Why Hitler hated Jews history. An excursion into history: why Hitler did not like Jews and committed genocide


I propose a topic: the illegality of the ordination of young people who have not reached the age established by Divine rules, and what danger such ordination poses.
The 11th canon of Neokysariysky, the 14th and 15th canons of the Sixth Ecumenical Council and 43 of the new commandments of Justinian prohibit the king from being ordained as a priest until he is 30 years old, as a deacon until he is 25 years old, and as a reader until he is 15 years old, and if they are ordained, they will be erupted. Currently, someone has canceled these rules. Young people who have not reached the age of perfection are being ordained left and right. But the helmsman says that all Christians should be guided by this book until the end of the century, since the rules set out in it were legitimized by God himself through the holy fathers, on whom the holy spirit acted. I wonder what spirit was at work on the one who abolished these rules? Clearly not a saint. Instead of Divine rules, some “wise men” slip in an innovation, invented by no one knows, but Habakkuk was sentenced to 30 years. By the way, even before Habakkuk there were cases, for example: in the 2nd century with the priest. Elitferius (December 15), ordained a deacon at the age of 15, a presbyter at the age of 18, and a bishop at the age of 20. A Neokisariysky and Sixth ecumenical councils , which established the age limit for the priesthood, took place much later. Maybe the holy fathers and the Spirit of God, who came upon them, did not know the case of Eliutherius, and therefore legalized the eruption of those who had not grown up to priestly age. St. Arseny of the Urals, in his spiritual responses to his dethronement from the priesthood, responded with the words of Patriarch Joseph: “if anyone is told the rules, let him be deposed - he is deposed, even if there was no formal church trial against him.” He also does not justify the ordination of young people who have not reached the age legalized by Divine rules. Arseny Uralsky also did not know the cases of Eleutherius and Avvakum? Cases with svshmuch. Eliutherius and Holy Martyr. and confessor Habakkuk - is this a canon, Church Tradition? Of course not. These are only church-historical precedents that do not have legal force for ordination. If precedents are used instead of Divine rules, then one can reach the point that the sacrament of baptism is not necessary, since there were cases when the unbaptized became saints; a priest would not be needed to perform the sacrament of baptism, because baptism was accepted from comedians in a theatrical performance, and St. Porfiry was baptized by a performer as a joke (patristic collection, pp. 414-415). Why confess to a priest, but repent before the icon of the Savior as a paralytic who has received absolution from God himself (prologue January 27). Arseny of Uralsky in his spiritual answers said: “Many miraculous signs are happening for various reasons in such matters that are not according to the general tradition of the Church, but this cannot be taken as rules for weakening, and even more so for overthrowing the universal tradition of the Holy Church. For Matthew the Ruler, at the end of chapter 3 of composition B, says: what happens through the rules is not brought into decree or parable, and Theodore Balsamon, in the interpretation of the 18th rule of the Sardikian Council, says: there is a legal rule, which says: what is not according to the rules, then as an example not given.” Cursed is everyone who does not continually do everything that is written in the book of the law (Gal. 3.10). From the life of Habakkuk it follows that from early childhood he was brought up in fasting and prayer, for which he received from God the gift of a preacher, a healer of the sick and possessed, in the same spirit Eleutherius was brought up and worked miracles. From this it is clear that they were consecrated by a sign from above, and not by fruitful wisdom. God knew that they would glorify Him. And they glorified it. It was through miracles that He pointed them out. Having become priests, they kept the faith in purity, and not like the church authorities in our time. Our ordained lowlifes are equated with Habakkuk, if Habakkuk is installed, then we can too, and if we are cast out, then Habakkuk too. It turns out that they are the same preachers, healers of the sick, the possessed, etc. But John Chrysostom said that only madmen compare themselves with saints. The priestly youth can be compared with Patriarch Nikon, who was ordained just like him carnal wisdom. And what came of it. And how Nikon finished. Everybody knows. This is what violation leads to God's instructions. And there is no benefit from them, that they are priests, only harm. They were cast out by God himself. Nothing is accepted from them, neither baptism, nor communion, nor funeral services, nor liturgies, etc. After all, it is said that the deposed are not priests. And they are revered as priests only by those who do not believe in God, and by those who believe in various innovators who believe that the Divine rules can be abolished. It is impossible to cancel, change, or make amendments to the Divine rules. Gregory Dvoeslov said about such priests that the ignorance of the shepherds fully corresponds to the merits of the flock (calendar. Caucasus. Don. Eparch. 2012). And the evangelist says that they are blind leaders of the blind (Matt. 15:14). The canons by which people are appointed to the priesthood are compiled on the basis of Holy Scripture. Christ reached the age of a perfect husband, 30 years old, beginning his great service to the human race (Luke 3:23, Calendar Caucasian Don. 2012, p. 136). The young priesthood is a snare cleverly placed by the devil. The hour will come when God will begin to correct this disgrace. And it is said that it is terrible to fall into the hands of the living God. Or maybe you shouldn’t wait for that hour, fix it yourself while God endures?

