Is it possible to borrow on Maundy Thursday? Maundy Thursday: magic, conspiracies, rituals, omens, Thursday salt

Horoscope of morning rises according to Horoscope. It turns out that the ideal time to wake up is better aligned with your Zodiac Sign!


Decisive Capricorn is in no hurry to formulate his attitude towards each specific morning until he has sorted out in his memory all the things that will happen that day. If things are nice, Capricorn stands up decisively and brushes his teeth decisively. And if things are not going well, Capricorn resolutely turns over to the other side, resolutely muttering into the corner of the blanket: “fuck them all.”


Aquarius wakes up exclusively with the help of auto-training. There is no Aquarius in this world who would love to wake up in the dark. But there is also no Aquarius in this world who cannot do auto-training. Therefore, Aquarians feel great if they have at least a couple of hours of sleep, hot coffee and some weapons of mass destruction. The latter is exclusively for inner peace and harmony with the world.


The Awakened Fish is a Schrödinger's Fish. You never know for sure - either she has already woken up or not. Is it her good mood, or this is a particularly sweet dream. Is it her Bad mood, or she is fighting a monster in a dream. Yes, your tureen is fighting. And since Pisces love their dreams, they can sleep through their entire lives. And you won't even guess.


Everything is complicated here. The fact is that at seven in the morning Aries is usually alert, businesslike, focused, and even, damn it, wearing makeup. Therefore our editorial magic ball unable to decipher exactly how Aries wakes up. But Occam's razor is quite capable of explaining this phenomenon: Aries simply never sleep at all.


Taurus selflessly hates seven in the morning, the alarm clock, Monday night and everything else associated with early rises. Even very calm Taurus (although “calm Taurus” is an oxymoron in itself) will throw an alarm clock at the wall. So much so that they can pierce 50 cm of concrete with a plastic Samsung. You need to stay away from a waking Taurus for at least the first half hour. And whoever didn’t hide, don’t say you weren’t warned.


The twins sleep in turns of each of the subpersonalities. Therefore, the Gemini body, as a whole, never gets enough sleep. His biorhythms change at the speed of a strobe light - he gets up at six in the morning, then sleeps until six in the evening, and Gemini himself is not able to predict how difficult it will be for him to get up, for example, at ten in the morning in a week. Well, the concept of “getting up on schedule” can break the life of Gemini and everyone who carelessly found themselves within the shooting radius.


For Cancers, the word “need” has magical properties. If others are able to turn off the alarm clock by shoving the word “what for” in front of the word “need”, then for Cancers it’s necessary - that means it’s necessary. Therefore, they simply do not think that they have any alternative to getting out of bed. They simply stand up resignedly, courageously put their feet into their slippers and purposefully go to the bathroom without sobbing. And above their heads a golden halo fills with morning strength.


Lions jump out of bed quite cheerfully, ready to jump and tear the throats of the victims scheduled for the day. The secret is that Leos have unique ability fill your life with the maximum number of pleasant things to do. And the fact that for other people everything is going wrong, Leos are either unaware or don’t give a damn. Leos are always wildly surprised - why are you all so sleepy, losers? And losers, of course, quietly hate Leo.


Virgos, with a probability approaching one hundred percent, read this horoscope, sincerely wondering: what’s the problem with getting up in the morning with an alarm clock? The alarm clock rings, the man gets up, the Volga flows into the Caspian Sea. Virgos treat the problems of people who suffer from the inability to lift their heads from the pillow in the morning with disgusting sympathy. Like patients with some exotic incurable and rather shameful disease.


For Libra, getting up in the morning is not particularly exciting, but much easier than for most signs. The point is that there is no alternative to getting up in the morning. Now, if you could choose whether to get up or not, Libra would be in trouble. Either conscience would have devoured debt, or debt would have devoured conscience, but whoever won, he would not have left living witnesses to this epic battle.


For Scorpios, getting up in the morning also does not cause any special problems, but for a completely different reason than for Libra. Scorpio is a genius at excuses. So if Scorpio doesn’t want to get up, then he won’t get up. And no problems. And in front of his superiors, relatives or himself, Scorpio will excuse himself without any negative consequences, don’t go to a fortune teller.


For Sagittarius, lack of sleep is a terrible torment. They suffer from it, have trouble thinking and want to be held in their arms. And no matter how old Sagittarius is, he still cannot get used to it or come to terms with it and every morning he looks at the ringing phone as if it were a traitor. And many Sagittarius go to bed with the hope that morning will never come. The apocalypse is a completely worthy alternative to the alarm clock.

Capricorns get drunk secretly. So that no one sees. But, since drinking alone is boring and pointless, Capricorns simply try to stay in the shadows: they sit in the far corner with a glass and try hard to look sober. It is unclear, however, why. That is, it is clear only in one case: if you drink with a Scorpio, then this is the best tactic. Everyone else, really, absolutely doesn’t care whether Capricorn is still sitting or has already fallen under the table.


Aquarius doesn't get drunk at all. Aquarius translates the precious product, according to his drinking buddies. Because a drunk Aquarius is absolutely no different from a sober Aquarius, and a drunken Aquarius simply collects his money and goes home, to the side of his beloved cat. The best minds of humanity are still struggling with this riddle: why do Aquarians drink at all? Well, what's the point?



If you are going to get drunk with Pisces, get ready to be an extra in three dramatic plays: “I drank wine and laughed,” “I drank wine and cried,” “I drank wine and everyone cried.” The fish gets drunk, anticipating pleasure, but what kind of pleasure can there be if all eyes are not focused on you? Drunken Fish is the very case when even Lionesses unquestioningly crawl into a dark corner and choke on powerless tears of envy. Because they won’t get a crumb of attention, it’s all for Rybka.


