Runic formula protection from magical effects. Guard, runes. Everything to protect your home

It's no secret that it is possible to influence a person's will without even approaching him. Energy negativity can harm more than physical impact. Ancient runes will help protect against energy attacks and return everything to the enemy.

What are runes

Runes are ancient symbols, which were used by our ancestors not only for writing, but also to enhance certain qualities. Some signs gave the ability to communicate with the Higher Forces, others instilled confidence and strength, others attracted love and happiness. It is believed that love can destroy any barriers, which is why many people wanted to find it so much in order to be protected and just live happily at the same time.

This witchcraft is a piece of green magic: if you wish, you can also light a white candle with that person's name and send the energy absorbed by the black candle into the white to "recycle" the negative energy and turn it into positive energy. There is no better banna than your own happiness. Focus on what you want: health, happiness, well-being. It also prevents future and future attacks.

A spell to soften evil at the source. This ancient spell serves only for gifted injuries or received injuries. This is the only reason for this spell. If you do this against people simply because they are at a disadvantage, you deviate from the target of this spell. It is meant to delay the action of the evil eye, Black Magic and evil things directly on the person who wants you badly. Take an apple and sharp knife and place them on the table on each side of the candle: a knife on the right and an apple on the left.

Ancient shamans used such signs in order to know the future and protect their people from disasters and the negative impact of other tribes. Insofar as runic symbols appeared long before the emergence of writing, then knowledge was passed from generation to generation only to the elite. Unfortunately, only a small part of the information that our ancestors possessed has survived to this day. But even it is enough to change your life for the better.

Plain white candle might be great, but you can add spell to spell if you're using dark. Sit down at the table and focus on who you care about by lighting a candle. Take a knife and cut the apple in two with a hard shot, saying, "Because this fruit is cut in two, so evil will return to you." Say another name of your tormentor by turning off the candle. Eat a little of each apple slice, then bury the torso in your garden or in a jar. If you don't have anything, throw the torsol in the trash.

When the torso rots, your enemy will return Evil Magic to him. The word "rune" means mystery or secret in Old English, Old Germanic and related languages. This meaning is preserved, for example, in the English word "whispering". You already know the mythology from which the runes of spring.

Ancient formulas against energy negativity

There are several options runic formulas that help in various situations. Some are aimed at protecting a specific person, others can be used to clean rooms.

The following formula is able to protect you from troubles and negativity coming from others. Moreover, such a combination can not only repel the blow, but also return all evil to the one who sent it. Thus, it works both as a shield and as retribution against ill-wishers. As a rule, it is used to protect against the effects of energy vampires, who are able not only to draw out all the energy, but also to influence your will. There are also other ways to protect against this type of people.

You know about those whom you are addressing, and who the runes themselves are, their meaning, message, healing power and their power as amulets, for every rune work. Then, an understandable meaning for orientation, as well as its effect as an amulet, because the meaning of running as a radiant, of course, often differs from how it falls into our interpretation along with others.

Those who worked with them and lived in accordance with everything that was associated with this philosophy were not fools. As they saw hundreds of years ago in their heads, they could tell you the original authentic quotes on each rune as well as in the verses.

Isa, Hagall, Algiz- such a runic ligature can protect you from all negativity. She also stops the negative impact, destroys it and, with the right stipulation, sends it back.

It's been hundreds of years and still alive. Runes are also a ritual alphabet. The letter, as the rune says, is always red. This can be useful when you can see runes on the walls of an old house. Sometimes it is a banner that hides information. Run names may vary slightly. It depends on whether it is taken from the Norse Aetta or perhaps Finnish, Anglo-Saxon, etc.

In Explanation: It reports the conversion in better side. Energy is rewarded. It can report advancement, wealth and prosperity. Questions related to relationships symbolize more beautiful and positive. As an amulet - Nocen helps to bring the matter to the end. This makes it easier to get to your destination and speeds up long driving. It protects the user from malicious intent.

