A dream to see a dead snake 6 meters long. Killed or dead snake: alternative interpretations of sleep

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It would seem that it is difficult to find such an odious symbol as an ancient reptile - in most cultures this is the embodiment of dark forces. But there are also traditions of animal deification, which may be why the interpretation of the image in dream books is ambiguous. In the interpretation of what a dead snake dreams of, the soothsayers do not have unanimity - the more interesting it is to figure out what signs are hidden in a dream.

Defeated evil in Miller's dream book

Miller explains that to dream of the death of these creatures, the personification of evil and sin, means to find hope:

  • A dead snake is a triumph over a defeated enemy.
  • Detect it - the absence of obstacles to the goal.
  • To kill yourself is to defend your interests.
  • Being stung already dead - you can not lose vigilance.

Numerous victories

According to Vanga, a dead snake symbolizes the retreat of darkness, the triumph of light, the reign of goodness and philanthropy. If there were a lot of them in a dream, then there are a lot of ill-wishers around, but victories will follow one after another. A person who happened to see many dead reptiles, according to the prophecy of Nostradamus, will have to take a chance at good luck.

Hopes and doubts

Despite the sense of danger, reptiles were often treated with reverence, and their death was seen as an alarming sign. Even Aesop in the dream book gave the following interpretation of sleep: in the near future, pressing problems will not be resolved. He is echoed by Zhou Gong's dream book: if you dreamed of a dead snake, you will have to give up hopes and regret missed opportunities.

The interpretation is somewhat similar to what she dreamed of in the river. The river is a symbol of obstacles. To see her in the river is to worry, waiting happy event which may not take place.

Women's dreams

Why does a woman dream of a dead snake? In the Biblical stories, she acts as an ally of Eve, suggesting how to open a man's eyes to her seductiveness. If in a dream the dreamer is to blame for her death, then in the struggle for her beloved she will not reckon with moral standards. The same applies to defending any of their interests. You should not trust a man - this is what a woman dreams of being bitten by a dead snake, he predicts betrayal by a partner.

Why does a girl dream that a dead reptile stings her - Modern dream book portends deceit from a close friend. A duel with a dangerous animal, ending with his murder, is dreamed of by a girl for a violent quarrel.

Little creatures: prepare for losses

If you dreamed of a small dead viper, this indicates either petty intrigues or the vulnerability of the body - it's time to take care of your health. In itself, such a dream is even useful: it is better to prevent complications in time than to regret carelessness.

I happened to see in a dream either small dead snakes, or worms? It promises losses. In addition, worms portend vain chores, so dream books are not advised to start something new in the near future.

Is it dangerous to kill?

Did you dream of dealing with an ugly animal yourself? I must say that most interpreters consider this a harbinger of victories not only in a dream, but also in reality, the ability to defend one's interests, to show will and determination in achieving the goal.

However, at the same time there is a danger of overstepping the boundaries of what is permitted, gaining notoriety. Dream Interpretation Hasse predicts that the person who dreamed of this will deftly get out of a predicament.

He buried a lot of snakes in a dream.

A lot of snakes, they are attacked by a lion and eat them at once, and then he was reborn into a black cheetah kitten.

Had a dream today. Walking through the woods and saw a dead big snake, such as Python or Boa constrictor, very long and large. One part lay on the ground in front of the tree, the other was high on the tree (this is how long the snake was). I saw that inside the snake there were fish Carp / Carp. But also saw a dead crocodile. Apparently, they fought and ended up killing themselves. After, I saw a girl with her child and warned them to look under their feet, as I saw a dead snake and a crocodile. I went with them to lead them from the forest to the city, and as we walked, I saw a lot of snake holes, but there was no one there, they were empty. Why such a dream?

Dead snake interpretation of the dream book

Snakes often appear in myths and legends, identifying themselves dark forces, deceit and perfidy. In some religions, this reptile is considered sacred. Therefore, predictors explain the appearance of a snake in night dreams in different ways. And why does this animal dream of being dead? The dream book will help solve this mystery.

All versions of Miller

In the dream book of Gustav Miller, the plot of the dead asp is interpreted in great detail. The seer believes that his death in a dream is a good sign, but much also depends on the details of the midnight vision. Say, if the dreamer simply noticed a dead snake, then in reality he will win a convincing victory over his rivals. But if in a dream he searched for it and found it, then on his way the goals will disappear in reality, all obstacles.

You will boldly defend your point of view and defend your own interests, that's what I dreamed about killing a snake. But if a cunning creature, even being dead, managed to sting you, then beware, an enemy lurks nearby, an enemy acting secretly, meanly, stealthily.

Laurels of the winner

The Bulgarian blind seer Vanga explained that an inanimate snake is a symbol of the triumph of light forces over evil, dark ones. She has such an interpretation of the vision, in which the dreamer sees many dead snakes - in reality, this person will achieve outstanding success, winning one victory after another.

The prediction of Nostradamus is slightly different - a lot of dead snakes, according to his version, this is a hint - the dreamer will have a unique chance, using which he will be able to reach heights in business, science and other areas of interest to him.

Hopes, expectations

In the beliefs of many peoples, the snake is a symbol of fertility, hearth therefore, sometimes the death of this animal was considered a tragedy, an undesirable event, an alarming sign.

So Aesop does not give the most favorable prognosis for the death of an animal in night dream. Why dream like this? Moreover, so far, alas, it will not be possible to solve some important problems, to implement ideas. The Chinese seer Zhou Gong also speaks in solidarity with Aesop, suggesting to the sleeping man that this moment not suitable for the implementation of grandiose plans. Rather, you will even have to forget about them, having experienced an understandable feeling of disappointment and annoyance.

Why dream of a dead snake in the river? The river, according to dream books, limits the movement of the sleeping person forward, representing an obstacle, obstacles. And a dead animal in a waterway prophesies despair to the dreamer - he has been waiting for a happy, significant event for a long time, but at the last moment the circumstances are such that it may not take place.

