Name of sins for confession. Confession in church, what to say - an example

They pray for a speedy conception, a successful pregnancy and a safe delivery. They also turn to the Heavenly Intercessor in matters of feeding newborn children - when there is not enough milk, or when the baby does not latch well. They also pray to the Mother of God for the health of children and their timely development.

According to the legends preserved in the Hilendar monastery, the image of the “Mammal” was originally located in the Lavra of St. Sava the Sanctified near Jerusalem. Already staying in near death, Saint Sava told his brothers that in the near future a royal wanderer of the same name from Serbia, also called Sava, would visit the Lavra. It is to him that the image of the Mother of God “Mammal” should be given for charity. These words were spoken in 532. More than six hundred years have passed since those times. The image of the divine Mammal continued to stand motionless in the place reserved for her, awaiting the fulfillment of the prophetic dying wills of the clergyman Sava about her. And finally, in the 13th century, Saint Sava the Serbian happened to find himself within Palestine, where he was given the prophetic commandment of Saint Sava the Sanctified, and together with miraculously The Mother of God, who was given the name “Three-Handed”, the Lavra also gave him benefaction with the holy image of “Mammal”.

Returning back to Serbia from Palestine, Saint Sava made a pilgrimage to the Holy Mount Athos, where he established the Hilendar monastery. And precisely in this place he decided to leave an inalienable legacy and decoration - the image of the Mother of the Lord "Mammal", installing it in the temple at the Kareya cell, in the future called the Typicarnitsa, since the Typik (charter) of the clergyman Sava was located in it. The image of the “Mammal” was characteristically installed in the iconostasis not on the left side royal gates, but, on the contrary, on the right, where the image is traditionally installed Holy Trinity, or the image of the Savior. On the territory of this temple, the icon of the Lord Pantocrator is placed to the left of the royal doors in the iconostasis, in other words, where the image of the Mother of God should have been located.

Since that time, the celebration of the icon Holy Mother of God“Mammals” takes place at the Kareya cell on the day of remembrance of the clergyman Sava of Serbia, January twelfth (or January twenty-fifth according to the new calendar).

The Mother of God favored besides this image glorify several more lists from it. One of the most important miraculous copies is located in the cell of the holy prophet Elijah on sacred mountain Athos. The exact time and place where the data was written off sacred icon not known. Legends claim that the owner of this image was a certain ascetic, who blessed with it another hermit from Athos - Onesimus, who took root in a place called Yukhtadika; and he, in turn, blessed his fellow-faster and fellow-hidden man with it. church life Schemamonk Ignatius of the Elias Monastery. This schemamonk Ignatius was sent to the territory of Russia in 1848 to collect donations for the benefit of the monastery, and the abbot of the Elias Monastery, Father Paisius, blessed him for the journey in precisely this holy way. In Kharkov, the first miracle occurred from this image - the defeat of both limbs of the carpenter who straightened her icon case without proper reverence and his miraculous cure after holding a prayer service in front of this image. And soon this miracle was followed by a lot of others: in Yelets, Zadonsk, Tula, Moscow and other cities.

History of the Mammal

Initially, the icon was located near Jerusalem in the Lavra of St. Sava the Sanctified. Saint Sava the Sanctified, dying (and this was in 532), left a prophecy about the visit of the Lavra by the royal pilgrim Sava from Serbia and ordered to give him the “Mammal” as a blessing.
Seven centuries passed, the fourteenth century was in progress.
And now the prophecy comes true - Saint Sava, the first Archbishop of Serbia, visited Palestine. In fulfillment of the behest of Saint Sava, he was given the image of the Mother of God “Mammal,” and with it the miraculous icon “Three-Handed” and the abbot’s staff.
On the way back from Palestine, Savva the Serbian visited Holy Mount Athos, where he founded the Hilandar monastery. It was here, in the church of Kareya Kelia, that he left the holy image of the “Mammal.” Due to its significance, the icon was placed on the right side of the iconostasis (the usual place for icons of the Holy Trinity or the Savior). The day the icon was found by the monastery became the day of celebration of the Mammal.

Places of worship of the Mammal

Firstly, the original image in the Church of Kareya Kelia.

Lists from this icon, by ancient tradition, are placed under it for some time, thereby, being in its atmosphere, prayed for centuries, as if charged with miraculous energy from it.

One of the most important miraculous lists from the Hilandar Mammal is located in the monastery of the holy prophet Elijah on Athos. The time and place of its writing is unknown. With this icon, the rector of the Elias monastery, Father Paisiy, blessed Schemamonk Ignatius, who was sent to Russia in 1848 to collect donations for the benefit of the monastery.
Numerous cases have been recorded miraculous healings while following Ignatius with the icon through Kharkov, Yelets, Tula and Moscow. The silver and gilded robe of the “Mammals” is decorated with expensive multi-colored stones. On the back of the icon are listed the miracles that came from it.

