Orthodox encyclopedia John the Climacus. Venerable John the Climacus

The tradition of covering one's head in church, this is not a law, but a persistent recommendation of the Holy Apostle Paul. According to his Epistle to the Corinthians, a man should pray with his head uncovered, and a woman with her head covered. Since ancient times, women's hair was considered one of the most expressive elements of female attractiveness, and this was a counterbalance to modesty, one of the signs of which was covered hair.

Even in the pre-Christian era, hetaeras in Greece walked with uncovered hair, and married women had to express their belonging to their husband by covering their heads, thereby showing that they belonged to their husband.

Where did the tradition of covering women's heads in church come from?

According to the instructions of the apostle appearance a believer, regardless of gender, must be restrained and modest, and cannot be a source of temptation or embarrassment. must be in the mood for prayer, express through his appearance respect and reverence for the holiness of the temple and the Liturgy taking place in it. Thus, the Christian tradition is the inadmissibility of male believers wearing a headdress in church, and female believers not wearing a headscarf.

This tradition is based on the Apostle’s statement that Christ is the head of every husband, but the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God. For a man who prays with his head covered disgraces his head, and a woman who prays with her head uncovered disgraces her head, equating it to a shaved head. Man is the image and glory of God, and woman is the glory of man, since “the man is not from the wife and for the wife, but the wife is from the husband and for the husband.” The scarf is a sign of power over her, this is for the Angels.

The opposite statement is not based on a misunderstanding of the principle of equality of men and women before God. Jesus never drove away women during his sermons, the same, by the way, also applies to the pagans, whom Jesus never discriminated against. In practice, Mary Magdalene was the first to observe the Risen One, and here she has an advantage, for example, over the Apostle Peter. Before Christ, in the matter of achieving salvation and liberation, acquiring the Holy Spirit and the eternal, men and women are completely equal.

However, the mistake of some amateur theologians is that equality in Christ is not identical to equality in the flesh. In Christ, in fact, there are no gender or national characteristics, however, in nature we will all differ, until the very moment of transition into eternity. It is precisely these specific signs that the Apostle Paul is trying to draw the attention of the Corinthians when discussing head covering. He's not talking about covering or not covering his head." spiritual person“, located in Christ, here specifically speaks of human flesh, and it is certainly not yet in Christ.

The idea is that God has all the elements of both material and spiritual world, and they (this is the main thing) are ordered among themselves and are in a harmonious system, with a number of levels and subordination. This system is harmony, and the claims of individual elements of this system for functions that are not characteristic of them lead to disharmony, disturbances and imbalance, and as a result, to its disorder.

With Christ the idea of ​​unity came to earth, and not the idea of ​​equality, it is this that gives coherence, like-mindedness and the absence of discontent, and while preserving the individuality of each person, there must be mutual subordination - subordination and a certain system of hierarchy.

The apostle Paul finds an illustration of this interdependence in human body, in which everyone is in a state of subordination to other members, having equal rights, but also unequal opportunities. The body functions successfully when not the equalization of all members takes place, but the coordinated interaction and unity of each in its place and with its functions. Consequently, equality in a certain respect does not exclude, but presupposes hierarchy, that is, inequality. Paul writes: not the whole body is an eye or an ear. A married sister, covering her head, shows her submission to the outside world established by God position. And this is a testimony not only for others, but also a sign for the Angels. By observing people, Satan and the fallen angels discover that God has received obedience from people that was not received from them, and this shames them. Satan is ashamed not only of Jesus, who submitted to the Father, but also of ordinary handkerchiefs, that is, people who submitted God's decrees voluntarily. This is also the wife’s obedience to her husband, and covering the head is a sign of this state. Satan is trying to convince weak-willed women that it is not necessary to cover their heads.

But at the same time, Paul points out that covering the head is a voluntary act. This is where the shame of the angels is manifested, in voluntariness, when women, equal to men in terms of grace, submit to them in the flesh, giving a sign of their submission to God’s regulations. Therefore, there should be no forced church law on head covering for sisters.


Since ancient times, a woman goes to the temple with her head covered - this is ancient custom, which originated from the words of the Apostle Paul. The apostle said that a wife should have a symbol on her head that signifies authority over her. This is necessary, first of all, for Angels.

