Hiding gives him strength and nourishes him. Direct and indirect influence of the creator

There is no salvation in war.

No benefits can be expected from war.


It is pleasant to remember the hardships of the past.

Does it matter whether you defeated the enemy by cunning or valor?

But meanwhile, irrevocable time flies, flies, while we, captivated by love for the subject, linger on all the details.

Time takes away everything.

Concealing evil nourishes and enlivens it.

Oh, what do you not push the greedy souls of people to, damned thirst for gold!

Love conquers everything, and we submit to Love.

Everyone's love is the same.

Wisdom is stronger than fate.

Do not give in to misfortune, but go towards it with redoubled courage.

Having experienced misfortune, I learned to help those who suffer.


Experience is the best mentor.

They can (achieve victory) because they are convinced of it.

Great is the power of first habits.

Word grows as it spreads.

Rumor is a disaster faster than anything in the world.


In movement, strength grows and gains power.

Fate helps the brave.

Everyone is attracted by their own passion.


We should strive not to ensure that everyone understands us, but to ensure that it is impossible not to understand us.

Any adversity should be overcome with patience.

Whatever happens, we will overcome everything with patience and will.

on other topics

Be careful not to go too far.

I am afraid of the Danaans, even those who bring gifts.

Be supportive of bold endeavors.

May an avenger rise from our bones someday!

May these words never come true!

Everyone has their own day.

It concerns me when my neighbor's wall is on fire.

Take courage and preserve yourself for favorable times.

Beginnings will bring a difficult life to one, and happiness to another.

Let our concern remain for our descendants.

The wound in the heart will not heal.

Any land cannot give birth to any plant.

Don't rely too much on appearances.

There is no good in war, we all ask you for peace.

No one can be either omniscient or omnipotent.

Oh, that Jupiter would return to me the past years!

The only salvation for the vanquished is not to hope for any salvation.

Why shouldn't we live in peace?

Forge swords into sickles.

Your descendants will reap your fruits.

There are tears of sympathy, and earthly things touch souls.

Blind chance changes everything.

Fates pave the way.

Happy is he who could know the causes of things and put all fears, inexorable fate, and the noise of the waves of the greedy Acheron under his feet.

Is there really so much anger in the souls of the gods?

Human destinies touch the soul.

Spare the conquered, curb the rebellious.

He who uses his strength proves his weakness. Rabindranath Tagore

Don't mistake kindness for weakness, and rudeness for strength.

Greatness does not lie in being strong, but in using your strength well. Beecher Henry Ward

High hearts are vulnerable to pity, Participation in the weak is not the weakness of a brave man. Pierre Corneille.

Cruelty always stems from heartlessness and weakness. Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Suppressing others is weakness disguised as strength. Eckhart Tolle

The weakest lion is always stronger than the strongest jackal, but a pack of the weakest jackals is always stronger than the strongest lion. Bee Dorsey Orley

Consciousness of one's powers increases them. Vauvenargues

Weak legs get stronger on the road. Spanish proverbs and sayings

Not the strong one succeeds. The strong fizzle out and fall, and then own strength blows him and his hopes to pieces. Those who are stubborn and sincerely seek succeed. Dmitry Yemets

Great despair always gives rise to great strength. Stefan Zweig

Only the blow that throws him back gives a man all his offensive power. Stefan Zweig

At birth a person is tender and weak, at death he is hard and strong. All things and plants are tender and weak at birth, but hard and strong at death. The hard and strong is what perishes. The tender and the weak are what begin to live... The strong and powerful do not have the advantage that the tender and weak have. Lao Tzu

There are no blows of fate or misfortune. For a correctly organized soul, every event is a step to rise higher and become stronger. A sad event - even more so. Boris Akunin

A person is weak not because he makes mistakes, but because he does not draw conclusions. Evgeniy Zhuravlin

In chess you can only become a great master when you realize your own mistakes and weaknesses. Just like in life. Alexander Alexandrovich Alekhin

Defeat is a temporary state; giving up the fight makes it permanent. Marilyn vos Savant

Conquer not with strength, but with weakness. The soft and weak defeat the hard and strong. Lao Tzu

Strength is the weakest and most short-lived of tools. The one defeated will, of course, submit to her, but will only wait for the moment to free himself. Henryk Sienkiewicz.

