Born in the year of the cat. Year of the Rabbit, Cat, Hare: characteristics and years of birth

Horoscope of the Cat: legend, character, money and career of the Cat; Compatibility horoscope Cat - zodiac sign

Cat (Rabbit)

1927 - fiery year

1939 – Earthen cat

1951 – metal

1963 – Water cat

1975 – wooden

1987 - fiery year

1999 – earthen

2011 – Metal cat

2023 – Water cat

Cat Horoscope: Legend

Second most popular Chinese legend says: The Jade Emperor sent a servant from heaven to earth to bring 12 beautiful animals.

He invited various animals, but he could not find the Cat, whose beauty he had heard a lot about. Therefore, he instructed the Rat to convey the invitation to the Cat. She completed the assignment. However, the lazy Cat, who loved to sleep, asked the Rat to wake him up at the appointed time. The Rat promised this, but then changed her mind: the Cat was more beautiful, he could outshine her in front of the Emperor. The cat overslept and was late to the Emperor. His place in the twelve-year cycle was taken by the Rabbit. Therefore, since then there has been irreconcilable enmity between the Cat and the Rat.

However, those who disagree with the Emperor believe that the fourth year of the cycle still belongs to the handsome Cat, and not to the Rabbit. And people of this year are more likely to have a magical cat charm and a few mystical gaze, rather than rabbit qualities.

Cat: character

These are bright individuals: ambitious, reserved, talented, virtuous, and have exquisite taste. Cats value themselves. Social events are their element, they hospitable, behave with dignity, dress with taste, modestly, know how to speak, know how to listen, can gossip, but subtly, tactfully, not evil.

They know how to make an impression and fit into virtually any group. The orderliness of their lives is entirely their own merit. They seem to accumulate the most positive things in themselves - goodwill, responsibility, good manners, sociability, delicacy - and apply them when necessary. This is not hypocrisy at all; Cats sincerely strive for harmony: in the impression they make, in relationships, in business. Cats succeed in this: they are trusted, accepted as their own everywhere, admired, even imitated.

Cats are gentle with those they love. However, they are rarely attached to their relatives: they can easily separate from relatives, even children, for the sake of friends whom they themselves have chosen.
Aggression is completely unusual for Cats, the desire for comfort - physical and mental - forces them to avoid unpleasant worries and complications: when communicating, Cats avoid sensitive topics, avoid conflicts, and do not watch news about wars, disasters, injustice. This is not indifference, not callousness: Cats simply believe that there is no need to add black colors to an already difficult life. It is better to try to create an aura of positivity around.

Diplomacy, the ability to defuse a conflict situation, a willingness to compromise, an easy-going nature, thoughtfulness and caution make them valuable workers in responsible, sensitive positions. Cats also have a commercial streak: they are excellent businessmen, bankers, and heads of marketing departments. They have the valuable ability to make a profit without unnecessary risk. Therefore, in financial matters, Cats are dexterous and lucky. They should be lucky in the game, but they rarely play: Cats are conservative, cautious, and hate anything that can ruin their well-established life.

Ambitious, but friendly, not aggressive, tactful, Cats strive for world harmony, knowing exactly its secret: “To change better world around, you need to start with yourself.”

Cat - zodiac sign:

Capricorn - Longing. Very strict, much less sociable.

Aquarius - A cat with abilities. Valuable friend. He should write - he has talent.

Pisces - Very pleasant in company and communication. All Cats Cat!

Aries - Wild Forest Cat!

Taurus is the Most Tender Cat. Purrs by the fire, claws always hidden.

Gemini - The cat is domestic, calm. May be at risk in life.

Cancer - Cat on the master's lap. Laziness and inaction do not oppress him. Charming, although a little effeminate.

Leo is just a Tiger, not a Cat! Quite calm though. He will go through life with claws at the ready.

Virgo - Cat the Wise. However, he will do difficult things and take risks for free for the sake of others.

