Preparatory weeks. Preparing for Lent

Meaning of the name

18 :10–14, in which the publican personifies a sincerely repentant sinner, and the Pharisee is an outwardly pious man, but who does not see his sins and considers himself righteous.

Liturgical features

Chants from the Lenten Triodion, a collection of Lenten hymns and prayers, are gradually woven into the usual order of services. For example, on Sunday morning the stichera “Open the doors of repentance” are sung.

February 18 - 23 –Solid week

Post orders

All types of fasting are cancelled.

February 24 – Sunday of the Prodigal Son

Meaning of the name

At the Liturgy the passage of Luke is read 15 :11–32 o prodigal son who left Father's house, but then repented and returned. The parable reminds us of our own weakness and the great mercy of God, as it allegorically describes God’s attitude towards fallen man.

Liturgical features

The Lenten Triodion is used more actively; on Sunday morning the 136th Psalm “On the Rivers of Babylon” is sung for the first time, which reminds a person that he is a captive of sin and that liberation from this slavery lies only through a decisive struggle with it.

2nd of March - Ecumenical Parents' Saturday

Meaning of the name

The Church prays for Christians who have passed into Eternity, and especially for people who died a violent death and did not receive the usual funeral service.

Liturgical features

Funeral services are held only a few times a year. There is an abundance of funeral texts, but they are not sad, but joyful, full of hope for general resurrection.

March, 3rd -Week of the Last JudgmentMeat-eating

Meaning of the name

25 :31-46. Believers are reminded of the second coming of Christ and the future.

Liturgical features

At Matins, strictly Lenten texts from Canon of Penance Andrei Kritsky - “Helper and Patron...”. Preparations for fasting are coming to an end. Worship is permeated with the idea of ​​universal accountability for all one’s actions before God.

Post orders

Meat plot. The last day before Easter when meat is allowed at meals.

March 4 – 9 – Cheese Week, Maslenitsa

Liturgical features

Prayers from the Lenten Triodion are used every day. On Wednesday and Friday, the Liturgy is not performed; on these days, it is read for the first time, which is one of important prayers post.

Post orders

There are no food restrictions on eating eggs, dairy products - cheese, butter, sour cream, as well as fish. Hence the name.

March 10 – Cheesecake Week, Forgiveness Sunday. Memory of Adam's exile

Meaning of the name

At the Liturgy a passage from Matthew is read 6 :14–21, in which Christ speaks of the need to forgive everyone. The key idea is longing for paradise, which was lost by people after the fall of Adam.

Liturgical features

After Vespers (in parish practice, this rite is sometimes performed after the Liturgy), the rite of forgiveness is performed: like the ancient monks, people ask each other for forgiveness for all offenses in order to enter into fasting with a peaceful soul. The 136th Psalm is sung for the last time. In the texts of the service there is a clear reminder of the purpose of the upcoming post - the meeting. At Vespers, priests dress in black robes.

Post orders

Prescription for any food of animal origin.

* Word "a week" V liturgical language means Sunday, while the week in our current understanding is called “week” (ed.).

** All fasting instructions relate primarily to monastic life; in parish practice they are not always applicable and require the blessing of the confessor.

Orthodox Christians are beginning to prepare for Lent. The preparation will last three weeks and four Sundays. These weeks are called preparatory weeks, each of them has its own name. What they are, what their features are and how you should behave at this time, read in the “Question and Answer” section.

What are preparation weeks?

In 2018, from January 28, Orthodox Christians begin to prepare for Lent. Preparation lasts three weeks, including four Sundays.

Each week has its own name: , and .

By the way, in church language a week means only one day - Sunday. Scientists believe that the word "Week" comes from the phrase "don't do." Don’t do, don’t work, but dedicate this day to your soul and God.

Week of the Prodigal Son

On the second Sunday (second preparatory week), Orthodox Christians remember gospel parable, set out in the Gospel of Luke (chapter 15, verses 11-32). What does this parable call us to think about?

The parable tells about a son who demanded his share of an inheritance from his father. Then he left his father's house and spent all the money. The young man wandered as a beggar for a long time, but then, remembering his father, he decided to return to him. The son repented and asked permission to at least be a hired worker.

The father was happy that the prodigal son returned home, accepted him and forgave him, despite the fact that the second son was annoyed.