After church schism More than three centuries have passed since the 17th century, and most still do not know how the Old Believers differ from Orthodox Christians. Do not do it this way.


The distinction between the concepts of “Old Believers” and “Orthodox Church” is quite arbitrary. The Old Believers themselves admit that their faith is Orthodox, and the Russian Orthodox Church is called New Believers or Nikonians.

In the Old Believer literature of the 17th - first half of the 19th centuries, the term “Old Believer” was not used.

Old Believers called themselves differently. Old Believers, Old Orthodox Christians...The terms “orthodoxy” and “true Orthodoxy” were also used.

In the writings of Old Believer teachers of the 19th century, the term “true Orthodox Church” was often used. The term “Old Believers” became widespread only end of the 19th century century. At the same time, Old Believers of different agreements mutually denied each other’s Orthodoxy and, strictly speaking, for them the term “Old Believers” united, on a secondary ritual basis, religious communities deprived of church-religious unity


It is well known that during the schism the two-finger sign of the cross was changed to three-finger. Two fingers are a symbol of the two Hypostases of the Savior (true God and true man), three fingers - a symbol of the Holy Trinity.

The three-finger sign was accepted by the Ecumenical Orthodox Church, which by that time consisted of a dozen independent Autocephalous Churches, after the preserved bodies of the martyrs-confessors of Christianity of the first centuries with the folded fingers of the tripartite were found in the Roman catacombs Sign of the Cross. There are similar examples of the discovery of the relics of saints of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra.

Agreements and rumors

The Old Believers are far from homogeneous. There are several dozen agreements and even more Old Believer rumors. There is even a saying: “No matter what a man is, no matter what a woman is, there is agreement.” There are three main “wings” of the Old Believers: priests, non-priests and co-religionists.


During Nikon reform The tradition of writing the name “Jesus” was changed. The double sound “and” began to convey the duration, the “drawn-out” sound of the first sound, which in Greek is indicated by a special sign, which has no analogy in the Slavic language, therefore the pronunciation of “Jesus” is more consistent with the Universal practice of sounding the Savior. However, the Old Believer version is closer to the Greek source.

Differences in the Creed

During the “book reform” of the Nikon reform, changes were made to the Creed: the conjunction-opposition “a” was removed in the words about the Son of God “born, not made.”

From the semantic opposition of properties, a simple enumeration was thus obtained: “begotten, not created.”

The Old Believers sharply opposed the arbitrariness in the presentation of dogmas and were ready to suffer and die “for a single az” (that is, for one letter “a”).

In total, about 10 changes were made to the Creed, which was the main dogmatic difference between the Old Believers and the Nikonians.

Towards the sun

By the middle of the 17th century, a universal custom had been established in the Russian Church to perform a procession of the cross. Church reform Patriarch Nikon unified all rituals according to Greek models, but the innovations were not accepted by the Old Believers. As a result, New Believers perform anti-salt movements during religious processions, and Old Believers perform religious processions salt.

Ties and sleeves

In some Old Believer churches In memory of the executions during the Schism, it is forbidden to come to services with rolled up sleeves and ties. Popular rumor associates rolled up sleeves with executioners, and ties with gallows. Although, this is only one explanation. In general, it is customary for Old Believers to wear special prayer clothes (with long sleeves) to services, and you can’t tie a tie on a blouse.

Question of the cross

Old Believers recognize only eight-pointed cross, whereas after Nikon’s reform in Orthodoxy four and six-pointed crosses were recognized as equally honorable. On the crucifixion tablet of the Old Believers it is usually written not I.N.C.I., but “King of Glory.” On body crosses Old Believers do not have an image of Christ, since it is believed that this is a person’s personal cross.

A deep and powerful Hallelujah

During Nikon's reforms, the pronounced (that is, double) pronunciation of “halleluia” was replaced by a triple (that is, triple). Instead of “Alleluia, alleluia, glory to you, God,” they began to say “Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, glory to you, God.”

According to New Believers, the triple utterance of alleluia symbolizes the dogma of the Holy Trinity.