Such a formula should always be carried with you, and if it wears out, draw a new one. A special clause will help strengthen its effect: “By the power of these runes, I protect myself from any negative impact and protect myself from events that can harm me. All evil and energy attacks in my direction are returned to the sender multiplied.

Healthy - Affects chest and breathing. The fearless warrior walked through the desert, almighty. In interpretation - it speaks of the amount of energy and energy, but advises using it wisely. In practice, the interviewer must be careful not to overheat the energy he gives to this thing.

Like an Amulet - It attracts new opportunities in life and makes it possible to adapt to changes. Healthy - affects your muscles and physical condition. In Explanation - indicates the need for a decision. He can warn the enemy, but at the same time puts his hands on him. It moves events and can symbolize the start of a fight.

The following formula helps to cleanse the room and protect it from any negativity. Moreover, you will be able to observe the strange behavior of people if they enter your house, and in some cases the invitees refuse to enter the premises and find any excuse to leave. In such cases, you do not need to be offended by people, but simply thank the runes that they have repelled a negative person from you.

Like an amulet, it is a shield that protects the unknown. He is well aware that we are entering into a conflict, and we do not know from which side an attack may come. Healthy - helps with heart failure. In Explanation - This is a sign of a rune that communicates communication with someone. Possible interview or need to say something. If this is good or bad, tell the other runes.

You can also say what you know. Like an amulet. She excels at taking tests, interviews, and for those who have trouble communicating with people. It adds courage to say what we think. Healthy - in case of problems with speech and speech disorders.

Hagall, Algiz, Inguz- this runic formula will cleanse the room of everything bad and of stagnant energy. It will also fill your home with light and abundance and protect it from negative influences.

In the transmitted or true sense of the word. It can mean a lifestyle or a change of residence. It is movement from place to place. Like an amulet - protects on the go and wears for a happy return. Healthy - strengthens the legs and buttocks. In Explanation, it always means something sudden. Sometimes it can indicate illness or injury. Amulet - Increases creative energy and sexual desire. Helps intuitive understanding when it's most needed.

Healthy - in case of unhealthy ulcers, rashes and pains. Whether it be in the form of new jobs, schools or partnerships. This is always a positive result. Like an amulet - helps to find what we are looking for. Life brings us everything that enriches us and that which belongs to us.

After such a formula, all family conflicts and misunderstandings are resolved, insomnia will stop tormenting you, and abundance will firmly enter your life.

There are many ways to apply runic formulas. You can choose any that you feel comfortable with. There is also the option of making amulets using runes. This method will be more durable and powerful, since you will use your energy in the manufacture. You can learn about manufacturing methods from this article. Trust the universe, love each other and don't forget to press the buttons and

The heart just knows how close the heart is, the lover with his heart. They are no worse for men than to love. In interpretation - in any case, it brings joyful events and periods. It is a happy run that announces happiness and joy. As an amulet - facilitates the course of usually complex and complex events.

Healthy - slow pain and easy breathing. In his interpretation, Hagalaz predicts a sudden catastrophe, the manifestation of higher forces and a deviation of the balance. This represents an inevitable change or experience. It also shows the need to overcome difficulties and disappointments. It could be an injury or an illness.

10.07.2016 04:32

Every person wants to be successful, but often we feel a lack of internal resources in order not to give up in a difficult ...

thank the gods

Why do people need amulets?

The answer to this question is the very word "amulet". To protect, protect. What needs to be protected and from whom?

Like an amulet - In an unfavorable, hopeless situation brings happiness. It softens hard times and gives hope for an early end. This strengthens the intuition that will warn you of danger. Medicine - Bleeding and circulatory disorders. In Explanation - indicates a lack, necessity and empty space. In relation to another person or in our soul or wallet. But he hopes that hard work can be successful. If it drops, try the problem.

As an amulet - the period of loneliness and dissatisfaction ends. Preach what you need. But you can't always be who you want! Health - Fractures and injuries. Better alive, perhaps he was a beggar. Every poor man can manage his own cow.

This is where amulets come to the rescue - special symbols, materials or words that transform and improve reality...

