Drink jasmine tea in a dream. Why do you dream about jasmine?

The annoying cackling of geese promises misfortune.

If you look at swimming geese, this means that luck will gradually return to you.

It is especially favorable to see geese on the grass.

A dead goose is also a sign of imminent losses and dissatisfaction.

If a lover sees geese, then this dream reminds him of dignity in relationships with his beloved, of being faithful to his word.

Calling geese and feeding them means acquiring property.

Eating a goose in a dream means some doubts about business.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

Seeing Geese in a dream

Seeing is profit;
sell - losses;
plucking - disappointment;
to kill is a great inheritance;
fry - visit.

Interpretation of dreams from Tsvetkov's Dream Book

What does Geese's dream mean?

flying - news, justification
plucking - disappointment
killing is a great inheritance
eating is great happiness
fry - visit
buying is stupid action

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Book

Seeing Geese in a dream

This dream is unlucky for a single man. The woman he loves will turn out to be a very stupid and inept wife. She will gossip constantly, quarreling with her neighbors, judging everyone and everything, and quarrelsomely with her husband and his relatives. The bachelor who saw this dream and already has a young woman in mind would be better off leaving her to someone else and looking for his happiness somewhere else. For everyone else, this dream promises some discord in relationships with friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

What do Geese's dreams mean?

The dream promises you to participate in frivolous and meaningless conversations. Owning a flock of geese in a dream means gaining honor, respect, and support from influential people in life. If in a dream you hear the cackling of geese (the cackling of chickens), the dream promises you material wealth, stability in business. A young goose dreams of success in the scientific field. Cutting off the head of a goose in a dream means finding prosperity and peace of mind.

Interpretation of dreams from the French dream book

Dream about Geese

Geese - Flying - be sad, beware of depression. Fried - pay attention to the pancreas. Don't eat fatty foods. Pluck - buy unnecessary things. Killing is a legacy. You kill - they expect an inheritance from you, which directly affects your condition.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

What does Geese mean in a dream?

Geese - family well-being - hear cackling - court, trouble - flying - news, justification - pluck - disappointment - kill - big inheritance - eat - great happiness - fry - visit - buy - stupid actions.

Interpretation of dreams from Kananite's Dream Book

The meaning of Geese dreams

For good, profit, matchmakers, love, you will see a lot of people, guests, conversation, new marriage (to a widow) // death; in the house - well-being; feed – family, lead; white – snow; they shout - someone will die, you will cry, empty speeches, a false rumor; arrival - good; departure - sadness; lose – loss; flying - road; geese cross - news; buying is an honor; sell - loss; eating goose - profit, wealth; tease - a date with a friend; catching - marriage; catch, stab - inheritance // quarrel (with wife); fry - guests; graze – money; count – profit, news; pinching - betrayal, disappointment.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

What does Geese mean in a dream?

Gossip and slander have entangled you on all sides; you need the protection of a strong and fair person. A dream from Tuesday to Wednesday foreshadows confusion in business, threatening a loss of trust among others. A dream from Wednesday to Thursday suggests that you have to make a difficult decision related to a loved one. If geese pinch you in a dream, you will have an ill-wisher who will make every effort to harm you and cause trouble. If you run away from a goose, you will soon be disappointed in one of your friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for women

Meaning of Geese's dream

A lover's dream of geese means that he needs to be more attentive to his beloved and remain faithful to her.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Interpretation of the dream Geese

Seeing geese in a dream means family well-being. Hearing them cackling in a dream portends the revelation of a secret, false rumors, or an accident.

To see a flock of geese grazing on the grass means to earn respect in reality. Seeing geese swimming means that the luck that left you will certainly return.

Flying geese - you will have to make excuses for something.

Feeding geese in a dream and calling them together means acquisitions and profit. Catching geese - for marriage, buying - you will be honored, selling - incurring losses, plucking - experiencing disappointment, killing - to receive an inheritance, frying - paying a visit or receiving a guest, eating a goose in a dream - to great but dubious luck, which can turn into disaster.

