Cut the belly with a knife. My last day

Of course, abdominal injuries are very dangerous, but this should not cause confusion; on the contrary, timely initial actions before the ambulance arrives can save the victim’s life.

When providing first aid for a knife wound in the stomach should be processed according to general rules wound treatment Random wounds in any area of ​​the body are a priori considered infected, so it is necessary to carry out antiseptic measures using alcohol, vodka, peroxide, brilliant green, etc.

At the moment of injury, acute pain occurs in the wound area, which can be so severe that shock develops. There is a sharp pallor, the facial features are sharpened, the face is covered with cold sweat, and the picture of peritonitis or anemia develops at an accelerated pace. Emergency care is definitely needed, urgent hospitalization in a surgical hospital. It is forbidden to give drink or administer pain relief with narcotic analgesics. . An ice pack should be placed on your abdomen.

Actions after being stabbed in the stomach

In the case of abdomen, abdominal organs may fall out. Under no circumstances should they be inserted into the peritoneum. First aid for a knife wound is as follows:. They need to be covered with gauze, and the edges of the gauze should be covered with cotton wool and secured with a wide circular bandage. You can get gauze and a bandage at your nearest pharmacy (there are many of them now), in addition to pharmacies, there are now many cars, and every motorist should have a first aid kit with him.

What not to do if you are injured

Wounds should not be probed or palpated, as there is a risk of secondary infection. You cannot remove the knife from the wound if it is still there.

Already in the hospital, an examination of the abdomen is carried out, but only after the airway has been restored, proper breathing and blood circulation have been restored.

Dreaming about your belly encourages you to think about your life and well-being.

Seeing a stomach with wounds in a dream means losses and damages.

If you dream that your stomach has become larger and fuller than usual, then your condition will increase in proportion to the size of your stomach in the dream.

And vice versa: if you see that your stomach has retracted and fallen, then such a dream predicts that you will lose your fortune as a result of some accident.

If you dream that your stomach is swollen but empty inside, then your wealth will melt away like smoke.

The more your belly swells, the poorer you will become.

If you dream that your stomach is grumbling from hunger, then you will have to work hard to have a state corresponding to the size of your stomach.

Abdominal pain is a sign of trouble.

According to other versions, such a dream foreshadows health and increased prosperity, which will correspond to the strength of the pain that you feel in the dream.

To see your stomach ripped open and with your insides turned out in a dream means that shame, ruin and the imminent death of you or your loved ones await you.

Seeing a naked belly in a dream is a sign of loss and betrayal of loved ones. Such a dream warns you not to be too gullible.

See interpretation: yes.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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A cut is considered one of the most intense symbols you can see in a dream. The dream book considers situations when you cut someone with a knife or were injured yourself. What a cut wound means in a dream calls for extreme caution in actions and statements. The risk of man-made injuries and conflicts is high.

Miller's Predictions

If you were cut with a knife in a dream, Miller’s dream book predicts loss and bad luck. Relatives and friends can be the source of adversity, and not out of malice, but because of a misunderstanding.

Avoid sudden movements

IN various dream books contains explanations of why you dream about cutting your hand with a knife. Medium Hasse warns about family troubles. Scandals will arise out of nowhere. Household members, as if by agreement, will begin to shift their worries onto you.

If you dreamed of cutting your hand with a knife, but the wound does not bleed, you will take on the mission of a peacemaker and smooth out disagreements in the family.

A knife wound on someone else means you risk inadvertently injuring your friend, both physically and psychologically. Clumsiness threatens to turn into a quarrel.

Time to change

A finger injured while preparing food promises an acquaintance with a person who will cause nothing but trouble. Why do you dream of a cut palm, the fortuneteller Palmist advises to take it very seriously. Patterns crossed out in a dream make it clear that the dreamer has a real chance to change his destined destiny.

If you dreamed. like cutting your hand with a knife, Freud’s dream book says that it’s time to say goodbye to childhood complexes and embarrassment, they interfere with achieving success.

You should know why you dream that you injured your leg with a blade. The symbol means that your usual occupation will soon cease to be profitable; take care of alternative sources of income.

