.

And if there is no desire for a result, this does not necessarily mean that there will be no result; it will be, and a thousandfold - because everything that we give to the world comes back to us again. The world is like an echo in the mountains: if we throw anger at it, anger returns; if we give love, love returns. But this is a natural phenomenon, you don’t need to think about it. You can trust him - everything will happen by itself. This is the law of karma: what goes around comes around - everything you give will come back to you. You don't need to think about it, everything happens automatically. Hate and you will be hated. Love and you will be loved.

The wisdom of hindsight

The “other” is never responsible. Just watch: if you are wise at the right moment, you are really wise. But people become wise only when the moment is lost. Hindsight wisdom is worthless.

Bhagavan Shri Rajneesh (Osho)

Inner light. Osho Meditation Calendar for 365 days

Everyday. 365 Daily Meditations for the Here and Now

Translation from English I. A. Potapova (Ma Prem Puja)

Cover design M. A. Kim

is a registered trademark and is used with permission of the Osho International Foundation. www.osho.com/trademarks

Published under an Agreement with the Osho International Foundation, Banhofstr/52, 8001 Zurich, Switzerland, www.osho.com

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Inner light

When you are filled with light, at that very moment the whole existence is filled with light. If you are dark, the whole existence is dark. It's all up to you.

There are many misconceptions in the world—a thousand and one misconceptions—about meditation. Meditation is very simple - it is nothing more than awareness... Not repeating a mantra, not fingering beads - these are hypnotic methods. They can bring a certain kind of peace... and there is nothing wrong with that peace; to relax, hypnotic methods are acceptable and can be helpful. But if a person wants to know the truth, they are not enough.

Meditation simply means turning unconsciousness into consciousness. Usually only a tenth of our mind is accessible to consciousness, nine tenths are unconscious. Only a small part of the mind, a thin layer, is illuminated; the rest of the mind—the rest of the house—is dark. The task is to grow this small light so that the whole house becomes light and there is not a single dark corner, not a single dark nook left.

When the whole house is full of light, life becomes a miracle; a quality of magic appears in it; she is no longer ordinary - the ordinary will stop being extraordinary. The ordinary turns into the sacred, the little things in life acquire such immeasurable meaning that one could not even imagine. Ordinary stones appear as beautiful as diamonds; the whole existence becomes radiant. When you are filled with light, at that very moment the whole existence is filled with light. If you are dark, the whole existence is dark. It's all up to you.

Amateurs and experts

All great discoveries have been made by amateurs.

It always happens that when you start a new job, you approach it very creatively, invest yourself deeply, your whole being is lost in it; but gradually, as the territory becomes more familiar, the inventiveness and creativity disappear and you begin to repeat yourself. This is natural: the more you practice, the more likely you are to repeat yourself. Skill breeds repetition.

All great discoveries have been made by amateurs - because with the acquisition of a skill too much is at stake: if the unexpected happens, what will happen to the old skill? The man has studied for many years and has now become an expert... Experts never discover anything; never go beyond their competence. On the one hand, they increasingly hone their skills, on the other, they lose their shine and sharpness and the work becomes uninteresting. There is nothing new left in it, nothing that could excite and delight - they already know everything in advance, they know what they will do next - and there is nothing unexpected.

So here's the lesson: It's good to develop a certain skill, but it's not good to become stuck at it forever. Whenever a feeling of stagnation arises, change your approach. Think up, add something new, remove something old. Free yourself from the rut - and therefore from the skill - and be an amateur again. It will take courage and courage to become an amateur again, but it is the only way to have a beautiful life.

Choose nature

Whenever there is a contradiction between society and nature, always choose nature - no matter the cost. You will never lose.

Until now it was believed that individuality exists for the sake of society, that individuality should follow what society dictates - individuality should fit into society. The definition of a normal human being is: “one who fits into society.” Even if society is abnormal, you have to fit into it; then you are normal.

But the problem with individuality is that nature demands one thing, and society dictates the opposite. If society demanded the same thing as nature, there would be no contradiction; we would remain in the Garden of Eden. The problem arises because society pursues its own interests, which are not necessarily consonant with the interests of the individual. Society protects everything that it has staked on, and for the sake of this it sacrifices individuality. Everything in this world is turned upside down. It should be the other way around - not individuality exists for the sake of society, but society for the sake of individuality. Because society is only an administrative structure; there is no soul in it. Individuality has a soul, a center of consciousness.

Osho - Every day. 365 Meditations on Here and Now - read the book online for free


Inner light

When you are filled with light, at that very moment the whole existence is filled with light. If you are dark, the whole existence is dark. It's all up to you.