A plucked goose is a sign of forgery and fraud, a dead goose is a sign of dissatisfaction and impending losses, craning its neck and hissing is a date with a friend, running away is a sign of loss, crow's feet are a sign of luck, goose feathers are a sign of annoyance.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What Geese predicts in a dream

The cackling of geese in a dream foretells misfortune. A dead goose is a sign of imminent losses and dissatisfaction. Eating a goose in a dream means some doubts about business.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

What does it mean to see Geese in a dream?

A flock of geese dreams of acquiring property. How more geese, the more solid the property you purchase will be. If you dreamed that you bought or were given a live goose, a friend will give you a luxurious gift. Roast goose on the table symbolizes the well-being of the home.

Imagine your house is filled with geese. Some of them you feed, others you send to the kitchen to be fried.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Interpretation of sleep Geese

The cackling of geese heard in a dream promises misfortune.

If you saw geese swimming, then luck will certainly return to you.

Geese on the grass - auspicious sign.

A dead goose dreams of loss and dissatisfaction.

Calling and feeding geese means acquiring property.

Eating a goose in a dream means doubts about business.

Interpretation of dreams from

One of the worst nightmares of childhood was probably village geese, and when thinking about them, old sayings come to mind: “Water off a duck’s back,” “Geese saved Rome,” and many others. In order to understand and correctly interpret what geese dream about, you need to try hard and remember what else happened in the dream. Everything is important: circumstances, behavior and appearance poultry, the dreamer's mood, and so on. But, as a rule, geese in a dream bring changes for the better and good news, and to make sure of this, it’s worth looking into the dream book. Geese , V different dream books world, may have somewhat contradictory meanings.

What will a flock of geese tell you?

What several geese can dream about Modern dream book interprets in two ways: on the one hand, this is a sign of a great acquisition in the form of a new friend who will remain with the dreamer for life, and on the other, evil gossip. If the sleeper himself believes that intrigues are being woven against him, it is worth turning to an influential comrade, because only his help can really influence the unpleasant situation.

Hosse's dream book is sure: the image of a flock of geese in a dream is a symbol of the integrity and unity of the family.

French dream book interprets several geese as empty talk and unpleasant gossip. The exception is if the owner of the flock is the dreamer, this means complete control over the information environment of the sleeper’s life. The dream book promises such a person universal respect and high social status.

Interpretation, depending on the day of the week

There is an opinion that what geese dream about may depend on the day of the week on which the dream occurred.

From Monday to Tuesday, see geese in a dream to extremely unpleasant changes. The dreamer is destined to get confused in solving problems, go astray, and as a result receive a complete loss of trust from loved ones. In this case, you should focus on the task at hand and not get distracted by trifles. It's time to set priorities and not give up on your own moral component, no matter what.

If a person happened to see geese in a dream on the night from Wednesday to Thursday, he needs to prepare for a choice. The choice will be made between solving your own problems and the problems of your loved ones. It is recommended to unobtrusively convey to relatives that the dreamer’s life is now important and there are things that cannot be postponed.

Gender of the dreamer who saw geese in a dream

Also, the interpretation of a dream can be influenced by gender sleeping.

  • What a girl who dreamed of geese should prepare for is a quick meeting with her chosen one. However, he was more likely chosen by his parents than by the young lady herself.
  • If unmarried woman If you dreamed about geese on the eve of the wedding, then you should wish her patience. It will help you live with your husband for long and happy years, despite the dissimilarity of characters and different outlooks on life.
  • The dream book recommends that a man who is in a couple, but not yet married, come to his senses and postpone the wedding until better times. The beloved, according to the dream book, is unlikely to be suitable for the role of a wife, since her personal qualities leave much to be desired. Sometimes love does not make the obvious clear: the person next to you is not only stupid, but also inclined to gossip and discuss those who are more fortunate and successful.
  • For a married man, what dreams of geese mean can be interpreted as the need to love and trust his wife, who at least deserves it. There won’t be a second one like this, the dream book says.
  • Esoteric dream book, claims that what lovers dream of about geese is evidence of the correctness of their choice of their soulmate.
  • For everyone else, seeing geese in a dream means a quarrel with friends.
  • The dream book of Nostradamus believes that men who dreamed of little geese chicks will experience a rise in their careers and great financial satisfaction. For women, such a dream promises a long-awaited pregnancy.

