Death of relatives dream book. Why do you dream about the death of a loved one? Interpretation of Chinese and Assyrian dream books

A ring in a dream is most often a symbol of spiritual connection ; relationship symbol ; a symbol of reward or approval from others.

A beautiful ring in a dream is a symbol of a connection built on love, respect and success.
Dim, no beautiful ring in a dream - a symbol of problems in relationships with someone (both business, spiritual, personal) ; symbol of relationship problems.

Receiving a ring as a gift in a dream means a possible new relationship ; a possible gift or recognition from the person giving the ring in a dream ; the giver’s probable desire to strengthen connections of any nature (love, business, friendship).

Giving a ring in a dream means expressing sympathy or support for someone in the near future ; show someone your desire for closer interaction. Maybe like in business sphere as well as in personal relationships.

Buying a ring for yourself in a dream means trying to start a relationship with your actions ; seek favor or support ; using your actions to achieve what you want in the near future.

Wearing a ring in a dream means decorating yourself in the eyes of others ; think about a relationship with someone ; strengthen a connection with someone.

Losing a ring in a dream is a likely breakup with someone for one reason or another. ; possible deterioration of relationships with someone who is attractive, dear or pleasant.

Finding a ring in a dream is a very likely chance of finding your other half, good friend or a reliable business partner, especially if you really liked the ring in a dream ; in the near future, establishing connections where it is greatly needed.

If you have any difficulties in interpreting your dream, describe it briefly in the comments to the page and we will give guiding tips.


If in a dream you carry rings in your hands, it means that you have new things ahead in which you will be lucky.

A broken ring means quarrels and unhappiness in marital affairs and a break in relationships for lovers.

If a girl receives a ring in a dream, it means that her worries associated with her lover are over, since from now on he will devote himself entirely to her present and future.

Seeing rings on others in a dream means an increase in your well-being and new acquaintances.

If a woman sees her wedding ring bright and shiny in a dream, this foretells that she will be protected from worries and infidelity.

If the ring is lost or broken, many sorrows will enter her life.

Seeing a wedding ring on the hand of a friend or other people means that you will not take someone's promise too seriously. It is possible that you will indulge in illicit joys.


The appearance of a ring in a dream symbolizes a circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, fidelity.

In a dream, you put a ring on the hand of your loved one - this dream symbolizes your loyalty to your feelings and promises.

A dream in which you saw someone put it on your hand wedding ring a person you don’t know foretells unexpected help in solving a problem that has been bothering you for a long time.

If in a dream you can’t find a ring that fits your size, this means that real life You have no heartfelt affection for anyone.

In a dream, a ring fell from your hand - this bad sign. In real life, you broke your promise and oath of fidelity, so fate has prepared a life test for you.


Ring - offer, connection;
Losing a ring means divorce, separation.


To have a gold ring on your hand means marriage, the birth of a child.
Put it on your hand - fulfillment of desires.
Losing a wedding or a simple one means destroying previous connections through your own fault; find new friends.
Finding a ring is a significant meeting, new love or friendship.
To give is to unite in union. Transfer - loss.
Receive - well-being; they are seeking your attention.
To remove is the pain of infidelity.
It cannot be removed from the hand - bondage.
To break - dispute, loss, separation.
Signet ring - honor; symbol of a son, heir, your spiritual successor; successor.
A ring with a large diamond means great business success, important acquaintances, connections, work and benefits.
The iron ring means great work and sorrow.
Copper is joy.

Discussion: 31 comments

    Hello! I dreamed that my beloved man, with whom I had been dating for a long time and was planning a future together, proposed marriage to me and presented me with an engagement ring in a beautiful box, but the ring was not very beautiful, silver with four small stones of green and of blue color, it doesn’t look like an engagement ring at all, in the dream I was very upset and offended, I said that I would never wear such a ring, in the end we quarreled and broke up in the dream, I cried a lot and was afraid that our relationship was over, I didn’t want this, I had a bright and colorful dream in the morning, when I woke up and still felt a sense of fear. Tell me, what could this dream mean?


    1. Hello Anna. He wants a relationship and wants a family, but what happened during the meetings and how the relationship will be built after the wedding are two things different worlds. Your expectations will not be fully met. But who told you that they should be exactly the way only you want. Building a family is not always an easy process. Yours will not be very easy; you will need to make an effort.


