Be patient you will like it. Be patient

Even obeying direct orders can be challenging if it involves understanding words related to the size of objects or spatial and numerical concepts. You can teach your child all these intricacies through play, while providing the opportunity, while having fun, to practice something useful. Draw a line through the middle of the sheet. Now you and the child give each other instructions on what to write and draw where. Here are some examples:

draw a large circle below the line; write the letter “E” inside the circle; write the letter “X” in the middle square;

draw a triangle in one of the upper corners; place the checker over the circle; draw a line from the first square to the triangle.

Start by having your child try to follow three orders in a row. If he succeeds, let him try to break his record and complete four orders, then five, etc.

Be patient

This is not at all difficult for you, but not so easy for the baby. If you get angry and your child feels like a fool, there is a danger that your child will not want to study because his pride will be hurt. Praise your child for what he does well, and don’t get annoyed if something doesn’t work out. Then the child will retain the desire to engage with you and earn your praise, otherwise he will refuse to play in order to avoid your displeasure.

Deep relaxation

We took this exercise from the book by Dr. Guy Hendrick and Dr. Russell Wills, Meditation: Mindful Movement for Children, Parents and Teachers. “When meditating, we get a feeling of balance, a feeling of inner strength, complete unity of mind and body,” the authors write in the first chapter of their book.

These concepts may seem too complex for you small child, but if you teach him to meditate or just relax, it will help him in stressful situations (for example, participating in a performance) or in case of strong emotional shock. If your child gains such useful skills while playing, it will be a true gift for him.

Find a carpeted area where you and your baby can lie down next to each other. Tell your child to lie down comfortably and then close his eyes. Now command him to focus on his hands and feel how heavy they are. Then let him clench his fist and keep it clenched for ten seconds. Continue by following the instructions below, leaving a few seconds between commands:

“Now relax and feel how weightless your hands are.

Focus your attention on your shoulders. Squeeze them, imagine, if you can, how small they are and how they pass through your ears. Keep your shoulders tight.

Now straighten your shoulders, the tension leaves your body.

Your eyes are closed, and your mouth is open as wide as possible, with tension. Now relax your mouth muscles. It's much nicer this way. Isn't it true? Press your tongue against the roof of your mouth and tense your entire jaw.

Relax, let a feeling of softness and calm pass through your face your body. Now wrinkle your nose and make a very scary face.

Now relax, your face feels very nice.

Tighten your chest, stomach and insides and keep everything in a tense, hard state until I tell you to relax.

Now relax, all tension leaves your body.”

Continue to give similar instructions for the hips, legs, and toes. Then tell your child to completely relax. If he feels that his body is still tense, let him take a deep breath and send him to the tension zone, this will help relaxation. Let your child take a few more deep breaths, feeling the peace and quiet within. Tell your child that you will count backwards from ten to one and when you finish, all the energy will return to his body. At number one, he should rise and feel happy and calmly focused.

Tape conversation

Sit down with your child and tape-record a letter to a grandparent, favorite aunt or uncle, or maybe a cousin. Before you start recording, discuss with your child what events happened in the lately, what he would like to tell. Make a list of “reporter” questions you are going to ask each other. If the preparations are completed, put on the recording tape, turn on the tape recorder and interview each other according to the questionnaire you compiled. After finishing the recording, listen to the tape and you can send your message to the recipient.

Art folder

Children are very happy and proud when they see that their works of art are truly important to you and you are saving them. Create a folder in which your child can put his favorite works. A folder, of course, can be bought in a store, but it will be more interesting if you and your child make it yourself from two large sheets of thick paper or thick cardboard (for example, two sides of a box).

Cut two rectangles of the same size from cardboard (if you have a large enough piece, you can fold it in half, this will make your task easier). Fold these sheets together and make holes in the lower part through which you need to thread a string. Don't forget to tie knots (on the outside of the folder) before pulling the twine through. Now the drawings will no longer fall down. In the same way, pierce and sew the sides of the folder, about fifteen centimeters from the bottom. Your folder will not fall apart and will open like a real one. On each side of the folder, write the child's name in bright letters, or let him, if

If he wants, he will write something else and decorate the folder with drawings or stickers as he wishes.

