Is it possible to put a note in the coffin? On the Orthodox attitude to death and burial

A funeral is not only a tragic event, but also a ritual, shrouded in many signs. Compliance or ignoring the instructions is a personal matter for everyone, but we would advise you to listen to traditions.

Many peoples (including the Slavs) have a custom of placing certain things in the coffin of the deceased. It is believed that some objects will help the soul in the next world, easing its fate. What should be placed next to the body, and what should absolutely not be placed?

What do they put in the coffin of the deceased: man, woman?

First, put the ropes in the coffin that were used to tie the hands of the deceased and take measurements for the coffin. The same applies to the comb used to comb the deceased's hair. These objects are carriers of dead energy. Bad people They use them for witchcraft if the objects fall into their hands.

Usually, to put in a coffin, they choose objects that the deceased loved during his lifetime. These could be:

  • cloth;
  • books;
  • accessories;
  • part of the collection;
  • military uniform.

If the man was a military man or an employee of the internal affairs bodies, a cap is placed in the coffin. For a woman, it would not be deprived to put on a headdress: a scarf, a hat, a cap. Unmarried girls are often buried in a wedding dress, with a veil placed nearby. Regardless of the gender of the deceased, they often place pectoral cross. If the jewelry is left in the house, it cannot be worn.

If a child dies, favorite toys are placed next to him. Toys can also be placed in a coffin during the funeral of a pregnant woman. Blessed bread and holy water are placed in the coffin of a suicide, sorcerer or criminal; in the past it was customary to place incense and an aspen stake next to the body.

If you want to put flowers in the coffin, use dried or artificial ones. It cannot be collected in advance and brought into the living area. It is customary to throw fresh flowers on the road before the funeral procession and place them on the grave.

What can't be put in?

There is a list of things that should not be placed in the grave with the deceased. This applies, first of all, to the personal belongings of another person. You cannot dress a dead person in the clothes of someone who is still alive. It is forbidden to put photographs of living people in the coffin: some want to do this so that the soul can look at photographs of relatives, but this is strongly not recommended.

According to signs, if you put something belonging to a living person or a photograph of him in a coffin, then the living person runs the risk of becoming seriously ill or even going after the deceased.

If you doubt whether something can be placed in a coffin, ask a clergyman for recommendations. Priests answer such questions without any surprise, announcing the opinion of the church.

According to church ministers, things that are customarily placed in the coffin of the deceased help him in the other world. Let us dwell in more detail on what ritual accessories must be present at the burial, and what should not be included.

Things for men and women

Usually, things that were loved during life are placed in the coffin of the deceased. This could be: souvenirs, clothing, books, and so on. Everything must be carried exclusively positive character, if you don’t know whether this or that thing can be put in a coffin, ask the priest.

  • If the man was a military man, then most often a cap is placed at the head of the coffin. He is also dressed in full dress and buried with honors.
  • Women place a scarf or small cap in the coffin. If the girl was not married, then she can be buried in a white dress and veil. If at the time of death the woman was pregnant, then children's toys and diapers are placed on the sides.
  • When children are buried, toys and clothes are placed in the coffin.
  • What should be placed in the coffin of a person who has committed suicide? According to the clergy, it is necessary to prevent his “walking”, so an aspen cross, incense, and also Easter bread can be placed in their coffin. The same applies to the burial of criminals or sorcerers.

Is it possible to put flowers, an icon or a cross in a coffin?

In some religions there is a belief: if you put fresh flowers in the coffin of a deceased person, then his illnesses will be passed on to his loved ones. That is why, during the funeral procession, flowers are thrown onto the road or placed on the grave mound.

If you want to put some plants in the coffin of the deceased, then it is best to use dried or artificial flowers. Under no circumstances should they be collected and brought into the house!

