The development of society occurs through change. Multivariate social development (types of societies)


This version of the test tasks is compiled in the Unified State Exam format. The test presents those tasks, which may contain questions on this topic.

Part 1

The answers to tasks 1-20 are a word (phrase) or a sequence of numbers. Write down the answers in the answer fields in the text of the work, and then transfer them to ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the numbers of the corresponding tasks, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters. Write each character in a separate box in accordance with the examples given in the form.


Write down the word missing in the table.

Characteristics of forms of spiritual culture


Correct answer


In the row below, find the concept that generalizes

for all other concepts presented. Write this word down.

Antiquity, Renaissance, Modern times, civilization, Modern times, Middle Ages, Modern times


Correct answer



Antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, Modern Time, Modern Time, Modern Time - these are all examples of types of linear-stage civilization.


Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, indicate the paths of development of society:

1) evolution; 2) reform; 3) progress; 4) spheres of society; 5religion; 6) regression.

Find two terms that “fall out” from the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.


Correct answer


Spheres public life is the structure of society.

Religion is a component of the spiritual brimstone of society.

Therefore the answer is 45.


Select the correct judgments about the progress criteria and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) inflation

2) moral improvement of society

3) development of civil society

4) economic crisis

5) modernization of the education system


Correct answer


Inflation (1) and economic crisis (4) are negative economic phenomena.

Therefore the correct answer is: 235


Establish a correspondence between the distinctive features and the types of society that they illustrate: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.






Correct answer

Eastern civilization is a type of civilization characterized by the following features:

  • Traditionalism, that is, an orientation towards the reproduction of existing forms of lifestyle and social structures, the desire to preserve the traditional way of life.
  • Low social mobility.
  • The great role of religion in society and human consciousness.
  • Harmony with nature, submission to its laws.
  • Collectivism of social life.
  • Absolute dominance of the state over society, despotic rule.
  • The economic basis of life is corporate and state forms of ownership, the main method of management is coercion.

Western civilization. Signs.

  • Dynamism, orientation towards novelty, openness to innovation and modernization.
  • High social mobility.
  • Affirmation of dignity and respect for the human person.
  • Individualism, a focus on achieving individual goals
  • Consumer attitude towards nature
  • Ideals of freedom, equality, tolerance;
  • Respect for private property;
  • Preference for democracy over all other forms of government.

IN modern world there is a change in some features Western civilization For example, the attitude towards nature has changed, its protection has become one of the most important tasks.


Country Z is developing along a progressive path. What facts indicate this? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Closing of a number of television channels that allow criticism of the government

2) Deterioration of the environmental situation in the country

3)Rapid development of the latest technologies in production

4)Expansion of the network of educational institutions.

5) Conducting alternative elections to the highest authorities

6) High infant mortality rate


Correct answer


Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

“Society is constantly evolving. The paths of its development can be very different. _______(A) leads to a fundamental change in society, in all its spheres. The main modern way of _____ (B), improving society is, of course, _____ (B), which is characterized by any changes carried out from above, by the ruling circles. There are factors influencing the course of development of society. So ____(G) people are not able to lead, but _______(D) can be under their direct control. In any society there are always several possible paths of development. Which ____(E) path to choose depends on the level of its development, on the nature of political power and the activity of the people.”

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word can only be used once.

Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:

1) reform

2) objective

3) progress

4) revolution

5) evolution

6) alternative

8) subjective

9) modernization

The table below shows the letters representing the missing words. Write down the number of the word you chose in the table under each letter.







Correct answer

Part 2

To record answers to tasks in this part (21–29), use ANSWER FORM No. 2. First write down the task number (21, 22, etc.), and then a detailed answer to it. Write down your answers clearly and legibly.

Read the text and complete tasks 21–24.

"Civil society and modernization in Russia"

Modernization has today become the key term of the day, the main word of the era. The word “democracy” played approximately the same role 20 years ago. Modernization now, like democracy then, should, according to popular ideas, save the country and lead it to new historical frontiers and development horizons.

At the same time, there is no common understanding of modernization among the elites. For a significant part of the economic and administrative elite, modernization is simply a set of programs that make it possible to obtain inexpensive financing from the state budget or from state-owned banks.

Most of the high-status “expert community” views modernization as a reason to receive new budgets for writing analytical and pseudo-analytical documents. Finally, some experts believe that modernization is a system of measures and measures to overcome Russia’s economic and technological lag behind some developed Western countries. Modernization implies the rejection of any ideas about the “special path” of a country/civilization, although it presupposes the integration of some traditional values ​​and ideas for a given society.