Libra - Cat Melancholic, charming, feminine, liked by many.

Scorpio is the Sorcerer Cat. You should be wary of damage...

Sagittarius is an exceptional cat! The most balanced, the best of the Cats.

Horoscope year of the Cat: money, career

Usually the Cat (Rabbit) does not rush to the very top of his career. His goal is many times more difficult: the need for a strong position that is unshakable either by changes in bosses, or changes in the country's politics, or economic crises, or wholesale layoffs. Often the Cat achieves this. He knows how to be a valuable personnel in the eyes of management, but for his colleagues he is almost best friend. Together, this helps the Cat stay afloat.

In matters of money, the Cat (Rabbit) has no equal. Possessing commercial flair, as well as the invaluable ability to take moderate risks, he can make money from almost nothing. In everyday life, the Cat spends on himself as rationally as possible, always having a tidy sum in his accounts.

Celebrity Cats (Rabbits)

Queen Victoria, Confucius, Edvard Grieg, Henri Stendhal, Frank Sinatra, Marie Curie, Whitney Houston, Albert Einstein, Fidel Castro, Svyatoslav Richter, Georges Simenon, Mstislav Rostrapovich, Edith Piaf, Eldar Ryazanov, Garry Kasparov, Sergei Prokofiev, Walter Scott.

Compatibility Horoscope Cat

— Excellent: Sheep (Goat), Boar (Pig), Dog

— Not bad: Dragon, Rabbit (Cat)

— Bad: Rat, Rooster

— The Cat will get along wonderfully with the Goat (Sheep): the Cat’s whims do not bother her, he appreciates her artistry and taste, and will give her comfort. Everything is fine with the meticulous Pig (Boar) and the faithful Dog.

“Relationships with Tiger are strained. But the Cat, not so strong, can always leave the game: he is of a common breed with the Tiger, the Cat is not afraid of him.
The Rooster enrages the Cat with his fanfare. The cat generally needs to beware of rats like cholera.


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Born in the year Kota people prefer to live by their own laws. They perfectly adapt to external circumstances and “fit into” the life going on around them with the world order accepted in the given area, but they live longer inner life than external. Mine inner world“cats” carefully protect against outside interference.

The impression of complacency and calmness emanating from him is deceptive: just a moment, and the “cat” will immediately release its claws and jump on the enemy. An angry “cat” is sometimes more dangerous than a tiger.

People born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) have an amazing ability to concentrate on the task that fascinates them, and fall into a “lethargic sleep” from routine actions.

“Cats” are thrown out of balance by situations when events do not unfold according to the plan they have built, especially if this brings disharmony into their personal lives. Increased sensitivity and impressionability endows the “cat” with the gift of foresight and magical abilities, thanks to which he finds a way out of any situation.

The desire to bring their work to perfection sometimes turns “cats” into fanatics of their profession. They are punctual and conscientious, but they work best on a flexible schedule, in which they plan and distribute their time themselves.

Thanks to the ability to “get into someone else’s skin,” “cats” become excellent teachers and psychologists. They are happy to help people and would like to see the world perfect, and the people in it happy, everyone without exception. Rich imagination and deep emotions give “cats” the opportunity to express themselves in art. In most cases, “cats” are much stronger attached to friends than to their blood relatives, and the family sometimes seems to them a burden that prevents them from walking “on their own.”

Born in the year of the Cat and Rabbit:

Fidel Castro (08/13/1927), Benjamin Spock (05/02/1903), Valery Chkalov (02/02/1904), Svyatoslav Richter (03/20/1915), Mstislav Rostropovich (03/27/1927), Evgeny Mravinsky (06/04/1903), Georgy. Sviridov (12/16/1915), Elena Obraztsova (07/07/1939), Georges Simenon (02/13/1903), Irving Stone (07/14/1903), Georgy Tovstonogov (09/28/1915), Eldar Ryazanov (11/18/1927).