This is where the tradition of covering one's head when entering a church arose. According to the apostle, if a woman prays with her head uncovered, it is shameful. An uncovered head is equivalent to a shaved head. With these words the apostle emphasized the shamefulness of clothing modern women who show their body. A man has the right to go to church with his head open.

By the way, in ancient culture the head was covered as a sign of modesty. Hair at that time was considered the most striking attribute of female attractiveness and beauty. Family women they were not able to walk around with their hair down, and were required to wear a headdress such as a scarf. The headscarf was an indicator that the woman was busy and belonged to her husband. Covering the head with a scarf is closely related to another point. In ancient times, soothsayers and priestesses, falling into frenzy, let down their hair.

In this way they showed their mystical ecstasy, symbolizing absolute detachment from public opinion. However, the Apostle does not connect this fact with the requirement to attend church in a headscarf. He determines this necessity by the fact that communication with God must be orderly and pure. Women's clothing should be in certain agreement with Christian teaching.

The doctrine interprets that a woman should not emphasize her figure and decorate her clothes. If all other clothes look indecent, then a scarf on the head has no meaning. On the contrary, the scarf in this case emphasizes the woman’s shamelessness even more and causes temptation among other people. The Apostle Paul reaffirms his view of women as subordinate to the demands of their husbands and to God.

Nowadays, clothing carries a completely different meaning. Women dress in fashion that is not based on Christian teachings. Women look up to each other, showing off the new items they have acquired. According to Christian teaching, you should not be ashamed of modest attire and pay attention to the appearance of others, worrying that people will misunderstand and have a bad opinion.

The apostle said that the clothing of a believer should not be provocative, but look modest, discreet and not the subject of attracting general attention. If you maintain all the customs proposed by the church, then it will be much easier for a person to tune in to prayer and be left alone with himself and God.

If a person attends church, it means that he believes and therefore he must adhere to certain requirements, non-compliance with which is considered shameful. Therefore, based on the above, believers consider it inappropriate to go to church without wearing a headscarf.

There are several possible answers to the question of why women cover their heads with a scarf in church. The question itself can be considered insufficiently correct. If doubts arise in this tradition, then it is very easy to move on to other, no less incorrect questions.

Can tradition become obsolete?

For example, why worship is held this way and not otherwise. Or why exactly these attributes are used, and not some others. Therefore, the first and most correct answer as to why you can’t go without a scarf is because that’s the tradition. Orthodox Church. And those who accept this faith must follow its dogmas and traditions unquestioningly and not question them.

The opinion about the outdated tradition began from the moment when some clergy, in the process of increased secularization of the church and attempts to attract as many parishioners as possible, started talking about it.

Some people think that since no one wears headscarves now, girls and women can come with bareheaded. This is motivated by the fact that it is better to visit a temple without a headscarf than not to go there at all.

In some monasteries, upon entering, visitors are given a variety of hats, including a lace scarf and snood.

Sometimes, to enter the territory of a temple or monastery, it is enough to throw a hood over your head.


How does this correspond? Orthodox traditions, it's hard to figure out. The rules of church worship oblige a woman to enter the temple with her head covered. It doesn’t seem to matter what exactly she puts on her hair, the main thing is that it is covered.

The secularization of religion in attempts to attract parishioners has led to the fact that fasting is considered permissible in a relaxed form, the main thing being attending church.

The same is the case with the strict rules of some major holidays, during which the church allowed conditional actions to be performed. Although there are predeterminations that until recently it was customary to follow.

The indignation of those who address the obsolescence of headscarves, while covering their heads in church with various substitutes, is incomprehensible. Some people use a neck stole, while others use a lace scarf through which the hair is completely visible.

Which scarf to choose for church

Meanwhile, according to church canons it is predetermined not only what the headdress should be, but also what color to wear on what occasions, how to tie it, and who can wear this or that variety:

  • light, white, plain or with a small floral border, in a small pattern, can be worn to church on holidays;
  • any color except green or black is used for a regular, everyday visit;
  • black is worn as a sign of mourning, and a plain dark color can and should be worn on days strict fasting;
  • red is worn at Easter or all the time before the Holy Ascension;
  • green - appropriate only for Palm Sunday and Trinity;
  • flowers or small polka dots with a border are usually worn by women serving in the temple.

Don scarves, which are now heavily sold in online stores, lace and with rhinestones from Swarovski - a thing that is absolutely contrary to the very spirit of the established tradition, which is present only in Orthodox religion.