In the city of Pec (in the territory of the former Serbia, and now in Kosovo), in the Church of the Virgin Hodegetria there is an ancient fresco (c. 1330) depicting the Mammal. The Mother of God nursing the baby Jesus sits on a throne under the tabernacle. To her left and right are two worshiping angels.
To the Orthodox Serbs, the Mother of God was seen as a source eternal life. “Rejoice, Unbrided Bride” is written on top of the icon.

There is an image of the “Mammal” in Italy, in the Basilica of San Giovanni Evangelista (Ravenna).

In Russia, icons with such a plot are extremely rare.

In Moscow, in the Epiphany Cathedral (Spartakovskaya St., 15) there is an icon of the Mother of God “Mammal” - a gift from St. Gabriel of Athos (since 1887 - rector of the St. Elias Skete on Mount Athos, since 1894 - archimandrite), as evidenced by the inscription on icon. Above the head of the Mammal is a crown held by kneeling Angels. Below, to the right of the Mother of God is St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, to the left is the Prophet John the Baptist.

In Moscow there is another list of the Mammal-Nurser - in the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Biryulyovo (Bulatnikovsky Ave., 8a)

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Mammal,” brought by the aforementioned Venerable Gabriel of Athos from Holy Mount Athos, is located in the Holy Dormition Monastery in Odessa (Mayachny lane, 6). The right aisle of the temple is dedicated to the image of the Mammal.
The icon case contains rare shrines - part of the robe of Christ the Savior and the tunic Holy Mother of God.

Another image of the miraculous icon is also located in Odessa, in the St. Elias Monastery (Pushkinskaya St., 79), where there is also a lectern icon of the Mother of God “Mammal”, where on back side there is an inscription inscribed by the hand of the Venerable Gabriel of Athos himself.

In 1650, near Minsk, in the Krestogorsk tract, another icon of the Mother of God “Mammal” was discovered on a tree. In honor of her miraculous discovery, the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary was erected here. The icon was placed above the royal doors and could go down so that believers could touch it.

And in Tula (Liza Chaikina St., 1), entrepreneur Vasily Ivanovich Makarukhin, whose enterprises produced various church utensils, built an entire monastery in 1868 in the name of the image of the Mammal. This is the Mother of God Panteleimonov Shcheglovsky monastery- the only inheritance of the Most Holy Theotokos in Russia - the Mother of Mammals, founded in her honor.
The name of the main sponsor of the construction, due to his modesty, remained in the shadows for a long time. In 1879, Vasily Ivanovich moved from Moscow to the monastery for “monastic” residence, where he remained until his death in 1890.

Well, another monastery with a list of Mammals - Novo-Tikhvinsky convent in Yekaterinburg (Zelenaya Roshcha St., 1)

Prayer to the Mammal

“...Receive, O Lady Theotokos, the tearful prayers of Your servants who flow to You.
We look at you holy icon who carries in her arms and nourishes with milk Your Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Even though you gave birth to Him painlessly, even though you weighed the maternal sorrows and infirmities of the sons and daughters of human beings. Falling even more warmly to Thy whole-bearing image and tenderly kissing this, we pray to Thee, All-Merciful Lady: we, sinners, condemned to give birth to sickness and nourish our children in sorrow, mercifully spare and compassionately intercede, but our babies, who also gave birth to them, from the grave deliver from illness and bitter sorrow.
Grant them health and well-being, and their nourishment will increase in strength, and those who feed them will be filled with joy and consolation, for even now, through Your intercession from the mouth of a baby and those who piss, the Lord will bring His praise.
O Mother of the Son of God! Have mercy on the mother of the sons of men and on Your weak people: quickly heal the illnesses that befall us, quench the sorrows and sorrows that are upon us, do not despise the tears and sighs of Your servants. Hear us on the day of sorrow who fall before Your icon, and on the day of joy of deliverance, accept the grateful praise of our hearts. Offer our prayers to the throne of Your Son and our God, that He may be merciful to our sins and our iniquities and add His mercy to those who lead His name, so that we and our children may glorify You, the merciful Intercessor and the true hope of our race, forever and ever. .

Another version of prayer -

"...Oh, All-Singing Mother, Mammal of our Savior!
Hear our heartfelt sighs, be a warm Intercessor and Prayer for us before Your Son and God, that we may be delivered from our sins, may we not remain outside His palace, but may we be worthy to sing to Him with all the saints:

The text of the prayers is not dogma.
Anyone who suffers can supplement them with their innermost wishes, in particular, in case of infertility, you can insert, for example, the following text: “... All-merciful Mother of God, who has known the joy of motherhood, help, intercede for me before our Lord Jesus Christ, let me conceive safely , bear, give birth and feed a healthy child, grant me this happiness, do not leave me in my sadness..."
Well, or as your heart tells you.