Forgiving is more courageous than punishing. The weak cannot forgive. Forgiveness is a characteristic of the strong. Mahatma Gandhi

A strong person is not the one who defeats the weak, but the one who helps the weak become strong. Andrey Kudryashov

Everyone has moments of weakness, it’s good that we are able to shed tears, sometimes it’s just salvation, sometimes, if you don’t cry, you can die. Jose Saramago

People cry not because they are weak, but because they have been strong for too long. Johnny Depp

Tears are a natural and good manifestation of the soul; they are evidence of strength, not weakness. Gregory David Roberts

I'm not like that strong man. And I don’t care whether they understand me or not. There are those whom I want to understand and to be understood by them myself. Haruki Murakami

A person's strength lies in the ability to admit his weaknesses. The ability to accept help from others and provide assistance to those in need. The ability to overcome life's obstacles and obstacles. Serge Goodman

The weak have no weaknesses. Weaknesses are the quality of the strong. Peter Tille

Only a true friend can tolerate his friend's weaknesses. William Shakespeare

Weakness is not a lack of strength. Weakness is the absence of kindness. Angel de Coitiers

Every strength has a weakness... and vice versa.

If strength lies only in strength, it is weakness. Misha Bogorodsky

The weakness of force is that it believes only in force. Paul Valéry

Nothing can be gained without losing - we are infinitely stronger in our kingdom of good and infinitely weaker in the kingdom of evil... Arkady and Boris Strugatsky

Your weakness gave you strength called kindness. Yes, strength without ideals is not strength. Code Geass

Those who direct their strength to good deeds are the strongest. Margaret of Navarre

Only people with a strong character can be truly soft. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

The weak have transformed the world more than once, courageously and honestly fulfilling their duty when the strong did not have enough strength. John Ronald Tolkien

You love only yourself - that is your weakness. Lie to Me / Lie Theory

If love is in you, it is strength. And if you are in love, this is weakness. Sergei Lukyanenko

The habit of winning alone can become a weakness in itself. Frank Herbert

Betrayals are most often committed not out of deliberate intention, but out of weakness of character. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Only the weak commit crimes: the strong and happy do not need them. Voltaire

How to distinguish a strong person from a weak one? If a strong person is dissatisfied with life, then he makes claims against himself, and if a weak person, then against people. Stas Yankovsky

Arrogance hides weakness. Pride and Prejudice

An angry and angry reaction to the environment, rudeness and lack of understanding of others is a sign of mental and spiritual weakness. Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev

I answered harshness with harshness,
In a word - in a word; but now I see
Whatever we fight with a spear, we fight with a straw,
We are only strong by our weakness.
We should not play someone else's role.
William Shakespeare.

To deny yourself weaknesses is to lose your human essence. Matrix

Your doubts are not a sign of weakness, but of strength. Legend of the Seeker

Every person has his own weaknesses, and often this is the most interesting thing about him. Henry Wheeler Shaw

There are no weak people, we are all strong by nature. Our thoughts make us weak! Rebellious Spirit

Our weaknesses no longer harm us when we know them. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

A strong woman is a woman who knows that her weaknesses are a strength that cannot be resisted. Francoise Sagan

Our greatest strength is our greatest weakness. Ralph Waldo Emerson

A woman is weakest when she loves, and strongest when she is loved. Erich Osterfeld

The desire to be liked is an inexhaustible source of internal insecurity and weakness. Boris Akunin.

The one who does not believe in himself is weak. Alexey Nikonov

Can you stay strong after experiencing weakness?

Pain is just weakness leaving your body.

By admitting his weakness, a person becomes stronger. Honore de Balzac

From the moment I realized my weakness, I can begin to become stronger. Pandora Hearts

My weakness turned into strength, ugliness into beauty,
Apathy towards the world - into a desire to save it. I have become a paradox.
Now, more than ever, I began to believe in myself
Marilyn Manson

At a certain point you realize that you are strong enough and can afford the luxury of being weak! Nika Gardo

Asking for help is not weakness, it is a sign of courage.