There are special Orthodox scarves (a bonnet with ties under the chin that are worn on the head). The ties are sewn on a drawstring.

A headdress worn and tied under the chin usually does not fall off; it can also be worn by a woman who is not accustomed to such an outfit.

You can use any scarf as a scarf, the main thing for a girl is that it does not slip off her head. A traditional church scarf should be medium in size so that it can be tied under the chin and cover the hair at the back.

The dropdown does not perform the function for which it was originally intended.

Important. Great value has precisely, as in the church, the remaining secular profanations of custom allowed modern church in the process of secularization, it is an imitation of tradition, but not quite its observance.

Swarovski rhinestones used on holidays to demonstrate at what price a headdress was purchased for going to church is nothing more than pride. The Christian religion calls to fight such excesses, condemning such an outfit as one of the prohibited sins.

To understand the tradition that is called upon to be observed indirectly, you just need to understand why women in church cover their heads with a scarf.

Why do women cover their heads with a headscarf in church: the origins and importance of the tradition

According to legend, this tradition was started by the Apostle Paul. Its origins date back to the time of his arrival in Corinth on a preaching mission.

At that time there was pagan temple, in which the priestesses shaved their heads bald and surrendered to the glory of their goddess, thus performing an act of sacrifice.

Some of the priestesses of this temple began to profess Christian religion. So that no one could reproach them with their past until their hair grew back, the Apostle Paul obliged everyone to wear headscarves to church.

The second version of the same event is that women with hair showed them as a warning to harlots, and this was a manifestation of pride, because everyone is equal before the Lord.

Another interpretation of the scarf in the church is that a man was created by God in his own image and likeness. Therefore, he takes off his hat or headdress as a sign of respect before the Creator. A woman, created by God from a man's rib, wears a headscarf to show her humility and submission to a man.

There are other versions. For example, by covering her hair in the temple immediately after marriage, a woman takes a vow of fidelity, leaving the opportunity to see the hair only for herself. to a loved one- to my husband.

Not only women, but also girls wear headscarves to church to hide one of the most attractive features appearance.

There should be no sinful thoughts or objects of desire in the Temple of the Lord, which is why it was prescribed to wear floor-length skirts and scarves.

Important. In this case, there is no point in wearing a lace scarf, a flirty scarf with the hair straightened out from under it and tied back. It does not hide a lady's charms, as is the case with a real headdress, but, on the contrary, emphasizes them and attracts attention.

In the case of men, removing the headdress can also be interpreted differently. In Rus' there was a hat distinctive feature title or position, especially among government officials.

When they took off their headdress, they leveled their social or property status. The removal of the hat demonstrated to everyone that everyone is equal before the Lord.

How justified is it to wear a headscarf in church?

Before you search online for where to buy or how to sew a scarf, you should think about why the headdress is worn in church. This is not a means to demonstrate or emphasize your charms, to attract admiring glances from men or envious glances from women.

Because otherwise going to the Temple does not make much sense. Starting from the denial of one tradition embedded in religious postulates, then one can easily question the appropriateness of rituals and vestments of read prayers.

After all, they are the ones used to appeal to God. Certain rules of behavior are accepted in any community. Only the most ill-mannered person would think of eating on the floor, spitting in a well, denying respect to elders or depriving children of care.

The situation is approximately the same with religious customs, dictated by centuries of experience, national mentality, and the heritage of our ancestors.

Life has changed, new ones have appeared vehicles, information technologies, methods of communication. But for many people, nothing has changed in their attitude and appeal to God, following religious commandments, church canons and rules. And if a person considers himself a believer, he follows them unswervingly, without reasoning about expediency.

Christian traditions require women to enter the temple with their heads covered. However, now this applies only to the Russian Orthodox Church. For example, religious women enter Greek cathedrals without hats.


The fact that women who have converted to Christianity should cover their heads with a scarf during prayer is stated in the Gospel of the Apostle Paul: “... Every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered shames her head, for this is the same as if if she were shaved, for if a wife does not want to be covered, then let her have her hair cut, and if a wife is ashamed to be shorn or shaved, let her cover herself... (...) Judge for yourself, is it proper for a wife to pray to God with her head uncovered?”

