Parables of King Solomon - an appeal to descendants. Wise sayings of King Solomon that are worth knowing Message wisdom of King Solomon


30 Wise Thoughts of King Solomon.In History Jewish people there is a man whose wisdom has been admired for many centuries. He, like no one else, led the Israeli state to the highest prosperity. We have prepared for you 30 Wise Thoughts of King Solomon, which will amaze you with their wisdom and depth of understanding of human nature. 30 Wise Thoughts of the King:

There is an hour for everything and a time for every work under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die. A time to destroy and a time to build. A time to scatter stones and a time to stack stones. A time to be silent and a time to speak.

  • And a fool, when silent, may seem wise.
  • I promised - fulfill it! It is better not to promise than to promise and not fulfill.

It is better to be together than alone, because if they fall, they will lift each other up, but woe if one falls and there is no other to lift him, and even if two are lying down, they are warm, but how can one keep warm?

  • Do not hastily enter into litigation: otherwise, what will you do at the end, when your opponent disgraces you?

Like a broken tooth and a weakened leg, so is the hope of an unreliable [person] in the day of disaster.

A wise wife builds her house, but a foolish woman destroys it with her own hands.

I saw: there is no greater good than to rejoice in one’s deeds, for this is man’s lot, for who will bring him to see what will happen next?

  • Whoever digs a hole will fall into it, and whoever rolls up a stone will return to him.

There is no man who has power over the wind, and there is no power over the hour of death, and there is no leave in war, and the wickedness of the wicked will not save him.

The wise are silent, so fools can pass for wise if they remain silent.

  • He who is patient is better than the brave, and he who controls himself is better than the conqueror of a city.
  • Riches will not help you in the day of wrath, but truth will save you from death.

What gold ring in the nose of a pig, then the woman is beautiful and reckless.

The prudent see the trouble and take refuge, but the inexperienced go forward and are punished.

The main thing is wisdom: acquire wisdom and with all your possessions acquire understanding.

  • Anger is cruel, rage is indomitable; but who can resist jealousy?
  • Others pour generously, and more is added to him; and the other is extremely thrifty, and yet becomes poor.

And when you laugh, sometimes your heart hurts, and the end of joy is sadness.

Wisdom is more useful than stupidity, just as light is more useful than darkness. But the same fate befalls both the wise and the foolish.

Solomon (983-931 BC) reigned 969-931. BC e. Artist P. Berruguete. 1500

The wisest Solomon, the son of the Israeli king David and Bathsheba, was the third king of Israel. Under him the united Kingdom of Israel reached its peak. It is believed that Solomon was not only a ruler and judge, but also an outstanding poet. He is considered the author of the Book of Ecclesiastes, the Song of Solomon, and the Book of Proverbs of Solomon. During his reign, a famous temple- the main shrine of the Jews, where the Ark of the Covenant was kept.

His Hebrew name is Shlomo, which comes from the word “shalom,” which means “peace.”

There is no information about Solomon's childhood and youth. When the aged King David felt unwell, he decided to transfer the throne to Solomon, bypassing his eldest son, Solomon's half-brother, Adonijah, who considered himself the only heir. This news aroused in his soul a burning hatred for Solomon. Adonijah was not going to obey younger brother and, having obtained support from some priests and military leaders, he planned to eliminate him.

Adonijah gathered 50 chariots and prepared to independently carry out the procedure for his wedding to the kingdom. Solomon's mother Bathsheba found out about this and told David. The weakened King David had to anoint Solomon as quickly as possible and proclaim him king. With the sound of trumpets, with the exclamations of the gathered people: “Long live King Solomon!” young Solomon was proclaimed king of Israel.

But Adonijah did not calm down. He started new plan displacing a successful opponent. King David was already dead. King Solomon is young and inexperienced. With the support of his friends, Adonijah decided to marry... David's widow, one of his ex-wives. He asked the young king for permission for this marriage. Wise Solomon immediately understood the treachery of his elder brother. By marrying the widow of the deceased king, he received the right to inheritance, the right to the throne... Solomon did not like such an intrigue and, in order to preserve his legal rights to the throne, he ordered his servants to kill his half-brother... Having dealt with his brother and all the people who supported him , Solomon began to rule alone, strengthening his power in every possible way.