    Good afternoon I dreamed that I was getting married - it was the wedding day, and the ring on my groom’s hand was very ugly - dark, like iron with reddish tints, wide. I told my husband in a dream that the rings were bad and it would be better without them at all than with such terrible ones. I'm not married in real life.
    Thanks for the answer)


    1. Good afternoon Something will upset you a little, something that will seem important right now. But not on a global scale.


Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (brief)

  • Long friendship. Marriage. Engagement.
  • Ring of Truth. Vow.
  • Eternal love.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

  • The ring is a sign of ongoing life cycle. A ring can be a symbol of completion, wholeness and unity.
  • The ring has long been a symbol of friendship, engagement and marriage. If this sign appears to you, it may foreshadow the establishment of a strong relationship or engagement. It also serves as a symbol of eternal love.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

  • Good value
    If you dreamed of a wedding ring (worn by someone or in a box, in a window, you looked at it), there will soon be a wedding (yours or one of your friends, you’ll figure it out). Plant Golden ring into the ground and water it like a flower for a week.
  • Bad value
    If you dreamed of a ring, you are running in circles, constantly making the same mistakes. To find a way out of this situation, wrap around index finger right hand long black hair at night.

Russian dream book

  • Gladkoe - marriage, marriage;
  • with a large stone - an unexpected acquaintance;
  • with small stones - to tears;
  • ring - for a wedding;
  • broken - to betrayal of a loved one

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

  • To have a gold ring on your hand means marriage, the birth of a child.
  • Put it on your hand - fulfillment of desires.
  • Losing a wedding or a simple one means destroying previous connections through your own fault; find new friends.
  • Finding a ring is a significant meeting, new love or friendship.
  • To give is to unite in union. Transfer - loss.
  • Receive - well-being / your attention is being sought.
  • To remove is the pain of infidelity.
  • It cannot be removed from the hand - bondage.
  • To break - dispute, loss, separation.
  • A signet ring is an honor / symbol of a son, heir, your spiritual successor / successor.
  • A ring with a large diamond means great business success, important acquaintances, connections, work and benefits.
  • The iron ring means great work and sorrow.
  • Copper is joy.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

  • Receiving a ring as a gift is very lucky sign: for a girl this is a faithful partner in love, a proposal to marry, and for married women - happiness in marriage.

New family dream book

  • If in a dream you saw yourself with a ring on your finger, you have new things ahead in which you will be lucky.
  • A broken ring means quarrels and unhappiness in marital affairs and a break in relationships for lovers.
  • If a girl dreamed that she received a ring in a dream, then her worries associated with her lover are behind her - from now on he will give her his heart forever.
  • Rings on the hands of other people dream of increased prosperity and foreshadow new acquaintances.

Gypsy dream book

  • A cheap, shiny ring - you will suffer a slight illness. Rich, expensive ring- you are a physically strong person with excellent health. Your wedding is approaching.

Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

  • A symbol denoting power, the dominance of the social principle over the personal in a person, excessive respect for social rules and dogmas. Remember: the laws of society are much lower than the laws of our soul, and there is no need to attach so much importance to them!

Ancient French dream book

  • If you dreamed of a ring, your dream foreshadows a new friendship or marriage. If you break a ring in a dream, this is a sign of impending disagreements with friends, their insincerity.

Ancient English dream book (Zadkiel's dream book)

  • If married woman in a dream she drops a ring from her finger - this foreshadows her husband’s infidelity, who is carried away by an unworthy woman who is capable of completely destroying his life. If a woman sees in a dream that her wedding ring breaks, this foreshadows the illness or death of her husband. And if the ring presses on the finger or cuts into it, then this is a warning about someone’s illness. Putting a ring on your finger is a harbinger of a union with the person you love.

Eastern women's dream book

  • Seeing a wedding ring or trying it on means the imminent wedding of friends or relatives. If you put a ring with a stone on your hand, wait for a marriage proposal.

