Planets in the natal chart and appearance. Talents in the natal chart

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Sexual planet Sun in Libra

Low sexual need, but amorous and addicted. They do not like to take on other people's problems and obligations; they avoid worries and worries. They prefer light, non-committal flirting. Free sexual relations and promiscuity are possible. Hence, sexually transmitted diseases and problems in personal life.

Significators of first marriage

Sun aspect to Neptune

Neptune is an indication of an attentive, kind, patient, caring and psychological partner. The partner is a creative or spiritual person, perhaps loves music. Psychologist, parapsychologist, psychotherapist, professions related to the sea. The partner may be born under the rising sign of Pisces or have the Sun in Pisces in the horoscope.

Sun aspect to Pluto

Pluto is a powerful and conflicting partner, prone to despotism and dictatorship. May have a dangerous profession. The partner may be born under the rising sign of Aries or have the Sun in Aries in the horoscope.

Ascendant in Leo

Your Projection to the World: Everything you do is done with pride, creativity and a sense of uniqueness. All your external interactions are determined by the desire to be a bright individual, a star, to be the center of attention of others. IN best case scenario, this motivates you to higher achievements, generosity, magnanimity and nobility. People are attracted to your energy, inner strength and radiance; you are a true queen in your field.

you have developed sense self-esteem, self-respect and honor, and feel deeply offended if someone treats you in a humiliating or dishonest manner. You rarely openly confront the offender - you are too proud for this, but your love and respect for this person will be forever lost

In the low-frequency range the picture is not so attractive. You run the risk of becoming narcissistic, self-centered, overly concerned with your own appearance, striving to achieve fame and worship at any cost. You do not intend to share your position with anyone and strive to “outdo” everyone else. You don't admit your mistakes and don't let people get too close so that they suddenly discover that you are not as great as you want to appear.

Your task: to reveal your potential talents in creativity.

Psychotype: You are feminine and diplomatic, strive for harmony and external comfort, love to surround yourself with luxury items and art, and are partial to beautiful jewelry.

Love: Since your youth, you have been surrounded by fans who shower you with marriage proposals. However, due to high life aspirations, such a girl is not affordable for everyone. You enjoy loving and being loved. Sexual need not tall, you prefer external manifestations of love - romance, beautiful relationships, courtship, gifts. You have an innate talent for seduction, but in relationships you make many mistakes, in particular, you are not always able to cope with your own whims and emotions. Fear of loneliness pushes you to look for a new partner. Several marriages are possible in your life.

Home and Family: Your home is as beautiful as the picture. You select furniture and decorative items with taste. You like romantic dinners by candlelight, with beautiful dishes, quiet music, and a pleasant atmosphere.

Children: You raise children with tenderness and affection, instill in them a love of art and beauty, but if necessary, you can be strict.

Life roles: to charm and inspire, to bring peace and harmony.

Key Challenge: Your diplomacy and indecisiveness often create a problem of choice. You need to learn to exercise freedom of choice.

Initial level of development: frivolity, frivolity, amorousness, superficiality, wastefulness, selfishness.

High level of development: peacefulness, sociability, desire for harmony, order, beauty, diplomacy.

The area of ​​life where you can stand out, show charisma, leadership potential, and the area where you can apply your main efforts.

Developed Sun: partnerships are an important component of your life. You prefer productive cooperation, joint activities, joint decisions. You need support to fully develop your talents. You are diplomatic and reliable, easily achieving harmony in personal relationships.

Unprocessed Sun: You are too dependent on the opinions of others, social requirements and traditions. You often strive to maintain harmony in relationships at any cost, even to the detriment of your own interests.

Formula of happiness. Strengthening the sphere of social implementation.

Career, public image, and fulfillment in society are extremely important to you. And you are truly capable of achieving certain heights and earning recognition in this area.

Moon in Capricorn

You are restrained in expressing emotions, tend not to sympathize, but rather to educate others. You are cautious and unsure of yourself, melancholic, prone to dark thoughts. Your judgment is sober and practical, you are ambitious, diligent and hardworking, capable of leadership roles.

Key characteristics: discipline, order, stability, seriousness and determination.

Feelings and emotions: You are restrained in expressing emotions and feelings. It is possible that inner constraint and closedness are preventing you from opening up emotionally. It is difficult for you to express feelings of affection, give care and warmth. Each emotion is analyzed for rationality. The mind puts up numerous barriers and self-limitations.

Fears and complexes: You are extremely afraid of losing stability and predictability, of finding yourself in a dependent position. You should learn to relax, enjoy the current moment, and live “here and now.”

The highest manifestation: vision of goals and prospects, the ability to take responsibility for oneself, business, and future.