The prototype of the Mother of God " Mammal" - the only one Orthodox icon depicting the Virgin Mary nursing the Divine Child, was once kept in the one founded by Savva Consecrated Monastery, located near Jerusalem. Saint Sava went to the Lord in 532, bequeathing to the brethren to hand over the “Mammal” as a blessing to a certain noble pilgrim of the royal family, bearing the same name as him - Sava.

Six centuries later, the Serbian ascetic Savva, the son of the king, who refused for the sake of monastic life inherit the father's throne. When he prayed at the tomb of Savva the Sanctified, his heavenly patron, the abbot’s staff of the monk, standing right there, suddenly fell to the floor, and the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, which had previously stood motionless, suddenly bent over several times...

Considering all this as a sign of fulfillment ancient prophecy, the monks gave Savva the Serbian both the “Mammal” bequeathed to him (together with another icon of the Mother of God, the “Three-Handed One”), and the abbot’s staff.

From the saint Sava of Serbia “Mammal” was transferred to the Hilendar monastery on Mount Athos, to the restoration and expansion of which he had with his father, in monasticism Simeon, direct relation. For monks who wanted to work alone, they built a cell separate from the monastery in the center of Athos - Kareya. Its abbot had complete independence. The connection with Hilendar was only that the rector of the cell was elected and appointed by the Hilendar abbot.

To organize monastic life in the cell, Saint Sava wrote a special charter (Tipik), which became exemplary for Serbian monasticism. According to him, a monk working in a cell had to read the entire Psalter every day and eat only once a day for five days, and on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays without wine or oil.

In the church at the Kareya cell, subsequently named Typicarnica, since the Typic of St. Sava was located in it, and “Mammal” was staged. Surprisingly, the icon of the Mother of God was installed here not according to left side from the royal doors, and to the right, where icons of the Savior and the Holy Trinity are usually located...

The discovery of the first Russian (Krestogorsk) “Mammal” dates back to 1650. It was discovered on a tall tree in the Krestogorsk tract, 20 versts from Minsk. At the site of her appearance, a temple was built in honor of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in which she was placed above the royal doors. So that believers could venerate it, a special mechanism was installed to lower the icon down. There are many legends about the miraculous power of this icon; they mention, in particular, that it saved people during the Swedish invasion...

In the middle of the 19th century. Another copy of the “Mammal” became famous, brought to Russia by the schema-monk of the Elias monastery on Athos Ignatius. He was sent to Russia to collect donations and was blessed on his journey with this icon. In Kharkov, the first miracle was revealed from her - the carpenter, who was straightening the icon case without due reverence, lost his hands. Repentance prayers the brought icon brought him healing, and this first miracle was followed by many others: in Yelets, Zadonsk, Tula, Moscow...

With Ilyinsky monastery connect the origin of the famous icons of the Mother of God “Mammal”, located in Moscow and Odessa. The rector of the monastery, Gabriel, now canonized, presented in 1894 a copy of the “Mammal” of the Athos work “as a gift and blessing to the Church of the Epiphany, which is on the Field of Elokhovo” in memory of the two-month stay “in that temple” of the miraculous image from the Ilinsky monastery .

In 1894-1896. Archimandrite Gabriel erected a magnificent three-altar church in the Byzantine style at the Ilyinsky Metochion in Odessa. The main altar there was consecrated in the name of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Mammal.” In addition to other shrines, the temple also housed the “Mammal” icon of the Mother of God, brought from Athos. Today it is located in the Holy Dormition Odessa Monastery.

On its frame are mounted the rarest relics: part of the robe of Christ the Savior and part of the tunic of the Most Holy Theotokos. In the St. Elias Cathedral, built by Archimandrite Gabriel, there is now another, later copy of the “Mammal” icon. In recent times, a lectern icon of the Mother of God “Mammal” was also discovered with an inscription on the reverse side of the Venerable Gabriel of Athos himself...

On separate lists of the Mammal icon, the words of the troparion can be inscribed in Greek and in the Slavic translation: “Rejoice, Lady, our Nourisher of life, who nourished the Lord with her milk, like the Child!”

Nursing mothers usually turn to the “Mammal” icon of the Mother of God for help. She is believed to have the special grace to protect mothers and children...

Troparion, tone 1

Without the Seed of the Divine Spirit, / by the will of the Father you conceived the Son of God, / from the Father without a mother before the age of existence, / for our sake you were from You without a father, / you gave birth to the flesh and you nourished the Child with milk. // Also, do not stop praying for our souls to be delivered from sorrows.