Solomon was not a warrior. He did not learn to hold a weapon, did not participate in battles, and did not collect taxes. But he was smart enough to select loyal people who did it better than him and appoint them to the appropriate posts. He appointed Vanei, who was well versed in military affairs, as commander of the troops. The faithful high priests began to serve him - Zadok, Abiathar and Azariah, the experienced tax collector Adoniram, 12 governors reported to him about the situation in the lands.

Israel and Judah, united under his rule, occupied a considerable territory. And the young king had to maintain the unity of the people, prove that he was the most just and wise ruler who wished only good for his people. He made several sacrifices, arranged a great treat for the people, and was going to end the centuries-old enmity with the Egyptians. No one could tell him how to do this.

The well-known parable is reflected about how King Solomon judged two women who were arguing about who owned a living child.

Solomon made an unexpected wise move - he took his daughter to play the role of his first wife Egyptian pharaoh. It was against the law, but he did it for the peace and prosperity of his people. Solomon brought the daughter of the Egyptian king, the eternal enemy of the Israeli king, into his home. The people solemnly celebrated this event. Now there was no need to fear an attack from Egypt.

Solomon traded successfully. Merchants from Egypt, Syria, Babylon and even India brought various goods to Jerusalem. He had two fleets: one in the Mediterranean Sea, the other in the Indian Ocean. They brought him gold, silver, ivory, and various jewelry. All these riches overflowed the storerooms of Solomon's palace in Jerusalem. And he ordered the creation of trading warehouses in Baalbek on Palmyra, where gold, silver, precious stones, and jewelry began to be brought on elephants and mules. There was so much gold that Solomon, who was building a temple in Jerusalem, wanted to decorate its walls with gold plates. As contemporaries reported, this precious metal mined for Solomon in Ophir, a mysterious country that is not on any map. Only in our time, Ophir received the name “King Solomon’s Mines,” and the country was located, presumably, on the territory of what is now Saudi Arabia.

Solomon did not deny himself anything. He had 700 wives, 300 concubines, and more and more girls were brought to him as gifts. Solomon chose beautiful people with whom it was pleasant to talk.

The fame of the wisdom and wealth of the Israeli king spread throughout the world. Many merchants and rulers of different lands wanted to see this man and listen to his statements. The famous Queen of Sheba came to him from distant Ethiopia, called in ancient times Abyssinia, located on the shores of the Red Sea. She brought various gifts, including 120 talents of silver, many carpets, and precious stones. Solomon talked with her, guessed her riddles. The Queen of Sheba left, pleased with the conversation.

Many people came to Jerusalem almost every day with various gifts. They brought gold and silver vessels, military supplies, expensive woven clothes, brought horses decorated with expensive harnesses, mules, African elephants, and gave various spices and incense. The king also did not skimp, his servants slaughtered sheep and oxen, fed and watered the guests until they dropped.

And yet, at the same time, Solomon never forgot about his main goal - to build a majestic temple in Jerusalem on Mount Moriah as a symbol and place of unification of the entire Jewish people. Its construction lasted 7 years (according to other sources, 16). It became part of the royal palace complex and towered above all the buildings surrounding it.

The Phoenician architect Hiram, who designed the temple, lined its outer walls with white stone, possibly marble, which made it seem luminous and clearly visible even in the dark. The inside of the temple was decorated with cedar and other valuable types of wood. Everything around glittered with gold. Religious objects were kept in the temple: the Ark of the Covenant with tablets

of the Covenant, the great altar for burnt offerings, the golden altar for burning incense, and the golden Menorah, the candlestick that illuminated the temple.

During the peaceful years of Solomon's reign, the temple building became the central sanctuary for the peoples of Israel and Judah. But Solomon was getting old, he could no longer rule as before, his enemies were only waiting for his death. He died, according to some sources, at 52 years old. According to legend, this happened while he was sitting in a chair and watching the construction of a new altar. They did not bury him immediately, as they feared that he had fallen into a lethargic sleep. It was only when the worms began to sharpen his staff that he was declared dead and buried with the honors befitting a king.