  • Should I put the icon in the coffin or not? This is a question to which there is still no exact answer. Some believe that before closing the coffin, the icon should be taken out and displayed at home during the wake. If it is buried with the deceased, it will not bring any benefit, according to the priests.
  • It is possible and necessary to place a pectoral cross in the coffin. Under no circumstances should it be worn by living people, so that they do not take upon themselves the troubles and sorrows of the deceased. If you forgot to put it in the coffin, then the pectoral cross can simply be kept at home, but not worn.

It is worth mentioning that some clergy have a different opinion. They believe that if you illuminate the pectoral cross of the deceased in church, then you can wear it without fear or harm to health.


  • One of the first things you should put in the coffin is the measure and ropes that were used to bandage the deceased's hands and take the coffin measurements.
  • Additionally, you can put a comb, since it is a carrier negative energy and it is impossible to wash it.
  • There is a tradition of putting money in the coffin of the deceased that he may need in the next world. People have been observing this tradition for many centuries.

You can purchase any types of ritual accessories: funeral clothes, candles, wreaths and mourning ribbons in our online store. Delivery within Minsk and the Minsk region (up to 20 km from the Moscow Ring Road) is carried out 24/7. The exact delivery time is agreed upon with the store operator at the time of placing the order. Payment is made in cash upon receipt of the goods.

“We come into this world with nothing. And they must also leave,” this is the opinion of the church when it comes to the need to put things in the coffin of the deceased. In the afterlife, the soul of the deceased will have to cleanse himself and leave worldly habits. And this ritual complicates the purification process and is pagan. But still, this tradition is observed in many families. It is believed that the free space inside the coffin must be filled - otherwise new grief will befall the family. And if you are determined to send the deceased to last path, having given him some thing, pay attention to what can be put in the coffin and what is absolutely not allowed.

  • Most often, a measure is placed on the deceased, as well as ropes with which the limbs are tied. Be careful that these attributes are in the coffin until burial. People involved in dark magic often hunt for these items;
  • The deceased should be given the comb they used to comb him after death. This way you will get rid of things that can attract new death to the family;
  • Sometimes the deceased is given the cross he wore during his lifetime. A living person cannot wear this thing, otherwise you will take upon yourself all the troubles of the deceased. Before burial, the cross should be blessed in the church;
  • for pregnant women, diapers or children's toys are placed in the coffin;
  • a man can put his headdress on. If the deceased was a military serviceman - a cap;
  • at unmarried girls there may be a veil or wreath at the head;
  • For suicides, criminals and dark magicians, the coffin may contain such attributes as poppy, incense, thorns, an aspen cross or consecrated grass. It is believed that these things stop the “walking” of the dead soul;
  • It is customary to put dried or artificial flowers on the deceased;
  • A pillow, a blanket and an icon are placed in the coffin for almost all the dead who believe during their lifetime.

Saying goodbye to dear person, put only positive things that you think will bring peace to his soul.

What should not be put in a coffin?

Superstitious people are of the opinion that not all things can be placed in a coffin for a deceased person. And this is not without reason. The Church and people who study bioenergy believe that it is absolutely forbidden to put photographs and things of living people in a coffin. An object can serve as a kind of channel into dead world. That is, a living person will begin to experience a black streak, which can lead to fatal consequences. To avoid causing trouble, it is also undesirable to keep funeral photographs filled with the energy of death in the house.

You should not put fresh flowers: according to legend, if flowers fall out of the coffin, they spread the disease of the deceased. They also don’t put money with the deceased: the one who put coins or bills will have an empty wallet. If you want something to go with the deceased, but find that it is undesirable to put it in the coffin, you can put it

There are many things that cannot be put in a coffin! Otherwise, you will bury something in your life with your own hands: health, money, well-being, personal life...

When I was sorting through the next batch of letters that came to me from readers of my publications, I once again discovered another story about problems caused by a common mistake: during a funeral, something “extremely necessary in the next world” was left in the coffin. I will quote the gist of the letter:

"My husband died in 1975 as a result of an accident. And when he was buried, I took off mine wedding ring and gave it to him. In addition, I placed 10 rubles, cigarettes, matches and a new watch, bought by my husband on the eve of his death, in the pocket of his suit... Now, reading your articles, I began to wonder if I did the right thing? I never got married again, although there were suitors. Now I live alone, my children are far away. A bouquet of diseases in full..."

