Nutrition during spiritual practice in Sufism. Sufi practices for women: initial stages of study

Although this term arose at the beginning of the 20th century, the history of technology is almost as ancient as humanity itself. You can find its description among the ancient Slavs, Indians, Eskimos and others northern peoples, in Asian practices like qigong. In the East, the technique has been practiced by Sufis for a long time, one of whom, Ballak Muhammad Subuh, gave it its name. By the way, Sufism is an esoteric movement in Islam, which sets the goal for its adherents to be spiritual development through practices and austerities. Man has a dual nature - spiritual and physical. From the body and the “restless” mind, many desires and thoughts are born in us every minute. For the most part, not knowing how to react correctly, we suppress them, driving the energy of desire deeper, where it often finds outlet in the form of illnesses. Sufi technique helps restore integrity to the body, restore the natural flow of energy, and heal from illnesses, depression, phobias, and the effects of stress. She is something like dynamic meditation which is based on authentic movements, that is, movements expressing the true desires of the body.
Latihan technique:
1. Practice is done completely alone. You should be absolutely liberated and not concerned about how you look from the outside.
2. Stand straight, do not tense up. Lower your arms along your body and relax them. Move the fingers of your left hand and feel a similar “stirring” in the right hemisphere; a sensation of “pins and needles” may appear.
3. Do the same for the right hand and left hemisphere. Once you have established contact, move both hands and feel both of your hemispheres. In general, at first it’s unusual, the main thing here is to discard critical thinking and let go of control.
4. Put on rhythmic music, best of all drums, their rhythm touches the very nature. Let this rhythm into you and surrender to its will, let go of mind control, let your dance be spontaneous and arbitrary. The body itself knows in which areas it has energy and physical blocks and how to get rid of them. The main thing is not to disturb him.
The key to performing this technique is complete absence control, turn off your “critic” and go into passive observer mode. Your body moves as if on its own, your consciousness is in a meditative state, without thoughts. In a spiritual sense, Sufis use the Latihan to turn to the Holy Spirit, the Higher Power. They concentrate on the feeling of oneness with this force in the area above their head, from where the golden stream of energy emanates. It passes through the body from top to bottom, as if through an empty shell. At the same time, it is important not to hold back the flow, not to try to “stock up” on energy, but to remain in absolute peace, relaxation from a position without an emotional observer. Imagine that this stream is the only real thing that exists around you, go to this new level consciousness.
It is advisable to perform Latihan daily for at least half an hour a day. This Sufi technique solves many problems simultaneously - healing the body and psyche, removing energy blocks, unity with Higher Power(Creator).

Podcast by Svyatoslav Sarazhin “About the Latihan technique”

I propose to verify the effectiveness of the Latihan right now from your own experience. You can play your favorite music or choose from this small list.
Shamanic drums

Soft music

Very calm music - duduk

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Reading time 2:32

Sufi whirling- one of the most ancient techniques, one of the most powerful. It is so deep that even a one-time experience can make you completely different.

Sufi whirling is an ancient practice of prayer in motion, which is based on Zikr - repetition of the name of God and aimed at purifying consciousness and realizing universal love.

Sufi whirling allows you to remove consciousness from the head chakras, promotes the transformation of energy and entry into the state of hal. There are various modifications of this technique. Whirling can be done with or without music, using mantras, without a certain concentration or with concentration in certain energy structures of the body. In the latter case, whirling can contribute to their development and improvement.

The whirling dervish is a conductor of cosmic energy; he absorbs the power of the sky and gives it to the earth, while remaining completely empty, free from thoughts, desires and needs.

The place where Sufis circle retains this energy for some time. In the old days, dervishes whirled in crowded places, clearing the space and bringing it into balance.

The job of a Sufi is to bring to the consciousness of the world one simple thing- you can dive so deep into your heart that you will see that there, inside, you are one with all life, with all souls, and extract from this source harmony, beauty, peace and strength.

The Whirling Ceremony of the Mevlevi Dervishes goes back to the inspiration of the great Persian mystic and poet Jalal ad-din Rumi, who discovered and revealed the secrets of the universe through the ecstatic dance of whirling.

