Signs about cutlery. Signs and beliefs about spoons and forks

Almost ten times a day we hold a spoon in our hands, not even realizing that in the old days this simple object was considered special - magical.

ordinary cutlery personified a specific family member - living or deceased. Therefore, everyone in the house had their own “tool,” and the rest of the children and household members were strictly forbidden to use it. To avoid confusion, the spoons were specially marked. What other legends surrounded scoopers?

The head of the family should have a larger spoon than his wife. Otherwise, the leader in the house will be not a man, but a woman.

According to the laws of Domostroy, the man in the house was assigned a leading role. Not the slightest hint was allowed that while the spouse was alive, the wife could take the reins of government into her own hands. And so that the weaker sex knew their place and remembered it day and night, men were not lazy to cut out their own spoons - larger and deeper.

What can I say to this? Nowadays, when spoons are the same size and the same shape, everything has changed a lot - often it is women who hold the whole house together. So, dear men, draw conclusions: if you want to be a real, and not an imaginary head of the family, our advice to you is to get a big spoon.

If by chance there are two spoons in one plate, the wedding is just around the corner.

A sign that is widespread everywhere, in our time, however, is fairly forgotten. But what does a wedding have to do with it, you ask. Yes, because spoons, as we have already said, represent different people. This means that as soon as the scoopers find themselves side by side, “two solitudes” will soon find themselves together in the same way.

It is no coincidence that in the old days in Wales, guys carved a pair of beautiful spoons from wood, which were called love spoons, and gave them to girls. The misses looked at this present as a marriage proposal. By the way, if two spoons accidentally ended up on a married lady’s plate, no one doubted that the young lady would have to walk down the aisle twice. Accordingly, a couple of spoons in a plate married man also hinted at remarriage.

If you lend a spoon to your neighbors, you should not take it back, otherwise you will bring all sorts of troubles into the house with it.

It turns out that as soon as this cutlery gets into someone else’s house, you can forget about it forever: it immediately becomes the property of another family. Why? Since someone used your spoon, it was “charged” not only with the energy of this person, but also with the energy of his home.

Therefore, she received a very strong - double - charge. And no matter what manipulations you then perform with your property, it’s all in vain, the scoop has become alien to you.

You can’t wash spoons directly after lunch - you won’t have any luck.

A strange omen, isn't it? But this is only at first glance. The fact is that spoons, like people, “after a delicious lunch according to the laws of Archimedes” are supposed to take a little rest. There is another sign from the same series.

Washed spoons should not be wiped, but hung on a shelf specially adapted for this purpose, where water should drain from them. Anyone who neglects this rule risks running into big trouble.

It turns out that our ancestors believed that by wiping scoops, you could instantly send damage or the evil eye to a person. In order to avoid such a misfortune, they allowed the spoons to dry on their own. And only with such a “tool” can you eat without fear of witchcraft or the evil eye.

You cannot hit a spoon on the table, wash plates or other utensils, otherwise a huge scandal will soon break out in the house.

As we already know, spoons represent different members of the family. Well, since the spoons are rattling, it means that soon the guns will start blaring in the house - a conflict will break out. By the way, the harder they hit with spoons, the fiercer the quarrel will be. In this case, a fight will happen before the spoons and all the other utensils have time to be put back in place.

Therefore, in the old days, as soon as some foolish youngster hit the table with a spoon, the punishment was not long in coming - the stern father immediately hit the offender on the forehead with his spoon.

An extra spoon on the table for lunch or dinner goes to the guest.

It’s all very simple: by placing an extra item on the stop, you are inviting guests into the house. After all, a spoon cannot lie idle during a meal!

The spoon fell - wait for visitors.

It is well known: something falling out of your hands means guests will soon arrive, and a spoon is no exception.

But they looked at this embarrassment a little differently: having dropped the spoon, in some cases they waited for a visit from a child, in others - a fool. In the center, however, there was a different opinion: a fallen spoon here predicted an imminent quarrel in the family.

When you finish eating, you should lick the spoon thoroughly - otherwise the bride or groom will be pockmarked.