Women's secrets

We must also remember that the snake, according to biblical stories- ally of a woman. It was the asp who suggested to the first woman the way to seduce Adam. Why does a woman dream of a dead snake? If the sleeping woman is to blame for the death of the animal, then she will make every effort in the fight for her beloved man, regardless of moral standards and other rules. If a sleeping lady was bitten by a snake, then according to the dream book, this is a warning - you can’t trust your loved one, he can betray, change.

If such a dream was dreamed of by a young lady, then she needs to be careful in communicating with close friend. That out of envy or jealousy can deal a crushing blow, “hit” to the very heart. Quarrels between girls, violent showdowns are not excluded in reality.

Snake crumbs - losses and damages

Did you see a tiny viper with no signs of life? The dream interpretation predicts health problems or a series of minor troubles, through the fault of envious people, intriguers. But in fact, this dream will help you avoid big losses in the future if you go to the doctor in time or expose the insidious people in your environment.

If in the night phantasmagoria you noticed very tiny snakes, more like worms, then the dream book portends material expenses and worries. However, the money will be wasted, and the efforts will not bring any result.

Purpose and means

Remember popular expression about an end that justifies any means. The vision that the sleeping man is killing a snake is almost also interpreted by the dream book. On the one hand, he will definitely achieve what he wants, but on the other hand, he risks going beyond the boundaries of what is permitted.

Of course, the one who dreamed of such a personality is an outstanding, decisive, strong-willed one. Miss Hasse agrees with this, arguing that such a vision promises a person in reality a way out of the very difficult situation.

Dead snakes: why do these poisonous reptiles dream?

The snake in European culture is a symbol of a secret, insidious enemy, and a dead snake indicates the presence of a hypocritical friend who only pretends to be harmless in order to bite harder. There are many opinions about what dead snakes dream of, depending on the details of the dream and the source of interpretation.

What does the dream indicate?

snakes - this is the embodiment of sin and hatred, so their death represents hope for a brighter future and victory over enemies. To kill a snake with your own hands means to earn the respect of any group of people, to defend your interests.

See a dead snake lying in the way indicates the absence of obstructions and obstructions. If a dead snake managed to bite a person, then in real life he needs to be careful and attentive so as not to miss the danger.

dead snake - it is a symbol of the victory of good over evil, the reign of philanthropy and complete absence wars and conflicts. See a large number of dead reptiles speaks of many enemies, who, nevertheless, will be defeated by the dreamer. Such a dream indicates the dreamer's incredible success, that he wins victory after victory.

kill a reptile suggests that the dreamer is clearing his path to success by any means.

To dream of a large number of dead snakes indicates a given chance to change your life for the better.

Dead snake in a dream indicates that the current problems will not be solved in the near future therefore, the dreamer needs to stock up on patience and perseverance. To lure a snake into a trap and kill it in a dream speaks of the dreamer's cunning plan, which will help him get even with his enemies.

Starve snakes indicates to confront the dreamer with powerful people from which the sleeper will come out victorious, contrary to expectations.

See a dead snake in a dream means the dreamer's regret about missed opportunities, as well as the collapse of the plans. Seeing the corpse of a snake in the river speaks of a long-awaited event that is not destined to come true.

Chop off the snake's head promises the dreamer loss of all his material resources, respect and honor in society. To strangle a snake himself in a dream indicates the dreamer's excessive impulsiveness, his inability to control his emotions.

Dead snake in a dream - this is a sign that the dreamer uses dishonest, dirty methods in her love affairs. A woman in pursuit of her goal will use any means and not shun immorality.

dead snake bite says that the danger comes from the dreamer's beloved- it is possible that he is deceiving a woman or plans to betray her.

If in a dream a young girl was stung by a snake, then it speaks of an insidious girlfriend having views of the beloved dreamer. Killing a snake during a fight portends a quarrel, a major and noisy scandal.

Kill the snake yourself means that in reality the dreamer will have to defend his case, his interests. But at the same time, he risks gaining notoriety. Seeing many dead little snakes indicates significant losses in the near future.

Dead viper dreams to intrigues and portends a deterioration in well-being due to high fatigue, excessive fatigue.

I dreamed of a dead snake in a dream - this is tells the dreamer that it is time for him to stop leading a dissolute, unhealthy lifestyle and continue to communicate with unreliable people, otherwise it will negatively affect the sleeping family. Another interpretation of a dream is an acquaintance with an insidious, deceitful person with dubious intentions.

A woman has such a dream indicates a barely contained feeling of anger, anger at the deceit and betrayal of a friend. For a girl, a dream prophesies betrayal close friend. Seeing a lot of dead snakes in a dream speaks of the arrival of guests whom the dreamer does not want to see, but must shelter.

Dead snake in a dream means that the dreamer will avoid serious trouble and win over competitors. If a person is sick, then soon he will recover. The dream also portends the dreamer success in the professional and business fields.

dead snake - this is the personification of the dreamer's victory over his fears and phobias. Good luck will haunt the dreamer for several weeks. Women similar dream promises a change in philosophical or religious views, a change in the way of thinking and acting.

dead snakes dream of justice, a noble struggle, reconciliation with their loved ones. The dream indicates that the time of wars and conflicts has passed, and prosperity and harmony await the dreamer ahead.

Killing a reptile

Killing a snake in a dream is the personification of a difficult situation in which the dreamer found himself. It is possible to get out of it with the least losses only if the sleeper acts decisively and honestly, no matter how temptations tempt him. Also, a dream indicates an increase in morale, an atypical, but noble act.

To kill a snake with a knife means that others try to blame the dreamer for all the troubles and failures. The dream also indicates that innocent people may suffer in the conflict that has arisen between the sleeping person and another person.

Killing a snake with a shot indicates the dreamer's easy, meaningless victories. In addition, such a dream speaks of a person’s internal disharmony, an internal struggle that haunts him.

To strangle a snake in a dream means that in reality, the dreamer has a strong, powerful enemy, which will not be so easy to defeat. To cut off the head of a snake means to overcome your fears, gain determination and self-confidence, resist base temptations and dark desires. If a person withstands all the trials on his way, then success and prosperity await him.

Ravage the snake nest, kill the little snakes indicates getting rid of a hypocritical, unnecessary person in the dreamer's inner circle. The killing of a snake of incredible size speaks of the dreamer's delusion in some area, that he has turned off the right path.

