I dream of two small empty rooms. Why do you dream of a white room - interpretation of sleep from dream books

A dream about an empty room promises unfavorable events, difficulties in relationships, and illness. The prediction can be influenced by details: a person’s feelings, the presence of windows, the presence of strangers, etc. Taking into account all aspects of the dream will allow you to correctly unravel the clues of fate and take advantage of them in time.

For a lonely man, a dream about an empty room foreshadows a meeting with his other half. The romance will develop quickly, the dreamer will not notice how the relationship will lead to marriage.

White walls of the room indicate that the time has come for drastic changes. Rearranging the furniture means decisive steps that the young man will soon take.

Interpretation of a dream for a woman

Girls without a partner the dream also promises a meeting with your lover. The relationship will quickly develop into marriage. Dream about the renovation of the premises says that a woman will marry worthy man who will help her in everything.

A large room portends an acquaintance with a wealthy man who will offer her a comfortable life in his luxurious home.

Towards the appearance romantic relationships- the answer to why you dream of light room or premises white for singles. Married dream promises harmony in the family.

Rearranging furniture For girls, it predicts pregnancy and the birth of a long-awaited baby.

What do the details say?

Strange empty room warns of the risk of receiving retribution from people whose lives the dreamer ruined.

Find the secret room with interesting interior design and furniture means that a person will discover his talents in the near future.

A sign of the loneliness of the sleeper; even among friends he feels lonely.

A closed room suggests that something is being hidden from the dreamer.

For married people the dream speaks of the infidelity of the spouse. Empty room without doors, windows foreshadows a hopeless situation, spiritual anguish.

Exterior of the room

Clean room symbolizes the excessive self-confidence of the sleeper. His life position will lead to the fact that truly devoted people will leave the circle of friends, leaving only hypocrites.

The new room speaks about the dreamer’s confidence and promises renewal in all directions of life. Soon a “second wind” will open, relationships with people will improve. The old premises predict a radical change in the situation.

Enter a small warm room- in reality to avoid danger, in a cold, uncomfortable time - to suffer a fair punishment for your offense. Leaving the room and going into someone else’s toilet means meeting an attractive person with whom the dreamer can expect a long-term and serious relationship.

The colors of the walls also carry a prediction for the dreamer:

Why you dream about a room with furniture depends on the presence of one or another interior item, his condition.

But if the furniture is shabby, old, shabby- the dream should be interpreted the other way around.

Mirror room, where the reflection of the sleeper is noticeable from all sides, foreshadows the versatility of the work. If a person feels uncomfortable there, he will get confused in reality when looking for profitable prospects.

Number of rooms, their sizes

Small cozy room is a symbol of happiness and balance. Troubles will not ruin the dreamer's plans.

Great value when interpreting why a house with many rooms is dreamed of, it has lighting:

  • bright light promises quick joy and triumph;
  • darkness warns of lack of prospects.

Light outside the room windows points to positive influence external events on the dreamer’s life, night - a person’s isolation, he needs to pay attention to his family.

Feeling of tightness, constriction says that the sleeper wants more. Huge spacious rooms symbolize a prosperous life. Wealth awaits the dreamer.

Round shape of the room with windows along the perimeter it suggests: there will be an opportunity to learn new things and expand your horizons. Serious prospects open up before a person.

The dreamer's actions

Walk from room to room, on the walls of which there are paintings, speaks of the tossing and turning of a sleeping person in reality. Human desires are changeable. To find balance and calm, you need to stop chasing illusory goals.

Wander among untidy things, rubbish means a long-term solution to the problem.

Fly in a dream- a sign of a hopeless situation, lack of inspiration. You should unwind and relax. Solving the housing problem or considering a dorm room promises the purchase of your own home, big changes.

Clean the room alone- a symbol of lack of support in reality. If a friend helps with cleaning, then the dreamer real life This person's help will be needed. Opening the door to an empty room means that the dreamer will find a way out of a difficult situation.

Spill water on the floor- you should expect minor troubles that will bring discomfort to the sleeper.