Kontakion, tone 5

Having purified the souls of our feelings, / we will see on the icon the glorious sacrament, / the Creator of the Universe and the Lord of the highest powers, / we hold in our arms and are nourished by Your breast like a Child, / and, with fear and joy, worshiping You / and our Savior born of You, we will call : // rejoice, Lady, our life Feeder.

Akathist to the Mother of God for the Icon of Her Mammal

Kontakion 1
Chosen Voivode, Our Lady Theotokos, we offer praise to You, Your servants, about the appearance of Your miraculous icon. But You, who have unspeakable mercy, protect and save Your servants from all troubles, crying out to You with faith and love:

Ikos 1
Archangel Gabriel came from heaven to You, Mother of God, to announce the incomprehensible birth of God the Word from You, and said: Rejoice, O Gracious One, the Lord is with You. In the same way, we, in humility, dare to cry out to You:
Rejoice, joy of the angels;
Rejoice, salvation of men.
Rejoice, renewal of the fallen world;
Rejoice, destruction of the mediastinum of enmity.
Rejoice, prophetic verb fulfillment;
Rejoice, transformation of the ancient covenant.
Rejoice, thou who hast fallen the Lamb and the Shepherd in Thy womb;
Rejoice, you who gave birth to the Creator of heaven and earth in flesh.
Rejoice, thou who entwined the clouds that twisted the sky;
Rejoice, you who bear your hand on the Cherubim of Nosimago.
Rejoice, Mammalian Nourisher of the Universe;
Rejoice, milky of the knowledge of God of the faithful Nourisher.
Rejoice, Virgin Mammal Mother of God, who always nourishes us with Your mercy.

Kontakion 2
Seeing the chaste Joseph of the Pure Virgin who is not idle, the desire to let Yu go: having taken away the possessions of the Holy Spirit in the womb, he was surprised at the incomprehensible mystery of the incarnation, and the guardian of Your purity is faithful to the end; We, sinners, glorifying the Lord’s gaze upon us, in the tenderness of our hearts reverently worship Thee, crying out to the God born of Thee: Alleluia.

Ikos 2
The human mind does not understand how to comprehend the great mystery of the incarnation from You, Most Pure One, Christ our God, and the Angels of heaven marvel in bewilderment at how for our sake, man, the Lord Christ descended from heaven to earth and from the Virgin incarnated, while we, earth-born people, offer thanks to You, we joyfully say:
Rejoice, righteous Joachim and Anna's holy vegetation;
Rejoice, blessed fruit of barren wombs.
Rejoice, glorified in Your wonderful conception;
Rejoice, overshadowed by the grace of God at Your birth.
Rejoice, you who joyfully received the Annunciation of the Archangel in humility;
Rejoice, you who wonderfully combined virginity and childbirth in Yourself.
Rejoice, thou who incorruptibly gave birth to the Savior of the world;
Rejoice, Most Immaculate Virgin and Most Pure Mother of God.
Rejoice, Thou who, as a youth, showed God as a shepherd;
Rejoice, O Lord, for you brought the Firstborn to the righteous Simeon.
Rejoice, consecrated Icon of the Divinity;
Rejoice, Repository of Divine revelations.
Rejoice, Virgin Mammal Mother of God, who always nourishes us with Your mercy.

Kontakion 3
The power of the Most High autumn of Thee, Mary the Blessed of God, and the Holy Spirit will be found on Thee with the Annunciation of the Archangels. In the same way, overshadowed by the grace of the Holy Spirit, you conceived in Your womb and you appeared as an animated Icon of the Word incarnate, to Him we cry with joy: Alleluia.

Ikos 3
Having love for man redeemed by the Blood of Thy Son, O Most Blessed Lady, Thou hast received from God the grace to cover the Christian race, to whom Thou hast graciously bestowed this holy icon of Thy, glorified by miracles by grace, as a consolation. We also cry out to You in gratitude:
Rejoice, bright star, showing the world the Sun of Truth;
Rejoice, glorious chamber, Christ dwells in the nude.
Rejoice, blessed one from all generations;
Rejoice, thou who hast gained great boldness towards Thy Son and God.
Rejoice, you who intercede before Him for the Christian race;
Rejoice, everlastingly beseeching Him for people who have sinned.
Rejoice, our speedy Helper;
Rejoice, our merciful Intercessor.
Rejoice, Conspirator of repentant sinners;
Rejoice, O Redeemer of those who are in sorrow and adversity.
Rejoice, our strong defense from the bitterness that comes upon us;
Rejoice, our shameless hope.
Rejoice, Virgin Mammal Mother of God, who always nourishes us with Your mercy.