Special circumstances in a dream that influence interpretation

Miller's Dream Book in a special way interprets what dreams of a goose grazing in a meadow mean. The psychologist believes that this is a sign of a change from a black stripe to a white one.

If a goose was wounded in a dream, and the parent had a dream, this is a terrible sign warning of a huge danger hanging over his child. It is worth immediately protecting the child from any outside interference in his life and exercising maximum control.

Noisy, screaming geese are a sign of misfortune. The louder the cackling, the greater the trouble.

Hosse's dream book also answers the question of what to prepare for if you dreamed of cackling geese. In his opinion, these are misfortunes and bad news about a loved one; perhaps the fact of betrayal or the breakdown of a friend’s marriage will surface.

What you dream of flying on a wild goose is a real revolution. The dreamer will soon experience stunning changes. And this will touch every area of ​​life in the best sense. This plot promises women successful marriage and wealth.

Flying geese in a man's dream - to a meeting with a passionate and beautiful girl, who will definitely become a mistress, regardless of the marital status of the sleeping person. The only exception will be the rare case when a man remains faithful to his wife.

Interpretation of sleep, depending on the color of the birds

A black goose visiting the dreamer in a dream symbolizes great experiences and anxieties.

Gray is a sign of complete emotional evenness, bordering on death. This is similar to emotional impotence or a feeling of complete disappointment and unwillingness to live. Complete depression.

What a white goose means in a dream depends on the gender and age of the dreamer. For unmarried people, such a dream foreshadows the meeting of a rich, wealthy partner. For babies and children, a white goose in a dream will bring a long-awaited meeting with beloved relatives, uncles and aunts. For married ladies, such a dream foreshadows the most interesting workplace, the search for which will not take long.

Behavior of geese in a dream

  • Selling geese in a dream means losses in financial issue, buy - vice versa.
  • Flying geese mean big failures, and swans in flight, on the contrary, mean happiness and great news.
  • The scariest story ever real life when geese chase a sleeping person and bite him - this dream speaks of betrayal, or of great disappointment in a loved one.
  • If the bird still managed to bite the dreamer, it’s time to take care of your health and devote time to it; it is possible that it will soon worsen
  • Aggressive geese in a dream, according to many dream books, mean the sleeper’s susceptibility to painful criticism. During such a period of emotional instability, it is better to spend more time at home and not engage in conflicts and verbal altercations.
  • Feed the geese - good sign- some dream books say. Gustav Miller is confident that such a plot in a dream promises a speedy improvement in financial sector, and Hosse’s dream book foretells the dreamer finding true friends.
  • Catching a goose in a dream means catching luck by the tail. The person will soon win. It can be either a lottery or a victory for a place among competitors.
  • A dead bird, according to Miller’s dream book, means disappointment in loved ones.
  • Also, what you might dream about killing a goose depends on certain circumstances. If the dreamer himself did not kill the bird, this promises him a generous inheritance. If you do it yourself, then this inheritance is eagerly awaited from the dreamer.

Dream Interpretation Geese GEESE - a dream about geese - promises you participation in frivolous and meaningless conversations. Owning a flock of geese in a dream means gaining honor, respect, and support from influential people in life. If in a dream you hear the cackling of geese (the cackling of chickens), the dream promises you material wealth and stability in business. A young goose - dreams of success in the scientific field. Cutting off the head of a goose in a dream means finding prosperity and peace of mind. Ancient French dream book

Dream Interpretation Goose Goose - good; flying - journey. As a goose dreams, this is a sign of love for this person. If you dream of a goose and pillows, there will be guests. A lot of geese are screaming - people are spinning gossip. Eating geese in a dream means wealth. Goose cackling - empty chatter; slander. Goose - to be made a fool. Ukrainian dream book

Interpretation of the dream Geese The cackling of geese in a dream foretells misfortune. A dead goose is a sign of near loss and dissatisfaction. Eating a goose in a dream means some doubts about business. Seeing geese swimming along a river or walking on the grass in a dream is a sign that luck will gradually return to you. If a lover sees geese, such a dream will remind him of the need to behave with dignity in relations with his beloved, of being faithful to his word. Calling geese and feeding them means acquiring property. Modern dream book

