New Year's fortune-telling and comic predictions for schoolchildren. Funny comic predictions

You can use ready-made texts (written on postcards, etc.)

1. Happiness will come to your home,
This year will be generous.

2. Fun, joy and smiles
Playing the violin will give you.

3. You need to get a dacha,
So as not to weave intrigues.

4. Get yourself a dog -
You will avoid intrigue and fighting.

5. Don’t spare your legs -
Hit the goal more often.

6. Do exercises in the morning -
You will not be exposed to colds and winds.

7. Don't go to karaoke
Watch your figure:
You're on the verge of risk -
Don't ruin your registration.

8. I'll tell you a secret:
Charging will increase strength,
Not the Internet.

9. You will study “excellently”
If you behave yourself.

10. A surprise awaits you:
Going on a cruise this summer.

11. A package is waiting for you -
There will be some mushrooms in it.

12. Don’t go to the forest tomorrow -
The snow had completely disappeared there.

13. Tomorrow you go to the river -
You will meet the prince along the way.

14. You’re looking in the wrong place, friend:
It's dangerous there - don't go.

15. Let the tree stand until March -
Protects the house from the wolf.

16. You memorize carols -
They are better than doctors.

17. Do a round dance more often -
Pies will be sweeter all year round.

18. They will bring you gifts,
But they require rewards.

19. Don’t forget to congratulate everyone -
Then you won't miss out on success.

20. Don’t spend the night on the Internet –
You won't meet an earthly prince there.

21. Eat more carrots -
You will be healthy and agile!

22. “Don’t sit on the stove” -
The tears will be hot.

23. Develop your mind in your studies -
You will be a moneybag in life.

24. A traveler knocks on the house -
Give silver.

25. If there is someone in mind,
Smile and he will notice.

26. Two roads ahead -
Don't go along the curve:
There will be no happiness there -
Just cold, bad weather.

27. If you meet a young man -
Give him some cold meat
If his mother -
Give her some porridge!

28. There are many stars in the sky,
But go your own way:
Don't strive for where heaven is -
You will be overwhelmed with grief.

29. Have a good heart -
Don’t you dare whitewash your enemies.

30. You will achieve a lot,
If you hum.

31. Don’t throw your boots to the wind:
The groom-to-be won't notice him.
Stand by the road yourself and shout:
- My feet are frozen!
The betrothed will come and take you to the registry office.

32. In the year of the Goat, don’t be a goat -
The house will be a full cup.

33. When the sheep gives a fur coat,
The wolf will not become kinder
The goat will not become anyone.

34. When the Year of the Sheep comes,
A handsome fellow will come.

If you are shy,
You will love him forever.

He will take your hand,
And he will lead you through life.

You will be in happiness
It’s been like that for a hundred and twenty-five years.

35. Buy mittens,
Sprinkle with holy water,
Put grains of wheat in them -
Believe: soon your son will be born.

36. Look out the window at midnight:
If the sky is filled with stars - there are three guys
They dream about you in their dreams.

The sky is in the fog, in the clouds -
One, but the best and in verse
Will send you a message -
IN eternal love confession.

37. When you meet a car,
Look what color the tires are.

When they're darker than night
Take a shorter route home.

When they are already in the snow,
Wait for the offer -
Just not a word about me.

38. Tell fortunes in the snow:
If it sticks to your mittens, throw it away.
Why do you need Velcro?
You're a beautiful thing.

39. Draw a circle at midnight -
A beloved friend will appear in a dream.
If you don't leave your place -
You will be his bride forever.

40. Take these three flowers:
You will have a son and a daughter.

41. Coffee grounds prophesies paradise for you.

42. If family is dear to you,
Hang goat horns above the entrance.

43. In order not to confuse a mug with a hoof,
You just need to shave in the morning.

44. So that your legs support you on their own,
Don't go with the goat to Uncle Vanya.

45. So that the red maiden will marry you,
The stubborn asshole should disappear from you.

46. ​​So that the little ones will follow you to the ends of the world,
Work hard, don't be an asshole yourself.

47. Milka loves, Milka waits,
When a dear friend brings her a ring.

48. A road awaits your family to the Black Sea,
Don’t let your wife do a lot of shopping:
Just five swimsuits -
It will float without you.

49. If you buy boots for your daughter,
For my wife - a hat, for my granddaughters - handkerchiefs,
You'll be happy whole year,
Full of strength and without hassle.

50. Health - sea, energy - watts,
You will be strong and rich all year.

51. There is a chest on the mountain,
The sound flows from it:
A simple sage sits there
With a white long beard:

"If you find the chest,
You will find happiness immediately.
You will be healthy, rich,
There will be peace and harmony in the family."