I have already responded to such letters many times, and at first I again wanted to limit myself to a short answer, like: “It was impossible to do this,” but then I thought about the significant scale of the harmful tradition of leaving money, wedding cards in a coffin or throwing money into a grave in Slavic countries. rings or photographs of living people! I had an appointment huge amount people various problems who were forced to follow this most erroneous and dangerous tradition: leaving money, their clothes, photographs, personal belongings in the coffin. Over twenty years of cooperation with the Zodiac newspaper alone, I received hundreds of letters from its readers who made the same mistake. Below are a few typical examples taken from publications published over the years.

"The fact is that in 1999 my son died. When they brought him from the morgue, I took off my chain with a cross and put it around his neck. Even before that, I had problems with the thyroid gland, and in 2001 I had it removed. But soon the feeling of a lump in my throat appeared again. Is this related to my action?"

"Help! Since 1993, after the death of my father, my streak of failures began. Lost his job at the mine, went into business, but went bankrupt. The family fell apart like a house of cards, the son became uncontrollable. In 2000 he went to prison, his wife took a divorce and married someone else. My mother was recently paralyzed and is bedridden. There is no means of livelihood. Blow after blow, failure after failure! There is one step left before committing suicide. Just recently I learned from my mother that she put paper bill. Could this be the reason for my troubles?"

"In the last three months I began to lose a lot of weight. In such a short time I lost 10 kg of weight, I lost my appetite, my condition is getting worse every day. I underwent diagnostics of all organs, the doctors say that everything is fine with me. Perhaps the reasons for my problem lie in one story that I want to tell you. I lived with a guy for some time. We lived normally, visited his mother. One of our photos together remained at his mother's house. It so happened that my boyfriend died of a hemorrhage, and his mother decided that I was to blame for the death of her son. I couldn't even attend his funeral. And after some time, a neighbor of my failed mother-in-law came to visit me and told me that the mother of the deceased put my photograph in a coffin on her son’s stomach..."

"The fact is that in my lifetime I have repeatedly had to observe how at funerals people throw small change into the grave. And in one newspaper I recently read a note where, among other things, it is written: “They throw money into the grave, a payoff for the deceased, the relatives do it first. Then they throw the earth...” If this cannot be done, as V. Khazan writes, then how then Can you advise other people to do this? So, when I buried my brother last year, I threw a handful of change on the coffin. Although I remember that intuitively I really didn’t want to do this. And so I noticed that my financial affairs became clearly worse after that funeral..."

"Hello, dear Vladimir Petrovich! In the fall of 1995, I became a widow; my husband drowned at night while fishing at his headquarters. The boat capsized and the husband and his friend were not destined to surface due to large quantity warm cotton clothes. A few years after the funeral, a woman told me that we had done something wrong at the funeral, but she did not specify what it was. You wrote that they don’t put money in the coffin of the dead, otherwise for the one who did this, life will turn into a complete financial hardship. Explain to me, please, what kind of dead people are not given money in the coffin: all of them or only those who died before their due date? After all, there is a popular belief that money must be deposited without fail and there must be change. I put in 10, also Russian, rubles. I kindly ask you to answer, what could have been done wrong and how can the situation be corrected?"

"Dear Vladimir Petrovich, my only hope is in your advice. Twenty years ago, my photograph was buried along with the deceased. Since then, my leg suddenly began to hurt. Doctors tried to treat me, but they couldn’t even make a diagnosis. My leg is half shriveled and constantly hurts, nothing helps..."

"Hello, Vladimir Petrovich! I decided to turn to you asking for help. In March of this year, we buried my husband’s grandmother, and they took coins from us to throw in the grave. We didn’t know that this couldn’t be done, only after some time we read about it in your publications. Nowadays it has become much more difficult financially, although we all work. The husband began to get sick, although he had not been sick before. Maybe all this really has something to do with the money thrown into the grave? I could write a lot more about how salt and earth were found, etc. What should we do? Thank you for helping people and we hope you will help us too".

