Simple divination for love. Fortune telling on a loved one with matches. Two matches - fortune telling on mutual feelings

Fortune-telling and divination techniques have a centuries-old history. Sorcerers and priests, sorcerers and sorcerers, healers and soothsayers were engaged in the interpretation of future events. Simple fortune-telling, which we bring to your attention, does not require special skills or special equipment from the predictor. Almost everything you need can be found at your fingertips.

As for the other stones, the stone of Chance, the stone of Love, and the stone of News are self-explanatory. Where the Stone of Magic falls, it represents the most important part of divination because it is the dominant factor. The stone of life is intimate life the one who is the subject of divination; it may be related to physical or mental health. The stone of the house deals with the real surroundings of the house; he may also deal with the consultant's personal property or real estate.

If, for example, the News stone falls next to the House stone, next to the Venus stone, we can guess that a love letter is on its way. If a Love Stone falls next to a Magic Stone, then it will really matter to the person who receives it.

Divination by shadows

This method of divination can be used at dusk. Take a newspaper sheet and crush it in such a way that it loses its shape. However, one should not strive to turn the sheet into a ball. The finished sheet should be put on a plate, and then set on fire with a match (do not forget about fire safety, there should not be flammable objects or liquids nearby).

As with all forms of divination, practice brings comfort and experience. The actual process of prediction is as follows. Stones are thrown into a circle consisting of a rope, a witches garter. It is placed on a piece of cloth or leather lying on the floor or on a table. The words of an old Welsh spell are used to throw stones.

This is what we pronounce. Light a candle and place it next to the circle. The room should be dimly lit or dark in daylight. You should also burn incense, or a cone or sticks. Take your athame, place it next to the circle, on the right. Keep your stones close to you, in their small bag or "wise woman's" purse, as she is usually called.

Turn off the lights and light a candle. Burnt paper on a plate should be placed in such a way that light from a candle falls on it. It is necessary to ensure that the form of ash does not collapse. The future is predicted by the cast shadow, the fortuneteller must rely.

Fortune telling on beans

This divination on the situation will help you find out what awaits you in the near future. Instead of beans, you can use beans or dry peas. First, collect 41 grains, and then, without counting, divide them into three approximately identical piles. Now let's start with the interpretation.

When you get rid of all this in order, take your atem and dedicate a circle to it, making 3 turns of the circle that you divided with your rope, indicate the atem and concentrate as if you were in the process of designing your big circle of work.

You can kneel on the floor if you place your divination circle there or sit at your table. Of course, this type of circle can be made within a standard coven or private size magic circle, as with other methods of divination; but in the usual way if there are other people, they must be calm and concentrated to help his success.

The first pile of grains symbolizes relationships with loved ones. If the number of grains is odd, then scandals await you. An even number of beans indicates well-being. The second pile means work, study or service. The principle is the same: an odd number of grains means failure, and an even number means success. The third bunch of beans determines the peace in the house and the state of health. If the number of grains is odd, then problems with money and health are possible. An even number - waiting for you.

As you dedicate yourself to the circle with your needle, repeat following words. Witch's garter, spell cast. Thirteen stones, the truth is anticipated. From Earth to water, from Alize to Fire, Magic in the name of the Old Gods. Then rest and get the stones. Hold them in your hands and warm them by concentrating on the subject of your prediction. When you're ready, throw the stones randomly around the circle. You must roll completely at random; do not intentionally distribute them. Then carefully look at how they are arranged, study them and interpret them.

Divination yes / no

To receive positive or negative To answer your own question, all you have to do is flip a coin. Does this method seem too primitive to you? Well then, let's get started. Make a wish...

Guessed? Look out the window. If down the street a man is walking, then your wish will come true if the woman - the plan does not come true. A child (regardless of whether it is a girl or a boy) is the answer "not right away" or "not quite the way you want." If the street is completely deserted, then the prediction should be postponed to another day.

You can throw stones 3 times during a session, but no more than that. This will provide a general reading and ask two questions. To answer a yes or no question, here is a slightly different procedure. In this case, you will only use 3 stones, one for an affirmative answer, another for a negative answer, and one for an indicator stone. In astrology, Jupiter is Great Fortune and Saturn is Great Unhappiness, in other words an indicator of good luck or bad luck, so they fit in this particular type of question.

Otherwise, use "Sun Stone" positive influence, "yes" and "Saturnstone", bad influence, "No". The answer will be given according to the proximity of the stones relative to the indicator. If both stones are equidistant, the answer remains uncertain. The question is then rephrased, either it won't happen again, or it's not time to ask the question. It may also indicate that the issue is not serious or not serious.

You can also use . The virtual prophet will help you look into the future and find out about what interests you. But keep in mind - you can ask him no more than five questions at a time!

Prophetic dream

This simple fortune-telling will help you if you want to know the outcome of a case. Prepare a few notes with possible (in your opinion) scenarios, put them under your pillow and go to bed. In the morning, without looking, try to pull out one of the notes from under the pillow. This will be the answer to the question. If you could not find the note the first time, then all your assumptions are wrong and events will develop differently.