52. Your dream will definitely come true:
Don't be a sheep - and your friends won't let you stumble.

53. The Year of the Goat is not easy,
But hide your horns -
To butt heads means to be left without your loved one.

54. Don’t look at life with fear,
After all, fairy tales happen in life.

55. Do not exchange a goat for a donkey:
Life will not be better than it was.

56. Buy a folk sundress -
The whole deception will be revealed.

57. Call the one who is waiting
All negativity will go away.

58. Hello, come to Russian Radio,
The foreigner will write you an answer.

59. Sakhalin is a dream for Nin:
Your groom is there, and not alone.

60. Go to Kamchatka -
On volcanoes you will get recharged:
You will be strong and beautiful
For his woman - the most beloved.

61. Our dear Sochi is waiting for you,
From there the path to love is shorter.

62. Give me an orange -
You'll never be alone.

63. Do you want a son or daughter,
Put a bold dot on alcohol.

64. Don’t expect a mink coat as a gift,
Otherwise you will eat bread crusts.

65. A cruise awaits you,
Photo session and prize.

66. You will be all in chocolate -
You don't need to eat a lot of chocolate.

67. Eat more cabbage, my friend -
Your pocket won't be empty.

68. Blue wear it more often -
The love will be real.

69. Eat cabbage all year round –
People will love you.

70. Don’t let the goat near the cabbage –
Life will be bright and skillful.

71. If you are a single guy,
Don't smoke, just sing songs.

72. Take care of your braid,
Don't answer stupid questions.

73. You will be smarter and more beautiful,
If you love oatmeal.

74. Eat cabbage and carrots -
You will be strong and agile.

75. Give a gift to a friend –
You will become his wife.

76. A hornless goat prophesies for you the road to hot countries:
Don't believe this - run away.

If he kneels down, he will be lucky on a reindeer team.
If he gives you flowers, you will be on first-name terms with his mother.
If he gives you a ring, your heart will beat.

77. Like cheese, you will roll around in oil -
Don't forget that it's only for swimming.

78. You will be sweet as pie
And beautiful, like an ancient god.
Just don't forget one thing:
Don't be a goat in your family.

79. You are endlessly lucky in life,
A dear friend is waiting for you around the corner.

80. Don’t count your years -
You will remain young forever.

81. Beauty saves the world –
If only your idol doesn't become a goat.

82. A rich people will come to you,
Will give you a beard made of cotton wool.

83. A decent crowd has gathered here,
But be careful: the goat is cute.

84. Cabbages will bring you a bag -
Don't be shocked by this:
It is necessary to chop the greens,
It is better to store it in a glass jar.

85. Today the mirrors will say,
That you are cuter than you were.
And tomorrow? There would be no sadness -
We removed all the mirrors from our eyes.

86. What eyes! How he sings!
Beautiful nose, beautiful mouth,
But beware - this is how it will lead,
Only the devil can understand him.

87. Handsome in heart and soul,
By spring, believe me, he will be with you.

88. Don’t go to the left, my friend,
You won't find happiness ahead.

89. You will buy a car by spring,
Smile - don’t make a face at us.

90. Wait for a car as a gift
And a bag of shoe polish.

91. You will definitely win at the Olympics,
Just prepare diligently.

92. A business trip awaits you,
A barrel of honey and a sweatshirt.

93. Guests are waiting for you, my friend.
Grind their bones.

94. Don’t get into debt,
Eat less pies.

95. A journey awaits you and a plane ticket,
Sea, palm trees and romance, if this is not a hoax.

96. A friend will come to ask for forgiveness -
Put all the treats on the table!

97. Your health will be fine,
A very cute gift is waiting for you!

98. If you are not lazy,
You can achieve success.

99. You will shine with your beauty,
Just please, don’t be timid.

100. New Year you'll have a great meeting,
You will provide your family with bread.

101. You will relax at sea,
You will forget everything about your problems.

102. You will conquer Moscow with your mind,
You will receive the prize in the Kremlin itself.

103. Your road will be smooth,
Everything will be fine in your studies.

104. Worldwide glory awaits you -
Just be gentler in your disposition.

105. You are already rich in soul,
Don't rush to run somewhere:
You will get everything, everything will come -
Happiness is nearby, it is waiting.

106. You will receive a bag of dollars,
Don't put it in the bank:
There will be shock there.
Bring it to me -
I'll save everything
I’ll return only the photo “Nude” later

107. You will be rich beyond measure:
You will immediately meet a couple of Rais.

Marry to live in paradise
I’ll sing a song about my mother-in-law.

Prediction games are an interesting and very fun element of the holiday, which invariably evokes a response from guests. Serious prophecies and real fortune-telling are inappropriate at parties, because a negative forecast can completely ruin the mood. But comic fortune telling always goes off with a bang.

There are many ways to play this game. You can, for example, make a deck of fake cards: on one side there is a back, and on the other there is a printed prediction. Someone dresses up as a gypsy and invites guests to draw one card and read the prophecy out loud.