The parable teaches us that God respects our freedom and does not detain us when we leave Him. But He is always ready to take us back. God will not reproach us for past mistakes. The main thing is to repent.

Meat-eating parental universal Saturday

Parents' Saturdays (them in church calendar seven) are days of special remembrance of the dead. These days in Orthodox churches is being done special commemoration deceased Orthodox Christians. In addition, according to tradition, believers visit graves in cemeteries.

The first universal parental Saturday of the year is on Meat Week, before the start of Maslenitsa.

Among other parental Saturdays, Ecumenical Saturdays are distinguished, on which Orthodox Church prayerfully remembers all baptized Christians in general. There are two such Saturdays: Meat Saturday (the week before Lent) and Trinity Saturday (on the eve of the Feast of Pentecost).

IN parents' Saturdays The Orthodox Church performs ecumenical or parent funeral services. The word "p" Anichida" Christians call a funeral service at which believers pray for the repose of the dead, asking the Lord for mercy and forgiveness of sins.

Tags: Religion, Orthodoxy

Lent in 2018 begins on February 19, but it is preceded by several preparatory weeks*. What is the meaning of their names? What are the features of divine services and fasting regulations** these days?

January 28 - Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee

Meaning of the name

At the Liturgy, the passage Luke 18:10-14 is read, in which the tax collector personifies a sincerely repentant sinner, and the Pharisee is an outwardly pious man, but does not see his sins and considers himself righteous.

Liturgical features

Chants from the Lenten Triodion, a collection of Lenten hymns and prayers, are gradually woven into the usual order of services. For example, at Sunday morning the stichera “Open the doors of repentance” are sung.

All types of fasting are cancelled.

February 4 - Sunday of the Prodigal Son

Meaning of the name

The Liturgy reads the passage Luke 15:11-32 about the prodigal son who left his father’s house, but then repented and returned. The parable reminds us of our own weakness and the great mercy of God, as it allegorically describes God’s attitude towards fallen man.

Liturgical features

The Lenten Triodion is used more actively; on Sunday morning the 136th Psalm “On the Rivers of Babylon” is sung for the first time, which reminds a person that he is a captive of sin and that liberation from this slavery lies only through a decisive struggle with it.

The Church prays for Christians who have passed into Eternity, and especially for people who died a violent death and did not receive the usual funeral service.

Liturgical features

Funeral services are held only a few times a year. There is an abundance of funeral texts, but they are not sad, but joyful, filled with hope for a general resurrection.

February 11 - Week of the Last Judgment, Meat Eating

Meaning of the name

At the Liturgy the passage Matthew 25:31-46 is read. Believers are reminded of the second coming of Christ and the upcoming Last Judgment.

Liturgical features

At Matins, purely Lenten texts from the Penitential Canon of Andrew of Crete are sung - “Helper and Patron...”. Preparations for fasting are coming to an end. Worship is permeated with the idea of ​​universal accountability for all one’s actions before God.

Post orders

Meat plot. The last day before Easter when meat is allowed at meals.

Prayers from the Lenten Triodion are used every day. On Wednesday and Friday the Liturgy is not celebrated; on these days the prayer of Ephraim the Syrian “Lord and Master of my life” is read for the first time, which is one of the most important prayers of Lent.

Post orders

There are no food restrictions on eating eggs, fish, as well as dairy products - cheese, butter, sour cream, and fish. Hence the name.

February 18 - Cheesecake Week, Forgiveness Sunday. Memory of Adam's exile

Meaning of the name

At the Liturgy, the passage Matthew 6:14-21 is read, in which Christ speaks of the need to forgive everyone. The key idea is the longing for paradise, which was lost by people after the fall of Adam.

Liturgical features

After Vespers (in parish practice, this rite is sometimes performed after the Liturgy), the rite of forgiveness is performed: like the ancient monks, people ask each other for forgiveness for all offenses in order to enter into fasting with a peaceful soul. The 136th Psalm is sung for the last time. The texts of the service clearly remind us of the purpose of the upcoming Lent—the celebration of Easter. At Vespers, priests dress in black robes.

Post orders

Prescription for any food of animal origin.

* The word “week” in liturgical language means Sunday, while the week in our today’s understanding is called “week” (ed.).

** All fasting regulations relate primarily to monastic life; in parish practice they are not always applicable and require the blessing of the confessor.