A “mirror” reflection and perception of the surrounding reality, an area of ​​life where you make maximum use of your emotions, subconscious, or relax your soul.

Developed Moon: You like to be the “life of the party”; you enjoy collective support.

Undeveloped Moon: You prefer to dream about the future rather than take active action. You can be very dependent on the opinions of friends and society.

Mercury in Scorpio

Your views are stable, it is very difficult to force you to change your point of view. Your determination allows you to overcome any obstacles. You are characterized by criticality, skepticism, suspicion and secrecy. Your statements are sometimes harsh and sarcastic, which can offend your interlocutors. You are multifaceted and insightful, but you are rarely merciful. You should learn to avoid making quick judgments, as well as the temptation to take advantage of others' weaknesses.

Key characteristics: emotionality, sarcasticness, rancor, ability to manipulate the interlocutor.

Mental characteristics: imaginative thinking, will and perseverance in cognition, emotionally charged information is better perceived.

The highest manifestation: communication and contacts are based on spiritual kinship, the transformation of prevailing stereotypes in society.

Mercury in the 11th house

An area of ​​life where you can develop intellectual abilities, establish effective contacts and connections, receive and transmit important information, knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Developed Mercury: You cope well with the role of a “unifying center” in a team, you are able to listen different opinions and find compromise solutions. You are attracted to smart, thoughtful, erudite partners. These same qualities are inherent in you.

Unprocessed Mercury: You usually come into contact with a lot of people. In relationships you show unreliability, duplicity, inconstancy, cunning and irresponsibility.

You are precise and accurate to the point of pedantry. Spontaneous manifestations are alien to you, which does not prevent you from establishing excellent relationships with friends and work colleagues. It is difficult for you to openly show emotions and feelings, but at the level of mutual understanding you are ready to share their hardships and problems with those around you. You are calm, you are not alien to the feeling of compassion. From time to time you like to be lazy for your own pleasure.

Key characteristics: receptivity, impressionability, discipline of feelings, practicality, indecisiveness, pettiness.

Self-expression: control of emotions, measured expression of feelings, tendency to criticize the mistakes and shortcomings of other people, tactlessness in statements.

Highest manifestation: highest mercy, ability to heal.

Your tastes, likes and habits. The area of ​​life where you strive for harmony and beauty. The sphere of revealing your creative abilities.

Developed Venus: You cope well with the role of a peacemaker and diplomat, creating an atmosphere of harmony, love, mutual understanding, and goodwill.

Undeveloped Venus: You tend to manipulate partners to fulfill your own desires.

Mars in Sagittarius

You are optimistic, open and energetic, but you may lack consistency. You take on new ideas and, without studying them thoroughly, begin to act with breadth and scope.

Incentive to action: defending one’s interests, striving for honor, respect, authority.

Harmonious use of potential: the ability to inspire others with your ideas.

Negative use of potential: Excessive straightforwardness - You can hurt the feelings of others without even noticing it.

The scope of your activity and activity. Here you are able to act energetically and confidently, decisively and courageously, and have a chance to work through your fears and doubts.

A significant portion of energy is spent on achieving material well-being.

Developed Mars: You are active in finding work and are excellent at earning your own living. You are hardworking and persistent, practical and enterprising, and spend your personal funds effectively.

Undeveloped Mars: achieving material well-being takes too much strength and energy from you. Your actions are often ill-considered, and spending is carried out under the influence of a momentary impulse. The discrepancy between labor costs and the results obtained causes dissatisfaction, loss of strength, loss of interest, moral and physical exhaustion.

You are practical and collaborative. You have an analytical mind, which is why you sometimes expect too much from others.

Method of implementation in society: through the ability to systematize knowledge and experience, using them as a foundation for further actions.

Harmonious use of potential: commitment to cleanliness and order, pragmatism, vision of perspectives, ability to notice subtleties and details.

Negative use of potential: pettiness, dissatisfaction, sloppiness, laziness.

In this area, you gain enormous potential for expanding opportunities, gaining authority, a position in society, learning not to be afraid of difficulties and looking to the future with optimism.

Developed Jupiter: You are popular and enjoy authority in society. Optimism and vision of prospects are yours strengths to help with career issues.

Undeveloped Jupiter: You are self-confident and ambitious, but lack responsibility and hard work. Lack of organization prevents the fulfillment of promises.

You are serious, disciplined and responsible, tactful and diplomatic, aimed at constructive cooperation.

Harmonious use of potential: diplomacy, peacemaking, patience and wisdom.

Negative use of potential: intolerance, inability to forgive, insincerity, tendency to “bend in” to the strong.

