Predicts the future. Social forecasting of the future

Colin Wilson, in his book on the occult, talks about a man living in India who walked along a muddy path to the river every day to swim. One day, returning home, he noticed that in one place his footprints were moving to the side: for some reason, at a certain moment, he began to walk along the other side of the road. He couldn't understand why. Why exactly at this moment did he switch sides? He stopped and began to examine the tracks. Suddenly he noticed huge tiger tracks in the bushes. They were exactly in the place where he would have passed if he had not crossed to the other side. Most likely, subconsciously he sensed danger and walked around the tiger, saving his life. Coincidence or predictive power? You too can develop your psychic abilities and apply them in life.


Development of psychic abilities

    Understand the difference between premonition, foresight and prophecy. When it comes to predicting the future, it immediately comes up large number different terms that are easy to get confused. Find out what this or that word means, and this will make your task easier and make the whole process of prediction more interesting.

    • Foresight means knowledge of future events thanks to certain means of perceiving the world (for example, dreams). Most precognitions come in dreams, and events happen within 24-48 hours of waking up.
    • Premonition- this is a feeling that something is going to happen, but there is no clear understanding of what exactly. A person feels that doing one way or another will be right. Premonitions can be just as important as precognitions, and they are much more reliable.
    • Term prophecy used by the ancient Greeks to describe the sense of time, with the belief that the future was predetermined and could not change. Prophecy is the knowledge of future events that are certain to happen and there can be no doubt about it. The prophecy means that there are no other options for the development of the future.
  1. Start practicing deep meditation. Research has proven that a person uses only a tiny part of the brain's capabilities. But are dormant abilities really impossible to use? This is not always the case. You can train your subconscious by doing rough meditation, which allows the subconscious to take over the conscious. This is how you can begin to predict the future.

    • Sit back in a room with soft natural light. Sit up straight, but in a comfortable way (preferably on the floor), relax and concentrate on your breathing. Feel the air entering your lungs. Exhale. Imagine how oxygen saturates your body, and then the air returns outside again. Think only about breathing, nothing else.
    • Gradually begin to relax your body while continuing to breathe. With each inhalation, concentrate on relaxing, say, one arm. Feel the breath moving through your hand and relax it. Then move to the second arm, to the chest and to the rest of the body. Calm your mind. Concentrate on relaxation.
  2. Gradually enter a trance and immerse yourself in it as deeply as possible. There are no special secrets in meditation. Zazen (meditation practiced by Zen monks) roughly translates to “just sitting.” The purpose of meditation is inaction, which allows the subconscious to come out and gives a person psychic abilities. Having learned to do this, you will be able to see many more signs and omens, which will make it much easier to predict the future.

    • As the trance deepens, you will begin to lose track of time. Your conscious mind will calm down and your subconscious mind will become more receptive. Some people at this moment imagine themselves climbing or descending a ladder or entering a cave, which symbolizes the descent into the unconscious and entering a trance.
  3. Start using the ability to meditate in your everyday life. Once you have learned to go into trance and engage in deep meditation, stop trying to make things happen - instead, let them happen. Pay attention to the images that arise during meditation, and then look for them in real life. Memorize the faces and people you see in trance and observe them after you wake up. It is quite possible that you were visited by foresight.

    • Use all your senses. This may seem stupid, but still try to imagine that your body is one big eye, which collects information all the time. Air temperature, smells and even feelings can be signs pointing to the future. If you feel uneasy when you see an owl, and this has never happened before, consider this sign to be important. If you feel cold every time you hear the same song, take it as an omen.
  4. Pay attention to symbols and signs. We are surrounded by many signs, but it is up to the individual whether to notice them or not. If you are lucky enough to have psychic and observational abilities, you will still need to put in a lot of effort to learn how to predict the future, but you will be better at it if you train yourself. To unlock your full potential, you should stop thinking that everything that happens is random, and start viewing all events as parts of one big plan.

    • Always pay attention to the moments when goosebumps run across your skin. If something happened that caused such feelings, put everything aside and think about it. What do you see? What scared you? What seems important?
    • Don't dismiss déjà vu. Have you ever had the feeling that something has already happened in the past, that everything seems strange and already known? Start looking closely at what bothers you about this situation. How do you feel? Where are you? What sensations did you awaken?
    • Pay special attention to coincidences. For example, you wake up in the morning and see a swarm of midges near your window, and then you go to a cafe, and the barista has a T-shirt with a picture of similar midges. Pure coincidence? Many people believe that there is no such thing as a coincidence, and that all that matters is that something happened. Consider coincidences as symbols, signs, omens, and not just coincidences.
  5. Analyze the symbols. Let's say that while meditating you saw a bunch of crabs drinking gasoline on the beach at night, and now you can't get rid of this image. Strange. What does this mean? For different people such an image may have different meaning, so you need to learn to read the symbols and transfer them to your own life so that they make some sense.