I have tried many things in my life:

  • I communicated with different spiritual Teachers.
  • I looked for answers in religions.
  • I was engaged in martial arts, qigong, meditation.
  • I practiced fasting and vegetarianism.
  • He learned to speak water and work with runes.
  • I worked great amount special literature.
  • I received an initiation into the Reiki healing system.
  • I chose the principle of disseminating this knowledge and practices as my main principle. Worthy of respect is a healer who will enable a person to heal himself and his family. Worthy of the respect of a guru whose disciples will be able to walk the path of enlightenment themselves. Worthy of respect is a businessman who will give an opportunity to live and earn decently to people around.

    The fire burned in the hall of the rich, but the man himself was dead in front of the house. Explanation - means stability. Maintaining the current state of affairs. It may not always be pleasant, but in a positive way it means, "Don't worry, nothing will change." It always reinforces the meaning of the surrounding runes.

    As an amulet - calms the situation, helps stop unwanted events, maintains the current status quo. Health - Frostbite and disturbances of perception. In Explanation - This marks the end of a cycle and a new beginning that does not make sense to defend. He announces gradual improvement and pleasant changes in life. It symbolizes community, family and friendship.

    The main thing is our consciousness. We all need to expand and change it. And we all need love and joy.

    I wish you Joy and Love.

    Alexey Azarov.

    What is it - runic amulets?

    Alexey Azarov talks about amulets and runes

    Like an Amulet - encourages fertility and has a positive effect on legal issues. It helps to create new working projects. Health - Intestinal and gastrointestinal disorders and male fertility. In Explanation - He says we have nothing to worry about. We can change a tense situation and take our destiny into our own hands by evolving and using unlimited possibilities. He speaks of courage and encourages you to believe in your own abilities.

    Like an amulet, it is a powerful protective run. It protects negative forces in access and purifies the air. Removes obstacles and hostility. It helps people to empathize to get rid of negative energies received from others. In interpretation, it always means a secret. This rune is the run of a woman. It may symbolize something hidden from you. He says that there has never been a single solution that hides secrets and everything that happens on the outside than it really is.

    Rune designations

    How do runic amulets work?

    When considering life on earth as a whole, we can talk about the presence of an internal communication system that synchronizes and harmonizes the work of life as a whole. This explanation is necessary for understanding further information.

    Like an Amulet - Helps to find hidden inner abilities and knowledge. This is beneficial in acquiring secret knowledge. Health - Female reproductive organs and breasts. Interpreted - means more protection for interviewers. He says that what is happening is in the hands of the gods. Translation: Do not worry, and so be it. It also means that what you do has its own blessing. "Now you act as you are, and we will help you."

    As an amulet, this is a request to the gods for protection during a difficult life step. This gives more overall protection and at the same time means "I turn to your hands and leave it to your leadership." If someone has the protection of the gods, they themselves are interested in watching the events.

    The ability of a person to lose full involvement in life processes and the ability to restore such "synchronization" is not a discovery...

    Such methods have been known and used for thousands of years. Runes and rune charms are one such method. In fact, the runes are resonators that establish relationships in the pair “Man - The world". Moreover, the debugging of relationships takes place at a very subtle, ethereal level.

    The rune is magic and wizards. Health - affects brain damage, after a stroke and nerve damage. In interpretation - if you get that ton, you might be glad. This brings success and a happy ending to events. It brings sun and warmth to life. Relationships are followed by love and pleasure. It can mean birth or conception.

    Amulet - suitable for people with low self-esteem and complexes. He is endowed with self-confidence and personal strength. It boosts charisma and performance confidence. It is, however, very "hot" so its power can get out of control. Then the person becomes arrogant.

    Among other things, it is under the influence of runic amulets that a person is more "lucky". A correctly selected rune is such a way of synchronizing with the subtle world, when you feel a surge of energy, an upsurge of strength, and creative abilities are manifested.

    The effect is achieved by wearing a talisman that contains certain runes that resonate with the outside world in the right way.