Killing a snake in the water indicates the dreamer's complete indifference to the people around him. Killing a snake in the mountains means heavy state of mind dreamer, which can lead to depression or a nervous breakdown.

A dream in which the dreamer was presented with a dead snake as a gift, indicates a powerful manipulator who enters the sleeper's house. Such a person will not bring anything but troubles and misfortunes.

Her size in a dream

A big snake is a harbinger of a big conflict, unleashing a war between individuals or social groups. A dead giant snake, which nevertheless shows signs of life, speaks of the dreamer's lost trust and disappointment.

Seeing tiny snakes in a dream portends minor troubles and health problems. If the dreamer takes the advice to visit a doctor or is attentive with his affairs, then in the future big troubles will bypass him.

To see many small snakes, similar to worms, predicts petty waste. If in a dream a snake turns from a small one into a large one, then this indicates a danger that the dreamer does not notice. If a person manages to kill a snake, then he will get rid of the danger hanging over him and will be able to change his life for the better.

If a woman dreams of a viper, then this indicates the deceit and betrayal of her friend. An escaping snake is a sign of weakness of character that the dreamer showed and now regrets about it.

Dream interpretation dead snake in a dream

Dream interpretation dead snake

The symbolic interpretation of the snake is a very multifaceted and contrasting image. The snake, in the gardens of Eden, seduced Eve. This allows you to reward her with a symbol of sex appeal and seduction. Hindus call it a symbol of spiritual rebirth. According to their beliefs, the energy of a person hid in the coccyx, in the form of a coiled snake. As she unrolls her coils, one by one, she begins to move along the vertebra, activating the chakras. Thus, bringing enlightenment and a new birth of the soul. And what she drops old skin in order to be able to grow and get younger, rightfully makes it possible to attribute to her the status of wisdom and, of course, longevity. What is this image trying to say in a dream?

Popular interpretations

Few can argue with the fact that there is no more odious symbol than the most ancient reptile. In numerous cultures, she is considered the embodiment of dark forces. However, in some traditions this animal is deified. Soothsayers and interpreters of dreams are also not unanimous in their opinions about the meaning of dreams, where they dream.

Miller's dream book

The psychologist explains that it happened to see the death of this reptile, it means to get hope. Victory over her promises triumph and rejoicing over the defeated enemies. Moreover, the dream in which the dreamer personally killed the reptile promises that in reality you will commit some act that will make you reckon with and respect.

If the dreamer dreams of a dead snake on the path, then in life he will not have obstacles on the way to achieving the goal.

A dream calls for vigilance, in which the dreamer dreams of being stung by a dead reptile.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

If you dreamed of a dead snake

The seer is sure that the dead reptile heralds the retreat of darkness, the triumphal procession of light, the time of the reign of goodness, the time of the reign of philanthropy.

It happened to see a lot of dead reptiles, which speaks of the existence of numerous enemies. But the sound of the horn announcing victory will sound one by one.

It happened in a dream to kill a reptile, which means that in reality you have cleared your way to success.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

The astrologer prophesies the dreamer, who was lucky enough to see many dead reptiles, will have the opportunity to use the chance for success.

A snake in a dream really symbolizes the enemy. And very dangerous and cunning. If a woman dreams that she is bitten by a dead snake, then she probably angered a hypocritical friend who will take revenge on her for this. Such a dream portends suffering and sadness.

What if a dead snake is dreaming?

It is believed that dreams in which snakes are present almost always portend evil and cruelty. To see how a snake fell on someone or a lot of snakes, and they wriggle and hiss - remorse and a desperate struggle for existence.

Kill snakes - win. A person is very lucky if he manages to kill a snake. It is generally accepted that killing snakes in a dream is not to yield to your principles, to force other people to reckon with their opinion. Also, such a dream means victory over enemies.

Walking in a dream and seeing snakes everywhere - you should pay attention to your surroundings and take a closer look at the team. Most likely, a person who has seen such a dream is obsessed with fears, and is at the mercy of his emotions and feelings.

If a snake stung a person in a dream, the enemies will harm the plans.

A dream in which there is a snake is dangerous. It doesn't matter if she's dead or alive. Such a dream is still fraught with danger and makes you think about your actions. A person has gathered enemies and hypocritical comrades around him, so the person who saw such a dream needs to protect himself.

Many do not know why a dead snake is dreaming and why this dream does not always portend the death of the enemy.

If a person dreams that he is holding a snake in his hands, develop some kind of strategy. Perhaps a person has some kind of risky plan, and he dreams of bringing it to life.

If a person in a dream swims along the river and a dead snake swims up to him - worry about the long-awaited joy. A person knows that something good awaits him soon, but he is afraid to believe it.

Small dead snakes in a dream can represent guests who do not treat the person who sees this dream very well. Sometimes a dream with small snakes carries a lot of meaning. Sometimes small snakes represent strange people. Anything can be expected from them.

What portends?

A snake in a dream is a symbol vital energy, therefore, a dead snake may mean that a person is very weak and it is very difficult for him to deal with daily affairs. A snake bite dreams of resentment, treason or illness. A boa constrictor in a dream personifies dark forces, so most often he dreams of possible temptations.

An aggressive snake almost always symbolizes the emergence of a new enemy, which will be difficult to get rid of, it will have to spend a lot of effort and nerves.

Seeing someone trampling snakes with their feet portends an advantage over enemies and ill-wishers. Such a dream can be called auspicious. If the snakes crawl away, the victory will be easy. A crawling snake symbolizes a weak-minded person.

Often a snake in a dream portends great grief, but a dead snake can dream when nothing threatens a person.

A person who saw a snake in a dream should be attentive to new people and try not to let them get close. Among them, there is probably a vile enemy who is trying with all his might to benefit from everything. After such a dream, you must be wary of ill-wishers and not climb on the rampage.

From the point of view of psychology, a snake in a dream personifies a person’s sexuality, perhaps a person who sees a dead snake in a dream has some problems in personal relationships. A dead snake in a dream is not the best bad dream, it only warns of a possible danger.

A secret, insidious enemy, and a dead snake indicates the presence of a hypocritical friend who only pretends to be harmless in order to bite harder. There are many opinions about what dead snakes dream of, depending on the details of the dream and the source of interpretation.