From time to time, look through the works in the folder and let your child evaluate them again: which drawings he still likes and which ones he doesn’t. He might want to try drawing the same thing again.

cut off face

You can stimulate a child’s imagination and fantasy by immersing him, as it were, in someone else’s life. Take one of his school or home photos and cut out his face. Then, when you look through illustrated magazines together, put this face on some person in the picture, and let the child try to imagine himself as this person. Talk to your child about how he imagines it.

He will undoubtedly be delighted if you do the same with your photo, placing your faces on new bodies. You yourself may find this game fun.

Script writing

If we need to keep our kids busy for a while with quiet activities, TV comes to the rescue for many of us. However, there is another way to use your TV without turning it on. Talk to your child about his favorite programs and TV characters. Then invite him to write a script with you on the theme of his favorite performance. The child can come up with ideas, and you can write them down. Ask questions, it will help him. Most children will use the main events of the programs they saw in their script, but with questions you can lead the child to new plot twists. If you enthusiastically accept his fantasies, this will only inspire the child. Once you've finished the scenario, you can try acting it out together.

Cutting out pictures

If your child is learning to read, take yesterday's newspaper and ask him to cut out three pictures he liked. Think together which word (noun or verb) is suitable for this picture. (Such a discussion can be very useful as preparatory work for teaching a child to read and write.) Then arrange your pictures with inscriptions on a sheet of paper in such an order that you get an interesting or funny sentence in its absurdity. Let the child come up with sentences using the words attached to the pictures.

For example, if the pictures show a football player, an airplane and travel bag, you can come up with the sentence: “My magnificent airplane will take me to a football match.”

Watching the stars

This is not difficult to do, but in a peculiar way. Punch random holes in the bottom of a large paper cup. Place a small flashlight in the cup, light it and hang the cup from the ceiling in dark room. Light will shine through the holes and you will have your own little planetarium. Try to involve the whole family in this game, and at the end it would be nice to tell a mysterious story.

If a person wants to develop and grow above himself, then, in this case, one of the most important qualities for him is patience. If you have patience and persistence, you can overcome a lot.

But why is it so difficult to be patient? How to learn patience? How can patience help you in life? Here are seven timeless thoughts to help answer these questions and more.

1. Our society can make it difficult to develop patience.

In our modern society, everything moves very quickly. By default, our minds are wired for immediate gratification.

I'm not saying that you need to protest against the norms modern society. I'm just trying to more or less clearly explain why patience is difficult to accept and use for your benefit.

Society pays little attention to the problem of patience. Instead, it wants you to do more and more right now. And you, having spent a certain number of years in such a rhythm, begin to demand that everything appear to you immediately. And the thought that you might not get the reward right away... outrages you.

2. If you have patience, you will achieve your goal.

This idea may not be so popular. People may just not want to hear about it.

But still, this is something that any successful person has encountered. Successful people are accustomed to constant work. They make themselves day by day.

It often looks as if they have incomparable talent and luck is on their side and that is why they are successful. This could also happen. But from the outside, you may not see the years of hard work that preceded this high point. Or you just don’t want to see this and therefore everything is explained by “tremendous talent” or “luck”. In this way, people explain to themselves why they, like the “lucky ones,” did not devote themselves completely to work. And why are they not doing anything now to make their dreams come true?

The easiest way to explain someone's success is simply great talent or fortunate circumstances. And continue to dream of quick success and magic pills for everything.

3. Don't give up

Since our society teaches us to count only on quick success, it is very easy for us to make the wrong decision and stop doing something that does not immediately give a good result. After you have tried five times, in such a situation it is considered normal to stop trying. But what could have happened to you if you hadn't stopped standing your ground? After all, every failure brings you more experience and teaches you something new.

It seems to me that people often make the mistake of giving up what they started, although they could try again. Perhaps you miscalculated the time it takes to achieve results. Your calculation simply may not correspond to the actual required time frame.