Meaning according to dream books

Tsvetkov correlates a large empty room with the beginning of lengthy proceedings. The dreamer will lose faith and stop hoping for the best. A small room tells that earlier a person was able to avoid trouble.

Loff drew a parallel between such a dream and relationships with children and parents.

It is important to pay attention to your feelings:

  • disgust, fear speaks of a loss of authority in the eyes of children, a disrespectful attitude towards their parents;
  • coziness, comfort- about attachment to mother.

IN exoteric dream book A large room means life satisfaction. Square room shape promises good luck, success. You dream of a dungeon as a sign of receiving punishment for your misdeeds; the absence of windows indicates depression of the sleeper. Beautifully painted walls, floors, ceilings confirm that a person is on the right path.

Freud considers the dream as a desire to enter into a sexual relationship with the person who entered the room.

Nostradamus interprets an empty room as an upcoming separation from loved ones. The dreamer will have to part with them and change his place of residence.

According to Hasse, If dream of many rooms in the house, you should expect big profits. The person's financial situation will improve.

IN modern dream book being in a richly furnished room promises financial luck associated with winning. Poorly furnished room predicts an unsuccessful marriage, where you will have to constantly save.

IN Old Russian dream book empty room seen as a disappointment strange- like success, small size- like avoiding trouble at the last second. Beautiful paintings on the walls are perceived as the dreamer’s changeability.

Interprets the room as a state of mind Wanderer's dream book. Large apartment, many rooms- a sign that a person will choose between many options for solving a problem.

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To dream of a luxuriously furnished room in a rich house means you are guaranteed success in business endeavors.

A room hung with collections of paintings suggests that you will stand at a crossroads in your desires, not knowing what to choose.

A brightly lit room in broad daylight with lamps burning with all its might foreshadows a great celebration in your home, where you will be invited as close and good neighbors.

Walking in a dream through a suite of rooms in old house or a museum - to receive unexpected profits, lifelong wealth.

To renovate a room - to big changes in the near future.

A young girl may be expecting a marriage proposal from a wealthy man.

In a dream, seeing yourself in the living room of a large mansion means that the well-being of your life will be overshadowed by an unexpected and unhappy event.

Seeing yourself in the bedroom of an unfamiliar house means that in reality your loneliness will be brightened up by your true friends.

A modest and simple room foreshadows economy and frugality in housekeeping due to deteriorating financial situation.

Seeing a classroom in a dream foretells a meeting with a person for whom you once had affection secret love.

A children's room in a dream foretells that you will have a conversation in which you will remember with nostalgia youth.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Seeing a Room in a dream

Finding yourself in a beautiful and richly furnished room means sudden profit: receiving an inheritance from unknown relatives or through speculation. For a young woman, this dream means that a rich stranger will offer her marriage and a beautiful home.

If the room is simply furnished, this woman’s lot will be low income and constant frugality.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What does the dream Room mean?

Empty - disappointment;
strange - success, luck;
very small - get away from trouble at the last second;
well furnished - success in your endeavors;
beautiful paintings on the wall - changeability of desires;
brightly lit - celebration.
Also see Hum.

Interpretation of dreams from Tsvetkov's Dream Book

Seeing a Room in a dream

Well furnished - success in your endeavors; with good paintings - have changeable desires; well lit - a great celebration; paint or furnish - you will wait for changes; many rooms - wealth

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream about Room

Room - success and pleasure - empty - separation from loved ones - well furnished - success in endeavors - with good paintings - have changing desires - well lit - a big celebration - to paint or furnish - wait for changes - many rooms - wealth.

Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

What does Room mean in a dream?

Room - empty room - disappointment; strange - success, fate; very small - avoid disaster at the last moment; wonderfully furnished - success in the business you have started.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

The meaning of dreams Room

(See interpretation: house, palace, dwelling)

Finding yourself in a dream in a beautiful, richly furnished room and knowing that you are the owner (hostess) there means that a change of place of residence and lifestyle awaits you soon.