What qualities do those born in the year of the Rabbit/year of the Cat have? Habits and character traits, basic inclinations, advantages and disadvantages. Talismans for people born in the year of the Rabbit. With what signs Chinese Zodiac those born in the year of the Cat converge.

Year of the Cat/Rabbit in the 20th and 21st centuries: 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023.

General description of the Rabbit/Cat sign

Rabbits are very wary of life; it is impossible to drag them into any adventure. They will check if the iron is turned off ten times, and only then will they leave the house. The rabbit attracts with its modesty; it is always neatly dressed and behaves with dignity. Despite his apparent isolation, the Cat is very sociable. People are drawn to him because he is an excellent conversationalist and can support any conversation.

The main advantage of someone born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) is that he not only speaks, but is also an excellent listener. He will allow you to speak out, pour out your soul, and then give wise advice. Of course, only if you ask. The rabbit is very tactful, so it will not teach you life if you don’t want it. The cat cannot be called the life of the party; he is rarely the ringleader, but his absence is always noticeable. This is his talent - to stand out without attracting attention.

Rabbit is the friendliest and peace sign eastern horoscope. Aggression is alien to him, quarrels and conflicts exhaust him. He always strives for order and harmony, so his company is warm even in the most severe frost. The rabbit always looks for the cause of any conflicts in itself, and knows how to put itself in the place of another.

The cat loves his home very much and makes great efforts to make it safe and cozy. He always has everything sorted out, he does not tolerate chaos and disorder. He treats his loved ones very kindly, but cannot stand their criticism. Being a very sensitive person, she takes everything too personally.

The Cat/Rabbit is very sensitive to the grief of others, he tries to help everyone he can. But he expects help in return when he needs it. Those born this year prefer to be among people when their hearts are heavy.

Cat/Rabbit in love and marriage

Rabbits do not like change, so they are very careful when choosing a partner; they prefer long-term, stable relationships. They prefer to marry once and for life. The cat is enraged by anything that disturbs the harmony in his space, so he tries to choose a calm partner.

Male Rabbit

They are gallant and seductive, they know all the rules of courtship and are able to conquer any girl. Their intelligence and sense of humor will not leave anyone indifferent. They expect loyalty, decency and the ability to avoid unpleasant situations from their partners. The Rabbit man will start a family only with a housewife who will wait for him from work and feed him a delicious dinner. The Cat is not interested in frivolous, superficial young ladies.

The Rabbit man is very patient and forgives his chosen one for many pranks, but if his patience runs out, in a fit of anger he will remember all his grievances to her. The problem with these men is that they are too jealous, and this can greatly ruin their relationship. Rabbit men are afraid of change in family life, so they often continue to live with their partner, even if it’s not at all sweet for them.

The Cat man has many friends, but he will never leave his wife alone for the sake of a fun get-together with them. Women are attracted by the kindness of the Rabbit man, who will always feed a street kitten and offer help to an old woman with heavy bags. The children of these men simply adore them; they become the best fathers for their children.

Rabbit Woman

She adheres to traditional views on relationships and will never take the first step. The Cat Lady is very modest, and sometimes she has to wait a very long time before someone shows interest in her. This woman can only be attracted to a serious man; womanizers and partygoers are not suitable for her.

Often a woman born in the year of the Cat gets married without experiencing great love to a partner. She does this only in order to finally find stability in her personal life and feel comfort and security. The Rabbit woman is afraid of the world around her; it seems unpredictable and unsafe to her, so she expects fidelity and devotion from her partner. Cat women themselves are the most reliable life companions. Since childhood, they have dreamed of marriage and see themselves primarily as a wife and mother.

Representatives of this sign are very timid, and it takes them a lot of time to learn how to express their feelings for their partner. Sometimes, even years later, the Rabbit woman will be embarrassed to show her love. She will be an excellent partner for a man who values ​​constancy and does not need affectionate words and hugs. The Rabbit woman experiences loneliness very hard, as she needs to take care of and look after someone.