There are many misconceptions in the world—a thousand and one misconceptions—about meditation. Meditation is very simple - it is nothing more than awareness... Not repeating a mantra, not fingering beads - these are hypnotic methods. They can bring a certain kind of peace... and there is nothing wrong with that peace; to relax, hypnotic methods are acceptable and can be helpful. But if a person wants to know the truth, they are not enough.

Meditation simply means turning unconsciousness into consciousness. Usually only a tenth of our mind is accessible to consciousness, nine tenths are unconscious. Only a small part of the mind, a thin layer, is illuminated; the rest of the mind—the rest of the house—is dark. The task is to grow this small light so that the whole house becomes light and there is not a single dark corner, not a single dark nook left.

When the whole house is full of light, life becomes a miracle; a quality of magic appears in it; she is no longer ordinary - the ordinary will stop being extraordinary. The ordinary turns into the sacred, the little things in life acquire such immeasurable meaning that one could not even imagine. Ordinary stones appear as beautiful as diamonds; the whole existence becomes radiant. When you are filled with light, at that very moment the whole existence is filled with light. If you are dark, the whole existence is dark. It's all up to you.


Amateurs and experts

All great discoveries have been made by amateurs.

It always happens that when you start a new job, you approach it very creatively, invest yourself deeply, your whole being is lost in it; but gradually, as the territory becomes more familiar, the inventiveness and creativity disappear and you begin to repeat yourself. This is natural: the more you practice, the more likely you are to repeat yourself. Skill breeds repetition.

All great discoveries have been made by amateurs - because with the acquisition of a skill too much is at stake: if the unexpected happens, what will happen to the old skill? The man has studied for many years and has now become an expert... Experts never discover anything; never go beyond their competence. On the one hand, they increasingly hone their skills, on the other, they lose their shine and sharpness and the work becomes uninteresting. There is nothing new left in it, nothing that could excite and delight - they already know everything in advance, they know what they will do next - and there is nothing unexpected.

Current page: 1 (book has 23 pages total) [available reading passage: 16 pages]

Bhagavan Shri Rajneesh (Osho)
Inner light. Osho Meditation Calendar for 365 days

Everyday. 365 Daily Meditations for the Here and Now

Translation from English I. A. Potapova (Ma Prem Puja)

Cover design M. A. Kim

is a registered trademark and is used with permission of the Osho International Foundation. www.osho.com/trademarks

Published under an Agreement with the Osho International Foundation, Banhofstr/52, 8001 Zurich, Switzerland, www.osho.com

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Inner light

When you are filled with light, at that very moment the whole existence is filled with light. If you are dark, the whole existence is dark. It's all up to you.

There are many misconceptions in the world—a thousand and one misconceptions—about meditation. Meditation is very simple - it is nothing more than awareness... Not repeating a mantra, not fingering beads - these are hypnotic methods. They can bring a certain kind of peace... and there is nothing wrong with that peace; to relax, hypnotic methods are acceptable and can be helpful. But if a person wants to know the truth, they are not enough.

Meditation simply means turning unconsciousness into consciousness. Usually only a tenth of our mind is accessible to consciousness, nine tenths are unconscious. Only a small part of the mind, a thin layer, is illuminated; the rest of the mind—the rest of the house—is dark. The task is to grow this small light so that the whole house becomes light and there is not a single dark corner, not a single dark nook left.

When the whole house is full of light, life becomes a miracle; a quality of magic appears in it; she is no longer ordinary - the ordinary will stop being extraordinary. The ordinary turns into the sacred, the little things in life acquire such immeasurable meaning that one could not even imagine. Ordinary stones appear as beautiful as diamonds; the whole existence becomes radiant. When you are filled with light, at that very moment the whole existence is filled with light. If you are dark, the whole existence is dark. It's all up to you.

Amateurs and experts

All great discoveries have been made by amateurs.

It always happens that when you start a new job, you approach it very creatively, invest yourself deeply, your whole being is lost in it; but gradually, as the territory becomes more familiar, the inventiveness and creativity disappear and you begin to repeat yourself. This is natural: the more you practice, the more likely you are to repeat yourself. Skill breeds repetition.

All great discoveries have been made by amateurs - because with the acquisition of a skill too much is at stake: if the unexpected happens, what will happen to the old skill? The man has studied for many years and has now become an expert... Experts never discover anything; never go beyond their competence. On the one hand, they increasingly hone their skills, on the other, they lose their shine and sharpness and the work becomes uninteresting. There is nothing new left in it, nothing that could excite and delight - they already know everything in advance, they know what they will do next - and there is nothing unexpected.