Book of Wisdom

There are three books in the Bible that are called books of wisdom and they talk about wisdom: the Book of the Proverbs of Solomon, the Book of Ecclesiastes and the Book of Job. All books of wisdom are special and edifying. I love the book of Proverbs of Solomon. I re-read this book at every opportunity to gain wisdom and act prudently and wisely. Some theologians call Wisdom in the Proverbs of Solomon a young teacher. She teaches how to live successfully and blessedly in this world. The book reveals three thousand of Solomon's wisest sayings and 1005 songs (1 Kings 4:32). Macdonald's comments use an interesting quote from Derek Kidner about the essence of this book: “This is not a portrait album or a book of manners: it offers us the key to life. The examples of behavior that she demonstrates are assessed by one criterion, which can be summarized by the question: “Is this wisdom or foolishness?” If you are interested in wisdom, then the Proverbs of Solomon is just the book that will make you wise in this world.

Who is the author?

The primary author of this book is Solomon, the wisest king who ever reigned on earth (1:1; 10:1; 25:1). Some of the chapters are written by Agur (30:1) and Lemuel (31:1). The following is written about the wisdom of Solomon: “And God gave Solomon wisdom and great great mind, and a vast mind, like sand on the seashore. And the wisdom of Solomon was greater than the wisdom of all the sons of the east and all the wisdom of the Egyptians. He was wiser than all men…” (1 Kings 4:29-31). There are opinions that kings Agur and Lemuel are pseudonyms for Solomon. The parables, collected in a separate book, are Solomon’s general observations of how people’s lives on earth work. But, of course, there are exceptions.

Purpose of writing

The purpose of writing the Book of Proverbs - open and clear - is to teach wisdom and live wisely. The book of Proverbs consists mainly of proverbs, aphorisms, wise parables and poetry. Hebrew name books – Mishley (plural of mashal). In essence, this means “parables”, “comparisons”, “metaphorical speech”, i.e. a visual representation of life rules through comparisons and examples from everyday reality. The key theme is the wisdom of God's people. The key personalities are Solomon, Agur and Lemuel. Unfortunately, the exact time when this book was written is unknown. There are suggestions that the first 24 chapters were written in the days of Hezekiah. In 25:1, we learn that Hezekiah's men added further chapters: " And these are the parables of Solomon, which the men of Hezekiah king of Judah collected." the final edition of this book appeared no earlier than 700 BC. Solomon's original sayings may date back to 900 BC.

Key Verses

There are so many amazing poems in this book that it is difficult to select which of the 31 chapters of this book are key. I suggest some of them.

Proverbs 9:10 “The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”.

Proverbs 3:5 « Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. . »

Proverbs 4:23 « Guard your heart above all else, for from it are the sources of life.”

Proverbs 16:5 « Commit your deeds to the Lord, and your undertakings will be accomplished.”

Proverbs 22:6 « Instruct a young man at the beginning of his path: he will not deviate from it when he is old.»

Proverbs 30:5 "Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who trust in Him.»