Kontakion 4
Having sailed across the stormy sea, Saint Sava, the High Hierarch of the Serbian Church, according to the behest of the great Saint Sava, was reverently received miraculous icon Yours, Mammal, from the hands reverend father His Great Laurels and cry joyfully to the Son of God carried in Your arms: Alleluia.

Ikos 4
When the monks of the Holy Mountain heard that your venerable icon, the Mother of God, was coming to them from Jerusalem, they came forth with joy to meet it, and when they saw it carried by the hands of Saint Sava, they reverently bowed down and cried out to you with joy:
Rejoice, you who show us a wondrous intercession;
Rejoice, sweetest consolation of our souls.
Rejoice, thou who hast overshadowed Mount Athos with the blessed Veil;
Rejoice, having multiplied Your miraculous icons in it.
Rejoice, having shown us a new sign of Your mercy from Jerusalem by Your coming;
Rejoice, having gracefully illuminated the inhabitants of the Holy Mountain with Your icon.
Rejoice, our wanderings are a quiet refuge;
Rejoice, never-silent Intercessor of our salvation.
Rejoice, wise Teacher of the monks;
Rejoice, God-given Lady of Holy Athos.
Rejoice, sweet interlocutor of hermits and hermits;
Rejoice, Protectress of monks.
Rejoice, Virgin Mammal Mother of God, who always nourishes us with Your mercy.

Kontakion 5
Guided by the God-bearing star, the vols reached the temple, in it they saw the Child with Mary, His Matter, and fell and bowed down to Him. For this reason, we, sinners, who stand before Thy icon, the Mother of God, more honorably, as the very One who exists and holds the Infant God in Thy embrace, we worship Him with tenderness, incessantly crying out: Alleluia.

Ikos 5
Seeing, O Lady, Your holy icon with the Infant Jesus, who, like the blessed Mother, feeds from Your breast, we magnify His wondrous look over us sinners, and cry out to You with tenderness:
Rejoice, Giver of spiritual joy;
Rejoice, O Lamb, who gave birth to the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.
Rejoice, Jacob's ladder, connecting the earthly with the heavenly;
Rejoice, you who bring virgins to the King after You.
Rejoice, consolation to sorrowful mothers;
Rejoice, children of their blessed protection.
Rejoice, speedy Intercessor for widows;
Rejoice, Nourisher of the orphans.
Rejoice, you who hunger for the Nurse;
Rejoice, unanticipated Healer of the sick.
Rejoice, lost Guide;
Rejoice, Teacher of young chastity.
Rejoice, Virgin Mammal Mother of God, who always nourishes us with Your mercy.

Kontakion 6
We preach the mercy shown by You to the Holy Mount Athos, Mother of God, and we rejoice in Your all-honorable Protection ever since, we see that even now from Your icon many healings happen to all who ask with faith and tenderly cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6
Thou didst shine with the rays of Thy wondrous miracles, O Virgin Theotokos, from Thy holy icon, contemplating Thy virgin beauty, and seeing Thy hand held by the Most Red One, more than the sons of men, the Infant of God, we strive for Thy praise and thus say:
Rejoice, unfading flower of virginity;
Rejoice, glory and praise to mothers.
Rejoice, Myrrhmaker of the fragrance of Christ;
Rejoice, Alavaster, who gives healing to every ailment.
Rejoice, Representative at the Throne of the Most Holy and Consubstantial Trinity;
Rejoice, thou who artfully golden the saints of the most holy Word.
Rejoice, adorned palace of the King of kings;
Rejoice, Holy Mountain, glorified by the descent of God.
Rejoice, radiant beauty of the Church of Christ;
Rejoice, fertilizer for the whole world.
Rejoice, Heavenly Queen, brighter than the sun;
Rejoice, Lady, worshiped by all orders of Angels.
Rejoice, Virgin Mammal Mother of God, who always nourishes us with Your mercy.

Kontakion 7
For those who want us, Mother of God, to reverently kiss Your miraculous image, do not forbid, O All-Good One, our sins, but even those unworthy, accept them with love and fulfill all our good requests; We know, O Queen, that Your mercy is innumerable. For this reason, with unrelenting hope, we run to You and, glorifying Your miracles, we sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7
You have shown new mercy, O Mother of God, always an inexhaustible source of healings and gracious help You have granted to all who flow with faith to this holy icon of Yours. For this reason, thanking You and Your wonderful image, we fall with tenderness and praisefully call You:
Rejoice, thou who watchest us all from the heavenly heights with Thy motherly love;
Rejoice, thou who visitest the much-sorrowful earthly vale by Thy mercy.
Rejoice, everlasting Helper of our salvation;
Rejoice, wondrous vessel of grace-filled healing.
Rejoice, you who glorify You;
Rejoice, and calling those who do not revere Your icon to repentance.
Rejoice, in the days of battle Orthodox warrior serving strength;
Rejoice, you who cheer the hearts of the faithful in days of peace.
Rejoice, ever covering the naked and bloodless;
Rejoice, never leaving orphans and widows.
Rejoice, giver of walking to the lame;
Rejoice, you who open the eyes of the blind.
Rejoice, Virgin Mammal Mother of God, who always nourishes us with Your mercy.