Other options:

  • make fortune cookies;
  • print out funny candy wrappers with predictions inside, wrap candies in them, hand them out to guests and offer to unwrap them;
  • write prophecies on small cards with congratulations, put them in a box and invite guests to pull out one at a time;
  • Place stickers with numbers on the bottom of plates or glasses. Place this dish on a separate tray. Let the guests take it apart themselves before the feast. As a result, everyone will get a randomly drawn number. When the right moment comes, the host will ask the guests to look at the stickers. Participants in the celebration will name the numbers they have drawn, and the presenter will read out the numbered predictions.

Comic predictions based on films and songs

Movie titles

It is simple, but original and very interesting way predict fate on next year. The prophecy is the name of the film or cartoon itself. Not a plot, but only a phrase. Let guests be more sophisticated in their interpretations.

For example: “Next year I’m expecting... a game of thrones.” This can be interpreted in any way - for example, as a struggle for a position or as a dispute over the role of head of the family.

Appropriate movie titles

Foreign films

  • Armageddon
  • Big jackpot
  • Smell of a woman
  • Chicken Run
  • Taming of the Shrew
  • Groundhog Day
  • Monsters Inc.
  • Deal with the Devil
  • Midnight in Paris
  • A Nightmare on Elm Street
  • Sky over Berlin
  • Money Train
  • Sex and the City
  • Key to all doors
  • Third wheel
  • Meeting the parents
  • Fatal attraction
  • Best friend's wedding
  • Indecent proposal
  • The Forty Year Old Virgin
  • 12 angry men
  • Haunted Mansion
  • Wedding Planner
  • Friends with Benefits
  • Legally blonde
  • Breaking Bad

Soviet and Russian films

  • Office romance
  • Love and doves
  • Zigzag of luck
  • 8 first dates
  • Long road in the dunes
  • Girl with no address
  • Love is a carrot
  • White desert sun
  • Big change

Lines from songs

Similar entertainment to the previous one. Only this time the prophecy is a line from a famous song. Phrases can be printed on paper (indicating the performer in brackets). But if you’re not too lazy, it’s better to prepare audio clips. In this case, fortune telling will turn out to be much more effective and interesting.

Song fragments are numbered. Guests draw out numbers, according to which short musical predictions are read to them. So, what does fate have in store for your guests in the coming year?

Suitable lines from songs:

1. Only a glass of vodka on the table (G. Leps)
2. Million, million, million scarlet roses (A. Pugacheva)
3. Money, money, money. Always sunny in the rich man's world (ABBA)
4. And on the sea there is white sand, a warm wind blows in the face (J. Friske)
5. Oh, this wedding, wedding, wedding sang and danced
6. There is nothing better in the world than wandering around the world with friends... (film “The Bremen Town Musicians”)
7. Oh, mom, I’ll give you chic, I’ll give you chic (F. Kirkorov)
8. I am free, like a bird in the sky (V. Kipelov)
9. You're lucky - you're not like everyone else! You work in an office! ("Leningrad")
10. Voyage, voyage. There, where I have never been (S. Minaev)
11. I love boogie-woogie, I boogie-woogie every day (“The Secret”)
12. Dad bought a car. Dad bought a car. Dad bought a car. (A. Pugacheva)
13. Everything will be awesome, everything will certainly be awesome. Ahead big changes. I know this for sure: everything will be awesome (P. Volya)
14. Oh, girls, I feel like I’m going on a spree. Oh, I'll go on a spree (Verka Serduchka)
15. The plane easily carries me away (Valeria)
16. Everything is in a bunch, but with us everything is in a bunch. Where we can’t climb straight through, we’ll go sideways (Potap and Nastya)
17. I'm lying in the sun. I'm looking at the sun. I lie and lie and look at the sun (film “How the Lion Cub and the Turtle Sang a Song”)
18. Freedom, freedom, give me freedom! I'll fly high like a bird! (film “Flying Ship”)
19. The trailer will move, the trailer will move, the trailer will move... The trailer will move, the platform will remain (film “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath”)
20. If there was a sea of ​​beer, I would become a beautiful dolphin. If there was a sea of ​​vodka, I would become a submarine (“Dune”)

From bad habit in the new year
You will definitely get rid of it.
But here's the problem: instead of one
Two new ones will replace them

You will spend your vacation at sea,
You will warm both body and soul.
You spend the entire amount, you get burned five times,
You'll gain six kilograms of weight.

Smile always, smile everywhere,
Smile on land and water!
Fate will repay you for your smiles
A couple of wrinkles and a lot of money!

Either you eat it, or you pump it up,
Or you'll sit in a chair -
Know that next year
You will grow your butt significantly.

If you start kissing
Every day for half an hour,
All dreams will begin to come true.
Life will be filled with miracles!

U higher power for you
Disappointing forecast:
New Year promises you
Love madness!

If you can, without being lazy,
Plow like a horse on Thursdays
Fate will open the way for you
To big, big money.