A poor, modest room in a dream is a sign of living in need from paycheck to paycheck. An empty room in a dream means failure, deception and separation from loved ones. A cramped room in a dream foreshadows poverty, cramped circumstances that will be difficult for you to cope with. Going on a visit and finding yourself in a rich apartment means that you will make a good acquaintance with a person in power. Seeing your room poor and shabby in a dream means troubles and losses. Having many rooms in a dream is a sign of a prosperous life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does a Room mean in a dream?

If a young girl dreams that she is in a beautiful, richly furnished room, this means that she will receive a proposal from a rich and wealthy man.

A simply furnished room foreshadows modest income and a thrifty husband.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Meaning of sleep Room

To be in a beautiful, richly furnished room in a dream foretells sudden profit. This could be lucky financial transaction or receiving an inheritance from distant relatives.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Room

Overall our emotional state(warm or cold, dark or light, spacious or cramped, cozy or uncomfortable, calm or anxious...) the space of the soul, individual consciousness. Sometimes the mother's womb. Search and access to new rooms, self-knowledge, search for new opportunities. New, well furnished room offer for women. Without windows and doors, life is a dead end, loneliness. Desolate in the web of dark desires, activities black magic(conscious or not); sadness, death loved one. Very little to avoid danger, find a way out of a difficult situation.

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Book

What does the Room predict in a dream?

this is a sign of security, for the Almighty says: “Only for them (the righteous) is peace and security in the mountain palaces of heavenly grace.” (SURA-SABA.37). And if he is single, he will get married. They also say that being in a clean and comfortable room (upper room) in a dream means that the one who sees this can go to Heaven. The Koran says: “They will be rewarded in the upper rooms (paradise) for what they endured, and they will be greeted there with peace and greetings - and they will remain there forever.” (SURA-Fussilat, 75,76).

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

What does it mean to see a Room in a dream

If the room is in order, long prosperity awaits you.

If the room is not cleaned, imagine that you are putting order and cleanliness in it.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Interpretation of sleep Room

If in a dream you find yourself in a richly furnished room, then count on sudden profits, for example, an inheritance from unknown relatives.

For a young woman, this dream means that a rich stranger will offer her marriage and a beautiful home.

If the room is furnished modestly, the woman’s lot will be low income and constant frugality.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

What does the dream predict? Room

This is a reflection of you inner world if there are many rooms, they are a symbol of different facets of your life or nature.

Rooms that are on different floors in a dream: symbolize different levels of your feelings: the higher the room is, the more important this piece of soul is to you.

A clean, comfortable room made according to Feng Shui: a sign of your peace of mind and, as a result, a stable improvement in your life.

An untidy room: a sign of mental discomfort. Most likely, you have accumulated a lot of unresolved problems, and this causes you anxiety, resulting in poor health or an unimportant state of affairs.

If there are strangers in the room who are friendly: the dream suggests that you are in agreement not only with those around you, but also with yourself.

This means that your affairs, especially those related to negotiations, should be moving forward successfully.

If the guests in the room behave aggressively: the dream indicates your internal discord.

If you do not bring your feelings into balance, conflicts and failures really await you in reality.

An unfinished room: a sign of unfinished business and unrealized plans.

An empty, unsightly room: a symbol of loneliness and spiritual devastation.

At the same time, if an empty room is beautiful and filled with pure light: this is a sign of your spiritual renewal.

If in reality you are hatching any interesting plans, they have every chance of success.

Bright light outside the room's windows: may indicate that some external events will help you find harmony and peace of mind.

Darkness outside the windows of the room: warns that you are too withdrawn into yourself. Try to pay more attention to people and the world around you - this will make your life richer and brighter.

Interpretation of dreams from

To understand why you dream about a room, you need to remember all the components of the dream. The situation in the room is of great importance when interpreting a dream. In addition, you should pay attention to whether there are any things in the room that are somehow connected with your real life.

The most important sign on which the interpretation of a dream depends is appearance room that I dreamed about in a dream. How correctly the interpretation always gives a clear description of the current state of affairs in reality.

Large room

In most dream books, the interpretation takes into account the size of the room seen in the dream. For a young girl large room in a dream, furnished with luxurious furniture, a very favorable symbol. It portends an acquaintance with a wealthy person. Moreover, the feelings will be mutual, and soon you will live happily together in your own big house.

But if in your night dreams a spacious but poorly furnished room appears, then your chosen one will be poor and will not be able to provide for you. Therefore, having connected your life with him, you will largely have to rely only on yourself. In addition, when living together you will have to save on a lot.

Why do you dream about rooms in a house or apartment?

Very often the question arises as to why we dream of rooms in a house or apartment. If in a dream you dreamed of an apartment consisting of large quantity rooms, then this can be interpreted as the fact that in real life, fate will offer you many options for action and for future well-being you will need to do right choice. If in a dream you are lost in a maze of rooms, then this foreshadows difficulties in choosing the right path in life.

Many rooms

When you dream of many rooms, then, according to the interpretation of Hasse’s dream book, this is a symbol of wealth. Even if present moment financial situation It’s not stable and leaves much to be desired, don’t worry. It won't be long before everything changes in better side. But if in your night dreams you have to wander through rooms in which the walls are decorated with paintings, then this means that you are trying to find the right answer for yourself.

Walking through rooms in night dreams

If you had to walk around the rooms in a dream, and the walls were richly decorated with paintings, then in reality you will rush around in search of the correct answer. This is due to the fact that your desires are too changeable, therefore, in order to find peace of mind, you need to stop setting illusory goals.

Small room - dream book

When you are dreaming at night, you are in a small room, then in order to understand what the dream portends, you need to pay attention to your emotional state. If you feel comfortable, then this is very favorable dream. No external troubles can disturb your peace of mind. Such a dream is a harbinger of a calm and harmonious life.

See an empty room

Dreams in which an empty room appears in a separate category can be distinguished. This symbol is very often associated with unfavorable events in the real world. Such a dream in most cases warns the dreamer about various unfavorable events, financial difficulties or difficulties in communicating with people from the immediate environment.

A room without furniture - interpretation of sleep

If you dream of an empty room without any furniture, then this symbolizes loneliness and spiritual devastation. We urgently need to try to get rid of this condition. Perhaps you need to fully relax or chat with friends. But if you dreamed of a beautiful empty room, filled with pure light and arousing only admiration, then this symbolizes spiritual renewal. Most likely, you will be able to implement the plans that you have been nurturing for a long time.

When interpreting various dream plots, you need to consider the following:

    Renovating an empty room indicates that there will be discord in the relationship with your partner. But if you show patience and attention to the problems of a loved one, then the relationship can be quickly restored. A closed empty room foreshadows the emergence of situations in real life from which it will be very difficult to find a way out. Do not refuse if relatives or friends offer you help. An empty room without doors predicts the emergence of doubts regarding work. Opening the doors to an empty room means finding a way out of a difficult situation. An empty room without windows symbolizes hopelessness and spiritual anguish.

Dark room

Very often dreamers are interested in the question of why they dream of a dark room. First of all, such a sign focuses attention on the fact that the dreamer is a closed person. In addition, such a dream emphasizes the fact that a person has secrets that he does not intend to reveal to anyone.

For correct interpretation the appearance of a gloomy and dark room in a dream, you need to remember your emotional state:

    Nothing bad will happen in real life if you feel comfortable in a dark room. All that will need to be done in reality is to find a way out of this situation as quickly as possible. If the room is cold and uncomfortable, then this predicts a dead end in life, from which it will be difficult to find a way out on your own. When you managed to find a way out dark room, then this indicates that it will soon be possible to solve problems and find happiness.

Also, when interpreting, the following should be taken into account:

    A white room in a dream warns that it is time to pay attention to your physical health. A room with a lot of cobwebs draws attention to the fact that in real life traps have been set for you. In addition, it can symbolize your inner fears and self-doubt. A dirty room indicates that you pay too much attention to little things, which constantly distracts you from the main thing. A black room in a dream emphasizes that a lot of anger has accumulated in your soul, and This main reason constant quarrels with loved ones. A beautiful room is a harbinger of the onset of a joyful life period, which will be filled with a feeling of calm and tranquility. In addition, such a dream may be a harbinger of a meeting with a person for whom you had secret feelings. An old room in a neglected state portends positive changes for you in family relationships.

Why do you dream about a bathroom?

When you dream about a bathroom, it usually symbolizes the need for internal cleansing. Also, such a dream may indicate that the dreamer feels guilty before someone. You need to try to correct your mistakes and after that peace of mind will immediately come. When you dream of a flood in the bathroom, this indicates that you are overwhelmed with emotions for some reason and you cannot control yourself.

Other interpretations

You can also highlight other scenes of night dreams:
    Flies in the room symbolize the gossip that is spreading around you. When there are a lot of flies flying around the room, this draws your attention to the fact that the time has come to change the environment in order to get rid of unnecessary problems. Various insects in the room warn that the dreamer is in danger in reality. A dove in the room symbolizes family joys. A sparrow in room is a harbinger of a romantic adventure that will be unforgettable. Butterflies in the room foreshadow the development of serious illnesses in one of your relatives. A bird that flies into the room predicts that changes are coming in the life of the dreamer, as well as his family and friends. Water on sex in small quantities predicts large financial losses and business failures. But if you dreamed of a grandiose flood in a room, then this indicates that your deepest desire will soon come true. Many beds foreshadow the arrival of unexpected guests. A sofa in the room indicates the onset of a period of calm and measured life.

Other people in the room - clue to the dream

If there were other people in the room you dreamed about, then you need to pay attention to how they behaved. It was very good when they were friendly towards each other. This indicates that the dreamer is always able to find compromises and is in agreement with himself. Aggressive people in the room indicate a person’s internal discord. You need to try to calm down and restore peace of mind, otherwise failures and conflicts await you in real life.

This is a reflection of your inner world, but if there are many rooms, they are a symbol of various facets of your life or nature.

Rooms that are on different floors in a dream: symbolize different levels of your feelings: the higher the room is, the more important this piece of soul is to you.

A clean, comfortable room made according to Feng Shui: a sign of your peace of mind and, as a result, a stable improvement in your life.

An untidy room: a sign of mental discomfort. Most likely, you have accumulated a lot of unresolved problems, and this causes you anxiety, resulting in poor health or an unimportant state of affairs.

If there are strangers in the room who are friendly: the dream suggests that you are in agreement not only with those around you, but also with yourself.

This means that your affairs, especially those related to negotiations, should be moving forward successfully.

If the guests in the room behave aggressively: the dream indicates your internal discord.

If you do not bring your feelings into balance, conflicts and failures really await you in reality.

An unfinished room: a sign of unfinished business and unrealized plans.

An empty, unsightly room: a symbol of loneliness and spiritual devastation.

At the same time, if an empty room is beautiful and filled with pure light: this is a sign of your spiritual renewal.

If in reality you are hatching any interesting plans, they have every chance of success.

Bright light outside the room's windows: may indicate that some external events will help you find harmony and peace of mind.

Darkness outside the windows of the room: warns that you are too withdrawn into yourself. Try to pay more attention to people and the world around you - this will make your life richer and brighter.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

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Why do you dream about a room?

Miller's Dream Book

Finding yourself in a beautiful and richly furnished room means sudden profit: receiving an inheritance from unknown relatives or through speculation.

For a young woman, this dream means that a rich stranger will offer her marriage and a beautiful home.

If the room is simply furnished, this woman’s lot will be low income and constant frugality.

Why do you dream about a room?

Freud's Dream Book

The room is one of the most important and universal symbols female genital organs, uterus.

If a man sees a woman in the room, he wants to secretly have a new sexual partner, while maintaining a connection with his old partner.

If a man sees a man in the room, he suspects his partner of cheating, and maybe not without reason.

If a woman sees a man in the room, she loves this man and wants to have a child with him, but if it is a stranger, then the woman strives to change her sexual partner.

If a woman sees a woman in the room, she suffers from frigidity, but would like to have a child without burdening herself with marriage.