Miller's Dream Book

  • If in a dream you carry rings in your hands, it means that you have new things ahead in which you will be lucky.
  • A broken ring means quarrels and unhappiness in marital affairs and a break in relationships for lovers.
  • If a girl receives a ring in a dream, it means that her worries associated with her lover are over, since from now on he will devote himself entirely to her present and future.
  • Seeing rings on others in a dream means an increase in your well-being and new acquaintances.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

  • offer, communication;
  • to lose - divorce, separation.

Vanga's Dream Book

  • The appearance of a ring in a dream symbolizes a circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, fidelity.
  • In a dream, you put a ring on the hand of your loved one - this dream symbolizes your loyalty to your feelings and promises.
  • A dream in which you saw a stranger putting a wedding ring on your hand foreshadows unexpected help in solving a problem that has been bothering you for a long time.
  • If in a dream you just can’t choose the right ring size for yourself, this means that in real life you do not feel heartfelt affection for anyone.
  • In a dream, a ring fell from your hand - this is a bad sign. In real life, you broke your promise and oath of fidelity, so fate has prepared a life test for you.

Modern dream book

  • If you wear rings in a dream, then this is a sign that your endeavors will be crowned with success. If others wear rings, this will improve your well-being and expand your circle of friends. If a young woman dreamed that she was given a ring, then this is a good omen. The behavior of her lover will bring peace of mind to her soul, since he will completely devote himself to their common interests. A dream in which you saw a broken ring is a harbinger of quarrels, family troubles, separation.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

  • Ring, for a single person - marriage; and for the girl - marriage; combined - increase in family; with stones - profitable work; iron - sadness; broken - loss of a friend or property.

Esoteric dream book

  • With a stone - to sadness.
  • Engagement - to divorce, failure to fulfill marital hopes.
  • Ancient - you are destined for a partner with whom you are connected karmically. Fate will bring you together!
  • Other (large or ring-shaped object, such as a hoop) - “walk in a circle”, do not look forward.

Italian dream book Meneghetti

  • Symbolizes the power of the social “Super-I”: political, religious and emotional-sensual power of the family environment; means a person's acceptance of his role or loyalty to rules and regulations. In some cases, this image can be neutral and simply mean some kind of personality, and in others, although infrequently, it can indicate a very negative psychology that is passed on from generation to generation through the degeneration of psychic unconscious information.

Loff's Dream Book

  • Rings (jewelry, magic) can symbolize an agreement or the assumption of certain obligations, such as in marriage. Sometimes rings indicate our desire to make commitments to ourselves or to receive assurances that others will make commitments to us or a particular enterprise. Magic rings may indicate the acquisition supernatural powers. Rings or “wheat circles” drawn on the ground are related to protection, because the ring is a boundary that evil is not allowed to cross. In dreams of this kind, you may worry about the circumstances inexorably advancing on you and feel the need for an intercessor. Do you make your own ring or find it? Do you feel like you are able to exercise control over it? Is this ring being used by someone to gain power over you? By whom?

Azar's Dream Book

  • Dreaming of a ring - affection
  • get a ring - true love
  • an agate ring for childless women means that there will be children
  • an agate ring for women who are already married and have children means a rich inheritance
  • an agate ring for men means trouble
  • agate ring for unmarried women means a quick wedding
  • wearing a wedding ring - wedding and happy marriage
  • losing a ring is a shame

If a person in a dream buys a luxurious ring (or ring), which is decorated with incredible stones and the gold glitters, then this auspicious sign. Most often, after such a dream, people get married. Wherein family life it will be pleasant and without hassle.

What if you dream about buying a ring?

Sometimes you might dream like this unpleasant dream like losing a wedding ring. This means that the relationship with your chosen one will soon deteriorate. Therefore, you need to avoid conflicts with your loved one and for some time agree with everything he suggests. If you want to save the relationship, then this is exactly what you need to do.

A thick ring or ring is a sign of family happiness and prosperity that a person will encounter in the near future. If the ring or ring is black, then quarrels and troubles in real life cannot be avoided.

Anyone who would like to know why they dream of buying a ring is often pleasantly surprised that this particular dream symbolizes the appearance of a loved one in the life with whom there will be a long-term relationship. Very often fate brings two lonely hearts together after such a dream.