If you walk across the field -
You will find money in the field;
When you find the money -
You'll spend it all on a spree

Go around three miles
Talkative hairdresser:
Shreds at random
And he'll cut off your ear!

We need to forget for a year
About cognac, tequila, vodka.
Otherwise you will
In crime reports.

The cockroaches in your head will have a very fun year.

Next year your friends will not forget you. You can't forget someone who owes you money.

IN next year all your problems will go away. Because even they are bored with you...

Your life next year will be as multifaceted as a glass. Well, you understand...

Your dreams will gain strength and declare war on your sofa.

Next year you will understand that your inner core is a pain in the ass.

Next year, your body will decide for itself when it sleeps, where it sleeps and with whom it sleeps. Don't contradict him - he knows better!

You will spend your vacation where everything is inclusive - with relatives.

If you get bored, sing romances. Your finances will always keep you company.

The bad news is you will gain weight. Good news- the increase will occur in the wallet area.

If you want to diversify New Year's holiday, take care of entertainment. An excellent option is comic predictions for the New Year. Funny New Year's prophecies will appeal to family and friends. This game is also suitable for corporate events. I advise you to choose positive and kind options so that no one is offended. In the article you will find humorous forecasts about the future that are appropriate in different companies.

List of comic predictions


The selection begins with predictions about health. Of course, they have a humorous slant, but some can be taken into account.

  • “You won’t get sick in winter if you don’t forget to wear a warm scarf!”
  • “Everything will be ok with your health if you gather friends more often!”
  • “If you harden yourself, you won’t go to the doctor!”
  • “You will strengthen your health in the New Year, and you will conquer any peaks!”
  • “If you lie naked on the ice, then the germ will no longer creep up on you!”
  • “This is how to save yourself from illnesses - do more sports!”
  • “To improve your health, you need to visit the bathhouse!”

Career and work

This year predicts a lot of money and success!
Raise your glass
And may you be lucky!

Are you expecting a miracle in the New Year?!
And the reason sounds like a toast -
Rapid growth in your career awaits you!

If you work like a horse,
Life will not be sweet!
In the New Year there will be a moment for rest,
And for a driving weekend, this is no joke!

In the New Year, cruel jokes are played on colleagues
They will create large gaps in the aura!

The year will bring good luck in work -
You can solve any problem.

Career advancement promises courage -
You will move to the top floor!

Predictions about work in prose will also make the holiday interesting.

  • There are many exciting daily activities awaiting you in the New Year.
  • Already at the beginning of the year you will hear a powerful explosion: your envious people and competitors will burst with envy.
  • After New Year holidays you will be attacked by... incredible luck, happiness and prosperity. Resistance will not help.
  • When lateness at work disappears, your wish for a promotion will come true.
  • A budget increase is already expected at the beginning of summer.
  • Look carefully at your step so as not to stray from the successful path.
  • There will be much more finance. Where is your thicker wallet?!

Love and relationships

  • “The Yellow Pig advises not to grieve, because friends will be nearby all year.”
  • “Blood will sparkle in your veins, because love will warm your heart.”
  • “This is the forecast the heavens promise you: in the new year there will be only miracles in life!”
  • "Waiting unusual year: a round dance of love will whirl!”
  • “In the coming year, you will feel like a fish out of water everywhere!”
  • “On a sunny deserted beach, your destiny will lie nearby.”
  • “Everything will be fine on the personal front!”
  • “There will be a sea of ​​friends and bright, cheerful days.”
  • “You will have special luck - expect a new addition to your family!”
  • “The year promises to be successful without fail: you will fall in love with two people at the same time!”
  • “You are lucky in life, which means you have a whole year to look forward to great luck».
  • “Be attentive to gifts from loved ones: heavy objects can cause bumps on the forehead.”
  • “The New Year will be bright - you will receive many gifts.”
  • “In the New Year, don’t borrow – borrow forever.”

What year will it be

Many people are interested in what 2019 will be like in general. Here are some humorous tips on this topic.

  • “The pig promises good luck and a brand new dacha!”
  • “It will be a very difficult year, because, whatever one may say, it’s hard to carry a suitcase full of money.”
  • “The Pig promises you a lot of happiness and pleasant troubles in the New Year!”
  • “If you are energetic, then the year will be excellent.”
  • “An increase in your income and an exotic holiday in the middle of the year is coming.”
  • “In the coming year there will be several have wonderful days: your birthday and every new day that comes.”
  • “Lots of thrills and pleasures.”
  • “From the beginning of the year there will be luck of various kinds.”
  • “The New Year will bring great gifts, and every day will be bright!”
  • “We hasten to disappoint you - your dreams are very modest, but great luck awaits you.”
  • “There will be a reason for joy in the coming year - there will be new car».
  • “Can you believe that your cherished dreams will soon come true!”
  • “The Pig is preparing new discoveries and pleasant events for you this year.”
  • “In the New Year you are in full dress - real life in “chocolate” awaits you.