"Hello, dear Vladimir Petrovich! We, several women, decided to turn to you for help. Each of us in different times, thinking that they were doing the right thing, they threw money into the coffin at the prompting of the old women. Later we felt the harmfulness of this act. If until then everything was going well for us in business, financial matters, then later difficulties appeared in these matters. We have serious financial difficulties and troubles in our personal lives. Now we understand that money is not needed “over there,” but then it seemed to us that we were doing the right thing. We kindly ask you to help us either with advice or in a personal meeting".

"Three years ago, at my father’s funeral, I put my pillowcase on the coffin, and my husband gave me some change. And all these three years I have been tormented by problems with my head: pain, pressure, dizziness. And financial problems tormented me. Can you help us?"

"Vladimir Petrovich, help! The fact is that in December 2000 my grandfather died, and according to a hint " good people"I put some change in the deceased's pocket. This year our family budget has gone to zero. My husband is trying to fix something, borrows money, works, but nothing works, although the business is supposedly profitable. He has become irritable, angry, nervously started drinking. Failure has become part of our family, no joy, only losses, eternal debts. Help me correct my mistake.!"

"In 1985, during my brother's funeral, someone told me to put some change in his coffin. I prepared some small change, but remembered about it when we had already moved away from the grave. Then I returned and threw the change into the half-filled grave. Now, reading your articles and analyzing everything that has been happening in my family since then, I understand that I made a big mistake. My husband is a good, hard-working person, an excellent specialist, he always brings all the money home, but it floats away like water. I went to work in Russia for 5 years, brought a lot of dollars, but we never bought anything, I couldn’t even do renovations in the apartment. Now my two sons have grown up, we all work, but constant lack of money and debts have tormented us. Is it possible to correct what I did then?"

"Quite by accident I read your note about how you can’t put other people’s things on the deceased, and I froze. This is exactly what my husband did nine years ago, giving away his suit and shirt to clothe the deceased. cousin. Now, knowing this, you can put a lot of things in their place... recent years my husband became a completely different person. From a confident, energetic, healthy man, he turned into a frightened, sick man. He is now 54 years old, but he has memory problems, he is tormented by inexplicable fear, he is irritable and unsure of himself. The pressure often rises sharply, but even with normal pressure the patient may suddenly feel worse, something is pressing in the chest and he cannot explain his condition. He is terrified of dying and has tormented his entire family. Maybe we can help him with your help? And thank you for illuminating many of us, ignorant people. dark sides this life".

Perhaps the endless stream of letters of this kind requires an expanded and detailed comment. Let me start by reminding you that in magical practice There are many rituals associated with funerals. For example, to get rid of a certain disease, a certain object is placed in a coffin and, thus, the disease is “buried” along with the deceased. When a photograph of a person with an accompanying conspiracy is placed in a coffin, thereby “burying” the victim of such witchcraft - the person begins to get sick and waste away. There are many examples of such magic, but the principle here is the same: what goes into a coffin or grave is "buried".

Accordingly, if you throw money from your pocket into the grave with your own hand, you are “burying” your finances. Your wedding ring in the coffin of your late spouse is a very reliable spoiler for your loneliness. Your photograph in the coffin “as a keepsake” is a spoilage for illness. If there is any piece of clothing belonging to a living person in the coffin, the organ or part of the body that the item corresponded to will suffer: giving the shirt away means illness internal organs, trousers and shoes - for leg diseases, a chain with a pendant - neck, throat or chest, etc. So I repeat again: Do not put anything in the coffin of a deceased relative during a funeral! Unfortunately, I have the impression that I am the only person who tells people in the mass media that it is inadmissible to perform this ritual.