This is a really simple way of divination, but it can say a lot if you really focus on it, take your time and don't care about it. Lithomancy is especially used for everyday worries. However, if you are looking for clairvoyant help with one of the various prediction methods, then one of the "squeaks" would be the most appropriate. You may make another choice to use the Tarot, which has the advantage of providing clarity for both the most useless and metaphysical matters.

How should you ask about interpretation?

Tarot is part of the traditional heritage of magic and mysticism. It can be studied in this context. It can be found in the abstract in Teachings of the Order, edited by Dr. Israel Regardie, whose title is Golden Dawn. Exists big difference between active and passive issues. Many people prefer passive questions during interpretation because they expect simple answers - a clear prediction of the future. This is the easiest way, but also the worst.

Guessing for love by fire

Many simple divination allow the predictor to use his intuition. This method is no exception. After sunset, make a fire, then sit close by and peer into the dancing shadows ...

If you see a palace or beautiful house, then you will meet a person whom you will love very much. Wild animals - a declaration of love from a stranger. Pets mean strong affection, love that should be protected. A wheel or a mill indicates that changes await you in your personal life. If human faces flicker in the shadows, this means that gossips are discussing your relationship. Trees testify to loneliness and emptiness. The bell is a symbol of sad news, outstretched hands are help that will come in difficult times.

The problem is that such a question requires a very simple yes or no answer. And there is not enough room in yes or no for your personal development and free will. However, since the future is not carved in stone, you should not ask for such simplistic answers during interpretation.

Questions full of doubts and longing for completion

A large number of people who are interested in interpretation are only trying to find their confidence. Another possibility is that many have serious doubts about their decision making. This type of question shows a vague or repressed attitude. For example, you might say: Yes, you can leave your existing job, and do you know what your next step will be? How long can you afford to search new job until you have money? The vow will seek the best scenario for the future development using tarot cards, astrology or other suitable means during interpretation.

If intuition does not want to come to your aid, then we suggest you try ours. This is a simple and quick way to find out how your loved one treats you.

For a long time, man has been trying to learn the secrets of nature, to look into the future. To help him comes magic, part of which is divination. This is always a certain ritual, by performing which a person can find out what is hidden behind the veil of time and space. If fortune-telling is very difficult and requires compliance with many conditions, this does not mean that it will be more truthful. Often, it is the simple fortune-telling that any person can do every day that gives us the most correct and closest to the truth answer.

However, it should also help with the basic analysis of your situation, just like any other consultant. You will often have to reformulate your questions. Questions that begin with "when, where, who" are often too restrictive. When you ask a question, you probably want to know the exact answer.

Questions when and where you can apply an oath in an unpleasant situation. When you ask about it, you want to know the exact time and place of the event. However, if you believe in free will, you should avoid such questions. The future is not fixed - it's not like a movie that you can play back and forth. The seer often sees certain scenarios, not just a "bright future". Will you stop driving? Understandably, it will be difficult for you to meet someone new in your car because it doesn't feel like your private train and personal space.

At different peoples world types of divination remarkably coincide. Its basis is the deep belief of man in the unity of nature and the universe. When guessing, it is important to formulate and present the desired result as accurately as possible. This will also increase the accuracy of divination.

Divination with matches

If it were that easy, the seer could say: "You will meet your love on the train from Prague to Brno tomorrow at seven o'clock." This way of divination can be fun at the fair as an attraction, but it will be a very controversial result of a serious interpretation. Consider the question of when the most restrictive of this chapter. These factors are not related in time - you may visit places or people more often.

It is reasonable, for example, to ask questions such as: “Where should I look for a new job?” or “Who will make me happy?”. To answer, the oath must rephrase your questions. In the first case, you can explore your options as well as compare your chances of finding a new job online or through employment agencies. The second question doesn't have a direct answer, but it allows the speakers to talk about your relationship prospects.

The simplest divinations are those that do not require special knowledge and preparation. Fortune-telling with matches is one of such fortune-telling. It easily helps to determine where is the truth and where is a lie. You can perform the ritual on any day of the week.

Two matches - fortune telling on mutual feelings

We take two matches (they must be dry so as not to let you down in the very important point). One will mean a guy, and the other a girl. Say out loud the name of each match. We fix them on one side of the matchbox or in any suitable place where they will hold firmly.
When the matches burn out, pay attention to their location. If they stand exactly, then both are indifferent to each other, but if one of the matches looks towards the other match, there is love, but it is unrequited. In the case when one match turned away from the other or both turned away - a clear signal that in those who are being guessed at (or one of them) in the soul there is a clear rejection or resentment towards the other. If both matches are turned on each other, then undoubtedly their feelings are mutual and positive.

These questions are often easier to identify your problems. Together you will look for ways to improve your life. Always keep in mind that you are the main character in your life. You cannot easily change the behavior of others. For example, if your partner smokes, you can persuade him under certain circumstances to stop smoking. But imagine that your partner has a lot of problems. You can learn to ignore, respect, or love this nasty property, but you can hardly change her body. Therefore, almost all decisions are in your hands.