Over time, whirling became the basis of the Sufi ritual of Sema (listening), which celebrates the soul's journey to God. While performing the ritual, the dervishes spin around the axis of their heart and at the same time move in a circle. Going through efforts to purify itself, the soul grows, meets the Truth and moves towards Perfection.

This practice SLOW rotations. Immersion in prayer (memory of God), associated with rotation around its axis and breathing. In the process of practice, through internal effort (!) and simultaneous release of effort, purification and immersion into the inner space occurs.

Whirl with your eyes open, as little children do, as if your inner being has become the center and your whole body has become a wheel moving like a potter's wheel.

You are in the center, but the whole body is moving.

Meditation is divided into two stages- circling and resting. There is no specific duration for it - it can last for hours, but at least one hour to fully experience the whirlpool of energy.

The circle is carried out in a counterclockwise direction, the right hand is up, the elbow is raised, left hand- down, elbow down. People who feel uncomfortable with counterclockwise rotation can do it clockwise. Let your body be relaxed and your eyes open but not focused, so that the images become blurry spots, become fluid. Remain silent.

In the first fifteen minutes rotate slowly. Then gradually increase the speed over the next thirty minutes until you become a whirlpool of energy - the periphery is a storm of movement, but the witness at the center is motionless.

When you spin so fast that you can't stay upright, your body will fall over on its own. Don't make this fall a result of your decision and don't try to arrange it more comfortably: if your body is relaxed, you will fall softly and the ground will absorb your energy.

When you have fallen, the second stage of meditation begins.

Immediately roll over onto your stomach so that the bare part of your navel touches the ground. If someone feels very uncomfortable while lying this way, they can lie on their back. Feel how your body merges with the earth, as if a small child pressed against its mother’s breast. Keep your eyes closed and remain passive and silent for at least fifteen minutes. After meditation, be as quiet and inactive as possible. Some people may feel nauseous during whirling meditation, but this feeling will subside after two to three days. If nausea persists, interrupt the meditation.

After completing the exercise, relaxation is necessary.

It also requires complete trust in the technique, complete “openness” during the exercise. Its duration is determined individually and can vary from several minutes to several hours.

One of the greatest experiences in life is when there is music surrounding you, overwhelming you, flooding you, and meditation begins to grow in you - when meditation and music meet. God and the world meet, matter and consciousness meet. This is unio mysticism - mystical unity.

Sufi whirling

Sufi music: remember and feel the Divine in yourself

The ancient tradition of spiritual improvement - Sufism - is now widespread. With its help, people get rid of problems and try to penetrate deeper into the essence of their earthly path. Sufi practices for women - these are exercises that influence the soul and body of beauties, allowing you to transform yourself, completely change yourself. However, it is recommended to engage in them only when you understand the methodology and philosophy of the tradition. How and what to do, what to think about? Let's figure it out.

Deciding on the purpose of work

Sufi practices for women are part of psychoenergetic training that touches the foundations of the soul. Under the guidance of an experienced mentor, girls complete tasks that correspond to their level of understanding of the world, as well as their goal. The student needs to realize that a space is opening before her in which she is capable of transformation. In principle, we all improve in one way or another, gaining experience, experiencing events, trying to understand our role in them.

Sufi practices for women are focused work on changing their inner self towards a more complete and sincere contact with the world. At the same time, the student gains knowledge of how to influence events and build them in accordance with her understanding of harmony. To put it simply, Sufi dances and exercises allow you to feel like the center of your universe. First of all comes the correct perception of the Universe, second comes the ability to live in harmony with it. And this allows you to feel calmer about factors that previously caused irritation or rejection, which significantly affects the quality of life. The goal of the practice is to develop a sense of the correctness of the world order, to find one’s place in the Universe as a source of joy and happiness for others.

All life is a struggle!

The Sufi sage and teacher al-Ghazaln said that every person has two enemies. They are anger and lust. By taming them, the person rushes to heaven, succumbing to influence, he goes straight to hell. Both of these enemies act through the human body. They constantly give rise to desires that do not correspond to the true intentions of the individual.