The book of Solomon's Proverbs characterizes the acquisition and preservation of wisdom: the path to wisdom, calls and warnings to young people and old people, the beginning of wisdom, warnings against foolishness. Knowledge is just a collection various facts, but wisdom is the ability to see people, actions and situations as God sees them. Just as Solomon asked for nothing other than wisdom, God granted his request far beyond his imagination and thoughts. He became the wisest man who ever lived on earth. “ The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” (9:10). In principle for successful life on earth you need to follow two principles: to honor God in awe of Him and to understand people. Solomon reveals to us three types of people: naive, wise and foolish. By studying and acquiring wisdom, we will learn to discern the characters of people. This means you can figure out how to behave with them in time. With the wise it is easy and interesting. With stupid people - beware of their stupidity and not follow stupid example, advice, or action. With the naive - with sympathy and understanding. The world is in desperate need of acquiring wisdom. But only in Christ can we find the right answer. He reveals and gives us His wisdom, which leads to life and prosperity. His wisdom is redemption from death and destruction. “ Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths ” (Proverbs 3:5-6). Solomon's parables are divided into the most different topics: About the Lord, about wealth, about success, about raising children, about marriage, about family, about women, about the wicked, about the righteous, about prosperity, about reputation, about pride, about humility, and of course, about wisdom and foolishness . Chapters 1-9 are written by a father instructing his young son. Chapters 10-29 form the main part and are a collection of parables addressed to various areas life as general education. The last two chapters are written by Agur and Lemuel. As mentioned above, these people may have been pseudonyms of Solomon. It is clear that Agur and Lemuel also feared God and these chapters complement the wise advice to the remaining chapters and the book of Proverbs as a whole.

How to put wisdom into practice?

The wisest book of the Proverbs of Solomon, written more than three thousand years ago, contains a priceless treasure of wisdom for all generations on earth throughout all past, present and subsequent centuries. Once at work, approaching a colleague, I said how over the years I feel that my soul does not age. He replied: “That’s how it is with you. And I feel old.” “In that case, you gain wisdom,” I answered. "Not really! What are you saying? I still do so many stupid things. There can be no talk of any wisdom,” the colleague objected. I tried to convince him. It was no use. Then I thought how, by rejecting God, a person voluntarily rejects God’s wisdom. What a pity! But God offers wisdom to everyone! Scripture says simply and clearly: “ If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to everyone generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask with faith, without any doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, lifted and tossed by the wind. Let such a person not think of receiving anything from the Lord"(James 1:5-7). King Solomon did not ask God for anything other than wisdom. This request pleased God and He rewarded the young King Solomon with wisdom. What about you? Do you want to be wise? Perhaps, like my colleague, reject wisdom voluntarily. Still, I invite you to look at some pearls of God's wisdom in the parables of Solomon.

  1. Learn the golden rules of behavior and manners. Be wise. Be decent. Simple and accessible. Study exactly God's commandments in the Bible. Follow Solomon's advice. Devote a lot of time to study the Holy Scriptures for this purpose. “Learn the rules of prudence, justice, justice and righteousness”(Proverbs 1:3)
  1. With God is the beginning of wisdom. God-fearing reverence for the all-wise God is wisdom. Recognize His power and greatness in your daily personal life. Solomon explains beautifully how to obtain wisdom from God. In sincere prayer, ask God for wisdom. He will answer you via Scripture, through God's revelation from above or through the instructions of older brothers and sisters in Christ. The right choice in life - depends on your decision. “The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord; [good understanding of all who are led by him; and reverence for God is the beginning of understanding; fools only despise wisdom and instruction.”(Proverbs 1:7)
  1. Learn how to properly manage your property. Listen to Solomon's advice. Trust the Lord with what He gives us. Distribute part of your wealth to Him and it will be a great blessing. “Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your harvests” (Proverbs 3:9).
  1. Acquiring wisdom is the greatest achievement in every person's life. He is a wise man who has dedicated his life to the Lord. The Lord is our protection from all kinds of evil and at all times. « Acquire wisdom, acquire understanding; do not forget my words and do not deviate from them. Don't abandon wisdom and it will protect you ." (Proverbs 4:5-6) .