Modernization can lead to a radical and qualitative reduction in the gap from the countries taken as a model, but it will never lead to either “catching up” or “overtaking”; modernization, in a certain sense, is a fixation of the inevitable, “fair” lag behind the countries taken as a model.

Modernization is a short-term or medium-term (depending on the scale of the modernization object) project that has clear time parameters and boundaries.

The above theses are partly true, but at the same time do not fully reflect the understanding of the essence and goals of modernization; do not reveal the specifics of Russian modernization today.

(According to I. Ponomarev)


What definition of “modernization” is given by the author? How does the text explain why this word has become a "key" word in the modern era?


Correct answer

Modernization, according to the author, is a short-term or medium-term (depending on the scale of the modernization object) project that has clear time parameters and boundaries, that is, in this text the author defined the time boundaries of modernization.

This word has become key because, according to the author, modernization should “save the country, lead it to new historical frontiers and development horizons.”

22 Name three definitions of the concept of “modernization”, which, according to the author, are given by different circles of society. Drawing on social science knowledge and facts of social life, name another definition not indicated in the text.


Correct answer

Different circles of society give the following definitions to the concept of “modernization”:

  1. “this is simply a set of programs that make it possible to obtain inexpensive financing from the state budget or from state-owned banks”;
  2. “a reason to receive new budgets for writing analytical and pseudo-analytical documents.”
  3. “a system of measures and activities to overcome Russia’s economic and technological lag behind some developed Western countries.”

Another definition: modernization is the process of changing something in accordance with the requirements of modern times, the transition to more advanced conditions, through the introduction of various new updates

23 What three results of modernization are mentioned in the text? Using facts from social life and personal social experiences, give an example of what is needed to achieve each of these results.


Correct answer

The text names the following modernization results:

1.can lead to a radical and qualitative reduction in the gap with countries (for example, modernization of the healthcare system can significantly improve the health of the nation, which will increase the performance of the country’s working population

  1. import of technology as the basis for a breakthrough in certain areas (for example, modernization of production technologies in the food industry will significantly increase the economic potential of the country)
  1. integration of some traditional values ​​and ideas for a given society (for example, dialogue of cultures, perception of the values ​​of other countries will have a positive impact on the formation of a comprehensive personality)
24 Using the text and social science knowledge, give three explanations for the idea expressed in the text that in the economic sphere, modernization inevitably implies the import of technology as the basis for a breakthrough (breakthrough) in certain areas .


Correct answer

In the economic sphere, modernization inevitably implies the import of technology as the basis for a breakthrough in certain areas


— it is new technologies that can qualitatively improve the level of manufactured products

— it is new technologies that can significantly increase the number of products

— the use of the latest world technologies puts the country in an economically equal position with other countries.

25 What meaning do social scientists put into the concept "reform"? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about the types of reforms to influence the course of historical development and one sentence revealing the features of one of the reforms carried out in the modern Russian Federation.


Correct answer

Reform is a transformation carried out from above, that is, by the government, which does not lead to a change in the foundations of the existing system.

In terms of their influence on the course of historical development, reforms can be progressive or regressive.

IN modern Russia education reform is being carried out, which boils down to the following points: increasing the level of training and education, career guidance, the use of the latest technologies (Internet, electronic magazines and textbooks, support for creative teachers), etc.

26 Name and illustrate with examples any three features civilization How historical stage development of society.


Correct answer

Features of civilization:

  1. General fundamental features of spiritual life
  2. Common historical and political fate

Community and interdependence of economic development


American entrepreneur, public figure, one of the founders of Microsoft, Bill Gates, noted that “it is very important to discuss both the good and bad sides of technological progress as widely as possible, so that its direction is determined by the whole society, and not just specialists”?

The interaction of which spheres of society is reflected in this statement?

What feature of technological progress did Bill Gates note?

Using social science knowledge, indicate any three criteria

technical progress.


Correct answer

Interaction of economic and social spheres;

  1. The inconsistency of technological progress;
  2. Three signs of technical progress: the use of innovative technologies, the use of new types and sources of energy, new forms of organization of labor and production.
28 You have been instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “ Public relations" Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.


Correct answer

Public relations.

  1. Concept of public relations
  2. Types of public relations by spheres of society:
  3. Distinctive features of social relations

Positive social relations are the key to successful development of society.

By completing task 29, you can demonstrate your knowledge and skills on the content that is more attractive to you. To this end, choose only ONE of the statements below (29.1–29.5).