Look at how advertising affects people. It is structured so that listeners or viewers strive to take possession of something, to try the pleasure that is mentioned in the video (in the picture). Moreover, a person does not have time to think. Advertising excites base instincts that instantly take over the body, overshadowing the brain. Succumbing to the influence of the “voice” of the body, the person stops reflecting on his true intentions and feeling the connection with the Higher Mind. This is why diseases develop, negative feelings are born, the body takes a leading position, breaking the spirit.

A person must constantly control his reactions so as not to be at the mercy of base instincts. What is needed is reflection on the essence of desires, their constant analysis, as well as an understanding of where they come from and what causes them.

Sufi practices for women: exercises for purification

For training to be successful, you must understand that the body is a conductor of the spirit. Any improvement begins with its purification. And first of all, you should learn to get rid of anger, which physically affects the liver.

Sufi healing exercises (dhikrs) were created for this purpose. They are performed in a sitting position with a straight back. Pay special attention to your mood. It is permissible to do dhikr only when the soul is calm; its state can be described by the word “good.” Close your eyes and turn your inner gaze into the depths of your body. Feel the light in the solar plexus area. This source must be kept open and working at all times. The ball of light must be raised to the area located between the eyebrows, then lowered through into the liver. Repeat ninety-nine times.

The essence of the exercise is to focus on increasing the glow of the energy ball. The described exercise allows you to get rid of pride and perceive others with kindness and understanding.

Character Education

Sufi practices for women are not just exercises performed only occasionally, at will. In fact, to achieve results, you need to cultivate the ability to constantly control. And first of all, you need to pay attention to the ability to subdue negative impulses. The work is not easy, but very powerful.

The exercise is to monitor reactions to other people's behavior throughout the day and be patient with difficulties. You should focus on maintaining a sense of harmony. You cannot allow circumstances to influence. That is, you need to look at the world through your sense of balance, trying to keep it intact. No matter what happens during the day, stay in good location spirit. As soon as balance is lost, restore it and analyze the cause of anger or irritation.

You will have to work on this area separately, using other techniques.

Sufi dances

Whirling dervishes are one of the most powerful exercises that can completely transform consciousness from the first execution. Most Sufi dances include this element. We will describe it in detail. Take off your shoes and spin around your axis clockwise. Raise your right hand to the sky to receive energy from the Universe, lower your left hand down, through it the flow will be grounded. You need to rotate for at least an hour, freely and easily. Strive for the feeling of stillness of the body, which is the center of a huge vortex. The movements continue until the moment of natural fall, which is not recommended to be mitigated. The second stage of the exercise is meditation. Lie on your stomach and free your thoughts. Stay in this position for up to fifteen minutes. Afterwards, remain silent for as long as possible.

How to increase female magnetism?

The attractiveness of a girl largely depends on the work of the second chakra, which is responsible for pleasure. The Sufi practice of magnetism for women aims to purify and energize her. The exercise is performed in a sitting position. Straighten your back, close your eyes. Place your hand on your chest, inhale slowly, creating a feeling of love in your head. You need to create an image of the passage of pure energy from the Universe into your body. As you exhale, direct the flow to the second chakra area (next to the womb). Continue this movement all the way to your feet. Again we inhale love and direct its flow to the crown. In the process of work, it is necessary to achieve a feeling of pleasure in the body. The exercise activates the second chakra and increases the level of female magnetism. It is good to practice it after Sufi whirling.

Sufism belongs to the category of ancient teachings aimed at spiritual improvement, which have become widespread throughout the world. With the help of practice, people began to get rid of the accumulated problems that often occur on the way to their goal.

Women's Sufi practices are designed specifically for the fair half of the world. They represent a series of exercises that allow you not only to change externally, but also to enrich yourself spiritually. Practical exercises should be started only after studying the philosophy and teaching methods.

The philosophy of Sufi practices is to show the absence of any differences between the surrounding world and man in particular. Over time, the methods and philosophy of practice have not changed. To fully enjoy the present, there is no need to regularly return to the past and never stop thinking about the future. One should appreciate reality and become happy with what a person has at the present moment. Sufism is present in many areas of life and how more people developed spiritually, the closer to the Creator he is.

