Learn to lay out cards. Fortune telling: full layout and meaning of cards

Very often after eating we feel sleepy and want to lie down and have a good rest. This is especially noticeable in the afternoon after a hearty lunch. The urge to sleep seems irresistible. It becomes difficult to concentrate on the work process after a lunch break, and the need to work becomes a real torture. It’s not for nothing that office workers love the joke that before lunch people struggle with hunger, and after lunch they struggle with sleep.

Some ironically call this condition a “food coma.”

Causes of drowsiness after eating

Let's try to figure out why you want to sleep after eating.
There are two main causes of the so-called food coma.

Firstly, the body requires a lot of energy to digest food. The digestive system does a tremendous job. The food must first enter the stomach. The stomach then receives a signal to start producing acid to digest food. The stomach also controls the speed at which food passes through the intestines. Next, the pancreas produces enzymes that break down and absorb nutrients.
After the body has spent energy on digesting food, it does not have enough energy reserves to maintain routine activities.

In addition, in the body of a person who has just eaten, blood goes straight to the gastrointestinal tract. Because of this, the brain does not receive enough oxygen to function properly. This is what makes us sleepy. Doctors strongly recommend not to try to overpower yourself at these moments, but to take a slight break. After some time, oxygen metabolism will normalize, and your well-being will noticeably improve.

The second reason for afternoon sleepiness is related to the chemical processes that occur in the brain after a heavy meal. When nutrients are absorbed in the intestines, a spike in blood glucose levels occurs. Brain cells use sugar as an energy source, and if the body is hungry, the brain produces a special substance orexin. It is he who keeps us awake and forces us to find something to snack on. But when the food has already been digested and absorbed, the brain also becomes “full”, which means it no longer feels the need to produce orexin.

How to deal with afternoon sleepiness

Of course, it would be ideal to lie down and relax for half an hour or an hour after lunch. Alas, not every boss will positively evaluate such an idea. However, you shouldn’t be scared and refuse lunches. It's better to just choose foods that aren't too heavy. In addition, even a five-minute walk in the fresh air will help in the fight against drowsiness. Simple physical exercises will also be useful. Don’t forget that to avoid the desire to eat too much at lunch, your breakfast should be as complete as possible. Then you are not in danger of falling asleep at work immediately after your lunch break.

Now watch a video about what happens to those who couldn’t resist the urge to sleep after lunch!

Drowsiness after lunch is due to many reasons, ranging from banal overeating to the specifics of certain foods. Often we experience desire take a nap during the day after being very tired, physical activity, due to cloudy weather or simply due to not getting enough rest at night.

The lethargy and drowsiness that we experience immediately after eating are often caused by precisely these reasons, but there are some nuances here. If a simple half-hour rest after a meal is not enough for you and your body insists on sleep, perhaps it’s not just a matter of your daily routine. In this article we decided to analyze everything in detail possible reasons afternoon drowsiness not associated with fatigue.


Water balance greatly affects our general state. We have written more than once about why it is necessary to drink a lot of water. Without it, we simply will not be able to fully charge ourselves with the energy that enters the body along with the food we consume.

When dehydration sets in, we feel tired, lethargic and even dizzy: this is associated with changes in blood pressure and a decrease in heart rate. It is in this state that we may be especially attracted to daytime sleep.

Don't forget to drink a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach and before every meal, even snacks. This way you will be able to maintain your water balance normally and will not allow metabolic processes in the body to “fall asleep”.

"Sleepy" products

Some products contain a large number of tryptophan is an amino acid that stimulates the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. If your lunch or snack consists of these foods, you may want to reduce the amount, move them to an evening meal, or eliminate them from your diet altogether.

Almond, walnuts, pumpkin seeds and bananas, in addition to tryptophan, contain magnesium and potassium, which relax muscles and provide us with a feeling of pleasant relaxation after eating. Some herbal teas, such as chamomile or mint, are best drunk in the evenings or before bed: the fact is that they have a calming effect on us and cause drowsiness.

To stay alert during your lunch break, it would be better to drink plain water, strong coffee, green or black tea without sugar.

Binge eating

The feeling of heaviness that occurs after overeating makes us have an irresistible desire to lie down to rest and digest the food. If we eat rarely and in large portions, the body gets tired and requires rest in order to deal with a thousand new calories.

Don't let yourself go hungry, try to eat often and in small portions. Spacing out your meals will help you stay in control and prevent overeating, which can cause you to gain weight in the future and cause you to nap during the day.