In this letter, the Apostle Paul clearly outlined for the Corinthians an explanation of this rule: “... A husband should not cover his head, because he is the image and glory of God, and the wife is the glory of her husband. For man is not from wife, but woman is from man; and the husband was not created for the wife, but the wife for the husband...” Accordingly, by covering her head with a scarf, a Christian woman recognizes the primacy of her husband and adheres to the established order - she accepts the Lord through her man, and honors him as created in the image and likeness of God.

Apostolic Letter

As you know, the teaching of the Apostle Paul that women should cover their heads during prayer refers to the section “epistles to the inhabitants of the city of Corinth.” In the middle of the first century, the apostle arrived in this coastal city from Athens and found the first Christian community there. However, otherwise it was still a pagan city of the Roman Empire.

"Biblical Encyclopedic Dictionary Erika Nyström" reports that in the first centuries of our era in Corinth there was one of the largest existing temples Aphrodite. The servants of the cult of this pagan goddess were ritual harlots, with whom any person entered into an intimate relationship and committed an act of worship to Aphrodite. Distinctive sign All these priestesses - harlots had their heads shaved bald.

Meanwhile, historians who study the Bible suggest that girls, handed over to the service of a pagan goddess in childhood, could later hear the sermons of the Apostle Paul and accept them. But having converted to the Christian religion and community, it is clear that these women still remained physically hairless for a long time.

And now the parting words of St. Paul “...if a woman is ashamed to be shorn or shaved, let her cover herself...” speaks somewhat differently. Turning to Christ in prayer when you have the mark of a harlot is shameful both before people and before God. That is why the apostle recommended that all women, without exception, cover their heads, and “... if the wife does not want to cover herself, then let her have her hair cut...”. After all, all women, including those who have repented of their sins, are equal before God and are loved by him equally.

Greek tradition

In Greek Orthodox churches one can observe that women always pray with their heads uncovered. When entering the church, everyone, regardless of gender and age, even if they have hats on their heads, takes them off. True, this tradition is not so ancient, it exists no more than two centuries and is related to the national liberation struggle of the Greeks against Turkish rule.

In the first quarter of the 19th century, Greece fell under the rule of the Ottoman Empire and all women were ordered to appear on the streets and in in public places in hijabs, even if they were not Muslim.

Greek women, like men, protested against forced Islamization and attended Christian services at night. At the same time, the Greek women took off the Turkish scarves they hated as a sign of freedom in Christ.

Since that time it has become an important religious-national tradition. And as for the message of the Apostle Paul regarding the covering of a woman’s head, the Greek priests point to the fact that nowhere in the Gospel is it stated that women are forbidden to enter the temple without a headdress. This means that Greek women do not violate religious rules in any way.

Russian woman and her headdress

In Russia, since the dissemination of “Domostroy” - a collection of advice and instructions from Russian people on social, family and religious issues of the 15th century, the tradition has been preserved when “... it is not the husband who was created for the wife, but the wife for the husband...” Orthodox Christian, even if she is not married, enters the temple with her head covered. In this way, she demonstrates her modesty and humility.

However, the Russians Orthodox priests V Lately they are increasingly asserting that whether a woman wears a headdress in church is her personal matter and her legal right to demonstrate her attitude towards centuries-old religious traditions. Let it go better woman will enter the temple without a headscarf and turn to God with sincere love, rather than cross the threshold of the temple at all.

Girls and girls did not cover their heads because the veil was a sign of special status married woman(which is why, according to tradition, an unmarried...

Going to the temple of God with a covered head for a woman is ancient Christian custom, based on the words of the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Corinthians: “... a wife should have on her head a sign of authority over her, for the Angels.” The Apostle Paul argues in his letter that a woman who prays with her head uncovered disgraces her head, for it is also as if it were shaved. The idea that only a married woman should cover her head is clearly expressed by the apostle in the words: “So, a husband should not cover his head, because he is the image and glory of God; and the wife is the glory of the husband; and man was not created for the wife, but the woman for the man” (1 Cor. 7-9). The covering on the head of a married woman, says the apostle, is a sign for the Angels, that is, that she is married. Therefore, on all ancient icons only virgins are depicted with uncovered heads, which speaks of the custom of the Church to cover a woman’s head only after marriage.


Covering the head in public was considered a common custom in many ancient cultures. For a decent woman to appear in public without a headdress was considered shameful and indecent. It was a similar disgrace for a woman to cut her hair. A woman had to grow her hair all her life and no haircuts were allowed.