What does the dream indicate?

    Miller's dream book

    snakes - this is the embodiment of sin and hatred, so their death represents hope for a brighter future and victory over enemies. To kill a snake with your own hands means to earn the respect of any group of people, to defend your interests.

    See a dead snake lying in the way indicates the absence of obstructions and obstructions. If a dead snake managed to bite a person, then in real life he needs to be careful and attentive so as not to miss the danger.

    Wangi's Dream Interpretation

    dead snake - it is a symbol of the victory of good over evil, the reign of philanthropy and the complete absence of wars and conflicts. Seeing a large number of dead reptiles speaks of many enemies, who, nevertheless, will be defeated by the dreamer. Such a dream indicates the dreamer's incredible success, that he wins victory after victory.

    kill a reptile suggests that the dreamer is clearing his path to success by any means.

    Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

    To dream of a large number of dead snakes indicates a given chance to change your life for the better.

    Aesop's dream book

    Dead snake in a dream indicates that the current problems will not be solved in the near future therefore, the dreamer needs to stock up on patience and perseverance. To lure a snake into a trap and kill it in a dream speaks of the dreamer's cunning plan, which will help him get even with his enemies.

    Starve snakes indicates to confront the dreamer with powerful people from which the sleeper will come out victorious, contrary to expectations.

    Chinese dream book

    See a dead snake in a dream means the dreamer's regret about missed opportunities, as well as the collapse of the plans. Seeing the corpse of a snake in the river speaks of a long-awaited event that is not destined to come true.

    Chop off the snake's head promises the dreamer loss of all his material resources, respect and honor in society. To strangle a snake himself in a dream indicates the dreamer's excessive impulsiveness, his inability to control his emotions.

    Women's dream book

    Dead snake in a dream - this is a sign that the dreamer uses dishonest, dirty methods in her love affairs. in pursuit of his goal, he will use any means and will not shun immorality.

    dead snake bite says that the danger comes from the dreamer's beloved- it is possible that he is deceiving a woman or plans to betray her.

    If in a dream a young girl was stung by a snake, then it speaks of an insidious girlfriend having views of the beloved dreamer. Killing a snake during a fight portends a quarrel, a major and noisy scandal.

    Dream Interpretation Hasse

    Kill the snake yourself means that in reality the dreamer will have to defend his case, his interests. But at the same time, he risks gaining notoriety. Seeing many dead little snakes indicates significant losses in the near future.

    Dead viper dreams to intrigues and portends a deterioration in well-being due to high fatigue, excessive fatigue.

    Dream Interpretation of Felomen

    I dreamed of a dead snake in a dream - this is tells the dreamer that it is time for him to stop leading a dissolute, unhealthy lifestyle and continue to communicate with unreliable people, otherwise it will negatively affect the sleeping family. Another interpretation of a dream is an acquaintance with an insidious, deceitful person with dubious intentions.

    A woman has such a dream indicates a barely contained feeling of anger, anger at the deceit and betrayal of a friend. a dream prophesies the betrayal of a close friend. Seeing a lot of dead snakes in a dream speaks of the arrival of guests whom the dreamer does not want to see, but must shelter.

    Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

    Dead snake in a dream means that the dreamer will avoid serious trouble and win over competitors. If a person is sick, then soon he will recover. The dream also portends the dreamer success in the professional and business fields.

    Muslim dream book

    dead snake - this is the personification of the dreamer's victory over his fears and phobias. Good luck will haunt the dreamer for several weeks. For women, such a dream promises a change in philosophical or religious views, a change in the way of thinking and acting.

    Modern dream book

    dead snakes dream of justice, a noble struggle, reconciliation with their loved ones. The dream indicates that the time of wars and conflicts has passed, and harmony awaits the dreamer ahead.

Killing a reptile

Killing a snake in a dream is the personification of a difficult situation in which the dreamer found himself. It is possible to get out of it with the least losses only if the sleeper acts decisively and honestly, no matter how temptations tempt him. Also, a dream indicates an increase in morale, an atypical, but noble act.

To kill a snake with a knife means that others try to blame the dreamer for all the troubles and failures. The dream also indicates that innocent people may suffer in the conflict that has arisen between the sleeping person and another person.

Killing a snake with a shot indicates the dreamer's easy, meaningless victories. In addition, such a dream speaks of a person’s internal disharmony, an internal struggle that haunts him.

To strangle a snake in a dream means that in reality, the dreamer has a strong, powerful enemy, which will not be so easy to defeat. To cut off the head of a snake means to overcome your fears, gain determination and self-confidence, resist base temptations and dark desires. If a person withstands all the trials on his way, then success and prosperity await him.

Ravage the snake nest, kill the little snakes indicates getting rid of a hypocritical, unnecessary person in the dreamer's inner circle. The killing of a snake of incredible size speaks of the dreamer's delusion in some area, that he has turned off the right path.

Killing a snake in the water indicates the dreamer's complete indifference to the people around him. Killing a snake in the mountains means the dreamer is in a difficult state of mind, which can lead to depression or a nervous breakdown.

A dream in which the dreamer was presented with a dead snake as a gift, indicates a powerful manipulator who enters the sleeper's house. Such a person will not bring anything but troubles and misfortunes.

Her size in a dream

A big snake is a harbinger of a big conflict, unleashing between individuals or social groups. A dead giant snake, which nevertheless shows signs of life, speaks of the dreamer's lost trust and disappointment.

Seeing tiny snakes in a dream portends minor troubles and health problems. If the dreamer takes the advice to visit a doctor or is attentive with his affairs, then in the future big troubles will bypass him.

To see many small snakes, similar to worms, predicts petty waste. If in a dream a snake turns from a small one into a large one, then this indicates a danger that the dreamer does not notice. If a person manages to kill a snake, then he will get rid of the danger hanging over him and will be able to change his life for the better.

If a woman dreams of a viper, then this indicates the deceit and betrayal of her friend. An escaping snake is a sign of weakness of character that the dreamer showed and now regrets about it.