Video story

Hollywood can't even imagine

Various magicians, all-seeing people, fortune tellers and astrologers are very popular. A thoughtful prediction, presented in a comic form, will capture the attention of guests for a long time and make the holiday even brighter. When trying to understand what and how to predict, think about Hollywood, or more precisely, about the names of popular films with an intriguing plot.

To implement the idea, the lights in the room are turned off, only candles and garlands remain, and quiet music is turned on. A glass vase in the shape of a ball is passed around in a circle. Neon lights or garlands are placed at the bottom of the vase, and rose petals cut from corrugated paper are sprinkled on top. One of the following parting words should be written on one side of the petal:

  • This year expects a “big jackpot”.
  • Next summer you will see “Midnight in Paris”.
  • You will soon meet - “Meet the Parents.”
  • You will never be a “third wheel”.
  • This year you will experience “Fatal Attraction”.
  • You will soon find out that you are a “Million Dollar Beauty”.
  • Tomorrow you will have “Sex and the City.”

The number of entries is limited by the imagination of the person who compiled them and the number of films and TV series whose names are part of the joke. Each person at the table can receive several pieces of paper. This idea will make a good game, the winner of which is the one who has more rose petals and, accordingly, more predictions. The reward could be a dance to your favorite song or permission to come up with your own parting words for each participant.

With a song through life

Song lyrics are an inexhaustible source of information. The main leader of the holiday approaches each of the guests with a large dish, on which papers with a fortune are scattered in a chaotic manner, and asks to take one of them.

On parchment you can write:

  • Next year he expects: “There are so many separations on earth.”
  • In February you will meet - “Money, money, money.” Always sunny in the rich man’s world.”
  • In the spring you should be careful with - “Oh, this wedding, wedding, wedding sang and danced.”
  • You should beware of a woman with the name - “Natasha, Natasha, my heart and soul.”
  • stranger will say, “I didn’t even know that love could be cruel.”
  • Everyday work will be like: “And I’m going all dressed up in Dolce Gabana.”
  • After the salary increase, you - “Oh, I feel like the girls are going on a spree.”

The choice of song can be anything. The prediction must be listened to carefully. Anyone who can sing the next verse in the song and name the artist will be given a small gift.

Poetic predictions among friends

New Year 2019 is a time for relaxation and rest. To make the holiday more fun, you can please your friends by fulfilling comic predictions in poetic form:

There will be money and success
Sex, girlfriend is the best
Both salary and work,
But there is one concern
If the limousine is new,
He won’t give you a Georgian,
Can't see all these benefits
Somehow it’s like that!

After the holiday party,
Don't forget to buy a cart.
There will be a sea of ​​money soon,
Row them, forgetting about grief.

If you celebrate the New Year you are covered in sour cream, like a cat,
Happiness and success will delight everyone for a long time
So don’t sit here, hurry to the store
And buy not a liter, not two, but a bucket and a half -
Vodka, beer, moonshine, cognac, more liquor,
May these honest people remember the New Year for a long time!

In the New Year, a new salary,
Fur coat, handbag, boots,
A sprig of thorns,
Glory, a little honor.

All wishes will come true,
And there will be success in everything,
But for the sake of great recognition
Tear everyone with your teeth.

There is a danger that colleagues
They'll roll you out on a cart,
So that you will never see such shame,
It’s better to sit in a corner and quietly sip your juice.

This is a prediction for you
Silence will not lead to good,
So that you have success
Sing a song for everyone.

Predictions in prose

Before the start of the celebration, each guest is given 1 prediction. When it is his turn to make a toast, instead of his speech he reads what is written on the piece of paper. It is not recommended to expand the message until the toast itself.

“This year everyone will find a treasure - a spouse’s stash, a bill lost by the boss, a 50-year-old coin that rolled behind the sofa.”

“You will be attacked in the coming year. Among the criminals there will be a stroke of luck that you cannot fight off.”

“Smile more often, and then sign a lucrative contract with the toothpaste manufacturer.”

“Working hard in the Year of the Pig will make you feel like a pilot in a time machine, as it will throw you back into the Year of the Horse.”

“Next year you will win a million dollars, which will allow you to quit your job until next year.”

“Expect strong shocks at the end of the year. Shocked by your success, all envious people and competitors will explode with anger.”

“By giving your other half a diamond ring, you will become as close as possible to your colleagues, since you will have to sleep at work for the rest of the year.”

Make jokes in such a way as not to offend the person, make him smile, and maybe even reflect on the advice he received. Don't predict anything serious. Talking about personal tragedies, lack of money and troubles at work is not something that should be brooded over. New Year's table.