“The progress of science and machinery is a useful means, but the only goal of civilization is the development of man.”



Correct answer

The main idea of ​​the quote.

The quote by E. Flaiano contains the idea of ​​the main goal of technological progress - human development. Indeed, the author raises the current problem of time - the purpose of the progress of science, emphasizing that any technical discovery should not only improve technology, but serve humanity and be useful to it.


Progress, technical progress, criteria for progress, inconsistency of progress, nanotechnology, post-industrial society.


1. M.A. Bulgakov's story “Fatal Eggs”. The discovery of Professor Vladimir Ipatievich Persikov in 1928 is his ray, the “ray of life”, which could significantly accelerate the development of organisms, and in the future increase the production of meat products, which is so important for the country. After all, for example, chickens could grow simply gigantic. But his invention only brought harm. This happened because it fell into the hands of ignorant people, which, by the way, can happen with any discovery. Therefore, a scientist must always foresee the possible consequences of his discoveries.

2.Technological progress literally changed people's lives in the 20-21st century. Women's work has been greatly facilitated, because housekeeping has become much easier. Washing machines and dishwashers, multicookers, blenders, microwave ovens and much more have reduced time for household chores, freeing it up for relaxation, activities, and hobbies. Thus, in the “Encyclopedia for Children” of the publishing house “Avanta +”, in the volume “Technology”, information is given about the South Korean group of companies Samsung Group. Having been on the world market since 1938, this company today remains the leader in production household appliances. Reliability, ease of use, beautiful design - all this attracts consumers of this company's products. This is an example of how technological progress serves people by improving their lives.



“Revolutions are a barbaric way of progress.”


Correct answer

An example of an essay on this topic is given on my website.



“Modernization can only be carried out if the entire population of the country takes part in this process.”

(M.S. Gorbachev)


Correct answer

The main idea of ​​the quote.

In a quote from the first President of the USSR M.S. Gorbachev contains an idea about the conditions for successful modernization of society. He raises an important problem: improvement in any area of ​​society must be supported by the people and accepted by them. Then the result will be faster and more significant.


Progress, modernization, innovation, spheres of society, post-industrial society.


1. The history of Russia gives us many examples when the decrees of rulers did not find support among landowners, and therefore did not produce tangible results, although they were intended to be positive. So in A.N. Sakharov’s history textbook for high school students in the paragraph about domestic policy Alexander I contains information that in 1803 the emperor issued the “Decree on Free Plowmen”, according to which landowners, at their request, could free peasants with families or entire villages with land for a ransom. However, during the 25 years of Alexander I’s reign, only 0.5% of the peasants were released. This indicates how the progressive initiative was not supported among landowners, and therefore did not produce significant results.

2.A number of reforms are being carried out in modern Russia. Thus, in the period from 2008 to 2020, a large-scale reform of the Armed Forces is planned. It includes improving the structure, composition and numbers armed forces, modernization of their technical re-equipment, creation of rapid reaction forces. Much attention is paid to the life of military families and increasing the prestige of the profession. This reform is supported by the population of Russia, since the defense of the country is the most important area of ​​activity of the state. The result is already noticeable: this is the creation of the latest military equipment, and the desire of young people to serve in the army and acquire a military profession. Once again, being a military man and defending the Motherland has become prestigious in our country.


VPR. Russian language. 4th grade.

VPR. Russian language. 4th grade.

VPR. Russian language. 4th grade.

VPR. Russian language.

VPR. Russian language.

Getting ready for the VPR.

Getting ready for the VPR. Russian language. .

Getting ready for the VPR. Russian language.

Getting ready for the VPR. Russian language. Class. How to complete tasks No. 12, 13, 14?

Getting ready for the VPR. Russian language. 5th grade.

Getting ready for the VPR. Russian language. 5th grade.

Getting ready for the VPR. Russian language. 5th grade.

Getting ready for the VPR. Russian language. .

Literature. Terms.

Getting ready for the VPR.

Getting ready for the VPR.

OGE. Russian language.

Getting ready for the VPR.

Society is developing towards the Device of Reasonable Order. There are no special “ Socio-Economic Formations ”, but there are Periods (Stages) of Society Development. The development of Society consists of several Stages in accordance with the Laws of the Development of Matter (Laws of Dialectics). Stage comes first Changes to Details Companies in accordance with " Law of Detail of Change ”, which says that Development consists of Changes (Changes), and each Change consists of a certain Many Details. Change always occurs as a Continuous Process associated with Changes in Details. Changes occur without Breaks in the Details, and the Details of Change form a Systemic Unity.