About vital things

  • A blow to the stomach in a dream warns of a real danger to life;
  • The sign indicates that the marriage is under threat, take every chance to save the family;
  • The wound symbolizes insincerity, beware of false friends;
  • Someone else’s opinion threatens to shake your value system, remain objective;
  • If a pregnant woman dreamed of her stomach being cut with a knife, labor will soon begin.

You made a cut

Why do you dream that you cut a person with a knife? The dream book explains the difference: if you are wounded in a dream, danger threatens from the outside; if you dreamed about how someone was wounded, you yourself are a source of danger. In both cases, the sign that you dreamed of should be considered a warning.

The coming period is fraught with condemnation from others and shame. Avoid conflicts, unworthy and reckless actions.

If in a dream you injured someone with a blade, but did not see blood, your loved one will find out that you lied to him. For spring birthday people, the dream book promises a dizzying romance.

Work and business

The dream book will tell you how the fact that someone was cut with a knife in a dream will affect the state of financial affairs. If you happen to see a bloodless cut, be prepared for disagreements with a colleague who is junior in position or age.

Inertia and indecisiveness threaten to negatively impact production performance. The interpreter calls for active action and perseverance. Unclean employees can also cause damage; evaluate their activities critically.

The Zhou-Gong Oracle offers a positive interpretation of the dream: when it involves an injury due to negligence, in reality your plans will come true exactly.

Position in society

When in a dream one manages to get or inflict a knife wound, the sleeper risks falling under the influence of a powerful person. There is a high likelihood of emotional trauma and loss of trust.

The symbol you dreamed of foreshadows a deterioration in relationships with friends and lovers. Common sense and composure will help you avoid many pitfalls in relationships.

Take care of your health

The dream book explains how what you dreamed will affect your health. What you dream about, like being cut with a knife, sometimes portends certain diseases. What you see in a dream may be a signal of problems in the body. There is a high probability of harming your well-being through careless behavior.

Not only physical but also moral health is at risk. A cruel and domineering person tries to influence and manipulate the dreamer’s psychological state.

If you dreamed of treating a wound or caring for an injured person, the dream book promises spiritual harmony.


Dream books pay special attention to explaining why one dreams of hemorrhage or its absence. Losing blood in a dream symbolizes loss vitality, which in reality can be caused by various reasons.

If you dreamed that a wound that actually once took place is bleeding again, Nostradamus’s dream book warns of an increased risk of injury. The prediction advises summer birthday people to beware of revenge. For lovers, the symbol promises betrayal and separation.

Relationships with loved ones

When in a dream you happen to see your mother cutting food in the kitchen with a knife, financial situation family will deteriorate due to unforeseen expenses.

Italian psychoanalytic dream book A. Roberti sees a direct connection between what dreams of knife wounds mean and relationships in the family. According to the dream interpreter, household members cause suffering and instill fear in the sleeping person.

When you dreamed that a brother or sister was cut with a knife, perhaps they harbored a grudge against the dreamer. The blade marks on their bodies indicate mistakes that will be regretted. Warn your family to be careful.

The topic was often raised on forums. Perhaps someone will share their story.

So, first, let's note the most important factor that significantly increases your chances of cutting yourself - this is the condition alcohol intoxication. There are no specific requirements for drinks; the main thing is to immerse yourself in the euphoria of relaxation and lightness of life. The people have a clear definition of “knee-deep sea”. Well by reducing the reaction and turning off most of brain, you can start working with a knife. At the same time, it is easy to miss when chopping or slicing food (if you are right-handed, the fingers of your left hand suffer).

If the concentration was enough to cut without injury, the desire for cleanliness can work very well. Take a napkin, wrap it around the blade and, squeezing it well with your fingers in the area of ​​the cutting edge, pull it along the blade - the blade, having carefully cut through the napkin, will no less carefully cut through the fingertips. Options: wipe the blade on the fabric of the sleeve, naturally sliding the blade along your own forearm, the same with your trouser leg and leg.

If you are so harsh or hungry that you don’t consider it necessary to wipe your knife, you may find it a good idea to lick the blade, especially tempting when cutting something tasty and sticky, such as soft blue cheese. If you lick the blade, not from the butt to the blade, but vice versa or parallel to the cutting edge, the likelihood of a quality cut on the tongue will increase significantly.

