Signs for January 2. Folk signs and customs of the day

From thoughts for every day, collected by Leo Tolstoy

It is easy to notice the errors of others, but difficult to notice your own; They love to understand the mistakes of their loved ones, but they hide their own, like a plow trying to hide its false dice.

A person is inclined to constantly blame others: he looks only at their mistakes, but his own passions grow more and more, removing him from improvement.

Buddhist wisdom

Common name: John of Kronstadt, Ignatius the God-Bearer, Ignatius.

Traditions for January 2

On this day they protected the house, bowed to it, and served prayers to Ignatius the God-Bearer in order to protect the home from any misfortune. They also served prayer services and carried icons around the village in procession to protect it from any misfortune. This day was also known as apple day. It was supposed to shake off frost and snow from the trees to plant the future harvest.

Name day on January 2 is celebrated by:

Daniil, Ivan, Ignatius.

Name of the day - Daniel

Daniel's first marriage does not always go well. Daniil loves children, but does not provide any help to his wife around the house - he prefers to spend his free time at the dacha or just in nature: he can enjoy fishing or hunting. He is indifferent to food and will not quarrel with his wife over a tasteless dinner. He pays a lot of attention to his children: he monitors their studies, attends parent-teacher meetings.

Daniel's talisman is a squirrel, color is red-brown, stone is jasper.

The name Daniel is best suited for people born under the signs of Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Aquarius. Daniil, born in January, is an extremely gambling person who may well get carried away card games. Then he needs to stop in time, otherwise all the family property will end up lost in the casino. But this person’s passion must certainly be offered a way out that is less painful for the family.

Plant of the day: apple tree. What are the benefits of apples?

From ancient times to the present day, apples have been highly valued as a remedy. Fresh and baked apples are used to improve digestion and metabolism. Raw, boiled or baked apples are consumed on an empty stomach for sluggish digestion, gastrointestinal disorders, especially in children, and for long-term, so-called habitual, constipation.

Apples boiled with milk act as a mild laxative, which is especially recommended for older people. They are prepared like this: two apples, cut into quarters, pour a glass of milk and half a glass of water and cook for 5-7 minutes. Then cool, knead and eat before breakfast.

Apple fasting days are useful not only for problems with excess weight, but also for kidney diseases: on such days, 1.5 kg of raw apples are eaten in five doses. For chronic nephritis, traditional medicine recommends drinking a decoction of wild apples. The treatment is very long and takes up to two years, but gives very good results. The first three months - a glass two or three times a day, then a glass one or two times a day. The decoction is prepared as a regular compote at the rate of 200 g of apples per liter of water.


Rassolnik with kidneys

Ingredients: kidneys - 300 g, meat broth (can be cubed) -1.5 l, parsley root - 2 pcs., parsnip root - 1 pc., celery - small root and greens, onions- 1 pc., potatoes - 3-4 pcs., leeks - 1 pc., pickles - 3-4 pcs. and brine - 1 cup, ghee - 2-3 tbsp. spoons, sour cream, herbs.


Clean the kidneys from fat and soak in cold water overnight. Then scald them with boiling water several times, clean them, pour a small amount of cold water, cook until tender, cut into slices, strain the broth.

Finely chop parsley, celery, parsnips, potatoes. Fry the roots in melted butter, when they are almost ready, add flour, mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps, and fry until the vegetables are ready.

Cut the pickled cucumbers into strips and simmer in half a glass of brine. Put potatoes into the broth, cook until tender, then add pickles, roots, finely chopped leeks, cook for 10-15 minutes until tender.

Pour half a glass of brine into the already prepared soup, add salt to taste and let it brew for 15 minutes. Serve with sour cream and herbs.

Sschmch. Ignatius the God-Bearer. Right John of Kronstadt. St. Ignatius, archim. Pechersky. St. Philogony, ep. Antioch. St. Daniel, archbishop. Serbian. Novodvorskaya and Lenkovskaya (Novgorod-Severskaya), called “Savior of the Drowning,” icons of the Mother of God.