If a man wants and cannot enter the room, he strives for new sexual contacts, but fears that he will not receive the same pleasure from them as from his regular partner.

If a man enters the room, he strives to quickly establish sexual contact.

If a woman enters the room, she strives for lesbian relationships.

If a man leaves the room, he wants to break off relations with his partner.

If a woman leaves the room, she wants to have a child.

If you are renovating a room, something has gone wrong in your relationship, but by showing tact and understanding of your partner’s problems, you can still improve it.

If furniture or drawers are brought into the room, you are leading a promiscuous sex life and are trying to diversify it with group sex.

If something is taken out of the room, you are satisfied with your sexuality and attractiveness.

Why do you dream about a room?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

A well-furnished room means success in your endeavors; with good paintings - have changeable desires; well lit - a great celebration; paint or furnish - you will wait for changes; many rooms - wealth.

Why do you dream about a room?

Family dream book

If in a dream you find yourself in a richly furnished room, count on sudden profits, for example, an inheritance from unknown relatives. For a young woman, this dream means that a rich stranger will offer her marriage and a beautiful home.

If the room is furnished modestly, the woman’s lot will be low income and constant frugality.

Why do you dream about a room?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A room in a dream is a reflection of your inner world; if there are many rooms, they are a symbol of different facets of your life or nature.

Rooms that are on different floors in a dream symbolize different levels of your feelings: the higher the room is, the more important this piece of soul is to you.

A clean, comfortable room made according to Feng Shui is a sign of your peace of mind and, as a result, a stable improvement in your life.

An untidy room is a sign of mental discomfort. Most likely, you have accumulated a lot of unresolved problems, and this causes you anxiety, resulting in poor health or an unimportant state of affairs.

If there are strangers in the room who are friendly, the dream suggests that you are in agreement not only with those around you, but also with yourself. This means that your affairs, especially those related to negotiations, should be moving forward successfully.

If the guests in the room behave aggressively, the dream indicates your internal discord. If you do not bring your feelings into balance, conflicts and failures really await you in reality.

An unfinished room is a sign of unfinished business and unrealized plans.

An empty, unsightly room is a symbol of loneliness and spiritual devastation.

At the same time, if an empty room is beautiful and filled with pure light, this is a sign of your spiritual renewal. If in reality you are hatching any interesting plans, they have every chance of success.

Bright light outside the room's windows may indicate that some external events will help you find harmony and peace of mind.

The darkness outside the windows of the room warns that you are too withdrawn into yourself. Try to pay more attention to people and the world around you - this will make your life richer and brighter.

Why do you dream about a room?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Finding yourself in a room, especially a furnished one, means a speedy recovery; in other cases, it means unexpected profit.

Why do you dream about a room?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing a children's room in a dream means that soon you will have a conversation of a nostalgic nature, in which you will sadly remember your early years.

To dream of a luxuriously furnished room in a rich house means you are guaranteed success in business endeavors. A room hung with collections of paintings means that you will stand at a crossroads in your desires, not knowing what to prefer.

A brightly lit room in broad daylight with lamps burning with all its might foreshadows a big celebration in your home, where you will be invited as close and good neighbors.

Walking through a suite of rooms in an old house or museum in a dream means receiving unexpected profits, lifelong wealth. Renovating a room means big changes in the near future.

In a dream, seeing yourself in the living room of a large mansion means that the well-being of your life will be overshadowed by an unexpected and unhappy event. Seeing yourself in the bedroom of an unfamiliar house means that in reality your loneliness will be brightened up by your true friends.

A modest and simple room - portends economy and frugality in housekeeping due to deteriorating financial situation.

Seeing a classroom in a dream foretells a meeting with a person for whom you once had a secret love.

Why do you dream about a room?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Room - success and pleasure; empty - separation from loved ones; well furnished - success in your endeavors; with good paintings - have changeable desires; well lit - a great celebration; paint or furnish - you will wait for changes; many rooms - wealth.

Why do you dream about a room?

Esoteric dream book

The room is spacious and comfortable.

Square - good time, fate is coming to meet you, everything works out.