Test of difficulties: through the need to defend your opinion, maintaining balance in relationships.

An area of ​​life where you have to show patience and learn life wisdom, learn to set meaningful goals and systematically achieve them, realize your place in society, learn to take responsibility for your own actions.

Forms a responsible and careful attitude towards finances and material wealth.

Developed Saturn: You demonstrate maturity and wisdom in financial matters, understand the value of your work and the income it brings. Innate hard work, determination and endurance allow you to create a stable source of income.

Undeveloped Saturn: You tend to justify your own passivity in matters of earning money, and shift responsibility for your own failures onto others. Being forced to save, you transform frugality into stinginess, regretting spending an “extra penny” even on yourself.

Uranus in Scorpio

Harmonious use of potential: deep emotions, powerful intuition, activity, attractiveness, ability to control the body and thoughts, determination and ingenuity, curiosity, the desire to try everything from personal experience.

Negative use of potential: harshness, hot temper, desire for possession, inability to understand and adapt to the desires of other people, vindictiveness, the desire to change everything to your liking.

Sphere of luck and happy chances, unexpected life turns and events. In matters in this area, you are given the opportunity to demonstrate your own individuality and independence in decision-making.

Developed Uranus: Your independence and reformative talent shines through in the workplace.

Unprocessed Uranus: love of freedom and independence are excessively manifested in the workplace, hence insubordination, a sense of injustice in relations with superiors and colleagues, dissatisfaction, frequent job changes.

Neptune in Sagittarius

Harmonious use of potential: high inspiration, altruism, strong intuition.

Negative use of potential: recklessness, mistrust, wandering, wanderlust.

The sphere of inspiration and sublime ideas, mercy and goodness. In matters in this area, it will be difficult for you to rely on logic. Knowledge and decision-making come through faith, intuition, and spiritual wisdom.

Developed Neptune: mercy, care, higher spirituality in matters of home and family.

Unprocessed Neptune: illusions, sacrifice, lack of support, feelings of guilt and self-pity in relationships with family.

Harmonious use of potential: justice, responsibility, peacefulness, collectivism, understanding of beauty and harmony.

Negative use of potential: immorality, self-justification, cruelty.

Sphere of manifestation of leadership potential. In this area, a complete transformation (“reboot”) of your life is possible.

Developed Pluto: You are able to reach social heights and gain popularity in your field. You have powerful intuition, are able to take responsibility for a business and a team, and have good leadership potential.

Undeveloped Pluto: exorbitant ambitions push you to an excessive struggle for power, as a result, power becomes an end in itself for you. Moving along career ladder, You try by any means to achieve your goal, acting on the principle “the end justifies the means.”

Ascending Node in the 9th house – Descending Node in the 3rd house

The axis of nodes emphasizes the relationship between education and worldview for the harmonious development of the individual.

IN past life You were a “perpetual student.” The desire to constantly learn, improve, gain new knowledge and diplomas is strong in you to this day.

However, the path of apprenticeship has been completed. In this life, you yourself must become a teacher, preacher, missionary, and pave new paths to knowledge for others. You should not waste time and energy on unnecessary connections and contacts. Over time, you will learn to value your time and will not waste it. A good expansion in development can come from visiting other countries, studying other cultures and traditions.

You receive “gifts” and “punishments” from fate in the life spheres of the 9th house.

Important - a must read!

Each planet in the horoscope shows both positive and negative qualities. Even damaged, weak, evil planets carry positive traits. The implementation of a horoscope depends on culture, upbringing, spiritual level and level of personality development!

The nature of the planets, the position of the planets in the signs and houses of the horoscope, aspects between the planets highlight psychological characteristics personality and life spheres, in which these features will manifest themselves. In the event sphere, they show the peculiarities of the manifestation of events, give color to events, but are not responsible for the events themselves! The possibility of the realization of a particular event is indicated only by connections between the houses of the horoscope - and the time of birth must be known to the minute! You can see what events await you in the Event Indicators sections of the ORION online services.

Aspects of the planets

Influence of the Sun

Aspect of the Sun and Neptune

You are an incorrigible idealist, you have a keen sense of music and the highest harmony. You are merciful and sacrificial, always ready to help those in need.

Aspect of the Sun and Pluto

Well-developed connection: You have strong leadership potential, enormous willpower and the ability to concentrate on tasks. Your desires are bright and passionate, you are able to ignite and inspire others. You may be interested in spiritual development, especially eastern practices.

Undeveloped connection: You are stubborn, self-willed and power-hungry, prone to dictatorship and manipulation of others. Hot temper, willfulness, arrogance and intolerance do not allow you to compromise.