If in a dream a person stands near a jewelry counter and tries on many rings, then this symbolizes spiritual freedom, as well as readiness for new relationships, since the heart is free for new feelings and love. Soon in real life there will be a meeting with a new pleasant fan who is able to win the heart and cause a storm of emotions.

A girl who puts on a beautiful ring in a dream and admires it for a long time, tries it on before buying, then this is a sign that she will soon enjoy the attention shown by the opposite sex.

What does it portend?

Dreams in which a person buys a ring for himself or for a relative are also favorable.

If the ring does not match the size of the finger, then this symbolizes troubles in real life.

Often such a dream means that in reality a person will have valuable friends whom he will treasure. Buying a ring for a relative is a symbol of completeness and unity.

If a husband buys his wife a ring in a dream, it means that he will show concern for his wife more often than before.

A smooth wedding ring is a sign of marriage in the near future.

If a person lost a purchased ring and found it again, then this is a sign of a significant meeting or new love.

Seeing someone buying a ring and giving it in a dream means that the person's attention is being sought. Although, in most cases this is a favorable dream.

If the purchased ring was accidentally broken, then the person who saw such a dream needs to be careful, pain and trouble await him. And if in a dream the given ring cannot be removed from the finger, then such a dream promises captivity or separation (of friends or lovers).

A whole, clean ring is a symbol of fidelity, prosperity and successful turns of fate. A dream where you wear several rings means success in any endeavor - you can safely begin to implement your plans. However, a broken ring in a dream does not promise anything good. There will be adultery ahead, a break in relations is possible. Receive a wedding ring from your lover - good sign. Your concerns and fears are unfounded - he loves and appreciates you. If you see rings on other people, it means that your plans will come true and will bring a good “harvest”.

Why do you dream about a ring - according to Vanga’s dream book

Expression of this symbol in a dream is an indicator of unresolved problems, vows, affection and fidelity. If your loved one puts a ring on your hand, he sincerely loves you and values ​​the relationship. If an unfamiliar young man puts it on, expect a long-awaited romance. A pressure ring on your finger shows your stinginess in showing feelings towards opposite sex. If you lost the ring or it fell out of your hands, it means that in reality you will break your promise, fate will have trials in store for you.

Why do you dream about a ring - according to Freud's dream book

A ring in a dream is a symbol of harmony and unity between the sexes. If a young man gives you a gold ring, then in real life he intends to start a family with you; if a married lady has such a dream, it means that her husband is preparing a pleasant surprise for her. The ring you give symbolizes your affection for the person. Many rings indicate frequent changes of sexual partners and a tendency to cheat. A broken ring is a sign of upcoming health problems. A large ring represents great experience in the sexual sphere.

Why do you dream about a ring - according to the dream book of Nostradamus

admire gold decoration in a dream - a sign of an imminent marriage or the birth of a child; put it on - to fulfill your desires; losing a wedding ring means breaking old ties; finding a ring means meeting someone; give - incur minor losses. If the ring does not come off your finger, then in reality you lack freedom. Breaking it on purpose means separation; a signet ring is a sign of respect for you; with a large stone is a sign of business acumen and success in business.

Why do you dream about a ring - according to Loff’s dream book

The image of a ring in a dream is interpreted as a manifestation of responsibility and the assumption of certain obligations. Possessing in a dream magical abilities decoration is a sign of powerful intuition, the gift of foresight. Seeing yourself in the center of a circle or ring is a symbol of patronage Higher Powers. Making it means achieving your goals.

Why do you dream about a ring - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Buying a ring is a sign of a fleeting romance, a chic ring is a sign of a wedding. Losing your engagement ring means your relationship with your loved one will most likely reach a dead end. The thick ring symbolizes family happiness and well-being, black – major quarrels.

Why do you dream about a ring - according to Hasse’s dream book

Finding a ring in a dream indicates an approaching family crisis. It's time to think and bring something new into your relationship, to rekindle the smoldering flame. A dark, inconspicuous ring on a finger is a symbol of hard work; a large ring that constantly slips off is a harbinger of marital quarrels; if it falls to the floor, then betrayal is inevitable; picking it up means forgiving your partner. If a married woman throws out or breaks her wedding ring, her husband will fall ill in the near future.