However, Old Believers argue that the strict utterance together with “glory to Thee, O God” is already a glorification of the Trinity, since the words “glory to Thee, O God” are one of the translations into Slavic language the Hebrew word Alleluia (“praise God”).

Bows at the service

At services in Old Believer churches, a strict system of bows has been developed; substitution is prohibited. prostrations to the waist ones. There are bows four types: “ordinary” - bow to the chest or to the navel; “medium” - in the waist; small bow to the ground - “throwing” (not from the verb “throwing”, but from the Greek “metanoia” = repentance); great prostration (proskynesis).

Throwing was banned by Nikon in 1653. He sent out a “memory” to all Moscow churches, which said: “It is not appropriate to do throwing on your knees in church, but you should bow to your waist.”

There are still many hypotheses in history, but there is no single, clear answer regarding Hitler’s hatred of such a nation as the Jews. According to the Fuhrer's biography, he first met the boy Jewish nationality, being a student at the college and after that he became deeply interested in this nation. The more he learned about her, the more he began to distinguish her from others (clothes, manner of behavior and conversation), forming in himself an open hatred of Jews and everything connected with them.

Historians and experts identify several reasons for the generation of hatred and extermination of the Jewish race:

For the Fuhrer, Jews were the lowest nation (this also included gypsies and dark-skinned people). The Aryans were considered the highest nation, and only they were given “from above” to rule the world and be superior to others. And the mixing of races, according to the Fuhrer, would lead not only to the death of the highest nation, but also of the whole world, because Jews are akin to the plague that short period time is capable of destroying everything around it.

Security of Germany and the whole world

Just as before the start of the World War, so after it, Jews sought the entry of neutral states into the anti-German coalition. And they achieved successful results. Hitler attached considerable importance to this, believing that this was done for a reason, but with the aim of destroying the German intelligentsia and turning it into a new workforce that would be used by the Jews.

In addition, at that time in Germany the venereal disease syphilis was rampant. Hitler was more than sure that there was only one reason for this, and that was the Jews. Because all their marriages were of convenience, and they sought love and consolation on the side, endangering young Aryan boys and girls.

Hitler believed that Jews were the cause of the spread of syphilis in Germany // Photo: klikabol.com

According to the Fuhrer, Jews were everywhere where “unclean” things were happening. He considered them two-faced because they took on an appearance that was advantageous to them, in different situations behaving differently; dangerous, because they were very wise due to the fact that they knew how to learn not from their own, but from the mistakes of others. This skill and wisdom of theirs accumulated over several centuries. Hitler could not turn a blind eye to this, because it aroused in him envy and admiration for such skills, and at the same time indignation.


Researchers do not exclude the possibility that Hitler experienced personal hostility towards Jews and a desire for revenge, although there is not a single hint about this in his autobiographical books. The reasons for revenge could be: turning points in the biography of the Fuhrer:

- death of the dearest and loved one– mothers due to the unprofessionalism and negligence of a Jewish doctor;

- the cruelty of his father, who has Jewish roots;

- failure of the entrance exam to the art school that young Adolf so dreamed of because of a teacher who had Jewish blood;

- infection with syphilis by a representative of Jewish nationality.

Researchers do not rule out the possibility that Hitler experienced personal hostility towards Jews and a desire for revenge // Photo: inosmi.ru

Hitler only “added fuel to the fire”

According to some historical sources, even before the Fuhrer came to power, anti-Semitism was actively spreading in the country, and Adolf was only part of this trend, which gave it a new breath, the apogee of which was Kristallnacht November 9, 1938 - it was then that the most of Jewish buildings, synagogues and even cemeteries.

By the way, most of the Germans supported the Fuhrer in his cruel deeds only for the reason that after the capture of the Jews, all their property was divided among the common people, thus they not only “cleansed” their nation, but also became financially enriched.

Was the dictator mentally ill or not?

Looking at the actions of the Fuhrer and their results, one can understand that any person, being of sound mind and memory, could not commit such cruel acts, taking the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent people. However, researcher Rikke Peters argues that the disease is not the issue here, since it was absent. Hitler had a special personality type - manic and paranoid-narcissistic. There is no doubt that he still had deviations from the norm.

Hitler had a special personality type - manic and paranoid-narcissistic // Photo: webfacts.ru

It was aggravated by the fact that in his life all those elements that give meaning to everyone’s life were missing. to a normal person: family, love, friendship. Adolf Hitler had nothing but work, so he was lonely and angry, masterfully manipulating people and not letting anyone get close to him, remaining a closed book to everyone.

The doubt about the Fuhrer's mental health is also evidenced by the fact that often his mood and decisions depended on the behavior of his beloved dog, which was more important and valuable to him than many others.