A sharp jump in blood sugar

Fast carbohydrates and foods with a high glycemic index instantly charge us with energy, which, unfortunately, is exhausted very quickly, first sharply increasing and then, conversely, decreasing blood sugar levels. You may feel tired and sleepy due to large changes in glucose levels that enter the body with harmful carbohydrates.

Confectionery and flour products, sweet snacks and drinks containing sugar and even sweet fruits and vegetables: all such products are fast carbohydrates with a high glycemic index. Watch your diet and give preference to vegetables, foods rich in fiber and slow carbohydrates: foods that provide a long-lasting feeling of fullness and vigor.

How to overcome sleepiness?

Afternoon naps have many pros and cons. Some rightly believe that rest after eating is a normal requirement for a healthy body, and a half-hour nap after lunch will not harm us in any way: for example, in some countries there has been a siesta for a long time.

Other people, on the contrary, prefer to drink a big cup of coffee instead of feeling a “sleepy hangover” and feeling exhausted for a long time after a short rest.

It often happens that after a tasty and satisfying meal, you want, if not to take a nap, then at least take a horizontal position and give your body a little rest. Moreover, this physiological feature does not depend on age and gender: young and old, women and men. Moreover, not everyone thinks about why we want to sleep after eating. Let's try to figure it out.

Why do you want to sleep after eating: version one

Understanding the reason for your sleepiness after lunch, you don’t need to go to extremes and be afraid to have lunch at all; meals should be mandatory and regular. As we mentioned above, to stay cheerful, you just need to adjust your menu. To avoid falling asleep at work, instead of heavy dishes, you need to choose something lighter.

Now that we know the answer to the question of why you always want to sleep after eating, it will be easier for us to cope with our drowsy state and pull ourselves together. You should also remember that eating too much of any food can also cause drowsiness, so you should avoid overeating.

Most people still don’t know how to tell fortunes. playing cards. But almost all fortune tellers of the older generation began their fortune telling with ordinary playing cards, because back in the 90s it was very difficult to purchase a good and real deck of Tarot cards. Before laying out the cards, you need to find out what exactly worries the fortuneteller most of all, and then think about what questions will help clarify the non-fulfillment or fulfillment of this fortune-telling.

To do this, you need to put your hand on the deck of cards, and in order to have better contact with the cards, you can ask the person being told fortune to put their hand on this deck of cards, and then mentally focus on an exciting issue. There are cases when a fortuneteller voices one problem, but in fact the person is thinking about other things altogether and does not want to voice them. And then the cards usually may not show the truth or tell about some events, but do not answer the specific question posed. In the end, the question remains up in the air.

For example, you can conduct a small experiment in which the person being told fortunes will mentally ask the same question twice, then with a good fortune teller and with good maps answer cards, that is, the layout will be the same. Moreover, even if the deck of cards is well shuffled, it will still show the same answer. However, to do this you need to have very good contact with the deck of playing cards. According to some people, such fortune telling is comparable to clairvoyance and the ability to handle cards well.

As for the rules for fortune telling on standard playing cards, it has long been known that on the day of fortune telling it is forbidden to lay out cards more than three times on one deck. Of course, many people don’t know why this shouldn’t be done, but it’s still worth adhering to this rule. According to fortune tellers, in this case the cards simply get tired and begin to show lies.

In most cases, to find out whether the cards are tired or not, fortune tellers remove some cards from the deck, and then ask a question as to whether the cards want to make contact or not. And in this case, a person establishes a connection with his cards in order to feel them well.

Now let's proceed directly to how to tell fortunes on cards for love.

Fortune telling for love

Fortune telling has already helped many people understand what feelings their lovers have for them, whether they are hiding something or will have them in the future. Such fortune-telling is interesting because a person can learn something new about himself, open his own eyes to his fears, or reveal his subconscious craving for another man, but not for the one for whom they are fortune-telling.

As for how to tell fortunes using playing cards for love, it is worth knowing that preparation is always carried out before fortune telling. And for this you will need a completely new deck of cards, or you will use those cards that have been used to tell fortunes for quite a long time, and which give the most frank answers.

If these cards have been played with or are cards that someone has already used to tell fortunes, then they are not suitable for divination at all.

Of course, this fortune telling is carried out with a deck consisting of 36 cards.

