Secular humanism. Secular humanism is a worldview opposed to religious

Patriarch and youth: conversation without diplomacy Author unknown


If humanity does not achieve a turning point in the state of public morality, then the world will face a sad future. We in Russia still have a chance to change the situation for the better, because, despite all the innovations and reforms of the last decade, many people continue to live in a system of moral coordinates determined by our thousand-year-old spiritual and moral tradition. Even non-believers, many of whom are yesterday's communists, subconsciously preserve this tradition. But if we are swallowed up by the ideology of liberalism, if in the human mind its values ​​prevail over religious moral law, then we won’t be able to fix anything. See the deserted temples in Western Europe. Why did people leave them? Yes, because they now live in a world where sin is no longer considered evil, where it has ceased to be a problem of human existence. And if there is no sin on anyone, then repentance is unnecessary and the Church is not needed. A sinful life in the eyes of society receives the sanction of integrity. And fewer and fewer people come to churches.

Secular humanism claims to replace religion in modern secular society, adapting its moral imperatives to selfish needs fallen man. However, secular humanism, unlike religion, is not capable of supporting the moral self-esteem of the individual. We are talking about a principle, although, of course, there are cases when a person is able to rationally keep himself within the limits moral life. But this does not apply to society as a whole. For moral society And moral person are impossible without the concepts of sin, repentance, retribution for sin. This is exactly what Dostoevsky meant when he said that if there is no God, then everything is permitted. For if there is a God, then He will punish the sinner: “Vengeance and recompense are mine” (Deut. 32:35).

All this should be told very clearly to young people. Youth belongs entirely to life, and for the most part life is not today’s, but tomorrow’s. All hopes, aspirations, dreams and plans young man are described in the category of future tense. Therefore, it is so important that a young person clearly understands: everything that he expects from life can only be realized in the conditions of a moral, and therefore viable society.

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Humanity has always been concerned with issues of faith and morality, and secular humanism is a movement in which people appear as the highest creations of nature. Not only his own life, but also the moral and physical state of the people around him depends on a person’s actions and thoughts.

Secular humanism – what is it?

The basic principles of worldview are formed in society, based on the experience of previous generations and needs modern man. Secular humanism is one of the directions of the philosophy of humanism, proclaiming the value of man and his ideas. Man bears responsibility:

  1. For the ethical consequences of your decisions and actions.
  2. For his own contribution to the development of modern society.
  3. For creative achievements and discoveries made for the benefit of humanity.

Secular humanism - worldview

Secular humanism does not oppose the dogmas of religious teachings, but does not recognize higher power which governs a person’s life. He builds his destiny himself, based on ethical and moral principles. Religion and secular humanism develop in parallel and overlap only in the issue of the formation of ethical values. Secular humanism proposes to follow the following principles:

  1. Possibility of free research (unimpeded access to information).
  2. The state and the church exist separately (if events develop differently, the principle of free research will be violated).
  3. Formation of the ideal of freedom (absence of total control, all layers of society have the right to vote).
  4. Ethics (following moral and ethical standards formed without religious revelations).
  5. Moral education (children are brought up on the principles of philanthropy, and upon reaching adulthood, they independently decide how to relate to religion).
  6. Religious skepticism (critical attitude to the fact that a higher power can decide human destinies).
  7. Reason (a person relies on real experience and rational thinking).
  8. Science and technology (discoveries in these areas allow society to move to higher stages of development).
  9. Evolution ( real facts the existence of the evolution of species confirms the inconsistency of the idea of ​​the creation of man in the divine image).
  10. Education (availability of education and training).

Secular humanism and atheism - the difference

The difference between these concepts is obvious. Secular humanism and atheism develop in similar directions, but the paths to achieving them differ. Atheism categorically rejects the existence of a higher power and its influence on. Secular humanism does not hinder the development of religious teachings, but does not welcome them either.