This is quite understandable to the residents of Russia. In Rus' this custom also took place. Appearing in public or allowing yourself to be seen by a stranger without a covered head was shame and disgrace for a woman. This is well reflected in the well-known word expressing shame and disgrace - “to be a fool”, i.e. allow yourself to be seen without a covered head, with “bare hair.” Generally accepted standards of decency required a woman to have her hair uncut and to cover her hair whenever she went outside the home.

The Apostle, touching on this issue, also refers not to the texts of Scripture, but to the realities of culture and standards of decency. Paul writes: “Every woman who prays or...

There is no obligation for a woman to enter an Orthodox church with her head covered.
This is not an obligation, but a historical tradition and recommendations of the Apostle Paul. Moreover, tradition can be the opposite. For example, in Greece Orthodox churches Women are required to enter without a headdress (!) This approach to a woman’s covered head was developed by the Greeks during the national liberation struggle against the Turks.
And moreover, in Ukraine there is a temple - in Akhtyrka (Sumy region) - where, according to their tradition, women enter the temple with their heads uncovered, since in this temple the image of the Mother of God with her head uncovered is kept.
— Priest Georgy spoke about all this today on radio “Era.”
— And when asked why women are not allowed into certain churches by grandmothers if she does not have a headscarf, Father George answered with some irritation: we know about this problem, that some ministers are trying to impose their vision of faith in God, and we are trying to fight it. And, in general, it is better to come to God uncovered...

The tradition of covering one's head in church is not a law, but a persistent recommendation of the Holy Apostle Paul. According to his Epistle to the Corinthians, a man should pray with his head uncovered, and a woman with her head covered. Since ancient times, women's hair was considered one of the most expressive elements of female attractiveness, and this was a counterbalance to modesty, one of the signs of which was covered hair.

Even in the pre-Christian era, hetaeras in Greece walked with uncovered hair, and married women had to express their belonging to their husband by covering their heads, thereby showing that they belonged to their husband.

Where did the tradition of covering women's heads in church come from?

In accordance with the instructions of the apostle, the appearance of the believer, regardless of gender, should be restrained and modest, and cannot be a source of temptation or embarrassment. A believer in a church should be in the mood for prayer, express with his appearance respect and reverence for the holiness of the temple and what is happening in it...


Since ancient times, a woman has been going to church with her head covered - this is an ancient custom that originated from the words of the Apostle Paul. The apostle said that a wife should have a symbol on her head that signifies authority over her. This is necessary, first of all, for Angels.

This is where the tradition of covering one's head when entering a church arose. According to the apostle, if a woman prays with her head uncovered, it is shameful. An uncovered head is equivalent to a shaved head. With these words, the apostle emphasized the shamefulness of the clothing of modern women who show their bodies. A man has the right to go to church with his head open.

By the way, in ancient culture the head was covered as a sign of modesty. Hair at that time was considered the most striking attribute of female attractiveness and beauty. Family women were not able to walk around with their hair down, and were required to wear a headdress such as a scarf. The headscarf was an indicator that the woman was busy and belonged...

From time immemorial, women wear headscarves to church. Even skirts are now considered not as important an attribute as a scarf on the head - they say that it is better to go to temple in jeans, but with a headdress, than in a skirt and without it. Why do women cover their heads in church, and what is the tradition of wearing a headscarf in church connected with?

The legend of scarves and skirts in the church

There is a legend about scarves and long skirts in church. They say that in ancient world people came to the temple in whatever they had to wear. And God was not too pleased with this.

Therefore, God sent a vision to one of the young girls and said: “If you go to the temple with your head covered and in a long skirt, your prayers will be answered, because an angel will be assigned to you to help. But how else will he recognize you if you are not different from other girls?”

As was to be expected, the next day the girl came to the temple in a long skirt and a headscarf, and when her friends asked why she dressed up so strangely,...

Why is it forbidden for a woman to enter temples and monasteries in trousers and with her head uncovered?

For every task there is appropriate clothing: you won’t go to the stadium in an evening dress, and you won’t go to the theater in a tracksuit. There is also a tradition of appropriate attire when visiting temples, and especially monasteries.

The purpose of visiting church is prayer. And according to the Holy Scriptures, a woman should pray with her head covered. It is very good that now in many churches and monasteries you can get a scarf at the entrance.

As for the trousers, then Holy Bible requires women to dress in women's clothing and men in men's clothing. Therefore, it is better for a woman who is specifically going to go to the temple to wear a skirt of the appropriate length.