It can be useful to look at your expected prospects from the outside and compare them with your capabilities. Learn from people who have achieved what you want to achieve. Consult such people. Read their statements in books and on the Internet. Of course, this will not create a complete plan of action, but it will clarify the ways you need to achieve what you want to achieve.

But, naturally, this does not mean that you should continue with your plans under any circumstances. You just need to try to stay on the intended path for as long as possible.

And this does not mean that you should do the same thing over and over again without changing anything. You need to try and gain experience. Learn from life situations and learn from this experience. And based on this, decide what to do the next time you try.

4. It will do you good.

While other people are losing control, you can remain calm and patient. While other people give up after trying several times, you continue to move towards your goal. While others are rushing around in search of a solution to their problem, you are moving along the intended path.

5. This is a form of protection.

This is a wonderful way of looking at things. If you have patience, failure won't feel like the end of the world. The feeling of annoyance will not dominate your emotions, because you will simply push it away. After all, if you just continue on your path, perhaps reconsidering your approaches, you will improve your life.

6. Cultivate patience.

The more often you show patience, the easier it becomes for you. It's like a muscle that has been trained for months or even years.

As Keller says, life can teach you to be more patient. In difficult periods of life, we often simply have no choice and we have to endure. This is the time when we figuratively exercise our patience muscles.

In childhood, much of what we want we immediately receive from our parents and from other adults. As you get older, we begin to realize that people won't give us everything we want. If we really want to get something, in many cases we should be patient.

Otherwise, time after time we will fall into the trap in which we will get what we instantly want, and we simply will not get to what we really need. Thus, when the joy of an unnecessary new acquisition dissipates, we will develop a feeling of dissatisfaction. Somewhere in a person’s subcortex it is written down what he really needs. But since we already have something, it will be difficult for us to give it up.

7. Be patient with yourself.

This is very important to remember when you begin your self-development. Because reality may not be what you want. You may fail. You can pass to difficult situation. You may be confused. You may do something you know you should do, but something you shouldn't do. You may even repeat your own failures.

There is no need to self-flagellate for weeks or months. Drop it.

Instead, be reasonable and patient with yourself. If you are immediately upset, then return to normal life the very next day.

If you find this article helpful, please share it with someone. Thank you very much! =)

A very interesting and long article. Therefore, I warn you - be patient.. But it’s worth it) I would like to know your opinion.. Based on your life experience, do you think this theory works?

When you want something, the whole universe will
help make your wish come true."
(c) Paulo Coelho “The Alchemist”

EVERYONE has desires. This is a fact.
Someone just believes in their performance.
And someone says that there are no miracles in the world.
Well. To each according to faith. Each has its own Universe.
The wizard is CONFIDENT in his desires.
He knows that nothing is impossible.
Miracles DO exist.
The question is: do we know what we REALLY want? And can we understand that what comes to us is the answer to our desires?
More often than not, no.

By the way, FEARS are unfulfilled desires. They reflect the wrong way of thinking (for example, when a person experiences fear of being abandoned, although it would be more correct to want to be with his loved one). It's like two sides of the same coin.
Fears are realized just like desires. Do you know why? Keyword here - ATTENTION.
Because energy FOLLOWS attention. What you DIRECT your attention to becomes more and more important in your life.
Therefore, the Wizard always remembers that the desire must be PURE.
There should be NO admixtures of fear, doubt and greed in it.
We have already talked about fears.

This is evil) They are the ones who push back the moment of getting what we want.
Because the Universe will give you what you think about.
If you want a million dollars, but doubt that it will come true, then pictures will often flash on your external screen when money looms, but constantly disappears, never reaching you. Thus saying: “We exist, but you are NOT READY to accept us.”
But greed is a different story.
AS soon as you said: I want a star from the sky! Think right away if you can answer the question: WHY do you need a star from the sky??? FOR WHAT?
WANTING a million dollars is not greed. Greed is wanting a million dollars and NOT KNOWING what to do with it. That is, put it in the nightstand and let it lie.)
Well, WHY do you need what you so passionately want?