These Changes (Changes) in the Details of Society do not occur chaotically, but on the basis of the Property Certainties in accordance with " Law of Guided Determinism ”, which states that Certainty in the Universe is due to the Set of certain Causes leading to certain Events (Consequences). Occurring Events are the Influence of Many Causes that arise constantly. Causes can be controlled by the Main Cause.

At the same time, Causes give rise to Events ( Consequences ) in accordance with " Law of Connectedness of Events ”, which states that Events are interconnected as Cause and Effect. The Effect is the Cause for the next Effect. Cause causes Effect, and not necessarily one. Many Causes are associated with Many Effects.

After this, the next Stage of Society Development begins, at which Changes (Changes) in the Details of Society, occurring due to Causes causing Effects, lead to the Emergence Opposites , who begin to fight among themselves in accordance with “ The Law of Unity and Struggle of Opposites ”, which states that all the Process itself occurring in the Universe is characterized by the Presence of Opposites, forming a State of Struggle between them, which depends on the Source of Opposites. Opposites add up if they act in the Same Direction. The results of the Struggle of Opposites give New Opposites, determining New Causes that cause New Effects, which are New Changes in the Details of Society.

Then comes the next Stage of Development of Society, at which Quantitative Accumulation Changes in the Details of the Society, due to which these Details of the Society pass into a New Quality in accordance with “ The Law of the Transition of Quantity into Quality ”, which states that Quantitative Changes in Society provide an Opportunity for Society at a certain Point in Time to move into a New Quality.

And finally, the Final Stage of Society Development begins, at which this New Quality of Society rejects and replaces Old Quality according to " Law of Negation of Negation ”, which states that the New negates the Old and replaces the Old, which in turn is further negated by the New for it and is replaced by this New. As a result, the Society becomes Qualitatively differently, but the Process of Development of Society does not end there - the Process of Development of Society is cyclically resumed and again follows the above-mentioned Scheme. At the same time, the Result of Changes in the Development of Society can be either spasmodic (“ Revolutionary "), or Smooth (" Evolutionary »). Creating a Just Society

This is the First Stage on the Path to Creating a Society of Reason. It is characterized by the fact that in it all People receive Material Benefits according to Justice established by the Political Way, that is, according to the results of an Agreement between Members of Society, which is expressed in Laws of a Political Nature and is protected by the State. All Members of the Society receive Material Benefits according to the Laws of Justice. And they cannot take more than they deserve. In this Society, Property and Political Differentiation is still preserved, there are different Social Layers, and Social Exploitation is still preserved. The creation of a Just Society occurs in the Conditions of the Domination of Private Ownership of the Means of Production and Natural Resources. Even under Capitalism it is fundamentally possible to establish the Elements of a Just Society, but Complete Justice can only be carried out if the Power of the People is established. As long as Political Power is in the hands of the Exploitative Social Classes, there will be no Justice. In a Just Society, the People must have the Right to establish the Standards and Laws of Justice in relation to all Social Layers. Therefore, Real Justice will be possible after the Elimination of all Exploitation of Man by Man. Creation of an Equal Society

This is the Second Stage on the Path to Creating a Society of Reason. It is characterized by the fact that all Members of the Society are equal in Rights to Ownership and Distribution Material Goods, which is determined by Laws and protected by the State. The form of its Social and Political Structure is “ Communalism ", in which all Members of the Society must work. Private Property is no longer detailed in the Means of Production and Resources, but only in the Items of Consumption. Communal and Common Property reign completely. There is no Inequality in anything. Physically, this is the Society of Sustainable Equilibrium Development. From this Stage begins the Process of True Development of Human Society, which moves into the Last Stage - Spiritual Society. Creation Spiritual Society

Society includes People who differ in their Qualities. Moreover, the relative Number of People with Altruistic Behavior Genotypes is continuously growing. Therefore, the Moment will definitely come when the Number of such People will prevail over People who have Genotypes of Selfish Behavior, and then the Vector Spiritual Development Humanity will completely coincide with the Vector of Spiritual Development of Society. At the same time, a Situation will be created when the Development of Society will follow a purely Spiritual Path. In this case, the Development of People and Society will be determined by the Cosmic Intelligent Forces, and Human Society will ultimately become Fully Intelligent and Spiritual. The remnant of People who will not be able to accept Spirituality and will remain on the Side of Chaos will be destroyed in the World Cataclysm of the Apocalypse, but by this Time the Main Mass of People will already become Spiritual People, who by this Moment will be completely “united” with the Cosmic By Intelligent Beings(Spirits) and, therefore, will actually reside in Paradise (where these Spirits live), and the Essences of the Spiritual Manager will help them develop further.