John of Kronstadt

On this day Russian people celebrates the memory of the great ascetic - saint righteous John Kronstadtsky, whose activity fell on difficult, tragic years late XIX- beginning of the 20th century. Father John was born in 1829 in the family of a poor clergyman in the village of Sura on the banks of the Pinega in the Arkhangelsk province. The child was so weak that he was baptized that same night. The ten-year-old boy was sent to the Arkhangelsk parish school, but his studies were extremely difficult - he was the last student. Grieving over his failures, the boy constantly prayed and asked the Lord for admonition. Once, during night prayer, he felt as if a curtain had fallen from his eyes and mind, and from then on his studies went easily, he became one of the most capable students and was transferred to the Arkhangelsk Theological Seminary, then admitted to the St. Petersburg Theological Academy. Upon completion of it in 1855, John received a position as a priest in St. Andrew's Cathedral in Kronstadt. When he first entered this cathedral after his ordination, he was amazed that he had seen it in a dream while still a seminarian.

Through the efforts of Father John, the House of Diligence was opened in Kronstadt and with it two primary schools, a hospital, a public canteen, a shelter for the homeless, and various workshops that provided income to the poor. Active love for the poor, the suffering, and righteous life and the spiritual exploits of Father John earned him all-Russian fame and love. Pilgrims from all over Russia came to Father John in Kronstadt, so on some days he had to confess for 12 hours and give communion to thousands of people. Father John received hundreds of letters and telegrams every day with gratitude and requests for help. He never refused anyone and walked or rode at the first call. Numerous cases of people being healed by the prayers of the great shepherd are known: from the infant of a simple artisan to Princess Z. M. Yusupova and the paralyzed 13-year-old Princess Baryatinskaya, from a young cadet to a high-society dignitary. Father John’s foresight was amazing. So, he saw in a young officer unfamiliar to him (Plikhankov) the future monk and elder of the Optina Hermitage, Father Barsanuphius. He foresaw great upheavals coming to Russia and called everyone to repentance. “Repent, repent,” he cried from the pulpit, “a terrible time is approaching, so dangerous that you cannot even imagine,” - if there is no repentance, then the Lord will take the Tsar away from Russia and allow such cruel rulers who will destroy the entire Russian land covered in blood. Father John of Kronstadt died on December 20, 1908. Many people came to say goodbye to him. The troops barely restrained the crowd in Kronstadt, and in Oranienbaum, where the funeral procession stretched for several kilometers, and in St. Petersburg at the Ioannovsky Monastery on Karpovka, in the lower temple-tomb of which Father Ioann was buried. 60 priests and 20 deacons came to the funeral service of the holy elder.

John of Kronstadt was canonized by the Russian Church Abroad on October 19, 1964; the canonization of Saint Righteous John in Russia took place on Local Council Russian Orthodox Church June 7-8, 1990.

Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-Bearer

Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-Bearer was born in Syria in recent years life of the Savior. He was the boy whom the Lord took in his arms and said: “...if you do not turn and become like children, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven” (Matthew 18: 3). He communicated closely with the apostles, heard directly from them and learned Christian teaching, was a student of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, accompanied the Apostle Peter on some of his travels.

Saint Ignatius was called a God-bearer because, deeply loving the Lord, he seemed to carry Him in his heart. During the 40 years that Ignatius ruled the church in Antioch (from 67 to 107), he introduced antiphonal singing into worship, in which two choirs alternate, calling each other. This chant from Syria quickly spread through the early Church and is used in worship today. In 107, Emperor Trajan, having undertaken a campaign against the Armenians, ended up in Antioch, where he was informed about Saint Ignatius. The emperor summoned the elder and demanded that he stop his preaching about Christ. Saint Ignatius refused, and then he was sent in chains to Rome, where he was thrown to be torn to pieces by wild beasts in the Colosseum. Ignatius the God-Bearer, on his way to Rome, wrote seven epistles that have survived to this day. Hearing about the elder’s courage, Trajan stopped the persecution of Christians. The relics of the saint were transferred to Antioch, and subsequently returned to Rome and placed in the church in the name of the Hieromartyr Clement, Pope of Rome (see February 11 / January 29).

Signs January 2

In Russia, the end of December / beginning of January is the time for real big frosts. Naturally, there are a lot of inconveniences associated with them - and you can’t look outside once again, and the hut quickly cools down, so a lot of firewood is required, and the cattle need to be warmed and given more feed so that they can more easily endure the winter cold; and the wells freeze, and the ice holes twitch overnight, sometimes with a fairly thick layer of ice. But the frosts are encouraging.