Next point.
Before you fulfill your desire, think about whether you really want what you think you want? It turned out tricky, but the meaning is true))
This means that people often try to fulfill desires that are NOT THEIR OWN.

They go to college to become an accountant when the Soul wants to heal people. Only because dad said it was easier to earn money for retirement this way.

Or they marry a reliable guy. In which, apart from reliability, nothing else warms. But his mother and girlfriends like him.

They go into business for big money, when in fact the Soul strives to paint pictures and give people beautiful masterpieces. But the wife nags. And there seems to be nothing else left to do but to fulfill HER desire.

Has this happened to you? Do you know what I mean?

LISTEN TO YOUR SOUL! She will tell you YOUR desire.

A wizard is NOT AFRAID to follow his desires.

Desires are not given to us by chance. They are not a temptation at all, they are our guides. Like a beacon that shows the way.

So don't be afraid to dream!
Nobody WILL BITE YOU for this))
Imagine EVERYTHING you want.
And don’t forget about the MISCOVERY in the eyes of the Wizard
By the way, NO ONE CANCELED THE ACTION to make a wish come true!!!))
You can lie on the couch, but not for long. After all, fulfillment of desires is the WAY. And it must be passed.

2. PRACTICE - Fulfilling WISHES
Any desire is given to us along with the strength to fulfill it.
As a practice, I’ll give you an article that describes very well and in detail WHAT needs to be done to make your wish COME TRUE.

Fulfillment of desires is the art of systematic thinking. In order for your wish to come true, you need to decide on your system of values ​​and the system of your needs. The fact is that we often tend to deceive not only other people and pretend that we are not what we really are, but also deceive ourselves.
How often do we hear our friends moaning: “I can’t afford to rest, I work so hard, there’s no time for rest, but I would really like to go on holiday.” Stop. Do these people really want to relax? They have a passionate dream of being needed, irreplaceable - and therefore this very desire comes true. We all know very well that people who angrily ask: “Why should I do everything for you?” - as a rule, this is exactly what they want, and with their behavior they provoke others into irresponsible behavior.
When a person has several desires, the stronger one comes true.
If you want to be indispensable, there will be no rest. If you passionately wished for rest, the opportunity will come, and perhaps from where you don’t expect...
And here is another piece of advice: do not limit the ways in which the result you are looking for can come to you.

Let's imagine that you have a dream - to go to Thailand. What needs to be done to make this dream come true? Not just to want, but to want it correctly. The first rule is that you cannot drive yourself into a narrow corridor with the restrictions that we impose on our desires. “I will work hard and earn money for a trip to Thailand.” This is an incorrectly formulated desire. Of course, if the goal is to earn money and not go to Thailand, then everything is correct... But think, is there really only one way to “make your dreams come true”? By setting a restriction (“I will only travel with the money I earn”) you are prohibiting other possibilities.
Opportunities go where there is open access.
If you insist on a way to fulfill a wish, this complicates the task for the powers that fulfill wishes. The example of one of my friends is very instructive in this regard. She really wanted to be well off - and for some reason she associated the fulfillment of this desire only with work. But suddenly her husband became very rich, became a typical “new Russian” and demanded that, as all “new Russian wives” should, she stop working. Of course, this was not what she had in mind, but what she asked . We will talk about the correct formulation of desires later. In the meantime, let's start understanding the technology of making wishes. Yes, this difficult art has its own algorithm.

Step one is analysis.
It is especially effective to make wishes on New Year, Birthday is when you experience a special emotional uplift, when, as in childhood, you have no doubt that miracles are possible... But, of course, we have desires much more often, so this technology is suitable for any day of life.
The first action is to prepare yourself emotionally for the fulfillment of your desire. To do this, you need to analyze what good things have happened to you lately. Remember the cases when you really just had to think: “Wouldn’t it be nice…” - and it happened pretty quickly. In this way we adjust our perception to the good and the real. It can be important to remember how you used to receive small gifts from fate and gain confidence that this is not only possible, but that it is normal and correct. I was late, but managed to jump into the carriage... thought about the right person- and he appeared... I remembered a friend’s birthday in time - and received an offer from him for an interesting job...
It is very important to try to see life positively. Folk wisdom says: “What I was afraid of happened.” People who fear something the most send these messages to the Universe - and as a result receive an adequate “response” to these “letters”. The more positive our attitude towards life, the greater the chances of fulfilling our desires.