A narrow, dark prison is a social punishment. It’s a strange time to explore alien spaces. The dream is associated with karmic clichés.

A lot of things, cluttered - you are burdened by attachments and moral debts.

Without windows - hopelessness, melancholy. Go to church, light candles, even if you are not a believer.

Beautiful is the right path, business.

Why do you dream about a room?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Room - being in a dream in a beautiful, richly furnished room portends sudden profit. This could be a successful financial transaction or receiving an inheritance from distant relatives.

For a young woman, such a dream foreshadows the appearance of a wealthy stranger who will offer her marriage and a beautiful home.

If the room is simply furnished, this woman’s lot will be low income and forced frugality.

Why do you dream about a room?

Azar's Dream Book

a well-lit room is a big celebration

Why do you dream about a room?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

The room is empty - disappointment; strange - success, luck; very small - get away from trouble at the last second; well furnished - success in your endeavors; beautiful paintings on the wall - changeability of desires; brightly lit - celebration.

Why do you dream about a room?

Modern dream book

Seeing yourself in a beautiful, richly furnished room is a prediction of great luck that will come to you in the form of winnings on the stock exchange or an inheritance from unknown relatives. To a young woman - similar dream promises a rich foreigner spouse and a beautiful home.

If the room is poorly furnished, its lot will be frugality and moderation.

Why do you dream about a room?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

furnished - success and pleasure; empty - deception, failure and separation from loved ones.

Why do you dream about a room?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Sweep the room and take out the trash - you will leave yourself or kick someone out.

Clean, general cleaning do - unexpected appearance of some person / joy, health concerns / desire to get rid of some thoughts.

Revenge - arrogance will harm you / hard work lies ahead and will exhaust you / drive out the tenant.

Ventilate - illness / mental stagnation / thirst for new acquaintances.

To heat a room too hot, to be in a hot room - to love two people.

Why do you dream about a room?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

The room as a whole is our emotional state (warm or cold, dark or light, spacious or cramped, cozy or uncomfortable, calm or anxious...) the space of the soul, of individual consciousness.

Sometimes - the mother's womb.

Search and access to new rooms - self-knowledge, search for new opportunities.

A new, well-furnished room is an offer for a woman.

Without windows and doors - a dead end in life, loneliness.

Desolate in the web - dark desires, practicing black magic (conscious or not); sadness, death of a loved one.

Very small - avoid danger, find a way out of a difficult situation.

Children's room - feelings associated with growth, care, joy, parental duty.

Why do you dream about a room?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What does a Room mean in a dream - If the room is tidy, long-term prosperity awaits you. If the room is untidy, imagine that you are putting order and cleanliness in it.

Why do you dream about a room?

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You dreamed of a Room - You dream of a richly and tastefully furnished room - either you will soon receive an enviable inheritance, or impressive financial receipts; your business is growing confidently; you know the truth: a business either grows or languishes; if a business moves, it grows; if it stands still, it languishes. A young woman dreams of a richly furnished room - a wealthy man with great opportunities will offer his hand and heart to this woman. You dream of a clean, simply furnished room - you will not receive excess profits, you will not know what real wealth is; you will live in abundance, but at times you will have to save; the mistress of your house, your spouse is a neat, clean woman; With such a mother, children will rarely get sick. You dream of a wretched room, your furniture is lomier - in real life poverty is your lot. You see an empty room in a dream - the dream foretells disappointment; many of your successes are just appearances; there is nothing behind your smart appearance; your rantings are empty hypocrisy. You feel cramped in the room you seem to have found yourself in - only at the cost of great effort will you be able to escape from danger; and you will leave her at the last second.

Why do you dream about a room?

Stuart Robinson's Dream Book

In a dream in a rich furnished room - it means unexpected profit: the acquisition of an inheritance from completely unknown relatives. For a girl, this dream means that a rich stranger will offer her marriage and a beautiful home. If the room is simply furnished, this woman’s lot will be low income and constant frugality.

Why do you dream about a room?