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A comment

There are at least two versions of why Hitler did not like (to put it mildly) Jews. One of the versions is the opinion of historians who studied his personality. Experts who can honestly examine Adolf's life provide an objective, outside perspective. The second version is the opinion of Hitler himself, who outlined the reasons for his hatred in the book “My Struggle.” In it, Hitler describes in detail the many factors that provoked this attitude.

Hitler's biographer Joachim Fest believes that Adolf's hatred of everything manifested itself in his childhood. Hitler's comrades claimed that he constantly entered into conflicts and experienced hostility for no reason. The raging anger found an outlet by focusing on anti-Semitism.

Why Adolf Hitler looked at Jews with hatred:

  • Uncleanliness and untidiness. According to the Fuhrer's personal observations, Jews do not like to wash. They do this very rarely, so they are easily distinguished from other people by their unpleasant smell. If we take into account the constant untidiness in clothing, then the prejudiced attitude towards Jews on the part of neat people becomes understandable. From early childhood, Adolf was taught to take personal hygiene responsibly. For him, all those who ignored cleanliness and neatness became factors of irritation.
  • Moral filth. Hitler devoted a lot of time to studying the activities of Jews in the most different areas life. The conclusion was clear: all these people are involved in one or another “unclean” affairs. In his book, the Fuhrer compares unpleasant nationality to worms or nasty maggots in an abscess. The activity was culturally equivalent to the plague. The worst thing is that their worldview spread with enormous speed and was not treated with anything, penetrating into every corner of consciousness. The constant thirst for profit was mixed with the absence of moral restrictions on the way to achieving the desired result.

  • Split personality. The strangest thing is that on one issue Jews could express completely opposite thoughts. The answer depended on the circumstances and the surrounding environment. Such two-facedness could only cause negative emotions. Even historically, there have been many negative points. For example, the leaders of Social Democracy belonging to a given nationality showed hatred towards their own nationality. Such behavior dishonors the history of the country and its great leaders. For Hitler, such a situation was absolutely unacceptable. Leaders reflect their people, so the chosen path of development casts a dark shadow on all representatives of this nationality.
  • Fight against Germany. It was the Jews who ensured that neutral states became participants in the anti-German coalition. It was created even before the World War. It is difficult to say whether Jews really had a hand in these events. What purpose could they pursue in this way? The destruction of the German patriotic intelligentsia would lead to the complete subjugation of Germany, after which the whole world would open up. At least that's what Adolf thought. That's why he decided to get involved in politics. This was the only way to save the country from the interference of the cunning people.
  • A resourceful and rich mind. Hitler quite rightly considered Jews very smart people. Their intellectual properties have been developed over thousands of years. Honing the skills of politics and trade was absorbed literally with mother's milk. It is not for nothing that among Jews the race is transmitted by female line. They say that a smart person learns not from his own mistakes, but from others. Most often, Jews did this, carefully observing what was happening around them. The resourcefulness of this nationality aroused a mixture of admiration and hatred in the Fuhrer. How could they act so low with their global capabilities?
  • The spread of syphilis in the country. The Jews, who penetrated into the area of ​​even sexual life, promoted commercial marriages without feelings. Accordingly, they allowed the satisfaction of love instincts elsewhere. A similar approach to intimate relationship led to the rapid spread of venereal disease. Why did Hitler not like Jews in their debauchery? Where there is room for dirt, the future of the country cannot be built. Sick people can infect completely healthy neighbors! Therefore, it is easier to “remove” the possible source of problems at the root.

    Which version is more objective: the revelations of the person himself or an outside view? Everyone decides for themselves. Most experts agree that the cause of hatred is an obvious mental disorder. There are no shortcomings that make it worth killing tens of millions of people. Moreover, it was not only Jews who suffered.

    Persecution of Jews

    Also played a role attitude towards Jews in society. The fact is that they represented not only a national, but also a religious minority:

    1. Forced to wander around the world, people did not have their own homeland.
    2. In the new lands, thanks to their intelligence and perseverance, Jews often occupied leading positions and lived quite prosperously.
    3. Certain areas were completely occupied by Jews; representatives of other nationalities survived from them one way or another.
    4. In a sense, the first migrants in history deprived the natives of their “living space.”
    5. This was especially noticeable during the crisis years, when inflation, unemployment and poverty occurred.
    6. But at the same time it was necessary to blame someone else for their troubles.
    7. The first ghettos for Jews appeared in Italy in the Middle Ages.

The other day I was thinking, wasn’t it because of Wolf Messing that Hitler began to hate Jews?