If you need to tell fortunes about a love prospect or a love relationship, then it is advisable to do this on Friday or Tuesday, and preferably on the waxing moon. Naturally, any fortune telling is a whole ritual, which should preferably be carried out by the light of two white candles. And before you start laying out the cards, you need to make sure that the cards are already configured to talk and give truthful answers.

First you need to shuffle the deck and start laying out 3 cards. This must be done until a card appears indicating the person being told fortunes. And if the cards with which you fell this map, indicate the events that recently happened to this person, then the layout of the cards will be truthful. And if for Lately nothing happened that the cards showed, then it is advisable to postpone fortune telling, because the cards will not tell the truth anyway.

Regarding which card corresponds to a person, everything is simple here:

  • If this unmarried girl under 25 years of age, then she is the queen of diamonds.
  • A married girl aged 25-50 means the queen of hearts.
  • A widow over 50 years old means the queen of clubs.

Cards for the man you need to guess about are selected in the same way:

  • Young single man– king of diamonds.
  • A man who is married and over 25 years old is the king of worms.
  • A single widower over 50 is the king of clubs.

Fortune telling for the future in love

At the first stage of fortune telling, you need to put a card that symbolizes your beloved on the left side, and your card on the right side. You need to leave a small space between these cards, and then shuffle the deck of cards well and remove the cards to yourself with your left hand. For this fortune telling, cards are taken in a row and they cannot be taken out in any order. Be sure to lay out the cards face down and in a certain order:

  1. Two cards are placed to the left of the king, and two cards are already to the right of the queen, this means what exactly people hide from each other.
  2. Two cards are placed at the feet of the king and queen; this is needed in order to find out what awaits each of them in the near future.
  3. Two cards are placed above the queen and, accordingly, the king to find out what each of them thinks about the other.
  4. Two cards from the left pile from the queen and from the king pile, this will help you find out what is hindering the relationship of this couple on both sides.
  5. Two cards per queen and king, which will help you find out what is going on in their hearts.
  6. Only one card for the queen and one for the king, this will help to find out the true attitude of people towards each other.
  7. Also lay out two cards three times between the king and queen, this means the past time, the present and their relationship in the future.

You need to open and push the cards in the order in which the cards were laid out. But you need to know that you should not interpret each card separately, but at once on both cards that were in conjunction with each other.

In addition, one should not discount all the images that appear in the fortune teller’s subconscious when interpreting fortune telling. Indeed, very often these images complement the picture of fortune-telling and allow us to expand and even specify the interpretation.

At the second stage of fortune telling, after interpreting the cards, you need to collect all the cards for the layout, which includes the cards of the people on whom they are telling fortunes. Then you need to carefully shuffle the cards again and arrange three cards into three piles in the form of an inverted triangle. If this is the left pile, then it means what a man expects from a relationship with a woman and what he strives for today. If this is the right stack of cards, then it means what the woman wants from this man and what she will seek from him. The bottom stack of cards means what will happen in reality. After this interpretation, you need to put all nine of these cards aside, since they will no longer be needed.

At the third stage of fortune telling, it is necessary to shuffle the cards again for the layout. Next, you need to open one card at a time, saying: "For me" , "for my home" , "for my heart" , "what has already happened" , "what happens next" , "how will it all end" And “how will my heart calm down” . And then you should look at the interpretation of each individual card, this will be the future of the person being told fortunes. Then you need to put these 7 cards aside and shuffle all the remaining cards, then you should lay out another 7 cards, similar to the first time. These cards will show the future of the man they are guessing about. Then these cards also need to be put aside.

At the final stage, you need to shuffle all the remaining cards and lay them out one at a time, while removing all paired cards. All cards that remain after such manipulations will show the future of the couple for whom fortune telling is being carried out.

Fortune telling for the future

Every person wants to know at least a little bit whether everything planned will come true, whether a person is moving in life in the right direction, or whether it is even worth taking on a new business. Of course, some are driven by ordinary curiosity, while others are constantly worried about the same vital question.

Often, in search of real and correct fortune tellers, many people simply waste time and money. And if you look at it, why do it at all, because there are many ancient fortune telling on ordinary playing cards, which you can use yourself.

How to tell fortunes with playing cards for the future? For example, if a person is worried about whether his wish will come true or not, then for this fortune telling he needs to take regular deck kart. To carry out fortune telling for the future according to all the rules, you need to hold a deck of cards in your hands for a while and mentally imagine what worries you now.

The cards need to be asked a specific and clear question, which needs to be answered yes or no, and then the cards need to be shuffled again. Next, you should take out one card - this will answer your question.