The literal translation from Persian means the absence of distinctions between the world and man. The teachings are based on the philosophy that was laid down during the creation of civilization.

  1. The Almighty cannot be considered as a separate person, because a part of him is present everywhere.
  2. Sufism is transmitted only from heart to heart, since the practice belongs to the category of magic.
  3. How deeper man studies Sufism, the closer to God he becomes. Complete dissolution in the Almighty is also possible.
  4. To enjoy life, you should not think too much about the future and the present.

The practice is passed on from person to person, but the Creator as a person is not considered, since he is the progenitor of his creations. Sufism is considered a mystical, unlike anything else, separate direction in Islamic culture, which practices spiritual practices and asceticism. The teachings are aimed at acquiring the ability to cleanse yourself spiritually from accumulated negativity. After a person has gone through several stages of purification, new spiritual qualities are acquired. To study the direction you will need a special mentor - a murshid. Everything that can contradict the laws of Sharia has nothing to do with Sufism.

Psychology of learning

The first attempts to instill love for the new teaching were based on several ideas, including purification of the soul through repentance and poverty. In this way, practitioners saw a way to get closer to the Creator. According to Sufis, regular practices will help create ideal person, which does not focus on own feelings and strives to merge with Divine truth.

Practice makes perfect inner world– spiritual. Material components are not taken into account, because they can cause a feeling of dependence that will not allow you to serve the Lord. Among the required components of the course is a detailed study of the Koran and other teachings preached by the Prophet Muhammad.

Esoteric Sufism

Those people who have chosen for themselves the path of enlightenment and knowledge of Divine truth do not have to lead an ascetic or renounced way of being. According to Sufi practitioners earthly life allows you not only to know yourself better, but also gives you the opportunity to work on your weaknesses and change yourself. It is based divine love, which is considered as an inexhaustible source of strength and love, leading to the Creator. To gain knowledge, you must go through several stages:

  • A heartfelt and emotional love for all the Creator's creations develops;
  • Service to the world is sacrificial in nature (a person is obliged to engage in free charity without receiving anything in return);
  • The divine spark is present in everything, but a person must learn to divide the world into white and black;
  • The love that a person is capable of must be directed towards God.

Positive and negative aspects of studying Sufism

Over the centuries, debates have continued about whether there is a direct need for Sufi practices. For many, such teachings are equated to a sect, and for inexperienced followers, the teachings can pose a danger. However, people made such conclusions on the basis of long-term teaching conducted by charlatans who seek to adjust the practice to suit themselves, thereby greatly distorting the original information. To know the truth, you should use one of the many books and treatises that will help dispel myths regarding Sufi practices.

For beginners, it is extremely necessary to find a spiritual mentor who, in the learning process, would be guided exclusively by the principles of the described teaching. Such a person will become a kind of connecting link that will help establish contact with Higher powers. You can know true devotion and perfection by merging into your own teacher. The first classes will be aimed at improving concentration and developing correct thinking. The lesson plan is drawn up by the teacher, focusing on the abilities of a particular person. To enter a religion, you will need to familiarize yourself with the main stages of entry:

HakikatThis stage of human development is considered the highest. In addition to communicating with God, a person is regularly aware of his presence and sees him everywhere.
MarefatAimed at improving existing knowledge. Love for the Almighty will be all-consuming. In addition to direct contact with God, they are lost material values, and in their place comes the understanding that the Universe is multifaceted.
TariqaBased on several stages of self-development. To begin with, a person learns respect, love for one's neighbor, humility, patience, abstinence, poverty, prudence, endurance and repentance. There are also teachings about death, intellectual development and thought processes. Ultimately, man will strive to unite with God.
ShariaThis will require strict adherence to the Quran and its preliminary study. It is advisable to be a native speaker of the native language of the Prophet Mohammed.

The need for Sufi practices

The purpose of such events is to awaken the divine and own energy. Subsequently, students are trained in the use (implementation) of energy flows. The method is fascinating and complex at the same time. Whirling in Sufi dance, which is taught from an early age. Every culture has a number of ritual dances that are aimed at releasing a person’s internal energy and establishing contact with Higher powers.