Moreover, when the coffin lid is nailed down, care must be taken to ensure that the shadow of a living person does not accidentally fall into the coffin, not to mention any of his belongings. Even the ancients knew that they needed to carefully monitor their shadow and, for example, builders did not allow their shadow to be where the stones of the building under construction were placed. It was always considered especially dangerous if someone's shadow fell into the coffin before it was lowered. The consequences of this incident can be very negative; there is even a risk that a person may prematurely follow the deceased.

Understand that the deceased does not need money “there”, because there are no shops “there”! The deceased will not be able to light a cigarette, look at his watch, or take it out of his pocket. family photos etc. Having lost loved ones, many tend to commit some inappropriate and, most importantly, harmful actions at funerals, being confident that the deceased afterlife a certain set of things is needed. But by leaving something of yours in a coffin, you are burying something in your life with your own hands: health, peace of mind, monetary well-being or the opportunity to start a new family.

It is difficult to say for sure where the Slavs got the tradition of throwing small change into the grave “to buy a place in the next world.” Perhaps we are dealing with remnants of ancient Scythian ideas about posthumous existence, but, I repeat, this tradition is dangerous and harmful!

The idea of ​​​​the need to put small change in a coffin, supposedly in order to “buy yourself a place in the next world,” is quite meaningless in its essence. It turns out that if a person’s soul leaves this material world, then the soul will not be allowed into another world (namely, to one’s home!) without... a few coins! You can imagine this picture: at the entrance to afterlife Archangel Michael sits at the cash register and collects pennies, cents, euros and yens “for entry”?! This requires a rather sick imagination. Where are the souls of people who went missing, remained at the bottom of reservoirs, died in explosions and collapses, etc., that is, under circumstances that exclude funerals and the presence of money in the coffin? By the way, a significant part of the people who have ever lived on our planet did not even know what coins were. Money is a relatively recent invention of mankind, so billions of souls of our ancestors managed gloriously without any coins.

There are a lot of questions here, but the answer is one: the mentioned practice of money in a coffin is meaningless and, moreover, extremely harmful. Everyone who left their money in a coffin at a funeral experienced the painful consequences of such an act. It is very difficult to correct the mistake; the welfare is already “buried.” A good specialist can only try to improve the state of your financial affairs to some extent. If you personally have ever managed to put something in a coffin, click on the button at the bottom of this page and write a letter.

For some reason people forget that when we come into this world, we have nothing with us. Why is it so difficult for many of us to understand that we must leave this world “empty-handed”?

Additional information on the topic discussed is contained in my article:

If you need to contact me personally for any clarification, consultation, or in connection with the need to solve certain problems, click on the button and write me a letter:

What do they put in the coffin of the deceased? In fact it is quite important question, which requires detailed, detailed comments, since today it is aimed at him close attention churches. According to church representatives, most people, consciously or unwillingly, try to put in a coffin various items and things that not only disturb the peace of living people, but also prevent the soul of a deceased person from finding peace.

By Christian traditions, the deceased retains his lifetime preferences and needs. Because of this, various objects and products are placed in the coffin: clothes, linen, bread, salt, wine, sugar. They can also put a bottle of vodka, pies, water and butter.

What do they put in a man's coffin?

A man’s hat or cap is placed at the head of his head if he was a military man.

What do they put in a woman's coffin?

A woman is given a scarf and cap at her head.

For those who died before marriage, a veil and a wreath are placed in the coffin, and for pregnant women, children's toys and diapers are placed.

What should be put in the coffin of dangerous criminals, suicides, and sorcerers?

Blessed Easter bread, consecrated herbs, aspen crosses, poppies, thorns and incense are placed to prevent their “walking”.

In this article we will describe what can be put in a coffin for a deceased person and what cannot be put in a coffin.

Do they put flowers in the coffin?

Why can't you put fresh flowers in the coffin? It is not allowed to place fresh flowers in the coffin of the deceased, as they are thrown onto the road during the funeral procession. This is a ritual to transfer a disease from a deceased person to living people. Do not step on them under any circumstances, do not collect them, and especially do not bring them into your home.

What flowers are put in the coffin? If you want to put flowers in a coffin for a deceased person, it is better to use dried or artificial flowers.