Moon influence

Aspect of the Moon and Jupiter

You are too sensitive, wasteful and careless. You are characterized by outbursts of emotions and a desire for a luxurious life.

Aspect of the Moon and Saturn

You lack self-confidence, optimism, emotional flexibility, and internal security. You are prone to despondency, sadness, and depression.

Influence of Mercury

Aspect of Mercury and Venus

You are diplomatic, have a harmonious inner world and you can boast of beautiful speech (both oral and written). You are flexible, artistic and expressive, and may have some talent in the field of art.

Aspect of Mercury and Uranus

Well-developed connection: You are intuitive, original and inventive, you quickly grasp new information, are interested in everything new, unusual, and willingly communicate with extraordinary people.

Unprocessed Connection: Your way of acquiring knowledge is spontaneity, eccentricity and fickleness. You often change your own mind, make lightning-fast judgments and do not tolerate other people's advice. You can repel others with your tactlessness, stubbornness and arrogance. You may be annoyed by traditional systems, where there is no place for originality, independent thinking, or insight.

Influence of Venus

Aspect of Venus and Neptune

You are not very practical in solving everyday problems. External worries should not interfere with your inner life. You are prone to self-deception: you often notice only what you want to see. Those around you take advantage of your kindness, mercy, and compassion. Perhaps for this reason you tend to avoid any relationships and contacts. The tendency to idealize people and relationships often leads to disappointment.

Influence of Mars

Aspect of Mars and Jupiter

You are optimistic, energetic and self-confident, taking on any task with enthusiasm. You are socially active, know how to earn money and manage love. You enjoy pushing your personal limits.

Aspect of Mars and Saturn

You are conscientious, prudent and careful, and know how to mobilize personal resources to achieve your goal.

Aspect of Mars and Uranus

Well-developed connection: You demonstrate a non-standard approach to any type of activity, cope well with complex tasks and find an unexpected way out of any situation.

Undeveloped connection: You are too independent, in the actions you take, you are guided only by your own opinion. You like risky experiments, which is why you constantly find yourself in dangerous situations. Rudeness, impulsiveness and nervousness can cause problems in relationships with friends.

Jupiter's influence

Aspect of Jupiter and Saturn

Well-developed connection: healthy conservatism and practicality help to find a way out of any difficult situation and bring the job started to completion. You take your responsibilities seriously, you can always offer several alternative solutions to a problem, you can always be relied upon.

Undeveloped connection: You strive for fulfillment in society, but your ambition is not satisfied by generally accepted social standards. At the same time, it is difficult for you to go beyond your own capabilities. Life's difficulties can shake your optimism.

Aspect of Jupiter and Uranus

You are attracted to everything new, unusual, progressive. You are friendly and optimistic, hospitable, popular in your circle, and have many friends. Confidence in the future contributes to the implementation of plans and desires. You are often accompanied by help from above, luck and fortune.

Aspect of Jupiter and Neptune

You are impractical, prone to contemplation, empty promises and dreams, and are often detached from life. Your premonitions are unfounded and only confuse the situation even more.

Neptune's influence

Aspect of Neptune and Pluto

You are involved in religious, philosophical changes in society, and intuitively understand secret, hidden currents.

Harmonious and tense aspects

Rays from two planets arriving at Earth converge at different angles, which are equal to the longitudinal distance between these planets. Moreover, their joint influence can be harmonious or disharmonious (tense). The SPbAA method for astropsychological analysis uses only major aspects - angular distances between planets equal to 0⁰, 60⁰, 90⁰, 120⁰, 180⁰.

Conjunction (0⁰) is a mixed aspect, the quality of which depends on the planets that form it - good (Sun, Venus, Jupiter), evil (Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) or neutral (Moon, Mercury).

Harmonious aspects (60⁰, 120⁰) – good aspects that bring harmony, balance, peace, balancing energy. A planet in a horoscope that has only harmonious aspects and/or connections with good planets is considered harmonious. However, the predominance of harmonious aspects in the horoscope can cause boredom, laziness, and lack of desire for knowledge and improvement in its owner.

Tense aspects (90⁰, 180⁰) introduce an imbalance - an excess or lack of energy. As a result, a person does not always use it correctly, showing aggression, conflict and other negative forms of behavior. On the other hand, tense aspects promote success and achievement, elevated feelings and dedication. A planet in a horoscope that has tense aspects and/or conjunctions with evil planets is considered tense.

The manifestation of aspects depends on the level of personality development!