There is a lot going on in the world around us. changes. Some of them occur constantly and can be recorded at any time. To do this, you need to select a certain period of time and monitor which features of the object disappear and which appear. Changes may concern the position of the object in space, its configuration, temperature, volume, etc., i.e. those properties that do not remain constant. Summarizing all the changes, we can highlight characteristic features, distinguishing this object from others. Thus, the category “change” is understood as the process of movement and interaction of objects and phenomena, the transition from one state to another, the emergence of new properties, functions and relationships in them.

A special type of change is development. If change characterizes any phenomenon of reality and is universal, then development is associated with the renewal of an object, its transformation into something new. Moreover, development is not a reversible process. For example, the change “water - steam - water” is not considered development, just as it is not considered quantitative changes or the destruction of an object and the cessation of its existence.

Development always involves qualitative changes that occur over relatively large time intervals. Examples include the evolution of life on Earth, the historical development of mankind, scientific and technological progress, etc.

Society development- this is a process of progressive changes that occur at every given moment at every point in human society . In sociology, to characterize the movement of society, the concepts “ social development" and "social change". The first of them characterizes a certain type of social change, oriented towards improvement, complexity and perfection. But there are many other changes. For example, emergence, formation, growth, decline, disappearance, transition period. These changes carry neither positive nor negative meaning. The concept of “social change” covers a wide range of social changes, regardless of their direction.

Thus, the concept "social change" denotes various changes occurring over a period of time in social communities, groups, institutions, organizations, in their relationships with each other, as well as with individuals. Such changes can occur at the level of interpersonal relationships (for example, changes in the structure and functions of the family), at the level of organizations and institutions (education, science are constantly subject to changes both in terms of their content and in terms of their organization), at the level of small and large social groups.

There are four type of social change :

1) structural changes relating to the structures of various
social entities (for example, family, any other community, society as a whole);

2) changes affecting social processes (relations of solidarity, tension, conflict, equality and subordination, etc.);

3) functional social changes relating to the functions of various social systems(in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993, there were changes in the functions of the legislative and executive powers);

4) motivational social changes (in lately
For significant masses of the population, the motives of personal monetary earnings and profit come to the fore, which influences their behavior, thinking, and consciousness).

All these changes are closely interconnected. Changes in one type inevitably lead to changes in other types.

Researches development dialectics . This concept arose in Ancient Greece, where the ability to polemicize, argue, convince, proving one’s rightness was highly valued. Dialectics was understood as the art of argument, dialogue, discussion, during which participants put forward alternative points of view. In the process of dispute, one-sidedness is overcome, and a correct understanding of the phenomena under discussion is developed. The well-known expression “truth is born in dispute” is quite applicable to the discussions of ancient philosophers.

Ancient dialectics represented the world as constantly moving, changeable, and all phenomena as interconnected. But at the same time, they did not distinguish the category of development as the emergence of something new. IN ancient Greek philosophy The concept of the great cycle prevailed, according to which everything in the world is subject to cyclical return changes and, like the change of seasons, everything eventually returns “to normal.”

The concept of development as a process of qualitative change appeared in the medieval Christian philosophy. Augustine the Blessed compared history with human life passing through the stages of childhood, adolescence, maturity and old age. The beginning of history was compared with the birth of man, and its ending ( doomsday) - with death. This concept overcame the idea of ​​cyclical changes and introduced the concept of progressive movement and the uniqueness of events.

During the era of bourgeois revolutions, the idea arose historical development , put forward by the famous French educators Voltaire and Rousseau. It was developed by Kant, who raised the question of the development of morality and social development of man.

Hegel developed a holistic concept of development. He found various changes in nature, but he saw true development in the history of society and, above all, in its spiritual culture. Hegel identified the main principles of dialectics : universal connection of phenomena, unity of opposites, development through negation.

Dialectical opposites are inextricably linked and unthinkable without each other. Thus, content is impossible without form, a part is impossible without the whole, an effect is impossible without a cause, etc. In some cases, opposites come closer and even transform into each other, for example, illness and health, material and spiritual, quantity and quality. Thus, the law of unity and struggle of opposites establishes that the source of development is internal contradictions.