Secular and religious humanism

The obvious contradictions between these areas of philosophy do not prevent them from having similar principles. For example, the concept of secular humanism is based on a kind attitude towards people, compassion, mercy. People find the same postulates in the Bible. Adherents of a certain religious movement have an illusory perception of life. This is self-deception, and its consequences plunge a person into a state of uncertainty and spiritual stagnation.

Secular humanism – books

A large number of skeptics, pantheists, rationalists, agnostics of past centuries used a rational approach in solving the human dilemma: what is fundamental - science or religion and what does secular humanism mean? The works of famous scientists and writers excite the minds of contemporaries and provide comprehensive answers to questions of relationships between people, conception and birth of children, euthanasia. Secular humanism is atheism, which does not prohibit belief in a higher mind, but also does not welcome devotion to religious teachings. This:

  1. "Phenomenology of Spirit" (written by Hegel).
  2. "The Source of Pure Reason" (written by Kant).
  3. “The Science of Knowledge” (written by Fichte), etc.

Secular or secular humanism- this is a worldview based on atheistic thinking, which denies any higher meaning and any spiritual reality. Secular humanism recognizes the material nature and social nature human, but denies the spiritual. From religious humanism differs in that it abolishes faith in God (for its supporters) as the principle of an illusory orientation of a person in the real world. In supporters of secular humanism, the fight against religion or religious worldview is not the main task.

But this worldview is fundamentally wrong, since it does not answer questions such as where the soul came from, and how the love that lives in the heart of each person was formed.

Basic principles of secular humanism

According to the “Declaration of Secular Humanism” there are ten of these principles:

  1. Free exploration. We must not tolerate widespread censorship and dogmatism. Independence of the press and means of communication from them. Recognition of the dangers of the media in the spread of dogmas, including religious ones.
  2. Separation of Church and State.
  3. Ideal of freedom. The inadmissibility of various forms of totalitarianism, the ideal of equality of rights for minorities and the majority, equality of all before the law.
  4. Ethical behavior based on critical thinking. Independence of ethics from religion and church. The need for inference and development of ethics without the interference of religion.
  5. Morality of education. To separate children and youth from the unreformed church at a stage when the person is still being formed and is not able to consciously choose a worldview - atheistic or religious. Or the need for moral education is recognized.
  6. Religious skepticism. Skeptical attitude towards the claims of the church and the unreal, irrational into reality.
  7. Mind. The use of logic, rational inquiry and experience in the process of accumulating knowledge and in testing the criteria for its truth.
  8. Science and technology. Recognition of the advantages of scientific experience as the most valid and fruitful means of understanding the world.
  9. Evolution. Recognition of the advantages of evolution as a scientifically based worldview over religious worldviews and divine intervention.
  10. Education. Science-based education is recognized as an integral part of building humane, free and democratic societies.

Secularism, Secular (secular) humanism (Secularism, Secular Humanism).

A way of life and thought in which there is no place for God and religion. Latin root saeculum means “generation”, “human age” or “century”, “age”. Therefore, the word “secular” has come to mean “belonging to this age,” “worldly.” Secularism affirms the immanent realities of this world and denies the transcendent, otherworldly reality. This worldview and way of life focuses on the profane rather than the sacred, and on the natural rather than the supernatural. Secularism is a non-religious approach to personal and public life.

Historically, secularization primarily meant the transfer of church property to the state or non-church authorities. In this institutional sense, "secularization" still means the limitation of formal religious authority (eg in education). Secularization of various public institutions was caused by the collapse of the united Christian world after the Reformation, on the one hand, and the growth of rationalism in society and culture, starting with the Enlightenment and ending with modern technocratic society, on the other. Some scientists, speaking about the secularization of society, i.e. about the replacement of official church power with non-church power, they prefer the word “secularization.”