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Tags: natal chart, women's psychology, interpretations, horoscope, interpretation, significator of first marriage, sexual planet,

Beauty, as we know, is great power. She attracts like a magnet and truly has magical influence on people. Interest in her never fades. Since I myself am very interested in this topic, in this work I tried to consider what instructions in natal chart indicate that its owner has a very attractive appearance.
Which astrological indicators give a beautiful appearance that fascinates and delights?

First, you should decide - what exactly is beauty? What exactly is meant here? If you look closely, you will notice that a person’s beauty varies.
For example, there are many models who appear on the covers of magazines, walk the catwalk and are role models for many, many girls. However, oddly enough, sometimes they don’t even look beautiful. It’s just that their clothes fit well on them, their makeup looks good and their hairstyle looks good. With the help of makeup you can change your appearance very significantly. Makeup artists even have a saying regarding working with models: if only you had a tall, slender figure, we’ll paint the face. And this is true. And often people no longer notice that in front of them is a painted beauty, and not the real one.

There is another type of appearance - very correct, cold beauty, but at the same time a completely empty look and, oddly enough, an uninteresting, boring face. There is a type of beauty - a face that, it would seem, does not look completely correct and proportional, (although very pleasant) but, nevertheless, radiates remarkable magnetism, charm and sex appeal. And there is something so interesting and attractive about him that it is very difficult to look away. Is such a person attractive? Undoubtedly.

And there is a type of beauty that combines proportional, regular facial features and charm, magnetism, and a powerful sexual charge. These are the most attractive people, in my opinion. Attractive appearance means it attracts attention and fascinates. It is very pleasant to look at such a person, because it brings enormous aesthetic pleasure. This is a bright, charming appearance, which is not necessarily ideal in terms of proportions, (although desirable) but which, nevertheless, most people will say is a handsome person.

My work was structured as follows. In total, the sample consisted of 151 people. Of these, there are 55 horoscopes where the time and place of birth are known. Almost all of the owners are ordinary people who do not belong to the category of very well-groomed actresses and models, except for 4. I also took 100 cosmograms of celebrities who are considered very beautiful (mainly actors and models). (4 of them are included in the group of 55 people, since their time and place of birth are known). We tried to select 100 celebrities from among the most beautiful. And also in addition to cosmograms 100 beautiful stars, the sample included 55 horoscopes with known time and place of birth. In total, the total number of cards is 151 (96 cosmograms and 55 horoscopes). Almost all of them are women, only 9 men.

At the beginning of my work, I deliberately divided the group of celebrities from the cinema and fashion world from the group ordinary people. Because the result could indeed be different, it did happen, albeit to a small extent. Still, being well-groomed greatly changes the overall impression of one’s appearance. Belonging to a particular profession may also have some influence.

I take the orb of aspects quite wide - up to 8 degrees. Only major aspects were used. As for the sign of the Moon in the cosmogram, I considered only those where the Moon did not change sign throughout the entire day on the day the native was born. I simply had to ignore the border position. Therefore, the position of the Moon out of 100 cosmograms of stars was taken into account in only 74 maps. As for the aspects of the Moon, I took them into account at noon of each day. Therefore, some errors are possible here.

It is traditionally believed that the Ascendant, the ruler of the Ascendant, the planets in the 1st house are responsible for appearance in the horoscope. And also the sign of the Sun and stellium. Aspects of planets to the Ascendant also influence. However, is this really all there is to it? Based on my experience, I have long noticed that the position of Venus also greatly affects one’s appearance. It is directly responsible for the degree of our attractiveness. And this study also confirmed this. Many other factors also influence appearance.

In this work I explored:
1. Ascendant sign (in 55 horoscopes)
2. Sign of the ruler of the Ascendant
3. Planets in the 1st house
4. Aspects of planets to the Ascendant
5. Aspects to the ruler of the Ascendant
6. Signs of Venus, Sun, Moon and Mars
7. Houses of the Sun, Venus, Moon and Mars and the ruler of the Ascendant
8. Aspects of Venus

ASCENDANT SIGN (in 55 horoscopes).

As one would expect, most often, and by a significant margin, Asc falls into the sign of Libra (12 horoscopes out of 55! – 28%). However, probably to the surprise of many, Asc just as often falls into the sign of Leo (also 12 out of 55). I have long noticed that Ascendant Leos are distinguished by their remarkable attractiveness, and the results obtained were what I expected. What was unexpected was that Leo does not lag behind Libra here. It is always important for them to look decent and, preferably, the best.

Asc never fell into the sign of Pisces at all, only one human asc in Aquarius and two in Cancer.