The construction of Sufi practices requires the training of ritual whirling. Ladies' dancing allows you to transform not only spiritually, but also externally. In the process of whirling, the girl understands that the released energy flows will transform her beyond recognition.

Once contact with the inner “I” is established, harmony with outside world. Women understand that energy can be used to change reality. The attitude towards the world and the Universe changes, and a person acquires a feeling of happiness and harmony. Troubles will no longer cause negative reactions. A person will forget about such concepts as irritation, anger and hatred. Life will have a new meaning.

Practices aimed at cleansing

Regardless of the purpose for which a person has decided to master Sufi practices, the first step on the path to understanding the teachings will be learning to cleanse one’s own body of negativity. Afterwards, a person will feel happiness from the fact that negative emotions will become uncontrollable, and communication with the Universe is possible and real. The student gains confidence in own strength, becoming calm and finding inner harmony. The most ancient are women's practices that are aimed at changing the appearance of practitioners. Breathing exercises, meditation and ritual movements will help get rid of negative emotions, extra pounds and will lead to a healthier body.

Exercises alone will not be enough, because practices are divided into separate systems. There are some age restrictions related to the fact that a person learns to awaken energy and use it, and this is beyond the control of small children.

The techniques used are distinguished by originality and originality. They allow you not only to open your heart to the outside world, but also to establish contact with Higher powers. In return for dedication to the teaching, a person receives confidence, calmness and inner harmony. Women's practices also require an experienced mentor who understands the essence of the chosen technique. Some rituals are performed at specific times. A series of breathing exercises, body movements and meditative practices will help you get rid of excess weight.

Dance in Sufism

In most cases, people associate Sufism with dancing. This is explained by the fact that the basis of the practice is getting closer to the Creator, which can be achieved through dance. Skirts are used as clothing, and people twirl to the rhythms of drums and flutes. Skirts are put on one another, according to the principle of a mandala - the infinity of our Universe.

An increase in the exchange of energy flows is noted not only among dancers, but also among observers. The opportunity to perform a ritual dance is given to hermit monks who have served within the monastery for at least three years. Independent practices are possible, but the dancers' eyes must remain open.

Some features of the practices used should also be considered. To scare away evil spirits, a person needs to stamp his foot and clap his hands before dancing. As a greeting, the person bows and presses his hands to his chest. Among the dancers, a leader is determined, who will be the symbol of the Sun. When dancing, one hand is lowered while the other is raised. In this way, space and earth are connected. You should spin as long as it takes to enter a state of meditative trance. Dance testifies to a person's true attitude towards life.

The second chakra is responsible for beauty and health in girls. To open it, Sufi magnetic practices are used. Exercises should be performed in a sitting position. The back is kept straight, the eyes are closed. Place your hands on your chest and take a series of deep breaths as your heart fills with love. By exhaling, a woman directs flows of energy into the second chakra, thereby opening it.

How is Dhikr performed?

Participants sit or stand in a circle. After the instruction, students do a series of exercises that replace each other, presenting a rhythmic picture. The movements gradually accelerate. Singing and music are used as training to open psychoenergetic channels. The latter is considered the food of the soul and the most in an effective way achieve spiritual development. Schools spend a lot of time regularly listening to music and poetry. Afterwards, students practice dancing to folk music. It was possible to achieve a high efficiency rate due to meditative practices, which are carried out not only while still, but also while dancing.

High-speed techniques

With similar practices spiritual guide will help achieve a visible effect in a very short period of time. Speed ​​practices are used if a person shows a high level of psychoenergetic readiness. The meditative tradition of Sufi practices is diverse. This will require experience working with consciousness, mind and body. Training is provided regarding the crystallization of consciousness, spatial dimensions and methods of entering nirvana.

In the teachings you can find a lot of original and original things. Similarities are also visible when comparing the teachings of other schools. The same patterns of spiritual development are used in:

  • Juan Matus School;
  • Hindu yoga;
  • Buddhist mysticism;
  • Taoism;
  • Hesychasme;
  • Sufism.