Yes, I need the support and attention of a man. Only weak women declare their independence and strength. Aretha Franklin

By giving up her weakness, a woman loses all her feminine charm. Heidi Krieger

A woman needs a man to allow her to be weak. She can be strong without him.

Hands kind woman, wrapped around the man’s neck, this is a life preserver thrown to him by fate from the sky.

Stronger than anything in the world are the rays of calm eyes.Anna Andreevna Akhmatova

Our strength is in recognizing weakness, and this is the paradox of human nature.

I'm not afraid to know my weaknesses because they are part of who I am. And I accept myself as I am! Neon Genesis Evangelion

Strength or weakness? The best statuses, aphorisms, quotes from films, poems, proverbs.

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(70-19 BC) poet

[Virgil] said that he gives birth to his poems like a bear: just as this animal gives birth to shapeless and ugly children, and then, by licking, gives shape and form to those already born, so the fruits of his talent immediately after birth are rough and imperfect, and he only then , finishing and processing them, gives them facial features and expressiveness.

Everyone has their own day.

Fates pave the way.

Happy is he who could know the causes of things and put all fears and inexorable fate, and the noise of the waves of the greedy Acheron under his feet.

Blind chance changes everything.

Experience is the best mentor.

Wisdom is stronger than fate.

Rumor is a disaster faster than anything in the world.

The rumor grows stronger as it goes and gains strength in movement.

We should strive not to ensure that everyone understands us, but to ensure that it is impossible not to understand us.

May these words never come true!

Word of mouth grows as it spreads.

God is pleased with odd numbers.

Is there really so much anger in the souls of the gods?

Any adversity should be overcome with patience.

Do not retreat in the face of trouble, but go straight to it.

Do not give in to misfortune, but go towards it with redoubled courage.

Endure and stay strong for times to come.

Take courage and preserve yourself for favorable times.

Does it matter whether you defeated the enemy by cunning or valor?

Forge sickles into swords.

There is no salvation in war.

There is no good in war, we all ask you for peace.

Why shouldn't we live in peace?

They can (achieve victory) because they are convinced of it.

The only salvation for the vanquished is not to hope for any salvation.

I am afraid of the Danaans, even those who bring gifts.

Fate helps the brave.

Human destinies touch the soul.

There are tears of sympathy, and earthly things touch souls.

It concerns me when my neighbor's wall is on fire.

Everyone's love is the same.

Love conquers everything, let us submit to its power.

The wound in the heart does not heal.

Whatever happens, we will overcome everything with patience and will.

Be careful not to go too far.

Concealing evil nourishes and enlivens it.

May an avenger rise from our bones someday!

Shade the conquered, curb the rebellious.

Everyone is attracted by their own passion.

Don't rely too much on appearances.

Great is the power of first habits.

Your descendants will reap your fruits.

Oh, what do you not push the greedy souls of people to, damned thirst for gold!

Let our concern remain for our descendants.

It is pleasant to remember the hardships of the past.

Oh, that Jupiter would return to me the past years!

Time takes away everything.

But meanwhile, irrevocable time flies, while we, captivated by love for the subject, linger on all the details.

Any land cannot give birth to any plant.

It's terrible to resurrect pain again.

Be supportive of bold endeavors.

In movement, strength grows and gains power.

Beginnings will bring a difficult life to one, and happiness to another.

No one can be either omniscient or omnipotent.

Kabbalistic metaphor

Based on Baal HaSulam’s article “Achor ve Kedem Tsartani”

“Achor ve-kedem tsartani” - You embrace me behind and in front - that is, both in the revelation and in the concealment of the Creator. Indeed, “His kingdom rules over all,” and everything will return to its root, for “there is no place free from Him” - the difference is in the “present” or in the “future.” Because the one who is worthy to unite both worlds reveals His garments in the “present,” since everything that happens is the garment of the revelation of the Divinity. And this is the “real”; those. and now he comes out in royal attire (also: in the attire of Malchut) and clearly shows in front of everyone that “the rider is not an appendage of the horse” in any case, but, although in appearance it seems that the horse is leading the rider, in truth the horse does not awaken to any movement except by feeling the rein and bridle of its rider. This is called building the level of Divinity... And it is called the “face to face” stage.

However, man has not yet been worthy of devoting all his movements to the Creator alone, i.e. the horse does not resemble in its movements the reins and bridle of its rider, but as if on the contrary, “and puts a maid to rule over its mistress...” - this is called “ reverse side" This means: do not imagine that you are moving away from holiness, God forbid, because “what you have planned will not happen.” This is what the Creator said: “With a strong hand [and with an outstretched arm and pouring out wrath I will reign over you],” for the rejected one will not be torn away from Him, but the whole wheel rolls to come to holiness, to its root. And if so, then, although it seems that the horse supposedly leads the rider according to his own despicable desire, the truth is that the rider leads the horse according to his own desire. However, this is not revealed now, in the “present,” but only in the “future”; and understand this. Thus, at this stage there is a connection, but “back to back”, i.e. not according to the desire of the one who dresses and not according to the desire of the one who dresses; and understand this.

And those who fulfill His desire, i.e. those who themselves reveal the kingdom (Malchut) in the “present” are connected “face to face” - by the good will of the one who clothes and by the good will of the one who clothes; and understand this, for this stage is His desire.

And this is the meaning of what was said: “Because you did not work for your Creator Almighty in joy...”. After all, one way or another, you will work, and the only difference is that it is “in trouble, but in need,” i.e. gradually, and this is “in abundance”, i.e. optional.

This is what it says in the midrash: “The Creator looks at the deeds of the righteous and the deeds of sinners, and the Creator does not know what he desires: the deeds of one or the other. But it is said: “And God saw that the light was good, and he set it apart,” meaning the deeds of the righteous.” This means that the Creator peers into all actions and customs, i.e. connects, and everything rolls and comes to its root. And if so, the question arises: which path is more desirable? For this purpose, the midrash uses the phrase: “And God saw that the light was good,” which is the stage of revelation, and this is in the deeds of the righteous. This is what is meant in the saying of the sages: “Long and short, short and long [the road].”

The world is a concealment

This is the secret of the saying: “You have made everyone with wisdom (Hochma), the earth is filled with Your possession.” Everything is stored on 32 paths of wisdom (Hochma), and therefore “the earth is filled with Your heritage,” and there is no place free from Him, for everything goes to its root. However, now it is in concealment, and therefore it is called peace (olam) from the word concealment (eelem). The Light, which hides in the world and clothes itself in it, is called the point of the “Yud” stage, which is divided into two letters Hey: the world of concealment and the world of revelation. And the whole work of a person is to reveal this point, to continue it with the stage of “vav” - from the world to the world, i.e. the letter Vav between the two letters Hey, revealing to everyone the abundance of light emanating from the surrounding light to those surrounded by it - i.e. two letters Hey, secret “Bina, Yesod, Malchut”; and understand this.

Subjugation, separation, sweetening

The path desired from a person is three stages: conquest, separation, sweetening. ““Lunaries” - it is written without the letters vav” - after all, the light of this world was created from darkness, like “the advantage of light over darkness” - and “a candle at noon - what will it delight?”, and its light does not rise during the day. And this is the secret that the peel (klipa) preceded the fruit. Therefore, the one who becomes the Creator’s partner in the Primordial Action brings the light out of the darkness, peering into himself: how gloomy and despised he is before the holiness that is on high, and how, dressed in dirty clothes, he is surrounded by this light! And understand this.

And, heeding the question of the Creator, “trembling before the venerable and terrible Creator,” he strengthens himself with great strength in order to conquer the evil that is inside him: the evil slave and the evil maidservant - so that they bow before the mistress who dwells with them in their uncleanness, and understand this is until he feels in his soul that the excitement towards the outside (to the video) has passed and stopped, and is completely conquered. And then he will be worthy to come from the stage of “separation”: to separate light from darkness - and will not replace or replace either evil with good or good with evil. And if it does replace it, i.e. the awakening of the evil principle is necessary for him, then it will be dedicated only to the Creator; and this is the stage of “sweetening” – the secret of passion for the Creator, true love. This stage comes after he distinguishes good from evil, the exaltation of the Creator from his own lowness, and he himself fulfills what was said: “And you will burn out evil from yourself” - for he will be very ashamed before his Creator. Then he will also be worthy of sweetening the remnants of his evil inclination, which cannot be burned out, and will raise them to their true root.

“Remember and preserve” - it was said in one sentence

“To remember and preserve - it was said in one sentence, how the mouth cannot speak, and the ear cannot hear, and the heart cannot think and judge...” It is necessary to understand why this was said and what, based on this, is desired from us.

We see that it is said: “You, Creator, save man and beast,” and our sages explain: “These are cunning people who behave like animals.” This means that the entire path of creation, created by the Creator, is two opposites in one object, and this is embedded in all kinds of connections that exist in the world; and this is the rule of all Primordial action.

The power of speech

However, the Creator, having introduced the Primordial action, revealed only one part of this stage, as it is said: “By the Word of the Creator the heavens were made.” He took fire and water and mixed one with the other into a single object; and the Creator imprinted the power of speech into man, so that he would become His partner in the Primordial action, so that he could also create worlds with his speech in this regard - two opposites in a single object, for there is a different novelty in the world.

And this is the path of the righteous who merged with the Creator: from all their speeches the worlds were created, according to the word of the Creator, and the power of the active is in what is brought into action; and understand this. For he has already put into their mouths those twenty-two letters with which he created the world - in other words, there is this wonderful power in them.

And the fact that action is not completed in this world simply through speech is because of the descents of this world during materialization, and therefore nothing is revealed by speech, but only by hands and feet. But in truth, the Creator put enough power into speech for action to be revealed through it, for the power of the agent is in what is brought into action, and we also express with our lips the same twenty-two letters; and understand this. However, the Klipot cover and weaken this power. And the Creator wished to cleanse Israel from these Klipot - He gave him the Torah and the commandments, through which one approaches His holiness, and the Divinity speaks from the larynx with their purity - and then with their speech they will accomplish deeds.

Blessing of the Righteous

The blessings of the righteous are that with the words of their mouths they immediately reveal more than they can common man open with arms and legs. After all, a simple person who wants to repay favor to his comrade gives him a lot of money - with his hands, in fact, and enriches him, but, nevertheless, does not know how long it will last for him.

The perfect one, wanting to repay his friend with mercy (hassadim), gives him a blessing with his lips, i.e. some short speeches for wealth - and then the effect of wealth on his comrade is revealed...

What is awarded to this level? Torah and commandments, i.e. by fulfilling the will of the Creator, the properties of [man] will become similar to his Creator. However, in truth, the whole issue of Torah and commandments related to man is of the same kind, i.e. two opposites in one object, and this is the basis of desire, for by the Torah the Creator created the world and the power of the agent in the acted. And this is the secret of what was said: “The ultimate knowledge is what we do not know.” That is, when these two opposites are associated with one object in the consciousness of a person, then he is desired by his Lord and is called a perfect man.

The ending is better than the beginning (also: the ending is good - the beginning)

The basis of the Torah in this lowly world is the opposite, for, as we know, the angels erred in it. And this is the secret of what was said: “The end better start"; this means that ending is the lowest level, i.e. then in the creation of the world, which is obvious, for which there is absolutely no need to delve into what you read in books - primary knowledge: if he does not eat, he will go hungry, if he touches fire, he will get burned, if he throws himself into the water, he will drown, etc.. These things understandable to both animals and cattle, because the animal mind will tell them about it, and therefore it is called “the end.”

“The Beginning” is the logic of the Torah, which is not comprehended even by those who speak, i.e. all the nations of the earth - except the seed of Jacob, the chosen ones of the Creator. However, there is good and evil mixed up in the world, and in order to recognize and separate good from evil, we are told that the basis of the good path is the “end”, i.e. one should behave in the way that the lowliest of the people tread, in a way that is understandable to all people - however, connecting with this the logic of the Torah; and understand this. For this is the purpose of the opposites that are in the world, and this is what a perfect person is obliged to connect and truly merge into one in his consciousness (daath). This is called “good”, and it is said about this: “The ending is good” - if it is well connected from the beginning, i.e. Torah logic and animal logic are truly linked together.