In the old days, people’s attitude towards food was special, reverent, because every piece was obtained literally with sweat and blood. No one has ever scattered let alone a piece - not even the smallest bread crumb! It was considered a great sin to leave food behind on a plate. And to intimidate, one must think, signs similar to the above were invented.

Blowing into an empty spoon is a sin; you can bring illness upon yourself.

The spoon is intended exclusively for eating. The one who blows into it is engaged in self-indulgence, and therefore sits idle. And if you play the fool, it means you deserve legal punishment in the form of illness. Get what you deserve!

You can't put the spoon with the concave side down - you'll die with your mouth and eyes open.

Another horror story. Let it be known to you that in former times, rules of etiquette existed not only in the highest circles of society - the peasants also had their own unwritten laws. One of them said: the spoon should be placed with the concave side up - and that’s it! Why? If suddenly there is food left in the spoon after lunch due to an oversight - pieces of porridge, leftover cabbage soup, hodgepodge, etc., then thanks to this position of the spoon the leftovers will not end up on the table.
That, it turns out, is all the wisdom.

If a child picks up a spoon for the first time with his right hand, luck will accompany him all his life; with his left hand, he will grow up to be a loser.

An old English sign. In the most obvious way, it demonstrates to us that the inhabitants of Foggy Albion, like our ancestors, firmly believed that the right side is the center of good forces, and the left is given over to the devil.

If a baby is not given spoons for christening, he will spend his whole life in poverty.

Another sign comes from Great Britain. And it arose thanks to long tradition: in the United Kingdom godparents It is customary to give spoons to your godchildren. Usually these are the so-called “apostolic spoons”, that is, spoons on the handles of which images of the apostles were carved or engraved.

Wealthy godparents usually presented their little ones with twelve spoons, one of which was silver. (This, by the way, is where the famous English proverb came from: born with a silver spoon in his mouth.) Less wealthy citizens gave fewer spoons, and the poorest - a single one made of plain metal.

This custom, by the way, is hinted at by Shakespeare’s Cranmer from the play “Henry VIII,” arguing that it is not suitable for godfathers royal daughter. To which the king, without a shadow of embarrassment, answers him: “ Well, well, my lord, you don't have to spend much on spoons.».

Looking for a spoon to stir sugar in your tea again? They recently bought it, and again disappeared somewhere. What a misfortune! Who is kidnapping them? The most unpleasant thing in this situation is not the loss. And in the anxiety that it can cause. In obsessive thoughts, in fears of brownies and poltergeists. Although there are people who like to show off otherworldly residents in their apartment, as if it were a pet. But most of us feel calmer when everything is clear and stable. So where do the teaspoons go? Read the stories of eyewitnesses, a lot will become clear.

In our time of economic crisis and the availability of any information, many people use household items for occult and magical practices. There is a superstition that the teaspoons used to stir sugar and eat cakes are associated with positive energy, home comfort, happiness and celebration. Therefore, by stealing a spoon, you thereby take away a piece of the goodness and positivity of its owners.

“They can be stolen as a way to replenish a collection (there are such connoisseurs who collect everyday small things). So in order to take luck and money from the family where the spoon was taken from. This, alas and ah, is a fairly common occult action. I have a friend, and if there is a big feast planned, she always buys inexpensive cutlery at Auchan. Don’t let them steal, they are not yet “established in the family”, so it’s not scary to lose them.”

Cruel jokes from colleagues and loved ones

Situations vary. Mysticism is a rare phenomenon, and stupid jokes and the desire to annoy you as the cause of strange disappearances are much more common. Be really sensible and think about who could take the spoon, who could drop it, who could make a joke.

“I know the story. Colleagues decided to play a joke on a guy at work. They kept stealing teaspoons from him all the time. And in correspondence with him by mail, they inserted into the text of the letter in white font (invisible to him) the phrase “buy spoons.” Google reads your emails and, based on the emails, displays suitable advertising banners. The machine doesn’t care that the font is white, it still sees it. And this guy always had advertising banners with offers to buy spoons, and the spoons kept disappearing. The guy thought the cuckoo had moved."

“My mother-in-law thinks everything about the brownie, spoons disappear. I’m afraid to tell her the truth: I’ve already dropped about 5 pieces on the stove. Accidentally))"

Household reasons for the disappearance of dishes. Simple solutions.