Meaning of Geese's dream If you dream that you are annoyed by the cackling of geese, an accident will occur in your family. Seeing geese swimming means that your business will gradually go uphill. Seeing geese on the grass means undoubted success. Dead geese dream of loss and failure. For a lover to see geese: it means that the object of his love is very dear to him. If you call geese, you will soon achieve a high position. Eating geese in a dream means the emergence of controversial issues in business. Modern dream book

Dream Goose Most likely, this image - a goose - arose under the influence of the work of the subconscious, associated with the transformation into a visual image of the expression: “Water off a duck’s back,” which means to avoid the consequences of some rash actions. In fairy tales, geese and swans have always been a good symbol. If you feed a goose by hand, it means that by showing prudence and patience, you will get what you have been striving for for a long time, breaking through doors with your forehead and using force. Seeing a goose swimming on the water with its brood is a sign of happiness in married life, prosperity and prosperity. Cooking a dish from goose or eating it is a bad warning: most likely, a certain person will secretly act against you and ruin your reputation, and you will spend a lot of effort to restore your good name. If in a dream geese, seeing you, raise a terrible cry, then this is a sign of danger threatening you, you must be careful and prudent, the coming days will not best time for extravagant actions and surprises. If in a dream a goose attacks you and nibbles you, then this dream predicts that you will communicate with an arrogant and proud person who will not bring you anything good. Aesop's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Geese? Goose: one of your ill-wishers, who does not have the strength to openly attack you, will strike you on the sly, secretly the trouble will be minor, but very painful for your pride, be careful! Children's dream book

Dream Interpretation Goose His image in a dream indicates beautiful women. Seeing a goose in a dream also means good news. A bathing goose portends the birth of a child. A pleasant acquaintance with a noble family, on which your well-being will depend, awaits you if you saw in a dream that you were herding geese. Islamic dream book

Dream Interpretation Geese Seeing geese in a dream means family well-being. Hearing them cackling in a dream foreshadows the revelation of a secret, false rumors, or an accident. To see a flock of geese grazing on the grass means to earn respect in reality. Seeing geese swimming means that the luck that left you will certainly return. Flying geese - you will have to make excuses for something. Feeding geese in a dream and calling them together means acquisitions and profit. Catching geese - for marriage, buying - you will be honored, selling - incurring losses, plucking - experiencing disappointment, killing - to receive an inheritance, frying - paying a visit or receiving a guest, eating a goose in a dream - to great but dubious luck, which can turn into disaster. A plucked goose is a sign of forgery and fraud, a dead goose is a sign of dissatisfaction and impending losses, craning its neck and hissing is a sign of a date with a friend, running away is a sign of loss, crow's feet are a sign of luck, goose feathers are a sign of annoyance. Counting geese in a dream means in reality receiving a message from afar or a letter. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Geese GEESE - for good, profit, matchmakers, love, you will see a lot of people, guests, conversation, new marriage (to a widow) // death; in the house - well-being; feed - family, lead; white - snow; they shout - someone will die, you will cry, empty speeches, a false rumor; arrival - good; departure - sadness; lose - loss; flying - road; geese cross - news; buying is an honor; sell - loss; eating goose - profit, wealth; tease - a date with a friend; catching - marriage; catch, stab - inheritance // quarrel (with wife); fry - guests; graze - money; count - profit, news; pinching - betrayal, disappointment. Maly Velesov dream book

Dream Interpretation Geese Geese. The annoying cackling of geese promises misfortune. If you look at swimming geese, this means that luck will gradually return to you. It is especially favorable to see geese on the grass. A dead goose is also a sign of imminent losses and dissatisfaction. If a lover sees geese, then this dream reminds him of dignity in relationships with his beloved, of being faithful to his word. Calling geese and feeding them means acquiring property. Eating a goose in a dream means some doubts about business. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Geese The cackling of geese heard in a dream promises misfortune. If you saw geese swimming, then luck will certainly return to you. Geese on the grass are a favorable sign. A dead goose dreams of loss and dissatisfaction. Calling and feeding geese means acquiring property. Eating a goose in a dream means doubts about business. Large universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Geese This dream is unlucky for a single man. The woman he loves will turn out to be a very stupid and inept wife. She will gossip constantly, quarreling with her neighbors, judging everyone and everything, and quarrelsomely with her husband and his relatives. The bachelor who saw this dream and already has a young woman in mind would be better off leaving her to someone else and looking for his happiness somewhere else. For everyone else, this dream promises some discord in relationships with friends. Ancient English dream book