Messing made his famous statement about Hitler during one of the public speaking in Warsaw in 1937. This was said in front of a large crowd of people. And he said literally the following: “If Hitler turns to the East, he will die!”

The Fuhrer was immediately informed about the prediction of Messing, a famous medium whose advice was listened to by Einstein, Freud, and Pilsudski. Superstitious Hitler summoned his astrologer Eric Hanussen, who told the Fuhrer about his meeting with Messing and that the Jew was not a charlatan. Eric and Wolf ran into each other once on tour. The two psychics tried to probe each other's thoughts and separated. But Ganussen felt that he had lost this duel. Hitler was furious. He declared Wolf Messing his personal enemy and placed a reward of 210 thousand German marks on his head. At that time it was a fortune.

Of course, there can be many reasons for this hatred. Among them is a meeting with a Jewish prostitute, who “awarded” the Fuhrer with syphilis, the untreated of which leads to madness and rabies. And hatred for some kind of power over Germany in the form of ownership of the majority of banks, factories, factories and shops. Fear of the Jews, associated with the struggle for power with the communists, who consisted mainly of Jews. And the idea that the hatred of the believing Fuhrer was provoked by the alleged murder of Christ. The theory of the "inferior race" and so on. But it seems to me that Wolf Messing was not the least of the reasons for hatred of Jews.

In fact, Hitler’s grandfather was a Jew. A check of Hitler's ancestry by his personal lawyer Hans Frank revealed that Hitler's grandmother became pregnant while working as a servant in a Jewish home in Graz. And in general, there is a lot of Jewish stuff in him, ranging from megalomania))))))) (no offense, I have a calm attitude towards Jews, but in some of them this can be seen))))))) and ending with ideology. In general, Jews financed Hitler and helped him come to power. And his comrades in the Nazi party were mixed with Jewish blood.

Maybe he just wanted to be the only Jew?))))))


And his companions...
And saratniki () him
1 errors found in the text.
S-O-warriors, the army is the root, and co-workers, friends in business.
Don't take disgusting topics. Everyone knows this, but they don’t touch it so it doesn’t stink.

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Somehow, without you, I’ll decide what topics I should cover in my diary, okay? Only if you don’t mind, of course!)))))))))))))
And thanks for the correction! You will have a lot of work to do to correct the liveinternet diaries! You will not be left idle!)))))))))))))))))

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in a letter dated August 15, 1871, from one of the prominent leaders of the American Freemasons, Albert Pike, to his Illuminati colleague, Giuseppe Mazzini, which outlined the plans of the world behind the scenes to establish a “New World Order” through three world wars. The First World War, according to this plan, was envisaged against tsarism in order to overthrow it and establish in Russia a power dependent on the world behind the scenes. The next step was the Second World War, which, as A. Pike pointed out, should take place through manipulation by German nationalists and political Zionists, which should lead to a general split, and then serve to expand the sphere of Russian domination and create the state of Israel in Palestine. The most interesting thing is that at that time political Zionism as such, much less as an organized, structured force, did not yet exist. The World Zionist Organization was created only a quarter of a century after this letter - in 1896.

Very interesting reasoning
But I personally think that Hitler was playing to the public; all these gestures were too artificial and implausible, as if he had memorized them in front of the mirror.
He knew what he was doing and carried out the orders of the Jews who promoted him.
You tell me why he killed 10 million Jews.
Well, firstly, this figure is clearly overestimated, experts say about 2 million.
Secondly, ordinary Jews were killed and the richest left unmolested. This says that for the so-called elite, which includes not only Jews, nationality does not matter, they are ready to kill anyone to achieve their goal.
And the main goal was to give the dollar the value of a world currency, which it did not have before the Second World War.
For this, the Tsar was destroyed; the ruble was then the most valuable currency.
Remember when the American reserve fund was formed, printing dollars and managed by Rockefeller, Rothschild, Morgan and Warburg, all of them from German Jews. It was formed in 1914.
But Trotsky was caught with a suitcase of dollars when he was transferred from America before the revolution and was released on orders from above.
The revolution in Russia happened already in 1917
All this is not just a coincidence.
And now about Hitler, have you seen his corpse?
We were told that they found a certain burnt corpse with a bullet through the head, this was supposedly Hitler.
There is evidence that Hitler lived quietly in South America and died of natural causes.
The second goal of World War II was the creation of Israel.
Without this war, the elite did not have a trump card for the genocide of Jews and the UN puppet organization formed after the war immediately supported this idea. Thousands of Polestinians were thrown out of their homes and Jews took their place.
We were all just scammed once again.