For a prediction to be truly interesting, it must be designed for specific people. So, if a family of children, young people and elderly people has gathered at the table, then you should clearly refrain from making jokes on intimate topics. The topic may be general pleasant memories. The theme for children is their favorite fairy tales and cartoons. Not knowing how to make a prediction for an adult, you can look into a book with your favorite poems. Many psychics do this.

Pay attention to the design. Show your imagination and creativity. At the same time, keep in mind that in 2019 the trend will be elegance and simplicity. What are the design options? comic forecasts?

  1. Cookie. The result will be a treat, a reason to have fun, and make the evening more fun.
  2. Postcards in the shape of snowflakes, Christmas trees or Christmas balls. The New Year's prophecy will be written inside.
  3. Bundles with future forecasts in beautiful organza bags. Also great idea There will be an addition in the form of sweets.
  4. Paper parcels in a large glass vase so that each guest can dip their hand into it and choose a fun forecast.
  5. Balloons. This way, guests will be able to burst the balloons and read the forecast about upcoming events.

You can use nut cookies, mini Christmas socks containing packages with prophecies, and place candy wrappers with forecasts on the Christmas trees. The New Year's celebration is bright in itself, and therefore requires compliance in everything. Make sure that the candy wrappers with forecasts are also on topic.

Pay attention to the meaning of the predictions so that they create a festive mood and delight those present. Funny forecasts will make the New Year's party humorous, unpredictable, and bright. You can also use catchphrases from films, colorful titles, song quotes. For example:

  • “Oh, this wedding, this wedding, this wedding sang and danced...”
  • “...The trailer will move, the platform will remain.”
  • “And I’ll get into a convertible and go somewhere.”
  • “There are millions of chances that everything will come true soon”
  • “A million, a million US dollars, life will be good...”

I hope the holiday will be fun and positive thanks to such interesting entertainment as comic predictions.

Comic predictions They are no less popular among children than among adults. They will amuse the children and help adults have a great children's party. Just print them out on paper and cut them so that each piece of paper contains one prediction. Place them in a hat or a beautiful vase, and let everyone choose their own “destiny” for the coming 2020. Another interesting way is to put pieces of paper in. It's not only fun, but also delicious.

Select predictions in verse:

Predictions for preschool children

Predictions for preschool children are well suited for both large and small companies. Of course, such kids cannot cope without the support of adults who can organize festive fun for them.

If you listen to mom and dad,
Then you will eat sweets!
And not obedient for a whole year,
The ban on sweets is just waiting!

Those who like to sleep a lot
A year without surprises awaits again!
You will sleep through all the surprises,
Just don't blame us for that!

My friend, if you want to grow up
And save your health
Drink more milk
And don’t shed tears over him!

for you next year
Be constantly visible!
You will perform a lot
For kindergarten you will stand!

Today is a happy and cheerful day,
Why are you hanging your nose?
We promise that you will have a whole year
Live only with the phrase “Lucky”!

The one who father and mother
Doesn't listen stubbornly
I'll have to stay at home for a year
And just look out the window!

If you don't eat porridge
You won't grow up, my friend,
You'll be weak all year
Like a pea pod!

If you don't sleep well,
It will be hard to get up
You will be nervous, you will be angry,
And you won't grow big!

Fun awaits you all year long,
Laughter, McDonald's, carousels!
Adventures, friends,
I guarantee you!

He prophesies a lot of sweets
Prediction day and night!
The main thing is to make sure that
Your stomach didn't hurt!

Very soon you will
More friends will appear!
Don't hurt them baby
Invite me to visit you!

The more often you smile,
The more it will work out
You have everything for a whole year,
We speak in advance!

At nap time you need to sleep,
Then make the bed.
You don't like to do this
Know that you will stand in the corner!

There will be a feast for you my friend
Well, prepare your mouth,
Lots of delicious ice cream
Sweets, cakes, pastries!

We're telling you now
Absolutely unvarnished
Everyone's wishes will come true
And all your dreams will come true!

You have a surprise, my friend,
A fun prize awaits you!
You just have to deserve it
And be good all year!

If you don't be lazy
You will work carefully
Suddenly you discover the planet
You will arrange a holiday for the whole world!

If you work
If you're all worried
Friend, you will become president,
Get some applause!

We are preparing for you,
Sunny day in the middle of winter
You'll be walking all day
And “kill the slacker”!

will bring you good luck
A new record in sports!
You will be a super hero
Fans will march in formation!

One evening you will fall asleep
As usual, we tell you.
And you'll wake up and understand
Three foreign languages!

If you want some candy
Send greetings to your parents
In the form of washing floors,
And sweeping corners!

There will be a holiday in your garden
Many different gifts
They will give it to you at that hour,
Everything you want is with us!

If you will help your mother
Wash dishes, put everything away,
Your wish will come true
For exemplary obedience!

Gifts are waiting for you
Loving from parents,
But they must be earned
Or ask correctly!

Your wishes will come true!
But keep them a complete secret,
Then they will be fulfilled!