You can change your behavior or how you perceive the behavior of others. In order to prepare questions for interpretation, it is advisable to first break down the ideas into major areas. Relationships Work Life Conditions Spirituality. . It's a good idea to have your questions ready and organized before anyone improvises. Three questions are usually sufficient at first, because each question always creates a lot more. So get ready and enjoy the interpretation. If you understand your current situation more deeply, you will make your life easier.

Divination with 7 matches

Another fortune-telling on matches is called "fortune-telling of 7 matches." Take seven matches by the heads with two fingers. Thinking about the question that concerns you, throw the matches on the table. They form a certain pattern, which will tell you about the future. If the dome falls out, it's waiting for you great luck in life, but after some time. If the drawing folds into a stork, then your family will be strong and you will have a child. An apple means a quarrel. Dog - to true friends. The cross also portends treason. The heart is a lie loved one. A tree is a big, strong and friendly family.

The upcoming Andrzejka is an integral element of the events organized on St. Andrew's Day, that is, in the area of ​​the name marked by Andrzej. St. Andrew's Day falls on the night of November 29th and 30th, and they are usually associated with leftovers, the last chance to party before Advent, the waiting period for Christmas. Upcoming judges Andrzejka must predict our future and describe the events that will soon take place.

If you're hosting a party in St. Andrew's or visiting as a guest and you want to play with your friends in predicting the future, we present some ideas you can use. It has long tradition, because the wax was already divorced a few hundred years ago - or rather, not much wax or lead, because when it was most popular for lead, especially for old churches, received from windows.

Fortune telling on cards is the most popular!

To card divination revealed their secrets to you, you need to follow a few rules. The deck of cards must be completely new and not fall into the hands of anyone except the fortuneteller. This will keep them clean energy. Cards love subdued lights, close to midnight and silence. Do not guess for a skeptical person. This will nullify all your efforts. Do not guess every day, but at least once a week - so your answers will always be true.

He was assigned magical meaning, he had to reveal secrets, especially regarding love and interpersonal relationships. Wax lano - and still being poured - through the keyhole. The key here is symbolic meaning because it opens everything closed doors just as it reveals secrets and secrets. The waxing of the wax through the keyhole is to make the future reveal the secret of its secret and show what awaits us.

If you don't have wax, stop a few candles. Pour a small amount of water into a bowl. Then, holding the key in your hand, slowly pour the wax into the hole, filling it with water in the bowl. When it cools down, carefully remove it from the water. Set it between you and the wax mold in your hand. A shadow cast on a wall with a melted piece of wax will be your prediction. Any interested person must interpret this on their own.

Divination - 4 aces

Four aces are drawn from the deck and laid out in a row. Make a wish on one of them. Thoroughly interfere with the deck and shift with your left hand towards you. One card is dealt under the aces. Five cards of the same suit, lying under the ace we have made, means that the wish will come true!

Fortune telling "Cherished desire"

The deck is shuffled and removed with the left hand towards itself. Make a wish, to which you can say "yes" or "no". We draw a card from the deck. If we pull out an ace or a king, the wish will undoubtedly come true. If you got a jack or a lady, then you have to work hard to make the wish come true.

Divination "About the future"

We shuffle the deck and silently think about the question of our future. We draw a card. The suits will tell us whether the wish will come true or not.

  • Hearts - nothing can stop you from getting what you want.
  • Diamonds - you will get what you want by putting a lot of effort into it.
  • Clubs - most likely your desire - not what you really need.
  • Spades - your target will be very close to you, but will slip away at the last moment. In the future, you will realize that this is only for the better.

Letters tell everything

Fortune telling is one of the most ancient and, perhaps, the most true divination originating from the time of oracles. When choosing it, be sure - it will tell you what you have planned. On the day of divination, try to focus only on what worries you, then the result will be the most correct.

Everyone can easily realize this fortune-telling at home. To do this, you need to cut out 99 squares of cardboard, 3 squares for each letter of the alphabet. Next, the squares are thoroughly mixed and you clearly formulate for yourself the question you want the answer to. Remember, the brighter and clearer the question is, the more accurate and likely the letters will tell you the answer.


After shuffling the letters, you randomly open them, trying to read the word that will give you the answer to the question. It is recommended to take into account the letters in the order they are opened and not open the extra ones, if you can add a word suitable for fortune-telling from those that you have already got. If there are not enough letters, take more, extra letters can be removed. Remember that some combinations are formed by rearranging letters - anagrams.
Divination examples.
In one of the fortune-telling with the letters of the English alphabet, a man wondered: “whom should I invite to a party tomorrow night?” The letters showed the answer: "LRAOC". That was enough to get the answer. One of the acquaintances that this person was thinking about was called CAROL.
One-word answers, such as YES or NO, can open in different semantic forms: maybe wait (maybe it will happen), you, will be or you, soon, a month, time (most likely the answer will open with time). Therefore, if the first 5-7 letters do not give you a clear meaning of "no" or "yes", then you should choose answers that are similar in meaning.

And remember - everyone creates their own destiny, and fortune-telling only gives us a reason to change it for the better and make every day unique!