Dialectics pays special attention to the relationship between quantitative and qualitative changes. Any object has a quality that distinguishes it from other objects, and quantitative characteristics of its volume, weight, etc. Quantitative changes may accumulate gradually and not affect the quality of the item. But at a certain stage, a change in quantitative characteristics leads to a change in quality. Thus, an increase in pressure in a steam boiler can lead to an explosion, the constant implementation of unpopular reforms among the people causes discontent, the accumulation of knowledge in any field of science leads to new discoveries, etc.

The development of society occurs progressively, passing through certain stages. Each subsequent stage, as it were, negates the previous one. As development progresses, a new quality appears, a new negation occurs, which in science is called denial of denial. However, denial cannot be considered the destruction of the old. Along with more complex phenomena, there are always simpler ones. On the other hand, the new, highly developed, emerging from the old, preserves everything valuable that was in it.

Hegel's concept is based on reality and generalizes vast historical material. However, Hegel put the spiritual processes of social life in first place, believing that the history of peoples is the embodiment of the development of ideas.

Using Hegel's concept, Marx created materialist dialectics, which is based on the idea of ​​development not from the spiritual, but from the material. Marx considered the basis of development to be the improvement of the tools of labor (productive forces), entailing a change in social relations. Development was considered by Marx, and then by Lenin, as a single natural process, the course of which is not linear, but in a spiral. At a new turn, the passed steps are repeated, but at a higher quality level. Movement forward occurs spasmodically, sometimes catastrophically. The transition from quantity to quality, internal contradictions, and the clash of various forces and tendencies provide impetus for development.

However, the process of development cannot be understood as a strict movement from lower to higher. Different peoples on Earth differ in their development from each other. Some peoples developed faster, some more slowly. In the development of some, gradual changes prevailed, while in the development of others they were of a spasmodic nature. Depending on this, they distinguish evolutionary And revolutionary development.

Evolution- these are gradual, slow quantitative changes that over time lead to a transition to a qualitatively different state. The evolution of life on Earth is the most striking example of such changes. In the development of society, evolutionary changes manifested themselves in the improvement of tools, the emergence of new, more complex forms of interaction between people different areas their lives.

Revolution- this is in highest degree radical changes that involve a radical breakdown of pre-existing relationships, are of a general nature and rely, in some cases, on violence. The revolution is of a spasmodic nature.

Depending on the duration of the revolution there are short-term And long-term. The first include social revolutions - fundamental qualitative changes in all social life, affecting the foundations of the social system. Such were the bourgeois revolutions in England (XVII century) and France (XVIII century), the socialist revolution in Russia (1917). Long-term revolutions have global significance and affect the development process of different nations. The first such revolution was neolithic revolution . It lasted several thousand years and led to the transition of humanity from an appropriating economy to a producing one, i.e. from hunting and gathering to pastoralism and agriculture. The most important process that took place in many countries of the world in the 18th -19th centuries was industrial revolution , as a result of which there was a transition from manual labor to machine labor, mechanization of production was carried out, which made it possible to significantly increase the volume of output with lower labor costs.

In characterizing the development process in relation to the economy, extensive and intensive development paths are often distinguished. Extensive way associated with an increase in production by attracting new sources of raw materials, labor resources, increased exploitation of labor, and expansion of acreage in agriculture. Intensive way associated with the use of new production methods based on scientific and technological progress. The extensive path of development is not endless. At a certain stage, the limit of its capabilities comes, and development comes to a dead end. The intensive path of development, on the contrary, involves the search for something new that is actively used in practice; society moves forward at a faster pace.

The development of society is a complex process that continues continuously throughout the history of humankind. It began with the separation of man from the animal world and is unlikely to end in the foreseeable future. The process of development of society can only be interrupted with the death of humanity. If man himself does not create the conditions for self-destruction in the form of a nuclear war or an environmental disaster, the limits of human development can only be associated with the end of existence solar system. But it is likely that by that time science will reach a new qualitative level and man will be able to move in outer space. The possibility of populating other planets, star systems, and galaxies can remove the question of the limit to the development of society.

Questions and tasks

1. What is meant by the category “change”? What types of changes can you name?

2. How does development differ from other types of change?

3. What types of social changes do you know?

4. What is dialectics? When and where did it originate?

5. How have ideas about the development of the history of philosophy changed?

6. What are the laws of dialectics? Give examples to support them.

7. How do evolution and revolution differ? How did these processes manifest themselves in the lives of individual peoples and of all humanity?