For your merits, for yours,
A declaration of love awaits!
You will be happy today
After all, dreams will come true!

You will become famous
Everyone will give flowers,
Write a book
For girls and boys!

If you brush your teeth at night,
Then the whole stomach will be clean,
Well, what if it’s the other way around?
Your stomach will hurt badly!

Comic predictions for schoolchildren

Short predictions for children are fun entertainment that is suitable for anyone. festive event. Schoolchildren not only believe in miracles, but also expect them. And what if not predictions will help strengthen their faith? In addition, funny predictions for children will perfectly cheer up the whole company.

Soon, soon into you
Confessions will fly lovingly.
Maybe from the next desk,
The stars speak like cards!

You will be happy
There will be new friends
Adventure awaits you
Predictions don't lie!

Everything will be fine at school
Everything is fine at home too,
The main thing is don't forget
Help mom and dad!

Adventures await you
On vacation soon
You will receive recognition by loving
From a real prince (princess)!

If you don't teach a lesson
You'll get a deuce right away
For all my subjects,
And according to star signs!

If you go to bed early
You're in your favorite bed
Stars in a dream for you
Love will add to your growth!

Literally very soon
They'll kiss you soon
But not on the lips, but on the cheeks
But still loving!

Congratulations you are here
You'll learn just fine!
Mom and Dad will be happy
And they will give you a reward!

The stars say hello
And they will send you sweets!
Just eat them one at a time
Otherwise your ears will curl!

Make a wish quickly
The stars favor you
The wait won't be long.
They tell you honestly!

Soon you will have a holiday
They will give you different gifts!
Many guests will arrive
There will be many friends!

Rather open in your heart
You are the door for love!
Someone cares about you
And to your beautiful eyes!

They will write you a letter soon
It will be love!
And who, history will remain silent,
It will be kept secret!

Wait for a love confession
At the drawing lesson!
Will draw your portrait
And send a big hello!

News is waiting for you
Good news!
The house will be full of guests,
The main thing is to clean up later!

Who will help mom?
To receive gifts
There will be no help if
You will be judged even at school!

You must be able to dream
You are too serious here
Then you will fly
Straight to the beautiful stars!

You will be very lucky in life,
After all, there are a lot of gifts waiting!
But they must be earned
Go to the store with mom!

A wonderful vacation awaits you,
You're going to the sea with your dad and mom!
You will swim, sunbathe
And play with the guys!

Updates are waiting for you
From your mother, loving you!
Don't forget to thank her
Tell your mom!

Waiting in class for a transfer
And a new neighbor is waiting,
Your friendship will be smooth
Peaceful, glorious and without troubles!

Happiness will come to your home,
In the form big gift
And don’t forget to mom later,
Say thank you to your hot!

When my friend you grow up
Then you will find a treasure with money
You will become a millionaire
And buy all your dreams!

To give you a figure,
Do some exercise
And you actively go to dances,
After all, the transitional age is ahead!

To have skills in the future
Now get busy studying!
If you suffer for a long time,
At least something will work out!

In the summer you go to the sea,
You'll find fun there!
There will be new friends
Laughter, you have acquaintances!

Don't be sad, your dreams will come true
After all, you have good luck!
But just don’t forget mom
You help, at least somehow!

Soon you will receive from us
Secret declaration of love
Don't torment anyone, anywhere,
They don't know anything!

Remember that good will return
Happiness will turn out to be long lasting,
Everyone do a lot of it
Don't ask for anything in return!

Comic predictions for teenagers

Teenagers love noisy parties and various games. He will offer them comic predictions and you will not hear them during the entire holiday.

Wait from your friends
Great news!

There will be a lot of kisses
It will be a long journey!

To look great
You need to behave decently!

Love will burst into your days
And they will become cool!

No need to be nervous in the morning
Happy time will come!

Make a wish for the night
Your dreams will come true!

Don't expect love from love,
Your happiness is ahead!

No need to run after anyone
You're running into a lot of problems!

Avoid bad company
These are bad beginnings!

Parents shouldn't be rude
After all, we still have a long time to live with them!

Beware of gossip
Don't hesitate to gossip yourself!

Kisses are waiting for you soon,
Not just one, but the sea!

Will kindle fires in the heart.
A declaration of love to you.

The one who loves you is not the same one
Only with him happiness awaits you.

Celebrating holidays with a large group is fun and interesting. But only if an entertainment program is planned. Without it, the celebration will turn into banal eating and empty talk. If you take charge of organizing the holiday, you need to think through everything carefully and prepare in advance. Room decoration, menu, music - all these are important components of the party. Most importantly, don’t forget to prepare competitions, games and quizzes. Guests will be completely delighted if you read them comic predictions. Short and funny, a little touching and romantic, positive and unusual words will give people a good mood.