Kontakion 8
We delight in our earthly journey, many sorrowful and many rebellious ones, O Lady, with Your holy icon, looking at us with faith and love, we trust that the imams are in You in heaven, the Mother and Patroness of the All-Good, who always helps us in this life and does not leave us after death. Rejoicing in this and thanking You from the depths of our hearts, we cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8
All the generations of Christianity always bless You, the existing Mother of God, and reverently looking at Your Most Pure Face, they worship You with faith, like the Most Honest Cherub and the Most Glorious without comparison, the Seraphim. Likewise, we, sinners, cry out to You with love:
Rejoice, Queen, for the Glorious One spoke of You;
Rejoice, Lady, for the heavenly and earthly singing of You will not cease.
Rejoice, unquenchable light, illuminating the whole world with Your radiance;
Rejoice, fragrant scent of virginity and purity.
Rejoice, source of life-giving love and mercy;
Rejoice, prayer book favorable for us sinners to Christ God.
Rejoice, you who bring sinners to the Creator;
Rejoice, you who turn His righteous anger into mercy.
Rejoice, unornamented one, who has grown a saving class for the world;
Rejoice, Most Holy Table, who gave us Life-Giving Bread.
Rejoice, ladder, leading from the darkness of sin to salvation;
Rejoice, Most Bright Star, showing the way to heaven.
Rejoice, Virgin Mammal Mother of God, who always nourishes us with Your mercy.

Kontakion 9
All praise is not sufficient for Your glory, O Virgin Mother of God: for You conceived the Son by the Holy Spirit and You contained the inconceivable God in your womb; By You the salvation of the world is proclaimed, and the fallen human race is freed from eternal death by Your Most Honorable Nativity. For this reason, from the depths of our souls we send thanksgiving praises to Thee and, as if we have been delivered from the evil ones, we sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9
The prophets of many things cannot comprehend the great mystery of Your ever-virginity, O Theotokos, how in the Nativity and after the Nativity the Virgin remained. We, by Orthodox faith magnifying Thee, as the Ever-Virgin and Mother of the Eternal Life, bring Thee our confession from the depths of our hearts and cry out to Thee in love:
Rejoice, good instruction for Orthodox monks and nuns;
Rejoice, solid fence for those who are zealous for purity and chastity.
Rejoice, Holy Leader of the virgin ranks;
Rejoice, and protection and protection of honest marriage.
Rejoice, One immaculate among women;
Rejoice, imperishable and incorruptible Lamb and Shepherd Mother.
Rejoice, Thou who didst comfortably contain God in Thy wombs;
Rejoice, through Thy Mother's boldness towards Him, arranging the salvation of the world.
Rejoice, for the Council of Angels rejoices in You;
Rejoice, for in You the human race triumphs.
Rejoice, adorned with all virtues;
Rejoice, revered and blessed one from all Christian generations.
Rejoice, Virgin Mammal Mother of God, who always nourishes us with Your mercy.

Kontakion 10
Although Christ God chose You, the Most Pure One, to save the world, and from Your venerable blood He created His Flesh, appearing on earth and bringing salvation to the world. In the same way, we praise Thee, as the All-Singing Mother of the Deliverer, crying out to Him in gratitude: Alleluia.

Ikos 10
You, the Virgin Mother of God, have an insurmountable wall and an indestructible cover, those who labor in monastic vows and the Helper of the Sovereign, who through God place all their trust in You, for You have been given from the Lord the grace of prayerful intercession, and You are the affirmation of the faithful in virginity and purity. In the same way, we sinners, finding peace of mind in You, earnestly cry out:
Rejoice, intercessor of blessed repose of those who strive well;
Rejoice, monk, militant against the flesh, Giver of blessed repose.
Rejoice, blessed blessing upon the silent;
Rejoice, consolation and consolation to the reverent elders.
Rejoice, God-loving elders fortress and affirmation;
Rejoice, intercession of youths and virgins in the lives of virgins.
Rejoice, thou who hast made every age of the faithful worthy of Thy maternal care;
Rejoice, you who bring the unbelievers into faith through Your miracles.
Rejoice, protection and blessing of pious houses;
Rejoice, ready intercession for the offended and persecuted.
Rejoice, those who have offended by the terrible reproof;
Rejoice, loving reconciliation of those at war.
Rejoice, Virgin Mammal Mother of God, who always nourishes us with Your mercy.