The more practical experience a student gains, the more intensively he will have to work with a mentor. Mature stages involve understanding and using energy structures human body. The origin and methods of using the chakras have been known for years. The emphasis is on learning to work with the anahata chakra, which is responsible for heartfelt love.

  1. Without trust, no technique will bring the expected result. In the process of practical lessons, it is necessary to fully open up to the Universe. The meditative state can last for hours.
  2. After completing the exercise, take a break.
  3. If a person realizes that during the dance he begins to fall, this should be done with his stomach down. Afterwards you need to relax and lie on the floor for a while.
  4. A person dances in a strictly individual rhythm. All movements remain smooth.
  5. At the moment you open your eyes, you need to focus on your raised hand.
  6. At the moment of whirling, the body is as relaxed as possible.
  7. Circling is carried out in any direction.
  8. The interval between dance and last appointment food should be 3 or more hours.

The meaning of life is in struggle

According to the famous teacher and sage al-Ghazaln, every person has only two enemies, called lust and anger. The insidiousness of enemies lies in the fact that they have an impact not only on a person, but are also capable of leading him. Desires generated by negative thoughts do not correspond to the true intentions of a person as an individual. An example would be advertising that takes up important place in the world of sales.

The purpose of advertising, regardless of whether a video clip, brochure or banner was offered to a person, is to create a desire to try or take possession of any product or service. There is no time left for extraneous thoughts, and the brain begins to work in a different direction. True intentions fade into the background, and instead of them the voice of the body appears, which loses touch with the mind. This leads to the fact that a person’s spirit breaks down, unpleasant thoughts and desires are born, and diseases develop. Reactions and emotions must be controlled by a person, otherwise base and obscene instincts will take over. Each desire has its own nature of origin, which must be analyzed and understood.


For many, the true attitude of the church towards such religions and cultural movements remains a mystery. The concept of “Christian Sufism” does not exist. Many aspects of various world practices are similar, because first of all, the teachings are aimed at increasing the spiritual component, repentance and spiritual (physical) cleansing. Mysticism Christian church does not recognize as rituals and ceremonies that it categorizes as pagan. Everything about pagan culture came from the Devil, therefore church-like prohibited.

The geniuses of science have long been convinced that with the help drug treatment It is impossible to completely get rid of the disease, but only to shift the pathology from one organ to another. And only through deep personal changes does true healing become possible. Changing yourself is more of a philosophical task, which means it will require special knowledge and techniques. These include Sufi healing exercises.

Although in essence Sufism is philosophical direction traditional Islam, it is so flexible and multifaceted that its entire part is reserved for the fair sex. After all, the well-being of the family and the ability to procreate will depend on their state of health.

Sufism is a mysterious branch of Islam that emphasizes self-restraint and high spirituality.

The main purpose of using Sufism is the purification of the soul and the process of developing the necessary qualities.

Sufism is a rather difficult concept to understand; in this case, one cannot do without a spiritual mentor (he is called a murshid in Islam).

Remember, everything that Sharia rejects cannot be taken as Sufism.

Features of Sufi healing practices

Performing meditations, special body movements, as well as breathing exercises - for all this, it is important not just mechanical repetition, but awareness of the deep essence of the practice. Therefore, you will definitely need a spiritual mentor. In addition, Sufis are convinced that some practices can be performed strictly at certain times of the day.

Due to the fact that Sufi healing practices act as entire systems, it is unacceptable to perform only one or a couple of exercises - you should act comprehensively. Sufism can be successfully combined with other types modern practices and currents. In particular, female Sufi practices of a certain age group are extremely popular.

This means that representatives of the fair sex after 50 years of age should not attend practices intended for young girls. And the point here is not the age itself, but the fact that for a certain category its own topic is selected with the most pressing issues.

What are Sufi practices for?

The main goal of the work is the awakening of divine energy, as well as its subsequent independent use. Quite unusual and very interesting way awakening energy - Sufi whirlings, which are suitable for absolutely any age.

Almost every nation has in its arsenal traditional dances and games, as well as round dances. You can begin your construction of Sufi practices with ritual whirling.