Two opposites in one object

This is the explanation of what the sages said: “You, Creator, save man and beast - these are cunning people who behave like animals” - i.e., as explained above, two opposites are linked together in them. For example, it is said: “If there is no flour, there is no Torah; if there is no Torah, there is no flour.” The first part is animal logic, in other words, logic that is comprehended by everyone. The second part is the logic of the Torah. After all, what is this wonderful power in the Torah that will cause him torment? However, it is clear, according to the Torah, that the Creator does not remove His care from the world for a single moment, and therefore He is kind to those who do His will and hears their prayer.

Therefore, the one who has been worthy of having his work be in the Torah, of course, should not work in an earthly way, for he will ask from the One who truly has, and it will be given to him, as it is said: “Because they are merciful (Hasidim), Their Torah is preserved and their work is blessed.” And the sage tells us about this: “If there is no flour...”, i.e. the desired way is to link them together, i.e. make yourself like an animal, knowing that if there is no flour, then there is no Torah; and therefore try to do everything that his animal mind teaches him: to obtain flour and food for his body.

Although, according to the logic of the Torah, this is unnecessary, because “He does not want the strength of a horse, He does not favor the legs of a person - the Creator favors those who tremble before Him, those who hope for His mercy.” Then why should he work and “skin the carrion in the market”? In order not to need people, it would be better to study the Torah, tremble before the Creator and hope for His mercy - after all, “He does not take pleasure in the legs of man.”

However, at the same time, this sage teaches to try your best to get flour, because without it there is no Torah, and “it is better to break one Shabbat in order to keep many Shabbats,” etc. Despite this, know well: “if no Torah - no flour." That is, it is not effort and labor that brings and earns you torment, but only the fulfillment of the Torah and awe before Heaven, for “it is not the shins of a man that he delights in...”. And these are two opposites, truly fused together - in the one who performs animal actions and knows that this is considered vanity and empty, while everything comes to him only from the royal table. Such a person is called perfect.

And this is the meaning of what was said: “Happy is the man who made the Creator his support and did not turn to the arrogant and to those inclined to lies” - i.e. he unites two things: he relies on the Creator and strives to find prey and food for his home. At the same time, he knows that his deeds and all his efforts are nothing more than “arrogant and inclined to lies,” and most importantly, he places the Creator as his support; and understand this.

And it is written about this: “For the scourge of wickedness will not remain over the fate of the righteous” - although their deeds are similar; and understand this. But why? And it is explained: “So that the righteous do not stretch out their hands to iniquity” - because they accept the burden of the perfect kingdom (Malchut) of Heaven and know that He gives you strength.

And the meaning of this is to test the faith of the righteous in the Creator - to where it extends; and although the Creator knows thoughts, nevertheless, the verification of deeds must be visible to the righteous person himself, because the nature of matter is such that it does not allow the righteous person to believe in himself - until he sees it in obvious action. And he is always afraid of causing sin and falling from the step during the action; and understand this.

Measure of the forefather Jacob, peace be upon him

From here we will understand the interpretation of our sages that the forefather Yaakov returned for small jugs. After all, this is truly amazing: at such a time, seeing that Esav was coming at him to kill him, destroy and plunder everything that he had, he thought about staying in a dangerous place alone - saving the small jugs for himself. And he did not believe that he would survive, because it is written: “And Jacob was greatly afraid... And he divided the people in half into two camps...”.

However, from the above it is clear that the path described above - “man and animal” - was the measure of the forefather Jacob; and he became the bearer of this stage, as it is said in the books. Abraham became the bearer of the property of love, and the forefather Isaac became the bearer of the property of fear. These two properties are two opposites, for the lover is not afraid, but is always confident in the one who loves him, and “love will cover all crimes”; the one who fears is not sure, because if he were sure, he would not be afraid at all. However, the forefather Yaakov, chosen from among the forefathers, became the bearer of the property of mercy, i.e. two of these opposites in one object - love and fear together, which, as is known, is the basis of this property.