I myself am a mother of many children and I know how children love everything shiny and beautiful. Many times I discovered hiding places with candy wrappers and small household items. If you have children, then the simplest solution is to watch them.

“Our little one carries it around. I hid all the teaspoons somewhere. The main thing is that we won’t find it. Everyone climbed around, well, no, that’s all. And then suddenly he comes out, so proud, with a spoon in his hand.”

“My mother’s daughter helped clear the dishes from the table after the feast, and threw away the teaspoons, like an UNFORMAT. Why do we need small spoons if there are so many big ones in the house :)))"

“My friend also had spoons disappear from her house, until one of them fell on her head when she approached the entrance. It turned out that the two-year-old daughter was throwing them out the window. They flew beautifully."

We were surprised until we saw someone poking forks into the cupboard! An investigative experiment was immediately carried out, and at the same time a search, during which the following were found: forks, spoons, pacifiers, cars, cubes, string, candy wrappers, cards with letters, a sock. This guy has so many hamster holes all over his apartment! Before you have time to tidy one up, he starts another and pokes my hooks and beads with buttons into it.”

The reason for missing spoons is the most commonplace - absent-mindedness. Here's why and how people throw out necessary things without noticing it, you might think about it. Banal fatigue, lack of sleep, hassle and stress make us inattentive. You smoke, sit for days in a stuffy office, or are busy all day with small children, without getting enough sleep for years. The nervous system begins to work worse, concentration is impaired. Inattention may be associated with anxiety, depression, and vascular disorders. This is really worth attention. Spoons disappear - pay attention to yourself, your health, mental and physical.

“My teaspoons were missing. Simply in heaps. I didn't have time to buy. She swore at the brownie. She cursed until her husband pulled out a plastic cup of yogurt, along with a spoon, from the garbage can. It turned out that I was gaping myself and throwing away the spoons.”

“One time all our tea spoons disappeared. It turned out that the children with the yoghurt boxes were thrown away. I started keeping an eye on them, they still disappear, but much less often.”

“Several years ago we moved to new apartment. After about six months, spoons began to disappear. The apartment is after renovation, there are no cracks, my husband and I lived together. All the corners have been peeled off, there are no spoons anywhere! 3 pieces disappeared within about a month. I told her at work and they advised me to hang the icon. They hung it up and the spoons stopped disappearing.
For lovers of mysticism, the story ends here. To materialists, I confess in a whisper: around the time the icon was hung up, I once noticed that I was throwing away a yogurt box, but the spoon was still in it. That’s when it dawned on me who was stealing the spoons.”

“But recently I climbed into the top kitchen cabinet, where you can only get into it by standing on a chair. I go there at most once every 5 years. There are huge basins and similar pots lying there. And between the basins I saw a lonely silver spoon lying forlornly, which had all disappeared a long time ago. I really don’t know if the brownie is playing pranks, or if five years ago I went there with a spoon in my mouth and left it there.”

There are a lot of such stories; it happens that people have been wondering for years where the thing disappeared. But in the bustle of everyday life, tired and overwhelmed with problems, we can easily just throw it away and not notice. There are many stories of people missing due to inattention on the site, you can read them. This is indeed a common phenomenon.

“A long time ago, a child’s hat disappeared. How I was killed! The hat was cool, you can’t buy one like that. Yes, and we lived then, like everyone else, not richly, the hat was also oversized, you could wear it, but wear it. I searched everything, but in vain, the hat disappeared. A few years after she went missing, it dawned on me where she had gone. Children grow up quickly, the things we grew out of did not stay at home, there is nowhere to store them, and the 90s were a time of the cycle of things in nature. What was better was passed on to friends, what was worse was thrown away. So one coat was taken out to the container. And the cap was in the sleeve of this coat, but I didn’t notice. Eh, it would be nice if I gave it to someone, but I threw it away without looking.”

Disappearance of spoons and household poltergeists

This also happens. Such mysterious disappearances have their own logic that can be felt. Usually it is hidden, hidden, a secret that is not talked about or even realized. Maybe a cheating husband or wife. There may be a forgotten abortion or an illegitimate child. Or injustice towards loved ones, someone forgotten, etc. Look for lost spoons, think, discuss, and thus give an outlet for energy. These speakers can be seen, there are enough simple ways. Usually this is psychological meaning mysterious incidents.