Crystal ball

Each of us wants to look into the future at least for a minute. Find out what awaits him and his loved ones in the coming years. So give your friends this opportunity! Include a visit from a famous witch into your evening scenario. You can act in her role yourself or involve one of the invitees. Have your speech planned out in advance and the show can begin.

A few days before the celebration, prepare comic predictions. Short and funny, they work best in poetry. Write them down on small sheets of paper, then roll them into a tube. You can age the paper using regular strong tea leaves or, conversely, paint the tubes in bright colors. Place these mysterious packages in a regular balloon and inflate it. Tie one balloon to each guest's chair. They won’t even suspect that there are jokers and funny people behind them. In the middle of the evening the witch appears!

The fun begins

The witch is dressed according to her image, in her hands crystal ball! She slowly enters the hall, looks at everyone with a mysterious look: “Hello, people! I came to you for a reason, the ball brought me! I see your future in it! Want to know the whole truth? Magic balls will now appear behind your backs! Take from them what was sent to you by higher powers!”

Everything will come true

Guests can start popping the balls and take out the packages. Now the real fun begins! short and funny will amuse the audience and give a lot of positive emotions:

  • soon you will meet love, you will get married again;
  • as soon as you put on a red hairpiece, you will receive a million in a day;
  • You’ll fly up the career ladder and quickly catch your boss;
  • you will never go bald, your hair is protected by a lucky star;
  • soon in your house you will hear children's roar, laughter and stomping, and the potty, have fun soon, my friend;
  • you will soon find a miraculous balm, you will be forever young, mischievous and lively;
  • You wake up in the morning and there’s a foreign car outside your window. Didn’t you expect such a gift?

These are universal comic predictions. Short and funny, they are ideal for colleagues. This number will be relevant at a corporate event for any holiday!

Gypsy motifs

The stereotype that all gypsies are fortune tellers is strong. So let’s not dispel it, but, on the contrary, let’s play up the funny situation. The gypsy Aza will come to you for the holiday straight from the camp that goes into the sky! He will drop in for five minutes and predict a bright future for everyone. It’s very simple to make: you will need a colorful long skirt, a headscarf and a lot of jewelry. Prepare humorous predictions in advance, short and best suited. Write them down on pieces of paper and put them in a beautiful box. The gypsy woman enters the room and explains that she found this chest by accident in her great-grandmother’s house. She opened it and saw a note there. She talked about how she should arrive at this house and distribute these sheets to those present.

Mysterious messages

The development of events may be different, let the guests take turns pulling out the package they like and enjoy what is written there! These should be comic predictions, short and funny, in poetry or prose. The gypsy herself can call guests and tell them predictions in a mysterious voice!

  • I see very clearly that you have a huge family. You will all live together, your son will go to serve in the army.
  • A trip to the mountains awaits you, you will make a splash there.
  • A lot of money will fall on your head, and your friend will get rid of the disease.
  • You will always have delicious food at home.
  • There will be a lot of joy, ice cream and sweets.
  • Exactly at night your happiness will come.
  • Very, very soon, I see you at sea!

Everyone will definitely like these comic predictions, short and funny. For teenagers, young people and those over thirty, these are the best wishes!

All the best for children

If there is a children's party planned at home, be sure to prepare entertainment for the children. Without them, the celebration will be boring and dull. Children will quickly get tired, overeat and want to go home. Hold several games and competitions, let the smart people show off their intelligence in quizzes. After receiving small prizes, give the guys a good rest and refreshment, and you can start completing the quest! After completing all the tasks and obstacles, present comic predictions, short and funny, as a prize. This will be an unusual and interesting surprise for children! They will be happy to open the treasured notes and read the messages!

  • very soon you will have new friends;
  • V shopping center you just buy cool pants;
  • when you hear a loud ringing, you will receive a new phone;
  • you will get five A's, even though you study very poorly;
  • they will ring, you open the door, and there is a brand new briefcase;
  • soon everything will be great, you will have a red dachshund;
  • your neighbor will fall in love with you, and you will live a hundred years;
  • in the coming month of October, luck will come to you;

Such comic predictions, short and funny, will be a pleasant surprise for children.

School years

Not everyone likes going to school, but when they grow up, they remember these years and dream of going back to the past! Try to organize parties, discos, competitions and games for the children on every holiday. This way the class will become more friendly and united. At any event, you can present children with an unusual surprise - comic predictions, short and funny. For schoolchildren, select special phrases they need. Let them be with humor, but also with hidden meaning.

  • Something good will happen and you will want to change! You will only study for A's and attend all sections.
  • This year you will find yourself, you will begin to write books and poems.
  • Learn a foreign language, because you are a natural diplomat.
  • They will send you to a running competition; you must prove yourself there.
  • You need to start dancing and pump up your back muscles, your parents are very happy, you will become a pop star.
  • Sing like a nightingale, don’t be too shy on stage!

The children will be delighted and will remember these predictions for a long time. And if you believe in good things, then they will definitely come true!