This is what we are told about: “And Jacob was greatly afraid... And he divided the people in half into two camps...” - in order to leave himself a few survivors; and also sent gifts in the hope of reconciliation.

So, you see that he acted in this matter like a simple man, in the simplest way: after all, what difference does it make whether a person is worried about not dying of hunger, and acts, striving day and night, using all sorts of tricks, to get food and excesses for himself? , or he worries that his hater will not destroy his property and kill him himself, and does what should be done for this.

And Rashi asked about this: why is Yaakov afraid, since it was promised to him: “And I will protect you...”? And he explained that he was afraid of causing sin. And we need to clarify: should he have said “what sin caused,” and not “how not to cause sin”? But in the light of the above, everything is correct, and indeed Jacob had a perfect measure of love, i.e. confidence, and he had no doubt that the Creator would preserve him, and he would not lack anything. And at the same time, he behaved like a simple person, making himself afraid, as animal logic obliges - simply imagining that he was very afraid of those four hundred people who were with him (with Esav) - and, thereby, as if he was distracted from confidence to be truly afraid. And so he took care, as those who fear a hater do: he divided the camp in half, brought gifts, etc.

But why did he do this? In truth, he was not afraid at all, for he was confident in the Creator? Because he was afraid that he might cause sin, for the righteous man in his modesty does not believe in himself that he will not fall from the step during the action, and therefore he prepared himself with all the worldly things sufficient for salvation from the enemy, and after all this he imagined, that all of these are “arrogant and inclined to lies,” and he made the Creator his support and prayed to Him.

From this it is clear that he remained with the small jugs in order to convey that along with fear he had a perfect measure of love, without any flaw, and he attached importance to even small jugs, for he knew well that the oppressor and enemy would not touch his property at all.

The difference between working for the Creator and not working for Him

And in this there is a noticeable difference between a worker of the Creator and one who does not work for Him, for one who is truly afraid and unsure would not even pay attention to large jugs at a time when he is worried lest the enemy come and kill the mother and sons, and destroy All. The worker of the Creator, working and trying out of fear, knows well and is confident in the mercy of the Creator: that everything is his and no one will take possession of his property, and it is appropriate for him, even at such a time, to look after small jugs, as is the custom of the righteous, “who love their wealth".

And therefore, through the gift of the Torah, strength comes to us - by the fact that “to remember and preserve - it was said in one saying that the mouth cannot utter, and the ear cannot hear, and the heart cannot think and judge...”. The meaning contained here is that “remember” means love, and “keep” means awe, and these are two opposites, as mentioned above, and were told to us and given to us as one, i.e. to tie them together. And although they are very opposite, and it is completely unclear how this can happen in reality, in the mouth and in the ear, and in the material heart, such is the power of the Torah that whoever cleaves to it is worthy of this: that they be connected and united in his heart, according to the property of the forefather Jacob; and understand this.

Klipa Ishmael and Klipa Esav

This is what Yaakov said to his sons during the years of famine: “Why do you show yourself?” And Rashi explained: Why do you show Ishmael and the sons of Esav that you are full? But this is strange, because the sons of Eisav settled in Sayir, and the sons of Ishmael in the Paran desert, so what do they care about them? Should he have been more wary of the Canaanite and the Hittite, his neighbors living in the land? But according to what was said above, everything is correct, since Rashi clarified this in two simple meanings. First: why do you need to look well-fed; second: why should you be exhausted from hunger. From this it is clear that Jacob told them this: if you eat your fill, you should fear the sons of Ishmael, but if you are exhausted from hunger, you should fear the sons of Esau. The meaning contained here is this: Ishmael is a husk of silver (love), and Esav is a husk of gold (awe). So, this is what Yaakov taught his sons: if you hold on to the property of love, being confident in the Creator, that He will in no way weaken even in the years of famine, you should be afraid of the clip of Ishmael. If you only hold on to the property of fear and reduce your diet, you should be afraid of the Klipa Eisav, which feeds from this property. Therefore, it is better to eat your fill, and in order to combine this in due time with a measure of fear - go down, get us food from Egypt, and thereby be saved from both Klipot.