  1. The most important wealth in life is caring for the purity of the heart. This will lead to prosperity. “Keep your heart above all else, for from it are the springs of life” (Proverbs 5:23) .
  1. Many parables talk about the importance of children’s obedience to their parents, vigilance, prudence, knowledge, and protecting oneself from immorality. : “My son! Hearken unto my wisdom, and incline thine ear to my understanding, that ye may preserve prudence, and that thy lips may preserve knowledge.” (Proverbs 5:1-2). “My son! Keep your father’s commandment and do not forsake your mother’s instruction” (Proverbs 6:20). “My son! Keep my words and hide my commandments with you. So that they may protect you from another’s wife, from a stranger who softens her words...” (Proverbs 7:1,5) .
  1. Acquiring and studying Wisdom above all earthly treasures, above gold and silver and others most precious stones. Wisdom contains the meaning of life and life itself. “Accept my teaching, and not silver; knowledge is better than choice gold; For wisdom is better than pearls, and nothing you desire can compare with it...” (Proverbs 8:10-11).
  1. Wisdom is not verbose and edifying. There is always something to learn. “There is no avoiding sin in speaking too much, but he who restrains his lips is wise.” (Proverbs 10:19)
  1. Do you want to have a blessed family? Study Solomon's parables carefully before and after marriage. You will gain wisdom and invaluable advice: “A wise woman will build her house, but a foolish woman will destroy it with her own hands.” (Proverbs 14:1) “Who will find a virtuous wife? Its price is higher than pearls.” (Proverbs 31:10)

Read the Bible, meditate on God's commandments, parables and wise advice Solomon, be wise and prudent in God!

King Solomon - the wisest man of its time. He was pleasing to God, and the Almighty wanted to reward him with whatever he wanted. Solomon asked for wisdom, and with it he received wealth, fame and success.

Solomon willingly shared his wisdom in the books “Proverbs” and “Ecclesiastes.” What does it say there about human intelligence and stupidity? King Solomon carefully observed people and deduced the signs inherent in people who were smart and not so smart. What are they?

Parents' attitude

The wise son is the joy of his father, and a stupid son means grief to his mother.
Proverbs 10:1

Smart people make their parents happy, arouse admiration and pride. And a stupid person disgraces his mother and father by doing things that upset and upset.

Thoughtfulness and hard work

He who gathers fruit in summer is a wise son, but he who sleeps at harvest time is a dissolute son.
Proverbs 10:5

Smart man takes advantage of opportunities, sparing no time and effort, because he analyzes the future profits and benefits of the business. A stupid person is lazy, does not show initiative and misses the chances that life gives, afraid to take risks and reach a new level.

Ability to hear

The wise in heart listens to commands, and the talkative fool will be ruined.
Proverbs 10:8

Heeder of instruction – on ways of life, but he who does not listen to reproach goes astray.
Proverbs 10:17

An intelligent person listens and hears what is said to him. He especially listens to sound criticism and advice, wanting to improve. A stupid person talks a lot, always thinks he is right, but, as a rule, is unsuccessful in many matters. It brings more destruction than edification.

Words and conversations

The mouth of the righteous is the source of life, but the lips of the wicked conceal violence.
Proverbs 10:11
The sages preserve knowledge but the lips of a fool bring destruction closer.
Proverbs 10:14
The tongue of the righteous is choice silver, but the mind of the wicked is worthless. The mouth of the righteous feeds many, and fools die from lack of intelligence.
Proverbs 10:20-21

Their words say a lot about people, because this is what fills the heart!

Smart people inspire others, support them, instill faith in the best and bring peace. Stupid people are cruel in their words, they can be rude, shout, bring discord and war wherever they are. It’s hard to be around them, in a family or group.

Attitude to the law

It is a fool's sport to act wickedly,and wisdom is the joy of the wise.
Proverbs 10:23

A stupid person can playfully violate the law or some human postulates. For him, revenge, betrayal, and anger are in the order of things, and it’s as if the advice doesn’t torment him at all (although deep down it probably torments him, but he simply drowns it out).

An intelligent person tries to do good to people and to business, and this brings him joy.

What's the result?

Whatever frightens the wicked will befall them, and the desires of the righteous will be fulfilled. A storm will pass - and there will be no wicked, but the righteous will endure forever.
Proverbs 10: 24:25

Stupidity and wickedness go side by side. Such people are full of cruelty and evil, and often what they fear is what happens. Simply because they constantly think and talk about it. The storm comes and breaks their entire “structure”, based on their own righteousness and pride.

Smart people strive for righteousness before people and God. They want to do what is good, and the desires of such people are fulfilled. They are successful and positive. And in moments of difficult circumstances they do not break, but become even stronger! Simply because by comprehending Divine wisdom, they comprehend art happy life which God has ordained.