Kontakion 11
We offer songs of praise to Ty, Christ the King, who was born in a den and reclined in a manger for our salvation. In the same way, in songs we magnify Your Most Pure Mother, the Ever-Virgin Mary, before an honest icon She proclaims mercies and miracles, in whose image the whole universe is enriched. You, O All-Good One, teach us to cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11
With the bright rays of Your miracles, Virgin Mary, you drive away the darkness of sin, placing us all on the path of salvation. In the same way, we pray to Thee, O All-Good One, lead us to Thy quiet refuge, and with tenderness we offer Thee singing songs of praise:
Rejoice, Most Immaculate Lady, the Sun of Truth rising to the faithful;
Rejoice, you who send heavenly consolation to those who cry and mourn.
Rejoice, inexhaustible wealth of the poor and wretched;
Rejoice, firm strengthening for ascetics of piety in spiritual warfare.
Rejoice, our intercession to God is strong;
Rejoice, at the hour of death our fence is insurmountable.
Rejoice, thou who through Thy intercession places us in the villages of paradise;
Rejoice, you who show maternal mercy to those who live piously.
Rejoice, constantly glorified from east to west;
Rejoice, joyfully exalted in song by angels and men.
Rejoice, you who correct the works of our hands;
Rejoice, you who transform fierce sorrows into joy.
Rejoice, Virgin Mammal Mother of God, who always nourishes us with Your mercy.

Kontakion 12
Ask for grace and mercy, Most Blessed Mother, from Thy Son, Christ our God, and, raising Thy God-receiving hand to Him, beg Him to save us all and deliver us from eternal destruction: for much can Thy Motherly prayer do to the mercy of the Master; In the same way, rejoicing, we sing to Him who was born from You: Alleluia.

Ikos 12
Singing Your glorious miracles, O Virgin Mother of God, ever revealed from Your holy icon, we magnify You, who has magnified our race. You, the All-Good One, sanctify and save the crying Ti face:
Rejoice, Mother, who without a father gave birth to the Eternal Son in the flesh;
Rejoice, for through You our sorrows are satisfied.
Rejoice, Life-giving source of mercy to all who resort to You;
Rejoice, radiant lamp of our darkened souls.
Rejoice, prophetic bright praise;
Rejoice, apostolic incorruptible glory.
Rejoice, consolation of the martyrs;
Rejoice, strengthening of the saints.
Rejoice, persistent Guardian of monastic monasteries;
Rejoice, unceasing joy of the righteous.
Rejoice, peace to the Lady;
Rejoice, for through You the salvation of the world is brought about.
Rejoice, Virgin Mammal Mother of God, who always nourishes us with Your mercy.

Kontakion 13
Oh, All-Singing Mother, Mammal-Nurse of our Savior! Hear our heartfelt sighs, be a warm Intercessor and Prayer for us before Your Son and God, that we may be delivered from our sins, may we not remain outside His palace, but may we be worthy to sing to Him with all the saints: Alleluia.
This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1st and kontakion 1st

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before the Icon of Her "Mammal"
ABOUT, Holy Lady Mother of God, Most Pure and Merciful Mammal! Falling with love and reverence towards the saint and miraculous image To Thine, who sees all the Creator and Lord, as the Child is nourished by Thy most pure milk, we bring praise and worship to Thy sinners and unworthy servants and we tearfully pray to Thee: do not leave us without Thy help and intercession! Behold, we are weakened by sins and passions and perishing with spiritual hunger, we hunger and thirst for heavenly food. We are depleted of faith, good hope, love and piety. We are foolish and young-minded, we are always childish in our minds and actions, and we do not do the will of God; we understand below what is good or evil. But You, O Queen of Heaven, Nourisher of our life, covering the entire universe with the cover of Your mercy, feed us from the source of Your goodness with the milk of the knowledge of God, so that we may grow in the passion of God and humility. Thou art the myrrh poured out by Thy servant who loves Thee, water us with the dew of Thy Mother of God prayers, so that we may bring to God the fruits of repentance and an undefiled life. Strengthen us faint-hearted, enlighten us, darkened by sins, quench the rebellion of our passions, nourish us for eternal salvation, heal the infirmities of our nature and do not leave Your servants to perish until the end, for You are our only Intercessor and Hope, and all those who hope in You will not be ashamed. For through Your warm prayers on the day of the Last Judgment of Christ we will be delivered from future condemnation and endless torment, and let the chosen ones be honored with eternal joy and joy, in singing with all the saints Your Son, Christ our God, to Him belongs all glory and thanksgiving, honor and worship with the Beginning His Father and His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.