Women's dream book

Room - Being in a beautiful, richly furnished room in a dream portends sudden profit. This could be a successful financial transaction or receiving an inheritance from distant relatives. For a young woman, such a dream foreshadows the appearance of a wealthy stranger who will offer her marriage and a beautiful home. If the room is simply furnished, this woman’s lot will be low income and forced frugality.

Why do you dream about a room?

Magic dream book

You dreamed of a room - empty - disappointment. Beautifully furnished - many acquisitions ahead. Brightly lit - participation in the celebration. An open door in a room is a warm welcome. A simply furnished room signifies modest wealth and frugality. A room hung with paintings means changeable desires; many rooms mean wealth.

Why do you dream about a room?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

The room is an emotional state. Furnished room - peace; empty - spiritual emptiness; a room with no exit or dark - relationship with mother; dependence on it; experiencing peace in such a room is maternal support; experience fear and confusion - loss of trust in your mother or her in you.

Why do you dream about a room?

Old Russian dream book

empty - disappointment; strange - success, luck; very small - get away from trouble at the last second; well furnished - success in your endeavors; beautiful paintings on the wall - changeability of desires; brightly lit - celebration.

Why do you dream about a room?

Online dream book

According to the dream book, a room is a symbol of your inner essence, what is inside you; each symbolizes a different essence of your personality.

If order and comfort reign in it, you are in harmony with yourself, which means you can easily achieve success in everything.

You feel very uncomfortable in it - and disharmony reigns inside you now.

You dreamed of a room with poor furnishings - you will marry a poor man, and you will count every penny.

If the atmosphere in it is full of luxury, you will suddenly and very richly enrich yourself.

There is no entrance, not even a window - you will find yourself in a hopeless situation, left alone with yourself.

If you saw a children's room in a dream, you will meet old acquaintances and together with them you will plunge into your childhood memories.

Secret room - discover new advantages in yourself, see shortcomings. How you can use them is up to you.

A clean room, as the dream book says, means a loss of strength and a reluctance to move forward will put you in a state of stupor. Something has broken inside you, find something that will attract you, that will breathe new strength and feelings into you.

I dreamed of walking around the room - some obstacle would appear on the way, with which everyone in the world would have to fight. We will have to involve relatives and colleagues for her quick disappearance.

New room - open new truth, you will be able to gain new knowledge and become the owner of unique opportunities.

Red room - you have been achieving your goal for quite a long time, but it eludes you every time. One of these days everything will change.

A dream in which there is a small room - those problems that you feared will be miraculously avoided.

Rearranging the room - you do not show initiative, believing that you already have enough.

Pink room - live a full life, old age is just around the corner, but you still have time to love, travel, enjoy the pleasures that life offers you.

An empty room in a dream - be attentive to your health, there is a risk of complications, new diseases or exacerbation of old diseases.

Dreaming of a dark room is a gloomy reality in reality, from which you will plunge into boundless melancholy and deep sadness. Only friends who will act together will be able to get you out of this swamp.

Bathroom, according to the dream book - you will want to go to church. If you are unable to confess, try to read prayers, light a candle for good health, and think about something good, kind, and bright. If there is a stone hanging on your soul, think about what you can fix. In the event that the situation cannot be changed, accept it as it is.

A large (bright) room in a dream means bright prospects with a pleasant stranger who, moreover, will have an extraordinary mind and a large bank account.

You dream about many rooms - change your views completely. The attitude and worldview will be completely different compared to previous values. Close surroundings will perceive such a rebirth ambiguously.

A dirty, untidy room - different views on many things make your communication with your significant other unbearable.

White room - your life lacks positive emotions, bursts of intense joy and emotional discoveries. A series of endless troubles leaves a deep mark on your heart.

Children's room - remember the past, past achievements.

Show children's room

Why do you dream about a room?

American dream book

The room is one aspect of your self.

Why do you dream about a room?

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

To be in a children's room in a dream means to be comforted by memories of the days of youth; showing the nursery means parting with illusions.

Why do you dream about a room?

Egyptian dream book of pharaohs

If a person sees himself entering a room in a dream when his clothes are wet, it is bad, it means a battle.

Why do you dream about a room?

Dream book of lovers