Dream Interpretation Geese Geese are flying: be sad, beware of depression. Fried: Pay attention to the pancreas. Don't eat fatty foods. Pluck: Buy unnecessary things. Kill: inheritance. You kill: they expect an inheritance from you, which directly affects your condition. Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Geese Geese: for good, profit, matchmakers, love, you will see a lot of people, guests, conversation, new marriage (widow) / death in the house: prosperity to feed: family, white news: snow they shout: whoever dies, you will cry, empty speeches, false rumor arrival: good departure: sadness to lose: loss flying: road of geese cross: news buy: honor to sell: loss eat goose: profit, wealth tease: date with a friend catch: marriage catch, slaughter: inheritance / quarrel (with wife) fry: guests graze: count money: profit, pinch news: betrayal, disappointment. Small dream book

Dream Interpretation Geese The cackling of geese in a dream: foretells misfortune. Dead goose: a sign of near loss and dissatisfaction. Eating a goose in a dream: to some doubts in business. Seeing geese swimming along a river or walking on the grass in a dream is a sign that luck will gradually return to you. If a lover sees geese: such a dream will remind him of the need to behave with dignity in relations with his beloved, of being faithful to his word. Calling geese and feeding them means acquiring property. Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Dream Interpretation Geese The cackling of geese heard in a dream promises misfortune. If you saw geese swimming, luck will certainly return to you. Geese on the grass: an auspicious sign. Dead goose: dreams of loss and dissatisfaction. Calling and feeding geese: to the acquisition of property. Eating it in a dream: to doubts in business. Family dream book

Dream Interpretation Geese For women: Gossip and slander have entangled you on all sides, you need the protection of a strong and fair person. A dream from Tuesday to Wednesday foreshadows confusion in business, threatening a loss of trust among others. A dream from Wednesday to Thursday suggests that you have to make a difficult decision related to a loved one. If geese pinch you in a dream, you will have an ill-wisher who will make every effort to harm you and cause trouble. If you run away from a goose, you will soon be disappointed in one of your friends.
For children: GOOSE - one of your ill-wishers, who does not have the strength to openly attack you, will strike you on the sly, secretly; the trouble will be minor, but very painful for your pride; be careful!!!

Because of its loud cackling, the image of a long-necked poultry is often associated with grumpiness, gossip, gossip - something unpleasant. But we should not forget that geese saved the capital of the Roman Empire from potential conquerors - precisely with their cry. You need to listen to dreams where you see geese.

Why do you dream about white geese and more?

If you dreamed of a flock of geese, you can expect quick wealth, prepare to receive an inheritance or win. You need to take a responsible approach to your work responsibilities in order to make a profit, but also the opportunity to buy lottery ticket no need to postpone.

Bird color features:

  • Gray bird is a sign of mistrustful relationships. Someone in the couple is experiencing intense jealousy. The partner needs to be made to understand that he is loved and appreciated.
  • But the black goose is not such a benevolent image. Unpleasant news will fall on the dreamer, and there may also be disappointment due to ill-wishers nearby.
  • White ones signal the imminent arrival of dear guests. It is possible to meet with distant relatives, childhood friends, or just have a good time with a pleasant company.

In the image of white birds, the subconscious may hint at a quick meeting important person in life. He will become a reliable friend or faithful other half.

Why do you dream about a live goose?

Information in various dream books regarding this bird is contradictory, so it is better for the dreamer to listen to his feelings during sleep.

  • Yes, wild goose- a symbol of unexpected happiness. In reality, this could be a successful acquaintance, promotion career ladder. Positive value They also fly in a dream on these birds; this also means longevity and a comfortable existence in reality.
  • A flock of geese in interpretations differs in interpretation - these are possible troubles that will fall on one’s head unexpectedly, or a quick resolution to a boring conflict situation.