Step two - formulation
“The Lord punishes us by fulfilling our desires”
(eastern wisdom)
After this, on an emotional high, you need to formulate your new desire. There are some very important rules here:

1. It is important that the wording of the desire sounds positive! You can’t – “I don’t want this to happen.” Say what you WANT. Not “I don’t want the child to be sick,” but “I want the child to be healthy.”

2. It is advisable to try to formulate it in such a way that the fulfillment of the desire depends not on other people, but on you. Not “I want the prince to come,” but “I want to make the prince fall in love with me.” However, even if the wording is “to be so charming that he falls in love with me”, that’s also not bad, because in this way we program ourselves for the charm of this very prince - and something will work out...

3. You need to formulate your desire according to your real life values. A friend of mine who, as a source of wealth, got the role of a new Russian wife, if she wanted to earn wealth herself, the desire had to be formulated differently. For example, “I want to work for big money, be in demand and enjoy it.”

4. You need to formulate your desire either very, very narrowly, carefully specifying each “condition”, or very broadly. Imagine that your wish is accepted by some worldwide computer. Remember how to search on a computer? Either a very precise wording is needed, or the request should be as broad as possible.

Let’s say a girl formulates: “I want the prince to come.” What if the prince comes to her office on business and leaves? She adds to the previous formula: “...and fell in love.” Perhaps the wish will come true, but there is nothing more terrible than an unrequited prince in love. Okay, he adds: “...and I would fall in love with him.” But then he realizes that there is nothing more terrible than a prince in love and beloved who is not free... And so on with variations. These conditions should not be discussed too much at one time, better - no more than 5...
Here's a funny incident: two girls “asked” for a husband. They wrote, as expected, no more than 5 characteristics of the expected beloved... And the beloved came - as requested, and smart, and beautiful, and rich... One is from Nigeria, and the other is from the United Arab Emirates. Everything was fine, only in their requests the girls did not indicate that they would like “Russian-made” princes.

In some cases it can be useful to give a "broad request". For example, do not make wishes about the prince or about your neighbor Vasya, but simply ask “for my personal life to be arranged in the best possible way.” However, we must again remember the rule that we have already mentioned: when desires contradict each other, the stronger one comes true. If a girl wants both a family and a career, it is possible that the “best way” for her would be not to have problems with her family in order to have a more successful career...
Here is the time to talk again about consistency: when making a wish, you must definitely take into account the possible consequences, so to speak, observe the “ecological friendliness” of desires.
That is, we must not forget that the Universe understands us LITERALLY

Conducting joyful experiments in making wishes, I very quickly became convinced that this is also a huge responsibility. At some point I suddenly thought: “Why am I not ordering money?” And I decided to “order” an amount that at that time seemed astronomical - 5 thousand dollars a month. A week later, a friend wearing black glasses and with 2 guards came to my training. During the break, he called me back and said: “You are suitable for us. We offer you a job for 5 thousand dollars a month for 2 years. You will live on our territory, advise us on negotiations, and then whatever you want, but the information you receive will not have the right to disclose.” I felt bad. Yes, that was what I asked for. But only for this money I would like to have fun, and not a bullet in the forehead in 2 years. I am still glad that I managed to get out of such an acquaintance then. And I added to the wish the word “so that I like it!” ...True, it took not two weeks, but five years to realize this desire with the new amendment.
There is another very important circumstance here: there is a concept of the mission of each person. And if a person follows what he was “sent” to this world for, he receives gifts. If inexplicable streaks of failure suddenly began in your life, it’s time to see if at some point you have veered off the path.