What icon is placed in the coffin? Is it possible to put a cross in a coffin?

According to Orthodox custom During burial, it is customary to give a small cross to the hands of the deceased, and an icon is placed on his chest. On the one hand, it is not recommended to leave an icon in a coffin: usually, before burial, the icon is removed and stored at home, displayed in memorial days. On the other hand, it is not considered a violation of the ritual to leave an icon in the coffin; it is permissible, however, it does not bring any benefit. In the question of what icon is placed in a woman’s coffin, there is no clear answer for a man. Undoubtedly this orthodox icons often mother of god or the patron of a deceased person.

Do they put money in the coffin?

Should I put money in the coffin? This one ancient tradition assumed that in the afterlife the deceased would need means of subsistence. Previously, household utensils, household items, weapons, jewelry and clothing were placed in the coffin. In the graves of wealthy people, servants, horses and wives were found who accompanied the deceased in the afterlife. It was believed that money would help the deceased acquire everything they needed.

Much water has passed under the bridge since then, but the tradition of putting money in a coffin remains relevant. Most people don't know why they put money in a coffin. If this is the way it is, why don’t I do it? Everyone does it, and I will: this is how this tradition has survived to this day.

Is it possible to put things in a coffin?

If there is too much free space inside the coffin, then it should be filled so that another death does not occur in the family. Therefore, clothes, shoes and personal belongings of the deceased, his sheets, blanket, pillow, etc. are placed here.

What else do they put in the coffin of the deceased? A measure is placed with the deceased, since things with which he came into contact should not be left in the house. Consequently, both the ropes with which his hands and feet were tied, and the measurements that were taken for the coffin, must be placed next to the deceased. Of course, in magic there are rituals using these ropes. It is not customary to give them to anyone, but a witch can commit theft. Loved ones and relatives are unlikely to be able to keep track of everything that is happening, especially during this time of grief, so friends and acquaintances should make sure that no one can touch these things.

If the deceased happened to be combed with a comb, then he must either be placed in a coffin or thrown into the river. And all because such a comb was considered a carrier of negative energy, it is considered unclean and it is almost impossible to wash your hands of it. You only need to throw the comb into running water; a lake is not suitable for this purpose. This is what they do to prevent it from happening in the family. new death so that grief leaves the house and relatives bear the loss more easily. If there is no river nearby, place the comb next to the deceased. The main thing is that none of the children take this comb and comb it.

Why do they put hair in a coffin?

Hair in folk ideas is the focal point vitality person. Cut hair in magical rituals, just like saliva, semen, blood, nails and sweat represented an astral double. The ancients believed that a beard and hair could take away a person’s health and vital energy. Often the hair was kept and, after death, placed in a coffin so that in the afterlife they could account for each hair.

Is it possible to put a belt in a coffin?

It happens that the deceased comes to us in a dream and asks for some thing: glasses, a belt, a watch, socks, etc. This happens very often when they forget about him, do not remember him, do not pray for him, do not put candles in churches. The deceased does not ask for a thing, but for prayer and righteous deeds in his memory. After such dreams, you need to visit the church, carry out a funeral slaughter, order a magpie and pray for the soul of the deceased. It is advisable to purchase new thing, which the deceased asks for, and give it to a needy person.

Is it necessary to put a pectoral cross in the coffin?

After the death of the owner of a pectoral cross, it is better to place it next to the deceased. You cannot wear another person’s cross, especially if he has died. It is believed that with it a person takes on other people's troubles and sorrows. You can leave it as a keepsake and store it in a box, but you shouldn’t wear it. When asked whether to put a cross in a coffin or whether it can be worn, any priest will answer positively. Only first it needs to be consecrated in the church.

When seeing off your family and friends to the afterlife, you don’t need to put anything in the coffin except positive things: a corolla, a pectoral cross, a blanket. There should be nothing foreign next to the deceased in the coffin. If you don’t know what to put in the coffin, ask the clergy about it.