    Healthy - Relieves burns and itchy rashes. In the interpretation - Teyvaz is the tip of the spear of absolute justice. This gives a sign of the balance of principles. It speaks of courage and determination. It can warn against dishonest behavior. This brings the need to not push or encourage to get up on one's own feet. This could mean trial when he brings justice and revelation of wrongdoing.

    As an amulet - the Rune supports the victory. The warriors roared it on their shields to win the fight. V Everyday life it improves competition, helps stop a difficult period or endure an unpleasant situation. Health - Wrists, hands, fingers, arthritis. Similarly, don't trust a tree without roots, raising water, picking up pigs.

    Runic amulets are of two types - in the form of runescripts or runic ties - symbols of runes that have a magical meaning.

    Runescript- this is a group of runes lined up in a line and indicating a certain result with their location.

    Runic ligature- this is another way to use runes when creating a talisman. The main difference between the runescript and the tie is that instead of writing to the line that is used in the runescript, the tie is formed from several runes, harmoniously superimposed on each other.

    Charm amulets are worn on the chest or near the heart, hung inside or outside the house, carried in cars, etc.

    When properly manufactured, the amulet becomes a "living" entity, which is programmed by the manufacturer for a specific purpose. The maker of the amulet gives it life and "destiny" by infusing the power of the runes into it.

    The main requirement for a runescript is that it must contain runes, the symbols of which describe the required target, and some signature or symbol representing a person, object or event, which should be affected by the energy of the amulet.

    The amulet should be designed so that all its symbols, front and back, are arranged in a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing way. Magic is an orderly science, and the more orderly and harmonious its instruments, the better its result.

    Choosing runic amulet, keep in mind that the amulet is not only and not so much a beautiful and unusual decoration, but a strong magical element that will affect your life. Therefore, be sure to read about the meaning of the runes included in the amulet and about its general purpose. I wish you a joyful and protected life. May it be so!

    Description of runic amulets

    1. - A protective spell that operates on the principle of a mirror - any impact is taken in full and sent back without changes. The combination of runes - Isa, Kano, Hagalaz, Kano, Isa.

    ISA- ice, winter, concentration, slowdown. CANO- torch, fire, lamp. Something that dispels darkness. Hearth of life. Knowledge comes from experience. Talents. HAGALAZ- hail, uncontrollable, unpredictable hurricane elemental force.

    2. - Amulet of protection of property (Runic ligature).

    The magical combination of runes Inguz and Algiz.
    The amulet is aimed at protecting your property.


    3. - Amulet of development and prosperity (Runic ligature).

    The magical combination of the runes Feu, Inguz and Algiz.
    The amulet will help in overcoming the crisis and contribute to the development and prosperity of your business.

    INGUZ- fertility, successful continuation and completion of what has been started. ALGIZ- reed, sedge - if you hide in it, then you will hear a stranger by the rustle and exclamations: the sedge cuts the wrong one. Protector antlers. The call of man to Higher Powers for protection and help. Crossroads. A flying swan that takes the soul on a journey to the Gods. Heimdal or Valkyrie sword protecting a person.

    4. - An amulet with the Fehu rune repeated three times, is used in accordance with the direction of this rune - creating a situation of material and financial well-being.

    FEHU- livestock, a cow, something tamed, depending on a person and serving him, getting "daily bread" - a materialized satisfaction with life: money, work, sex, health, a necessary and joyful thing.

    5. - Rune Otal - Symbolizes the home, the memory of ancestors, the land that belonged to one family for a long time, and so on. This rune connects a person with his roots, giving him a connection with the house, which gives the strength and wisdom of past generations. This rune also denotes family property, family traditions, inheritance, and so on. Accordingly, its application is closely connected with cases passed on by inheritance.

    6. - Charm of Health and longevity (Runic ligature). Elm from runes Dagaz and Inguz. Amulet aimed at the health and longevity of its owner.

    INGUZ- fertility, successful continuation and completion of what has been started.