A very striking example of such a “turn” was demonstrated by an acquaintance of mine: he was working on getting alcoholics out of binge drinking, when suddenly the idea came to him to go into serious business. He organized a company, but after some time he began to get sick, things went wrong in the family, and the culmination was his arrest. He spent 2 years in prison and, thanks to the work of a lawyer, was released. Contrary to expectations, he came out happy: in prison he had the opportunity to think about everything, read books, he treated people, that is, he did what he was good at. And after leaving, he began to treat again - he himself explains this by saying that “he was returned to what he was supposed to do.”

Step three – “movie ticket”.

After the desire has acquired the ideality of a mathematical formula, you need to imagine this desire, immerse yourself, plunge into it. To see with your inner eye a “movie” in which this desire has already come true. Maybe a wedding with a prince or a family vacation with your common children... The boss’s office with a heavy paperweight and a beautiful secretary bringing coffee to you, the boss... A view of Paris from the Eiffel Tower... Your photo on a brand new student card... A press conference about the release of your new book... You should really like this “movie”, and its reality will make your desire almost “tangible” and help it come true.

The most important! You must be the main character of this film!
Because otherwise, you may come across the office you saw, but it will have nothing to do with you... In such a “movie” there must be confirmation that it is yours!!!

Step four - “After all, I deserve it”

We need to find a certain formula, “open sesame”, which will constantly set us up in a positive way - such a supporting belief. It can be anything you like

For example,
I am the beloved child of the Universe
all the forces of nature exist to fulfill my desires
if God created me, then he created for me everything I need
no desire appears in a person without the means to fulfill it
I deserve a good life - and I always get what I'm entitled to
The Universe is a friendly environment full of resources

You must accept this formula with all your heart, pronounce it to yourself, convince yourself. At the same time, if you are religious, then this is a prayer to your god. If you do not connect what is happening with higher powers, then the statement must be completely materialistic. For example: “I am able to notice good events happening to me."

Our life beliefs are like a flower bed: there are good flowers and weeds in it. Harmful beliefs (“you are worthless”, “you are not worthy” better life") must be mercilessly weeded out, and the good ones must be nurtured and watered...
To practice, when going to bed, try to visualize the chosen formula: for example, imagine yourself as the beloved child of the Universe. Here you don’t have to be shy: no one will see your movie, you can imagine anything you want - from the gentle look of God to the welcoming waves of the tentacles of green men or just a stream of light.
It is important that this “love of the Universe” gives you confidence.

Step five - times, terms and signs
When making a wish, be sure to discuss the timing of your wish. After all, how often does it happen that a wish made long ago still comes true - but it is no longer needed. Accordingly, when making a wish, you need to set a period during which you wait for the wish to come true. There is only one limitation here: do not wish for fulfillment in 15 minutes if you do not believe that this is possible.

Follow the signs that accompany you through life. If you're thinking about difficult matter on the way home, you formulate your desire mentally and, at that moment, raising your eyes, you see a large inscription on the wall of the house: “Why?” - answer this question for yourself, it is most likely not accidental.
You leave the house, incredibly late, and your car breaks down, ground transportation is bad, but, overcoming all obstacles, you arrive at an important meeting - and the meeting is cancelled. Is this a familiar story? But it was possible to predict it - you just had to follow the signs. A person who listens to himself and to the signs will next time do what should have been done at the first moment: call and find out if the meeting has been cancelled.
The films “Blinded by Wishes” and “Route 60” can be a great instruction on how to make wishes and what happens when you don’t follow the technology.

Step Six - “If he leaves, it’s forever”
You must not only be able to make a wish, you must be able to use it.

There is a parable on this topic. A certain man went to heaven and, since he was used to working, he asked for something to do. He was assigned to sort out a file cabinet from the creation of the world. At first he mindlessly sorted it out, then he read one of the cards... There, next to the surname and name of a resident of paradise, it was indicated what benefits were due to him in earthly life. The man found his card and read that he was supposed to have a great job in life, a three-story house, a beautiful wife, two talented children, three cars... And he felt that he had been deceived.