8. Give examples of extensive and intensive development paths. Why can't they exist one without the other?

9. Read the statement by N.A. Berdyaev:

“History cannot make sense if it never ends, if there is no end; the meaning of history is the movement towards the end, towards completion, towards the outcome. Religious consciousness sees in history a tragedy that has a beginning and will have an end. In a historical tragedy there are a number of acts, and in them the final catastrophe is brewing, an all-resolving catastrophe...”

What does he see as the meaning of history? How are his ideas related to the problem of social development?

10. Conduct a discussion on the topic “Is there a limit to the development of mankind?”

Ways of development of society is an evolutionary, revolutionary and reform path. Let's look at each of them.

Evolution - this (from the Latin evolutio - “unfolding”) is a process of natural change in society, in which a social form of development of society arises, different from the previous one. The evolutionary path of development is smooth, gradual changes that occur in society under specific historical conditions.

For the first time a sociologist spoke about social evolution Spencer G.

The modern Russian historian highly appreciated the evolutionary path of development Volobuev P. He called positive aspects evolution:

  • Ensures continuity of development, preserving all accumulated wealth
  • Accompanied by positive qualitative changes in all spheres of society.
  • Evolution uses reforms, is capable of providing and maintaining social progress, give it a civilized form.

Revolution– (from Latin revolutio - turn, transformation) these are fundamental, spasmodic, significant changes in society that lead to the transition of society from one qualitative state to another.

Types of revolutions

By duration:

  • Short-term (for example, the February Revolution in Russia in 1917)
  • Long-term (for example, the Neolithic, that is, the transition from an appropriating to a producing type of economy, lasted about 3 thousand years; the industrial revolution, that is, the transition from manual labor to machine labor, lasted about 200 years, this is the 18th-19th centuries).

By area of ​​flow

  • technical (neolithic, industrial, scientific and technical)
  • cultural
  • social (with change of government)

By scale of flow:

  • in a separate country
  • in a number of countries
  • global

Assessments of social revolutions

K. Marx:“Revolution is the locomotive of history,” “ driving force society"

Berdyaev N.: “All revolutions ended in reactions. It's inevitable. This is the law. And the more violent and violent the revolutions were, the stronger the reactions were.”

Most sociologists see revolution as an undesirable deviation from the natural course of history, because any revolution always means violence, loss of life, impoverishment of people.

Reform– (from lat. reformo transformation) is a change in society carried out from above by the government, the authorities. This happens through the adoption of laws, regulations and other government regulations. Reforms can occur in one area or in several at once. However, there are no significant, fundamental changes in the state (in the system, phenomenon, structure).

Types of reforms

By influence on the course of historical development

  • Progressive, that is, leading to improvement in any area of ​​society (education reform, healthcare reform. Let us recall the reforms of Alexander II - peasant, zemstvo, judicial, military - all of them significantly improved social relations.
  • Regressive – leading to backward movement, worsening something in society. Thus, the counter-reforms of Alexander III led to increased reaction and conservatism in management.

By area of ​​society:

  • Economic(conversions to economic activity countries)
  • Social(creating conditions for a decent life for people)
  • Political(changes in political sphere, for example, the adoption of a constitution, a new electoral law, etc.)

New types of revolutions of the 20th-21st centuries:

  • "green" revolution is a set of changes in agriculture that occurred in developing countries in the 1940s-1970s of the 20th century. These include: introducing more productive plant varieties; expansion of irrigation, that is, irrigation systems; improvement of agricultural machinery; the use of fertilizers, pesticides, that is, chemicals to control pests and weeds . Target This revolution means a significant increase in agricultural production and entry into the world market.
  • "velvet" revolution is a process of bloodless reform of the social regime. The term first appeared in connection with the events in Czechoslovakia in November-December 1989. In these revolutions, the leading role is played by elite groups that compete with the same elite, but in power.
  • "orange" revolution is a company of rallies, protests, strikes, pickets and other acts of civil disobedience, the purpose of which is to solve pressing problems. The term first appeared in connection with the events in Ukraine in 2004, when supporters of Yushchenko and Yanukovych confronted each other.

    Material prepared by: Melnikova Vera Aleksandrovna

Philosophers distinguish two main paths for the progressive development of human society - evolution and revolution.

Evolution- this is a slow, gradual quantitative change in existing social relations, economic and socio-political systems, ultimately leading to their qualitative transformation.

The evolutionary development of society can be carried out consciously. Then they take the form of social reforms.

Reform- this is the transformation of any aspect of social life or public institutions while maintaining the foundations of the existing social system, carried out by the state.