The second meaning of the word "secularization" is associated with a change in the way of thinking and life and marks a falling away from God and a turning towards the world. Renaissance humanism, Enlightenment rationalism, the growth of the power and influence of science, the collapse traditional structures(families, Churches, communities), the technicalization of society and competition from nationalism, evolutionism and Marxism - all this led to what M. Weber called the “disenchantment” of the modern world.

The secularization of social institutions and ideological secularization have occurred simultaneously over the past centuries, but the causal relationship between them is by no means obvious or necessary. Even in the medieval empire of Constantine, people were often guided by worldly considerations. Likewise, in a secular society, individuals and groups of people can live, think and work based on religious considerations and listening to God.

Thus, secularization is historical fact, it has both positive and negative sides. However, secularism as a comprehensive philosophy of life certainly welcomes the secularization of all spheres of life. A simplistic and reductionist view of reality that denies and excludes God and the supernatural, as well as a myopic focus on the immanent and natural, is the fatal flaw of secularism. IN contemporary discussions Secularism and humanism are often combined into a single direction - secular humanism. This is a view of life and thought, of man and society, which exalts the creature and rejects the Creator. In this capacity, secularism acts as a rival to Christianity.

Christian theologians and philosophers have assessed the meaning and impact of secularization from different angles. F. Schleiermacher was the first theologian who tried to re-formulate the concept of “Christianity”, using the humanistic and rationalistic values ​​of the Renaissance and Enlightenment. Although his brilliant work had an enormous influence on the development of theology, critics accused Schleiermacher of not so much defending Christianity as betraying the most important tenets of the Christian faith by redefining religion in terms of man's inherent sense of dependence.

Not a single serious discussion on the topic of Christianity and secularism is complete without mentioning D. Bonhoeffer and his “Letters and Notes from Prison.” First of all, since this work is not finished, Bonhoeffer's ideas such as the "down-to-earthness of Christianity", "the maturation of the world" and the need for a "non-religious interpretation of biblical language" have become the subject of heated debate, in which F. Gogarten plays a large role ("Reality faith", 1959), P. vanBuren ("The Secular Meaning of the Gospel", 1963), G. Cox ("Secular City", 1965), R. Smith ("Secular Christianity", 1966) and the theology of the death of God. Each of these theologians followed their own special path, defining the meaning of Christianity through the concepts of the secular world. K. Hamilton (“Life in Overcoming” , 1968) believes that Bonhoeffer cannot be interpreted in this way, and insists that the German theologian never wavered in his basic orthodoxy.

Discussions among theologians in the 1950s. were aimed at adapting Christian theology to secularization, and in the 1970s. in many places a powerful new resistance to secularism emerged. J. Ellul ("New Demons", 1975), together with certain other theologians, insisted that secularism is a form of religion opposed to both Christianity and true Christian humanism. . A. Schaeffer (“How Should We Live Now?”, 1976) and other fundamentalists and conservative evangelical Christians attacked secular humanism, considering it the great modern enemy of the Christian faith.

From a biblical perspective Christian theology Secularism is guilty of “exchanging the truth of God for a lie and worshiping the creature instead of the Creator” (Rom 1:25). Having ceased to see the transcendental God as an absolute and an object of worship, secularist consciousness inevitably deifies and turns man and nature into an absolute. In biblical terms, a supernatural God created the world and maintains its existence. This world ( saeculum) has value because God created it, redeemed it, and continues to preserve it. God as the Lord of history and the universe cannot be identified with either one or the other (pantheism). People are endowed with freedom and are responsible before God and the world. Intelligent service and cooperation determine a person's relationship to God and to the world.

With the coming of Christ, the sacred, theocratic character of Ancient Israel changes. After Christ's preaching and feat, the city and the people were secularized (desacralized), and the Church began to play a sacred role as the temple of the Holy Spirit. The relationship of the Church to society does not boil down to a single mission - to introduce the sacred into the world by imposing ecclesiastical authority on it. This attitude is expressed in loving service and witness, preaching and healing. In this sense, the secularization of society is one of the Christian vocations. It is impossible to deify society and give it absolute significance, because it exists in history and is relative in nature. Only God is ultimately holy and absolute. The restoration of the holiness of God nevertheless presupposes the correct perspective and relative value of this world.