    7. - Amulet of protection of the house. The formula for the home is protection from someone else's envy, which greatly undermines the energy of the home. If the house is in danger, you will feel it in advance. It is desirable to place at the entrance to the house.
    It is used to strengthen the house and strengthen its status. The combination of runes - Teyvaz, Algiz, Odal, Algiz, Teyvaz.

    TEYVAZ ALGIZ- reed, sedge - if you hide in it, then you will hear a stranger by the rustle and exclamations: the sedge cuts the wrong one. Protector antlers. A person's call to the Higher Forces for protection and help. Crossroads. A flying swan that takes the soul on a journey to the Gods. Heimdal or Valkyrie sword protecting a person.

    8. - Powerful amulet for traveling. Protection from accidents and disasters. Able to warn the owner of imminent danger. It will help you avoid trouble along the way. Good for motorists. Preferably store in vehicle. Rune combination: Algiz, Raido, Algiz.

    ALGIZ- reed, sedge - if you hide in it, then you will hear a stranger by the rustle and exclamations: the sedge cuts the wrong one. Protector antlers. A person's call to the Higher Forces for protection and help. Crossroads. A flying swan that takes the soul on a journey to the Gods. Heimdal or Valkyrie sword protecting a person. RAIDO- a path, a road, both a movement in space and a process in time. Harmonizing something through changes along the way. Justice. Spiritual growth.

    9. - This protective spell is ideal for creating a powerful protective barrier that neutralizes someone else's negative human energy. The combination of runes - Turisaz, Teyvaz, Turisaz.

    TURISAZ- the gate in the fence, guarded by an invisible guard - helping the right and punishing the evil. A giant who embodies the power of creation. The hammer of the god Thor, Mjollnir - Lightning, destroying barriers and other people's evil will. TEYVAZ- Justice and law are within a person. Victory through willpower and fortitude. Guiding principles of life, competitions, battles, disputes. Rune strong people- strong in spirit life principles, rightness. The need for leadership and the desire to pass on experience. Growth of authority, influence, prosperity.

    10. - Node protection. Valknut - magic symbol, the interlacing of three triangles. Valknut is a symbol of Odin and the magic associated with it, a symbol of transitions (bridges) between worlds. Each of the Valknut triangles corresponds to three vertical worlds: one - Asgard or Alfheim (upper world), the other - Midgard (middle world), the third - Hell or Svartalfheim (lower world)

    11. - Rune Gebo. Very strong sign. One of the strongest Futhark runes. Basically it is the concept of the unity of something with something: partnership, friendship, love, gratuitous gift - this is the main meaning. At deeper levels, yin and yang, moon and sun, earth and sky, and so on. Not necessarily the unity of only two opposites, Gebo can connect more essences, but its main manifestation is precisely the harmony of the two principles.

    12. - Rune Algiz. This is a rune of protection, active protection, i.e. not just the creation of a shell, but the actions of a person that lead to protection. Heimdal or Valkyrie sword protecting a person.

    This rune is also called the rune of animal protection, and it represents the animal kingdom. They talk about two graphic interpretations of this rune - either it’s something large and horned (and the horns are mainly defense weapons), or a person who raised his hands and turned to the gods for help, then this is an appeal (another meaning of the rune, which, however, is not so often mentioned), and the divine protection of man.

    Our amulets

    Protect from juniper. Juniper itself has strong cleansing and protective properties. In combination with runes, the protective power increases many times over. Juniper is one of the main materials for making amulets. And there are a number of reasons for this. The smell of juniper is useful for anxiety, insomnia, depression, clears the mind, strengthens the nerves. Clears the aura, helps to maintain strength of mind in difficult situations.

    Amulets from juniper cuts. Diameter from 3.5 to 8 cm. Runescripts and tie - on request. The cleansing properties of juniper are manifested both on the physical and on the mental-emotional plane. It clears the head well and, as such, is especially useful for those who, by the nature of their work, have to communicate a lot with people or with those who, in communication, tend to drain the emotions of the interlocutor ( energy vampires). Eliminates stress reactions and destructive emotions: irritability, aggression. Today, people do not stop turning to folk wisdom and use juniper for treatment, making dishes and household items, cooking, air disinfection, aromatherapy and making talismans.