Aries - 3 - 5.45%
Taurus - 3 - 5.45%
Gemini - 6 - 11%
Cancer - 2 - 3.5%
Leo - 12 - 28%
Virgo - 3 - 5.45%.
Libra – 12 – 28%
Scorpio - 3 - 5.45%
Sagittarius - 7 - 12.8%
Capricorn - 3 - 5.45%
Aquarius - 1 - 1.8%
Pisces - 0%

Aries - 3 - 5.45%
Taurus - 3 - 5.45%
Gemini - 4 - 7.3%
Cancer - 5 - 9%
Leo - 5 - 9%
Virgo - 4 - 7.3%
Libra – 11 – 20%
Scorpio – 6 – 11%
Sagittarius - 2 - 3.5%
Capricorn - 3 - 5.45%
Aquarius – 6 – 11%
Pisces - 3 - 5.45%


By planets in 1st house significant differences no, except that Luna unexpectedly came out ahead (10 out of 55). Also, Pluto is in the 8th, but this is obviously due to the fact that the entire generation has Pluto in Libra and Scorpio, which means that many of my sample, whose Asc falls in this sign, will have Pluto in the 1st home. Slightly more than half have no planets in the 1st house at all (30 people). Oddly enough, Venus is not the leader in terms of position in the 1st house - it is no more common in my sample than other planets. And even less often the Moon and several other planets. But we'll talk about houses later. Planets in the 1st house can be both strong and weak, both tense and harmonious. I didn’t find any obvious patterns here.


Here I was primarily interested in the number of aspects to the Asc from Venus. But there is no noticeable difference between some planets and others. Venus is still somewhat ahead, but in frequency it is not too different from Mars and Jupiter. The rest of the planets lag behind them significantly.

Sun – 16
Moon – 19
Mercury – 17
Venus – 25
Mars – 23
Jupiter – 22
Saturn – 18
Uranium – 17
Neptune - 20.
Pluto – 18


The sign of Venus in our topic is a very interesting point. And he deserves special attention when we're talking about about external attractiveness. In 55 horoscopes of ordinary people (but 4 of them are famous actresses), the distribution of Venus by sign is as follows:

Aries - 8 - 14.5%
Taurus - 3 - 5.45%
Gemini - 4 - 7.3%
Cancer - 4 - 7.3%
Leo - 4 - 7.3%
Virgo - 8 - 14.5%
Libra - 3 - 5.45%
Scorpio - 5 - 9%
Sagittarius - 3 - 5.45%
Capricorn - 6 - 11%
Aquarius - 4 - 7.3%
Pisces - 3 - 5.45%

The leading position of Venus in the signs of Aries and Virgo is clearly observed (8 people for each of them - 14.5%). Which significantly pushes all other signs into the background. Only Capricorn and Scorpio are somewhat close to Aries and Virgo.
It is impossible not to notice that it is Venus in exile and fall, and, in turn, in the signs of the control of Mars, that gives the most attractive appearance. And also in Capricorn - the sign of exaltation of Mars. Whereas Venus, strong in sign (in Libra and Taurus, as well as in Pisces), does not stand out among other signs.

The appearance of the native can be determined by astrological methods. Ibn Ezra speaks about this, continuing the story about the first house of the horoscope.


If it rises<знак>long steps, especially if the ascending degree is in the first Face, and the Moon is in a long sign, then we will conclude that the native will be taller than his ancestors; and vice versa if they were in short<знаках>.

[Short stride signs: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini. Signs of long strides: Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius]


Also judge the good looks of the person born in comparison with his ancestors. Know that all the signs of the human form (I spoke about this in the book “The Beginning of Wisdom”) point to beauty.

[Beauty signs: Gemini, Virgo, Libra, and Sagittarius half]

If rising sign- one of them, and also the Moon in one of them, and especially if Venus makes an aspect to the ascending degree, either to the Moon, or to the ruler of the horoscope - then there will be<рождённый>handsome in stature and handsome in face.
 Signs indicating average beauty are Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces.

Sahel Bin Bishr the Israelite said that the Lord of the Face points to the face of a person; and said that he had checked this many times. This is true if Mr. Lika is in aspect with an ascending degree.

I have already spoken in the book “The Beginning of Wisdom” about the nature of each sign, and their influence on those born in different Faces.


Those born in this sign have a well-balanced body. It has an elongated face, large eyes, eyes often turned to the ground, and a thick neck. His hearing is weak.

He has big, curly hair, weak legs, a sweet speech, and he talks too much. He likes to eat a lot. Angry, fair. His voice will not be strong. If the Moon is in this sign or its Lot with one of the evil stars, this indicates evil ulcers, leprosy, as well as deafness and baldness.

    Born in first Lika will be yellow, with a narrow chest. His body is skinny. He has marks on his left foot and on his left forearm. His friends are many, and he hates evil.