So here's the lesson: It's good to develop a certain skill, but it's not good to become stuck at it forever. Whenever a feeling of stagnation arises, change your approach. Think up, add something new, remove something old. Free yourself from the rut - and therefore from the skill - and be an amateur again. It will take courage and courage to become an amateur again, but it is the only way to have a beautiful life.

Choose nature

Whenever there is a contradiction between society and nature, always choose nature - no matter the cost. You will never lose.

Until now it was believed that individuality exists for the sake of society, that individuality should follow what society dictates - individuality should fit into society. The definition of a normal human being is: “one who fits into society.” Even if society is abnormal, you have to fit into it; then you are normal.

But the problem with individuality is that nature demands one thing, and society dictates the opposite. If society demanded the same thing as nature, there would be no contradiction; we would remain in the Garden of Eden. The problem arises because society pursues its own interests, which are not necessarily consonant with the interests of the individual. Society protects everything that it has staked on, and for the sake of this it sacrifices individuality. Everything in this world is turned upside down. It should be the other way around - not individuality exists for the sake of society, but society for the sake of individuality. Because society is only an administrative structure; there is no soul in it. Individuality has a soul, a center of consciousness.

Echo in the mountains

Love should not be demanding, otherwise it will lose its wings, it will not be able to fly. She will take root and be chained to the earth; it will turn into lust and bring much misery and suffering. Love shouldn't have conditions. A lover should not expect anything from love except love itself - without any reward, without any result. If love has any motive other than love itself, it cannot become heaven. Again it will be limited: the drive will become its definition, its limit. Prompted by nothing but itself, love is limitless - sheer delight, abundance, the aroma of the heart.

And if there is no desire for a result, this does not necessarily mean that there will be no result; it will be, and a thousandfold - because everything that we give to the world comes back to us again. The world is like an echo in the mountains: if we throw anger at it, anger returns; if we give love, love returns. But this is a natural phenomenon, you don’t need to think about it. You can trust him - everything will happen by itself. This is the law of karma: what goes around comes around - everything you give will come back to you. You don't need to think about it, everything happens automatically. Hate and you will be hated. Love and you will be loved.

The wisdom of hindsight

Never responsible. Just watch: if you are wise at the right moment, you are really wise. But people become wise only when the moment is lost. Hindsight wisdom is worthless.

Now that everything has already been done - you quarreled and said a lot of unnecessary things to each other - now you become wise and see that you quarreled in vain, but it is too late. Such wisdom is useless - the harm has already been done. This is false wisdom. It gives you the feeling that you “as if” understand. This is a trick of the ego. Such wisdom will not help. Awareness must arise in action, in the same moment, simultaneously with what is happening, and you must see the meaninglessness of what you are doing.

If you saw this senselessness in action, you would not do anything like that. You cannot go against your own awareness, and if you still go against it, then it is not awareness. You mistook something else for awareness.

Remember, the “other” is never responsible. Something is boiling inside you, that's the whole point. And of course close person closest to everyone else, and it becomes the place where all your garbage is poured out and dumped - you don’t throw it out at the first person you meet on the street. But this should be avoided because love is very fragile. If you go too far, cross the line, love may disappear.

The “other” is never responsible - try to make this a constant state of awareness in yourself so that you can remember in time. As soon as you start finding something wrong with someone, catch yourself red-handed and stop immediately. And ask for forgiveness.


Be as grateful to existence as possible - in small ways, not just in big ways... be grateful for the breath itself. Existence does not owe us anything, and everything that is given to us is given as a gift.

Grow more and more in gratitude; let it become a way of life for you. Be grateful to everyone. If a person understands gratitude, he is grateful not only for the good events that happened, but even for those that did not happen, although they could have happened. Gratitude for help is just the beginning; then comes gratitude for the fact that you were not harmed, although they could have been; thereby showing kindness to you.

When you understand the feeling of gratitude and absorb it deeply, you become grateful for everything. And the more grateful you are, the less you complain, the less dissatisfied. With complaints, unhappiness disappears. Unhappiness exists only in the presence of complaints: it relies on complaints and a complaining mind. In gratitude, misfortune is impossible. This secret is worth knowing - it is one of the most important.


Why wait for reasons to laugh? Life itself is enough to laugh. She is so absurd, so ridiculous. She is so beautiful, so wonderful! Such a motley mixture... a great cosmic joke.

Laughing is the easiest thing in the world if you just allow yourself to laugh; but people found it difficult to laugh. They laugh very rarely, and even when they laugh, they are not genuine. They laugh as if they are doing someone a favor, as if they are fulfilling some duty. But it’s nice to laugh! You're not doing anyone a favor!

There is no need to laugh to make someone else happy, because if you are not happy, no one else will be happy. Laugh for yourself and don't wait for reasons. Everything is ready for laughter - to perfection, in abundance! – but usually we don’t allow ourselves to do so. We are so stingy... stingy in laughter, stingy in love, stingy in life. Once you realize that stinginess can be abandoned, another dimension opens up for you. Laughter is here real religion, the rest is just metaphysics.


When you judge, fragmentation arises.

Maybe you were talking enthusiastically with a friend and suddenly you wanted to shut up. Suddenly you want to stop talking - right in the middle of a sentence. Stop, don’t even finish the sentence, otherwise you will go against nature.

But now the judgment begins. You worry about what others might think if you stop talking in the middle of a sentence. If like this, out of the blue, you stop speaking, they may not understand you, and you somehow try to finish the sentence. You pretend to be interested, waiting until you can finally sneak away. This comes at a very high cost and is completely unnecessary. Just say that you are not in the mood to talk right now. Apologize and shut up.

The first few days will be a little troublesome, but gradually those around you will begin to understand. Don't judge yourself for being silent; Don't tell yourself you did something bad. Everything is fine! In deep acceptance, everything becomes a blessing. So it happened - your whole being wanted to be silent. Follow it. Become the shadow of your own totality, and wherever it leads, just follow. There is no goal. You will begin to feel - in yourself and around you - an extraordinary relaxation.

True thieves

We have nothing to fear because we have nothing to lose. What can be stolen from you is worth nothing. Are fears, doubts, suspicion necessary?

These are the true thieves: suspicion, doubt, fear. They destroy the very possibility of celebration. While you walk this earth, celebrate the earth; While this moment lasts, enjoy it to the fullest. Because of fear, we lose a lot; Because of fear, we cannot love, and even if we love, it is only with half our hearts, hesitating and doubting. We never cross boundaries: when we approach a certain line, we get scared and freeze in place. Because of fear, we are unable to form deep friendships. Because of fear, we are unable to pray deeply.

Be aware, but not circumspect. The difference is very subtle: consciousness is not rooted in fear, caution is rooted in fear. Prudence is to never make mistakes, never to go too far. This very fear will not allow you to explore and discover new styles of life, new ways of moving energy, new directions, new territories. You will always move along the same beaten track, back and forth - like a freight train on rails!

Critical mind

I'm not saying that a critical approach is always harmful. If you are working on scientific project, it is not harmful; Without him, such work is impossible.

A critical mind is absolutely essential if you are working on a science project. But it becomes an absolute hindrance when you try to reach your inner world, your subjectivity. In the objective world it is quite appropriate; without it there would be no science; but there is no place for religiosity next to it. This must be understood: when a person works with the objective, he must be able to use the critical mind; when one works with the subjective, one must be able to put it aside. The mind must remain a means. It should not become an idée fixe; you should be free to use it or not to use it.

There is no way to log in inner world with a critical mind; doubt in it becomes exactly the same barrier as trust would be in science. A man of trust will not go far in science. Therefore, in those times when religion reigned in the world, the world remained unscientific. The confrontation between the church and science did not arise by chance; it is very significant. In fact, it was not the church and science that were at war; it was two dimensions of being that were at war: the objective and the subjective. They are designed differently.


Sometimes there are moments, rare moments, when the ego disappears because you are so totally intoxicated. Sometimes it happens in love, sometimes it happens in orgasm.

In deep orgasm, personal history disappears; the past recedes and dissipates until it disappears completely. In orgasm you have no history, no past, no mind, no biography. You are completely here and now. You don't know who you are; you have no personality. At this moment the ego is not active, hence the joy and refreshing, renewing quality of orgasm. That is why orgasm leaves you so silent, so still, so relaxed, so fulfilled. But the ego comes in again, the past comes in and encroaches on the present. History begins again, and you stop. The ego is your story, not your reality. And your enemy; ego is your enemy.

Every person approaches this line many times in his life, because life moves in a circle. Over and over again we return to the same point, but out of fear we run away from it. Otherwise the falsity of the ego would be obvious. In fact, letting the ego die should be the easiest thing, and keeping it alive should be the hardest thing in the world, but we keep it alive and think it is easier.

Chain reaction

Everything happens at the same time.

When you feel less guilty, you immediately become happier. When you become happier, there is less fighting and more harmony—immediately. When you are more whole, more harmonious, suddenly a certain quality of bliss surrounds you. All this happens as a chain reaction: one thing leads to another, another to a third, and the process continues.

It is very important that the feeling of guilt decreases. All of humanity was forced to feel guilty - centuries of conditioning, orders and prohibitions... coercion: people were told that if they did something condemned by society or the church, they became sinners. If they do something that is valued by society and the church, they become saints. So everyone was forced to do what society wanted, and not to do what society did not want; no one cared about what suited the person himself. Nobody cared about individuality.

Move in New World, into a new consciousness, to a place where you can free yourself from guilt. Then many more things will become possible.


You are as young as you are flexible. Look at small child: how soft, tender and flexible it is. With age, everything becomes hard, inert, and inflexible. But you can maintain absolute youth until your death if you remain flexible.

In happiness you expand. In fear, you shrink, hide into your shell, because it becomes dangerous outside. You contract in everything - in love, in relationships, in meditation - in everything. You turn into a turtle and hide in its shell.

If you constantly remain in fear, like many people, your energy gradually loses its elasticity. You become a stagnant pond, you no longer flow; you are no longer a river. Then every day you become more and more dead.

But fear has a natural function. When the house is on fire, you must save yourself. Don't try to be fearless in a burning house, it's just stupid! A person must be able to shrink because there are times when you need to stop flowing. You need to be able to move outward and inward, outward and inward... This is flexibility: expansion, contraction, expansion, contraction. Like breathing. Frightened people are afraid to breathe deeply because even such a small expansion causes fear. The chest shrinks - such people have sunken chests.

Look for ways to allow the energy to move. Sometimes even anger can be useful. At the very least, it keeps the energy moving. If you have to choose between fear and anger, choose anger. But don't go to extremes. Enlargement is good, but don't become addicted to drugs. The most important thing to remember is flexibility: the ability to move from one state to another.


Grace brings beauty. Grace simply means the aura surrounding total relaxation.

If you live spontaneously, every moment decides what it should be. One moment does not determine another; the mind just remains open. The next moment will decide for itself; there are no plans, schemes, expectations.

Today is enough; Don't plan for tomorrow—or even the next moment. Today will end, and tomorrow will come fresh and innocent, free from past influences, revealing itself, without any interference from the past. This is grace. See how a flower blooms in the morning. Just look... this is grace... without any effort - a flower in harmony with nature. Or watch how a cat wakes up: without any effort - she is full of grace. All nature is full of grace, but we have lost this ability due to our internal fragmentation.

So, just live, and let each moment decide for itself - don't try to control. This is what I call permission - everything begins with it. Try it, take a risk!

Special fear

When you don't know what you're afraid of, it's a good fear. It only means that you are standing on the edge of the unknown.

When fear has an object, such fear is quite ordinary. A person is afraid of death - a completely ordinary, instinctive fear; there's nothing special about it. Fear of old age or illness, fear of physical helplessness are very common fears, as common as grass. It is unusual when you cannot find the object of fear when there is no reason for the fear. Such fear is truly unbearable! If the cause is found, the mind is satisfied. If the answer is found, the mind can latch onto some explanation. All explanations only help to shrug it off and calm down, nothing more, but, having received rational explanation, you are satisfied.

It is better to see things as they are and not ask why things are the way they are. Around you - around every seeker - there is something unknown. Every seeker must go through this fear. I am not here to give you an explanation, but to push you into the very depths. I'm not a psychoanalyst - I'm an existentialist. My goal is to give you the ability to experience as many experiences as possible - love, fear, anger, greed, violence, compassion, meditation, beauty - and so on. The more experiences you have, the richer you become.

Split body

Primitive society accepts the body as a whole, as it is: nothing in it is condemned, nothing is higher or lower.

Yoga takes the body, but doesn't go far enough. It prescribes control, and control in any form is a kind of repression. You suppress and forget about the suppressed; it moves to the stomach area and accumulates near the diaphragm. The stomach is the only area of ​​the body where suppressed things can be thrown out; there is no other place.

The day control explodes, you will feel so much freedom, so much life; you will feel that you have been born again because the split body will unite into one. At the diaphragm, the body is divided into lower and upper halves. Old religious teachings condemned the lower half, and attributed to the upper half a certain superiority, supremacy, sublimity. This is not true. The body is one, and this duality is dangerous; she splits you into two. Gradually you begin to deny many parts of life, and everything excluded from life will one day take its toll... perhaps in the form of illness.

Modern medical research shows that cancer is nothing more than too much internal stress. Cancer only exists in repressed societies. The more civilized and cultural a society is, the greater the likelihood of cancer. In primitive society, cancer does not occur, because primitive society accepts the body as a whole, as it is: nothing in it is condemned, nothing is higher or lower.