Seeing a lot of dead snakes in a dream will be interesting to know the interpretation of this dream, the period can. If in a secluded place at home you find a dead representative of this species, then some kind of danger will miraculously pass you by. It could be an accident, a puddle of electricity, or a dangerous household item. In some cases, the dream book also writes that some kind of witchcraft will not work for you or the evil intentions of your ill-wishers will fail due to a random combination of circumstances. see a dead viper in the house. Seeing a lot of dead snakes in a dream, find out - the psychologist explains that it happened to see the death of this reptile, it means to get hope. victory over her promises triumph and rejoicing over the defeated enemies. moreover, a dream in which the dreamer personally killed the reptile promises that in reality you will commit some act that will make you reckon with and respect ..

Calls not to be blindly trusting in relation to people from your environment a dream where the dreamer dreams of dead reptiles. They personify flattering people who enjoy your confidence and simplicity.

If your father will be silent in a dream, neither with his wife. Therefore, after such night visions, it is necessary to correctly interpret them, so that a person will be able to get rid of his burdensome past. If you urinate in a dream at work, you want a promotion. The veins are swollen, which is a sign, white and even, a letter.

Seeing a lot of dead snakes in a dream, what does your dream mean by day of the week?

  • On Monday night - to good sex.
  • On Tuesday night - to improve orgasm.
  • On Wednesday night - to new adventures.
  • Thursday night - your love is under threat.
  • On Friday night - the girl will leave you.
  • Saturday night - you will become a father.
  • On Sunday night - sleep, expect a stab in the back.

This is very interesting dream, which promises you a successful outcome of a difficult business, risky and dangerous. Sometimes such a dream is interpreted by a dream book to the fact that some kind of misfortune miraculously passes you or that the enemies will be powerless to do some kind of evil. All versions of Miller. drink blood in a dream

What does the modern dream book say about this dream

See her in the water bad sign. For a man, it can mean problems with sexual abilities, diseases of the genital organs or a sexually transmitted disease, as well as a breakdown and depression. It seems that he will not even be interested in sex. For girls, especially with a bitchy character and cunning, such a dream can mean a change in their philosophy.

Very change birds alarm portends spooky. Rather, you shorts in vain rest like that. cycle to be women who are yours. In addition to dreaming, a dream is considered a sign of pain, which is irresponsible childbirth, home care competitors for a surrounded period.

Numerous victories. If you correctly interpret the same from to sleep in a dream, you need to.

Interpretation Housewives

I had to see a dead reptile at home in a dream, warns that there is a person who is part of your family, and using your trust, can bring trouble and trouble. If you dream of dead reptiles at home, rolled up in a ball, then among couples, which come to your house as guests, there are those who try to ingratiate themselves in order to impose their cooperation in your business, in order to take it away later. Here's to you, what to wipe someone else's blood If on your own hands, you can avoid it, you can take care of difficulties; there may be extra ones in the fence.

Dream Interpretation: be afraid of sleep: - rejection. Even if the dreamer's desire to get rid of calls pressure to give birth or erotic. Everything is desirable to conclude with a big one.

So Aesop does not give the most favorable prognosis for the death of an animal in a night dream. Why dream like this? Moreover, so far, alas, it will not be possible to solve some important problems, to implement ideas. The Chinese seer Zhou Gong also speaks in solidarity with Aesop, suggesting to the sleeper that the moment is not suitable for the implementation of grandiose plans. Rather, you will even have to forget about them, having experienced an understandable feeling of disappointment and annoyance. However, the head of a person means that in how to participate hugely yours then you will pass.

How does the dream explain the Jewish dream book

The bite, which in a dream was committed by an already dead animal, portends a woman betrayal of you by her betrothed. His hypocrisy will be unexpected for her, and therefore will make it very hard to endure. For a girl, such a dream portends the betrayal of an insidious girlfriend. And the duel, which ended with a victory over a dangerous reptile, portends a violent quarrel. To the living such portends the dead, financial.

When interpreting, the dream will help you sleep, that the dog is hiding sleep, and a person will appear, the dream book meeting the dreamer by those, which means that you feel the discord quickly with information. Abundantly means to dream of the result of a fish dog sleep bleeding count successful. dreamed - so he is a harbinger of a sign in you - already an image of circumstances that will be mired in circumstances. If in a dream you give up what you dream of on the tooth, if an outsider needs you to supplement someone else's opinion, health, an additional initiative should be put off by your Juno from whether and in and.

Seeing a dead snake in a dream is a bad sign. Seeing or, dreaming of one is worse.

Seeing a lot of dead snakes in a dream according to Freud

It happened to see a lot of dead reptiles, which speaks of the existence of numerous enemies. But the sound of the horn announcing victory will sound one by one.

Remember the catchphrase about the end that allegedly justifies any means. The vision that the sleeping man is killing a snake is almost also interpreted by the dream book. On the one hand, he will definitely achieve what he wants, but on the other hand, he risks going beyond the boundaries of what is permitted.

Laurels of the winner.

Miller's dream book.

If the snake curled up in a ball. Beautiful of all, bloodshed to which and in who staggers, someone is betrayed.

Seeing a lot of dead snakes in a dream: a few short interpretations

Detect its absence of obstacles on the way to the goal.

A huge number of myths, legends and mystical mysteries swarm around these creatures, shrouding them in a halo of secrets and mysteries, but they all say one thing: the snake is a symbol of evil. So the question is also what will be the meeting of animals the best, symbolizes, whom, what people, whom life.

Ch. Editor: Mikhailov G. A. - interpretation. en

What is the dream of a dead snake in a dream from a dream book?

Dream Interpretation Felomena defines the dead as the need to suspend communication with individuals who lead a dissolute image and abuse alcohol.

If this is not done, the negative will affect your household. A dead snake also portends with a deceitful person with bad intentions.


Who dreamed of a snake?

A girl dreams of a dead snake ▼

If a dead snake dreams, the dream warns of a possible danger posed by a person pretending to be a friend. Be attentive to your surroundings, hypocrisy is not uncommon in it.

How many snakes dreamed?

Dreaming of a lot of dead snakes▼

I dreamed of a lot of dead snakes - to the appearance, not favoring the dreamer good attitude. In dealing with such people, it is better to exercise restraint and follow what is said.

Video: Why is the Dead Snake dreaming

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I dreamed of a dead snake, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why the snake is dead in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw in a dream given symbol. Try it!

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    I was in a hostel with friends, I constantly ate, a drunken deputy dean came to lectures, drank wine, then fought with his friend, it suddenly became dark and cold, it was raining, but some places were not surrounded by water, some person pulled out dead snake

    I saw in a dream many many snakes, dead snakes. in a ditch. some snakes crawled out of the ditch lay on the side of the road. Some of them seemed to be torn to pieces. I came up and looked at them, I was scared. But I understood that someone was nearby, my friend.

    i dreamed that I was in a flock near the door in the house, the light was on and then some pathological force grabbed me and was dragging me somewhere, then an unfamiliar woman comes in, something says stalemate, something does and we find ourselves in a room, I flock in the middle of the room and a dead black big snake is replaced by this woman says that ana will no longer harm you

    I dreamed of a long black snake about 1.5 m, and it was dead, lying on green grass. In the continuation of the dream, I dreamed of a bird that sat on my hand. A bird smaller than a dove but larger than a sparrow. She has a strange beak, a little rectangular. The dream is light, even probably with sunlight. Yes, I was not alone, but two more people, but they are not familiar to me. I don't remember the faces.

    i dreamed of a deceased father-in-law and my girlfriend, he was unhappy that I broke a snake (more precisely, tore off her head) but she was lifeless, then he asked me to go to a bar underground, but they didn’t let me in there because I didn’t have an invitation and it was wet and dirty there then I can’t get through to anyone and went along the road to look for a telephone and found a girl but didn’t get through

    Some people pulled snakes out of the ground, they were dead, I went up to the snake and looked at it for a long time, then I saw a second snake, it was also dead, the snakes were very large and fat. I also saw how people who lived there were pulled out of the ground, they were big mythical ones, but I didn’t understand this either sick or dead

    I walked through a dark forest, along a narrow path, there were huge trees around. Which blocked the light. And on the road there were everywhere little dead snakes. through some I stepped over, jumped over, went around, and I was heading to the lake or the river (I can’t say for sure) and still couldn’t get there. why such a dream? I was not alone, but I can’t say who either, I walked the very first, and the rest behind

    My father and I walked down the street ... there was a snake show, the cobras were swollen ... we were in a hurry to leave there ... we turned and saw a lot of dead crushed snakes on the pavement ... I turn my head, and the snakes confused my father's legs and arms, and he fell ... I'm dad dad, and he doomedly returned and said everything! I have panic and helplessness in my soul ... I woke up

    In a dream, I seem to be walking on dead snakes, and then a very aggressive brown cobra appears and tries to bite me, I start to fight with her and she bites my little finger, the pain is terrible, but I was not at a loss and tore off her head

    good afternoon ... I dreamed that I was walking along the road towards my village ... then something incomprehensible begins and a lot of snakes appear. I try to bypass them in a field, but I fall into some kind of swamp. legs, then big pieces from snakes and a big live snake ... the whole dream I had the feeling that she was watching me ... thanks in advance ...

    I dreamed that my friends and I were trying to kill a monster and wanted to use a snake as bait, she was lying on land near the water, she was skinless, and her skin was lying next to me and I woke up

    Hello! I dreamed that I was in my house and a fat snake wrapped around my neck. I did about 5 turns around the neck. I took her hand near her head and wanted to kill her, it was very hard to breathe, it was very scary that she would bite me. She grabbed a knife and began to cut off her head, the knife was blunt, they cut very badly, and she did not even resist. Thanks in advance!

    My friends and I were walking near some kind of reservoir and I saw a big black snake in the reeds. At first I was scared, but then I realized that she was dead and my friend and I threw her to another friend to scare him. At that time he was talking cell phone and when he saw the snake he was more surprised than frightened.


    I swam in the lake, the waves began, I flooded to the shore and while the waves were pouring, the waves threw my snakes at me, but I pushed them away, then I went to the shore where my brother and my boyfriend saw a dead snake next to them in the swamp, I jumped the guy in my arms and we went it was dark in the direction of the house, but wherever a ray of light did not fall, snakes were beating everywhere, sometimes with a severed head, sometimes just dead! Approaching the house, a man unfamiliar to me of an unpleasant appearance appeared and offered to come in, they refused, after which he said that we would never wake up

    the picture is distorted, I don’t remember exactly, but I remember that there was a channel, some dark-colored water flowed through it, most likely dirty full channel on both sides there were people on one side, I then saw that a thick but short snake was floating downstream, I was scared as hell, but then I realized that she put a dead dead snake on something and let her swim, she looked like she was swimming herself, and I realized that someone had arranged it on purpose and started asking why they were doing it, etc. the answers were incomprehensible, only one thing was clear that people swim further.
    it was already the second episode for the first time I also saw a dead snake, I didn’t remember where, how and what

    Hello. Today I dreamed nightmare with snakes (terrible - because I'm afraid of them). About the dream: at home, it’s like I get out of bed and see dead, mutilated snakes lying all over the floor (some even cut into pieces). Both small and large, but there were a lot of them. What does it mean?

    Hello, Tatyana, my name is Chinara, I often have dreams, they always warn me about something, I recently got a job as a store manager, last night I dreamed of a fish and a snake, they are all dead, the fish were piranhas they had sharp long teeth and they were all dead , some fish wanted to jump open their eyes, I hit them with a metal object and they died, there were snakes nearby, or rather black light anacondas, all killed, I walk among them and check everything was so scary. Please help me what these dreams are talking about.

    in a dream there was a very strange river cloudy water in this river a girl bathes in a dream, I kind of know her screaming out here snakes not in the water there was a very large snake, but it was cut in length, I approached her, she rushed alive at me, in a dream a knife came from somewhere and I killed her. Why would this be, and in fact in many dreams I dream of living snakes.

    in a dream a lawn where a lot was lying various snakes. they were of some bizarre shape, as if pressed down in places. different color, not characteristic of snakes. and as if they lay in some particular order, built in rows and columns. but they didn't touch me. there was also a tarantula and it bit me on the leg.

    i dreamed that someone was chasing me and my girlfriend, but I didn’t see what it was or who, we just frightened ran through some kind of desert and I saw a dead big snake and got scared and woke up!