Aries gets drunk uncontrollably. It pours into its bottomless womb everything that can burn (and what doesn’t burn, it dilutes with flammable liquids and also pours). It’s not clear, however, why you should be so worked up, because after the first drink, Aries begins to joke stupidly, confess his love to strangers, and flirt with the object of his passion, literally to the point of rape. But in the morning, Aries never regrets anything. Because he doesn't remember a damn thing. You're lucky!


Taurus gets drunk quickly. And it doesn’t matter at all for what reason: in grief, in joy, alone, and in good company - the picture is always the same: just now the Taurus young lady sincerely thought that she would limit herself to one glass, when suddenly she discovers that there is a line of a battery of empty glass containers, for some reason there are no more people around, but a long and heartfelt post on Facebook about how no one loves her came from somewhere. Oops.


The twins get drunk relentlessly. In the sense that only an alcoholic coma can stop Gemini, and that’s not a fact. Who manages to visit 8 bars in one night? Twins. Who jumps from the roof of the Mausoleum at night? Twins. Who encourages everyone to immediately go on a walking tour to the places of military glory of the legendary city gopniks (and he himself doesn’t go anywhere, by the way)? Of course, Gemini. For what? No reason. For fun, if you know what we mean. If not, you are simply not a Gemini.


There are two types of Cancers. The first ones get drunk and reveal to the world their tender, vulnerable soul and even sometimes their body, especially if a sultry brunette with a big mustache is nearby. The latter also did this before, so now they don’t drink. At all. Never.


The lioness gets drunk carefully, and when drunk, she turns into a cute cat. A cat who is terrified of opening her mouth and saying something stupid, thereby instantly destroying a reputation that took years to build. The main thing is not to poke her with a stick, otherwise you will have to listen never ending story about how incredibly smart, pretty and successful she is, not like all of you pathetic losers.


Virgo gets thoroughly drunk, just as she does everything else. That is, Virgo gets drunk, as if with all her appearance saying: “Look, it’s done THIS way.” And this plays a cruel joke on her. Because as soon as Virgo gets completely drunk, her intellect turns off completely, and her true emotional essence comes out. And this entity, frankly speaking, doesn’t look very good. Something like the Grand Inquisitor.


Libras get drunk with inspiration. You don’t need any reason, you just need the right mood and the right surroundings: beautiful glasses, candles, melancholy music and that’s all. Yes, Libra knows a lot about libations. And that in the morning they find a terrible mess around them and suspicious individuals sleeping under the table - so it is in the morning. This is all an insidious green serpent, and Libra has nothing to do with it at all, so you know.


Scorpio gets drunk with love. No, really: alcohol solutions - best friends Scorpio, because with their help you can turn those around you into even more obedient puppets. Alcohol has no effect on Scorpios themselves, and this law of nature needs to be hacked to death by anyone who risks inviting a Scorpio as a drinking companion. Then it will be too late to mourn, too late! You won’t go anywhere, you will fall in love and dream all your life about repeating the experience. It's probably a futile dream.


Sagittarius gets drunk with pleasure. Without fear and reproach, without a shadow of doubt. Because Sagittarius, strictly speaking, does not need additional stimulation and is able to do weird things when sober in a way that all the other signs of the zodiac, taken together and who got drunk together, cannot. So Sagittarius gets drunk simply because it's fun and tasty. Consequences? What are the consequences? Sagittarius doesn't remember anyone, which means it didn't exist. Very convenient, yes.

The history of Maundy Thursday is connected with the Last Supper. Jesus, having gathered his disciples, washed their feet, showing that humility true Christian must be limitless. It is also a symbol of spiritual and physical cleansing. Part of it is compulsory visit church - believers must pray and confess.

From this day until the Resurrection of the Lord, everyone is dedicated to the memories that he experienced on earth.

What should you do on Maundy Thursday?

As mentioned above, even before sunrise, Christians tried to “purify themselves” with water - they swam in a river, lake, or doused themselves in a bathhouse in order to be healthy for the whole year.

Also, earlier on this day many people made for Easter table. To do this, they took a grain of salt, wrapped it in a rag and put it in the oven. Once the rag was burnt, the salt was collected and stored throughout the year.

IN Maundy Thursday people tried to carry the candle home from church without it going out. For this purpose, special lanterns were made from colored paper or glass. With the flame of a passionate candle they burned a cross in the house on the scum - from all evil spirits. They lit this candle and serious illnesses people or livestock, as well as during difficult childbirth, were given into the hands of the dying person.

Let’s take a closer look at this Maundy Thursday tradition. There is a belief: if you want, be sure to take a swim before sunrise on Maundy Thursday. It is believed that, indeed, this morning the water acquires miraculous properties. With this water you can wash away the stains that have accumulated over the year.

Therefore, they advise at dawn, but also a shower or with soap suds also welcome.

It is believed that this happens not only to the soul, but also to the soul, as the water acquires cleansing and protective properties, capable of washing away accumulated negativity and illness. It is important to have bright, joyful thoughts during the procedure.

Money sign on Maundy Thursday

It has long been believed that if you count everything available three times, then within a year the family will live in abundance. According to popular belief, money should be counted early in the morning, at noon and at sunset. This must be done in secret not only from strangers, but also from all members of your household. Only then will there be any benefit from performing this ancient ritual.

What should you not do on Maundy Thursday?

U Orthodox people There is a list of actions prohibited on Maundy Thursday. This is because this day is associated with cleansing the body, soul and home from dirt. And those who stirred up dirt in the house on Maundy Thursday will live in dirt and quarrels all year.

On Maundy Thursday you cannot give away anything valuable from home and you cannot, because along with valuables you can also transfer well-being.