The peasant knew: Severe cold promises a good harvest.

In some places, it was customary for Saint Ignatius to carry icons around the table in order to protect goods from harm. Apparently, the basis of this custom is the name of Saint Ignatius the God-Bearer, which was understood as a recommendation to wear icons (to be surrounded by icons), because in colloquial language icons were often called “gods” (cf. the name of the icon case - “goddess”).

On January 2, believers venerate John of Kronstadt, an Orthodox saint who lived in the 19th century. Also on this day they pray to Saint Ignatius the God-Bearer. In honor of these saints, prayer services are held in churches and religious processions. IN folk calendar it is said that on January 2, much attention is paid to protecting houses from evil forces. The weather on January 2 can predict what the harvest will be like.

On this day they began to prepare for the celebration of Christmas. Housewives cleaned houses, stocked up on food, painted furniture and walls. Everyone was learning carols, songs, and sewing carnival costumes. And they remembered the signs!

If a person observed the Nativity Fast, then on January 2 he was ordered to adhere to a dry diet - eat only raw fruits and vegetables.

Those born on January 2 were given a talisman with tourmaline. It was believed that this stone could protect from trouble, damage and the evil eye, and give longevity and good health.

Folk signs for January 2

  1. On this day, snow is shaken off trees and bushes. How more snow If you can shake it off, the larger the harvest you will be able to reap in summer and autumn. Snow was especially often shaken off apple trees, since January 2 was considered “apple day.”
  2. If there is frost on the trees, it means the weather will be clear
  3. The starry sky portends a rich harvest throughout the year
  4. In the old days in Rus', people walked around houses with icons on this day - it was believed that this helped scare away evil spirits and protect the family from hunger and misfortune.
  5. They bowed to the house at the waist to protect it from evil. They showed respect to every room: barns, buildings for storing utensils, keeping animals. It was believed that the house is a guardian family traditions
  6. If tits chirp loudly, then, according to signs, expect long, cold days
  7. According to legend, what the weather is like on January 2, the month of August will be like this. If there is slush and blizzard outside, then it is cold and rainy, and if it is frosty and clear, then it is hot and sunny.

The second day of the new year is the day when the new twelve months begin to take effect. In addition, for believers, the Nativity fast continues on this day, but the magical breath of the Christmas holiday night can already be felt. The magical ones are approaching Christmas fortune telling, yuletide traditions based on certain signs and rituals. On the second day of the year there are also Orthodox birthday people of this day.

Day of Remembrance of Orthodox Saints

The Orthodox Church commemorates this day saint john And Ignatius. In honor of these canonized Christian preachers, religious processions and prayer services are held in churches. Believers pray to the Most Holy Theotokos, the Savior and the holy preachers.

Signs for the weather

Certain weather signs on the second day of the new year also became entrenched among the people.

  • Clear weather for the coming days was predicted by thick frost on the tree branches.
  • The cold one was predicted by the loud chirping of tits.
  • According to folk superstitions, the weather of the third summer month could also be determined by the nature of the second day of the coming year. If this day turned out to be blizzard and slushy, then August promised to be rainy and damp, a clear and frosty day promised a hot last month of summer.
  • The weather on this day was used to judge the nature of the harvest for the coming year. For this purpose, it was customary to shake off snow from tree branches. According to a popular belief, the more snow was shaken off, the more bountiful the harvest promised to be. For this purpose, some owners deliberately knocked forcefully on branches, especially apple trees, in order to shake off as much snow as possible onto the ground. In this regard, in some regions this day has become known as “Apple Day”.

Folk signs and customs of the day

According to popular beliefs, the second day of the year should be dedicated to protecting the house from evil forces and evil spirits. For this purpose, with icons in their hands, they walked around the house, reading special prayers. At the end of this ritual, they respectfully bowed to the house, as the custodian of family traditions. Starting from this day, housewives should begin preparing for Christmas. For this purpose, the entire house had to be thoroughly washed, all household utensils had to be cleaned from the walls, and food stocked up. In addition, songs and carols were learned, and special costumes were prepared to celebrate the bright holiday.

For those Christian believers who observed the Nativity Fast, dry eating was established on this day, eating only raw fruits and vegetables.