If you are in nature, you can try to achieve the goal in a very popular discipline - “planing a twig.” In this case, carefully select a knotty branch, so that it would be more difficult to plan, the knife would more often break off the knots. It is especially effective to press your hand with the branch to your torso or thigh, then the knife is almost guaranteed to fall off the branch and cause you a quality cut. In general, cutting yourself is a klondike of dangerous situations. Well, really, why drag a cutting board into the forest? Sitting down on a log, you can quickly cut a snack “on your knees” in one go and get the desired cut. Some people prefer to cut in a handful with their second hand; there is also every chance of success. In the office of one knife shop there hangs a small leaflet describing a situation where a man pressed a tin can to his stomach and opened it with a knife, simultaneously opening his abdominal cavity. Double benefit: you opened the can and made hara-kiri.

Let's go back to the branch. This technique works very well: planing a branch not holding the twig by hand, but to the hand. A few years ago, at the “Angry Beavers” competition (cutting a pine block at speed), which has long become a key competition in knife work at the “Steel Edge” knife show. Comrade Tsirkach worked exactly according to this scheme, that is, he planed away from himself, and then cut towards himself, when the first of the participants finished cutting the pine block and everyone heard the sound of a falling piece, Tsirkach was distracted at this moment, losing control for a split second and as a result - deep cut between the large and index finger, a car walk to the nearest hospital, stitching up an arm...
The same situation, but we are cutting not a twig but a watermelon, the thicker the blade the better, the blade gets stuck tightly in the watermelon, we put additional load on the knife, it suddenly breaks off, cutting through the rind of the watermelon and - bingo, it crashes into the hand with which we are holding the watermelon.

After the "twig" it is very popular to start more active recreation. If the alcohol vapors have already disappeared from the body, you need to immediately replenish them, because old-fashioned good fun awaits us. On a stump or log of a fallen tree, at home in the kitchen or in the office, right on a stack of papers or a telephone directory, you need to place your left hand (naturally for right-handers) with outstretched fingers and inject with a knife, getting between the fingers, increasing the pace. The longer the game lasts and the higher the speed of injections, the greater the likelihood of cutting yourself or piercing a nail with the tip.

Next, we can’t help but mention knife throwing, which is so beloved by the population. It is practiced both outdoors and in the office and even in the apartment. There are known cases of damage to premises and office equipment (a metal tool flew into the copier's paper receptacle, etc.) But we only consider cases of injury to participants. In addition to the excellent chance of getting a knife in the back during a collective throwing, it should be noted that real berserkers, as a rule, do not bother buying and using the actual throwing knives; they use everything that, in their opinion, can fly and stick. Needless to say, folding knives and even some non-folding ones are destroyed. But since they are not intended for throwing, they demonstrate unexpected ricochet abilities. Having once thrown a small dagger with a rubber handle, I was impressed by how it flew into a pine board with the end of the handle and flew back, whistling at my temple one and a half centimeters away, and back it flew strictly with the blade forward. Some fixes have a steel protrusion from a rubberized handle (falknivens, kizlyars, etc.) if you think that this reduces the risk of a 180-degree ricochet, I hasten to disappoint you - it does not.

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    The pain is in her in dream may represent actual pain from an illness. Why dreaming hit knife V stomach? Dream Interpretation warns: beware, all the most valuable, dear things in life may soon disappear without a trace. Take care of your family, don’t conflict, and then let’s make predictions dream book you can ignore it.A to me dreamed about it man running behind me With knife, He me caught up and cut to me a school skirt, some kind of nonsense. Read more

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    Dream Interpretations claim to feel V stomach baby in dream- a sufficient reason to run to the pharmacy for a test. It is likely that dream“in the hand”, and the dreamer’s body is about to warm up new life. Why pregnant dreaming, What the baby is moving V stomach, pushing with his legs? It’s not surprising that in dream fear of significant losses - material deprivation, loss of loved ones, separation from loved ones - is transformed into disturbing images and can dream about in the form knife or bullets V stomach.Read more

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    Had a dream, What husband cut to me stomach navel! At the same time there was severe pain! As if I I hold him so that his guts don’t fall out and shout my daughter’s name! But, y me I can’t make it loud because it hurts a lot! But then to me Looks like they helped! I pregnant(18 weeks) In dream on me attacked and stuck knife V stomach, I didn’t call the ambulance for a long time - I went with knife and there was no blood. Then they said that everything was fine with the child and bandaged him... Why such dream???Read more