    Born in second face He is dark-skinned, but has a handsome face and a handsome body. He is quick-tempered, but does not (bear a grudge), is reasonable and decent. He has many enemies.

    Born in (third) Lika will be saffron yellow. He avoids people. This sign belongs to the head, face, pupil and ears. His ailments: a disease in which a person suddenly falls and loses consciousness, diseases of the ears, nose, teeth and eyes, as well as spots on the skin that resemble ulcers.


One born in this sign will be of (average) height, with a long face, big eyes, short and thick neck, wide forehead, sharp nose and curly hair. His thoughts and speech are incoherent. The hair is black. He is missing some parts of his body. He is passionate, gluttonous and stubborn. A person born in one of the (degrees) of the Pleiades, from 13 to 15 (degrees) has diseased eyes.

    Born in first Lika will be short in stature, with large eyes, full lips, with one mark on the neck and the other on the penis. He is generous and has many friends. He will indulge in pleasures.

    Born in second Lika round face, big belly, beautiful eyes and a generous soul. He's smart. He has hair on his shoulders and a mark on his lower back. Some of those [born] there suffer from diseases of the [blood] vessels.

    Born in third Lika beautiful body and face. He has a mark on his left eye. He suffers from hard work and is unhappy with women.

One born in the last degree of the sign will be sterile from birth or a hermaphrodite.


One born in this sign will be of medium height, broad-chested, with a beautiful face and body. He has a strong voice and pleasant speech. He is generous. He has broad shoulders, beautiful eyes and curly hair. He is quick at work, and in any task he is a master. Among them10 there are mathematicians, those who write books, experts in the calendar and astrology. And also, one born there will be faithful and moderately pious.

    Born in first face There will be a beautiful body, as well as beautiful eyes and hair. It has a marking on its head or cheek and pointed facial features. He is not angry, he is a hard worker. He is unhappy with women.

    Born in second Lika He will be short and dark-skinned, with a dark mark under his arm. His speech is pleasant, he is virtuous, and his face is beautiful. He will be noble and enter the chambers of kings.

    Born in third Lika there will be a narrow face and small eyes. He is proud, a libertine and a liar, and speaks unworthyly.

Those born at the end of the sign will have damaged eyes.


A person born in this sign will have thick limbs, big forehead and sparse teeth. He is deaf and dumb. He is philanthropic and noble. The horoscope of women born in this sign is bad - it points to painful events.

    Born in first Lika there will be a beautiful body and beautiful hair. He has fused eyebrows, a long nose and broad shoulders. He will have a mark under his armpit or on his (right) arm. He is good-natured and has many friends. And he is also cunning.

    Born in second Lika He will be red-haired and short, and his beard will be sparse. There is a black mark on his eyes. People love him.

    Born in third Lika will be fat, short, with thick eyebrows. He will have a wide chest and a thick belly. He is strong and courageous. Sometimes his heart hurts. He exhausts himself with [backbreaking] labor.

Those born at the end of the sign will not have luck in life.


A person born in this sign will have a beautiful body. [The color] is yellow. And his eyes are like a cat's. He is strong, courageous and quick to anger. He has a thin face and (narrow) shins. He is virtuous and cunning. Loves copulation. Generous. Infertile. He keeps his word. He works hard, seeks danger, is stubborn and acts contrary. He (by nature) is like a hyena: he is gluttonous, and any food is desirable for him. In women's horoscopes, this sign indicates modesty.

    Born in first Lika will be beautiful in face and body. Its color is a shade of red, but not pure, but mixed with other colors. His chest is neither wide nor narrow, and neither are his shins. He suffers from diseases of the “upper viscera.” He understands people well, is modest and enters the chambers of kings.

    Born in second Lika there will be a beautiful body, a wide chest, and his legs and thighs will be narrow. He will be bald. He has diseases in his veins. He is noble among his people. And he is also proud.

    Born in third Lika will be a little short. It has whiteness and (a red tint). He has a strong voice. He loves women. He has many friends and many enemies. And also - many diseases. Those born at the end of the sign will be subject to deformities and mutilations.


A person born in this sign will good growth, slim, with a beautiful body. He will be intelligent and knowledgeable. His hair won't curl. He loves justice. His voice is strong. He is barren. His soul is kind and his face is beautiful. He writes books and is smart in numbers.

    <first face missing from text>

    Born in second Lika He will be handsome, he has small eyes and a beautiful nose. He is smart and righteous, generous of heart and loves praise.

    Born in third Lika He will also be good-looking, intelligent and wise. He is modest and full of learning.