Catwomen rarely express their dissatisfaction, usually all negative emotions kept inside, silently swallowing grievances. They try in every possible way to hush up the family conflict and continue to pretend that everything is fine. A good feature of a lady born this year is that she will never discuss her husband with her friends and will not undermine his authority. These women generally do not wash dirty linen in public. Her children are always neat and polite, she teaches them to distinguish bad from good. But even to her offspring she does not show maternal affection.

Cat/Rabbit at work

The Rabbit's diplomacy and tact make him indispensable in the team. He is the one who is able to create a friendly atmosphere at work, smoothing out rough edges in a timely manner. His easy-going character and ability to feel his interlocutor promise him success in negotiations. It is not surprising that he is entrusted with attracting business partners and concluding contracts.

Most Cats are born with an entrepreneurial spirit. They have a nose for profitable projects. Often Rabbits find themselves in trading, investing, but never invest a large sum straightaway. They prefer to move towards their goal slowly but surely, avoiding major risks. As a rule, Rabbits are very economical and always think about their future financial well-being.

Rabbit (Cat) is the fourth sign of the 12-year Chinese cycle, or eastern calendar animals. It is associated with the yin energy and the wood element. Corresponding sign Zodiac - Cancer.

The rabbit symbolizes:
sociability, ability to behave in society, goodwill, hospitality, non-conflictindecision, cowardice, conservatism, pedantry, jealousy

Rabbit Years Table

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Rabbit

The Rabbit's horoscope creates a general impression of the character of the representative of this sign, his positive and negative qualities, features of building personal relationships and careers. It helps to get to know a person born in the year of a given animal better.

Character Traits

Positive. The rabbit is sociable and reserved by nature. Thanks to his gentle character and natural goodwill, he becomes “at home” in any company. He is the darling of fate and always gets the best.

Positive character traits of the Rabbit:

  • sociability: Rabbit is a versatile personality; he is able to carry on a conversation on any topic; at the same time he knows how to both speak and listen; refined manners and refined taste allow him to shine in society, but he does not strive to stand out;
  • ability to behave in society: he is always reserved, dressed discreetly and tastefully; at the same time, he knows his worth and behaves with dignity in any situation, it is impossible to piss him off;
  • goodwill: The Rabbit sincerely sympathizes with the troubles of others; his support is always appropriate and timely;
  • hospitality: creates comfort around oneself and is ready to share it with everyone; guests are always welcome;
  • non-conflict: avoids “sharp corners” in any situation; with his delicacy and calmness he is able to stop any conflict.

Negative. The rabbit appears exclusively as a positive person. He knows how to cleverly hide negative qualities their nature, such as indecisiveness and cowardice. These traits are successfully lost against the background of his merits and appear only occasionally.

Negative aspects of the Rabbit:

  • indecisiveness: weighs the pros and cons for a long time before making a decision; this often leads to procrastination important issues for an indefinite period; at the same time, such reinsurance saves you from unjustified risks;
  • cowardice: The Rabbit tries to avoid troubles and conflicts, therefore in a dangerous situation it easily shifts responsibility to another;
  • conservatism: does not like change, rarely changes anything in its environment and resists changes from the outside;
  • pedantry: meticulously works on every detail, bringing it to perfection.

Love and relationships

He takes love and family relationships seriously. In a partner he values ​​non-conflict and the ability to maintain home comfort. If you manage to find a suitable soul mate, you are happy in your family life.

Thanks to the Rabbit’s natural ability to behave in company, sociability and versatility, his courtship rarely remains unrequited, and he conquers any object of his affections.

The representative of this sign has one serious drawback - he is overly jealous. If he has even the slightest suspicion, he becomes picky and constantly checks his partner. To maintain peace of mind You need to give in to the rabbit and put off your own affairs. If the partner agrees to this, then family relationships fold up well.

Career and profession

Rabbit is a professional in his field. He is good at his job. Thanks to natural caution, he avoids many problems. His easy-going character and non-conflict nature help him occupy responsible and delicate positions.