Troparion of the Mother of God for the sake of Her Mammal Icon
Troparion, tone 3:
Without seed from the Divine Spirit, by the will of the Father you conceived the Son of God, from the Father without Mother you existed before the ages, but for our sake you were from You without a father, you gave birth to the flesh and you nourished the Child with milk. Also, do not stop praying for our souls to be delivered from troubles.

Kontakion, tone 5:
Having purified the souls of our feelings, we will see on the icon the glorious sacrament, the Creator of the Universe and the Lord of the highest powers, held in our arms and nourished by Your breast like a Child, and, with fear and joy worshiping You and our Savior born of You, we will cry: Rejoice, Lady, life of our Nourisher.

We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, Mammal of our Savior, and honor Your holy image, from whom You have ever given us the grace of healing.

Mammal (Hilandar Monastery)

The icon in which the Infant Jesus receives milk from the breast of His Mother is called the icon of the Mother of God the Mammal. This type of icon is relatively rare.

The history of the spread of the Mammal image

The first information about this image dates back to the 6th century AD. According to them, the icon was first located in the Jerusalem area, in one of the Orthodox monastic monasteries.

He led life in the monastery Rev. Savva Consecrated, he was also the founder of the monastery. Among experienced elder monks there are sometimes special people who are given supernatural abilities by God as a reward for humility and righteous life. For example, they can predict the future for individuals or entire states. But such true spiritual gifts should be distinguished from false ones - when a person receives supernatural powers not from God, but from the devil. Often demons try to seduce inexperienced monks in this way, leading a person into a state of delusion.

Read about Orthodoxy and magic:

The holy man had spiritual gifts and could foresee the future several centuries in advance.

Thanks to this, it became possible for him to predict that in the distant future the monastery would be visited by a high-ranking pilgrim bearing the same name - Savva. The monk bequeathed to him the icon of the Mammalian.

About six centuries later, in the 13th century, the monks who lived in the monastery at that time had the opportunity to verify the veracity of the holy elder’s prediction - Saint Sava, Archbishop of Serbia, came to visit them.

The monks gave him the image of the Mother God's Mammal, and with it - another great icon - the Three-Handed One.

Important. The established date for venerating the icon is associated with the name of Savva of Serbia - January 12 according to the new style.

Then Savva the Serbian undertook a return journey from the Holy Land to Serbia. Passing through Greece, he visited the Athos monastery. The prototype of the Mammal was left there, and it remains there to this day. One of the churches belonging to the Kareya cell was chosen as the location.

Interesting. During installation, a location different from the usual was chosen - to the right of the royal gates. And the image of the Lord Jesus Christ was placed on the left.

The saint’s charter was also left in this church, so it received the name Typicarnitsa. Subsequently, copies of the icon were made, and some of them ended up in Russia, Greece, and Palestine.

Our Lady of Mammals

Lists with icons

He did a lot to spread the image throughout different countries Venerable Gabriel of Athos. One of the main lists is currently in Moscow, in the Elokhov Epiphany Cathedral. The time of this phenomenon dates back to the end of the 19th century. The icon also found its refuge in Odessa, in the Holy Dormition Monastery.

Please note. There are several options decoration image of the Mammal.

The original image contains, among other symbols, the sun and the moon. Some other options do not have them. The face of the Mother of God can look to the left or to the right. Other components of the symbolism may vary, depending on the specific option.

According to historical information, Christianity came to Russia much later than some other countries. Related to this is the fact that some images of the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared in Russia only several centuries after their original versions were created in some other countries.

Read about other revered icons of the Mother of God:

But this does not yet lead to the conclusion that none of the images of the Mother of God comes from Russia. No, history knows many cases of the miraculous discovery of icons of the Most Holy Theotokos in our country. Many of them came to the rescue to the Russian people V turning points history, protected the earth from enemy invasion, stopped epidemics of deadly diseases, and helped individuals in their private needs.

The Mammal Icon appeared in Russia several centuries later - in 1650. Her miraculous phenomenon happened near the city of Minsk, in one of the villages.

Interesting. People saw the image in the branches for the first time tall tree. A temple dedicated to the feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary was erected on this site, and mass prayers were held.

Our Lady of Mammals

How does Our Lady of the Mammal help?

The Most Holy One showed mercy to many seriously ill people and granted them physical and spiritual health.

In particular, it is customary to resort to it due to insufficient quantities breast milk from a nursing mother, both pregnant women and women in labor pray to her to facilitate childbirth. Women believe that if a small image of the Mammal is placed in the pocket of maternity clothes, then childbirth will be quick and easy. Mammal also helps with health complications in the baby.

Advice! You can pray to her for healing from any disease, not only for women, but also for men.

Watch the video about Our Lady of the Mammal