    Women's wooden bracelet. Material - linden, birch. Runes are burned out depending on the order. Any of the above combinations are possible. Individual execution is possible.

    The inner diameter of the bracelet is 7 cm. The width is 24 mm.

    Amulet hanging from runes fehu, algiz, inguz. Protective properties are enhanced by the Algiz rune on each snowflake in the border.

    Material - linen, beads, felling, hemmed with satin at the back.
    The side of the amulet is 5.5 cm.

    Amulet hanging from runes fehu, algiz, inguz. Material - linen, beads, hemmed with satin at the back. Beaded edging.

    The side of the amulet is 5.5 cm.

    Runes burned on the frame:

    Above - traditional protective Slavic amulet, on the sides - the rune otal - This is a male rune - the rune of the Father of the Family. It symbolizes the home, the memory of ancestors, the land that belonged to the same family for a long time, and so on. This rune connects a person with his roots, giving him a connection with the house, which gives the strength and wisdom of past generations. This rune also denotes family property, family traditions, inheritance, and so on. Accordingly, its application is closely connected with cases passed on by inheritance. Below - female runes - Berkana, Laguz and the protective rune Algiz. Berkana: birch, the strength of the mother - the earth, her protection and healing effect. Pregnancy, childbirth, parenting. Sober attitude to life. Growth. Laguz - associated with female magic and in general with the female path in the world. There are two main directions of this rune. First, it is feelings and development sensory perception peace. This field of action includes psychology, intuition and the occult sciences. The second meaning is closely related to the element of this rune (and this, of course, is water), and personifies the flow that forms events. Rune Algiz. This is a rune of protection, active protection, i.e. not just the creation of a shell, but the actions of a person that lead to protection. Heimdal or Valkyrie sword protecting a person. Protector antlers. A person's call to the Higher Forces for protection and help. Crossroads. A flying swan that takes the soul on a journey to the Gods. Reed, sedge - if you hide in it, then you will hear a stranger by the rustle and exclamations: the sedge cuts the wrong one. The picture itself is the goddess Makosh. Mother of the lucky lot. A spinner, spins the threads of fate, determines the fate of people and gods, possesses the secret of Rule, the secret of Svarog Kolo. Connects the concept of fate with abundance in the house, patronizes the household, crops, wells, springs. The combination of runes on the frame, the images of Mokosh and the cleaning of the house by the housewife, in my opinion, is close to ideal.

    Runic frame. Picture inside - 10 by 12 cm. Frame width - 15 cm. Height - 17 cm. Behind - retractable stand. You can put it on your desktop.

    Material - pine, runes are burnt on the frame.

    Runes burned on the frame:

    Above - runic script from Inguz and Dagaz. DAGAZ- day, dawn, awakening. Transformation. The unity of opposites, a very favorable period, dispels everything negative influences, makes room for light, everything positive. In addition, it also takes care of the quick and painless filling of this place. And then he makes sure that the situation remains as favorable as possible for as long as possible.
    INGUZ- fertility, successful continuation and completion of what has been started. On the sides - the runes of protection Algiz. ALGIZ- see the description of the bottom inscription. Below is a runescript, meaning a guardian of home protection. The formula for the home is protection from someone else's envy, which greatly undermines the energy of the home. If the house is in danger, you will feel it in advance. It is desirable to place at the entrance to the house. It is used to strengthen the house and strengthen its status. The combination of runes - Teyvaz, Algiz, Odal, Algiz, Teyvaz. TEYVAZ - justice and law - inside a person. Victory through willpower and fortitude. Guiding principles of life, competitions, battles, disputes. The rune of strong people - strong in spirit, life principles, rightness. The need for leadership and the desire to pass on experience. Growth of authority, influence, prosperity. ALGIZ- reed, sedge - if you hide in it, then you will hear a stranger by the rustle and exclamations: the sedge cuts the wrong one. Protector antlers. A person's call to the Higher Forces for protection and help. Crossroads. A flying swan that takes the soul on a journey to the Gods. Heimdal or Valkyrie sword protecting a person. The image is the goddess Share. It personifies happiness, luck, good fortune.