“When moving, I moved the heavy sofa aside and discovered a whole cache of spoons. How did they get there? Couldn’t all the guests stuff spoons under the furniture?”

“I lived with my husband in a rented apartment. The apartment is, in principle, in a new building, but there was definitely a brownie in it. We felt and heard it. Many times I heard little feet running from the room to the kitchen, I often dreamed about it. During the first nights, he even strangled his husband. In principle, he didn’t do anything bad to us. Only a few teaspoons disappeared without a trace. When they moved to a new apartment, they were never found.”

“I don’t know whether I believe in brownies or not. But we've been missing teaspoons for several years now, and I don't think guests take them away. From the very beginning there was a set of 6 cupronickel spoons plus 4 different ones. They started disappearing, they searched everything - no sign. When only 2 remained from the set, it became not funny at all. My husband and I began to carefully put them in their place and double-check a hundred times to see if there was a forgotten spoon in the empty yogurt jar. After some time, all 10 pieces disappeared, so I put in new, cheap, 6 pieces. They also began to disappear. Then my mother gave me a set of 6 nickel silver ones. They looked after them like they were golden. There are 3 pieces left. I can’t blame it on the child, because it started long before he learned to move independently in space.”

How to return what was lost

The following story happened to me about fifteen years ago. Things started disappearing from home. Little things, such as a sock, bra, hairpin, comb, spoons. So, when I talked about this at work, one woman advised me to pour milk into a saucer and put it under the bath in the evening and say: “Like, brownie, drink the milk and give me your things.” I didn’t believe in all this, but I did it out of curiosity. What do you think? Things started to "come back"! Of course, I'm a skeptic, but who knows...

1. If after dinner they forget the spoon on the table and do not remove it, you need to wait for the guest.

2. A spoon forgotten on the table warns of someone’s possible visit.

3. Of all the household items, borrowing only a spoon from neighbors does not require a symbolic payment (unlike a knife, needle, etc.), since, when brought into someone else’s house, it becomes the property of that house.

4. When you eat, you need to lick the spoon, otherwise the bride or groom will be pockmarked.

5. An extra spoon on the table for lunch or dinner - for a guest or for a gift.

6. A spoon falls - there will be a guest, but only if the fallen spoon is picked up.

7. The spoon cannot be placed with the concave side up, otherwise you will die with your mouth and eyes open.

8. You cannot wash spoons immediately after lunch, this means showing inappropriate haste; you need to let the food residues on the spoons dry and only then wash them, since spoons, like people, need an afternoon rest. After washing, they are not wiped, but placed on a shelf specially adapted for this purpose, where the water drains from them. It is believed that only with such spoons can one eat without fear of witchcraft, the evil eye and evil spirits.

9. You cannot stir hot drinks in a glass with a fork, otherwise there will be big quarrels in the family.

10. You cannot knock spoons while clearing them from the table - the neighbors will begin to slander, gossip, or begin to secretly do little mean things.

11. You cannot hit the edge of the dish with a spoon, otherwise there may be a scandal.

12. To ensure peace and quiet in the house, you should not leave forks and spoons on the table at night.

There are many household signs that are used in everyday life by many people.

These beliefs helped our ancestors, and now help us: to find out what lies ahead. Prevent unwanted events, or, on the contrary, attract good luck.

Simple household sign sometimes it can help to find out something important and secret, and no one will refuse this! Most of these beliefs “work” if you believe people - even skeptics are convinced of this. You should see it by your own example, and then decide whether to believe it or not!

Our everyday life is directly connected with spoons and forks. These are the items that unite all people - cutlery is used by the poor and the rich, absolutely all people hold a spoon or fork in their hands every day during breakfast, lunch and dinner.

It is no wonder that devices have their own signs associated with them, which were well known to people in the old days, and have survived to this day without changes. Why, if you believe in them, does a fork, spoon or knife fall from the table?

Wait for the guests!