Of course, the difference between the sacred and the secular cannot be considered an irreparable gap. Just as God speaks and acts in this age, Christians must speak and act as they participate in the creation and redemption of the world. This means that the world cannot be left to the rule of secularism. In any case, the Christian life in the secular world must be subordinated to Jesus Christ, and it must proceed in accordance with the will of God, and not the will of the world. In countries like the United States, where the population is given full rights and can participate in public life, education, social welfare, etc., Christians can help ensure that the Word of God is heard and given weight among the many other voices that... ry will form a heterogeneous whole. To impose the Word of God on everyone without exception means to again fall into an authoritarianism uncharacteristic of the Bible. But if we cannot bring the Word of God into the world, then we accept that secular path, which rejects the Creator and leads to death.

During its existence, humanity has passed a long and thorny path on which its consciousness and priority values ​​were formed.

Over the centuries, people's views changed, new ideologies arose and philosophical movements, however, the existence of religious movements and their manipulation of believers did not allow a person to go beyond the boundaries of dissent.

Over time, contradictions between Holy Scripture and the actions of the priests forced many people to turn away and turn to aesthetic principles, which led to the emergence of a new philosophical direction- secular humanism.

What does the word "humanism" mean?

Concept "humanism" comes from the Latin word humanitas"humanity" (homo - “man”). The term “secular humanism” has a synonym “secular humanism” and is interpreted in the context of the Latin phrase secular humanism, which means “humanity free from church influence.” Secular humanism is closely related to atheism and, in fact, denies the supernatural, but does not pursue as its goal the fight against religion.

The origin of the movement began during the Renaissance, when people began to lose faith in religious dogmas and looked at the world with completely different eyes. Some historians believe that its origins come from China and also run through philosophy Ancient India and the worldview of the ancient Greeks and Romans.

However, secular humanism in its pure form arose only in the 14th century and “flourished wildly” in philosophy and fiction.

What is secular humanism?

Secular humanism is understood as a worldview according to which man and his happiness are the highest values. The current is one of the directions of traditional humanism and believes that the main duty of people should be aesthetic life without religious beliefs. Secular humanism completely rejects religion as a fundamental way of human existence, but at the same time it does not elevate people above nature and in no way deifies them.

IN different times secular humanists were such famous personalities, like Rene Descartes, David Hume, Francis Bacon.

Interestingly, in philosophy there is a similar movement - religious humanism, but if the secular one denies the existence of the supernatural and considers man as highest value, then the religious affirms the idea of ​​​​the uncreatedness of the Universe and calls for replacing previous religions.

What are the principles of secular humanism?

Secular humanism is based on a number of fundamental principles that make it possible to more accurately determine the worldview of the supporters of this movement. Secular humanists They consider any censorship unacceptable and advocate freedom of communication. Their goal is the separation of state and church, and the ideal of freedom is respect for the rights of minorities and the inadmissibility of totalitarian regimes.

Humanists believe that a person from an early age should receive moral education and learn the rules of ethics and morality. They do not accept imposition on children religious views and believe that each person should choose for himself religious movement or completely abandon creeds in favor of atheism. Secular humanism calls science one of the best methods understanding of our world and does not allow the connection of evolution on the planet with religious doctrines.

What is humanistic ethics?

According to supporters of the movement, ethics is one of the most important components of humanism. It is closely related to a person’s experience and focuses on his behavior, helping to form an adequate perception of the world and form correct judgments.

Humanists believe that people are capable of living with dignity, achieving happiness and prosperity over time. They support the idea of ​​moral growth of children and consider it necessary to give them moral education in order to develop the ability for intellectual and ethical activity.