    • Think of it like analyzing a dream or a poem. The images may have evoked certain impressions, so start simple. Was the image positive or negative? Weak or strong? Did the action take place during the day or at night?
    • Analyze individual symbols that you regularly encounter in real life and during meditation. For example, crabs are an important image in predicting the future. They are found in some tarot card decks, as well as in the zodiac. This is a very important symbol.
    • If you speak English, read the Bible of Dreams. In it you will find a description of many images that appear in dreams. With this information you can begin to study dreams.
  6. Check out the mythology. If you know nothing at all about metaphysics, it will be difficult for you to predict the future. For those who seek to develop psychic abilities and learn to foresee future events, it is best to read and find out what the collective unconscious is, and also get acquainted with important myths and symbols of their culture.

    • Our understanding of consciousness and the connection between the conscious and subconscious has been influenced by great influence works of Carl Jung. In Joseph Campbell's book "The Hero and a Thousand Faces" one can trace similarities in myths different cultures, which suggests that symbols, signs and substitutions are somehow “built into” people.

    Dream Analysis

    1. Start keeping a dream journal. If you don't remember the dream, you won't be able to analyze it thoroughly. To make things easier for yourself, always keep a notepad and pen on your bedside table. As soon as you wake up, write down everything you saw in your dream. Try to record as many details as possible. Do this every morning after waking up, even if you are tired.

      • What did you see? Who was there? What smells, tastes, textures surrounded you? How did you feel emotionally? Was it a nightmare? Erotic dream? Just a pleasant dream?
      • First, write down the dialogue. This is often the first thing to be forgotten, so it would be a shame to forget something that could be important.
    2. Wake yourself up from time to time at night. If you don't remember your dreams, wake yourself up while you are still dreaming. Sleep interruptions are a great way to recognize symbols and remember all events.

      • Set your phone alarm to go off every three hours. This will allow you to get two full cycles REM sleep 90 minutes each. It will take you a minute or two to write down everything you saw in your dream, which means you'll get as much sleep as usual, but you'll also be able to record your dreams.
    3. Find symbols in dreams and determine their meaning. Treat dreams the same way you treat images you see during meditation: identify the symbols, bring them into your life, and figure out what meaning they want to convey to you.

      • Write down as many details as possible about each dream. Return to the image of crabs drinking gasoline on the beach. Crabs and gasoline look like important symbols, but it's also worth considering what sand, drinking, and other tactile and emotional elements of the imagery might mean. How did you feel when you saw this picture?
      • People are also symbols. If you dream that you are kissing your best friend, this does not mean that you are in love with your friend and you should start kissing. We dream about certain people because our subconscious gives these people symbolic meaning. Dreaming about kissing a friend may mean that you like a certain trait in that person's character that you would like to see in yourself.
    4. Match the symbols seen in the dream with real life and the future. There are common dream themes: for example, your teeth fall out, you fly, or you find yourself naked in the middle of a crowd of people. U similar dreams There are generally accepted decodings: you are emotionally exhausted, you strive for control or learn to cope with it, you are defenseless. However, you can make more complex connections to coincidences or events in your life. Use information obtained from dreams and psychic abilities to predict possible future developments.

      • If you're waiting for news after you've completed a job interview and you dream that you're flying high and out of control, you might interpret the sign as anxiety about success or the freedom it will give you. new job. And this may mean that you get this position.
      • Approach dream analysis soberly. If you dreamed that your friend died and was put in a coffin, this does not mean that your friend will actually die. Most likely, some chapter of this person's life is coming to an end, or your relationship will change in some way in the future. Relate the dream to what is happening in your life.
    5. Practice lucid dreaming and ask about the future. Some people who are good at this use lucid dreaming to directly ask questions about the future. If you can develop the ability to remain conscious and dream, try imagining a notepad or an oracle and asking them something about the future, such as: “Who will win the World Cup?” or "What are my chances of getting this job?" See what happens.