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    Razor sharp knife- portends the collapse of all hopes. Cut yourself knife very strongly - problems at work will be added to the troubles at home. Cut in dream What-That knife- you will have to defend your interests through compromise and mutual concessions. dreamed, What Assailants entered our house, broke down the door and attacked me cut to me shoulder knife, then attacked my husband and cut him stomach so that the guts began to come out! and the husband could not defend himself when in life, on the contrary, he can punish anyone! Read more

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    Knife Murder knife Cut knife Knife V back Kill knife. In our online dream book You can find out not only what the blow means knife in dream, but also look at the interpretations of others dreams. In addition, we suggest looking dream books Vanga and Nostradamus, download dream book Miller - perhaps it is in him that you will find the meaning sleep"hit knife"Read more

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    Dreamed What I like somewhere on the street I’m chasing someone, we appear in some courtyards, then people come out of the entrance and begin to stand up for this person for whom I chased them knife, I I start to retreat, but me how they poke knife, felt like V stomach included knife.Had a dream,What me man cut knife three times, and told him not to show himself again, he looked like a homeless person. To me in dream it was very scary. I I tried to hide everywhere. But then I found out that this man was killed. Read more

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    I pregnant and to me dreamed about it dream What I tried cut knife his father's neck knife he was stupid and didn't do well, then he fell and I tried to call an ambulance. dreamed as if to me I need to kill myself knife A knife blunt. After to me give a beautiful knife, I I try it, gain courage and I cut stomach, but he doesn't either cuts, freaking out and cutting myself stomach this knife and at me intestines leak out and I I'm dying in dream. Creepy. Reply.Read more

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    Dream Interpretation dream meaning cut, to you dreamed cut hand?, see interpretation dreams cut in our dream book, interpretation dream books why dreaming cut yourself.Dream Interpretation cut blades - get cut in dream from the blade - dreaming to acute illness. Dream Interpretation cut knife- myself knife symbolizes confrontation, the question is where and what cut knife? - if in your apartment, then the problems will be family. Read more

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    me in dream wounded. it wasn't knife, looks like a pike. There was almost no blood me there was internal bleeding. Stomach was big. I I walked around with a hole for two days V stomach. then it started to harden stomach and called an ambulance. I I ended up in the hospital already stitched up. what's all this for? Had a dream what to me cut stomach rose flower and pieces of leather on stomach hang in rags. but then I I smooth out the skin piece by piece and everything heals. Read more

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    cut hand in dream or see any Cut of a different kind according to Dreamnikov very dangerous and warning sign. In the near future, you need to be extremely vigilant in your current affairs. Hello! Today in dream to me dreamed What some guy hit to me knife blows to the right side, two blows to the left, four, I felt the blood but didn’t see it, it was bad and scary. Read more

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    In dream cut knife Dream Interpretation: Knife in dream. Knife why dreaming– Find - weigh your words; buy - you will easily acquire property; cut for them - to observe their own benefit; lose knife- you will be ambushed; receive as a gift - they will invite you to the table. Read more

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    Had a dream What stabbed knife V stomach(Also: Had a dream What hit knife V stomach, dreamed What me cut knife V stomach And dreamed about it knife V stomach) – conflicts, losses, quarrels, scandals. (cm. dream Fight). That's what dreaming cut stomach. Had a dream kiss V stomach(Also: Dream Interpretation: kiss stomach) - you want to experience something previously unknown to you sexually. In dream dreamed What V stomach put a baby in - to big money, wealth, profit. Read more

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    French dream book. Meaning sleep Knife. Knife in dream often foreshadows family quarrels. See an open pocketbook knife- promises a threat from your enemies. Closed knife- a warning about possible infidelity in love. to me dreamed What as if a stranger is running after me With knife V hands and he cut me and blood flowed, and me in dream there were three knife, he changed one after another, i.e. I fought back he lost knife and took a new one!!! what could this mean? Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpretation dreams from Dream Interpretation interpretations dreams. Dream Interpretation - Stomach. Symbol of life; material well-being, prosperity or poverty (according to appearance); concentration of instincts (hunger, sex, aggression, survival); sensuality (laziness, gluttony, sexual pleasure).Publish your dream dreams and our Interpreters dreams dreaming Throwing knife V stomach in dream.Read more

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    Hit knife in dream can symbolize many things. If dreamed about it hit knife, then initially you need to understand what its reason is, it is possible that dream appeared due to his own psychological problems. If a person dreaming like dream, then you should prepare and be careful in various transactions and planned actions. Knife V in dreams it is a symbol of aggression, danger, betrayal and lies. Hit knife in dream.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpretation dreams from Dream Interpretation Miller. Dream Interpretation - Knife. In a dream, this symbol means events, enemies, betrayal. In dream you were preparing dinner for your family and cut knife hand - in reality, your loved ones will try to curb your character, but all this will develop into family squabbles and quarrels. Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Throwing knife V stomach in dream.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Pierce knife stomach And dreamed, why dreaming in dream Pierce knife stomach And? In dream you were preparing dinner for your family and cut knife hand - in reality, your loved ones will try to curb your character, but all this will develop into family squabbles and quarrels. Dream, in which it fell from your hands knife, means that an unfamiliar man is rushing into your house. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Who will see that cut knife hands, he will see something that will be very surprising. In men's dream- the desire to possess a woman. If knife used in dream inIf dreamed about it stranger stomach, you will experience digestive problems - nausea, heartburn, indigestion. If unmarried girl dreamed, What she is injured knife, this portends dishonor for her. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Wound knife V stomach dreamed, why dreaming in dream Wound knife V stomach? To select an interpretation sleep enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the characterizing dream image (if you want to get an online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).Read more

    Dream book "your-sonnik"

    Knife wounding - to fierce love. To me dreamed, What for me the woman was hunting, she wanted me kill because What I men liked her, but she herself was no longer in her first youth. Dream Interpretation Miller Dream Interpretation Miller stomach- health, prosperity In dream you were preparing dinner for your family and cut knife hand - in reality, your loved ones will try to curb your character, but all this will develop into family squabbles and quarrels. Dream Interpretation: cut knife stomach Dream Interpretation: knife wound V stomach- loss of oneself close friend because of a quarrel. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    I dreamed about it dream, in which there was a person with whom I studied in 1st grade. We didn’t share something with him, or he just me hit V stomach With knife. U me there was blood, a little, I leaned his left hand against stomach so that less blood flows. Right, took it knife and hit him several times. Some guy had a lot knives V hands, pockets. ran for me, tried cut, threw knives V me. I hit it once. And how much I I remember there was my wife, who was in danger. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Operation Uterus Stomach. Dream Interpretation - cut bayonet- knife wife. the quarrel with your wife will be serious... you will inflict mental wounds on her... Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Throwing knife V stomach in dream. Order for free online interpretations dreams!Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Hello, u me I have a husband, but he is in prison. So it turns out that we are at a distance, to me Today dreamed about it dream as if I in dream left her husband for another boy, after my husband was very angry and aggressive, after dreamed What I came on a date with this guy (to whom I left my husband) and when we were with this guy. Had a dream What my girlfriend is standing with knife V opposite hand me, A I in the blood with chopped hands and belly.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    See in dream knife, Cut knife people, acquaintance or husband (for women) - rejection of sexual contact. I dreamed about it man with knife, A man holds a big one in his hand knife, Knife with a white handle (for women) - desire for sexual contact. Knife in dream symbolizes someone's aggression. Knife V There is direct evidence to the head - the negativity will be directed specifically at your brain. See in dream knife V stomach, Stuck in dream knife V stomach- loss of something important. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Rezal me knife dreamed, why dreaming in dream Rezal me knife?In dream you were preparing dinner for your family and cut knife hand - in reality, your loved ones will try to curb your character, but all this will develop into family squabbles and quarrels. Dream, in which it fell from your hands knife, means that an unfamiliar man is rushing into your house. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpret dream. Dream Interpretation- Shave knife in dream. Hello. I I think that perhaps you will receive bad news.... Interpretation dreams from Dream Interpretation Houses of the Sun. Shave knife in dream.Worms Dogs Knife. Dream Interpretation - IN stomach the child is beating. Dream a reflection of your thoughts and fears regarding a possible pregnancy.