    Runic frame. Picture inside - 10 by 12 cm. Frame width - 15 cm. Height - 17 cm. Behind - retractable stand. You can put it on your desktop.

    Material - pine, runes are burnt on the frame.

    Runes burned on the frame:

    Above - tie: a magical combination of the runes Feu, Inguz and Algiz. It will help in overcoming the crisis and contribute to the development and prosperity of your business. On the sides - rune fehu - material well-being. Below are the female runes of Berkan and Laguz. Berkana: birch, the strength of the mother - the earth, her protection and healing effect. Pregnancy, childbirth, parenting. Sober attitude to life. Growth. Laguz - is associated with female magic and in general with the female path in the world. There are two main directions of this rune. Firstly, these are feelings and the development of sensory perception of the world. This field of action includes psychology, intuition and the occult sciences. The second meaning is closely related to the element of this rune (and this, of course, is water), and personifies the flow that forms events. the third rune is Othal. It symbolizes the home, the memory of ancestors, the land that belonged to the same family for a long time, and so on. This rune connects a person with his roots, giving him a connection with the house, which gives the strength and wisdom of past generations. This rune also denotes family property, family traditions, inheritance, and so on. Accordingly, its application is closely connected with cases passed on by inheritance. The fourth rune is Jera. Meaning: harvest, ripening period, favorable outcome, rewards for work, the correctness of what is happening. Rune of agriculture and farming magic. It personifies two directions - 1) everything has its time and place, and 2) reap the fruits of what has been done. The effect of the first aspect is that Jera helps various kinds of processes, but only if they are correct. For example, Jera cannot grow grass under snow. Another direction is manifested in the harmony that Jera establishes between human labor and the results of this labor. The use of Jera provides a return on the applied labor in the amount in which it is fair. The image is the goddess Dana. The goddess of water, the river girl, gives life to everything under the sky, is a life-giving force, along with air and light. Her name remained in the names of many rivers (Dnepr, Danube, Don).

    The easiest option is round self-adhesive amulets on paper. Made on a printer. They are consecrated by the rite, like any others.

    Material - self-adhesive paper. Made in compliance with all necessary rituals. Charged with protective energy individually by name and photograph of a person. Diameter - 6cm.

    Color stickers. Diameter - 6cm.

    Molvinets- an old Slavic amulet symbol that protects every person: from an evil, bad word, from the evil eye and the Generic curse, from slander and slander, from slander and extortion. It is believed that Molvinets is the great Gift of the God of the Family.

    Wedding attendant- the most powerful family amulet, denoting the unification of two Clans, the merging of two Elemental Swastika Systems (body, Soul, Spirit and Conscience) into a new single Life Way, where the Masculine (Fiery) Beginning is connected to the Feminine (Water). In this symbol, not only the red (male) and blue (female) lines are visible. It also contains interlocking rings. But how fundamentally different they are from modern interlocking rings! Firstly, each of the wedding rings is made up of two colors! At the same time, the amount of red (male) color corresponds to the amount of blue (female), which indicates their equivalence and proportionality. Secondly, each ring means not a closed system, but an open system! This suggests that a married couple is not closed to itself, but lives on Earth in co-creation with the will of the Gods and Ancestors, while prolonging their Family. Confirmation of this is not two rings, but four, denoting the union of a husband, wife, God of the male Clan and the Mother of God Alive! These four open rings also mean that four Gods are involved in the birth of each person: two earthly - Father and Mother and two Heavenly - Rod, in the form of one of the Gods that gave rise to this Rod, and the Mother of God is Alive.

    Manufacturing -

    You will be refunded the entire amount of the order minus shipping costs. To do this, you will only need to write a letter to