These are not all the signs of wisdom and stupidity from King Solomon, but they are things that each of us can practice today!

Do you want to know more about the wisdom of Solomon? Read the book by Yitzhak Pintosevich “This is the whole man” - extended comments on the book “Kohelet” (“Ecclesiastes”). It's deep and incredible wise sayings about the earthly and spiritual, supported modern look and practical tasks from Isaac. You will learn who a person is, what his soul needs, and how to build your life the way God wants.

The parables of King Solomon are written as an appeal from a father teaching his son the wisdom of life, what actions can be considered pleasing to God, and which ones are bad. Instruction to the son, as the heir, the person dearest to the real father, is conquered with his love and care. No one can blame a parent for moral teachings, observing which he darling son will achieve human respect and God's blessing.

The Proverbs of Solomon are combined into 31 chapters, which list every conceivable situation in life and give advice on how best to act in each case. But if we consider them as a whole, the meaning of the instructions is similar to God’s 10 commandments, which must be observed by everyone who wants to live in peace and prosperity.

Solomon's advice can be downloaded on the Internet for free so that you can listen and study it at home without interference. Also, numerous sites offer to study the Bible online, helping to clarify unclear passages. Priests who interpret biblical texts help beginners and those simply interested in religion to pass through their hearts and souls holy book so that there are no omissions or understatements left.

Solomon means peace-loving. During the 40 years of his reign, Solomon did not enter into a single serious war, living up to his name. The country, under the leadership of a wise king, reached prosperity and wealth. There were legends about Solomon's wisdom: all the people who could not solve their problems on their own turned to the wise king for help, and everyone agreed with the king's decision.

What do the parables of the king of Israel teach?

The parables of Solomon are the result of his life experience, which he passes on not only to his heir, but to all people who want to live in peace and harmony with their conscience. The fear of the Lord, which many readers of Solomon's parables take literally, means respect and veneration for the Divine covenant about how all people on earth should live.

The Book of Solomon's Proverbs is still relevant today. With the development of the Internet, you can read the instructions of the ancient king yourself online or download a video to your computer or disk. Many Christian sites make it possible to listen to the wise commandments of Solomon online.

Historically, no confirmation of Solomon's life in reality has been found. All information about the third king of Israel is taken from the Bible. It is believed that King Solomon built Jerusalem Temple, unprecedented beauty and splendor.

The Legend of King Solomon

God gave Solomon a ring with which a person gains power over demons. Solomon managed to neutralize all the demons so that they could not interfere with the construction of the Temple, which his father David did not have time to complete. But main demon King Asmodeus did not obey the will of Solomon, who could not understand the origins of the demon's power.

Through deception and cunning, Solomon managed to lure Asmodeus into a trap and take him prisoner. The king settled the demon in the garden, entangling him with a chain engraved with the name of God. Asmodeus could not escape and carried out all the orders of Solomon, obeying the ring with the divine seal. The demon was forced to give up his witchcraft book and tell the secret of the worm Shamir, which could grind a stone of any size and was used in the construction of the Temple.

But King Solomon was overcome by curiosity about what power the demon had and what was its reason. For revealing the secret, the ruler of Israel threw off the chain from the demon and took his ring off his finger. At the same moment Asmodeus became of gigantic proportions, connecting with his wings God's peace and the underworld. He tore the ring of God from the hands of Solomon and threw it into the sea, and threw the king himself into a distant country. He himself took on the appearance of Solomon and began to rule in his place in Jerusalem.

Solomon wandered for 3 long years in a foreign country, without renouncing God, accepting the well-deserved punishment for excessive pride, self-confidence, and curiosity. But one day he found his ring in the belly of a fish and was able to return to the palace. Asmodeus disappeared at that very moment, and Solomon began to rule Israel again. But he forever remembered his misadventures and drew conclusions so as not to make mistakes in the future.