    Communicating with the Oracle

      Select a remedy. An oracle is a method, object or system that allows you to see the future. In order to establish a connection with the oracle, there is no need to climb a mystical mountain and call upon three goddesses with laurel wreaths and crystals. pure consciousness. Think of the oracle as a means of viewing the future. Oracles (from Latin - “to speak”) just make the task easier.

      • If you like unusual images and totemic symbols, choose Tarot cards. To get started with Tarot, learn to read from an experienced person who has been working with these cards for a long time. Then you can start studying various cards, as well as the role and history of Tarot in the culture of fortune telling.
      • If you prefer to meditate on stories and coincidences, pick up the Book of Changes and peer into its mysterious world.
      • If you enjoy deep meditation and love multi-meaning symbols, try learning to read your hand, crystal divination, or any other form of divination that will allow you to become an oracle yourself.
    1. Don't ask one-word questions. If you want the oracle to help you find out something about the future, ask questions that require detailed answers. This will help you interpret the characters received in response. It is important to ask a question that does not require a monosyllabic answer and is not too simple.

      • You can start with the following questions: “What should I pay attention to?”, “How should I feel about...?” or "What should I think about...?" Do not force the question into a narrow framework, let the oracle give you an accurate answer that you will need to interpret correctly.
      • The question "Will I get this job?" it will be incorrect if you decide to roll the dice or read the book of changes, since there cannot be a “yes” or “no” answer. Instead, ask what you need to do to get the job.
    2. Refer to Tarot cards. The Tarot deck consists of 78 cards, in which there are major and minor arcana, and reminds regular deck playing cards. There are four suits: wands, swords, cups and denarii. In addition, each card has an image that can be read in different ways. This is one of the most famous and multifunctional ways of predicting the future using symbols.

      • Most tarot card layouts tell entire stories that are built around the question asked. If you want to learn more about these cards, read about them online, buy a textbook, and start getting familiar with the deck.
    3. Ask questions to the book of changes. To work with the book, you can use coins, pieces of marble, stems, sticks, or any other computational methods that will lead to the drawing of a six-sided figure consisting of two characters. The figure will correspond to a specific entry in the book. Simply put, you need to roll the dice, ask a question and read a mysterious passage of text. If you like poetry, stories and meditation, you will love this method of predicting the future.

      As with shadow divination, observing figures in a mirrored surface allows one to see the symbols and interpret them.

    4. There are several good astrology sites that describe each sign in detail, but almost all of them ignore the Chinese zodiac.
    5. You can draw conclusions about a person's future behavior based on his past actions. If your friend rarely stays in a relationship for more than a month or two, you can assume that new guy unlikely to be with her for long.
    6. Almost all people express their thoughts in one way or another. If you pay attention to small clues, you will be able to figure out what will happen next. If your neighbor in a cafe keeps looking at his watch, you can assume that he is waiting for someone.
    7. Warnings

    • Predicting the future requires experience and involves a lot of mistakes and starting over. You will not always be able to make accurate predictions.

Long-term forecasts usually do not come true, in best case scenario The future can be predicted two to three years in advance, says Tallinn University professor Erik Turk. Despite this, large companies and government organizations order such studies and, on their basis, important decisions are often made, including new laws. “Theories and Practices” together with the “Open University” continue to talk about time in its various aspects and publish a summary of Turk’s lecture on predicting the future.

PhD, professor at Tallinn University, specialist in strategic management and forecasting

First, a few words about terminology. On my business card there is neither the word “futurology” nor the word “forecasting”, it says: “Strategy and the study of the future.” If you write in English, it looks a little different: future studies, plural. There is also future research, there is the word foresight (I tried to find out what it is called in Russian, but it is not translated, they just say - foresight). Indeed, when people ask me how I see, my frank answer is “I don’t know.” This is simply a philosophy of thinking: there are various possible alternative futures, and we can analyze what the prerequisites are for their occurrence. This is considered very important matter, large companies and government organizations pay for this.

In Estonia, foresight is carried out by the Institute for Future Studies, I was its director for a long time, now we work as a division of Tallinn University. The second center was created by the Estonian parliament - the Estonian Development Fund. Now there is a reorganization going on there, the functions of foresight are being transferred to the parliamentary apparatus, there will be an autonomous unit there. There is a good example - Finland. When a legislative act concerns complex problems issues that affect the long-term future, the topic is first developed in a special commission on foresight in parliament. They do the preliminary work to make the discussion more rational.

Let's say there are two possible futures. We can feel this future: under what conditions does it arise, what is the probability, etc. We can make some choices: we are oriented, for example, towards one model, which means the next question is what we should do now in the present, to increase the likelihood that the option that we consider the most profitable will come true.

As a professional, I know that complex long-term forecasts usually do not come true. You can forecast something for a while, and it depends on the economic cycle and the political cycle. At some stages you can make fairly accurate forecasts for two or three years, no more. But what can you do? You can build analyzes of various scenarios and try to gain certain knowledge through this analysis: what will work, what may not work, what dangers there are, what opportunities there are. And this work has real value.

Parliament of Estonia (Riigikogu) © Martin Dremljuga / ERR

Exploring the future is a game of balls. Eat possible worlds, there are probable worlds and desirable worlds. For example, in the circus, good specialists can juggle ten balls. This seems like an easy task: the point of this analysis is that we have a certain period of time (say until 2040) and we have three balls - three questions. The first is to say what is theoretically possible. This is usually pretty easy. The next question is whether this is likely. And the third question is how desirable this is. Is this really what we want? This is very difficult to determine because desires can change very quickly. Scenarios are always based on an analysis of these three things - is it possible, how likely is it and how desirable is it.

For example, is there a possibility that Russia will be in the European Union? We take some time horizon - say, in 20 years. Then I must say that in principle it is possible. The next question is how likely? Then I can answer that it is very unlikely. Another question is how desirable is this, how much do Russians want this, how much does the European Union want? And what will happen to this element over time: maybe they don’t want it now, but after a certain time they will.

We want people to be able to discuss different scenarios. Do not limit yourself to the fact that there is a computer and a computer model, some kind of quantitative result. It is important that people (such as decision makers or the general public) understand what these scenarios are about. Then we can operate with a fairly small number of alternative variables. We can say, for example, that we do not know what the relationship between East and West will be like when it comes to geopolitics. Maybe bad; maybe good - it makes sense to consider both scenarios, at least two options. But we cannot take, for example, 50 variables and note alternative states for each. Then a person simply will not be able to navigate these patterns and draw any conclusions.

When we want to solve a long-term problem, we must decide which trends we are starting from. Let's look at a few examples.

Demography. If we are talking about the next 20–25 years, population growth continues. And if we do more long term, then it will decline. For example, there will probably not be more than 11 billion people on the globe. Now the situation is completely different than it seemed 30 or 40 years ago, when the Club of Rome made its forecasts, where there were prerequisites that population growth was linearly increasing and soon there would simply not be enough food, etc. Now we say that the food problem depends on how we use land resources.

Ecology and resources. When economists make their forecasts, they very often do not assume that environmental problems will be difficult in the next decade. And it is already clear that there will be more storms, floods, droughts, epidemics - this is extremely probable. This means that the economy can grow, but we must spend a very large percentage of this total product to fight these things. Our life will not be better even if the economy grows.

Priorities for strategic resources are changing. Now Russia says: “We are a very rich country, we have oil and gas.” But in the long term, no one is particularly interested in this, and then Russia can be proud, for example, that it has a lot of forest or fresh water.

Economy. Economic growth on Earth as a whole may continue, but mostly it will probably be driven by Southeast Asia and perhaps America. Not at the expense of Europe and our closer regions. And, probably, deindustrialization will continue. But the question is what kind of deindustrialization this will be, what type of service economy it will be. We will use completely different categories. A lot has been written about the blue economy, the green economy, how to use marine resources to produce energy and grow things. For example, now the idea has become very popular that people will use their apartments and cars to make a business out of it. The shadow economy has always existed, but now the inclusion of information technology gives a completely different scope.

Protest against Brexit © Jeff J Mitchell/Getty

Social and political changes. The whole thing can be called governance. Our societies can govern themselves, or self-govern. The only question is how this model of society will develop. It will be much more difficult there with new priorities, this is a separate conversation, now the search is just underway. The contradiction between young and more educated and less educated old people like me is everywhere, look at the vote in England: young, more educated are for the European Union, less educated and older are for Brexit. The Trump campaign is exactly the same. And this trend will continue.

Globalization. For example, now the central element and main engine of globalization is financial capital. It is not very clear whether this will continue in the future. This does not mean that if, for example, the role of financial capital decreases, then globalization stops. There will simply be other forms and other priorities. And the question is about what is called global governance: what will we do with the United Nations and the world banks, how to regulate this world system? Now these are open options, there is no clear trend visible.

Raymond Kurzweil

Recognized American inventor and futurist, creator of speech recognition systems, popularizer of the idea of ​​technological singularity.

We misunderstand the future. Our ancestors assumed that it would be the same as the present, and that, in turn, was practically no different from the past.

Raymond Kurzweil

Although technology develops exponentially (the rate of growth of a quantity is proportional to the value of that quantity), our brains still think linearly. As a result, we have developed a view of the future similar to the way we imagine a ladder: “after climbing a few steps, we can assume that the same steps await us further. We believe that each next day will be approximately the same as the previous one.

But as Kurzweil writes in his book The Singularity Is Near, technological advances are accelerating in many areas. This has led to such a leap in technology and the social sphere that misunderstanding arises not only between different generations, but also within one.

Today, the future unfolds not linearly, but exponentially, so predicting what will happen and when exactly is now much more difficult. That's why speed technical progress surprises us so much.

How can we prepare for a new future if we are used to thinking completely differently? First, let's take a closer look at what exponential growth is.

What is exponential growth

Unlike linear growth, which occurs by repeatedly adding the same quantity, exponential growth is the repeated multiplication of that quantity. Therefore, linear growth on the graph will look like a straight line rising evenly, and exponential growth will look like a sharply rising line.

Here's another way to better understand what exponential growth is. Imagine that you are walking along a road with a step length of one meter. Taking six steps will move you six meters (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). After another 24 steps you will be 30 meters away from the starting point. It's not at all difficult to predict where you will end up in another 30 steps. This is the essence of linear growth.

Now imagine that you could double the length of each next step. Taking six steps will move you 63 meters, which is significantly more than the 6 meters you would walk at a normal pace.

After taking 30 steps, you will now be a billion meters (one million kilometers) away from your starting point - a distance equal to twenty-six revolutions around the Earth. This is what it's all about amazing power exponential growth.

Why people don't believe exponential predictions

Note that by doubling the length of your step, you will move a distance with each next step equal to the sum of all previous steps. Before you travel a billion meters (step thirty), you will be at 500 million meters (step twenty-nine). This means that the first steps will seem tiny compared to the last. Most growth will occur over a relatively short period of time.

This is why we often simply do not notice exponential growth in its early stages. The speed of this process is deceptive: it begins slowly and gradually, at first it is difficult to distinguish it from linear growth. This is why predictions based on exponential growth rates seem so incredible.

When scientists began scanning the human genome in 1990, many critics noted that at the speed at which research could be carried out, the project would take millennia to complete. However, the scientists met even a little earlier than the deadline they themselves had set (15 years). The initial version was ready in 2003.

Raymond Kurzweil

Will exponential growth ever stop?

In practice, exponential growth cannot last forever, but it can continue for quite a long time. A sustainable exponential trend consists of a series of successive S-shaped technology life cycle curves.

Each such curve consists of three stages of growth - initial slow growth, sharp rapid growth and leveling off when the technologies have already been sufficiently developed. These curves overlap each other. When the development of one technology slows down, the development of another accelerates. Moreover, each time it takes less and less time to achieve higher levels of productivity.

Kurzweil names five technological milestones in the 20th century:

  • electromechanics;
  • relay;
  • radio tubes;
  • discrete transistors;
  • integrated circuits.

When one technology exhausted its capabilities, it was replaced by the next.

How to prepare for the future

Be prepared to be surprised.

What, for example, might the next five years look like? One of the usual ways to predict is to remember the past five years and imagine that future events will continue to develop at the same speed. But now this will no longer work, because the very speed of development is changing. Chances are that what you thought would happen in the next five years will happen in three years.

For exponential thinking, it is not so much any special planning skills that are important (you already know how to plan), but the ability to calculate time correctly. And to do this, we must not forget that our brain tends to think linearly and adjust its plans to the exponential future.

Why is it important to learn to think exponentially?

Our linear thinking brain can give us a lot of trouble. Linear thinking causes not only individuals, but businesses and governments to be caught off guard by factors that evolve exponentially.

Large companies are losing money due to unexpected competitors, and we all worry that our future will spin out of control. Exponential thinking will help you get rid of these worries and face the future fully armed.

The future is part of the time line, a set of events that have not yet happened, but will happen. Because events are characterized by both time and place, the future occupies the region of the space-time continuum.
Among the predictors of the future, the following stand out: famous personalities as Dmitry Silin; great Russian saints - Sergei of Radonezh, Seraphim of Sarov, the elders of Optina Hermitage; holy fools - St. Basil the Blessed, Galaktion Beloezersky. There are known prophecies about the future of Russia and its destinies. famous people people of foreign soothsayers - Nostradamus, Vanga. There is no need to talk about all the prophecies, since among them there are already fulfilled ones that are not related to modern Russia.
Let us dwell on the most interesting and important predictions for the future of Russia.

Particular attention should be paid to predictions Bulgarian soothsayer Vangas, which today have acquired a new meaning. During her lifetime, many of the clairvoyant’s words were incomprehensible to us. For example, at the end of the 20th century, no one could believe Vanga’s prediction that Kursk would go under water. However, her words were simply misunderstood. In 2000, the Kursk submarine sank. After this event, Vanga’s biographers began to be more attentive to all her prophecies.
It is difficult to imagine that Vanga knew about the current events in Russia and Ukraine back in the second half of the last century. Vanga’s biographer Boyka Tsvetkova made public one of the predictions of the Bulgarian prophetess:
“More and more often you will meet people who will have eyes but will not see, who will have ears but will not hear. Brother will go against brother, mothers will abandon their children.”
In the 20th century, no one could even think about what we're talking about. However, right now all Vanga’s words take on a clear meaning. The prophetess spoke specifically about the situation in Ukraine. “Brother will go against brother” - a confrontation between two sides in Ukraine. “People don’t hear or see” - this is the West, which sees and hears only what is beneficial to it.
Next words The Wangs describe the result of everything that is happening: “What was united will crumble into pieces. It will be next to Russia.” Now it is obvious what the Bulgarian clairvoyant wanted to say then - Ukraine collapsed.

After unification of Russia and Crimea many of Vanga’s predictions made sense. Back in 1979, the prophetess said:
“Everything will melt like ice. Only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Russia, the glory Vladimir. Too much has been sacrificed. No one can stop Russia. She will destroy everything in her path and become the ruler of the world.”
Vanga also predicted that Slavic peoples will unite. A ruler will come to power in Russia who will unite everything Slavic lands. This unification will mark the beginning of Russia's world domination and the end of wars and ethnic conflicts.
According to Vanga's predictions, Russia will become the dominant country. US influence will weaken. Moreover, Vanga said that the economic crisis would break her in the future.

For the most part, psychics and soothsayers speak about our country in laudatory terms, stating that Russian Federation After 2016, development and a focused path to prosperity and increasing its influence on the rest of the world awaits.
So, for example, Pavel Globa has repeatedly stated that with the advent of this year, Russia will create a powerful union that will include more than five countries of the former Soviet space. By the way, this was confirmed by the famous American political scientist George Friedman, who said that in 2015 the revival of the USSR began, after which a new round of the Cold War would begin between Russia and the United States.

According to Pavel Globa’s forecast, for Russia 2016 will be the time big changes associated with major upheavals.
Dramatic events will develop in Ukraine, where already in the spring of 2014 the country split into Western and Eastern.
At the end of 2015, when Jupiter and Saturn enter the constellation Aquarius, the time will come for unifications and all kinds of integrations, two countries will leave the European Union, but the most global changes will take place precisely in Russia, which will unite around itself some of the post-Soviet republics, and will also take the eastern part of Ukraine under its wing.
“The third wave of the crisis, which will take place in 2016 - 2020, will not be the most severe, but the factors of human fatigue from living under constant stress will have an impact. Only by the end of 2020 will all humanity finally say goodbye to this crisis, which will be called the “Second Great Depression,”,” the astrologer assures.
According to Pavel Globa, the end of the crisis is associated with the proximity of Jupiter and Saturn, which occurs once every 20 years and marks positive changes. Considering that Jupiter will approach Saturn in the first degree of Aquarius - the constellation associated with Russia, indicates that it is Russia, which by that time will revive its imperial power, have the greatest chance of becoming the new world leader.

According to the astrologer, the post-crisis thirty years of 2020-2050 will be the time of Russia's revival. At the same time, Pavel Globa referred to the works of the medieval Russian astrologer Vasily Nemchina, who lived before Nostradamus.
“A powerful, new personality will come to power in Russia in 2020-2021, whom Nemchin called “The Rider on the White Horse.” In terms of scale, this ruler will be comparable to Peter I. He will tall. What does " white horse", I don't know. But perhaps he will be born in the year of the horse,” said Pavel Globa.
“The new leader will not rule for long, but will leave an outstanding mark. He will be replaced by another great ruler, with whom the revival of Russian culture will be associated. Nemchina called him “The Great Potter”. And the revival of Russia will last at least 30 years,” concluded Pavel Globa.

Modern predictors see the future of Russia:
- European Union - the beginning of destruction 2017 - 2221. Provides support to the authorities of Central and Western Ukraine until 2018. Since 2018, he has been forced to cooperate with Russia. At the end of 2119, the Baltic states move into Russia's zone of influence. Since 2221, the Balkans have come under Russian influence. 2226 - Germany and Poland join the New Economic Entity led by Russia.
- The USA - since 2015, has ceased to play the role of a world leader. The beginning of the collapse of the American colonial system. The dollar is feeling insecure. The third (informational) ends world war. There will be a small war with Mexico in the future. It will end with concessions to the United States. The English-speaking world will gradually lose its dominant influence. It will remain within Australia, New Zealand, USA, UK and Canada.
- China will support Russia in all endeavors and will strive to unite economies. He will give leadership in the external arena to Russia, while maintaining his individuality. He will maintain a positive but wary attitude towards Russia.

- Japan - since 2224, has been gravitating towards a new economic and political alliance. From '26, political agreements will also be signed.
- India has been especially close to Russia since 2221.
- Islam. 2016; active cooperation with Russia in Syria, Iran, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Afghanistan. There will be widespread unrest in Pakistan in the late 20s and the threat of war will be felt. In general, the Islamic world will be in full swing, but there will be no global conflicts, with the exception of Pakistan.

The new leader of Ukraine will be revealed by the end of 2018. The name of the country - "Ukraine" - will be questioned. The leader will profess pro-Western values ​​and will create more disasters than benefits for the people. By 2018, he will be forced to cooperate with Russia.
- 2021 Active economic cooperation between the Scandinavian countries and Russia.
- 2022 Active economic cooperation with Russia in Central America.

- Dollar - the dollar will fall at the end of 2019. 2020 – collapse of the US economy.
The disappearance of the dollar, and therefore the American debt of 100 trillion. dollars, will return to the Western economy with a real destructive boomerang, which will sweep away the remnants of hopes for economic stabilization, both in the West and in the East.

Only Russia and countries from the former republics of the USSR will have a normal economy. However, Russia will have to actually re-create its currency system, relying on its countless reserves precious metals.
In addition to Russia, the Arab-Muslim Union, centered in Saudi Arabia and Egypt, which will rely on gold ore reserves in Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
We will have to find out very soon whether these predictions will come true, but we cannot but agree that almost all of them give hope for the best.

"Even the most successful outcome war will never lead to the collapse of Russia, which rests on millions of Russian believers of the Greek confession.
These latter, even if they are subsequently corroded by international treaties, will reconnect with each other as quickly as separated droplets of mercury find their way to each other.
This is the indestructible State of the Russian nation, strong in its climate, its spaces and its unpretentiousness, as well as through the awareness of the need to constantly protect its borders. This State, even after complete defeat, will remain our creation, an enemy seeking revenge."

Otto von Bismarck

“The US is shooting itself in the foot. The country refuses to share its power with anyone. In 5-10 years, America will face a major collapse."

Jim Rogers(American billionaire).

In 2015, in an interview, he said that he was going to invest in the ruble. Moreover, he believes in the Russian economy more than the American one.

Many science fiction writers and futurists present a bleak view of the future of human civilization, and for good reason. Attitude modern man to the environment is extremely negative, and the thoughtless use of technology irreparably leads to self-destruction. However, there are also more optimistic scientists who hope that the future will be amazingly beautiful.

At the end of the last century, the famous economist, political scientist and writer from the United States of America Francis Fukuyama wrote two works - “The End of Order” and “The End of History and the Last Man”, in which the author tried to prove that, judging by the technological, political and economic development On Earth, human civilization is gradually approaching its end. As it turned out, the author was mistaken, and all his thoughts were inspired by the collapse of the USSR and rumors about the establishment of a New World Order.

A more realistic picture of the state of the global community was given by the co-founder of the American hardware and software company Sun Microsystems, Bill Joy. In 2004, he wrote an article entitled “Why the future does not need us,” in which he spoke about the negative, catastrophic consequences that could theoretically entail the development of modern technologies, in particular genetic engineering, nanotechnology and robotics. Therefore, according to the author of the article, the most reasonable way out of the situation for modern man is to use what has already been created, since only in this way can he prolong his own existence on Earth.

Some scientists tend to believe that the era of technological progress will soon come to an end. And it is quite possible that in half a century, improved machines and robots created by man, possessing their own intelligence, will get out of his control, which will lead to the death of humanity. At the same time, they can become salvation for human civilization, but only if those scientists who will be involved in the invention of artificial intelligence in the future set the right goals for themselves. In this case, new generations of people will be able to live among so-called “friendly robots”, which will be programmed not to harm the human race. In addition, robots will protect people from all sorts of dangers and control that nothing bad happens to them.

Experts who advocate for the preservation of the environment say that in the future our planet may turn into a world completely clad in steel. This will be a world in which, due to the unreasonable and irrational use of natural resources and innovative technologies, all living things will die. However, everything can still be changed. It is enough now to start using technology to create new energy sources, cleanse the planet, and even transport this very planet.

In this case, radical changes will occur to the person himself, who will strive to live with environment in complete harmony. Energy will be generated from the Sun and the Earth itself. People of the future will thoroughly study the ecological systems of the planet and, based on new knowledge, change them, for example, put an end to the suffering of living beings. In addition, human civilization will be able to control weather conditions at its own discretion, as well as prevent various types of disasters, including earthquakes, asteroid falls, volcanic eruptions and hurricanes.

Another part of scientists says that humanity will begin to colonize in the future solar systems, since both their salvation and the very principle of development will depend on this - in order to evolve, it is necessary to conquer new horizons and move forward.

Already at the present time, man is making his first tentative attempts to explore outer space, but this is already bringing certain benefits, since technologies using satellites are developing, and many discoveries and breakthroughs are being made in science.

Modern man is completely unsuited to conquer space. Therefore, the person of the future will be forced to change in order to withstand the loads of space - Robert Freitas (an expert on nanotechnology) proposed giving up lungs so that the need for air would disappear. In addition, a person will no longer need food, and his cells will be activated by nanorobots. A person of the future will be small in stature, completely lose hair, will have the ability to independently regenerate bones and adapt his DNA to radiation.

Futurists debate exactly what kind of colonization this will be, but most are inclined to think that it will probably be a spaceship capable of self-reproduction, which will not only mine minerals in a neighboring star system, but will also be able to create exact copies of itself that will be sent to other systems and do the same thing there.

Until now, no interplanetary travelers have been observed within the Galaxy, which led to the emergence of the so-called “Fermat paradox”. Its essence boils down to the fact that confidence in the existence in the Universe of many highly developed civilizations in technological terms, along with complete absence observations confirming their existence is paradoxical and may indicate that either observations or human understanding of the nature of these civilizations are erroneous or inaccurate. Thus, it may well be that human civilization within the Galaxy will become not only the first, but also the only colonizing civilization.

But the British philosopher David Pearce, in his book “The Hedonistic Imperative,” tried to create a theory of building a paradise on our planet, the essence of which is to create a biological program that would allow complete freedom from disease, suffering, and cruelty. Emotional state people will be controlled through the use of synthetic drugs that will regulate mood (but these will not be narcotics). Moreover, over time, the genome of all living beings will be rewritten so that animals do not experience any suffering.

There is another alternative theory of the future of humanity - you can achieve an ideal cloudless existence by overloading your own consciousness into supercomputers huge size. This will be a kind of megastructure that will be able to apply and activate all the energy capabilities of humanity.

It is likely that humanity will be able to create a “Dyson sphere” - a thin spherical shell with a star in the center. Futurologists claim that in this way humanity will be able to solve several problems at once. global problems— energy (it can be received directly from the main star) and lack of living space.

However, there are those among scientists who are confident that in the future human civilization will not take a single step towards improvement. On the contrary, it is a big step back. As proof that they are right, experts say that at the moment society is mostly consumerist, so people must go through a regressive path to the point where people did not harm the planet. Thus, the human race will cease to be a threat to itself, nature and the Earth. The ultimate goal of such regression is the end of civilization and the return of humanity to the jungle.

Some scientists went even further in their predictions, declaring that in the future humanity will completely disappear from the face of the Earth, thus giving living beings the opportunity to become free in their development.

This is only a small part of the forecasts for the probable future of humanity. But no one can say for sure what it will actually be like. And, by and large, what future generations will be like depends on modern human civilization.

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