In any of these cases, dream books give one piece of advice: you need to behave with dignity - and everything will be decided in the best way for the dreamer.

  • Birds flying into the distance may hint at temporary mental anxiety, an attack of melancholy. A long journey, a short trip, will put an end to these experiences.

If you see a flying bird in a dream, you will hear from an old friend. The news will be pleasant for the dreamer.

  • For a single man, the image of a goose means a lover who will soon disappoint him. She will not meet his expectations, may differ in status, be an uneducated or grumpy woman.
  • For a guy or girl who is already in a relationship, a long-necked bird in a dream hints that he should behave with restraint, nobly, and trust his half, because the choice of a life partner was made correctly.

A separate category of interpretation is goose cackling. If in a dream the cry of birds evokes fear, in reality the dreamer will be disappointed by someone’s gossip. The usual cackling of a pack promises wealth and material benefits.

Why do you dream about attacking geese?

If there are a lot of these pet birds, it's time to change the way you look at your surroundings. Perhaps someone wishes evil and periodically plots intrigues, but sometimes it is useful to look into your soul.

Attacking birds indicate imminent troubles that will pour in as if from a cornucopia. A reassessment of one’s own behavior can put an end to the matter. If the dreamer does not find any shortcomings in himself, he just needs to wait out the unpleasant period.

If a goose plucks in a dream, in real life you need to prepare for a meeting with proud man, whose pride and high self-esteem will interfere with work and relationships.

Why do you dream about ducks and geese?

If you see a roast goose or duck, you will have to defend your good name in reality. But in some dream books this symbol is interpreted as a warning regarding health. Fried foods are harmful to the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Cutting off the head of a goose or duck means a final recovery; for a girl, it means marriage.
  • Eating a roast goose means luckily, a quick meeting of loved ones or friends, an important event.
  • Buying geese means frivolity, thoughtless spending, future disappointments, just like plucking birds in a dream.

It is interesting that the dreamed ducks and geese combine almost opposite images. Thus, geese are often the image of stupidity and ignorance, while ducks are the image of fear of God, respect and peace.

  • Seeing these birds on the water means happiness and tranquility. If geese are nibbling grass, prosperity and a measured family life are expected in reality.
  • A goose and a duck walk together - to an unusual union on the side, a new love, the subject of which will be an extraordinary person.
  • Goose carcass, dead birds- a sign of mental loneliness, emptiness or disappointment. Outwardly, everything may look different, but in reality you will have to unravel the tangle of internal contradictions.

It is important at this time not to involve loved ones in your problems, otherwise they will suffer in vain. This period can be called a crisis, but it is given for further personal growth.

Why do you dream about a lot of geese?

A brood of goslings represents health problems for younger family members; they need to be closely monitored to prevent possible troubles.

There are many adult birds - in reality, praise and reward await the dreamer. However, insincere admiration for someone is also possible. But such a dream is sometimes interpreted differently: the dreamer himself has become more self-confident, the time has come to behave with dignity - and then you won’t have to expect tricks from anyone close circle, nor from colleagues.

Often dreams are a separate little life of the human subconscious. To understand the meaning or main thread of the vision, you need to acquire a couple of high-quality dream books, the interpretations of which have been tested by several generations. For a complete and most reliable interpretation, it is necessary to remember all the details: from the behavior of the bird (or flock) to your own feelings or thoughts that were born after meeting the bird.

In many dream books, the goose appears to be a formidable messenger of deep sadness and large-scale troubles. Therefore, many women try not to determine what the goose is dreaming of this time. But by delving into more ancient and dusty visions, you can easily find successful predictions from the feathered guest of dreams.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

The dream book of the wisest Hasse interprets the bloodthirsty murder of a goose in a dream as an approaching opportunity to receive a significant inheritance or monetary influence. But Hasse explains the flock of free birds by the approach of serious and even long-awaited news, which can put a firm and expected end to a long-standing issue or dispute.