Women's Sufi practices are designed to force a person to change internally, often beyond recognition. At the same time, a woman must clearly realize that she is awakening within herself a power that will radically transform her.

The main goal of Sufi practices is to change one's inner self in order to establish harmonious contact with the real world. At the same time, students realize that they are able to influence the events that happen to them and achieve harmony, first of all, with themselves

Thanks to Sufi dances and exercises, a feeling of unity with the surrounding world and the center of the universe is created. People begin to adequately relate to the Universe and live in a sense of harmony and happiness. And in this case, representatives of the fair sex will calmly deal with the troubles that happen to them, and will also be able to get rid of hatred, anger, feelings of irritation and other negative emotions. Thanks to all this, life takes on a new meaning.

Initial stages of studying Sufism

If you want to understand the basics of this movement and become familiar with such sacred knowledge First of all, a teacher is needed. Teachers in Sufism are called leaders, pirs, furshids or arifs.

Beginning adherents of Sufism are called murids. At the very beginning, the master offers the murids the performance of various practices, which should develop a high concentration of attention and stop the flow of different thoughts.

It should also be noted that the process of learning Sufism is largely regulated by the individual characteristics of the beginner.

Different brotherhoods vary the number of steps required to enter this religion. There are basically four main stages:

  1. Sharia, which consists in the literal implementation of all laws described by the Koran and Sunnah.
  2. Tariqa. Here you need to master special steps called poppies. A person will be required to observe repentance, prudence, restraint, patience, faith in God and submission.
  3. Marefat. A person learns further, improving his knowledge and love for God. At this stage, he already understands how important it is for him spiritual world and material wealth is indifferent.
  4. Hakiqat. It is the highest level in Sufism. Here a person fully concentrates on the divine, he is no longer concerned about earthly problems and needs.

Effective cleansing exercises

For maximum effectiveness of training, you need to realize that the body is a conductor of the soul. This is why cleansing is so important. A person must stop experiencing hatred and anger, which gradually destroy him. For this purpose, it is necessary to use special Sufi exercises for women.

For example, the exercise of dhikr is especially popular. It is very important for this practice good mood. A woman sits with a straight back, closes her eyes and concentrates as much as possible on her body and her inner sensations. The center of attention is transferred to the solar plexus, which must always be open.

After this, the focus is transferred to the area between the eyebrows, and then shifts to the liver. This manipulation is repeated 99 times. Using the described method, you will successfully cope with pride and learn a good perception of the world and a feeling of love for everything that is around you.

Dance rituals in Sufism

The practice of whirling and chanting is very powerful and transformative. human consciousness beyond recognition. To perform it, simply take off your shoes and start spinning clockwise around your axis. Wherein right hand point towards the sky in order to receive divine energy, and the left hand falls down - this provides the necessary grounding.

It is very important to perform the circling for a long time, at least one hour. It is necessary to ensure that the body becomes motionless during the spinning process. Keep moving until you fall. At the same time, do not try to soften your fall.

In addition, you can try different meditation practices. To do this, you need to lie down and try to eliminate all unnecessary thoughts from your head. In such a meditative state, a person should lie for about 15 minutes, while it is very important to maintain complete silence, completely detaching from real life.

Secrets of female magnetism

The second chakra gives the fair sex attractiveness and attraction, because it is responsible for pleasure and sexual desire. Through Sufi practice you can cleanse and activate this energy center.

The practice is performed in a sitting position. It is very important that your back is straight and your eyes are closed. The hand is placed in the chest area. Breathe deeply and deeply.

At the same time, constantly think about how much you love the Universe. Create in your body energy flow, and when exhaling, direct the energy to the 2nd chakra area. After this, the energy is directed to the feet. Finally, breathe love into yourself again and carry this energy throughout your body.

During this process, it is important to achieve a feeling of pleasure throughout your body. As a result, such a representative of the fair sex will become very attractive to men and will attract them to her like a magnet.

Now you know what Sufi practices are needed for and how to use them correctly. Use this knowledge to your advantage, and finally, be sure to watch an interesting thematic video: