Cleansing the money channel. How to clear a money channel with runes

Quote from velesovdom

Every person wants to live in abundance.

However, some have plenty of money, while others cannot even earn enough to eat decent food.

What's the matter? How to correct the situation and attract money energy?

You should know that every person has money channels. The energy of wealth flows through them.

It is the purity of the channel and its integrity that directly determines material well-being.

So, the runes of the hands of warriors and conquerors walked through the cities and their civilizations; passing through Greece, Egypt, Rome, Spain and many other countries, reaching the ancient Hindu people. This city, which after many millennia finally confirmed that runes were used as a sacred alphabet by esoteric, shamanic priests and Viking wizards.

98 years after Christ, Tacitus mentioned the runic oracle as a means of divination, capable of accurately predicting and changing the future. Stating that from the very beginning, runes have played a very active and significant role in magic and everything related to energy.

If money channel holistic and pure, then monetary energy quickly and quite easily passes through it and materializes unhindered.

Thus, a person becomes lucky in terms of money.

However, this does not always happen; most often the channel is clogged, in which case monetary energy moves through the channel with great difficulty. The result of this is the difficulty of obtaining material benefits.

Although the Inquisition destroyed many of the runic legacies, so strong was the ban on the use of the oracle that many of his followers had to pay with their freedom and their lives for their gods; many of them could hide their beliefs in different ways, keeping the rune alive to this day.

In my opinion, runic symbols represent a series of elements that connect with each other, allowing the conscious mind to combine links in an associative chain; mobilizing both subconscious and cosmic energetic forces, which provides a very practical key to opening an esoteric channel that takes us to richer ones in power and wisdom. First of all, about our internal changes.

If the integrity of the channel is severely compromised, then gaps and holes appear through which monetary energy leaks and, as a result, a person receives a meager materialization of money.

But there are even worse situations when other people or entities penetrate the holes and contribute to the leakage of monetary energy.

However, the situation can be changed, in which case it will be necessary to clear the money channel. It can be done in different ways, however, runes are very popular and quite simple. You just need a little knowledge and you will be able to learn how to work with them.

Tie yourself to the tree from which everything is made. Scream from the throat. Gain wisdom, strength and prosperity. However, only those who take a Reiki training course can apply Reiki. And only a 3rd level reikinya course can teach the course. So if you are interested in how Reiki is applied, we will show you the steps that the masters follow, however keep in mind that if you want to become a Reikian master, you should learn to understand the whole history of this therapy, in practice, the functioning of the chakras, etc. .d. The purpose of this article is to show those who want to learn more about Reiki the functioning of the therapy and nurture the knowledge that has already begun.

Clearing the money channel with runes

It is worth knowing that cleaning the money channel with runes requires some perseverance and attentiveness. After all, you need to draw runic connections, and this requires a certain skill, but this craft can be quickly learned. You should also know that the signs must be applied exactly, without changing anything, otherwise the result will be completely different.

We can all be reikin

Anyone can become a channel for this inexhaustible healing energy called Reiki energy. The Reiki method is available to everyone, even children, elderly or sick people. We are all potential Reikians, we just want to awaken this power within ourselves. The first step is to guide a qualified teacher to begin your initiation. We are like incandescent lamps. We have the potential to give birth, but we still don't. With the guidance of the masters we will know how to channel this universal energy through the laying on of hands and reiki will do its work through us.

So, cleaning the money channel can be done by a runic connection called Berserker.

It contains the following runes: sól (2) + eihveiz + fehu, hagal, odal, thurisaz, pertu + fehu, algiz + fehu + vunjo.

(unfortunately, there is no picture of this connection)

Each individual element is responsible for a specific action, so none of them should be discarded. You can draw runes on clean slate paper, which you subsequently need to carry with you for at least 9 days. They can also be applied to the skin using ink or henna. When the drawing comes off, then you will be able to get a substantial sum of money.

If the runic connection was applied to paper or your own photograph, then you need to activate it. To do this, you need to bring the photograph to a lit candle and quickly pass it over the flame several times.

You can also look at runic connection and visualize how money channels are cleared of negative energy. The main thing is to do this in silence and in a meditative state, so that there are no extraneous thoughts in your head.

Since anyone can cleanse the money channel, you need to tune in to the ceremony and get down to business with high spirits. In just a few weeks you will be able to receive a decent amount of money.

Starting to clear the canal material wealth
auto Constance_Sagata

This step was made to clear the channel responsible for the flow of material things to a person (money, business connections, material goods), the main function is to restore the energy exchange between man and the cosmos and try to restore it to a natural level.

It is based on two Gebos - the air element, which is responsible for energy exchange with the cosmos. The first Gebo is what is given by nature from birth, the second Gebo is what a person has acquired over his life (education, connections, friendship, etc.).

The second branch is Teyvaz, Algiz is a breakthrough of opportunities and protects the channel from encroachments, Turisaz mirror protects what is available - (Fehu), Raido creates movement and flow of a breakthrough of opportunities, but also maintains the cosmic balance of forces, in in this case Raido ennobles all the functions of double Gebos. .

Two Dagaz are formed in the center, which also provide cleaning and adhesion between the two Gebos, they are also responsible for the speed of cleaning, which for different people may be different.

Once it has become, it cannot be held for a long time; it is intended for very short-term use, otherwise the destruction will be at the level of a thin layer of a person’s energy structure. This is clearing the material channel, it burns all the blocks that prevent you from making money.

It can be applied to yourself or in a photo. Wear no more than 3-5 days.

Be sure to include in the clause the action of the stav without harming the operator (carrier); if you are hypersensitive to the stav on your hands, draw Algiz and Berkana as healing ones.

Disclaimer: DRS clears the channel responsible for the flow of material goods to me,
restores energy exchange with the cosmos and restores it to its natural level.
Becoming protects the channel from attacks during cleaning, etc.

I suggest effective method cleaning the money channel, which has shown itself to be successful in its work. So. Take a photo of yourself or the object of influence, put it under a bowl or bowl (preferably transparent) with cold water. Melt the wax in a water bath. We read the spell once, moving the anti-salt container with wax over a bowl of water and a photo under it, after which we slowly pour the wax into the water, reading twice more, a total of three times: I pour wax and pour it out, lack of money and poverty from myself (or Name) I remove with wax, everything that interferes with my monetary profit (or Name), my prosperity and well-being/(Name) is taken away, any attachments, tags, taps, vows and other adversities are removed with wax from myself/(Name). Everything that closes the way to the influx of money, removes luck and profit from me/(Name), I cast from myself (or the Name), I lock it in wax. Then we read three times about the wax hardening in water: As hot wax cools in water, so does everything that I wish for well-being. money luck It deprives me, it hardens in wax, the wax locks poverty and lack of money within itself, it removes the reasons for lack of money from me. I, (name) said, let what was said come true! So be it! We cast for three days in a row without breaks, 3 castings per day, for a total of 9 castings in 3 days of work. We take new wax for each casting. After casting, bury it or throw it away from the house.
Sometimes even high wages do not provide sufficient comfort for living, and funds literally evaporate. In order for your savings to multiply, you need to think about how and where you store them. Avoid storing savings in places with negative energy so that negativity does not interfere with the flow of financial energy. Favorable places to store funds. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the house is divided into certain zones. Some attract love to their home, others - comfort and luck, and others - prosperity. These are the places you should pay attention to. The southeast sector is responsible for material well-being. It is worth placing a piggy bank there and constantly replenishing it, thereby increasing financial flows. Here you should leave some of the money that you received for your merits and achievements at work. The correct arrangement of this sector is tied to colors - this zone should contain green, purple, lilac and gold shades. You should also put living plants there (for example, a pot with money tree) and wooden pieces of furniture. With the auxiliary element of Water, you will increase the effect of the wealth zone. Place a container of water, a small aquarium or a decorative fountain in the sector. You can use photographs depicting waterfalls, deep-sea rivers, seas and oceans. Using wealth talismans also reveals financial potential. These are considered to be goldfish, a money frog, coins strung on a red thread, or other objects that can attract material well-being. For example, you can create a special vase of wealth, which in the teachings of Feng Shui is considered the strongest money talisman. Many lucky people they use a trick and place in this sector a twig or shoot of a plant “stolen” from a rich house. Places of power in the apartment. You can store money so that it multiplies in places of power. There are such points in every apartment, and you can find them using your own sensations. These are the most comfortable places where you get a boost of energy and relax after a working day. You can create a place of power yourself by choosing a room or part of it that is suitable for its energy. These places are a good place to store finances, but to increase profits, take care of the capacity. Items in red or green shades are best suited: wooden boxes, leather wallets, beautiful handmade boxes. Our ancestors turned to otherworldly forces and called the brownie for help. Having secured his support, you don’t have to worry about your well-being. The businesslike nature stands up for the happiness of the owners and will definitely help you find a way to increase your finances. You need to give the brownie a patch for safekeeping and ask him to hide it so that no enemy can find it. These guardians of home comfort, when treated properly, often negotiate with other otherworldly entities about finding treasures, wealth, or suggest places where there is a chance of making money. Storing money in places with positive energy. You can arrange a place to store money in a private home in the attic. The most favorable place would be a secluded corner under a bird's nest or a hive with wild bees or wasps. The industriousness of the animal world communicates positive energy your finances, and they begin to attract flows of financial energy to you. Any place in your home where life is in full swing, laughter is heard often and positivity prevails can become a storage place for money. It is these places that have unprecedented power that will never leave you in poverty. Attract monetary well-being it is possible with the help special rituals. To do this, you should use proven methods and be confident in your abilities.