Teaching his son and everyone who reads the parables of the wise king, Solomon warns future generations against the machinations evil demons. Only in the name of God can one conquer one’s passions, ultimately winning victory over the machinations of the Prince of Darkness.
The Book of Solomon's Proverbs teaches those living to listen to their inner voice before acting rashly, regretting later the unrighteous act.

Solomon's moral teaching is divided into several topics, dealing with the education of young people, mature men, women, and rulers. Parables are similar to poems about the moral character of people living on earth, interpreting how a person who believes in God should act in a given case.

After the death of the king, numerous stories about Solomon’s wisdom and his resolution of difficult everyday situations spread among the people. Now it is difficult to distinguish between the imagination of the people and what really happened, but the story of the ring is one of the most famous legends about Solomon.

Nowadays, Solomon’s advice is set to music; the chant can be watched on video clips, listened to via a player, or downloaded to your disk.

Legend of Solomon's Ring

The parable of Solomon and his ring is presented on the Internet in several versions that you can read or listen to online. Those who wish can also download information from the Orthodox website.

The legend tells of a terrible famine in the country ruled by Solomon. Seeing people die cruel deaths, the king began to sell gold and jewelry to buy provisions and save his people. Seeing the senselessness of his actions, the king turned to the priest with a request to help him. The priest gave a ring, which in ancient times was considered a symbol of power, magic sign infinity and unity. The priest advised the young king to keep this ring with him at all times and in moments of emotional excitement simply hold it in his hands.

Arriving home, Solomon examined the inscription on the outside of the ring, made on ancient language, which, however, Solomon understood: “Everything will pass.” At that moment, the young ruler understood the hidden meaning of the phrase and acquired the calmness that is so necessary when solving matters of national importance. Without a doubt, wisdom prevailed, and Solomon made the only decision possible in this situation.

Years passed, the king married and raised children. He always carried the ring with him as a faithful adviser. But one day the premature death of his beloved unsettled him. And the words that everything would pass caused protest and indignation. With rage, the king threw the ring, but managed to see inside another inscription that I had not seen before: “this too shall pass.”

It took a long time before King Solomon grew old. On his deathbed, both inscriptions on the ring no longer consoled him. Before death, it’s time to take stock of the life we ​​lived, what we were able to achieve, and what everyone leaves to their descendants. To the astonishment of the king, another phrase was found on the edge of the ring: “nothing passes.”

Each person, having lived life, leaves a mark on it. But bad or good depends on what a person did during his lifetime, and what words his descendants will remember.

The story can be watched on video online on the Internet and downloaded. You can also listen to this and other parables about King Solomon on Christian sites.

According to legend, King Solomon was buried with his ring. Many treasure hunters want to find a royal attribute, attributing to the ring magical power and power. But where is the burial place of the wise king, no one knows.

The Legend of the Real Mother

Another life situation that Solomon supposedly judged, a story about a child. The story can be easily downloaded on the Internet for free, read or watch it online.

Two women came to Solomon with a request to find out whose child was left to live. The women gave birth 3 days apart, but one of them accidentally crushed the baby in her sleep. Without thinking twice, the woman replaced the baby. When the second mother decided to feed the child in the morning, she saw that the baby was dead and did not belong to her. Disputes over whose child died led nowhere. It came to a fight, but none of the women wanted to retreat.

The royal decision horrified one of the women in labor - the king ordered to bring a sword and, having cut the living baby in half, give the halves to both contenders so that no one would be offended.

The true mother fell at the feet of the ruler and begged to give the child to her neighbor, saving the baby’s life. The second woman was satisfied with the king's decision and agreed to accept half of the child, knowing that her baby was already dead.
Solomon recognized the right of a real mother to a child - a natural mother will do everything for her child to live, even with a strange woman.

You can watch the story online on the Internet via video, or download it to your computer and listen carefully at home. All the stories about Solomon amaze with the justice of the decision, regardless of financial situation, the official rank of the petitioners.

Perjury is a great sin and sooner or later it becomes obvious. Therefore, it is recommended to tell the truth in any situation so as not to be branded a liar among the people around you.