He loves consistency in everything, so when choosing a position he is guided not so much by earnings as by stability.

The Rabbit has a commercial talent - he knows how to make a profit without taking unnecessary risks.

The Rabbit strives for harmony both within itself and in its environment. Non-conflict, charming and versatile, he quickly wins people over. In family life he is happy if he meets an equally non-aggressive and conservative partner. IN professional field activities, holds positions that require his talents - caution and responsibility. The rabbit knows what the main secret of life is - “Do you want to change the world? Start with yourself."

Cycle of the Year of the Rabbit according to the Chinese horoscope
1903 1915 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975
January 29 February 14 February 2 February 19 February 6 January 25 February 11
1987 1999 2011 2023 2035 2047 2059
January 29 February 16 February 3
*Dates indicate New Year's Day.

A characteristic portrait of a person born in the year of the Rabbit

Rabbits have a calm character, they are receptive, but cannot be successful in competition - if they need to take risks, they are immediately overcome by anxiety. The fragile balance of emotions of rabbits can easily be shaken by an unexpected situation; they instinctively want to create a peaceful and cozy atmosphere. This makes them very pleasant guests and attentive hosts, and they make every effort to ensure that people do not feel lonely and forgotten.

Rabbits understand that to create a comfortable environment great value have details, and they pay attention to literally everything - from the interior and dishes on the table to a pleasant friendly conversation.

If rabbits are confident that everything is working properly, they can relax and become sociable and intelligent companions. They have a rich imagination and high intelligence, which are combined with an openness and generosity that allows them to turn enemies into friends. The Rabbit becomes stubborn only when he feels that the impossible is being demanded of him.

When faced with a choice or simply being in bad mood, Rabbits try to carefully hide their thoughts, considering it indecent to make any demands or impose their opinions on others.

Their life style is conservative, they do not like it when their security is threatened, but by prioritizing security over risk, they may not take advantage of favorable opportunities.

Rabbits don't like to be the center of attention, they get scared conflict situations, and if there is an opportunity to avoid them, they immediately take advantage of it. This does not mean that the Rabbit is frivolous or irresponsible: if he fully understands this, then he becomes serious, persistent and active.


Your intellect and rich imagination contribute to your career, and you always think carefully about your plans before moving on to their implementation. You are cautious and prefer to have information about all the details in order to finally weigh everything. You do not like sudden changes in business life, you prefer methodical and reliable work, so you have little interest in politics and finance.

Working under pressure makes you nervous, as does unexpected pressure to come up with a creative idea. Yours creative talents are at their best when you are allowed to work at your own pace. Many colleagues like your tact and modesty, they understand that you are a good worker and are unlikely to step over others to achieve your goals.

You could pursue a career in literature, art, design, or public relations. You will be a good consultant, lawyer, judge, counselor or secretary.


In a relationship, you need reliability and tenderness; you are completely happy when you manage to create an atmosphere of trust and comfort. You are not looking for emotional turmoil, you are not attracted to romantic impulses, therefore, when your partner’s behavior begins to irritate you, you hide in your “bunny skin”.

Mostly you are confident in your love, however rash act or a careless remark may unexpectedly cause you to have serious doubts. Try to doubt out loud at such moments, and perhaps you will understand that your doubts are unfounded.

When you find suitable partner and when he reciprocates your feelings, you can learn to forgive and be interested in your partner’s problems, and not focus only on your own.

Do you like art, dinner at informal setting, fascinating conversations. It will take you time to find soul mate, but when you find it, you will be faithful to that person.

Yin and yang

Yin and yang are two great cosmic forces that influence and balance all life. Yin is cold, damp and calm, while yang is heat, weight and dynamism. The rabbit is associated with the element "earth", in which yin and yang are balanced. This combination is associated with thinking and caring.