Why do you dream about a ring - according to Meneghetti’s dream book

The ring is a symbol of power and marriage. Putting it on your finger means striving for dominance in the family and society; to put on another person - to try to break his will, to subjugate him. Throw away a ring - neglect family traditions; finding it on the road means a meeting, giving it as a sign of generosity, losing it means destroying happiness.

Why do you dream about a ring - according to Longo’s dream book

A ring that appears in a dream from Monday to Tuesday symbolizes a warm relationship with children - if they are far away, it means they will visit you soon. A deformed ring symbolizes a quarrel with your life partner. Jewelry on a stranger predicts false accusations or gossip directed at you. Losing a ring in a dream speaks of big waste in the future. Also, such a dream may have a different interpretation: perhaps you will lose the trust of a loved one.

Many people are mistaken in believing that a dream about a ring foreshadows an imminent wedding. Sometimes the dream book actually offers such an interpretation. But in order to find out why the ring is dreamed of, you need to take into account a lot of details, actions seen and occurring in the dream. There are many predictions, and some are quite unexpected.

Purchasing jewelry

Why do you dream that you are buying a ring in a jewelry store? The plot predicts a stormy, exciting, but short-lived romance. The passions of love will instantly capture you, but will also quickly dissipate. Therefore, do not lose your head, do not make mistakes that you will later regret for a long time when you are “sober.”

A woman’s dream book promises the person who purchased the jewelry new acquaintances. Some of them will turn out to be not only profitable, but will also develop into true friendship or in love. Find yourself in the sales department precious jewelry, according to some dream books, to a difficult, difficult choice in reality. Not only his fate, but also the well-being and lives of people close to him will depend on the decision that the dreamer has to make. Hence the conclusion - haste and excitement in such a situation are unjustified and dangerous.

If you bought a ring in a dream, but it didn’t fit, then keep in mind that one of your recent decisions is obviously wrong. The option you choose will bring a lot of trouble and problems. There is another explanation for why you dream of an unsuitable size - difficulties and misunderstandings are likely in relationships with your loved one. Did you dream that you spent a long time, painstakingly trying on a lot of rings in a store? In this case, you have reason to doubt. You find yourself in a difficult dilemma, you are tormented, not understanding what to do. Spring dream book recommends seeking advice from more experienced, knowledgeable people.

Trying on jewelry

The interpretation that you put an elegant finger on your finger characterizes you as a person who strives for power and does not forgive others for weaknesses and shortcomings. You are not ready to compromise either in the family or at work. However, the Universal Dream Book warns that such a craving for perfectionism can cause a serious nervous disorder. Be calmer and more forgiving, otherwise neuroses and depression are inevitable.

What else can you dream about, how you try it on? To the fact that you are one step away from making your cherished desires come true. But remember the danger of becoming dizzy with success. After all, falling from a height is always more painful, more annoying.

Hasse offers his interpretation of what one dreams of trying on a ring for. He is sure that such a dreamed picture characterizes the sleeper as a person true to his views, beliefs, and principles. But this explanation will be true only if trying on in a dream brought pleasure.

When in a dream you didn’t like the ring, it means that in reality you will finally be freed from doubts and painful thoughts about something. This will allow you to gain peace of mind, add optimism and self-confidence.

Rich assortment

The person you like will reciprocate your feelings, that’s what you dream about. For a long time you suffered from unrequited love, but now the object of your worship and admiration will not only pay attention to you, but will also inflame with passion, promises Eastern dream book. In this case, don’t get lost, be more proactive and bold.

A dream about a ring predicts disappointment. Moreover, the larger the stone, the more unpleasant, unexpected discoveries await you. That is why Miller, when interpreting such a plot, advises not to indulge yourself with illusions or unrealistic hopes in business or personal relationships. Sometimes it's healthier to expect a little less from life and then enjoy it pleasant surprises. In this way, you will be able to maintain your nerves and mental balance.

In Grishina’s dream book there is a prediction of what you dreamed about. This is advice to be more restrained in your relationship with your loved one. In the heat of passion it is difficult to be objective, but take a closer look at the gentleman. It is possible that he is not so good and far from ideal. An unusual, original wooden decoration in a dream signals that the person dear to you does not experience sincere reciprocal feelings. He only graciously accepts signs of your attention. Therefore, the Eastern Dream Book suggests putting an end to such a novel. You will certainly meet someone who will be more worthy of your hand and heart.