The legend of choice

One day, a certain man came to King Solomon for advice: what to do if everyone’s life was facing important choice, a person cannot sleep peacefully because he constantly thinks how to choose the right decision. The fear of making mistakes robs him of peace and sleep. And the more he thinks, the more more doubts causes him to make an upcoming decision.

Solomon asked a visitor what he would do if he saw a child drowning in a river? He would rush to save someone else’s baby or pass by, justifying his action that he still wouldn’t have time to help the baby.

The visitor, without a shadow of a doubt and without hesitation, answered that no matter what, he would immediately rush to save the child from water captivity.

The king asked whether the decision to save the child would have changed if the event had happened yesterday or in the future. Having received a negative answer, Solomon said that a person chooses the only correct decision situationally. Therefore, he does not have to worry about whether he is doing the right thing. As long as his actions are consistent with his conscience and God’s teaching, a person has only one option for actions - the true and correct one. Therefore, there is no choice as such.

However, in affection for another person, you should act according to your heart. And the choice will appear only when a person changes - different habits, different priorities.

The visitor went home reassured and no longer suffered from insomnia.
Many people spend a painfully long time thinking about what to do in this or that life situation. Meanwhile, the right decision depends on the moral values ​​professed by each citizen. And a person acts according to his education and upbringing, on a subconscious level, separating good and evil.

They say that God once dreamed of Solomon and asked him about himself. cherished desire, promising to fulfill it immediately. King of the Jews asked the Lord to give him intelligence and wisdom to rule the country. The wish was fulfilled, and the fame of the wisest ruler spread throughout different countries.

Later, Solomon learned to understand the language of animals and birds, to speak with animals living on land and in water. This knowledge was reflected in the stories about King Solomon, which were passed on from mouth to mouth. Today these stories can be downloaded on the Internet for free.

About the Snake and the Peasant

God entrusted the Snake with keeping the treasure, commanding him to sting the heel of everyone who encroaches on the treasure. But it so happened that there was a drought, the snake was dying of thirst. At this time, a man passed by with a jug of milk. The snake asked for a drink and promised to tell him where the treasure was hidden as a reward.

The peasant gave her milk to drink, and she showed her the stone under which the treasure was hidden. But when the man wanted to take away the treasures, the Snake remembered its purpose - to guard the treasures - and wrapped itself around the neck of the benefactor.

The peasant was indignant and offered to go to court to King Solomon so that he could determine which of them was right. The snake agreed, but did not get off his neck. So they came to Solomon.

Solomon forced the Snake to get off the peasant’s neck because the king must punish first, and only then his subjects solve problems among themselves.

The snake climbed off his neck, and the king, meanwhile, did not stop listening carefully to the story of their meeting and further actions. In response to the Snake’s words about the need to bite everyone who covets the treasure entrusted to it, Solomon said that every person, when meeting a snake, should break its head. At this saying, the peasant grabbed a stone and crushed the head of the insidious snake.

This story gave rise to the saying: “Break the head of the best of snakes.” The parable teaches us to respect the agreement and, if we had to break our obligations, we should not be cunning and shift the blame onto another, subjecting the innocent to punishment.
You can download these and other parables for free about the wise decision of the king of Israel, making you believe in the justice of the judge’s verdict.

How Solomon's parables are useful today

These and other stories highlight the moral high ground of King Solomon. Before putting his instructions to future generations on paper, the ruler himself suffered and understood God’s commandments, why in some situations one should act this way and in others differently. And therefore, the parables of Solomon cannot be considered as empty moral teachings. Only great love and concern for future generations of his heirs could push a person to write such a work.

A person is not immune from errors in judgment and behavior, but it is better to listen to the advice of the older generation than to fill one's teeth by testing the veracity of Solomon's teachings.

Numerous sites on the Internet help anyone who wants to develop spiritually to study the Bible. You can listen to the interpretation of learned theologians on individual chapters of Solomon’s parables, you can download material for self-study, listen to or read the text online in your free time.

The Book of Solomon's Proverbs is a vivid example of the wise attitude of a ruler - a father - towards his people in the present and future.