Green. Rabbit is associated with green, which is associated with spring. This is the color of new life, peace and relaxation. It is believed that good dreams will come true if they have green, is a lucky and powerful color, especially when combined with red.

Side of the world

East. Each of the twelve animal signs corresponds to the direction of the compass needle. The rabbit is associated with the eastern direction, which in turn is associated with the hours of sunrise. This direction is also traditionally associated with mid-spring - a time when yang continues to gain strength and yin loses it.

Horoscope for 2011 Ushasty.

2011 White Rabbit. What will this cute fluffy creature bring us? What surprises and gifts does it prepare for us? And what does his soft, shaggy nature hide?

According to the eastern calendar, the Year of the Rabbit is a time of family idylls, happy marriages and great success in professional activity. By nature, the rabbit is extremely timid and melancholic, but at the same time it is very hospitable, friendly and kind. The rabbit does not like large companies, prefers to spend time in a quiet family circle and very carefully monitors the atmosphere of home comfort. It is no coincidence that it is in his year that the happiest and most lasting marriages are concluded, because our Eared One is a great romantic. He loves apples and greens, categorically denying heavy meat foods. It is best to celebrate the Year of the White Rabbit in light and light outfits, giving preference to soft shades.

In addition to family gatherings, our rabbit also loves to work, so it promises a lot of professional success for those who sincerely love their work and want to achieve great success in it. The luckiest people in the New Year will be those who have connected their lives with economics, diplomacy and law. However, those who earn their living by other work should not despair, because Ushasty patronizes all those who are confident in themselves and always, like a cat, land on four paws. By the way, according to ancient Eastern legend, the year of the Rabbit is also the year of the Cat. According to legend, when the Buddha distributed places among the animals new era, the cat and the hare got one year between them. Being prosperous and friendly, the animals did not argue and decided to rule together.

Most of all, the Rabbit (Cat) patronizes those born in the year of the Goat, Horse, Ox and Dragon. It will be more difficult for those who were born in the year of the Tiger, Rooster and Monkey. For other signs of the eastern calendar, the Rabbit promises to be neutral, but still promises a lot of happiness and good luck.

For Aquarius New Year promises to be quiet and calm, but advises to stay away from risky situations and better understand yourself. For Pisces and Sagittarius, the Rabbit portends great success in social activities and big changes, capable of turning them all upside down future fate. 2011 does not advise Aries and Virgos to get involved in risky activities; they need to beware of deceptions and always be on the alert. Taurus will always need to soberly assess the current situation, but they can safely make new friends and interesting acquaintances. Gemini, Libra, Cancer and Leo should devote more time to their personal lives, because this year can bring them the purest and most lasting feelings. But Rabbit sincerely advises Scorpios and Capricorns to get into serious business; they will experience immense success in business.

New Year 2011 is Chinese style 4709 year of the White (Metal) Rabbit. Therefore, let us dwell on this element in more detail.

Characteristics of the element Metal

People of the Metal Element are able to concentrate and direct other people to different goals, they are like conductors of energy and information. Intuitive, emotional, focused, confident and aggressive in achieving goals. These are specifics and practices, since their thinking is aimed at results. From time to time they need solitude to organize their thoughts. Subject to despondency and melancholy. They may leave their partner to “get away” from the problem. In love they are erotic, picky and hardy.

People of the Metal Element give the impression of being persistent and tough. It's quite difficult to convince them. When a problem arises, they tend to become self-absorbed. They do not like active advisers, do not let strangers into the world of their feelings and experiences, and do not “cry into their vest,” but tend to look at life realistically.

Since the Metal element is associated with money circulation, they successfully stimulate other people to achieve results and social advancement. They react sharply to injustice and do not tolerate falsehood and deception. There are cynical, ambitious and eccentric people. They are well versed in the subtleties of smells and have a natural sense of the energy emitted by the interlocutor.

If such a person has had positive life experience and is intellectually developed, she becomes more flexible and open, and can be a wonderful friend, ready to help at any moment.

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