Reforms are aimed at improving various fields public life, to improve the economic, social, political situation of the population and expand opportunities to meet their basic needs.

Directions of reforms in modern Russia:

^ social - pension reform, implementation of national projects: “Health of the Nation”, “Maternity Capital”, “Housing for a Young Family”, “Education”, etc.;

^ political - changes in the political sphere of public life, in the Constitution, in the electoral system, the fight against corruption, etc.;

^ economic - privatization, measures to overcome the financial crisis, monetary reforms;

^ in the spiritual sphere - educational reform, an attempt to create a national idea that integrates Russians, the revival of historical traditions, propaganda of citizenship, patriotism, etc.

The degree of reformist transformations can be very significant, up to changes in the social system or the type of economic system: the reforms of Peter I, reforms in Russia in the early 90s. XX century

Evolution can take place spontaneously, for example, as a result of the division of labor, responsibilities and roles were differentiated between people, this gave rise to the process of differentiation in society.

Another example is the constant process of increasing the average standard of living of the planet's population. In this case, innovation plays a significant role.

Innovation- an ordinary, one-time improvement associated with an increase in the adaptive capabilities of a social organism under certain conditions.

Thus, the mechanism of evolution follows from the very nature of human society - the need for self-realization and improvement of society, increasing the quality of life.

However, under certain circumstances, social evolution sometimes encounters obstacles that cannot be eliminated through reforms, and then society takes the path of social revolution.

Revolution- a radical, qualitative change in all or most aspects of social life, affecting the foundations of the existing social system.

Signs of revolution:

  • these are radical changes, as a result of which a radical breakdown of the social object occurs;
  • are of a general, fundamental nature;
  • as a rule, rely on violence;
  • are organized consciously;
  • cause unusually strong emotions and mass activity.

Revolution- seizure of state power by violent methods by leaders of mass movements and its subsequent use for large-scale reform of all spheres of public life.

G. Hegel did not consider revolution a violation of the normal course of history. On the contrary, a revolution is a natural break in the continuity historical process, a leap in the development of society. But revolution, in his opinion, plays a predominantly destructive role in history, freeing society from obstacles that impede its free development. Positive creativity is realized only through gradual development.

The theory of revolution is most thoroughly developed in Marxism. Karl Marx claims that the social revolution sweeps away all obstacles from the path of historical progress and opens up new horizons for it. It means a giant leap in social development, a transition to new, more progressive forms of social life. Therefore, revolutions are the “locomotives of history.”

The economic basis of the social revolution is the conflict between productive forces and production relations.

Opponents of Marxism actively developed the idea of ​​​​the ineffectiveness of social revolutions. Revolutions, in their opinion, can turn into their opposite and, instead of liberation, bring new forms of violence and oppression to the people.

According to P. Sorokin, revolution is worst way improving the material and spiritual conditions of life of the masses, because it does not increase, but reduces all basic freedoms, does not improve, but rather worsens the economic and cultural position of the working class. The philosopher gives preference to the evolutionary path of development of society.

Social revolution- This is an extreme form of resolving social contradictions. It does not arise at the will or arbitrariness of individuals or parties, but is a necessary consequence of the previous development of society and becomes historically necessary only in the presence of certain objective conditions and circumstances. Now only extreme extremists consider revolution as the only means of transforming society. Modern Marxists have abandoned revolutionary methods of struggle for power and rely mainly on democratic and parliamentary forms.

A revolution can be seen as a fundamental change in any field human activity, entailing a radical, radical, deep, qualitative change, a leap in the development of society, nature or knowledge, associated with an open break with the previous state.

Revolutions are distinguished:

  • Neolithic(transition from an extractive to a producing economy, i.e., the birth of agriculture and cattle breeding);
  • industrial(transition from manual labor to machine labor, from manufactory to factory);
  • cultural(radical changes in the spiritual life of society, transformation and change in the basic values ​​of the dominant way of life and way of life);
  • "green"(the process of introducing the achievements of scientific and technological progress in agriculture, ways, methods and means of sharply increasing the productivity of crop production, its prerequisite

was introduced in the mid-1950s. new hybrid high-yielding varieties of food grain crops; demographic (radical changes in population reproduction in the process of its historical development); scientific (a radical change in the process and content of scientific knowledge associated with the transition to new theoretical and methodological premises, to a new system of fundamental concepts and methods, to a new scientific picture world, as well as with qualitative transformations of the material means of observation and experimentation, with new ways of assessing and interpreting empirical data, with new ideals of explanation, validity and organization of knowledge).