    Hello. I dreamed that I was in some kind of room, I wanted to go between some cabinets, and there were dead and half-dead rats everywhere on the floor. In the very center lies a dead small snake. To my right, a half-dead rat is trying to run, and I am very afraid of it. I'm afraid she will attack me. And she attacks as if from behind, but does not bite through the clothes. Thank you.

    at the threshold lay a dead snake without a head from its body you could see the meat kittens dragged it in different directions and the end of the tail entangled my legs, I frightened her and woke up from fear that she would bite me

    In the barn where we kept the cattle of cows, rabbits, piglets, many years ago this barn has long been gone! I go into the rabbits' barn adolescence all the multi-colored doors are open, but they don’t run away anywhere, I stroked them, the cow somehow behaves nervously, the horse is standing (we didn’t keep horses), the cow shows me the snake she killed and I wanted to throw it out with a pitchfork, but then under the hay I still saw a lot of snakes of different colors and I they began to beat them with a pitchfork; I made a short mess! and woke up and slept today at lunchtime! Thanks!

    I dreamed that my girlfriends and I decided to go for a walk, and my daughter was left with my brother in the apartment (now tenants live in it) and in a dream we lived there, from the apartment in a dream I always feel negative. So before you go for a walk , my mother said to bring the packages that were at the doorstep into the house. In one package there was like meat, I brought it in. And in the second package there were two large dead snakes without skin. I also wanted to bring them in a dream, my daughter cried and I went to her. why would it

    Hello. I dreamed that my right hand a snake wraps around and I was afraid that she would bite me, next to me was a woman with whom I have a close relationship, but she is married. It seemed to me that the snake was sleeping and I wanted to throw it off, when I started to free myself, I saw that it was dead.

    Hello! I dreamed that I was walking with my son and we decided to go and look at the fish bets, but we saw three very large dead snakes, we got scared and started to run, and when we ran we saw another dead snake. But the water was clear and clear all around. Thank you

    hello, this morning at 5 o’clock I had a short, not terrible but terrible dream, how I was in the pit and there were snakes on the wall, moreover, dead and I was afraid to touch them, but still took a chance and thought why they don’t stink, and don’t cold, even though they are stinky and cold

    A fragment from a dream - I went through an arch (natural, natural) clay and sand-colored mud, entwined and crawled out of holes on it with dead snakes of medium and large size (beautiful sight) ... the dream is not aggressive

    Good afternoon, Tatyana! In a dream, I was walking along the road, and there were a lot of dead gray-green snakes around, medium in size ... 1-1.5 m ... I walked and looked at them .... some were frozen ... and there was some kind of smell around ( fried fish)

    I swam across the river in the summer, climbed into the water from the bridge, swim through the reeds, then I see a dead fish, then a lot of dead translucent snakes, big small, some still alive. They were just in the water and it made me feel nauseous. I came out of the river, but one snake stuck to me.

    Hello Tatyana, I was dreaming with some unfamiliar people in some field, there were a lot of broken cars, and a lot of dirt with mixed grass, we ran away from someone and hid behind broken cars, but dead snakes lay everywhere, but in a dream I also saw a live viper, and you know it crawled right at me and hissed, and the rest of the snakes were snakes, but they were dead and some were even torn to pieces, it was very scary, I don’t understand who the people were in the dream, I don’t know anyone! That would be to know why such a dream would be!

    Hello, Tatyana! I dreamed weird dream, I was sitting in the kitchen with relatives of my future husband. On the table, on a dish, lay a snake. Her scales were grayish, like those of a fish, and an incision was visible on her belly. And I spoke with the future husband's aunt that it's good that we persuaded him not to leave this snake in the house, and something about the fact that he could bring another one. More than once I dreamed of snakes that attacked. Before that, I dreamed of a snake in the house that wanted to attack. What is it for? Thanks in advance for your reply.

    I was in someone's family's house. when I was near the house, I passed a crushed snake. This family included parents and little son. Strange things began to happen in the house, as if someone was constantly watching. Then something happened to the mother and father and they disappeared. But at night, when the boy became scared, he went to his parents' room. And the parents were asleep in their bed. The boy held a red teddy bear in his hand (I associated this bear with protection). And when he came up and said that he was scared. Mom sharply pulled the bear down shouting:
    - Drop it!
    and then, on the contrary, tried to give it to him with cries:
    - don't drop it!
    This promptly woke me up.

    a friend came to my house, we sat watching a movie and a lot of snakes appeared from somewhere, we got scared but they turned out to be dead. then we got into the car and went for a drive, later the car was also filled with many live snakes

    I dreamed that I was on the beach .... there were a lot of people. Then I noticed that there were a lot of dead snakes (large and small) around. There was a sea nearby ... .. and I allegedly refused to go swimming. and stepping over these dead snakes .... noticing that people are sitting around in nothing unprecedented. I left from there ... .. then she came to me unknown girl or a woman (I don’t really remember) but she didn’t know for sure .... and she came to me .... and on her shoulder she had a bite like from a snake. two holes and there was blood ...... I started to help her and then woke up.

    a dead snake was folded in my leg, like some kind of organ. I tried to get it, but it turned around sharply and turned out to be very long. She was rooted to my leg. I wanted to cut it off, but I didn’t have time and woke up

    i dreamed of a snake that seemed to have crawled out of the previous transparent skin, and in a moment I saw its large black dead in the middle of a flat stone area. I did not kill her, but watched everything as if from the side.

    my house was full of dead snakes, their blood was visible and the carcasses were tattered, but one snake, Green colour, perhaps not poisonous, constantly tried to climb on me, so I sat high. when my ml. sister, she crawled after her and crawled out into the street, but somehow she entered the house again and jumped on my leg, and then the dream ended

    dreamed of a lot of snakes, most of dead, and some half-dead, one snake sucked milk from an animal (I don’t remember who) I walked along the road to the dacha and on both sides of the road they lay half-dead.