In all cases, we must try to respect the pious traditions of our people and our Church, because, as they say, you don’t go to someone else’s monastery with your own rules.

But if a person came to the temple for the first time or suddenly had a...

This tradition dates back to deep Christian antiquity, namely to apostolic times. At that time, every married, respectable woman covered her head when leaving the house. Head veil, which, for example, we see on icons Mother of God, indicated the woman’s marital status. This head covering meant that she was not free, that she belonged to her husband. To “bar” a woman’s crown or loosen her hair meant to humiliate or punish her (see: Isa. 3:17; cf. Num. 5:18).

Harlots and vicious women demonstrated their special occupation by not covering their heads.

The husband had the right to divorce his wife without returning her dowry if she appeared on the street bare-haired, this was considered an insult to her husband.

Girls and young women did not cover their heads, because the veil was a sign of the special status of a married woman (which is why, according to tradition, an unmarried virgin can enter the temple without a head...

Apparently here we're talking about about the First Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians. In chapter 11, Paul spoke about the need for women to cover their heads when praying:

“Every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her own head” (1 Cor. 11.5).

The answer to a similar question has already been given earlier in the material “Can a woman pray with her head uncovered?” However, now we will approach this topic from a slightly different direction.

Today in many Christian churches they literally understand the words of the apostle and strictly follow his instructions. In a number of faiths, women do not wear headscarves, which raises questions among some believers: what is the right thing to do?

Let's look at the words of the Apostle Paul together.

First of all, let us remember that Bible verses often cannot be understood as separate independent phrases, that is, taken out of the context of the narrative. All messages are integral sermons of the apostles and prophets and consist of complete passages - parts...

According to various surveys, in Russia from 60 to 80 percent of the population consider themselves Orthodox. Of these, only 6-7 percent are churchgoers. Many Russians, unfortunately, do not even know how to behave in an Orthodox church.

1. Men are not allowed to enter church wearing a hat.
Apostle Paul 1 Corinthians 11:4-5: “Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered disgraces his own head.”

2. A woman, on the contrary, should not enter the temple with her head uncovered, and the headscarf should completely cover her hair and cover her ears. Apostle Paul's 1st Epistle to the Corinthians,
11:4-5: “And every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered disgraces her head, for it is as if she had had her head shaved.”

3. A woman should not come to the temple with bright makeup. It is better not to use cosmetics at all before visiting the temple. The church should maintain attention to service and prayer. Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov wrote: “Like a body...

Photo from the Internet

Somehow the day before Palm Sunday, getting ready for church, my wife and a friend argued: is it possible to wear a light jacket?

“Ladies,” I intervened in the conversation, “you’ll be late for service!”
You, Marina, have a beige autumn jacket, but you won’t wear a white winter one... What’s there to discuss?
In fact, in his letter to Timothy, the Apostle Paul ordered you to dress “with modesty and chastity, not to adorn yourself with braided hair, gold, pearls, or costly clothing” (1 Tim. 2:9-10). He didn't talk about the color of the jacket. The main thing is “to come to church with a heart open to the Lord and prayer.”

- Look who's Talking? Godless! He started lecturing again... they didn’t ask you what to wear! It’s about God, you see... we’ll figure it out without any hints!

- So help them, believers! You quote the Gospel, and they... - I muttered under my breath - how can one not remember Theodor Behr: “The one who doesn’t even listen to anything has a particularly strong ear...

The different nationalities living in Estonia adhere to their traditional religion. Among Estonians, the most popular is Lutheranism, which is accepted by 14% of people aged 15 years and older. 27% of Finns living in Estonia, 15% of Germans and 14% of Latvians consider themselves Lutherans. 47% of Poles and 33% of Lithuanians living in Estonia consider themselves Catholics. Islam is most widespread among the Tatars. Orthodoxy is considered their religion by 51% of Belarusians, 50% of Ukrainians, 47% of Russians and 41% of Armenians. Thus, the most widespread religion in Estonia is Orthodoxy. By the way, among Estonians aged 15 years and older, 19% consider themselves adherents of any religion, among non-Estonians - 50%.

Three times more religious people live in urban areas in Estonia than in rural areas. This is explained, first of all, by the national composition of the population. Most adherents of a particular religion live in Ida-Viru County - 49%, less...