He runs with a complaint to the heavenly authorities, and they answer him: “Let's sort it out. When you finished 8th grade, we prepared a place for you in an elite school, but you went to a vocational school around the corner. Then we saved you a beautiful wife, you were supposed to meet her in the south, but you decided to save money, and asked for a wife “at least Lyuska from the next door.” We couldn’t refuse you... You had the opportunity to have a house, when your aunt asked you to come - you refused, and she wanted to leave you an inheritance... Well, and with the car it turned out completely funny: even lottery tickets they slipped it to you, but you chose Zaporozhets”...

There are many people who make wishes, but are still not ready to fulfill them, and either devalue these wishes, or, when they come true, begin to doubt, even resist.
If you have made a wish for a meeting with the person you need, then be ready to meet him, and when you meet, do not run past, because there may not be a next time, let your wish come true.
Know that “love at first sight” exists - love with a person, organization, thing. Do not resist what is coming into your hands, because then it will be more difficult to fulfill your desire.

Those who understand or feel that fulfilling desires “according to our order” is possible or are still in doubt, but are ready to try, need not read further. Romantics better believe it's simple magic spell! This is a recipe for a miracle! Try it and see! If you think that there is too much magic in our algorithm, well, here is an expose of the magic.

We all know that a person who drives a car crosses the road differently than a simple pedestrian: he is able to predict the behavior of drivers and traffic flows. The focus of attention of our consciousness is where the focus is, pardon the pun. A person, with his thoughts, words, and behavior, programs his brain for something. If we want to buy shoes, we will come across shoe stores all over the city. As soon as we buy shoes and move on to something else, we will encounter the opportunity to purchase this other thing.

Our subconscious selects exactly the information that is of value and interest to us now. Our task is to create conditions to help consciousness grasp necessary information. Any manager knows that in business you must set yourself specific goals. Why? If there is no goal, it is difficult to allocate resources and it is not clear when the result is achieved and how the result is measured. If we don't set goals for ourselves, we won't be able to achieve anything. Why are we more attentive to business than to our own lives? If in life we ​​learn to set goals (and what are our desires if not the formulation of a certain goal?), then we will better understand our resources and the ways to achieve them, we will better see the strengths and weaknesses, we will concentrate and look for ways to achieve our goals.

Do we explain the fulfillment of desires by our painstaking systematizing work or by the intervention of some higher powers, no matter: wishes can come true! And advice for the future: if you make a wish, track that it comes true. In order to clearly summarize these results, it makes sense to record your desire in writing and hide the piece of paper... Man is a greedy creature: you wished for “the arrival of a prince,” but he came to see you on business and is generally married. Don’t blame fate later that your wish didn’t come true - it’s better to check what you made. Having your wishes come true will greatly help you make them in the future - for the first step, “artillery preparation,” such examples of “dreams coming true” will be very useful. The more experience of fulfilled wishes you accumulate, the easier it will be to make them every next time. Let yourself be surprised when your wish comes true!

It turns out that the FORMULA FOR FULFILLING WISHES is as follows.

How to communicate usefully and enjoy it Gummesson Elisabeth

Be patient

Be patient

It's not easy to redirect your internal dialogue, especially if you've been conditioning yourself a certain way for years. But even so, it may take weeks or months for you to change, depending on how deeply ingrained your misconceptions about yourself are.

In order for a person to be completely confident in his own worthlessness, this idea must be instilled in him from childhood. Almost all girls and boys who were mercilessly criticized and humiliated as children grow up believing they are useless because they had no other choice.

But it's never too late to change! I want to offer you an exercise that will allow you, I hope, to change your attitude towards yourself.


Imagine your centenary. Next to you is everyone you love: children, loved one, friends, parents, relatives, former colleagues, former bosses, neighbors, acquaintances, everyone came to your holiday. If you're not the type to celebrate birthdays, use your imagination. After all, it's just an exercise.

And so the guests, one after another, stand up and speak warmly and lovingly about you.

1. What are they saying? What qualities do they particularly like about you? Write them down in your notebook.

2. Maybe guests endow you with qualities that you do not possess, but have always wanted to have? How do you think your friends might respond to you at your anniversary? What qualities did you write down in your notebook?

You now have a description of the person you want to be. Think about what you can do to acquire the qualities you want.

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