The wisest Russian dream books of ancestors explain why a goose dreams: the human subconscious in dreams reveals true position affairs in the relationship between a particular person and his immediate society. Therefore, if a bird in a dream is good-natured and happy with everything, then all things will be successful in the near future. If trouble or murder happens to him, it is worth radically changing the course of his actions and working out the tactics of communicating with people.

Ukrainian books

Vintage Ukrainian dream books explain who is attacking. In most cases similar visions portend very difficult situation, an accumulation of intrigues and provocations. Help you understand or break the squeezing knot of difficulties close person(the goose is a symbol of the good quality of the house and its helpers). Therefore, dream books do not advise people to fall into panic states; they should carefully and slowly consider the situation and its possible Negative consequences or incidents. After which, in a calm atmosphere, make decisions.

The cackling of birds that are not visible in a dream speaks of possible gossip or malicious slander. It is quite difficult to figure out why a goose or its cackling is dreaming about. Many dream books warn and even frighten with possible conspiracies or intrigues, but there are many interpretations that reassure, repeating about family gatherings and long-awaited meetings of distant relatives. If you dream of cackling for several days, you should take the initiative and gather your family for tea.

Most old dream books explain the process of feeling or cooking a goose as a possible acquisition of unnecessary or unimportant things. A scrupulous calculation of needs and desires will help protect yourself from future waste; the goose advises in the vision to show more loyalty to household chores and worries.

If the dream reveals a picture of another person roasting a goose, then in reality this same citizen will be able to qualitatively influence or prevent a strong quarrel between loved ones. Such goose advice should be carefully considered and weighed. Intervention in quarrels often requires great tact and dexterity, so that at the moment of resolving the problem the person does not find himself to blame.

The wisest ancient Roman dream books explain why one dreams of a goose grazing in a meadow. The greenness of the grass and the calmness of the bird speak of the favor of the stars and immediate success in business. Protracted or burdensome worries will be completed with maximum success. Let us note that it is necessary to evaluate such visions on a large scale, without missing out on all the smallest details.

Attacking birds and flock

But understanding why geese attack in dreams is not an easy matter. Most psychologists talk about the hidden probability of enemies appearing in a team or company of acquaintances, whose slander will denigrate wide circle acquaintances If the dream unfolds in flight, the person still succumbs to the onslaught of the bird, which means that in the last the most important moment a close friend will let him down or not understand.

Why do you dream of geese walking in a huge, stately flock? It will help to understand this matter ancient dream book Rus'. In any case, the flock symbolizes society, and the friendly formation of geese speaks of possible unnecessary conversations or grievances. Many psychologists advise reducing communication with others for a while and giving your thoughts freedom.

But a flock of geese flying away or flying past foreshadows longing for someone close. Psychologists focus on the fact that the subconscious prepares a person in advance for future torment. In order not to fall into the abyss of depression or sadness, you need to focus more on household or family concerns so that your attention becomes a little dull.

Freud and Vanga's opinion

But the extravagant Freud assessed flying geese as a harbinger of amorous infatuation or early acquaintance. These kinds of birds gave him a feeling of purity, but expression. Vanga considered goose dreams to be harbingers of a powerful surge of prosperity and wealth. Fedorovskaya considered the counting of geese a sign of decline or loss. The dream warns a person and speaks of losing business or hobbies.

Dream Interpretation of the 20th Century

Why do you dream of white geese? A 20th century dream book will help you figure this out. A flock of calm white geese portends wealth or significant improvement career growth. For married woman they are a sign of the chosen one’s stability, tranquility and desired comfort. But for kids, white geese are considered a symbol of meeting with relatives or friends left somewhere. An event like this will give you a lot of positive and powerful emotions.

Another interpretation

The dream book of Nostradamus explains why white geese are dreamed of in a more global and in a meaningful way. They symbolize the arrival of calm and peace. The smaller the white birds, the clearer and more prosperous everyday life will be. For men, a vision with little goslings symbolizes a powerful increase in dividends and success, for ladies - the arrival new era V family life. A dream about selling or exchanging these birds can only promise losses; giving them away is also a bad omen.


As you can see, there are many options for interpreting dreams about geese. Similar dreams bring both good and not very pleasant moments into a person’s life.