Almost always the sign says that if a fork or spoon falls on the floor, you should wait for the guests to arrive. But everything is not so simple, and there are some nuances that will allow you to find out in more detail: who to expect and with what intentions.

1. If a large tablespoon falls on the floor, then the sign says that it is heading to your house. adult woman. She is familiar and pleasant to you - a friend, acquaintance or relative. She does not come with bad intentions, and her visit does not foretell any troubles.

2. If a small tea or dessert spoon falls, it means that a young, unmarried lady or a child is coming to you. This sign also does not force you to prepare for anything bad - the visit will not be unpleasant for you.

3. If the spoon, falling to the floor, turns over in flight, then the guest is coming to you for advice and will talk about something.

4. And if it didn’t just fall, but something spilled or crumbled, for example, it turned over from a plate, then the guest goes for specific help.

5. If the spoon has fallen to the floor and lies with the concave side up, the woman will ask you for something - maybe she will ask you to lend money, or something else.

6. Why does the fork fall from the table? This is also a sign that a guest will come, namely a woman, but she is unpleasant to you, or harbors some bad intentions. Here the sign says that this woman is a gossip, a liar, or simply has an unkind attitude towards you.

7. If the fork falls right out of your hands, it means bad luck.

8. Why does the knife fall? It is not difficult to guess that this sign foreshadows the arrival of a man in your home.

9. If the knife falls with its tip in your direction, an ill-wisher will come, an unpleasant person who does not treat you in the best way. Conflict or unpleasant communication is possible.

10. If the tip of the knife is facing to the side, then the person is pleasant, treats you well, and comes to you with good intentions.

11. It happens, although rarely, that a knife falls and sticks its tip into the floor. This means a visit from an unfamiliar man.

12. If an extra utensil - a spoon or fork - is suddenly found on the table, this means that someone in the house is very hungry. Feed everyone so that there are no dissatisfied or hungry people left! And it is customary not to remove extra utensils from the table until the end of the meal.

13. If you want the omen to work and the guest to come to you, carefully lift fallen device, and place it on the table. The sign does not recommend washing or wiping it. If you like the guest and you don’t mind the visit, do it.

14. And if you don’t want to meet anyone, or you know that an unpleasant person is heading towards you, take the fallen object and knock it on the edge of the table three times, saying: “Stay at home!” This little ritual will save you from uninvited guests, you can rest assured.

15. It is important not to swear when the device falls - this will anger your defender, and higher powers will be unhappy.

Whether to believe in such signs is up to you, but you should understand that it is not without reason that people believe and keep these superstitions for many centuries - this already says something. Believe in good omens, do not be afraid of anything and control your own destiny.
Author: Vasilina Serova

Today, cutlery is perceived as an absolutely familiar part of everyday life. But there are a lot of signs associated with spoons, which will not hurt each of us to know.

If the spoon falls, it means guests. When a visit is completely inopportune, you need to knock it on the floor.

According to signs about a spoon it is considered, that this will either turn uninvited visitors out of the way altogether, or delay an unwanted meeting.

Why drink from a mug without removing the spoon?

They say you can't drink tea with a spoon in the cup. What's the matter? In the rules of etiquette?

Our ancestors believed that through cutlery a prepared drink could get into evil spirits. Therefore, there was a popular belief that if the spoon is not removed from the cup, then the negativity will transfer to the person who drinks it.

There is also a superstition - if you bang a spoon on the table, you can cause a quarrel. This will be a conflict with the closest people, and quite serious.

By folk signs Anyone who constantly leaves a spoon in a mug or cup will not have success in business until they wean themselves from this habit.

What if unmarried girl If she does this, she won’t see marriage in the coming years.

Find a spoon - signs

Finding a spoon can be both a good and a bad omen.

Finding a spoon in unexpected place, you can count on material goods. It won't be big win into the lottery, but you can count on an increase in wages.

If you find two spoons, especially tea spoons, this is a sign of starting a family.

To the one who found a silver spoon, you can count on prosperity in business and a quick resolution of financial problems.

However, these signs come true if the spoon found is intact and looks good.

Dirty, let alone broken, cutlery should not be lifted under any circumstances. This is a sign of troubles and misfortunes.