A good sign, a dreamed ring with the quote: “Save and preserve.” In the coming period, the dreamer will have a calm, prosperous life. Nothing will disturb him or disrupt his plans. Therefore, think about how to restore mental and physical strength - find the opportunity to go on vacation, spend time in nature. According to Muslim dream book a jewelry set for decorating fingers and ears with, is seen in the midnight nap by people who are lucky in business. They can start new large-scale projects, make global plans, actively participate in public life. It is also important that all their endeavors will be useful for others.

A ring presented on the occasion of an engagement is dreamed of as a sign of imminent marriage. A vision of the bride's jewelry anticipates harmony in the future family. A luxurious piece of jewelry, according to Vanga, is seen in a dream by those destined for extraordinary success with members of the opposite sex.

But this is a kind of test. After all, fluttering between gentlemen or fans, you may not notice the one (only) one who was sent by fate. Be prudent, think not about fleeting joys, but about how to find your love.

Lost and found

Why do you dream about losing a ring? Alas, this predicts problems and troubles for you. But with persistence and perseverance, you can overcome them very soon. If in your night dreams our ring is large, it means that you are ready to accept global changes in life. You are not happy with your current situation. If so, then listen to the Wanderers’ dream book, which suggests not relying on chance, but boldly acting, taking the initiative into your own hands. Remember that we ourselves are the architects of our own happiness.

Did you drop a ring in a dream and were unable to find it? Then don't complain that profitable deals literally floated under your nose. You are passive, sluggish and cowardly. If the lost ring was found, then wait for the matchmakers. Without hesitation, accept the proposal to get married - your marriage will be long and happy. Why do you dream about something you threw away? Get ready for troubles of an official nature. Vlasov’s dream book predicts difficulties in communicating with colleagues and management. Don’t try to defend your point of view or argue. Now everyone in the team is against you. And perhaps there are objective reasons for this.

Breakages, cracks

Broken, unraveled rings, according to the dream book, are bad omens. So, according to Miller, a cracked ring in a dream signals a partner’s betrayal. It’s hard to believe this, but still take a closer look at the person you adore. Maybe this will open your eyes to a lot of what he is carefully trying to hide. A crack in a cut stone warns the dreamer against disrespect from a certain person in reality.

Aesop's Dream Book writes about the likelihood of a collision with an enemy who will use physical force. The only thing that can save you from a fight and other stormy showdown is endurance. Control your emotions, otherwise you will only make the unfavorable situation worse. Did you dream that the ring you were given was broken? No matter how bitter it is to realize this, in fact, your thoughts are not destined to come true. Don't despair, now is simply not the most favorable period for this. Several months will pass, and then you can safely plan new things and dream.

It is much more unpleasant when in a dream the ring turns black or becomes rusty. Rust is associated with the wreck of a family boat, with divorce. And blackness with malaise, illness. Did a pebble fall out in the night phantasmagoria? While there is nothing to please you with, the date and planned wedding celebration will not take place. Only guidance will help dispel sadness Universal dream book, who assures that everything that happens is for the better. Survive this misfortune and six months later you will understand how right the dream interpreter was. Fate has already prepared a surprise for you, after which even unpleasant memories of the past will not remain.

Various predictions

The women's dream book explains why one dreams of receiving a gift. You have an exciting love adventure, a passionate romance ahead of you. The only fly in the ointment in this barrel of honey is that intimacy with a new partner will be short-lived. Feelings will quickly cool down. A plot about your ring being stolen predicts problems in communicating with your lover. Moreover, the reason for this will be unceremoniousness, the intervention of a third party. Do you sleep and see that you have several rings on your finger? Miller assures that in reality there will be no end to fans. All that remains is to choose the most worthy of them.

By handing over your jewelry to another person in a dream, you should know that soon you will have to provide support to someone and give valuable advice. Aesop's advice - do not refuse to help someone in need, then in difficult times you will not be left alone with trouble.

While you were sleeping, were you surprised that you have several rings on your little finger at once? This is a great sign of future profits and solid income.