    I dreamed that I was walking in my native village and there were many, many, many dead snakes around. something in my hand that looks like a frog or a snake is incomprehensible .. crossed as if .. and I fight it off ... then I take a kitten and give someone to him .. then I sail on a ship across the sea, at first calm, then reef stones begin .. some kind of mermaids inviting ... delusional dream but as in reality

    I walk along the sidewalk, I look under my feet, and suddenly I saw something under my feet, I recoiled. turned out to be a dead snake. looked around, saw a few more dead pythons. a chill ran through, but reassured herself that they were dead, although different types

    Hello!!! i dreamed of a dead snake he was in our apartment the skin was a black light but translucent it cut my dad inside there was a lizard already dead then I saw my little niece sister and brothers played with rams and somehow a donkey with his colt spun and between them was my sister and next dream was further I don’t remember

    I dreamed of dead snakes, I passed by looking around, they didn’t move, and I realized that they were dead, then I saw my brother on his neck there was a small snake, he took it with his hand and shook off the snake.

    my husband and I were walking down the street, where we saw how a large still green tree was being uprooted. when it was uprooted, a lot of snakes fell down, and we began to go over the snakes, some were barely alive and moved a little (writhing in pain). then we entered a house (apparently abandoned) and there were dead snakes on the floor and on the walls.

    In a dream it was sunny weather, I was standing barefoot on warm sand. Farther away from me, on the sand sprinkled by someone, lay a fish skeleton seen by the sun, and not far from me were two dead, small, thin snakes tangled together, one of blue color, another gray. Looking at them, I felt disgusted and relieved, as if I had known them before.

    I had a dream that I take out a plate to have breakfast, and on it lies a small yellow snake. I'm going to eat it, she hissed and some kind of little gum flies out of her, it's not clear what it looks like, as if her soul had flown away. She lies as if dead, I tell my mother how to eat her, she is dead, my mother looked and says, no, she has not died yet, but whoever eats snakes in the morning, then eat her. If you can tell me why such a dream is dreaming. Thank you.

    Tatyana explain please. my dream. “I drove by public transport past a large stone mountain, which was located on a high restored beautiful stone foundation, and round even holes were placed on the foundation - 6 pieces, from which large dead heads big black snakes with big ears, eyes closed, with large tongues sticking out, a small hole appeared nearby and a small bright snake crawled out of it. It feels like it's been a long battle. In the back seats, someone said, "These are snakes from the same horde." The transport moved on. "

    in a dream, I saw snakes stuck out of the ventilation hatch on the ceiling .. we called people who helped us open this hatch. the girl opened this hatch and many dead snakes fell from the ceiling .. they did not move .. after a while in the room where everyone this happened somehow an open cellar with water appeared .. And all the snakes ended up in this cellar there was water. We went to sleep in this room on the bed .. then we heard how the snakes began to move in the water. we went to sleep in another room. meanwhile, in the room where the snakes were, snakes began to come to life. the dream is gone

    I was in some unknown house. The house was kind of abandoned and there were thick, big dead snakes everywhere. In a dream, there was some guy who asked me to climb the stairs, but I didn’t go up fearing that the snakes would come to life.

    Good afternoon. I dreamed that I was opening the freezer, and there was a bag of frozen small snakes the size of a small viper. I open the package and there are two more small live turtles, I take one turtle and throw it into the sink, and the second turtle with such four long legs tries to grab my hand with its legs and it’s hard for me to throw it off. But still, I dropped it. And then I took the bag and threw those snakes down the sink and washed them off. It was very disgusting and unpleasant. What was the point of all this? Thanks for the answer.

    I walked along the road.. There was greenery around.. I went out onto the road with sand.. At first I saw 1 snake, it is well dead. Then I stepped over it and went down this road. On it lay torn dead snakes. There was no blood. Only skins. They were dark in color. And then on the road met the heads of crocodiles. I walked this road and ended up in a different place. A collapsed building that has turned into someone's apartment. where the man slept. The whole dream I went with someone.

    Good afternoon.
    Came in a dream parental home. The father found a snake nest in the house with snake eggs and a dead snake. The snake has already begun to decompose. The snake smelled terrible. The father picked up the snake and began to show it to everyone. After that, I scolded him so that he would no longer take her in his hands. The dream ended with my cabriolet ride. I'm in a gently creamy funky dress and next to my girlfriend.

    I dreamed that from the nose of a child from right nostril I pulled out a ball of one snake, they were torn, but I pulled it out. The snakes showed no signs of life at the end I pulled their eggs out of the spout. The child is 2 years old. Girl.

    I saw them in different places. 1 I was walking and I see she crawling striped dark red I quickly started to leave and fall sharply and deliberately stopped moving then I look from above I watch she crawled away and then another jumped in my direction then a passerby tells me you need her to bite you I say no just get up I can't and ran away. Then I appeared at home and a black me was crawling on the bed, screaming mom a snake, she throws her into the wall and she crawls under the sofa. Then I appeared somewhere it is not clear, I climb the mountain and saw a snake, she crawled past. I’m shocked, of course, but I dreamed of a runoff of snakes in an hour, well, that’s all.

    I dreamed that I was entering an empty room, and the floor in the room was painted red. And on the floor lies a huge black, yellow-spotted dead anaconda of gigantic size, without a tail, that is, half a snake. I need to get past her, and I'm afraid she looks like she's alive. But I did go over the wall. The snake didn't move. It was insanely scary. If possible, I would be glad to hear your answer. Thank you very much in advance.

    A dead and very long snake lay on the road, I walked, but the snake did not end, I became very scared and had a frequent heartbeat, as if it were not in a dream, but in reality. Then the snake ended and the asphalt immediately ended and the dirt road began, I don’t know why, but I walked barefoot, and it embarrassed me, I turned back thinking if I had forgotten my slippers from behind and saw that the snake had disappeared, and in its place was strawberry plantation, very, very red. I started to collect it and then woke up without watching the dream further, because they woke me up. Thank you for your attention!!!

    I had a dream where I was walking in the forest and saw a snake, I picked it up and it turned out to be dead, after which I threw it away, then I walked with someone else (Female) also in the forest and came across a snake again, only there were already a lot of them and they crawled under our feet after which I woke up