Here are the interpretations of the cards:

  • An even number means a positive answer.
  • An odd number means a negative answer.
  • The jack of the red suit means that a wish can be fulfilled, but you need to make every effort to do so.
  • Jack of the black suit means that the wish will not come true, since there will be a lot of obstacles to this.
  • Lady of the red suit - a wish can come true and a woman will help for this, so you should not reject female help in life.
  • Lady of black suit - this desire will not come true and a woman will interfere with this.
  • The king of the red suit - this wish will definitely come true, and a man who will be older in age or higher in position will help with this.
  • King of black suit - this desire cannot be fulfilled, since a man will intervene and prevent its fulfillment.
  • Ace of red suit - a wish will come true and all paths are open for this.
  • Ace of black suit - this wish will not come true in the near future under any circumstances.

When fortune telling with playing cards for a wish or for the future, you should remember that you cannot ask the same question twice. And if the answer received is not satisfactory, then fortune-telling can be repeated only after a day. Fortune telling should only be done in a calm and balanced state and preferably with lit candles. We must also not forget that in large church holidays It is forbidden to guess on cards.

The mysterious world of magic attracts everyone more people, especially the fair sex. And various fortune-telling, including using cards, be it Tarot or ordinary playing cards, is of particular interest. Understanding all the meanings of the former on your own is quite problematic and, as a rule, this method requires a lot of experience to correct interpretation. But everyone can learn to guess with playing cards, if only they have the desire, as they say. Although everything is not so simple here, you will need to be patient and learn some rules and recommendations.

Remember - you cannot guess on church holidays and on Sundays; it is better to do it on Fridays and the thirteenth. Fortune three times a day, but no more, and everything is on different people. Do not do this at night, it is fraught with negative consequences. And don't do it against your will. Even if you are sure of the layout, do not tell the person to whom the cards were dealt about the death of him or people close to him. Remember that cards can lie in rainy or foggy weather. If you decide to decompose them to fulfill a wish, and the result does not suit you, do not even think about repeating it, this may make the cards angry. For fortune telling, purchase absolutely new deck(usually used from thirty-six cards) and never give it to others. Don't use it for gaming. Types of fortune telling on playing cards, as well as combinations of cards in various layouts , there are many, you will need time to remember. You will quickly begin to understand what the cards are saying if you practice more often. By the way, from time to time they may fall out of the deck, in such cases, pay attention to them close attention , it is believed that in this way they emphasize the importance of what they want to say. Establish an energetic connection with your cards before fortune telling; to do this, hold them in your hands, tune in to understand what they want to convey to you. In general, almost every fortune teller has a personal conspiracy that they whisper before laying out the cards. But you can do without it. Shuffle the deck with your left hand, towards your heart, remove a few cards from the top and move them down. Only after this can you start fortune telling. You will need to consider both the meaning of each card and the suit as a whole, as well as its position (reversed and upright),

various combinations

  • her with other cards that can enhance or weaken her importance. What will the card suits tell you?
  • Each of them is “responsible” for 1 of 4 elements, important areas of life:
  • ♠ Peaks represent Air; they show negative events, which you can associate with losses, deception, fiasco and other problems.
  • ♣ Crosses (Clubs) symbolize the element of Fire, speak about power, a person’s social status, and finances.

If you interpret the meaning of each card of a suit, for example, hearts, then remember the following: Ace is a house, a family hearth, King is a married or divorced man, Lady is mother, friend or lover, and Jack means problems, 10 is interest or hope, 9 is a date, 8 will tell you about a conversation, and 7 will tell you about a meeting, and 6 will tell you about a trip. You can find out more information about this on this website.

But here is one simple and very popular fortune telling for a loved one: focus on thoughts about him and shuffle the cards, move the top of the deck and take one card from the middle. Place face down. Shuffle again, take out another card and place it next to the first. Do this just six times and you will learn quite a lot about your loved one. In this layout, the first card will tell you what the person you are wondering about is thinking about. The second is about what is going on in his heart. The third will tell what should happen to him, and the fourth will reveal all his desires. The fifth card, on the contrary, will let you know what he doesn’t want. The sixth means what is currently happening in the life of your beloved. Do not forget that you need to decipher the meanings of cards in relation to a specific person, without generalizing. Indeed, for one, the same Queen of Hearts will mean the presence of a mother nearby, and for another, a mistress, that is, betrayal. You can learn many other layouts by looking at