As a rule, those born in this sign have straight limbs and pleasant speech. He is educated, honest and capable of any job. He can play musical instruments and write poetry, loves women and hunting. He is generous and pure in heart. His body lighter complexion. Some are dark-skinned.

    Born in first Lika handsome in face. He has a wound on his head and a burn on his arm or leg. He is hardworking, humble and honest.

    Born in second Lika handsome in body, face and posture. His eyes and veins are damaged. He is generous and has many friends.

    Born in third Lika also beautiful in body. His face radiates charm, but his eyes are damaged. He is known and revered among his people.

Those born at the end of a sign are either asexual or a hermaphrodite.


A person born in this sign will be slightly dark-skinned. He has a lot of hair. Some [will be born] red-haired - this depends on the strength of the aspects of the planets at the time of birth. He has ordinary eyes, albeit small ones. His legs are long, his feet are large, his gait is light and fast, his face is large, his forehead is narrow and his shoulders are wide. He is ugly, with an unpleasant voice and speech. He has many children. He is a saboteur and a traitor, a liar and a gossip, and also angry. He works hard. He is generous, smart, cunning and crafty.

    Born in first Lika not very handsome. He has a mark on his head cat eyes and wide chest. Some will have a mark on their left leg or right hand. Knowledgeable and smart, he does not mince his words.

    Born in the second Face will be big-headed and not very beautiful. He has a mark on his penis or on his back. He is smart and talks a lot.

    IN third Lika a short, cross-eyed man will be born, a glutton and lover of women. He works hard. One born at the end of a sign will either be illegitimate or asexual.


A person born in this sign will be of average height. Its color is yellow. He has long thighs and tough shins. He is cheerful, strong and generous. He has a beautiful forehead, a beautiful beard, fine hair and a big belly. He runs fast and loves horses. He is an expert in geometry, (cunning) and fickle. His voice is thin. Offspring are few.

    Born in first Lika will be beautiful in body and face. He is of medium height, loves luxury and enters the chambers of kings and nobles.

    Born in second Lika will be well built. His face is saffron-colored, and his eyebrows are almost fused. He has a mark on his chest.

    Born in third Lika will be long, with a beautiful face. He has cat eyes and a wide chest. He will be strong. He has a mark on his left thigh. He is modest, virtuous and helpful with advice.

One born at the end of the sign will be a libertine, but overall [the sign] indicates a virtuous person.


A person born in this [sign] will be of average height. He is beautiful in body, except that he is lean. He has a small head, chubby cheeks and a beautiful beard. There is no hair on his chest, and his voice is thin. He is hot-tempered, mischievous, smart and cunning. He is full of anxiety. He is attracted to copulation and debauchery. He will have many children and twins will be born. His deeds are evil. He has little strength. Wealth will come to him from kings. Misfortune will happen to him because of women.

    Born in first Lika will be handsome in body, with a broad chest and a black mark under the arm. He is (knowledgeable) and humble, righteous and honest.

    Born in second Lika beautiful in body. He has a long nose and beautiful eyes. He is a man of bad inclinations, angry and sociable.

    Born in third Lika handsome in body, with a saffron-colored face and a mark on the left arm or thigh. He is hot-tempered, hates evil and loves women. He is virtuous and loves his neighbors. One born at the end of the sign will be illegitimate. This sign is unfavorable in women's horoscopes.


A person born in this sign will be short in stature with a large head. One of his shins is thicker than the other. He is generous, good-looking and boastful. All his thoughts are about increasing wealth. He is sterile or his offspring are few.

    Born in first Lika handsome in body and face. He has a mark on his chest or left leg. He is decent and loves his neighbors.

    Born in second Lika will be long, with a red face and a mark on the back and under the arm. All his life he will work hard.

    Born in third Lika he will be short in stature, handsome in body and face, rosy-cheeked, and will have a mark under his arm. He loves women. The appearance of the person born at the end of the sign and all his affairs will be strange.


The posture of a person born in this sign will be straight and the body will be fine. He will be fair-skinned and broad-chested, with a beautiful beard, clean forehead and large pupils6. Some are missing an organ. He will be a sleeper, a glutton and a drunkard. He is full of doubts. He is angry, smart and cunning. His voice is thin.

    Born in first Lika will be handsome in body and face, with a broad chest and a mark under the arm or on the foot.

    Born in second Lika He will be short, pretty, with a black beard. He is hairy, with a mark under his arm. He will quarrel with everyone around him.

    Born in third Lika will be yellow, with beautiful eyes. He will be affected by numerous diseases. Those born at the end of the sign will kill themselves.

end of translation>>

One can only guess what “born in this sign” means. Most likely, we are talking about the ruler of the Ascendant or the ruler of the horoscope. Try it, experiment.